xt7f4q7qrk30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7f4q7qrk30/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-11-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 25, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 25, 1986 1986 1986-11-25 2020 true xt7f4q7qrk30 section xt7f4q7qrk30 1 ' ‘ - I
l 0
.V l .1111 xci No 65 Established 1894 Umversuty oi Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky independent since 19‘” Tuesday, November 25. 1906 1 _ _
, . .
3'3 T rkey day race to help New system allo '
O O '21-: .- 1", _-
2 5 local food Cl‘lSlS center ' - 1*
...... payro onations . . ,.
1. 1:1 mm \\i l: 11elt'oiiie to come out and watch '- . 3 ' f1 ',I. _
, .1 men it' they don't want to run. Sen- V ,______. ,' 3 '3 1 311- ,1
scltiu 3md The race takes place a, - B) K.1\I{I‘I.\|Illll.l.ll'.\ 11.11.11» '11 :i1ttii1ii111i‘1t the payroll de 1.5! 3, 1. .1 :1
.1 111 , 11 «111111 In“ Marriott‘s (it‘lllln (late. 18(1) New 9 74%,A Slaf‘tWriter tti1 '111! E11.“ 1-93141111- with the ,\o .3 ', ,1 .1‘!
. 117.1111 11 111111.,1111L to11nl’ike .. __ , a» 7% vi:?.~'1 Race, 31.53 ,. .. ,. . . .1 . '33 33.3: W”; 1.11 “M 3333 ‘3 .333“ W33 3; 3 {£131.
‘ ‘ '1 ' ‘.I .11 3111’ .1i.'11n.1‘ 33l3llt‘ l'ilk't‘ ("’UFS‘L‘ 15 real pretty. g /33‘ "2-1514, $5535: 3],}? [he l l\ it(llllllli\ 1,11 1111 "1 1'1 1 h 1 “‘31:: 1:.1'2'. s { llt‘.\ ' 1..'1.1n1"i.1. . q ‘1 '- .
. . ; i , , . s‘eiisenig said “Most of the race is 2.1 __. \ @311, {555.4 «31:? announced 11 no.1 111.1.. .1. .....1.“ 1 1 L.11-~ 1.111111. .1.1 s1 1l'1is .s he 5, '.- 31.‘13'.'1:3'
‘ _ 1» , , .. _ 1,, 1,- ,;, 3,” 11,,,,,_1,.,“ run on streets leading through the figfig ‘___,7,,,A)\‘ x ./ " ‘1 ‘fisfl taculty and 5U“ “1”? ”i-W w " f'“ '31" 11 WNW- '1"‘3U<' “”1 11111:: .35, 1,1,, (1.
, I g1 ,1 , 1, 111,.1,‘,,1.h,1,11,,1 eolt t'ourst' (mly part of it is run on i j /" 11hr l3!tl\'('r‘ll.\' ’hlle’ l‘“""‘ 1" 3333'l “W“ l'“ ‘ '1" 1" l”- ! ‘ ,1 '1 "3.1"? f. .-
* ‘ . " . , 1...1 ..11.1.i. h“. Hm gt ,1“ ' 3 tuctions L11 .1:;.11 11.”. 1: {1.111.111 11111.11111 .1... ",1 r 1.31;" 1'.
. ‘ ' z . - .11 .1 1n and the Sensenlg said that last year's race l/ \ ,1 Th”? my" l’H'“ ””“3‘ 3"‘1“""' 1 11’ - ”“1“ "ll1l{1"\“t‘ V.” "HIM”.‘H‘ 1,1,1 _ '
.. , ‘ , :111l11s 111111 made bemeen 3““) and $5,000 All _ ’ / and comments 1‘111-1 '1111 1.111 :11 “111111, ;.1.1! H11 l nae-rut; ad . ,', :._-. £151.51
; f: 1 - 1 '1 1";1- 1.11111 :1. \[11111 ot the money goes to God‘s Pantry. k , // gardmg the tan tha3 t l1. 111111L1.‘ 11 11::L'1'1'11n .1111 1111' nth-r1111: a sun .,.3'31.-3-.1'3 1.: . , -
3 3| ; 1 1‘ l’1'1‘11. 1 11111 l1‘11o1l 1'1 crisis tood center that feeds less- ‘ \~=::::/ “at“ ‘d PUFF)“ 1111111112111. l'MI 1‘” 1.111~;'1111.11:11u-'L ‘1“ 3.111.111 1". :11 .‘-,-.'1,',1
, 3 I 1 tortunate people _____‘-__h lit; on?) till“ I" the lvlll'd‘l'h- 11"“ 3-‘ “”- 3li1"- i1" 1111‘7*'11tl .111‘; flit“ E" 13 :1
: . t3 . . 1 - '1..- 111,1,1111' sexist-mil. said there are 13 differ l’l”1‘,‘3f3" “ml “313:1" \‘l”l'3"3" '3 33 ' 3‘ '3' "'333 33""3 '3‘ ‘ 313’ 3m '3'3 3'311 ; ‘3‘;3 {it
’ f 1 1 ' 1 TM I1 1112mm till 11:1“ llWUPS partictpaling. PT'ZQS Pantry tor the hungry people." he bind the Marriott Food. drink and ”H l‘ 5””er l)‘3""l‘3'l'“”33' 1111 ‘ ' *1' ' ;‘ "" ""' .1.r1-.11t,1 "”313 1 ",” '1 'j,
. 3t . 1.11 1 111 t 1.1 l11t::.1 s1111 11111 be proyided tor the top two said 3 entertainment will be proyided tor ”Th“ plan mm“ “3“” “ ‘3',”"l’l’3d, 3‘" ti 1 ' 3'1' ' ' ~"1’3‘i'? ‘ ’, 1"1,_‘»,',13‘. $3.".
‘ .3 t . . .111 .1 11 . .. 1:111::. :11; 111.1i1 and teniale v1mners from each the runners and the observers. Sen 31“” "l llll‘3’3‘3*' “3"” 3‘“ "’v' 4‘“ ‘3 3 3 " “"3" ‘3 "" "3"“ f": .'_ ,1
‘ 3. . 1 1 1. 1.1.11 111-11113» catcuor} Sponsors Will donate most Race headquarters is at Marriotts senig said. ”‘4‘“ and m" “l"l‘li‘ 3" ‘1“ j' ‘:l H“ 1' 3 i ” 3’31" ‘3 "’-‘ “"W'I' 2,; f‘ 1,23: ,{3
' 1 3 ol 'llt' loud. drinks and T'Shll‘ts, Sen- Griffin Gate Ritt'ltlL’, [Xtt‘kt‘ls can be 18} sitld It also comes ll‘ill; lll‘ N, 1 .1 , . . ,\ 1,1,”.1; 111,,“ 1"”. ‘. '3'.3 1:, .1, ‘. ,1,
. l , . . , 11.111111i 1111 wnmmm picked up the day 1,1 1m. race be- Everyone entering the mm, mm, ['K administration s 1tes11-.. 11 1.1,, 3 . 1 . 1-5'11111jmi-L 11111111 or {35,133 ‘1_ 1:
:3 - - ~ 1 ‘\\e end up keeping most of the tween 7::kland8 113111 ”I ll” out an application form Regis wmmmmv”"333ml'3l'33'3'33 ""133,- -'.,1‘33;3
, ‘ - l 1 ‘ -f7 111 1111‘ race money to turn over to God's A tent “Ill llt‘ st'l Uli directly be— tration the day oi the race is ST The abliltty that ,1.“ 1 r, “"“ll”\‘ 1'12. ' ,
..- l. ’ ’ ""““"_—-““‘_—_ " "' _"_“—_"“""— '_ ‘* i 0 ° 1' 1' 13.‘ -1"‘"3-:3~:3:.3l13'3'.3.‘
, - 1‘ ‘ . 1' l . g 1 Biologist
g |{t SI ( (r n tS fivtsigw . .. s .. wM‘sfi. 13., lg ‘- ' :. 1):?“ 3",;
1'” 1 ' to lecture
. l a l 3, .1. . 3. ' ‘t_
l. 0 ‘ ' if ~".:.1
l I) I () ‘ es t 333\. it” 0 33,3 3: 3’ 31'. 1‘ {'31 3‘9;
' - ‘ ” W" ’ " l“”"‘""""’"""' 1 V on bacteria
— 1 ‘3- n oisy room i it“;
‘ _ , 1 ‘ ‘ a l. , n1 l.ls\t 111111 ith , ’ .1 '1. 1 l
. g . 11,4: .111 .,.1
,, 3 ,9 1 1 =1*-‘1itiiit's ‘ ‘ , 3 f '2’,
3 . 1 s \l l I i‘. \\ .1 E3 . l H11. 1.1:".L1; .1. ixiicrobioiogis' tron. ‘33,,“ ‘, :11
1 l 3 ‘ i l 1\.1131'..'.1_'11.' l :;.\ers1'} has been '1 ’31. ‘ ‘3‘
_ ' 1‘ 3 5 3 i ' 3 . :3; {’W’::”T’-” ..3, 1 1 1' r. I.» Y1»! about 111 teal‘s ot‘. gene! 3. '3 ,3 "‘11-'1 .1,"
, . ‘ - 1 g i .3 . 1 1 31 , f3 3 — ._..:;;-—:w33j _W Z ; ,1- 111-2 llt‘t‘l'.1’l‘z_’ 'tt tial'lt‘rlii and stud} 3; ' 33-13., I 4, "a
. I. ‘ 1' 3 11 ‘ ”:A ‘3 3 l 31 ~3 .3. ; ' '33 A ”’55.;‘3333‘W :l.L ';11‘.1 '11.-.1"1-r1at'.1LLse disease =' 1“,. “ 1
t . _-, . ,, . ,1:\ Kg , , E 3g i l! 1 g. mm‘tam‘ ”I; i ‘ ‘ 1.1!3'1\\1‘111l fil‘tt' U “1“. lecture. l1 ’34..”‘31331_'3" 1 _’, 1;
“,5; l .1 ‘ ”7,, i '1 E 1 " . 1.1.33 l '1111: '.\':.1' l1: 111-1111;).1Ltrj1 t'an [>11 2111' 51,35,“ 1: ‘: 5"];
3' ' ' 33.3316 . 3 3- 333 g *1 ‘ 33333333333} l t s 1' ' ' 1:.211'1' :2 'hr ‘Wtil‘shitlt‘; '1
1, l 1,1 .11 , 333333'331 L 5? l ._, 51 :1': .,~ 1 33. ,211».11;.: \'l11it'_\ ,1 l)l"il(’.\.’\itl‘ tit :;.. L, 1 \ Fund/,1.
. :1“ I 3’ 3 ‘ ‘tg f;- 313 3f 3; ‘ ‘3 1 in 3:; )- 3 F) l 3.1.1-1.. M1111 <3iir'3‘1ss curren’ re ' .‘ 1'; 3.1, .1
. .1 1, . ,t“ 3,. . 1...». - £3 ”I l 11 1 1 11‘ '1111-Ul11: ‘ 1m . 1 113/3'.’.3'..:.;
' - ‘l ’ 3" '33‘ _x, .‘, . A. .K‘ , '5: ,, "J' 5.1-" 1 '1111'V"‘1i3.'11'3 .1tti\" 3'It|7li 1lt‘t'.1} 1. ’f ,' .. ,1 .1
'3 1 ' V 3‘” l v" ' 1 ”*3. 3 I . 3 l V: 1‘1. s11 1? l 11w“ 1111 'urr .1.EI : 3". 5'111'... t
3 g ‘ ' ' 3'1’ 23kt 1533‘s? , $13.11" “1“ 3 Nth r“ ’ ‘ "3 :. 3 ‘3 3 l "11 'u-Btrflnriu so .’ .11111‘111 ‘ 15,5213 .f
. ’ . '3, 1“ ;“ “~ . .1 1 v . ...—1. 2"" , , . l 11,.11..\- '1; '1» 11w :‘j1111111 not rust t1 1,. __ . =. , _-
3 3 3 3 , 1 " .fél- .1 3 3 . \ 1‘ k ' '1 t 3‘ 31f: .933 3 I W . - ' ~ 3 v5??? ; H1 ~12 ‘ “11111911 .1tiv1 t1111311, tuoiogy L1 ~13.3.3= ’2 '1, '.
‘ ,, ,, ‘ > _ 1. . éf...r3 1 21111 _\€'1’tfs ago may 11nd this lecture ”11:1 '. t- ‘_1' 1.: ., 1'
.1 . ,, 1 ' ‘ .1'1~1~1 . _ - . ( 1. . s 5, :f :3, 3‘13 11'1-1'1-s91:.e bet ause ot the constant 12,1 1‘
3 ‘ A i 3 3' fit“ 3 k til-,1" if». _ ~1lf'l.11‘2!1: 111 next ntoi‘mation that ; 1- 1
‘l 1 .. 31. ,, W ’_"e . 'é‘ww '1. .. ' '3' .. 3 3 5‘33 . “O 3333 i 1‘1.i\l 3'1.1'-1.t.i11l.‘lt’U1'llllI‘t‘t't'll'l} 3'3“ 31' ,‘3 ,. '3
. 3 '111 ‘* , 33 3 '3 3 » " M - 111: 1., l lit ’t:11 11.19 1111,11,.“ bacteria dis . - ' 1 3‘1, ‘1,
1 . 3 ~‘ _ l 111.11: x '..11 gone iron. .1 n..1_1or prob- ; " y 3 1 1
' 1' 1 " 'he ' 333* :1: . __ ’ ’ $1111; ‘. 1 4mm; people penicillin and ' ..3 ,3. :33"
' \ - \1' * , .. with; ‘r11n '111‘Illltt' back 111 dont I, ' :1.’ ,
- , , ~ \' =- ~ '2 "c . 1. 111.,» ‘~ 3 33 " 111314111141 \ti‘;1le,\s.11d :1 1" 1, ‘ 13‘,
‘ ' 1““ ‘ ,_.. ”$3 13,“. 1 , . lie \dltl people need 111 be more 1-3": 21‘ 313' '1' 1:”?
‘1 3'11"! f“: ' £®§§i . . , 3‘3 421.1111 11 'he extent to 11inch Lit‘llt‘llt‘ _, f. 1132;»: :, -
, 3 3 3 3 AtANtISSlG 11.11 n I 11:12:111-1-1 nu anects our tuture ,1 1,11 I. ,,’.'f.3'.33
* 1 11‘ \3'1111-1 said l3lll'?ls\ wit address "l3j3‘;~,3 ‘3 ',‘,
' " ~" 1"“ GGISleT (left) Jesse Stockton (middle) and Steve Kries sit in sesions yesterday to protest the noise coming from the b1; 2.1.. l 11111111111 .1111 are appreheiisiye about 31,31 .11, :33}.
. . f . . "'9 the lObby of Keenelond Hall where they had moved their pos- room below their rooms. I .‘t'llt".1 exam-11:11; tor tear that it 1"1.~_-,;"'. , ,.1‘
11‘... 41.1 f3_\t‘ '1: dangerous bacteria 3 .1],- . 11'“ _,
1 1 3 . , , i 1 _ [he s.1i1i "But the} re welcome to mates, shoutuiu out such iiues employees to see it something aealth \ldilllll: 1111 s}. 1.1-. s11 ' 11, ‘11-”.“1 111mg ““1151”,“ “1,1; ”.1“. :31 _ ,1» v“ 1I ’1.
.. 111 ; 111. at M least they're not set» tions as. "What are you going to couldbe donetostopthe racket ('enter ' l 1 1 iron gem-'11 engineering it it pro; l " ‘. $114.14
' i3 - 1 1. “.11:l11111tireshithelobby '3 wear to bed toniillit‘” and. "We 11ere told mice that it had ".\t lost I thoueht 1111-11 '1 ~ ' “1111-.” .1\ much in the next 3U wars 3 3' 1 .3 1i
.1, ‘ "l'ni not embarrassed 01‘ "You're not going to break Visittr been ti\ed and t11ice we had to a limited 11111111111! 1.11 1111.11“ 211 1» l 1, 11 1,,“ 1m. lid“ 31, 3 31. , . 1 1,; .1 ~,
' 3 1 1 .. . ,1 1. ashamed.” (ieisler said. “In the tion.areyou"" call them back aitd tell them it but then I tourid 1111: ’1'111' i l1. » ll ”1..., 1.1111 .; WPIC-‘T yum» “1,1: ,5 {1 '13,..I'1’3-1";
. . 1 ~ lom.‘ run I think 11e3\'e done the (leisler and \liii'i'ell said the} hasn‘t.”(leislersaid contracts 2111- 'heii 1111.11: 11 1s \1 .1.,,1._1_\\ 11,1, ,~,1\,.,”;,1h 11,11 111,. [mm “31‘1" ‘3'1 1, i
i . ‘1 '11: u. riuht llllllfl '3 first registered their complaint He said they 11ere told the ll 1111s just .1 111.1'tei 11: :._ 1111.11 \11 1,.”1,‘ 1:11,, effect oi bacteria 1'71. ".1‘ '5 I 5;,
. ‘ - ’1 1 11 . 1,’ 111; Residents oi Keeneland llall about it days ago The} said they plumbers "were always (ltllllll moreplunibers 3 " 1" 1. ‘13. ‘ '1 ,1 1.3
’ 1 .1 .. 111-1'1111 111th the protesting room- contacted about sl.\ l'uiyersity sonlt‘lhlllll else. like at t‘ouimon- s.1 Plants! 1'. 1 1': " 13'.?.."‘33
‘1 1 , .. ._-_-———-——————————————___—__—___—________—____._...___ \111; I H ll Rl.l’1ii:< 3 ,. . '3 J1], 1"
1 _ ~ 1 33".' ,5“ I}.
* s D ff' ° 1 U s d‘ t d i
s ‘1 -.1‘1’.
_ , , 1 tate epartment 0 ma says . . pressure in 0 arms ea
. “:1. -‘, ’1]3 .‘-‘.
,. . —.._—_—_.— . n o . 4 . - I3 ,
“ 11 lx’cauaii challenged about statements , . Israeli leader promises reporting to watchdog committee
. ' ‘ ‘ “I don I like to haveto V ._ _.
) 1 . . o . . , o I . ,1 ' . ‘- 1 - 3
, ; dem mg Iran s terrorism connections differ With my about country s third-party involvement WlIh weapons sale 1' .
‘ l' H ‘3' H l m 3" 3”“333 l 5 government contacts prCSIdent, bUI [pelleve BVARTHL'R .VHX Khomeini lrans remlutioiiarx pa 11'1111 spoke on condition ot anonymr 1 f» 1' 3‘ 3. ' .
. . 1. . .1 began 111th lran. there 5 been no evi- there IS some evtanCe A3ss0ciated Press triarch 3 3 11 ‘ , 1.
deuce 0’ Iranian government CQm3 ' - , l , President Reagan has said be all 3 . 3. .363 3‘ . '
' 3 l . . I .. 3. ‘3 “1.3333,“; llmll‘ ill-hill:1333”“3rmrbm against Of Iranlan lnH.) \ement JERUSALEM * Foreign Minister thorized a third countr}. reportedl) He said yesterday that lsrael was _ 3. , ' '1 ‘
3 3 - l 3 Y 1'11: l 1313314311113.” llVltllleheiddc‘o;tradicted that yes With ICITOFISIS.H Shimon Peres tried yesterday ‘0 de- Israel. to ship arms to lran to try to not hoping for an Iranian Victory in 3 . J .
’ 3 3 3 3 3 33 I, | 3., 3,3,3 ‘3‘ ,3? t 1r l' , 3 ‘ John (‘ “’hi‘ehead fuse pressure 0“ the Israeli govern- form links withlranian moderates its fi~yearold war V11th Iraq and had - .1 : ‘ '
‘3 3‘ ' 3 ‘3‘ ‘ «'3‘ 3 3“ H 3 (333 1 h ' 3tt‘ “ 33 ment to disclose ”5 role in shipping The Jerusalem Post quoted un no illusions that Israel could deter- ' - ‘ - '1 .' ' '
l , ' I h 31'” 111,111 "‘7‘“?de ..m. t. e Lomm31 (e 5 denut)‘ secretary 0f Stale L'.S. arms to Iran. promising to re‘ identified lsraeli defense (ii‘ticials as mine the outcome of the conflict. ' ‘ . " - ‘ 3
3 * . 3 3 3 . 3. 3' .33, 33 3.333 31331333133 1,1333: illiwlzlnllzfri‘llfistdlgctsTiberliact?ndlmtl:se —— P0“ [0 a watchdog subcommittee ”1 eXpressmg Concern that (3ttlllll‘t‘ss said theotticlal 3
' ~ ' M '.“ Prlimnt. ‘ 21
. . 1 . 1:1 1 .- 1.. [1.111.111 type that 1111 find to be reprehen— Subsequently. the department has allezl'lately refused. however. to give coualéat‘ctdzgihngétl:rt:l\gzr 1111;131:131 a“ , ‘ . . . ‘ ~
. ..., . v11,1~11 '111titt111 111th sible . .. _ _ . received “pretty good- information information about any lranizin arms bilateral military negotiations grind .- ”VS . 1 1. 1‘ ‘,
, . 1 : l 11... 1- time ls 1“ lll‘ltlltild did not immediately that pro-Iranian {actions are behind deal when he appeared before the to a standstill for a “hm and a h”, ,,, 3,, ~ . . . ‘ _
' l I " 3-13'1 [3Jilliilsltibmsell-i:- 3 3;3t).‘13l131”l)cpartment spokesmen had the kidnappings.th‘eofftCialsa‘ld. ‘ Foreign Affairs and Securtty (‘om- tile climate developing to\1ar1l ‘53 M .3 _
' ' ‘ ‘ t t ' ' “ll“ -l‘1»1 1 1111 been s mm: for Vtt’t‘kfi that while Dunn?! affputuln tdkmg 5335“)" m mlnefi an un‘Held). 2b3memb€r rael 1n (ongress. ”m3 unldvnhflod .
s 1 . 1 . 1 .1 . 1 s. 1 , c .. 1, 1 1 1 ) . 1 1 - . , . , , . I I .1. 1
_ 1 1,' 5 7 1.‘_\ .lltllt‘dl .iti,-¢‘ ll'1tll l't‘llléillltXl on {I list Of nations Of' :.}:.:‘():);llh(l)s luhhagpfifigrsnlfve: naeffs :Od': “$29 deliberations are rdrel) SOUTCP waslquoted'as 3:?)an1 l l3 , , l r... “y. '0'“'1 [Jam _‘
1111:.»1 111111-1111. 111.1111 1111.111} identified as "terrorist-spun 1 1 1 1 . ' 1 1 1 his ep sec e ‘. 1 . C"“gre.s“"’"“l “”1 “3”} (”mp ””5“ ’0 ”’1 '°¢l‘51 “'9‘ W 3
. -~ reports about b‘Kk bum" “mm g “9 promised instead ‘0 brlEl the such projects as financing and build .1
1 1 1111211111 states; they wouldnot pro~ staff, Cdlls {or resignations. and 5U8' six-member SubCommittee 0“ in the Lari 'et fighter permission offends. For a Mlm' ”I 3
. ‘ '1‘. i. '1 '31' . ‘ '1 \31l‘t 11 .1s Ht‘JL‘Jll \ltlt' endence that nation has gestions [hill h(‘ 3an“ lh(‘ Iranian Armed Services. [Qggpll [0 ”()gdurus Kflr jetg \; inch o'vmm. P09. 2. .3 ‘ ‘ ' ~
. ‘ . i z :1 ‘ 11.1 1111\1.1kcs ‘ simiisoi'e1l any recent terrorist acts. initiative was a mistake The development came amid con- contain L' S -huilt components and 3:3: \ ,
“"“""" 3“": 1‘“ ””l “mg 0” ”'d‘ft'v however. Whltehgad‘ ”1 think )‘0U3d be happier if I sald cern that an angrv US. Congress granting Israel the status ofh‘ATt) 1.
. . ,. 1 ,1 ii». i‘lt'sltlt’lll then \1ll and other State Department officials I‘d stop answering questions on that could make Israel 3a scapegoat for countries in bidding 3for defense 3con1 Won-en's d1 _
1 ~:.1111111-1L 111 llls 11111111111 speaking privately. linked, Iranian- because you “.0,“an like my an- theUS administration‘s sales. tracts the Post noted the olfimals UK '0 M .
. 1. 1. .1111.1\1-11 111 111mb ne11 sixinsored groups to the kidnapping swers."the president told reporters. The political uproar in the United assa 1.“ q 1 Iggy” M . .
‘ 1 11..1£ 1 1'111-s11-n1i1111i calls by of three Americans seized in Beirut Even so, he said, "I'm not firing States over the arms Shipments has 3Mol‘riE3Draper [7 S consul m Je- at Monaco. 3.. _ ' 13,41:
‘ 333'3333“ ”l ‘ “'”L"3‘3“ ""3 ‘3‘ “3m“ SW39“?! 9 . . anybody." Pressed on whether there jlst begun to spread to Israel. where rusalem sounded surprised howev- Pma‘ ‘3 ' €133.33
_ l! 1 l. tl‘l 1111 The} are P rank H Reed. director would be any staff changes. Reagan many Israelis accept that arms er when 3agked ”'3 (he 3con3lr1,\19r“1 ‘ .- 3:515»,
" ' ”‘1" W 11111111 11111111111111) ““0“ '" 39mm ““9“ said. “I'm not commenting either deals are notasubject for Public de- hadaft‘ectedl'Q-lsraelirelations 3' ;1
. . . .1» 11,., :1.1~1~,1t1111..\ stunned. .l (Icipplt). actingcontrollcr of the way," bate The full Immember Knesset. The relationshi ”N very good l 3.. .
..11 1,1,1112 'h1 \.; 1 stair llt'pai't .1\ii;1;:;‘;in il'nlfl'f’l‘Slty in Itthat City As for whether he would admit it or parliament. scheduled a debate don't expect it 3:0 be damaged." .
.. . 1.1. \ department off1c1al, speaking on Iran. the PN‘SIdt?"t repl'ed1 1'“ “0‘ There has never arisen a more on Israel armv radio. {W W h M 1 , g;
;- , , . '11..1 1 111111111 1 I't‘lll in the (.undmnn he not be identified, said going to lie about that. [didn‘t make bitter enemy of the Jewish people A government official said in an n.“ w M h k 13
3' "3 ‘ 3“" ”'l‘ “"“l‘” ""‘l ““‘l the l'nited States was initially un- amistake." and. in my opinion, of human civili1 interview that Peres told Eban‘s 5?;
""“" '3 33“” 3'” ‘l‘3l"”3l'”‘"" “‘3‘" sure who was responsible for some Asked whether he was pleased zation, than the Khomeini regime." committee 1111 IS not Israel‘s policy 'o m” a' 7"“ * 1~ 1.3113"
: ‘ 3 ‘ l 3‘ '1 11111 ”i" “”” of the recent kidnappings because a With his Sta”- R9388“ replied. “8"" said Abba Eben, a former foreign tosell arms tolran." 3 m m
: ‘3..il'-'>l:1tll\ bioadcast speech group unknown to terrorism experts liwed. “Um-hmm." minister who presides over the But per05 [~9de to answer spe- Show.“ W“
. ' =1 1 1:1 11.1.11. 11111111111111 his policy the Revolutionary Justice Organi— During his testimony ‘0 the House Knessetcommittee. cjfic (“muons raised during the Whit.“ _ 11. we '3
, 1 1 ~.. 11 11.111 sauna that zation had claimed responsibility. Magnum pans He referred to Ayatollah Ruhollah closeddoor session, said the official, 1 ‘ ~ “3

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