xt7f4q7qp41m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7f4q7qp41m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19300214  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1930 1930 2012 true xt7f4q7qp41m section xt7f4q7qp41m Best Copy Available
Guig nol Tryouts
Will be HcM Today

at Theater

(VP- -





Beat Georgia!
Let's Give the 'Cats a
Hip Hand Tonight




11, 1930

Alpha Gamma Epsilon, University of
Kentucky Social Fraternity, Will Be
Taken Into Lambda Chi Alpha Today

Exercises Will Be
at Lafayette Hotel
This Evening


Students, Four Honorary
and Nine Alumni Members,


Compose Local Group

Valentine Gift
Hearts Are to Be Given
Today and Received in

Fair Exchange



Prominent Member of Senior
Class to Complete Term of
Edwards Templin

The gold of your hair,
The crimson of your lips,
(Dear valentine fair)
Framed in the lace of your finger


Duties of Student Paper Executives Are Outlined at
By William Ardery

At a meeting of the Board of
Alpha Gamma Epsilon, socStudent Publications held In Proial fraternity at the univerfessor Portmann's recitation room
sity, will be officially initiated
at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon,
into Lambda Chi Alpha, in- SCHOLARSHIP
TO Martin R. Glenn was appointed to
fill the unexpired term of managternational social fraternity,
ing editor on The Kernel. The
today at the Lafayette hotel
position was left vacant by the
by a degree team from the HONOR OLD GRAD resignation of Edwards M. Templin who has accepted a position on
Cincinnati chapter, undeV the
supervision of Bruce H. Mc- Annual Cash Award Is Made the Lexington Herald carry on who
intosh, administrative secto Junior Engineers by Mrs. finds on Imposible to
The Kernel.
Musselman In Memretary of the international
At the meeting the Board also
organization. Members from
ory of Her Husband
finished Its organization program
nearby chapters are exmany
which had not been completed preJoseph vious to the meeting.
Foundation here of
pected to be in Lexington to- Musselman Scholarship, the
established regulations were drawn up for the
day and Saturday to attend in memory of Joseph Franklin Mus- membership of the board and for
the installation and social fea selman by his widow, Mrs. Susan the managing of student publicaMetcalf Musselman, was announced tions The Kernel budget for the
tures of the program.

The exercises will be held this
evening in the Lafayette hotel by
the degree team from Cincinnati.
Followingthis ceremony there will
be a banquet.
Saturday's program will consist of
a short, tour of Lexington and the
Blue Grass for the benefit of visiting members, and Saturday night
the new chapter of Lambda Chi
Alpha will give a dance at the Lafayette. Members, from every fraternity and sorority at. the. waiver- -.
sity, members- - of the 80 Zetas in
the United States and Canada, of
Lambda Chi Alpha, and alumni
members of Alpha Gamma Epsilon
have been invited to attend the
Chaperones for the dance will be
Mayor and Mrs. James J. O'Brien,
President and Mrs. Prank McVey,
Dean and Mrs. C. R. Melcher, Dean
Sarah Blanding, Dr. and Mrs. Prank
T. McParland. Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Gamage, Prof, and Mrs. Elmer G.
Sulzer, Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, Dr. and Mrs. Wellington Patrick,
and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Prantz.
Those who will become members
of Lambda Chi Alpha Friday are
Julian C. Alexander, Wheatley; A.
E. Anna, Ashland; B. R. Aldridge,
Benham; Preston W. Berry, presis.
dent of local chapter. Clinton; H. T.
Brumfleld, Nicholasville; Forrest
Finley and
Dalton, Sturgis; G. B.
(Continued on Page Eight)



V'. is'



Company Representative to
Meet Students March 4 in
Interest of Positions After


Arthur G. Rldgley, representative

of the Firestone Tire and Rubber
Company, will be here March 4 to
interview seniors who are interested
in obtaining work after graduation.
Mr Ridgley will meet seniors m.
Dean Wlest's office at 9:30 a. renot a primary
Scholarship is
Harvey S. Firestone, president of
the company, is strongly in favor
of collegiate and all other kinds of
education. He believes that a man
who has gone through college ought
to have developed powers of reasoning faster than the man who has
not gone through college. Mr. Firestone says, "Our educational work
is, on the whole, probably the most
.important thing we do, for the biggest thing an employer can do is to
help his men to help themselves.'
For this reason the Firestone training course has been instituted into
the organization.
The course covers about three
months and is a comprehensive
study of the company. The course
includes many inspection
through the factories and lectures
company. The
by executives of the
class is divided into three sections,
known as production, sales, and office groups, in order to permit
specialization. During the training
period the student is paid a salary
that permits him to live comfortably.
Try outs for the cast of "Peer
Gynt," the next Oulgnol offering of
the season, will be held at the Oulg- 3
nol Theater this afternoon from
to 5 o'clock. All persons interested
in dramatic participation are C.
to renort to Frank
Fowler, director, between these

Tuesday by Dean F. Paul
of the College of Eenglneering.
This scholarship oi one nunarea
dollars in gold Is to be annually
awarded, upon recommendation of
ttin nenn nf the College of Enttlne- orintr tn a stnrtpnt. In the engineer
ing college at the completion of his
Junior year. Tne oasis oi me awaru
will be high scholarship, character,
and the need of financial aid in de
fraying college expenses.
The Junior eugww ior wis
scholarship willbe haHed arid
hv tio Hoon of the engine
ering college on the commencement
following tne students comday
pletion of the Junior year. The
nrosentAtinn of this award will be
made at the beginning of the stu
dent s senior year, wnen me winner
reports to the University for the
purpose of completing his engineer
ing course.
.Tnsenh Franklin Musselman grad
uated from tte College of Engineer
ing in 1800 ana tOOK nis masters
degree here in 1904.

First Graduate Is

Claimed by Death

William B. Munson, 84 Years
Old, Dies At His Home
' In Denison ,Texas

fiscal year from March, 1930, to
March, 1931, as duscupsed and plans
for financing the paper were considered.
The board stated the' duties of
the editor of The Kernel at the
He will be responsible
of the
for the editorial policy
paper and for the editorial page as
a whole. The managing editor will
be responsible for the paper's edi
tion, its news content and the se- lection- - of the Stan.
Martin Qlenn Is a senior in the
College of Arts and Sciences. Since
his freshman year he has been a
leader in many different phases of
student activity. He is president
of Delta Chi social fraternity, is a
member of Sigma Delta Chi, honfraternity,
orary Journalistic
President of the Spanish Club and
during 1928 and 1929 was a member
of the Men's Glee Club. He has been
active in dramatics and is now playing in "East Lynne", current
He formerly
Guignol production.
occupied the position of a special
writer on The Kernel, conducting
the humorous column, "Squirrel
Food." He is alsto an associate
editor of the "Kampus Kat".
Coleman Smith was appointed
business manager to succeed Roy
Owsley who resigned the office
due to his activities as an instructor in the Political Science Department in his interest in the City
Municipal League. Coleman Smith
will take charge of the duties of the
position March 1, when Owsley's
resignation becomes effective.
Coleman Smith is a second se
mester freshman in the college of
He is a member oT
Delta Tau Delta social fraternity
and is active in campus activities.
The next meeting of the board
will be held March 15. At the meet
ing were: Professor Enoch Orehan,
Professor Victor R. Portmann, Jane
Clay Kenny, Margaret
Joseph Allen, Bernlce
Riley, Charles Colvin,
Thomas L.
Cora Polk and B. C. Le Roy.

wniinm r. Munson. 84 vears old.
the first man to be graduated from
the state institution which is now
the University of Kentucky, died at
his home In Denison, Texas, Thursday, February 6. Word of his death
telecraDhed to the University
Alumni Association.
Mr. Munson, who was born January 7, 1846, in Fulton county, 111.,
nf the first students of the
Kentucky Agricultural and Mechan
ical College, wnue nere ne siuuieu
civil engineering in connection with
his work in the College of Arts and
During his entire lire Mr. Munson
Mrnc nn nptive member of the Uni
versity Alumni association. The
volume or tne
Alumnus, published In May 1929,
First practice for the grand march
was dedicated to Mr. Munson.
which will be a feature or tne Military Ball, will be held Monday at
it act a. m. in the Men's Gymnasium.
and All members of the advanced course
An orlclnal nlav. written
who plan to attend the ball are reproduced by students of Transylvania College, was the feature of quested to be present with their
the weekly Y. W. C. A. Vesper Ser- dates at this time. The time an
siihspnupnt nractlces will be
vice, which was held Tuesday night
o clock at ratterson nau. nounced later. These practices will
at 6:30
Ellse Bureau, chairman of the pro last only a few minutes, but it ,1s
gram committee, presided. About necessary that those who intend to
participate, attend tnese practices
40 girls were present.

Comnlicated Situation Encountered
By Men in Search for Ideal Girl
By Francis Holiday
To be an Ideal girl in this modern world is a most complicated
Even the
Chinese nas mneu u uuuu
matter and promulgated a doctrine
with which their Ideal girl must
A youth of Shanghai recently1
wrote in a periodical: "This modern Chinese girl must embody all
ancient virtues and all the modern
Ideals. She must be smart, but
She must be
not extravagant.
sociable, but not boisterous. She
must understand politics, but not
practice them. She must recognize a man's rights, but must not
insist on her own. She must be at
once a mate and a maid."
And the young man adds, that
he has not yet been able to And
such a girl.


How could he expect to And such

ladv answerlne this

de- -

urintinn nppds must be a naracon
of all the virtues that could possibly
xei, it seems entirely
be ascriDea.
possible that the young men of
think that the
Mils TTnlvprsltv

typical southern girl, who Is sup
posed to inhabit mis campus, musv
be Just such a creature.
Imagine it! Can you think of a
smart girl who wouldn't enjoy beMust a girl foring extravagant?
ever give way to men In regard to
conflicting rigntsr
aiti-ppthat the boisterous elrl
does not always appeal, and that
wnmpn are reallv good at
varv fw
playing a hand In politics, still the
men might be a bit more lenient
when they outline the tenets of
the ideal girl.

Revival of "East Lynne"
At Guignol by Brilliant
Cast Is Most Successful


How beautiful your heart Is,
My sweet, my valentine
The wonder of it all is
That you are mine.

Today I speak of love to you
Diving my heart, having thine,
Knowing well that each Is true,
My sweet, my valentine!

Guignol Player

By Thomas L. Riley
In the tumultuous days following

lcjjJLiuuLEi iri thr,,Icd t0 a
n AvMr nFRATr 'nugurainroduced time

new Dlay hy thc tltle




Defeat While
Annual Trip


after time so Coach Matter Has Proteges
that a niche was madn hv It In thn
Ready for Onslaught of
Lincoln Memorial University. waiis of American drama.
Athens Quintet
Will Furnish Strong
The Oulgnol Players, under the
direction of Frank Fowler, opened
By Vcmon D. Rooks
"East Lynne" Monday night in what
Wildcat up a 'simmon tree,
DR. W. A. FORTUNE WILL is called an exact reproduction of
permlere of the play. We
Bulldog on the ground
must confess certain ignorance of
19th century theater but the preThat's not exactly the way
New Tryouts Will Be Held sentation of the Ouignolltes is indeed excellent entertainment both the poem goes, and persimby Coach Sutherland
from thc experimental and amuse- mon trees don't grow in the
Monday Night
ment points of view.
avenue gymnasium,
Although playing with an un
From the quaint and verbose proThe University debating team
usually brilliant and charming cast will meet the debating team of grams to the final lowering of a but the Kentucky Wildcats
at the Oulgnol theater this week, Lincoln Memorial University,
Jerky and none too attractive cur- and the Georgia Bulldogs will
Miss Helen King as Barbara Hare
Tenn., February 20, in room tain the production is replete in stage a little informal party
presents to patrons of the stage a 111 of Mcvey hall. The subject for deft direction and staging.
of some kind there tonight at
interpretation of her debate will be, "Resolved that
"East Lynne," from the novel byi
. Coach Mauer has
role. Many of her achievements Modern Science Tends to Destroy Mrs. Henry Wood, weaves Itself into 8 o'clock.
sent date bids to the general
of the past have brought praise Faith in Theistlc Belief."
an Intricate plot which depicts the
to Miss King, but none were
Members of the University team downfall of villainy
triumph public.
more deserving than the univer- who will participate In the debate of correct living. and the
No story could
Since Kentucky already has
sal acclaim that has been given are Sidney T. Schell and Richard
"East Weaver. The split team system of minds0rof
her In Lexington since
Jfe, Bulldogs' scalp hanging in
Lynne" revived the spirit of the debate will be used. By this system must hnvo lnnfcprl fnr tho mnrnl In.
ui viv.iuij- uiio acuouil, yiaiu
tonight are to run the old dog home
at Its opening Monday each team has one member arglng stead of the drama.
for being improperly clothed for the
the negative and one arguing the
Overacting to excess characterizes
affirmative, both schools having one the play. Elaborate guestures, ob- occasion. When Coach Mauer led
the Big Blue to Athens, February
member on each team.
vious reciting of lines, numerous 1, for the second game on the anMr. Earnest Fields, Lincoln Mem soliloquies, the villain's laugh and nual southern trip, Kentucky beat
orial, and Sidney Schell University, curling black moustache, and the the University
of Georgia by two
will speak on the affirmative, while heart-rendiappeals of the un- points in an extra playing period.
Thomas Fenhell, Lincoln Memorial, fortunate heroine to the audience. The Bulldogs took
the lead at the
and Bruce Waters, University, will
Margaret Lewis essays the dual opening of
defend the negative side. Dr. W. role of Lady Isabel and Madame until near the close and held it
when Kenthe
A. Fortune, of Walnut Christian Vine
upon her performance tucky
on a free
Never Tell a, Lie" Edition church, will preside. The audienceJ much andthe success of the play de- throw knotted the score
by Milward. Kentucky nosof
de-will vote before and after the
Promised for Scandalous
pends. Just how Miss Lewis ac- ed out the Georgians In the playoff.
bate to determine to what extent
an endless supply of The Wildcats spoiled a perfect
Kampus Kat Issue
opinions have been changed. Fol- - quired such gestures baffles this
Conference record for
Georgia at Athens and sports writAt. thp Inst meetlne
of Siema open forum discussion of tne sub- emohm
ers around Atlanta had been hailDelta Chi, International honorary Ject.
ing the six foot Bulldog team one
Journalistic fraternity, it was anTryouts for the deoating team ior
of the likely contenders for an unnounced that the next issue of the the second semester will be held at
defeated, record., Georgia, of course,
Kampus Kat, humor publication of 7:30 Monday night, according- to
is 'well pleased' with Kentuck.
the university orenmcKy, wui oe Prof. W. R. Sutherland, xoacn or
Kentucky and Georgia has been
released 'from Jheprfss on the eve of the debating team. No formal pre
almost bitter rivals in basketball
Washington's, birthday. The gen-a- paration is required. Selection of
this issue, as an representatives win oe oasea upon
since 1921 when the Wildcats dethem nf
nounced by Edwards Templin, edi their ability to speak interestingly R. O. T. C. Regimental, Bat- feated Georgia 20 to 19 in the
-finals of the S. I. A. A. tournament
tor, is that it will be a never ten and extemporaneously on the subtalion and Company Nomi- at Atlanta. This was just before
a lie" edition. All the material in ject announced at the time of the
nees Announced; Election the larger institutions
the publication has been authenti tryouts.
from the association to form the
cated and accuracy of fact is a
Monday and Tuesday
Five members of the university
necessary prerequisite to any story faculty will select those who are
Southern Conference.
qualified. Those members wm De
Nominations have been made for
Several interesting feature stories Dean Sarah Blanding, Joe Lee regimental battalion, and company bounds when they eliminated Kenare to be presented in the current Davis, Prof. L. L. Dantzler, P. W. sponsors by the members of the tucky from the Southern Conissue. One story in particular, tne Walp, and Dr. Forrest R. Black of University R. O. T. C. Unit, the elec- ference tournament last spring by
contribution of a recent embryonic the law school.
tion to be held Monday and Tues- the margin of a single field goal.
imimalist of the university, is en
And now the 'Cats have had the
Four members of the university
and debating team will broadcast a de- day.
titled "The Barnes Beef Trust"
last laugh. But Coach Mauer has
The following have been nominat- - informed us that it is Impolite to
has a very obvious application to bate over the university extension
certain selections recently made. radio station of WHAS today at 11 ed: Regimental, Mary Armstrong,- laugh aloud as Georgia has the
The current Issue of the Kampus o'clock on "Resolved That a Sub- - Hazel Baucom; first battalion, Eve- strongest team Kentucky has faced
Kat Is to be entirely distinct from stitute for the Present Jury System iyn rora, nuxei
this year.
battalion, Mary Armstrong, Hazel
any that have been published here Should Be Adopted ' "
The Wildcats are all sleeked up
tofore. The size or tne paper nas
TnmPQ r. PnrtPr nnd William R. Baucom, Virginia Young, Blanche
(Continued on Page Eight)
been cut considerably and It will Pierce will take the affirmative while Daugherty, Georgetta Walker, and
contain eight pages Instead of the Hugh R. Jackson and Sidney T. weanor owearinger.
usual four. A great many typically Schell will uphold the negative side
Company A: Frances Basket, Jane
"collegiate" cuts will grace the of the question. Each speaker will Dyer, Mary Sidney Hobson, Allie
columns of the paper, another de- have six minutes for his constructive , Bright McAllister, Mary King
nature from the tmst issues where
and four minutes for gomery, and Soris Smith; company
most of the material was made up rebuttal.
B, Martha Adams, Mary Armstrong,
of contributions of one Kind ano
This will be the first time that a Alice Bruner. Billle calllson, Jose- another.
debate has been broadcast from the phlne Couty, Kitty Drury, Ribble Applicants for Spring Pro
Most, nf the conv for the "resent
university. It is expected to arouse Rainey and Mary Virginia Willis;
Cast to Appear
issue is In the hands of the editor widespread interest throughout the Company C. Elizabeth Board, Mary
as publication has been held up on state since the subject which will King Montgomery. Georgetta Walk-b- e
Before Director Riley on
account of examinations.
Is being , er and Virginia Mills,
discussed is the one that
February 24
contrary to the general opinion, used for debate by 260 high school ( comnany
E: Hazel Baucom, Mary
from anv source are groups in the state.
Tryouts for the annual spring
Prince Fowler, Mary Jo McCormick,
welcomed and any material may be
Mary King Montgomery and Shelby production of Strollers, student draturned in at the news room oi ine
Spears; company F, Shirley Grief, matic organization, will get under
Kernel and will be given the full
Ramona Illff, Louise McDonald, way on Monday, February 24, under
attention of the editorial
Frances McCandless, Mary King the direction of Thomas L. Riley,,
Montgomery, Mollie Mack Offutt, director, according to an announceU.
Charlotte Shaw, and Virginia Ward-ru- ment received by The Kernel yesThe annual spring pledging ex
company G, Eloise Dickinson, terday.
and Blade, Kitty Drury, Gay Louridge, Mary
ercises of Scabbard
honorary military fraternity, will be King Montgomery, Louise Barr, will be place at which the
conducted, as well as the
held at the Military ball on Fri- Mina Pate and Jane Hamilton.
extent of time during which studay night. A group of first-yeThe coming election will be looked
Tho lust nnhH. nnnearance of the advanced course students will be forward to wjfh much interest by dents may show their histrionic
impnnnarmonic oreue&iru pledged by the local company In the entire stut. nt body due to the abilities, will be announced
fnf tho ssppnnd semester was made recognition of their superior work fact that the competition this year mediately following the official reat the Woodland in the R. O. T. C. unit here. Thn is extremely keen for the coveted lease of the selection made for the
Tuesday evening
spring production.
auditorium, when tney assisted m pledging, along with the presentapositions of popularity. The tenure annual selection of the play now Is
sponsors of office is one year and those who
the presentation of the comic opera, tion of the newly-electTho Tlnrher nf Seville." Due to the and the grand march, will be one will be graduated before the term- awaiting the final decision of the
absence of Prof. C. A. Lampert, the of the features of the dance which ination of this period are ineligible committee on plays. The vote is
orchestra was directed by Sidney Is promoted by Scabbard and for election. Cant. Clyde Grady is expected to be cast within the next
few days.
Griffith, president oi tne locai a. v. Blade.
in charge of the elections.
nf xit nnH n wnlt.knnwn director.
Officials of Strollers expect that a.
greater number of university stuPhilharmonic was augmented
by several union musicians irom uie
dents will tryout for a role in this
year's spring production than ever
city, making 30 musicians in tne
pnmnlpts ensemble.
before in the history of the organ111
The overture of the opera was
ization. The increased eligibility
two selections, the "Con-tr- n
played and
list for parts in the coming play
nnnres." nnd "The Ballet Suet"
includes members of Strollers and
By L. W. McMurray
were given between the first and
feral nights later a terrific crash Stroller eligibles, Director Riley said
Hev vou! Lay aside your mat' was heard and the girls, attracted yesterday.
acts. Tne opera was pre
cnntpH hv The Festival Onera Com
rlmonlal thoughts and other medi- by the noise found that a magnifi
The plays on which the committee
pany, of Chicago, and brought to tations long enough to lend me cent mirror had smashed itself on on plays will pass at their final
Tvinntnn hv Hip Mac Dowell Club. your ears, while we devour this the floor.
meeting, Including mystery and
piece of gossip and compilBoth organizations voiced praise ior little
Predictions of bad luck followed comedy productions,
libelous statements.
the orcliestra as Deing one ui iuc ation ofwill attempt honorablyThis and rabbit feet, crossed fingers, and Laughing Guest," "The Rear Car,"
best collegiate organizations in the epistle
were brought Into play "The Inner Circle," "Scarlet," "The
uphold the statement that No. 13 against the supernatural.
This Fall Guy," "Wedding Bells," "Fast
The orchestra will now disband is very unlucky. Woe to him who seemingly proved to be successful Workers," and "Laff That Off."
for th rpmninder of the semester. becomes its victim,
until the fever and excitement of
while Professor Lampert Is studying
in Chicago, and a boion orcnesiru statements of fraternity brothers,
logic, and dependable rumor
of twelve pieces, composed of picked co-e- d
setbacks were suffered by the
Colonel Charles H. Morrow, of
win nlav all radio en are proof of the former statement. exams, eventually.
Having thus Frankfort,
gagements previously assigned to
American Expeditionary Forces in
outdone or the breaks haTe
the Phlinarmonic orcnesnru.
you on some previous oc forgot that the breaking of a mir Russia during the late war and
brings seven years bad luck.
brother to the former Governor
caslon. Why not blame Old Man ror
Old Man Thirteen and the ogre Morrow of Kentucky, addressed the
Prnf r v. Tprrell. head of the Thirteen?
part of September of the mirror, waiting for an oppor students of the College of Engineerfivi ornrinpprinc department of the In the latter
to wreak vengeance upon the ing Wednesday morning In Memorial
College of Engineering here, is in 13 girls were pledged to the Kappa tunity
victims, sent their Hall. Colonel Morrow spoke on "A
New Orleans inis wee
hucmuuib Delta sorority. Worse than that, son Conflagration,
Hobby of Mine."
this all happened on Friday. Sev- the American Concrete institute



Scandal Sheet
To Appear For
Military Ball






Military Fraternity
Pledge Eligibles

Group Appears for
Opera at Woodland

Pledging of Thirteen Girls Proves
Omen for Kappa Deltas
To Be



* vr mm .:mrmw

Best Co


What Size College
Best Serves Pupils7



:::: ::::::::j::::j:jj::j::::::::::j::::::::::::::5j::::::::::::::::::::::s::::::::jj:::j::::
Mionc Ashland 3018
ELLEN MINIIIAX, Society Editor

of Kentucky, in the class of 1929, a
Valentino greetings-wa- rm,
With n wish for all the year,
After their wedding trip the
That with every day you'll find
bride nnd bridegroom will make
Life is sweet and hearts arc kind.
their home at Springfield.


At what point does a college or
university become so large that the
quality of Its teaching suffers? At
what stage In Its growing pains docs
the Individual student become lost
In the mass? Can higher education
adopt its process to mass production to meet the demands forced
unon it byt the swelling numbers of
students without suffering the con
In their answers to these similar questions educators have dlffcr- 7,, i ' i o Vn V thnt
or university Inevitably loses
the personal touch with the Individual student, whose cducatlonaj opportunities arc thereby lessened by
Just so much. This argument has
been capitalized by the smaller col-- 1
There arc others who are
equally convinced that the student
need not lack for individual nttciv
tlOll 111 tllC big UlllVCrslty, Mid the
ct tM he
tllOUSnildS lS OUtWClglltcd by tllC
wider variety of educational faclll- k
From the experience of having to
deal with some fourteen thousand
students annually. President George
W. Riehtmlrc Of Ohio State UI1I
versity is convinced that so large a
university can be administered so as
to retain the personal touch and to
mainuim mgu muuuuius ui auur
ing. But, he makes it plain, it is a
task that requires sustained enthusiasm and effort. As a matter
of fact, there does not seem to be
any choice in the matter, for most
of the small colleges have about all
the students they can conveniently
handle, while the swollen enrollments at the big universities continue to grow. The problem of their
and operation is
there to be solved willy nllly Ohio
State Journal


Smoker for Faculty Members
Phi Dcutcron of Phi Sigma Kappa
Friday, February 14
entertained at the chapter house on
Kappa Knppa Gamma annual
Founder's Day banquet in the Palm lTk.4n
H, n .mnftr nnrf
room of the Phoenix hotel, at 0:30 luncheon in honor of the faculty
Basketball game. University vs.
VJLVJ'b' ,
devoted to fellowship and sm0klng
quests were entertained with
Alpha r'mm Epsilon installation the
t nf ,,.
lk hv M.
ceremony at the Lafayette hotel Th
followed by a banquet In the ball with humour nnri worn clvnn n
hearty response by Hugh Jackson,
cttruary 15
representing the actives, and R.
Bartley representing the pldges.
12 o clock In Mcvey Hall.
including tne actives ana
Alpha XI Delta formal dance at those present were: Dean pieages
P. P.
the Phoenix hotel from 9 to 12 Boyd, Dean Edward WIest, Profeso'clock.
sor E. Bureau and faculty adviser,
Lamba Chi Alpha installation R. C. Porter, instructor in the Endance at the Lafayette hotel.
gineering College.
Last performance of the Gulgnol
play. "East Lynne" at the Gulgnol
Kappa Alpha Formal Dance
theater at 8 o'clock.
.Theta chapter of Kappa Alpha
Sunday, February 1G
fraternity entertained with a formal
Vesper services at 4 o'clock in dance Saturday evening
in the ball
Memorial Hall.
room of the Phoenix hotel. DecoraAdvanced Dates
tions were in the fraternity colors
February 18 Presentation of East of crimson
and gold with the
Lynne at Mlllersburg.
February 21 Annual Military Ball orchestra surrounded by a mass of
ferns. The illuminated shield hung
in the Men's gymnasium from 9 at one end of the room.
Cod- until 12 o'clock.
The members of the fraternity,
22 Basketball
University vs. Washington and Lee the hosts, are: Messrs. Henry Bowman, William C. Carr, Robert
at Lexington.
Physiology Department Ex- Baughman, Don F.
Engineer Jones, William Hays, Forman, J. P.
James Hayes,
periments With Vitadance.
James Thompson, George Prewitt,
mins D and E
John Prewitt, John Hearne, Connie
Gaines, Kirk Moberley, Ben F. Van
Meter, Jr., William Klelser, Harold
The Physiology department, under
Rhorer-Eddlcma- n
WHiramson, Jr., Thomas Posey.
the direction of Dr. Allen is conThe marriage of Miss Martha
Pledges Messrs. James
Allen, ducting a series of very interesting
Louise Rhorer and Mr. Robert Lee Edwin Burk, George Ross,
oil and
Coleexperiments with cod-livEddleman, of Springfield and Lex- man Callaway, Richard Drye, J. T. its effects on the body. The reington, was solemnized at the home Denton, Charles Goodman, Cald- search is a check up on material
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. well Rogers, Paul Pickerin, Jack that has been uncovered in the
G. T. Rhorer, at 9 o'clock Saturday Smith, Wilburn Holloway, Robert medical world in the past year but
morning Dr. Jordan Witt Carter of Young, William Phelps, William the department here believes that
Wllmore officiated.
Dudley, Edward McDowell, Edwin they will be able to make several
The bride is a graduate of the Moffett, John Crutcher, Lyman Hal- - important additions to the material
Lexington Senior High school and veston.
The experiments have been con- was a member of the junior class of
Chaperones were Dean and Mrs. ducted exclusively by the depart-the University of Kentucky, of the
E. Freeman, Prof, and Mrs. ' ment of physiology and complete
Eta Sigma Phi, national Latin and Enoch Grehan, Miss Marguerite data has not been obtained. It has
Greek fraternity,
and is also a McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas i been found, however, that too large
talented musician.
Dewhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Augs-- 1 an amount of vitamins D and E
Mr. Eddleman is the son of Mr. burg, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Day, i may prove detrimental to the body.
and Mrs. J. W. Eddleman of SpringMr. and Mrs. Gug Briggs, Jr.. Dr. This is in disagreement with the
field and was graduated from the and Mrs. Benjamin Van Meter, Mr. popular conception.
College of Agriculture, University and