xt7f7m041v0b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7f7m041v0b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-04-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 14, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 14, 1998 1998 1998-04-14 2020 true xt7f7m041v0b section xt7f7m041v0b  



By Manish Bhatia
Slit/l ll 'rirer

March is usually marked by frenzied
people breaking their piggy banks, hop—
ing to avoid an atidit )y the dreaded
Internal Revenue Service.

l5aniilies across the Commonwealth,
however, can place their trust in an
attractive savings plan that helps promote
higher education in the state.

A new state bill passed on March 26
rives Kentucky families savings for col—
lege a break in federal taxes.

“The new federal law allows partici—
pants to defer federal taxes on earnings






until the student uses the money," said .lo
Carole lillis. assistant program adminis-
trator of the Kentucky l‘iducational Sav-
ings Plan Trust.

l‘illis said the trust has been in exis-
tence since WW) and offers several advan—
tages to participants. For instance, fami-
lies arc exempted from state tax on their
earnings and enjoy a competitive rate of

The trust offers a means to save for the
cost of attending college. In order to be
eligible, at least one individual in the fam~
ily must have state ties such as employ-
ment and residence or have family mem—
bers who do.





However. a penalty may be assessed
for cancellation of the account depend—

ing on the length of participation of

the individual. In addition, the trust
does not guarantee the beneficiary
acceptance to a higher education insti—

“Last year there was a federal law
passed towards state sponsored college
savings program," l‘illis said. “\Ve
approached the state assembly to make
changes in state law to qualify under a
federal law. This enabled tis to become a
qualified federal program."

State Sen. Fred Bradley was responsi—
ble for the changes that led to an amend-

WEATHHI Partly sunny this
afiemoon, big/.1 near 70.
Cloudy tonight, [01.” of )'()..llild
tomorrow, big/J near 75 .
NEW DIMENSION filly Glam,’storring
Billy (.‘ijsml aml (ibeorgbe .lllireszm big on

cost. not plot. See Diversirms, page 4.

cd state law.

“It was necessary to make these
changes to allow the l\entucky program
to be a qualified program under the litter
nal Revenue Service code," said Paul P.
Borden, executive director of the Ken—
tticky Higher l‘idtication Assistance

“The state legislative assembly helped
conform the program to federal guide-
lines so that individuals participating in
the program will get the maximum advaw
tage," he said.

According to the trust guidelines. a
person needs to file a participation agrecr
ment along with a photocopy of the bene—



April 14, 1998



- (Jun/1m 2

Z (.lilnlfli'ila 7 Spill'li 5

(,"ronz'onl 7 l'It'Ii‘po/HI 5


DII‘t’I'iIoI/t 4






'88 tax Gllt

ficiary‘s birth certificate. The person is
required to name a beneficiary at the time
of opening an account, the niiitiinnin
contribution for which could be .is ltm as

Other features of the program include
the ability ofthe beneficiary to lt.i\e mul-
tiple accounts with the funds being avail
able for attending any school as described
in Section 4?“ of the Higher liducation
Act of 1069.

In order to find out more about llic
Kentucky l“.tlllL‘;lllt)li‘.ll Savings Plan
Trust, you can call 144004“: ()4 IS oi
visit the group’s web

site .it


A Dry

M emliers of FarmH onse



By Aaron Sandertord

(film/mi lid/(or

Student speculation on the
fiittire ofGreek life at UK took a
negative turn in the wake of last
week‘s Board ofTrustees decision
to eliminate alcohol in chapter

Much discussion hinges on the
loss of alcohol and the ineasiire's
potentially sobering effect on the
Greek community. It‘s as if all
hope is lost.

That simply is not the case.

One need look no further than
the South Campus Six Pack to
find a century—old experiment that
gives Greeks and independents a
clearer picture of what’s to come.

That experiment is Farm-
l’armllousc fraternity has

maintained dry chapter houses
since its national inception in
1006. The Farml louse chapter at
UK was founded in 1951, and the
policy has been a recruiting tool
for years.

Junior Active Brad llopperton.
a biology freshman, said the policy
is a big part ofthe reason he chose
llarml louse.

“l went over to different houses
(during rush), and they didn't
mention a lot ofthings that were
very important to me," Hopper—
ton said. “All they talked about
was how much they partied, and I
just wanted close friends you


could rely on."

llopperton said he was hooked
when be compared the living con-
ditions of other Six Pack chapter
houses to Farml louse. He said
Farnil louse offered a clean,
studysfriendly place to live as

fina’ comfort in tradition

opposed to the other hotises he

Chapter Secretary Garry
\Veston said the physical appear—
ance of the Farinllouse chapter
house and the study environment
the facility offers opened doors for
the fraternity.

“I think it’s opened our recruit—
ing to those individuals that
wouldn't be considering a frater—
nity," \Veston said. “I'm sure their
parents are much more willing to
let their children participate in
this fraternity, because of the
stereotype ofdrinking."

The fraternity‘s emphasis on
scholastics pays off, said Tony
Blanton, assistant dean of stu—
dents. Farmllouse members have
achieved better grades than the
male average at UK for all but one
semester in the past two years.

He said the self-enforced alco-
hol—frec environment is exactly
the type of monitoring system the
University hopes the Greek com-
munity will eventually be able to
use. Last week's measure called
for a live—in University employee,
much like a resident adviser, to be
placed in each fraternity house
and enforce the policy.

“I think they can be a really
good role model for the Greek
community, because they have
maintained their alcohol—free
environment without the Univer—
sity having to place someone in
the house," Blanton said. “\Ve
don't want to be in a situation
where the University has to check
up on them all the time; we want
the iiietiibers to do that them—

Farmllouse President Charlie







HOBIE HILER A, ,, ,, ,n

"00"" II "P illemliers of Finn/House fraternity say that the house's ulcoliolifi'ee polity was a major retro/ting tool. The l.'/ii:'rltx'/f_v. :i'liii'li passed a tom/ili Ii
[Ian on alroljol in Ill/fraternity houses last week. is enrom‘aging orberfraremit/es to look at [vim/Home forgliitltmce.

Some fraternity members tlyinle policy is stifling

By Mark Fister
Smfi ‘ H 'r: tar

Members of UK's fraternities
could see it coming. All on-cams
pus houses must go dry by next
semester, as mandated by the Uni-
versity"s Board ofTrustees.

Dave Lanham. house mana er
for Phi Gamma Delta social ra-
ternity, said it was inevitable.

“Attitudes were changing," said
Lanham, a civil engineering

senior. “It was going to hit here

Keviiijoynt, chaplain and for-
mer president of Al ha Tau
()mega social flfaternity,
expressed his fraternity’s disap-
proval of the ban.

“The general consensus in our
house is a dislike of the new rule,"
saidjoynt, an accounting senior.

Joynt said he opposes it mainly
because it restricts the right of fra-
ternities to take care of their own


“We govern
well," he said.

joynt said AT()‘s party rules
include checkin r IDs and making
sure all alcoholic beverages are
controlled by a central bartender.

He said the new rule shows
how UK's administration views
the fraternities‘ ability to control

“In an implicit way, they're sayw
ing, ‘We don't think you‘ve han—

ourselves very

dled yourselves well in the past.”
_loynt said.

The ban also includes fraterni~
ty members who are legally old
enough to purchase and drink
alcohol. Those people are not
allowed to bring alcoholic bever»
ages that they bought for them—
selves into the houses.

.loynt believes this is a suppres—
sion ofone‘s rights.



programs add

10 argument

By Jessica Coy

.‘lsmmm .Vmi't I‘illror

Here we go again.
The University Senate voted
today to allow the College of



; Y

IE allo

Architecture and the landsca e
architecture program in the
College of Agriculture keep
their plus/minus grading sys-

The College if Architecture
applied for the exemption on the
basis that they should be consid-
ered a professional college
because they have high level
courses that only students with the
colle e can take.

“' be approved proposal only
affects the 800 and 900 level
courses that can only be taken by



people who are in the colleges, so
I don't feel that the decision to let
them keep the plus/minus system
is not that big of a deal," said Jim
Applegate, chair of the University
Senate Council.

Melanie Cruz, president of the
UK Student Government Associ~
ation, did not agree.

“I think the fact that one col~
lege got an exemption will
prompt others to try and get pro-
fessional status so they ma do the
same." Cruz said. “I feel ike this
puts us back at square one in the


lus/minus exe

fight for a uniform University
grading system."

The only thin separatin the
College of Architecture rom
other colleges is the fact that they
have 800 and 900 level courses,
but with this precedent, other
colleges may petition to at their
course numbers changcdlso that
they will be eligible for the same
type of exemption, said George
Myers, a social work senior and
senator for the College of Social
Work, who voted against the


-.. . «a... «Mne.


.-._--,._ .....

Myers said that des me the
fact that the SGA passed a reso-
lution last year which said that all
the senators would agree to vote
together against plus/minus

rading, several senators voted
for the proposal to allow the
College of Architecture and the
landscape architecture program
to keep their plus/minus grading

“We did research that proved
that 75 percent of students
wposcd the plus/minus system.

c approved that resolution

a m“ ‘ 1


because we wanted to vote for
what the students wanted, and
that was an end to the plus/minus
system throughout the universi-
ty," Myers said.

Nate Brown, senator for the
College of Communications said
he voted for the roposal because
students and facu ty in the College
of Architecture wanted it.

“Over ninety ercent of the
students in the colic c wanted to
keep the system, an I didn't see
why they shouldn't be able to,"
Brown said.





 o *‘O’v* . .

Kentucky Kernel, Thursday. April H. 1998

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IiditorlnChicf .......... .. ............................... Jmmf’er Smith
Managing Editor ............................................ (1111s Campbell N z- l t d G k S t
.. ................................................ a iom s u y encaumging or UK 766 ys em
N Iid't ..................................................
‘cws _‘,°_' .Matlleri'on By Mat Herron itity ( (inference whiLh alottg who are very imbitious and yery lhe study “shows nationally
(‘JIT‘P‘P l.d1tor \f """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" AaronSandcrford \1211 [.11an with tlte National Panhellenic aLtiy'e, you get swept up in that that they re doing things right to
assistantls'cyvs Editor ---------------------------------------- indfismcol Conference, is based iit lndi- activism,’ said llarris L KsPan- enhanLe their aLademiL success
Editorial LAND! ................................................ Todd Hash Men and women iny'nly'cd in anapolis. . . hellenie President and a broadcast here." \V est said. .
Sports Editors ......................................... _I ay G. Tate, Rob llcrlist fraternities and sururitics are less I o a lot of fraternity and soror— Iournalism sophomore. “ I lie peer Bradford said the conferettce is
Assistant Sports Editor ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, MatthcwMay likely to drop out (It'sL-hool more ity leaders the study also puts the pressure is positi\e peer pressure. lookiitg iitto what the third cont—
Entertainment Editor ''''' ...................... ..........0J sapkm likely to gi\e iitore money as proof in the pledging. Sororities and frater— ponent of the study w1ll
AssistzntEnteminmentEditor LulLeSaladin aluiiini and alumn 1L. and more I think itJtrovidL-s indeen— nities are notorious )e She speculated that
""""""""""""""""""" Iiker to )artici )atc in more dent cottcrete ata verifyin I some for tuttin )ressure the conference will fol-
K GEdito “Ma Dces - I i 5 I . g I
c r """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" I7 extracurricular activities than non- of the claiiits that are being on their members to low- -up on some of the
0’11““ Editor ----- . ------------------------------------ AndreasGustzfsson (ireeks. made," said I issa Bradford Lhair— make their organiza- existing data, rather
PhotoEditots ...............,.......................MattBarton,]amcsCrisp 'l‘hat’s what a new study- woman of the .\'P(.'. “Ihis is the tions look good on than start with a new
anliicsEditor ............................................. Chris Rosenthal released by the National Panhel— first time there s beett arty empiri- caiitpus." Any timeyou Ulliective.
SeniorStaffWritcr ................................................ J ill Erwin aniL (Inni‘L'rL'iiLL' rL'iL'ils ind it L“Ida”"’lm'l‘m'P ,3“ Ii" 5“ "”“F‘g” mrround your— 'th “N “I“!
D . ........ . Harris, Sheri Phalsa hie, Gina Sti 'ld LChri‘R 5 MM speaks voluittes for IILIIIg (ireek Bradford who also serves as co- life, the immediate which took the better
,IenSmith,A$ltlee p i e 3 0c .1 friternity and sororit}'off1cials thtirwoman of the LottferenLes contact with large seywitbdyIZIie part of the “No-()7
The Independent Newspaper «The Umvcmty ochntucky said. task form on alcohol- free housing groups like firateriti— group ofpep school year to colit—
Foundedin I894 ..................................... Independent since 1971 (.‘LleuLtL-Ll by the (LL-mer for said this new erurt bolsters thL tiLs and sororitiLs 1:751?”er plete, showed that fra—
026Grchanloumaltsm Bldg UniversityochntuL-lty Advanced Social Research at [th initiative to make all fraternities gives studentsa good a mama" ternity Illctnhcrs were
Lexington, Kentucky‘IOSOé- 0042 L'niyersity of .\Iissouri— (‘oltunlyia adopt the dry housing policy. base when tltey start 0873' active you less satisfied with their
Ywfimmpyaflb: Kflmlt Kmdisfin. the findings are the second part of “It doesn't mean abstinence." Lollege. g et swept up in college experience than
Brtrnmpitrarefl. Omit. -.1 three- part study driven by oIII- she said. “It just means having an “It‘s so much easi— €13 t ,, non (ireL-ks
' Lials at the 1 Vational Paithellenic atmos here that s tttore condULiye er to adIust to a col- a “this”, “ [his study ls‘ askin r
i) l h V h h h L
(otthrcttLe and its counterpart IUSIUH. egc campus w en t cm W at t ey
the National lnterfraternity' (‘ on- “\V ltat we re hoping it is goittg vou start out iii a "any “gm; would ve done Lillie!“
ferenLe to say to the young men and large network" llarA Panbellmirpmtdmt ently," Bradford said.
o Researchers interviewed [.51] women who Join the Greek orga- ris said. “\Vhen “And they would hate
' (ireek and non-(ireck alumni and nizations is that there are very you're ittyolyed in .111 spent less time drinking
alumnae from November 1097 positive things that happen that organization, you're and partying and more '
SERVICE until February I998. affeLt their future liyes. ” expeLteLl to be aLtiye You st art to titite taking advantage of the edu-
mgakmummm Among the other results, Bradford said the study is belieye 111 the ideas that they push c .1tional opportunities."
researchers also found that (ireeks important to colleges and univer- here it the Lniyersity I he study will be sent to all
felt better about the soLial aspect sities because it tells the campus Peer support resulting from colleges and universities that have
NEED IMMEDIATELY of colle e life administrators and facul L the u erclassmen inentoiin , as well fraternities, sororities or both, all 1
g ty PP g
DEPENDABLE PEOPLE “ I o a lot of people th- .113 not (ireek corntttunity is important to as solid educational programs are told more than 800 schools. Brad- 1
Servers a big surprise but it s good to their campuses sonte of the reasons that con— f-ord said, and also will be sent to I
Kitchen Help h ‘HL solid reseath 1., SUPPUH lhe results came as no surprise tribute to higher retention and presidents and vice presidents for 1
that LI aim 'said Steye /i//o to Holly Ilarris. ittore alumni and alumnae partici- student affairs Greek advisers I
Bartenders assoLi ite executive yiLe presi- “.\ny time you surround your- pation, said Susan \Vest. Dean of. and Paithellenic and IF( presi— I
Clean-up dent at the N '1tion'1l Ititerfiater- self with a large group of people Sororities at L'K. dents
Janitorial t
Light Industrial-Lift 50 lbs ‘
' \
Clerical-All Shifts i
Grooms ' ' the fraternity houses he said it is which have been dry for several ty is dry wouldn t make good fra— A
Paternlt'es still awkward that a 21- -year— old years. teritity material anyway, McLain
Apply or Call member Lan go to a local bar and \Iichael .\Icl ain of Delta said. ‘ I here s more to it than S
225-6575 drink but is not erittitted to S1 rma Phi saidresionsible )eotle drinkinr.” p
S‘ l .. d P {-1 I I l is C
577 West Main St L 07716 me?” 7375 n drink 111 his own room. should be allowed to make their Ile said a fraternity is a place 0
. i ' ‘ ‘ I III and I‘armllouse were dry own decisions. where )Lo )Ie can develo ood
goodwill ‘ fl , n . . I I p g
LEXIHgLOI‘I . (EOE) new pain), All ”lg before the passage of this new rule “I ll be 21 soon. said .\Icl.a1n, leadership and social skills. k
From PAGE1 and fraternity houses that aren t a sports management iunior. joynt concurred with McLain.
‘ ‘ owned by the school such as “Knowing that Id be responsible “\Ve don‘t look for a recruit I“
% g7wzg (”52/ “People pay rent for their Delta laii Delta and Sigma Pi are I d be pretty upset. that is just here to party, Joynt .- I:
. roonts and can't drink 111 them," itot affected by it. \Icl. aindoesn t believe the ban s1id.“lf that s their reason for .:
_onnt said. Delta Sigma Phi doesn't have will affect fraternity rush next fall. itot wanting to accept a bid here, . 5‘
\Vl1ile L'K can dothisbeL-ause its own house but does hold “People who won't ioin we dont want them here any- i O
of. a stipulation itt its lease with functions at sorority houses, because theirprospectiy'e fraterni— way. I
. II] II V
; ‘ V I t
r‘ U I I Ii 0 ‘\\ hen vou recruit somehod shift baLk to community seryice ltel tin members become better i
.1} I g .
'1 arm “"88 for Farmliouse (the policy) is and shift it away frotii the negatiye people Blanton said
L told to theitt front the be in— drinkin stereoty ie \V eston “Farmllouse hasty teallv been 4*;
V’ " I h d. “I g l. g i} h f P d
. ‘ / . ning 1c enor sai t is a saiL w at a raternity is suppose to
\ Otbffi S e71€0u711ged completely different environ- Blanton agreed. be concerned about the aca- B}
r . ' ' ‘,' ment, because there is no alcohol “In the short term, you will demics of. their members con- Br
* ’0 777177216 FH p01“ 16: on the remises. " lose sonte marginal numbers and cerned about teaching their ment-
31' me r S p
[drum PAGE1 \V eston said there is still .1 huge we aren I going to l. e drtwing as bers about the realities of life,"
hurdle for other fraternities to many of those people in the sys- Blanton said. R1
, a. week , 1: < { 'I‘iLhenor said the lifestyle at Llear. He said rLLruttant at many tent ‘;Bltnton said. “I think larntllouse p'royes le1
. : Q 1 1rmllouse IL L-ompletely differ— houses will take a dip but that In the longteritt campus lead- that .111 a-lLohol free facility is not CH
* ' Lnt than at other Lampus ch 1pter doesn I mean all is lost ‘ ers will turn to the (ireek Sy steiit going to cause the downfall ofthe f“
Relaxd Atmospher § housLs. “Ihis may just make the focus because the emphasis will shift to (Ireek community." re
' . . . =' hL.
. . . 1
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Non-traditional students aided in return to UK

By Erin McMorrow

(.‘oim'ilmting Writer

If you squint hard you will
see a faint glow in the distance.
The light at the end of the
tunnel is almost here .. sum—
mer. But what if something
happened to you this summer
and you couldn’t return in the
fall? \Vould you ever come

For non-traditional students
the light is visible once again
thanks to the Back to School
Workshop for Adults sponsored
by Central Advising.

The free, one‘evening work~
shop, offered in fall and spring,
provides advice from faculty and
current non—traditional students
on successfully re-entering col~
lege life.

The workshop attracts adults
who have never attended col«
lege, have previously attended
but not completed college, are
seeking to further their career
opportunities or looking for


so. as rm aims THAT'RE :09; :deme

“6”“ 5|“ “TEE TRAGEDIES MW! 96“ 5° OW-
N Joneswlo m‘ Room“! *5" SIDE out 152 mow,
man's mar met W? I ma» M‘ Home: SMnX'

(1’ mo mum‘ro Do «it was! WM WW! on: w n
iF most Lawns HADN'T'A SM ““‘m‘

l'bME. met mum never:

must: rum









IIBIIIS transitions

personal enrichment in educa-

As part of the workshop, a
short presentation is given by
non—traditional students who are
close to graduation.

The presentation is a testi-
monial where the students dis«
cuss jugUIing school, a full~time
job ant a family. A faculty
tnember also discusses the value
adult students bring to the

This spring’s presentation
will be given by human environ—
mental sciences professor Sandra
Miller and social work major
Carol Nelson.

After the presentation, a
group from Lexington Commu—
nity College will discuss the
advantages of community col-

LCC also administers aca-
demic assessments to determine
whether a student requires
remedial courses.

Amy Luchsinger, adviser and
co-coordinator of the Back to

School Workshops, said LCC is
a “ver important" stepping
stone for non—traditional stu-

Ann Mullins, a journalism
junior and non—traditional stu‘
dent, began classes at LCC
before transferring to UK.

“I was scared of coming back
to school. LCC had smaller
classes and a smaller campus,"
Mullins said.

“IfI had started at UK the
size would have overwhelmed
me. I was less intimidated at

To better address the needs of
each student, the participants are
broken down into three grou 5:
those who have never atten ed
college before, those who have
attended UK before and those
who have attended a college
other than UK.

Luchsinger said the largest
group is those who have never
attended college before.

The pro ram closes with a
financial aid; representative dis-


Greeks continue debate

By Emily Fink
Brown Daily Herald

Robert Miller’s dream world, col-
lege students would fight to
change the national drinkin age
from 21 to l8, and they wou (I act
responsibly when consuming alco-
hol consumption. In this world,
however, he’ll have to be content
with banning alcohol from frater—
nity chapter houses.

As National Director of Phi
Kappa Sigma, Miller has been
concerned for a long time about
the phenomenon of binge drink—
ing—- defined as heavy drinking
done solely for inebriation — on
college campuses. While Miller
believes binge drinking is a cam-
pus-wide problem, he said he felt
that it is important for fraternities
to help reduce the liabilities asso-
ciated with underage alcohol con»

Phi Kappa Sigma, like several
other national fraternities, has
adopted an “alcohol-free" policy
which will prohibit alcohol at

chapter houses by July 2000.

Phi Delta Theta Spokes erson
Rob Pasquinucci said that t e fra-
ternity’s alcohol—free policy,
passed in March 1997, is essential-
y a “return to our roots.”

“The resolution isn’t anything
new, but it focuses on what we
were founded on -— friendship,
camaraderie, hi her learning and
support networEs," said Pasquin~
ucci. “Fraternities were never
meant to be drinking clubs.”

Miller said it is only in the past
two decades that binge drinking
has become a roblem. “I really
think it was ifferent 20 or 30
years ago. Today, the minute you
mention the word ‘social,’ college
students think ‘alcohol,”’ he said.

Miller illustrated his point with
the example of Louisiana State
University student Benjamin
Wynne, who died last fall from
alcohol poisoning.

“That kid drank the equivalent
of 24 shots in the space of an
hour,” said Miller. “If he had done
that alone in his dorm room, we
could have called it suicide. But

what do you call it when he’s out
with his frat brothers who are all
watching him?”

In addition to physical and
financial liabilities, binge drinking
has caused fraternities to lose pop—
ularity with incoming students,
said Miller. According to the
National Fraternity Conference,
only 14 percent of incoming
freshmen pledge to fraternities,
compared to 30 percent in 1967.

“Right now, we’re marketing a
four-year alcohol experience,”
Miller said. “People are saying, ‘I
don’t have to join your frat to
drink alcohol, I can do that on my
own. If all we’re doing now is
going out and drinkin every
night, how often do you t ink I'll
ca I you when I’m 35?”

Although some fraternities
prohibit alcohol at chapter houses,
members are still free to go out to
drink. “It’s a gross misconception
that these fraternities have banned
alcohol altogether,” said Jacques
Vauclain, the executive director at
the headquarters of the 264—niem-
ber Sigma Phi Epsilon.




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cussing independent study cours-
es and courses on the web.

“Some (students) live in
remote areas, (for them) I rec—
omtnend courses on televrsion,"
Luchsinger said. “But others
truly need the stimulating, inter-
active learning ot a cl.tssrooin

The advice repeated through~
out the workshop and by
Luchsinger is to take it slow
Luchsinger recommends. “getting
their feet wet” by starting vsith
one course that interests them,
instead of plunging in with 15

Central Advising offers
refresher courses and a program
called Study Skills: The Master
Student as ways to rediscover
long—buried study skills.

The next Back to School
workshop will be held April 30,
in 230 Student Center.

Please call Central Advising if
you plan to attend at 257-5383
or 1-800-432—0963 for those
outstde Lexington.




Grant gives
I an shot ,
cancer cure

By Jill Erwin

Senior Staff IVritn

Kenn Sarge isn't surprised
Emily illu‘. received the I’I'izer

Sarge, an assistant professor of
biochemistry and 'l .in's adviser.
has «ecu her work come together
while working in his lab. Two
weeks ago, Pfizer Pharmaceutical
Company awarded Tan, a
biotechnology junior in the Col-
lege of Agriculture,
one of only seven
$8,000 fellowships in
the fit‘id ofbiochctn-

'l‘an‘s research is
titled, “Regulation of
Expression by Heat
Shock Transcription

'I‘ranslation: She
is studying the prw
tents that regulate
cell LlHISlH'] 'l ‘iis
understand LllL rwr

\' H’I‘ii'xl 'i


I z": something 1
could do over
the summer.

Also, it but to
do with tamer,
zz‘lxieb I thin/c
it an interior-
mg pint of
l'im'og'y {I in!

focus on testing heat shock factor
(IISF) l and seeing ifit interacts
With the c—fos prom-oncogene.
l‘hat will be the basis of the study
of cell growth under normal con-
ditions and the abnormal condi-
tions under which cancer can be

Her daily duties will include
many small tasks, such as gel
electrophoresis showing whether
proteins are bound to DNA.

“I chose this project based

artly because of the
lingth of time it
would take," Tan
said. “It’s somethin I
could do over I e
summer, Also, it has
to do with cancer,
which I think is an
interesting part of
biology and chem—

Pfizer will finance
'l‘an's research
throughout the sum-
mer .is she Works here
on tainpus in Sarge's

inal processes so they {/JU’WJHT In the fall, after
can then untltrsto‘d V she has completed the
hon cancer aria-s. Emily Tan summer research, she

“I“niilv is Vt 1y