Minutes of the Meeting of the Execuht,,v Comnmttee of the Board of Trustees of the Universitv of Kentucky Tuesday, June 9 1970 As established earl:er the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentuckv met in regtular _-zsslon at 2:00 p. mi. , Eastern Daylight Time, on Tuesday, June 9 1970, in thle Uoard Roorn of the Administration Building on the University campus with" the: fnIiowintz enmbers uresent: Mr. Albert G. Clay, Chairman; Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Secrotary; Mkr Thomas P Bell; Mlr. Richard E. Coop~er; anld Mr. Robert H. H~lltxnmyer. Dr Alvin L. Morr s, Special Assistant to the President. represented President Singletary who was out of the state, and other administration representatives pre sent were Dr Glenwrood L. Creech, Dr. William R. Willard, Mr. George J. Ru2chtlll. Dr Stuart Forth. Dr Donald B. Clapp, Mr. John C. Darsie, and Dean Jack H-fal! There were representatives of the various news media in attendance also A. Meeting Opened At 2.00 o'clock, Mr. Clay calltd th.: rn.ectng to order. Following the invo- c:ation, the Secretary reportetd a qjuorum 'rEpsenlt and Mr. Clav declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of busfoness at 2:02 p nm. B. M nutes Approved On motion by MIr. Coopc;- r- ccorded b.)y ,r.r Hiillennmeve r and, without dissent, so ordered, the readinjq of the I5nuties. i .;t-E M\,,av 3, 1970 meet~ng of the Board of Trustees was disoensed xvw-th andll tlhe N'litcs re approv ed as published. C. Comnmencenment Date EztabliA-shed Dr. Mvorrns recomm-encded to the.- Executive Comrnttee that Saturday, August 8, be approved as the date for the conmmencemrient a.xe:rcises which had been postponed from May II because of unrest on the camputs at 'that trnme On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, August 8, 1.-70 was estabbshed as the date for commencement exercises when degrees would b.e avwarded to cand:dates comilet.ng requirements in August 1969. December 1969 May 1970 and Augut 1970 Mr. Clay announced that the prograirt for the commencement exercises wvould follow the same format as that planned for Mav 11; that President and Mrs. Singletary would host a reception for tho-e -,n atltendance n the Ballroom of the Student Center immediately follow-.ng the exerc:.scs, that overnight accommodations for participants and their famnilic s would be available i-. the B.la-ding4Krwan Complex at a nominal rate, and that details regarding commencement would be mailed to graduates in July.