xt7f7m03z91k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7f7m03z91k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1896034 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1896-03-jun4. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1896-03-jun4. 1896 2011 true xt7f7m03z91k section xt7f7m03z91k MINTUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 4, 1896 - page 85 On motion ordered that the Secretary be directed to communicate the strictures indicated in the Report of Committee Military Instruction & etc. to the several college officers having these matters in charge. On motion of Mr. Peak ordered that the Business Agent be re-imbursed for $6.50 which he paid on a check for a student named L. H. McCain from Trimble County. Adjourned to meet at 8 A. M. June 4, 1896. The Board of Trustees met in the President's room at 8 A. M. suntime June 4, 1896. Present: Buell, Flournoy, Gathright, Gooding, Hines, James, Matthews, Patterson, Peak, The reading of the minutes of the previous day's business was dispensed with. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 4, 1896 - page 86 The following report of the Committee on the Experiment Station composed of Messrs. R. A. Spurr, H. Boswell, and J. B. Kennedy, was approved. We concur in the recommendations of the Director as follows: 1. That the appropriation as heretofore of the $15000 of Federal funds, from the Hatch Act, the in-come from the fertilizer control and from the farm and any interest accruing from these accounts be applied to the use of the Station. 2. That we recommend that from the fertilizer fu.nds $300 be put aside for fertilizer inspection, and $300 to Prof. Garman for traveling expenses and field work, in parts of the state where farm pests may be at work. 3. That $450 be appropriated, out of the fertilizer, for a head house to the Insectory. 4. That $2000 be appropriated, out of the same fund, for a dairy barn, at the discretion of the Board of Control. 5. That we approve the action of the Board in continuing the services of Dr. R. J. Spurr, and J. N. Harper. 6. We recommend the appropriation of $200 for the eradi- cation of the weed Wooly Mullein which is found in Gayson and Edmonson Counties and the only place in the United States and authorize the Director to take steps to that end if on investigation he finds it can be done for the above amount. 7. That the Board of Control be empowered to act, and authorized to take such steps as they may deem expedient to provide for water supply for the farm. (Signed) Richard A. Spurr, Chairman. H. Boswell, J. B. Kennedy, MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 4, 1896 - page 87 -88 On motion of Mr. James ordered that the new fence which has been commenced at the north corner of the can pus be continued along the front of the grounds. A committee of students came before the Board to request that the game of foot - ball be reinstated, and submitted the following rules and regulations to govern athletics. There shall be five members of the faculty who shall have control of all the athletics in the College. It shall be their duty to see that all the regulations regarding athletics are adherred to by the boys. II. These five Professors together with four students (one from each class) shall compose the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association. III. All managers of the several athletic teams ( foot- ball, base-ball and track athletics) must be elected by the Athletic Association which is composed of students in the college proper, and their election must be approved by the committee from the faculty. IV. The managers of the teams must have the approval of the committee from the Faculty before arranging any ganes with other teams to be played out of Lexington. V. Any student in or above the grade of Freshman who has a class standing above 11.25 in each of his classes, and, any member of the Academy who has a class standing above 12.5 in each of his classes shall have the privilege to play on any team of the college in match games with other teams. MIMJTES OF TEE BOA-RD OF TRUSTEES, June 4, 1896 - page 88-89 VI. Any one in the college or Academy whose average class - standing is above 11.25 has the privilege to play in practice games among students of this institution provided the Athletic Committee of the Faculty does not decide that it is interfering with his class work. VII. No professional athlete and no one who is not a bona fide student of the College or Academy shall play on any team.of this college. VIII. The Board of Directors shall have charge of the Athletic grounds and shall be responsible to the College for their condition. IX. The aculty may prohibit athletics among the students of this Institution at any time. Mr. Matthews offered the following: Resolved, that $50.OO be appropriated for the purpose of sending delegates from the Young Men's Christiai Association of the College to the convention at Knoxville, Tenn. from June 19 to 28th of this year. Carried by ayes and noes as follows. Ayes - Buell, Gathright, Gooding, Hines, James, Kennedy, Matthews, Patterson, Peak and Spurr. Noes - Boswell, Flournoy. On motion of Mr. James ordered that the fence now commenced be continued along the front of the college grounds. On motion the Board then adjourned to meet at 1 P. M. Dec. 8th, 1896. V. B. Muncy, Secretary.