xt7fbg2h7f9s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fbg2h7f9s/data/mets.xml Head, Jesse, 1768-1843. 1805  books b92-102-27766059 English J. Charless, : Lexington, K[y]. : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Methodist Church Doctrinal and controversial works.Cleland, Thomas, 1778-1858. Reply to the arguments advanced by the Rev. Thomas Cleland, author of the familiar dialogue between Calvin and Arminius ...  ; to which is added, a comprehensive view of that system of divinity which Mr. Cleland so warmly opposes / by Jesse Heaead. text Reply to the arguments advanced by the Rev. Thomas Cleland, author of the familiar dialogue between Calvin and Arminius ...  ; to which is added, a comprehensive view of that system of divinity which Mr. Cleland so warmly opposes / by Jesse Heaead. 1805 2002 true xt7fbg2h7f9s section xt7fbg2h7f9s 

              A REPLY






           TO Wu IC IS ADDED,
         TILIT SYSTATTOF r     ZATr2.

             BY JESSE HEAD.

     Blame not the bowels of the Deity,-
     Man shall be blest, as far as Man permits.
     Not Man alone-all Rationals Heav'n
     Arms, with an illustr'ous, but tremendous pow'r
     To counteract its own most gracious ends;
     And this of strict necessity, not choice.-
                            Docvox YoUrNG.
 The beginning of strife, is as when one letteth out water.
 Troubles must needs come; but woe unto that man by whom
they come.                  CHRISv.
I also will shew mine opinion.  ELItr .

               LEXINGTON, K.


This page in the original text is blank.


                 TO THE READER.

     YOU are lhere presented with a reply to the arguments,
 advanced by the Rev. THOMSAS CLELAND, in the familiar Dia-
 logue between Calvin and Arminius  flow far the author has
 succeeded in answering those ar'guments, he leaves you to
 judge. One thing he would here remind you of; that to ex-
 pect a display of learning or ab lities, the author does not pre-
 tend to either. Yet, he flatters himself, that the arguments
 hie has advanced, is intitled to some weiglht; and that those
 amongst his realers, who think and rcad for themselves, rill
 find the arguments of his opponent answered, and the truths5
 of then Gospel more clearly manifested.
   In attempting these remarks, the author has felt no small
 degree of solicitude. ro act the faithful part of an honest phy-
 sician, in probing the wound of his patient ; and yet, in doing
 this, to be te1'perate, while detecting and expasing the au-
 thor's errors, he has found to be a difficulty, not easily over-
 come. Had the author never felt any personal attachment to
 his opponent, as well as many (thers who equally embrace
 the same error3, the difficulty would not have Leen so grcat.-
 Or, had the author of the Dialogue, announced his own opini.
 ons, without attempting fix a 6rand of infanmy on the church,
 of which I have the happy privilege of being a member, the
 public would never have been troubled with this little trait.-
 But to see Mr. Cleland represnnting the MNETHODISTS, ISf.
 as a designing set of men; 2d. as prostititing the ordinances
 of God; 3d. as forming agrand scheme to overturn the Pass-
 BYTERIAN church ; 4th. as holding out friendship for sinis-
 ter motives; 5th. giving to the public untrue statements of
 the doctrine held by us-I say, such a conduct is so insutin-
 to the feeling, and make such a dcep impression of injilry,
 th2t mv conflict has been to strik-e the medium between too
 soft a tenderness, and the rtsenttment which such a co:iduct
 would naturally exci e ir the mind.
 From Mr. Cleland, as vcll as my readers, I be- forgivc-
 ness, if in some instances I have appeared to use too much sc-
 verity ; fur though I have with plainness unrcservedly stated
 his errors, and their awful consequences and tendencies, I
 have not wilfully ,Nournded his feelings. And I would here
 beg leave to observe, that I amn aware I have touched the doc-
 tritie hAd by many, whose piety I highly esteem, and whose
real friendship I hope iever to to-,e. I assure them, that r.c-
thing bt.t a regard for the cause of truth, which I hrpc I shall

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ever esteem dearer than life, could havse moved me to enter
upon any point of doctrine that would tend to wound the feel-
ings of any of my fellow creatures. And in order as much as
possible to avoid giving pain to those of other denominations,
who may differ from me on those points, I have principally
confined my defence to the arguments advanced by Mr. Cle-
land, in his illiberal attack on us, as a Body. I am aware that
some expected my reply would be against the Presbyterians as
a body: but this would have been (in my opinion) highly im.
proper. 'r1e Boby never ought to be blamed for the acts of
an individual or two; and I still retail my respect and esteem
fir that church as abody, and entertain no doubt, that, should
I be so happy as to be counted worthy to enter the New Jeru-
salem,I sha!l there meet with many of my Calvinistic brethren,
whose holy lives and godly conversatton has often refreshed
my soul here, and have manifested a happy inconsistency be-
tween their practices and principles.
  My readers will no doubt discover many defects in compol
sition, punctuation3 c. c. Blut these will not lessen the
wreight of the arguments in tLe minds of judicious enclui-
rers after truth ; especially when the author lays no claim to
such a eegree of learning as would e.iablc him to prevent these
defects. Add to this, that lie Las been under the necessity
of stealing, as it were, an hour or two at a time from his or.
dinary calling, to compleat the work. With these obaerva.
tions, he submits it into the hands of his readers, praying, that
that light "which lighteth every man that cometh into the
world," may so shine upon their minds, as to give the light
of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ,
that they may know how to choose the good and refuse the
                               JESSE HEAD.
Springfield, Scptcmbcr 6, 1805.


TO candjd Enqi ]!t't) after trith.

    u ENTLE.irRA;
        AN anonymous pamph 'et, intitled -,A F amiliar Diu-
loguebetween Calvin and Aminuius," whfich is prefacedJ, or
introduced, by a statemcnt of ditlL;rences, said to exist btvtwe-Uitt
the Presbytcrians and Mcthodists; and an attack.; made hb the
author oil the Methodist Government and Administ:.ition, Ila-
induced me to address you in this mamnwir. By th-e ibeivwiii
letters you will find that thi Rev. Thontua ChJiandis tlatX at.-
thor o, said Dialogue; I hlte ther-l(re niad'k us_ of his :!a::n
as such, throughout the foll'awing sheets.
  Mr. Cleland introdaces tlt; ao3ve;-'iintee-at diInrenc:s, i
tefms which go to involve the abovei-tlititioned rtspectatle
communities in a controversy of a vcry singuia;: alid atid. rec-
able nature. The part Mr. Cleland has acted for sonic time
past, has no doub' rendered him uneasy in his situatie.', and
he has availed himself of this improper stVp to "1crcr'i ol adt,"
and gratify his reselnment. He thinks that the clause of dai;: -
nion between the Presbyterians and Methodists, may be le;:rui-
ed fromi the author of the piece intitled the ".L'h-A Bro.iwr.
food ;" and iH confirmation of this otllon, pr odue=3 the f.L-
lowing as a quotation from that atonymoutis p.iph!et. Ht says,
"he cannot remember the Particular 'vords; but the. substanec-
is this: The Methodists thought, from their warmth, zca,
and noise, that they had all the religion that was gaing ia the
worlci; and othcr denomninations, cs-eciasly ours, were tlhei
Witter o p:sers. But when tke revival began amtonst us, and
we male more noise, if possible, than tahe:nstevcs, thev began
to think the Presbyterians were al! going to turn Mlethodists,
Iat1td with the idea, and big with t'he expectation, they came
forwa dto rective us, when they tlino r-mit t was time to seu
their expectations fulfilled, and their (Lsires gratified: hut, to
their great disappointnint, found us l'resbyttrians stll, and
the grsctest number ot co.-verts ui c. juiiiing us dai'v. licrce
arsec jealwUsy, then shyness, next coolness, atsd at last, eow.rn-
right contempt. This, in-substance, is the adcourit Mr. '1-.
gives ofthe matter; who e word I have no right to dIspute,
especially a3 he must know best, bring, as I suppose, onle of
thc main hands concerned in thu grand scheme." page 6.
  Upon this 3is authority, Mr. Cleland undertakes to say ma-
ay unfriendly things of the MIcthodists, to wvhom he has lately
professed much real friendshiip. I lowcver, not long after the
pamphlet alluded to, made its appcarance, it was coge.tly
rccommtendd tc tum  by MIr. Cle!and  iho was kind enough to
                        A o


                           L ]

fur.ais!a m:. vith a co,)y. Arter turaiin'" it once over, I let it
go Out of iny hanmis, and have not seel it since ; so that I ani
incapable of saying how far the accuracy of the a'bove quota-
tion does justice to the authlor. At present I remember no-
thing of the passage. But supposing, for argument sake, the
writer did make use of the vcery words Mi. Cleland has assign-
ed to hiin: does not every unbiassed reader se-, tlhat his ob-
ject was, to ridicule the ignorance and bigotry of a certain de-
scription of professors, which may be found, I suppose, a-
mrngst all the different denominations 
   Had he, and others, as Mr. Cleland insinuates, conc cited a
" Grand Scherie," to take advantage of the apparent chistian
friendship of thtir Presbyterian brethren, in order, if possible,
to subvert that church, or hinder as far as they could its pros.
perity; would he, would any man, under such circumstance s,
lhavc published immediately to the world, his shameful artifice
and mortifying disappointment  It is unnecessary to say
more. The early stage of the revival, at which the Mlethod-
ist ministers associated with the Presbyterians at sacramental
solemnities, and other occasions; and their doing so (often,
perhaps for the most part) in compliance with the earnest and
affectionate solicitations from their Presbyterian brethren;
preclude adl suspicion of any such combination: a suspicion,
which probably never was cherished in any mind, but that of
the Rev. Mr. Cleland.
  Here I would observe: if the account which Mr. Cleland
says Mr. T-r. gives of the matter, be correct and well found.
ed, I acknowledge that the Methodists justly deserve rcproba-
tion. But, if it is incorrect; if this charge be not true; then
what does not the man deserve, who will falsely expose an in.
nocent people to the public   Having lately conversed with a
friend who has read Mr. T-r's. pamphlet, with an eye to Mr.
Cleland's statement; he assures me that his statement cannot
be found therein; and to (do justice, I may say it is not in the
book. That part which is most like it, may be found in the Utlh
page. But what mr. T -r. there says, is evidently by way of
blaming a few of the injudicious, and will by no means api) ly
to the Body. And what is still worse for -Mr. Cleland, those
words which he puts in Italics, and that of "The M ethodists
supposing they had all the religion that was going in the
world," is not to be found in the book. How shamefully guilty
then, must Mr. Clelancd be of palming his slander of the Me-
thodists on Mr. T-r. by falsely misrepresenting him. No
wonder he should usher in his quotation, or reprcsentation,
with "sI cannot remember the iarticitlar word.-," when in fact
the book, did not contain such words as Mr. Cleland- chose to


                         I r I
make use of. WVhat a pity a man shofild seek such a refuge,
and then make a pre:tetofthe sLane, for an illiberal attack
and if Mr. Cleland his madc such a capital blunder in his first
setting out, may we not fear that the tempest that has driven
him in this instance, will land himn, before hIe get, throug
his book, far beyond the shores of truth.
  How has Mr. Cleland committed himself in this case !. He
first cogently recommended Mr. T-r.'s pamphlet as an ex-
cellent performance; was (I believe) the only perion that 601d
thiem in the county where he resides; and after having extol-
led and circulated it, he at last finds out that his excellent book
contains in its bowels, i "6 Grand achenic" to overturn his
church, and has held out what he says is the substance of. it,.
to the public.  But, unfortunately for Mr. Cleland, neither
the thing nor the substance is-to be found in the same. But
admitting 4iis statement correct: I am fully authorized to as-
sure the public that, that pamphlet never had thc sanction of
the Methodists as a body.
  About three or four years ago, 'Mr. Cleland came amongst
us as a speaker, was very affablc, f.ituiliar, and zealous; and.
so strenuously preached salvation for all mn;n, that many of
his own members denied that he believed in the doctrine
of eternal election and reprobation. At this time he made
high professions of a Catholic spirit; and seemed cry desir-
ous of having union and fellowship with the Methodists. Ac-
cordingly, we met his wish. Not by a "6concertedscchsenze," to
receive their members, as he insinuates. No: But to enjoy
tile comforts of social religion. WVe needed no such scheme
as he supposes; for Catholicism is interwoven in our consti-
tution. We had, therefore, nothing to do, but to accept Mr.
Cleland, when his bigotry gave way to propriety. The Me-
thodists were pleased with what appeared to themi a truly chris-
tian temper; and Mr. Clelan.1 soon obtained the confidence of
many. But alas 1 'Men of observation soon found that he was
privately trying to disafct our members toward their own
churc  ; persuading them to join him: yea, held up the El-
der's office in his church, to tumpt a private member. And
wvhen the member told him tliat he was afraid if he left the Me-
thodist church, he would wournde the feelings of a great Xnany
pious people; Mr. Cleland replied, "A4ever mind that."  This
conduct iii Mr. Cleland, accompanied with professions of friend-
ship, did not fail to depreciate himn in the estimation of some
of our church. This view of his conduct led one to observe,
"1 Mr. Cleland need not take underhand measures to obtain an
Elder from us: Thme Presbyterians in Cumnberland have Me-
Ltodist Elders by cornsent of patties, vr!en convenicike calls


                         w 8 I
for it."  In this state of aft-airs, our preachers steadily preach-
ed, and maintained the doztrinc, which Mr. Clelanid aecmcd to
preach : and more and mare convinced our people of the dan-
ger of bing carried alaut with every windi of doctrine. At
length, when our meibers perceived that their professed
friend was playing an underhand gaine, ihey began to treat him
more cooly; at which SIr. Cleland began to complain; and
added tiat our preachXr .i )ieacled controversy, c. c. Hay-
ing an opportunity, I Liform-d one of our ruling Elders cf
Mlr. Cleland's dissatisfaction; and . ve him to understand that
his preaching had given oOAnce. He advised rne to go and
visit Air. Cleland; to take proper measures to adjust differen-
eel; and assured mn if it werz neces3ary, he would meet
MLtr. Cleland on Gosp l prizicile'.-.. This t was forward to do;
and accordingly vis:tcd lr. CQtland; let him know that I had
understood that hk had. !)e.xen hurt by the Methodists. I in-
formed hiin, that from the intimacy that had existed between
Us, as well as my reli-ious proftssi6n, I felt it my duty to
come and see him en the occasion; that I had free access to
tull my brethren; that if any orth-enz had acted improperly to-
ward him, tbhy should be accourIntaule ta hhm. I therefore
dq'sired-him to ttell me, and that 1ree W, wherein lhe was hurt
by the AMethodists: and after coaversing freely on both aides
for sevcral hours, when I was about to take my leave of Mr.
Cleland, I wished to knowv of him on what terms we parted;
was it peace or wir  lie informed me that Calvinism would
triumph ; that he should coniu out on his principles. I re-
plied, that, that should never break friendship between him
and me; that he, as we!.' ai many other Presbyterian minis-
ters, had frequently preachtd in ay iJcuse; that he should
still be welcome to do so; that I was forld of honest preachers
that he should be as Yvecome to preach his priuziples in my
house, as any Methodist minister, provided he would suffer
me to preach what I believed to be the truth, without com-
plaining: and at the sane time acknowledged to Mr. Cleland,
that he had the advantage or me; tIhat if he did not suffer me
to preach to the people, what I blelieved to be the truth, I had
not learning enough (nnuch less inclination) to enable me to
preach one thing and believe another.
  Notwithstanding I sOOnh found that my attempt to appcase
or satisfy Mr. Cleland was all in vain; that the decree haI
already gone forth aai st us, (nrtfro;n all eterniy,) that the
Methodists should bbranded in the forehead, as they had
lcn on the back; and that he was then preparing the scourge
br them.
  And t3is, gentlemen, is the Mr. Cleland, that now comes


forward with such heavy complaints, founded, as lhc pretends,
.o Gt.e authority of T-r. the author of the "Black Brother-
hood ;" but a brotherhood nearer at hand is the real author of
the trouble. And now mr. C. who professed so much sorrow
that the union was likely to be dissolved, instead of coming
forward to adjust differences and restore peace, when sought
unto, substitutes this patched up evasion; and then makes a
public attack on our church.
   But, Gentlemen, unpromising as the prospect of an ami-
cable adjustuient of differences with mr. C. was: yet I could
not forbear making one effort more; r membering that the
wise man had said, "In the morning sow thy seed, and in the
eviening withhold not thine hand," kc. Therefore, in two or
three days after Mr. Cleland's Dialogue fell into my hands, I
addressed to him the following letter, and received the annex-
ed answer.

       A FEW days ago, a pamphlet, intitled, " A familiar
dialogue between Calvin and Arminius," fell into mny hands.
I have read it with attention ; and opposed several objections.
The author makes the dissatisfactions respecting union between
the Methodists and Prebyterians, to have originated in design,
on the side of the Methodists; and seems determined to in-
volve the communities in a controversy of a peculiar and dis-
agreeable nature. He then, as an individual, attacks our go-
vernment. I think both these parts ought to be.placed in a
local point of view; and that some remarks ought to be made,
on the doctrine advanced in that pamphlet. I have resolved
so to do. And now, sir, I take the liberty, to inform you that
I judge you to be the author of that piece ; that, in my reply,
I shall place the subject in a local point of view-That I
shall introduce your name, (unless you inform me I am mis-
taien as to who the author is.) In doing this, I may be under
the necessity of laying some things before the publick, that
will be. painful to you. Therefore, I invite you to a private,
friendly interview on the subject ; in order that (tho' our con-
fidence may be weakened in each other) we may strive to re-
move improper impressions, (if there is any) that may lavc
been made on our minds; and thus do honour to our pro-
fessions: while, at the same time, we may honestly and
plainly oppose, what we judge wrong in each others practice,
and doctrine.  To satisfy you I do not belong to a designing
party, if you comply with this request, I ptofler you a view
of my manuscript,. so soon as it is prepared for tne press.
Accept, sir, these lines as an expression of my carnest dcsire


                         ( go I

lor your pzace anI hapan2;ss: whi.- I coaclude inyielf yours
in the bonds of a:i'a and impalirtial go'pel.

                                         JESSE HEAD.
   Rcv, Thzmas Cicvand.                    June 24th 1805.

                                        Judg 5th, 185e.
   Ri'RSJD Sift,
       YOUR letter came safe to hand, and now lies before
 me. You :uniile the words general, individual, local and fJer,
 aona'so much to,,ether, that I have in some degree to guesS
 at your nmeaning. You say I come forward, as an individual,
 toattack your government. True it was an individual that
 wrote; that is tost certain: but he wrote, if you observe, in
 the preface, under the general name of Calvin. You say these
 points ought to be placed in a local point of view. I wish I
 understood you fairly; but if you mean they ou-ht to havc
 a particular reference to you or me onjy, I am far from think-
 ing so: because there is nothing oppbsedto.your govememnt,
 but that part which appears to be unscriptural, and without
 found;,tion, a3 I have endeavoured to make appeuir ; and of
 course efficts hundreds more than you and 1. You say you
 judge me to be the author of the " Familiar Dialogue."  Sir,
 I am, at lcast in part. However, it was not fcar nor shame
 ;Zr stopped me from adding my name, which is at your ser-
 vice ; but be careful how you use it: yea, I say be careful!
 You say you expect to lay soene things beofwe the public that
 will be painful to ine. I suppose tIleR it ia timet for me to
 begin to tremble.
 Piniful ! you astonish me ! You certainTy must know that
 I have read the newspapers too often to-expect any pain from
 what yoa can do. Painful to e e! Wonderful ! ! Dill you
 ever read the fable of the gnat on the wx's horn   I have.
 Truty I expect to be pained for you, and so do others. You
 invite m: to a friendly intercourse. Any time you please,
 Sir, only nct on the Sabbath day, again, and without calling
 witnesses, unless you are still afraid that I shall lie or equi-
 v-cate afterovard9.l3ut, sir, gs on to write ; but I again intreat
thee be' careful, for if your answer is no: drawn from first
principles, it will not be noticed ; and if vyou should be incor-
rzct as to stattmentA or arguments w.orth noticing; you may
be sure to see an answer; as also olne to Dow's open links,-ei-
theur by m) selt or a better hand. As to your Lbcal, individual,
i; 1 care not lir them. 11 I write agnin, I shall write as it
suits :ne; I shall b" waitin; in the posture of expectation -and


i 11 ]

anxiety till I see the wonderful things, that is to give me so
much pain. I would just inform you that my piece was not
written immediittly at you; for it was on the way before
you were at my house all night. I said in my preface that
Dow's piece was not seen till I had writt.i: my meaning was,
that it had not come to hand; but I (lidsee a part of it when I
was at Lexington last, at the time of its printing. I had Rot
resolved on writing before then: neither was I anxious for
opposing that piece, or I had waie(l till it was finished; but
I wished the public to see a chain on our side, as well as yours.
Pray don't talk about attacking governments, after you have
heard Dow at Springfield, and when you look at the notes of
your sermon you preached in this neighbourrhood the other
day; when you insinuated to the people that we were worse
than high-way     -high-wvay-_what is it  ptvhaw !
you know. I hate to write it: But, sir, as I had not the or-
portunity of correcting the press, and as yot: intend a fire, I
think it my duty to save you some unnecessary trouble, per-
haps by, pointin g out to you typographical errors in the fol-
   [But to return to the letter- mr. Cleland says,] "I am
not anxious whether you answer -this letter or not "
From my acquaintance with your disposition, and froin past
observation, I believe you are fond of what children call " last
tag ;" or, as an eminent servant of Jesus Christ said not long
ago, " you were like a man holding his wife while another
beat her, while her h usband tells her not to complain, but beir
it all patiently ;" A 1000 copies of Dow's horrid stuffs and
misrepresentations, can be printed and circulated in Kentucky,
besides other pamphlets before that, together with the gene.
ral hue and cry of all your circuit-riders, and we must be si-
lent: And because a little vindication has appeared, you are
up in arms about it and it must have an answer. 1 see you
are not for"' turn about fair play," as the old saying is.  But
pray go on, sir, and do what you have amind: I shall endea.
vour to be prepaired, come what will come. I shall write no
more by way of letter.  Accept of my earnest well wishee
for the temporal and eternal welfare of yourself and family.
                               THOMAS CLELAND.
    I. Head.

    AS to ty/iograp-thcdz errors, sir, tJto need not trouble your.
acef; they nill not stand in my waty; and I think it unnecesnary
to wet illy Meete by giaring thial:rt of your ltter to the iub-


                        C 12 ;

   IN a second letter I received from mr. Cleland, dated Julv
 1 1th, 1805, he wrote me as follows; although he had assured
 me he would write no more:

 'Dear Sir,
       THE dialogue is approven of c. tc. commended too,
by the following ministers of our body, to my own knowledge,
viz. Camron, Campbell, Finley, Robertson, and Wilson; but
an answer is expected by you, and if worthy of notice, or the
cause of truth requires it, you may be sure of a reply. Ar-
rangements are now making, Ick. c.
  "It is expected by both your and my friends, that your at-
tempt will be virulent and sarcastic, and chiefly personal;
but however degrading this may be, little or no notice will be
taken of it if a reply should be made, but to vindicate truth and
expose errors, will be the main object, c."
  In this letter mr. Cleland tells me his pamphlet is approven
of, and recommended by five of the ministers of his Body.
I would here observe that I really doubt this assertion of mr.
Cleland's at least in part. Nay I have good reason to believe
that it was not the case at the time mr. Cleland dated his let-
  I shall only remark on mr. Cleland's answer to miine, that
his words no doubt speak the very language of his soul; and
go at once to disclose the man, and place him in that point of
light, in which he may not be willing to be seen. In the
meantime, lest I should seem to treat with neglect the in
structions, which he has vouchsafed to give us on the subject
of church government, ordinances, c. let us take a view of
the several particulars, on which, he has shed such a blaze ef
light. The first thing in our economy, for which he tells us,
page 7, there is neither scriptural precept, nor exan/Ile, is re.
ceiving unconverted adults into the church. p. 8th. This mr.
Cleland thinks highly dangerous to the subjects of that recep-
tion themselves; and adds, with a repugnancy bordering up-
on honor, these persons arc called brethren.
  1 would here ask, what does mr. Cleland call unconverted,
and even unawakened persons, now grown to years of discre-
tion, who were received into the church in their infancy   Is
he not at a less to know what appellation to give them  Whe-
ther he be at a loss, or not, he assures us in the same page,
that persons may go great lengths, and have a great anxiety to
par:ake qf the children's bread, aud yet have no right to church
membership. And pray, sir, what of those who are already in
the church, of which they were made members in infancy;
but who neither do nor ever did mnifcst a " great desire ta


( 13 3

eat of the ch'Llren'- bread  " Have they no right to church
mv.nbcrb up   AnJ do you alwys treat thent accordinuly
1)' you refuse to biptizU their chdkiren  4ir instarce, did ) ou
n - ver baptize a chlkt, aid afterwards say tLat you did not be
liavt: tlht either o; its Parents had rLligioii 
   1s therc itot at least as much danger, that such persons will
 b_' FHtttreld by claurca niernmbrhip, to rst without a
 ti irouLiL knowlcdge ot the new tirth, and the evil nature of
 Site;" as tiat those will, who already enquire with anxious
 sulicitude wkast shall we doto he sawvd 7
   For it is not the avowed practice of the Methodists, to re-
 ceive into their church unconverted adulis, i. e. adults not
 turned from their evil ways; or, as mr. Cleland expresses it,
 p 9, to 'cpea the gates of the. kingdom to all pr omisculously."
 Ii taiut -entle:nina gill take the trcuble to cast his eye upon
 the 133 p. of oatr book of D:sciphrne, tenth edition, printed iji
 Philadtlxhia, 1798, hle will thcre leirn that . ds.re lo/ee
 from the wrath to cone ; and to be saved from  thir sins, Lhlot
 in then] is a condition previously required of all, who apply
 for a'lnsusion into these 8ooietie.a. And they art also required to
 evince the-sincet ity of this desire, in a probation of at least six
   MIr. Cleland tOuinks that none can be admitted to church
membership, - In deceucy and in order, uatil, like Paul and
the E' licomuati Eunuch, they profess their faith in J sus Christ."
I do not remember to have read of any profession, that St.
Patti made, previously to his Baptism ; other than. calling
Christ Jesus, Lord, and prayiing to him. And the same histori-
an informs us, Acts viii. 37 that the Eunuch's profession of
fUith was male in these words, I believe tiat Jesua Christ is
theain of Goad. And do we receive ilto the church any who
do not p;otess this Faith  You will tell me the Eunuch's
faith was operdtive: it led him to apply tor baptism, c  And
i3 not that taith operative  hith leads a man to bre-ak off his
iniquities by r penta:nce, to come out frorn amongst the wick-
ed, and in thle seriouS and devout usc of all the means of grace,
to wan to stC the Lord's Salvation 
  As to whhat nmr. Cleland sitvs. p. 9. namely, " the principic
thing intended in the right f ci cunicisioa; waa, to initiate the
chiillren of th: fjitIul, into th: Jewishii Churct, so the chiei
design of bapfism, now ii. to admit the children of suchl a,
profess themnseIves christiaies into the church oCt Christ."
  WViihout spcnding tine, I would ask mr. Clelalid, if, under
the le wish dispensation, a proselite of tI:e gate, is ho worshiped
one God, b)ut was not circumcised, had olfered his child for
ciroumcision; if that right would Id. have bern With held from


                          [ 14 1

 Lim  and if not, has not the children of those parents, whvo
 profess their belief of the christian religion, as undoubted a
 right to the ordinance of baptism  Once mote, do believing
 parents alwayshave elrct children  If not, by what authority
 does mr. Cleland baptize a little reprobate in the name of
 Christ, and constitlute the greater number of Christ's Church 
   Again, mr. Cleland says, p. 9, " the chief design of baptism
 is to admit the children of such as profess themselves chris-
 tians, into the church of Christ.
   Isil indeed, sir  v well licre you have unconverted members
 in the church of Christ, and in p. 8, you heavily exclaim a-
 gaiiest us for receiving unconverted adults. One more of mr.
 Cleland's inconsistencies, p 8, he says" While they [uncon-
 verted souls] are debared on account of their unrenewedi
 state, it is most likely to alarm and convince them." But
 when lie gets into the humor of finding fault, hie argues, " that
 for them all to come in and see, is the most likely to give con-
 Viction," p. 14. Pray, gentlemen, do not such arguments
 prove, that every body is wrong, when they do not as mr. C.
 says. But " if all creatures and al their actions were decreed
 from eternity," at mr. Cleland says, p. 17; I ask, how can
 the Methodists help doing as they do  have they any power to
 forbear, or, would he ask them to break the decree. to please
 him ' Is it right for' sucli a poor Junmp of clay to find fault,
 or say to the divine father, why didst thou raise up such a
 people as the Methodists to torment us.
   1 le third thing which mr. Cleland condemns as a practice
of our church, which has no foundation in the Holy Scriptures,
is, the seclusion of the communicants in approaching the
I.ord's Table. Mr. Cleland says, he "unever could see the
propr ety of closing doors on this most solran occasion." p. 13.
And therefore (it certainly follows) there can b