xt7f4q7qrg5h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7f4q7qrg5h/data/mets.xml South Dakota Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects. National Archives Project 1941 4 p.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.7/no.40 books English Bismark, ND: Historical Records Survey Projects This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. South Dakota Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Navy -- Archives Archives -- South Dakota -- Catalogs South Dakota -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series IV, The Department of the Navy, No. 40, South Dakota text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series IV, The Department of the Navy, No. 40, South Dakota 1941 1941 2019 true xt7f4q7qrg5h section xt7f4q7qrg5h “:O) (TH: WSW /?>€f.7/fl©HO - ' . 7 ‘ ‘ / H2531»? HOG, .5; “WW. T TIITITTIITITTTITITTITIITlTlllTTTIIITITITTITTIT ? “ . .1 j 3 05275775323755 LI— - f _ TNVENTORY QT ' '- ' .. W /" "‘ ffm" I I I ‘T‘ E E DE. T\ AL A RE, HT VE 7‘0"“ ‘ g} . JAN ;_, 3. _ . L 's m ‘I 194;? 3* \- ““1; f TN T HE STATES f. I? i SERIESVH. THE DEPARTMENT OE NAVY ’ .1 N040. SOUTH DAKOTA t NORTH DAKOTA HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY PROJECT ‘ E _ DITTSION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS ET: . OSPOS'TORy T RM . . A ' ' WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION O T: ~ T "1:. - ‘ A a ‘ ’4 ‘5 ' 17.. i - . 0» «ENTUCKT v}??? ‘ " v ‘\ 1+ | ‘ “Igzii: , I ' INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES ; , Ia “,1, : . Prepared. By ' The Survey of Federal Archives ‘ ' Division of Professional and Service Projects Work Projects Administration The National Archives ' . Cooperating Sponsor H" \i.” N). SERIES VII. THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY 1 , i NO. no. SOUTH DAKOTA . l | I I L \ I L '> ‘ Bismarck, North Dakota The Historical Records Survey Projects ’ 191a 1 ‘i.r_ gr if I . , -' f. _\«‘k 1,, , '4!“ . _ i I "2 b ,n S I f, i I S Af‘?’ The Historical Records Survey Projects Philip M. Hamer, Assistant Director I Blair A. Flegal, State Supervisor Division of Community Service Programs : If‘ “A Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner iii Helen T. Bundy, Chief Regional Supervisor , jt Ethel M. Dowdell, State Director I”!' '«u {3 “V“ WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION } ' Howard 0. Hunter, Commissioner 7 Linus C. Glotzbach, Regional Director M. A. Kennedy, State Administrator i , E .M 1’" ‘A . r ,- '1'? ‘. / ~15, i f) . 'r ‘. ‘ t1} ,H‘miwi E ‘3'», t i i I ‘ a I“ x § fad? PREFACE , The Inventory 2: Federal Archives in phg States is one of the products of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a nation~ ‘ wide project to the Worksifiogress Administration from January 1, 1936 to [ June 30. 1937. and has been continued since that date as a unit of the Historical Records Survey, also operating as a nation—wide project of the Works Progress Administration, and a group of state or local projects of s that Administration and of the Work Projects Administration. The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgements, and general discussions of the location, condition. and content of federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information . 1 secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate series number being assigned to each of the executive departments (except the Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. with— in each series No. l is a general introduction to the field organization and records of the governmental agenqy concerned; the succeeding numbers contain 5 the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in alpha- fl, “‘ betical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, ' Zr‘ that for Arizona No. 3. that for Arkansas No. h. etc. h For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of A r;% related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive dates ‘ i, Y ” ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was secured), ; , \i general description of informational content, description of the system of ' l. ‘"” filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, ‘ p form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room number or other identifying 1 information, and finally, the number of the Form 588A on which this informa— tion was originalLy recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National Archives. When it contains substantial information on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is given by use of i. the reference "See addenda." ‘ i In South Dakota the work of the Survey was under the direction of l Professor Philip J. Green, with Miss Alice L. Boyd as assistant, from its ‘ , inception until June 1937. Since that time, for editorial and publication purposes, it has been a part of the Historical Records Survey which is under the supervision of Mr. Blair A. Flegal. This Inventory of the records of the Department of the Navy in South Dakota was prepared in the Bismarck office of the Survey and was edited before final typing by Dr. Henry P. Beers of the g ' Division of the Navy Department Archives of The National Archives. l ' i Blair A. Flegal. State Supervisor ;, Survey of Federal Archives .M 1 m, in North and South Dakota ' a a Bismarck, North Dakota ‘ ,3» October 1, 19m ‘ l , i 1 2‘“ r _ NAVY RECRUITING §g§-§T§TIQ§ SIOUX FALLS NAVY RECRUITING SUB—STATION . United States Post Office and Courthouse This office was established in 1909. Was located in Smith Building from 1909 until 193M when it was moved to its present location. No archives appear to hare been lost. Papers are forwarded to Omaha, Nebraska, recruit- \m ing office. . l. ENLISTMENT RECORDS, 193% to date. Records of nary enlistments at re- cruiting office. Arranged alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 3 x 5 Cards. 1 ft., in card cabinet. R. 391;. (50% ‘ 7 All 2. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, 193% to date. Copies of letters re- ceived and sent from United States Nayy Department, Washington, D. 0.. and MK from sub—station district recruiting station, Omaha. Nebraska. Filed chrono- \ logically. (Daily, official.) 8 x 11 folders, 1 ft. 6 in.. stacked on desk. J R. 30h, 3d floor, N. side. (505) J ‘lir 3.'REJECTIONS, Jan. 1932 to date. Reports contain a record of names, age and address of applicants, and reason for their rejectment from enlist- -- - ing. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 3 x 5 cards, 1 ft., in desk drawers. R. 30H. (506) ' WATERTOWN NAVY RECRUITING STATION Post Office, 26 S. Broadway '* ' The recruiting office at Watertown was established in 1917. There have been no reorganizations. Reports are sent to headquarters at Omaha, Nebraska. H. APPLICATIONS, REPORTS AND CORRESPONDENCE, 1936. Printed forms for recruiting applications. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in steel . _, filing case. B. 202. (9) “AM ‘ at“ 5 " 18 \i‘ ‘ "a!" t F“ PUBLICATIONS :5, ,, v . of the ‘1 j ‘ N7} South Dakota Historical Records Survey County Inventories 3. Bennett. 191m. 89 pp. . 8. Buffalo. 1937. 1+2 pp. 12. Clark. 191+l. 131 pp. 27. Haakon. 19M. 106 pp. 35. Jackson-Washabaugh. 19%. 210 pp. in. Mellette. who. 86 pp. 1+8. Miner. 19141. 133 pp. 1,, Special ReEorts x3: 1. Guide to Public Vital Statistics Records in South Dakota. ' k 19M. 90 pp. 4’ 1 I {f . 4U "‘1. 3 L? ' .1.- ’ -14- . . t] V ' PUBLICATIONS ’ t . wk! of the f" P North Dakota Historical Records Survey . i, H J Countz Inventories iv . 29. Mercer. 19h1. 125 pp. 53. Williams. 1938. 119 pp. p 4 Special Publications . 1. Abstract and Check List of Statutory Requirements for County Efi Records. 1939. 151 pp. :t‘ 2. Bibliography of Theses Prepared at the University of North $5 Dakota. 191+O. 68 pp. 3. Guide to Public Vital Statistics Records in North Dakota. t 1‘ 19m. 77 pp~ A 1+. North Dakota Municipal Officials' Hand Book, 19% Supplement. 1990. 62 pp. 5‘ 1; 3‘» North Dakota Federal Archives Inventogz g II. The Federal Courts. 19m. 23 pp. I _ III. The Department of Treasury. 19141. 58 pp. IV. The Department of War. 19m. 17 pp. > if; V. The Department of Justice. 19N1. u pp. i VII. The Department of Navy. 19%. 3 pp. ‘ é . ‘ t. f! 433 t @ ‘ i {a a g... r1 ‘ fl ; z 2‘ " .7 r‘ ’ - '1 : E. ‘ x: ,V‘. i“ . r, , (fir . A . i ,, ‘ v .a—‘I: .. .4 ‘ \.-‘ "f“ I > ‘ / 4 I!" f L}: V; w ‘ ,~ r A! ‘l \~—~ ~M _ W W .\ fig ‘ h‘w~*-~———————~_~__.___. 5‘ Q W , _~_ —__.__.._. —_. wWWw’fl —~ Mrfi M-W , I wwhiflwww , W g__,#_, , w ., x