xt7f7m041q04 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7f7m041q04/data/mets.xml United States. Federal Highway Administration.; United States. Bureau of Public Roads.; United States. Federal Highway Administration. Offices of Research, Development, and Technology.; United States. Federal Highway Administration. Offices of Research and Development. 1940 v.: ill., ports.; 30 cm.. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 2.7: 20/8 journals English Washington: U.S. Federal Highway Administration etc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Transportation Publications Roads -- United States -- Periodicals Highway research -- United States -- Periodicals Public roads: a Journal of Highway Research October 1939 text Public roads: a Journal of Highway Research October 1939 1940 2019 true xt7f7m041q04 section xt7f7m041q04 ,,,, a ._ ~I .- r.- .- 7“?" -_.-' w" ' '- ' " . " 7 - .. - 1- W... ~Wfl—w .,._.- A— ~~~ «w . ~ A - - ’.' r "h" 2,4',"‘ "V ' I i ’ ‘. 7‘ m I}; - 2 ‘ ' fl, ' ‘I - :,~'. 5., », . , I . , . j A, I IEII ' 1: ‘ 2 2 ' I 27' 2 {3’ '33 I «I ’ 'r» - _.. ,...A . -.. ' I1, .11; “"“lllll “' 111"“ "'I "'llllllll'" "“1 I“ "II "'"III I" I :t‘.~ ' - 1 _ , III: III "2' «I: “"2 I I ‘ ' I : I'I‘I' 2,77, ) “HI" . 1" II I ' l lllllllll ll l ‘1 II I I m” 2‘ "I IIIIII||||| II... ..IIII ..III III..- _,.'...IIIIl III. III..- ..III ,IIIIIIIIIIIIII. ..IIIII 2..., ..III I: I: I, , I« I I H“; II {I IIRNAI. HIGHWAY RESEARCH = . - 6.2-- _ I I '. :“E * I - of ', 1 .‘I 7! "7‘ 'I I' i‘ I FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY | " L I . , I ,I .5 PUBLIC ROADS ADMINISTRATION - III. ‘ , II I; I a ‘ - I', ‘ I n V 1‘ '1 l l 1 I. ; I II -‘ ' VOL_. 20, NO. 8 V OCTOBER 1989 «,:-1‘1. 0, . ~ ' -——-——— II 2..: $ ' . .‘ I w'I- . , ,. .. ,, ,, ._ , - W, , , . «..- .,- ..,_-, ,, ,I I"; -'2 I- r «4' 75k ‘ 2414: - 2- L g : : .37.;- 7 Ir.- ‘ - ‘2 «23.15.; “Is'.'4.,,76’ER;,7.;1;,;--V..,"_;§.fi:.,that“ ' 52;,"1’2," y ' 7 ’7; ,', ”Ma-:73. ‘_ ‘ 7.7.. '3 . ,, ‘j- ' ‘5' 02”,, )~ 3 .I " ' .- . ' '2 "-"'¥:fi‘£‘vi47' .25 W 2’: " ‘2‘; 27.1: '- . . 2T 2. 2.3732»: ‘1 I '2‘? \o ' 22,2;- .."Q21' "2“—,-. Aka-”331477231213? *7-7 7" ', 1,; 7'” ' ' , ”Qw'ffiwf" "' 27 . ‘ " , 3 5" ‘ ‘ Him-3;.;455gfig5‘3} ., “~3‘i¢4(-,5714 .’ ‘ mgr-,2 ,- ”jdh.‘ I~ ' A?! .3: "5.72:2 ’ '2 I2. ” " ' . . 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I -, . :é' 9%,:13 .. _ {-2 2‘; «TM ~~Itr g2 2 2 WI:- I 3:1“; ,1. 31': 1. ‘ , 1 a 1 l 1 1 1 1 . \ l 1 DE‘ 1 1 1 1 11 UBLIC ROADS ’ > > A lourna11111 i 1. '} 1 l 1 ' 11 p} .- J . I Highway Research} . l l 5. ‘ ’2}; Issued by the 1‘ AN A } };‘ . ; FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY 1 1.. 1} 1 1 PUBLIC ROADS ADMINISTRATION 1 i f; , D. M. BEACH. Editor HIS R 5 1 1 1 11 Volume 20’ N0. 8 OCtOber 19311 TleSICh l} . _ 1 \l tions.1 .2 1 E1} ‘1 .3 ' The reports of research published in this magazine are necessarily qualified by the conditions of the tests from which the data are obtainell analytlcill . '\ } i 131‘ Whenever it is deemed possible to do so. generalizations are drawn from the results of the tests; and, unless this is done. the conclusion}; ,tlorllstf lglli } Q 1‘ f ‘ formulated must be considered as specifically pertinent only to described conditions. hlbcwirtifi a. 1 .1. I fill when 131 ‘ 1 1 1.3 1 As Show 1 21'}, . ‘ 3 problem ill '1 .l ' } ing two _12 1 1:} In This Issue ‘ mew-m1. »‘ ‘ 1 1 PM“ 1 analytlcal I i. } 1 1 j . . . ' l - gilt DeSIgn of a F111 Supported by Clay Underlaid by Rock . . . . . . . . . . . 157 OIulglfttfilgl ‘1} } ‘ 1; 1 _ ; nxls ' 1 1} _ _ _ . . _ , 3 1s con31dere 1,1 1‘ Slgmficant Trends In Motor-Vehicle Registratlons and Receipts . . . . . . . . . 163 in this dir .‘1 1 1:1; occur are ii :1 L 9' [l of the eartl {‘5 .‘ [111’ is, perpend .1? ‘ .21} . . _ . , The one :j _‘ }' ‘ THE PUBLIC ROADS ADMINISTRATION - - - - ~ - - - Willard Building, Washington, D. C; solutlofn pf ; ‘ 1.: . . . , . .. thato ens 1 1' ‘1 REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' FCdCral Bulldlng, CIVIC Center, San Franc1sco, Cali 110111‘ pI‘IIlCl _ ‘ 1 -; v A three are < 1.} i1“ made only 1 ; } DISTRICT OFFICES aPPhed- I 1‘ j 1 _ 1. The s 1 1 DISTRICT NO- 1- Oregon, WaSllington. and Montana. DISTRICT No. 8. Alabama. Georgia, Florida. 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The SC 1 ll ’1 . 711 U. 3. Courthouse. Kansas City, Mo. DISTRICT N [2 Id h d U h those that E i 11 } ,1 1 DISTRICT No. 6. Arkansas, Louisiana. Oklahoma, and Texas. 0‘ l a 0 an ta . Federal Building. OgdenUIIIl seems reas< 51 } ‘ 1 [.11 Room 502. United States Courthouse. Fort Worth. Tex. DISTRICT N 14 N h C I s h C I V (1 Well caused (lfy il' } .. ', '. "Han ‘ a to , 1}} DISTRICT No. 7. Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky. and Michigan. ° Gifginia’f‘m ma °”t 3” ma "gm m3: ie H?“ 11 1 11 1 '1 South Chicago Post Office Building. Chicago. Ill. } Montgomery Building, Spartanburgbcr; f h q 1? 1 l.‘ 1 o t e stress 1 1 l \w. .3 ‘11 1'1; Because of the necessarily limited edition of this publication it is impossible to distribute it free to any person or institution 011ml at (must/{Int 1 . j 11-1 than State. and county officials actually engaged in planning or constructing public highways, instructors in highway engineermti appl‘oximat: } - } : } and periodicals upon an exchange basis. At the present time additions to the free mailing list can be made only as vacanc1es 0661111: 4._In app 1 1 1‘ Those desiring to obtain PUBLIC ROADS can do so by sending $1 per year (foreign subscription $1.50), or 10 cents per single copti POIl'Sldered t . 1 ; 1.. to the Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 1 1:1: 61 280111) 131$ - , .1 ,1 \J \ l ‘}. -\—/ 1Principles of s i ‘ CERTIFICATE: By direction of the Commissioner of Public Roads, the matter contained herein is published as administrative information E} S. .Bal'ber, Pr( 1. H. and is required for the proper transaction of the public business. Abiiatlihligtiigfsfifi ‘ ,1 ‘ 178157— ; 1 E ' 5* I I still! i It, “ Ii » ii I I DESIGN OF A F ILL SUPPORTED BY CLAY , s ”ll UNDERLAID BY ROCK ”I team}; I I e LICATION OF SOIL MECHANICS IN SOLVING A HIGHWAY FILL PROBLEM II I i BY THE DIVISION OF TESTS, PUBLIC ROADS ADMINISTRATION -, i ‘ L: Reported by LJA. PALMER,_Associate Chemist I I ‘. I "f HIS REPORT is a continuation of the theoretical b fit» :I I , Oberwii Tconsiderations contained in two previous publica- I‘. UNIFORM LOAD , i Mons}? Its purpose is to present in usable form the - J , Bobtail analytical methods based on the assumption of condi— l a. I , f, tions of plane strain 2 and to extend. these analyses. to 'X o +X 3 ; I ""‘Im'll include the problem of d etermining the supporting 2 I '5 “‘ I power of a clay stratum supporting a symmetrical earth CLAY STRATUM 7 w" I I s: fill When the clay stratum is underlaid by rock. ROCK sumcs x '3‘ :5" . As shown in one of the'preVious publications2 a ”WM/Wmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmm ail,- ‘ problem involving Plane strain condlhons is one involv- / “"H ” W i M ” ”M ” ”” ""/ M ”’ H W ”7”" W "W” "/ ' III I ‘ ing two dimensions. The load is distributed over an ;i I {I ' area that is quite long as compared to its Width and the . II I is: 3;; analytical procedure is applied to a vertical cross section I 3; I7 i of unit thickness in the direction of the longitudinal +2 I “I ,5? axis of theload. This is taken-as the Y direction. It I I ' i , is considered that there is no displacement of material FIGURE 1-—UNIF0RM LOAD ON A LONG STRIP SUPPORTED BY III ’3 in this direction and that whatever SOll movoments 0“” UNDERLAID BY SOLID ROCK‘ IIII " occur are in the Z direction which is toward the center - - _ I j g; of the earth, and in the X or horizontal direction, that tilrlfiltsccilggkggc’h boundary below the clay constitute a ; II I ‘ is is; perpendicuIar to bOth the Y and 7' directions. . Probably the fourth assumption is the least valid of , I I f2; The analytical procedures used in the theoretical the four I ‘: I; “’ch solution 0f PI“? present problem involve two_theories, Since it is assumed that there is no displacement I I? I Go (Edi that Of .elastic1ty and that Of plastic ‘fthbrlufin’ and either in the fill or in the supporting soil in the direction I ’ 2‘ four principal assumptions ai‘le 11.1“) vedh T e first of the longitudinal (Y) axis of the fill, the problem is i I isii three are common to bOI’h t 601163.. T e_ fourth is one of plane strain. One vertical cross sectionperpendi- I II Ii made onlyrwhen the theory Of plastic equilibrium ls cular to the Y axis is the same as any other insofar as j' I II a, applied. hese fire-f h 1 d d stresses and deformations are concerned, assuming, of ;‘ I I Q . II The strengt‘ Q tT‘JLC ay strafiulm 61361111 slessen- course, that both the fill material and the supporting Ii I lemme" Ilfaf Y 0.11 “1300116510” . 1 e Strefilgt ue to t e element clay are, in themselves, homogeneous. Since the rock "I I? ‘E°'“"".% % rietionhis comparative yisma land mayhbe neg. ected. is supposedly rigid, it follows that there is no vertical ,- , ‘I Ishire’lI ence, w enever and wheiever tie unit s earing stress displacement of soil at this boundary. ‘ l I “L % becomes equal to the unit coheSion, c, the s01] becomes 1 I ,bmwN-‘I plastic and undergoes plastic flow; that is, the soil fails. STRESSES IN THE CLAYACOMPUTED FROM THEORY or ELASTICITY [I . I I d Dinii‘ ,, 2'fTI:€,adII\IIeSK1’.n Of the clay to film rOka surface is Carothers 3 has shown that'for a uniform load 1) per , ‘? I g: fig“ 60 ‘ b (IS ipplage occurs at_t 15} sur ace although unit area on a long strip of Width 2b (see fig. 1) at_the ‘ ,, , “smug veiyenldaaryth:rdIi-Jlgrgurlgggement m t 16 clay at pomts surface, the shearing stress, 3", at the rock surface is I I if . , I I, mag: 3. The soil deformations considered in this paper are _ ? I, 3 those that occur at an assumed constant volume. It s,z=g[sech—725£2Tb —sechg§2+Tb]___ _. . (1) ‘3 , km,“ seemsd ieasonablle to assume that the deformations ,; I i 3,- cause. y atera yield in the X direction occur during - - . - ‘vi t and ‘; aperiod of time that is brief in comparison with the Wlifrhi’szgxfirzgsifilfggss fidfr ihiifgfligiifgioggfidafi 3:1 I I vi ‘ tim ' ' ' ' - I: b I I I ‘““'F':% of tfi: Sgiégsgfagagtigfiif: 1abiliiiflilegldaefgfrfiiirtlisdifilsdddéoI; Other expressmns for stresses for. other types of surface , II I] d' y i ' e e u loading (see for exampleequation 12) are developed PII i of]; at co t ~ s - - , 1 from thetheory of elast1c1ty. When these express10ns 3 ,I :1: --, HS: ant volume, P0185011 S ratio ls talxen as 2 (the are used it is cons1dered that the clay mass has not been 5 III» aJPPI‘OXImate value). stressed to its ultimate supportingpower and is there- _ If ,5 0ch 4..In applying the method of plastic equilibrium it is fore not reduced to aplastic condition throughout. , III, :16 °°PI FOIESldered that the fill acts like an absolutely rigid body In the followmg discuss1on equations 2, 3, 4, and 8 {psi s in its production of stresses in the clay stratum when are those frequently seen in texts on the theory of III .1 _ Win the plastic state Thus the fill above and elastimty.‘1 II I .P- -1 - - . . . T— u - I ~ . . ‘4: ,_ E, 3,: gig: °§sis$3e§f$g°§ §I$i§§°ii7§$alfcif 11110333523333? Mitedfiglifée'gir ind Ps03$?5523i:iéi‘lfon‘i‘iti‘i’iifiisfifiiiiihg5,33???ifoiifiigfifiiif’bis.gagiif’the’s’ I s ‘2‘": Ab t D es of $011 Mechanics Involved in the Design of Retaining Walls and Bridge ‘ See, for example, pp. 8—20, incluSive, of Theory of Elastimty, by S. Timoshenko. -,‘ , u ments, 11- A. Palmer, PUBLIC Roms, vol. 19, No. 10, December 1938. MeGmw-Hill Book 00., lst. ed., 1934. y, I) s I, 178157‘39 157 ”‘3‘ a.“ I Ii ’ - “II :11? ‘ I ,1, I - "‘II i '3 ' ri‘ ‘ "' . 1* 11777 311 1.111 ‘ W i 11': ‘ f .“s i :1 ' 1 - l . .7 7 *7 ,1 _111 158 P UB L I C R 0A D S VOLNNM October. 11 1 1 1‘1 1 11 m g;— 77 7 '1 7 2 E7 The fundamental strain relations are — _“‘—— as ori 1:1 1 771—“; (bd—B :1 problé. 1 P k from . 7 77 €2=EV[PI—fl(py+Pa)]———————————~(2) i1. ‘- d ' 7 1 '1 17 ‘ BS 3 7 ‘ 7 7:77 1 1 1 giltlhe ._77 717i e'I=E‘[5p”—7”(PI—740271“"""""‘(3> ‘ k a clay ‘1 ‘ 1 117.11 ' 1— 7X 0 77 7151371717775 11 17111 171 €1=ELPz—HHUEmMgMMmHK 711.137.11.11. , . aai, . craw-i oo o. 1 19 12.11 . 1 " 51111 .7‘ _ 77177737772711 1 ' I fit“: 1 1 11 Vol. ”No.1 October 1939 1. 1'1 a A 1 ill as originally devised and a ' 159 '1 ' pplled b Pr 7 l - Frofilfigtlllustrated by figure 3’ the 131% {13(11th fit; the E . f1. 10 S 3.111316% tgvotriglcl plates. Certain equati O 8011 - 11“ l . s res es e erived 1n the application Th Ons for H c 1 11 efill‘lessmnfilfor the stresses will be used in the enlth'ese ‘1, )1 O 1 6 pr: 1? m of the fill: ABOD: figure 4 su $01; 1111011 A i 1.1 —++x a my; 111 um underlald by rock. Fir’st gfp 01116‘ b-y 111‘; 1 1 25121115174 ( Es. 3 and 41) that h is either equgfl t g 11 is _X «fireh \‘ .1 1 . _ n no case 111 the following dev 1 or eSS aw _—’ —* —>—._.D I h be conmdered as greater than b /4 eqopment may CW 2 new .X 5 follows. ' - he SOlutlon ._”°W newly/1c: h 111' —* 2b ~fiemi~1 “‘" 1'11 P _ z 1 1 1 AREA AED~ AREA ABC‘D q=suppunrme POWER :3}? mama or SAFETY- q 1 1 1 . FIGURE 4.—Sma ’ 5 1 _ RIGID PORTING P 1 1 ,. . SUPPORTED- ‘ FRAEAE r . BY ROCK, M23131) OOFF (EILAY LAYER UNDERLAID 1 4— “. .‘ ’ v” FLow OF ENCKY' ‘1 " ring Stre —-FI7{5TIC MATERIAL 5:60' b 1 i 1 , ' SS =60' 1r 1‘ :1 ‘ ' 1: ’. 1 dlng 15m" SLIP LINES B ‘E 1 131 10 and 12 H=26%' ' ‘ C ‘j, , 1: ofhandb. pzwfl 111 smax~ de Z / 1 30' . . 11 11 1 FOI,‘ ex- ‘Ifl... —__AA ' 30 _’T‘_40' \‘ 1. 11 1 l- .--_, D—->X 111 .S l b then 217"“—Evl.«_fi+li_oX z QFLOW I‘- SEA; W'T” A UNIT COHESION 1‘ 11 2 i -X LL FLOW4__ ~h —>FT_o_v1/-—+X 0° POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT 2h=%b=30' . 11 1‘ « fl. 7 ROCK SURFACE " 1 he Clay has 7&1) _ 5x1 : c 1 Wmémemwam ma'm 1 4 . ~~ __ I / 4 A ,, M I , , , 1. . 913.131 -- Z b — .w ,, ,I/W1 11 x=gggd511 FIG DISTRIBUTION OF STRESS / / m 1 11 Uli’ingss—ngggifgnogg litvEAIIiLURE IN A PLASTIC MATERIAL FIG 2 1 ll W11 OUGH PARALLEL PLATES' sgnggivi—si?§ficmli OF EHE SUPPORTING POWER 0F A C 1 51 l . E 'I 1 load Igllslaleefigmgrbq pressed between the plates b ROCK. D ETWEEN A FILL: ABC'D, AND Selig: 1 1 I ' ’ eCO ( ' y a: . _ 1 j], tcohesmn. Wlth _a constant maxififis a pfiastic mass, flow occurs Equatlon 17 is now solved b a ‘ 11 11 1 equation, . m s ear expressed by the Pends. on 2 alone and not ony Ssummg that-8,2 de_ 1' 11 5 and the “ equatlon 17 reduces to 1'- When thls IS true 11‘ -l smax =\/l:pz;p95:r 2 62 11 ' r = ' . 8 1 ‘ '2 +833 the unlt’ 0011881011 6 0r #OZ:Z=0""“-——— _‘_-~__— (18) l“ 211 __ _ — Which is re (1'11 ' ‘1 1:1 P: p —i2 02_ 2 a y Integrable anl - - 1‘” aficiording to theorv 8 ;CO 3/ 8“ "-2-03) 8 _I’{ ‘ there Is Obtalned 1 1 18m”, may CPHdltlons_ There aré,t‘:flgzbtl IlS 51.1113th under these _ 22— 1_l—‘K:‘Z~Z————___________ 19 1 , C rlum 1er e uat The h ' @112 The ,namely’ q Ions of equ111b_ the uni: earing stress 8“ cannot anywhere 3 1 1 .mg_ stress, 0 b t ‘ _COhesion, If K1 be taken as exceed 6, ‘1 .- btamed iii 8:52 W0 Stlalght llnes (th zero, there are 1 1 l and 02: +E20” ‘ ‘ ’ " - - > — , — — — _ _ (14) filg‘ 3), the equatioDS (ff $13311; filed 210W“ bOUIldaries, i "I 11 'DAMENTAL SiggngEmh £0,116 Shearing stress Szzbebgrrltegd sZ=—h 11 quilibrium g—Z)‘+%=0 In theyprtlaggntoissf sum=sxz at the reek (rigid) 53:13:: I :11 tions illus- Z 533 ‘ " ’ " ‘ ‘ ‘ ' * - - — — — (15) 2: ih, Which forme t ere are . two rigid Surfaces at 1 i ,0 the 0011- The stresses 1; The si 11 of K . na ural llmltS for the plastic m, . 1 ,. . Id , equat. :57 P2, and 8“ ma b d . g 2 111 equatIOn 19 d 3155. 1 .: 1 ’ the (he Ions 13, 14 and 15 Y e Qtermmed from Szz=+c or s =—c f0 epends on whether ‘ 1 ' clay layer respect to x and 114 With - Dlflerentlatlng 15 with then for Klzfzo e u t_I‘ Z=h- If for z=+hy 8“: +0 1 1111 I‘face area. there is Obtained I'espect to z and subtracting- , q a 1011 19 becomes , 1 1 2 . i . LteS whese Szz=smx = +021“ 3 1 1 andtwhlch 02 528 2 0r - 2 1 j .1 . ‘3) IS 031:. met—17,):VZL %s_:_ (16) K C :11 Slon an 1 Sub - . _ at "”"n— 2+1 ,3: 0f 11113611181 Stltutmg equation 13 in equation 16 and th 2 h 11 i2 be shown 52 __ 62 ’ erefore for any Value of 2 between +h and l :11.- ition Problem ig—ch—S 2=i§_ 328" —— L, 1 1' ,vol. 21,No.11 —\ 51352 ”z a 2 —2-______ (17) c? 1.1“ en Karma 11. 1 71“ mud“. Zeitschrm m: mg \r th 2 bx _ _ 8“: +711 - — — - — — — _ _ _ - (20) 111 g, p. 29], p.141» -. 1 a ematik und Mechanik, 1. 6, ' . . . _ _ _ _ 1- 1, 1 :00. v0 1923 by substitution 1n equation 19, ‘11111 :1111 x11 11" ‘ " 11 7'» if. ‘11 (213171 ; ‘ ~ ‘ 12‘ 2 ‘22 i2 . : I 12 .2 2; 2 2 1 5 22- E 1 22 2 160 P UB L I C R 0A D S Vol.20N92 0220b, .2 ‘22 ‘2 2 2 My ; 2 222 22 2 Now, from equation 14, Therefore or ;2 22 22 ‘ __C(b—_x) __ 2 2 3 :1 banana ire __g (21, er 22021 ”‘W (23 2 2:2“ 23 2 Or be — 02 h — h“”" ‘11.: 1 . $21) The 2 ‘ 222 12 and from equation 15, 292— h ""”"_"""‘ (292 Stm 1 2.11 1 2 21 23 . d - ‘ 2 112. a . as a an In” 2112 .1: 1 1/ _—_'_~___— .1 2 12 " 2 2 22 1 . . . . 0]] l 2 2 2 By integration, equations 21 and 22 yield At the boundaries, 222—12 and z: _}22 othé ‘5 ‘ .11 2 2, f2: 1 ex 1‘5 " 2 1 = — — —‘ that 22 2 2222 ‘22 2” h +f1(2)“"“"“""(23) 1022;55:167—96) and su=smx.=ic. 5 1 ”'22 32 12. 11311 1 and 25531 22 2 222 22 272=f2(9c) ____________- _ __ (24) HENCKY’S METHOD APPLICABLE IN FILL DESIGN 22222 22 :2 2122122 1 , . , ‘ 322 2 2.2222 3 .2 2 . . From equation 29 it is seen that p, is a maximum 21 1 “952‘: 2 2518885020“ 3132’ where f 1f (z) 115 a fugctllon 0f 2 alone and when 23:0, and diminishes as 90 increases (6 is positive 22 2 2 2 .2 s a unction o a: aone. _Ot1f1 (2) and f2 (ac) th "crht d t‘ tl If f OZ 1 2' "2‘ 2' must be so determined that equation 13 on - e “b an nega we on - 16 et_ 0 )‘ The 22 2 2 ’2 2! ’ loadipg on tlhe surfaces of plasitic clay is therefore tIi- whei 1 ‘ 2_ 222 — angu ar as s own in figure 3 a though the load applied 2 22.222 2: Pz—Pz: iQW/Cz—szZ—un—"u (13) toff‘he rigid frames is uniform. 2 22 22: 212.1 . . . . H . . he problem illustrated in figure 4, a fill, [MOD 2 22 2.2222 2 “7le 1be 532;:Sfiffd' S liquation 132115 0511219411 the condition supported by a clay stratum underlaid by rock, is con- Hen 222 :22: 222 2 0 P_ as 191 3’2 2n stituting t e V3 ues for P2 andpx Sidered next. The computation of the supporting 1- . 22 .2222 2 as given in equations 23 and 24 and for s“ from equation power, q, of the soil layer, figure 42 is based on 2222 whe 2 222122 22 20 m equation 13 there 195111“: assumption that the structure, ABOD, is absolutely 2- 22‘ 2 222 2 22 rig2c2. Thisbassumption isequifvalent to saying that the hem 2'23 252 222 5‘ I2 f2(x)+c~x—'f1(2)= i2cJ1iéTlfi______ (25) $01 ayer is etween two rigid rames, the fill above andl T' 22 ‘2 212 1 h the rock below. But in order to use equations 28, 29. ‘ 2 22122 2 and 20, derived for soil between two plates, there must regi 22 22 .2222 22 Putting x=0 in equation 25. Then be made another _ Simplifying assumption for th1 3214 2 ‘22 22222 22 problem fillustigftteddiil: figlilire 4, which is that the mast T 232 22 f (Z):K:2:20_\/T:2—h2‘ where K=f (0) ance to OW o ere V t e soil in the clay layer to the 123 2 :1 1 2/’ 2 ' 1f “ ' - 22 2 . 21 2 2 e t of A and to the right of D (figure 4) is small enough pow 22 22 522232 22 Putting 2:0 in equation 25. Then (reéapifielyfi tphbe neglecitqd: t' t' 2,2 2:2 22 1 a ese simp 1 ying. assump 110118 equaions 22 22 222: 2 2 f 2 ) K cx h K f (O) 2 28, 2f9, wild 2O laplply in cfpmputing the supporting power, star 2 222. 1222 22 2 x = ——, W ere = 1 i c. » q, o t .e soi ayer gure 4. Since the structure: 22 2.22 2:22 i. h AfiOD, 1s 21gid, thélan’ according to equation 29 theddis- 0f t 222 2222 222222 2 2 . __ tri ution o Vertica pressure, p2, at the upper boun 1112 2 225 ‘222 22 11135211320261??? Séfiglgeflelfiigggéiic—f2(0)‘ Hence (figure 4) is triangular. The same vertical stress dist12- S- 2 122' 22212 2" By substitutionyin equations 23 and 24 there results bution at this boundary WOUld be realized in fwd safe 2221 222| 2 ‘ ‘ ’ 7 the load diagram, ABCD, becomes triangular, AER belo 22 12222 2 ex the area of ABC’D and that of AED being identical com 222 2-2 2222 2 pz=K—— 272F202/1_z2/h2,________ (26) since the total load of the fill cross section (1 foot th102 1, 222 2 22 2 and H111 the direction perpendicular to the plane of fig. 4)L‘ 2, 2 2 2222 22 t e same. 3. 22 . 2 3 2 P _K_c_x (27) ( The i20t1'112vertical florce, P, on a strip of unit Width B0 .2 2, :22 :2 2_ h “"”"“"“ y=1 g.4 on thepane boundary z=h is 4 , 1 122 7 J 7 . 22 22 2522? 22 where K_is a constant. (I b peg 2 222 222} 22 Equations 26 and 27, together with equation 20, 13:22 Pzd$=2[ M3 he -' 2 222 ‘22“ 21-1 completely determine the stresses at any point in the 0 - 0 h in? 22 2 2 2 plastic mas