xt7f4q7qp03k_9 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7f4q7qp03k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7f4q7qp03k/data/1986ua024.dao.xml Townsend, William H., (William Henry), 1890-1964 0.44 Cubic feet 1 box The majority of materials in the William H. Townsend papers relate to the point-shaving scandal involving several University of Kentucky basketball players and the NCAA investigation into these allegations during 1951-1952. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. William H. Townsend papers Basketball Betting. Basketball players--Kentucky. College sports. Sanctions, administrative. Universities and colleges. Letter from Bill Spivey to Herman Donovan proclaiming innocence in point-shaving incident and asking to be considered ineligible for play text Letter from Bill Spivey to Herman Donovan proclaiming innocence in point-shaving incident and asking to be considered ineligible for play 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7f4q7qp03k/data/1986ua024/1986ua024_1/1986ua024_1_6/1986ua024_1_6_5/1986ua024_01_06_05/1986ua024_01_06_05.pdf December 24, 1951 1951 December 24, 1951 section false xt7f4q7qp03k_9 xt7f4q7qp03k G O P Y Lex1ngton, Kentucky I December zh, 1951. Dr, H. L, Donovan - e President University f or Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky. Deer Dr. Donovan: Beceuee of the felee end mellcloue rumors thet have linked me es well ee other Unlverelty of Kentucky bssketbell players with the current beeketbell ecsndel, I um requeetlng that my nemo be omitted from the Athletic Eligibility liet until I em cleared. I em dolng this beceuee lt le ny lnformetlon that I en the only member of the present University of Kentucky beeketbell teen whlch the New York Bletrlct Attorney’e office desires to question, end I wish to stop the vlcioue rumors being circulated 1n regard to my teammates, end to remove any suspicion from them. It le my desire that this eusplclon, which Le groundleee, be removed from me, end my name cleared ee econ ee poeelble. I an anxious to rejoin the teen, since I heve been unable to play in eny of this eeeeon'e gemee beceuse of e knee opero- tlon, end I know from experience that it le herd to have to sit on the eldellnee end wetch the genes, or lleten to them on the redlo. I wish to emphneize that I have never been involved in ”f1x1ng' e basketball gene, ln New York, Kentucky, or any other State; nor have I ever received eny money from eny one, et sny glece, en,et any time, for ehevlng points or ”f1x1ng' e game. neither doll heve any lnformetlon or gene fixing or point ehevlng that would be of eeelstence to the New York euthorltlee, or of any other State, in the prosecution of gemblere or beeketbell players, I could not have been lnvolved ln ouch “f1x1ng” because of my loyalty to my school, to the people who believe ln me, end because of my love for the gene. - Sincerely youre, e /e/ .... {William gplveyl.