xt7f7m03zx6f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7f7m03zx6f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1960 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, Summer Session, Vol. 52, No. 2, 1960 text Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, Summer Session, Vol. 52, No. 2, 1960 1960 1960 2013 true xt7f7m03zx6f section xt7f7m03zx6f ABULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OFKENTUCKY
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For the Summer Session, the full-time fee for all Ken-
u • » f K k tucky students, except those enrolled in the College of
‘   O   Y Law, will be $40.50, and for students in the Law College
$43. For out-of-state students, in all colleges except
Law, the fec will be $90.50. The fee for out-of-state
, students in the Law College is $95.50. These fees are
I 9 6 O payable at the time of registration.
Su m   Applicants for admission should write to the Ofhce of
  the University Dean of Admissions and Registrar for ap-
plication, stating whether they wish admission to the
freshman class, to advanced standing, or to the Graduate
School. Application. and transcripts 0f credits should be
led 30 days in aduzmce with the Re iistrar’.s· O ee, Stu-
    6 dents entering with advanced standing and those enter-
. ing the Graduate School should present transcripts from
each institution they have attended. Graduate students
who are not candidates for degrees may be admitted on
the basis of an official statement from the registrar of the
institution which conferred their bachelor’s degree. High
CURR|¢ULA school graduates are invited to start their college careers
_ _ V _ in the 1960 Summer Sessirm. Special courses are planned
HTIIE Unlw{ISItY 0£`I\CFf“CI(Yf il I““d`gm“f IIISIIIIIIIOIIIQ for entering freshmen and special attention will be given
Wid 0 if Gigli WCL 5 0 ésgu ·II' *·“_IS“{CI %$$I‘gI _“"’I to them, to the end that their collegiate careers will be
an pos -session courses. ourses wi we o ere in six ·.] . 7 . Hull. , .. ·., , . ,. _
colleges—Arts and Sciences, Agriculture and Home Eco- ;:,Egi?5_ umu pm U E7 mom LUmOmlUI’ md mon mmm
nomics, Engineering, Law, Education, and Commerce-
and in the Graduate School.
Over and above its program of liberal education, the I-IVING ACCOMMODATIONS
University Summer Session provides numerous oppor- . . ~ .
. _ , li a ·z .‘ J ~ ~ · · ¤
tunitics for persons to prepare for specific occupations. _ (mm lpphcitmm for imglc mui Ehouid be m‘ld° to
. . . . . the Dean of Men. The rental for a dornntorv room per
"lhe opportunities are in numerous fields: Industrial imlividulll is $5000 for thx S ) 1 SW, ·
Chemistry, journalism, Medical Technology, l’re—Mcdi- “,(m;(_n£§ EU `hmtiom E,lCE;)]1InEr.xE;S;m'$1O I •_
cine, Pre-Dentistry, Pre-Nursing, Music, Library Science, _] I ' ` °1p ` " `, HIMHILC i ' ‘°I"’“‘tr
, . . ._ _ _ _ . _ _ sioult be made to the Office of the Dean of \Vomen.
lubhe Service, Art, Bactcriology, Geography, Gcology, HCI-umk will bc mqdc (ml if {Hut. f __ _Il _
· Psychology, Radio Arts, Social \Vork, Sociology; Agricul- ._ ' . ` _ _ _ ` y mn LJ Nm 0 °‘m°°,‘lt'°n
* . . _ . _ _ _ _ , s _ _ ,_ _. _ is given at least 30 days before the term opens. l\eene—
ture in its various phases, lre—l*orcstiy, l1e—Vetc11nary, hud 11,111 will b _ T _Q _ _1 f f ll t_ _t 1 _ D H
Home Economics; Engruw-mg-Agaculumil, Amliimc- ,;),),1,, jo, C, ,1,, “W $fY°;_ gg, go` ""°.*5l‘f§t?‘l §T“’l"
tural, Aeronautical, Chemical, Civil, Communications, mom; _m_ $8%) 00 EX; )`l   `tt   IX; mt lvlnlm Z mg C
Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgical and Mining; Law; ru uigéd   Schd 'dc)(;;i;hl`l tuilunilb Kirk bgbblom AEV niit
Elementary and High School Teaching, Educational Su- 1. . ` . I I ‘ iu Emu md L `I mom API) l`
  _ _ __ [ , A V. __ cation in the Olhce of the Dean of Men or Oiliee of the
pervision and Administration; General Business, Com- D — .
_. -. A , _ can of \Vomen. Rates for double rooms are charged in
merce-Law, Banking and l·mance, lcrsonnel Manage- mlmrtion to the I myth f t. _ . __.d _ _ A 9 d
ment, Marketing, Accounting, Business Management, for 113 dwg or lc; _&’ 1 glow]? m IL: {URL df   df JY
Industrial Administration, and Secretarial \Vork. _'   `L dm pu WUY or p('i-10 5 Q I4
e days or longer. l*or the same periods of tune, single
rooms are $2.50 per day or $12 per week.
CREDIT HOURS The University Cafeteria at the Student Union Build-
Nine semester hours are considered the normal load mg will bs m Opcmmm for both men and W°m°"·
. · for undergraduates. For graduate students, the normal
load is six hours· the maximum is nine Graduate stu-
dents who earn six or more graduate credits and who CU URAE AND RECREATIONAL RESOURCES
‘ remain in residence throughout the Summer Session are The University of Kentucky is located in Lexington
assigned nine weeks of residcnw. Uni}/CfSity Stllllvflti the center of the famed Bluegrass region, a delightful
 _ may be confident of acceptance of credits at full value country of scenic beauty and of transcendent historic
by other colleges and universities. Moreover, U.I\. credits interest.
always meet the tests for employment, whether I) ’0V- Man of h ·1 ` ·· · ~ — . · -‘ ‘
_ I · Y t, y t e . Ju ous horsc farms, some containing
ernment t1g(:I1C1GS, by corporations, or by private com- more than a thousand acres of lush, bluegrass-covered
panies, regardless of the Held. This is a very important land, are in this rich region. During the Summer Session,
consideration. In certain categories of employment, stu- tours are conducted to many of these estates, among
dents and graduates of land-grant colleges have a distinct which are Elmendorf, VI/alnut Hall, Calumet, Castleton,
advantage over other students and graduates. and Dixiana. Coldstream Farm is now the main Experi-

 ment Station Farm of the University. In addition, points
of historic interest, including Ashland (home of Henry
Clay), General ]olm Hunt Morgarfs residence, the home    
of Mary Todd (wife of Abraham Lincoln), and the
Keelrgeland Rlaee Track, may beuvisited. L I WORKSHOP IN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION
uring tie session, nationa y ·nown spea·ers, ee- _ __ ·
turers, workshop directors, and specialists in many fields June I5 July 8 3 hours gmduule credit
will visit the campus. One feature of the session will be 0nIY·
the Summer Youth Music Institute. The Student Union
Building, the Memorial Coliseum, and the Fine Arts WORKSHOP IN ECONOMIC EDUCATION
Building will be open for student use. \iVell balanced _]u|y ]]_2g____3 credits
social and physical education programs have been ar- l
ranged. Students may participate in such activities as
swimming, tennis, golf, dancing, band concerts, movies. TEACHING MORAL AND SPIRITUAL VALUES ‘
pienieking ima ramping. J¤¤¢ I5-July 8-3 h¤¤rS gr¤d¤¤t¤ cr<~>d·t .
Classification will be on Monday, _Iunc I3; registration July l8-August 5_3 CredItS`
on Tuesday, Iune I4; and classes will begin \’Vednesday, -.
Iune 15. Saturday, ]une 18, is the last day one may AGRICULTURE COOPERATION
enter an organized class. The Summer Session will end June I4-July I-3 Cl‘€dII’S.
at noon Saturday, August 6.
June I3-July I; July 5-22-3 credits each.
The bulletin entitled Schedule of C[u.s·.se.s· will be is- NTERGROUP RELATIONS  
sued in April. If you desire one or more and/or further July ll'Augu$t 5*3 Cr€all'$·
information, write to University Registrar, Administration
Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington. CURRENT PRQBLEMS |N HQME
Ju 14-Jul 8-3 h d r d':
STATEMENT OF COURSES Oni]; Y Ours gm uu B cre I
Courses numbered I to 90, inclusive, may he taken ·
only for undergraduate credit. Courses numbered 100 to EVALUATION IN HOME  
I99, inclusive, may be taken for credit by juniors, seniors, EDUCATION
and graduate students, provided that a course so num- _
bered may carry graduate credit only with the approval June l4'JulY 8*3 haurs 9"aauata Craalt ·
of the studentls graduate committee. Courses numbered gnIy_
200 or above are open only to graduate students.
July II-August I5-3 hours groduote credit
C A L E N D A R July II-August I5-3 hours gruduote credit _
June I3 — C'°S$‘**°°**°“ Two woms iu eizour DYNAMICS
June l4—RegiStr¤ti0r’i July II-I5; July 25-29-] hour gruduote
June I5 - Classes begin €'€d'* °"lY-
June 18 - Lost clote to enter on WQRKSHOP IN GUIDANCE
Orgamzed Class July l8-22-I hour gruduote credit only.
Aug. 6 - End of Summer Session I
August I-5-I hour groduute credit only.

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