I———————————IE HSLEI IER ‘b‘t” LEXINGTON BAY SERVICES ORGANIZATION I POST OFFICE Box 11471 n __ ' LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY 40511 onlozngggoun" CQH HE TRLH? GSO PHDNELINE From the President of GED We are happy to announce that the in an effort to continue increas- 830 phoneline will soon be back in ing its services to the gay and les— operation. Qnyone who would like in— hian community in Lexington, GEO is Formation about our activities may including special events monthly, call 231-0335 for a recorded message. directed at specific groups. In this He expect to have the phoneline way we hope to increase our services manned two nights per week within the to many more people. We will not on- next two months. lf_you would like ly continue to provide the general to volunteer for training to become a activities open to all, but will also phoneline listener, please call try to include those who might not 299-0352. otherwise participate. We would like to draw your atten- HfilLlNG LIST TO BE PURGED tion to the fact that recent activities have already been directed We think you are still out there, toward a variety of interests. The but how can we really be sure? Due wine and Cheese Party was for people to the number of people who have who enjoy a quiet social evening. moved or lost interest in G30 and the The Square Dance was planned to in~ high cost to print and mail the clude as much of the lesbian and gay newsletter each month, it has become community as possible, and succeeded necessary to purge our mailing list quite well. The G30 Gay Pride Picnic of outdated names and addresses. If was for those people who are proud of you would like to remain on the G30 their sexuality and are not afraid to mailing list, please fill out the gather publicly to enjoy a sense of coupon below and mail it back to us togetherness. Free activities in- GR, call Bill at 231-0100 and give clude Cards and Games, for a quiet him your current address. The evening, potluchs, as a social ga- flctober newsletter will be sent only thering, and volleyball, for a sporty to those names on the new list, so time. No one will feel comfortahl let us hear From you before September W 15th. . the ones that you think you might like and come on out and give G80 a 1P3. EUEY'HOTIE l5 13121601118? WWW“ Future events with tentative HNQHE: .m_ a..l schedules include the following: H 1 Casino Night, Halloween Square Dance, HSTHEET: l Cornucopia (dinner/social), Field N l Trips {Natural Bridge, canoe trip, HCITY: ___“__ l camp out, etc.). We are also disous- N l sing activities For parents and their HSTQTE: ZIP CODE: fl Children! and tapics appealing to lI—_——-—___________———————————___—_—-—Jl women. If you have any suggestions or would like to volunteer, organize, SPECIRL EUENT QT LHHOP or host an activity, please contact us by mail or phone: GSU, lnc., Post Watch for posters at The Bar and Uffice Box 11471, Lexington, Kentucky LHHOP announcing a 630 special event 4US?5; Phone 231-0335 or 299-0352. to be held at LHHOP on ngust 21.