xt7fbg2h7h4z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fbg2h7h4z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1967052 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-05-may2. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-05-may2. 1967 2011 true xt7fbg2h7h4z section xt7fbg2h7h4z Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, May 2, 1967 The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular session in the Board Room of the Administration Building on the campus of the University of Kentucky at 1:30 p. . , Eastern Standard Time, on Tuesday, May 2, 1967 with the following members present: Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chairman, Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Vice Chairman. Dr. H. B. Murray, Secretary, Mr. William R. Black, Mrs. Rexford Blazer, Mr. Smith Broadbent, Dr. Harry Denham, Mr. Sam Ezelle, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Mr. B. Hudson Milner, and non-voting faculty members, Professor Stephen Diachun and Professor Paul Oberst. Absent were Mr. Wendell P. Butler, Mr. Richard Cooper, Dr. R. W. Bushart, and Dr. Harry Sparks. The administration was represented by President John W. Oswald, and Vice Presidents A. D. Albright, William R. Willard, R. F. Kerlev, Glenwood L. Creech and Robert L. Johnson, and Provost Lewis Cochran. Members of the various news media were also present. A. Meeting Opened Governor Breathitt called the meeting to order and requested Mr. Smith Broadbent to give the invocation. Following roll call, Dr. Murray reported a quorum present and the meeting was declared officially open for the conduct of business at 1:35 p.m. B. Minutes Approved On motion by Mr. Ezelle, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, the reading of the Minutes for the February 17, 1967 meeting of the Executive Committee and the March 17, 1967 recessed meeting of the Board of Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published. C. President's Report to the Trustees Dr. Oswald briefly reviewed the items contained in PR 1, copies of which were available to all those present, and concluded his remarks by reporting that Mrs. Lucile Blazer had represented the Board of Trustees at the meeting of the Association of Governing Boards at the University of Illinois in mid-April and that Dr. Glenwood L. Creech had also attended as Dr. Oswald's representative. Mrs. Blazer thanked the Board for affording her the opportunity to participate in the meeting and said she had found it most helpful. Having determined that there were no further additions to the report, Governor Breathitt thanked Dr. Oswald and the report was ordered accepted and filed. t 2 D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2) Dr. Oswald said that he would be pleased to answer any questions the Board might have but inasmuch as copies of PR 2 had been mailed in advance for prior study, he had no special comments to make other than to call attention to the list of promotions and tenure appointments on pages 16 through 18. He said that the list of names was not complete and additional names would be submitted for ap- proval at a later meeting. The Board members expressed gratification at the number of persons recom- mended for degrees or certificates from the various community colleges and without further comment, on motion by Mr. Ezelle, seconded by Dr. Denham, and passed, PR 2, Recommendations of the President, was approved as a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the May 2, 1967 meeting of the Board of Trus- tees. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. ) E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3) Since the Board had not had an opportunity to examine PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations of the President, in advance of the meeting Dr. Oswald called attention to the recommendation that Dr. Jesse Hobson be named to a three-year term on the Board of Directors of The University of Kentucky Research Foundation as a citizen member and that Dr. Wendell DeMarcus be reappointed to a three-year term as a faculty member. He reminded the Board, that at the March 17 meeting, Mr. Richard Cooper had been named to a three-year term as a Trustee member. Dr. A. D. Albright's one-year term on the Board of Directors of Lincoln School has expired and Dr. Oswald called attention to item II in PR 3 which recom- mended the appointment of Mr. Robert L. Johnson to replace hirn on the Board for a three-year term ending December 31, 1969. Item III of PR 3 recommended approval of three departmental chairmen, Professor Robert D. Grieves, Professor Roger Eichhorn, and Dr. Hans Conrad. Dr. Oswald indicated he would like to add the name of a fourth person for the Chairmanship of the Department of Electrical Engineering -- Dr. Robert Cosgriff, who is presently at Ohio State University. Dr. Grieves is at the Illinois Institute of Technology at the present time, while Dr. Conrad has been Technical Director of the Materials Science and Engineering Division of the Franklin Institute, and Dr. Eichhorn is at Princeton University. All four of these men are outstanding in their particular discipline and the University of Kentucky is fortunate to have been able to attract them. They will provide the quality of leadership which is essential if the College of Engineering is to continue to strengthen and develop its programs, particularly at the graduate level. Governor Breathitt, having determined there were no questions relative to the report, called for a motion for adoption. On motion by Mr. Ezelle, duly seconded, 3 and approved, PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations of the President, was ap- proved as a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the May 2 meeting of the Board of Trustees. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.) F. Approval of Degree Candidates (PR 4) Under the Statutes, one of the quarterly meetings of the Board of Trustees is set for the Tuesday preceding the annual commencement exercises at the Uni- versity of Kentucky. This is done in order that the Board of Trustees may approve the candidates for degrees; therefore, Dr. Oswald said that PR 4 was probably the most important item on the agenda and certainly the reason for the meeting today. The list presented to the Board for approval contained only the names of persons completing requirements in May 1967, approval having already been given to August and December candidates. A total of 2, 398 persons are scheduled to re- ceive degrees at the commencement exercises on May 8, 1967, distributed as follows: graduate degrees, 593; professional degrees, 224; and undergraduate de- grees, 1, 581. While the number of undergraduate degrees to be conferred shows a decrease of 3. 6 per cent from 1966, there is an increase of 19 per cent in gradu- ate degrees and 21. 8 per cent in professional degrees. On motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and passed unani- mously, the President was authorized to confer upon each individual whose name appears on the list the degree to which he is entitled upon certification by the Dean of Admissions and Registrar that said individual has satisfactorily completed all requirements for the degree for which he has made application. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. G. Approval Given to Student Code (PR 5) As Chairman of the Board Committee appointed by Governor Breathitt at the April 4 meeting of the Board, Mr. Smith Broadbent reported that his committee, which was composed of Mrs. Lucile Blazer and Mr. Sam Ezelle, had met on April 26 with members of the Senate Advisory Committee on Student Affairs, which had prepared the recommendations relative to student discipline and procedures, with the Senate Council as representatives of the University Senate, and with members of the Cabinet of Student Government. He commented that the committee had found it a rewarding experience and were quite pleased with the cooperative and helpful spirit shown by the faculty as well as the students with whom the committee had talked. As a result of the conferences held, the Board Committee had made a few modifications in the original document and a copy of the document with the recom- mended modifications was before each member. He pointed out the specific changes made by page and section and indicated the proposed changes would not alter the original intent of the document appreciably but would serve to clarify certain areas which had been of concern to members of the Board, to parents, and to taxpayers 4 in the State. As a matter of record. the chanoes as reComrmrended by the com- mittee are included as an addendum to PR 5 a t the end of the Minutes. With the modifications suggested. thel comnmnittee felt that the document was now acceptable as a policy statenment of the Board of Trustees from which subse- quent governing regulations migh't be fnormnlated and recomnmended to the Board that the documient, as modified, be appr^Dved. On behalf of the committee, Mr. Broadbent so moved and his motion was second.-d by Mr. Black. In the discussion which followed. Dr Diachun, as Chairmlanl of the Senate Council, indicated that the discussions with the mnermbers of the Senate Council had been free and amiable and said that the Council-. acting on behalf of the Senate. had no objections to the changes recomrmended byr the Triustee Commrittee. He felt the changes were desirable and in spirit with the recommendations of the Senate. Mr. Ezelle complimented the students who had met with the committee on their interest, understanding, and concern for the welfare of their fellow students. Dr. Denharn asked Dr. Oswald if he would like to comment inasmuch as he had not been present at the March and Apr-il meetings when the student code had first been discussed. Dr. Oswald said 'be would like very mn-uch to express his high regard for the faculty - student committee which had spent much tnie and thought on drawing up the original document and to the Uni-ers-ity Senate and the Student Government which spent much time in considering it, Hie continued that it is an im- portant document and in view of the general unrest and uneasiness prevalent throughout the nation. it is significant that the Unitvers'ty of Kentucky has been able to draft a policy statement, not in the context of crisis, but with mutual understand- ing and respect. It is equally significant that the policy has the wholehearted endorsement and support of the students. faculty and the Board of Trustees, The University will now have a document which clearly delineates the relationships of the student to the institution, and of the institution to the student. It further sets forth certain behavioral aspects of the students, sets clear standards for the students, lists specific disciplinary procedures, and makes quite clear the policies which exist on the campus. In the past. the Univ.\ersitv has attempted to handle disciplinary matters on an ad hoc basis with fair play in mnind. It will now be possible to follow an. orderly procedure of review and action by the J-Board with provision for appeal by either the student oi the President from the J-Board to the Appeals Board which will involve rm-inembe rs of the faculty as well as students. Final decision in matters of punishment for disciplinary violations is delegated to the President who is responsible to the Board of Trustees in fiscal, academic; and disciplinary matters. In closing. Dr. Oswald said tihe Board might be interested to know that as a result of an item in one of the recent newsletters of the National Association of State Universities arid Land-Grant Colleges which re-ferred to the proposed Uni- versity of Kentucky Student Code, over 50 requests for copies have been received from sister institutions. He read the following quot. fronm one of thie letters as an 5 example of the tone of all of them, "Congratulations to you and the University for your timely efforts. Such a document is particularly needed in every college and university in the country today. and many of our misunderstandings are caused from the lack of such a clear-cut policy. There being no further discussion, the Governor called for a vote on the motion for the adoption of the modified document on student discipline and pro- cedures, and all present voted affirmatively. -See PR 5 and Addendum at the end of the Minutes. H. Approval "In Principle" of the Preliminary Development Plans for the Ashland Community College (PR 6 ) Although the Board members had already received copies of the Preliminary Development Plan for the Ashland Community College, Mr. Kerley made additional copies available, explaining that the plans for Ashland were essentially the same as those already approved for other community colleges. He said that the people of Ashland have made available 47 acres as the new site for the Community College and the plans presented are based on long-range planning as it is currently seen with an ultimate goal of 500, 000 square feet for an eventual enrollment of 5, 000 students. As soon as the first facility is completed the College will be able to move from the downtown area and it will then be possible to provide in Ashland the type of facility which is desired for all community colleges. On motion bv Mrs. Blazer, seconded by Dr. Denham., and unanimously ap- proved, the Ashland Community College Preliminary Development Plan was approved "in principle" with the understanding that the plan will be periodically revised as the program requirements of the College become more fully expressed. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes. N I. School of Home Economics Established as a Coordinate Unit in the Division of Colleges (PR 7) In 1963, as with other units in the institution, a study of the Home Economics program began which resulted in certain recommendations which appeared in the Academic Plan adopted by the Board of Trustees in June of 1.964. In order to im- plement sonme of these recommendations. Dr. Oswald said he invited four eminent persons in the field of home economics to come to the institution to look at the program and to make recommendations about the future. After the reports of these consultants were receipted. m-iany people examined the program and many discussions were held with the faculty of Home Economics, the College of Agriculture, and other units of the University. The final outcome has resulted in the recommendation pre- sented to the Board, narnelv that the School of Home Economics be established as a coordinate unit with other schools a-nd colleges in the Division of Colleges, that a 6 position of dean be established for the purpose of administering the School of Home Economics, and that the School be organized into appropriate departments. Dr. Oswald recommended approval with the effective date to be July 1, 1967. He added, that with the establishment of the School of Home Economics as a coordinate unit the words "and Home Economics' would be deleted from the present name of the college and it would henceforth be known as the College of Agriculture. Dr. Albright added that the recommendation which Dr. Oswald had presented had the endorsement and support of representative groups of persons in the field of home economics, not only locally but throughout the State. On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the recommendation presented by Dr. Oswald. which is set forth in PR 7, was approved and, effective July 1, 1967, the School of Home Economics will become a coordinate unit in the Division of Colleges and the words "and Home Economics" will be deleted from the present name of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes. ) J. Faculty Memorial Scholarships Established (PR 8) Dr. Oswald said that the week of April 2, 1967 was probably one of the most tragic in the history of the University for during that week four members of the faculty lost their lives in a plane crash, and a fifth died of a heart attack. All five were comparatively young men on the threshold of their most productive years and four left children still to be educated. This tragic week brought into sharp focus the fact that the University provided no educational assistance for families of members of the faculty who die while in service at the University. In order to do what should have been done earlier, President Oswald said he would like to recom- mend to the Board of Trustees that faculty memorial scholarships for children of full-time faculty members who die while in service of the University of Kentucky be established, these scholarships to be underwritten by the University to the extent of undergraduate registration fees, resident or non-resident, and receipt of such a scholarship to be dependent upon the admissibility of the student. He added that the scholarships might be enriched through gifts donated to the scholarship fund in the name of the deceased. He emphasized that the scholarship should be applicable not only to the children of those who died most recently but should be open to those eligible children who are now in the baccalaureate program at the University and others currently below the collegiate age. In closing, he said that it was impossi- ble to give an estimate of the numbers involved but an effort would be made to seek out all those eligible for such scholarships. Mr. Hillenmeyer made the motion that the recommendation to establish faculty memorial scholarships as set forth in PR 8 be approved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Ezelle. Dr. Denham said he hoped these scholarships would serve as a tangible expression to the faculty of the Board's appreciation and of the concern which 7 they feel for the children of deceased faculty members. Governor Breathitt called for a vote on Mr. Hillenmeyer's motion, and it passed unanimously. He thanked the Board for its action and said he felt that the provision of these scholarships would meet with widespread public approval and asked members of the news media who were present to give broad coverage to the establishment of the faculty me- morial scholarships since a wide dissemination of the information would be helpful in locating children who might be eligible for such scholarships. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes. ) K. Dr. Wethington Named Director of Maysville Community College Dr. Oswald said he wished to recommend that Dr. Charles T. Wethington, Jr., be named Director of the Maysville Community College effective July 1, 1967. Dr. Wethington came to the University in 1964 as an instructor in educational psychology and became Acting Director of the Lexington Technical Institute in 1966. His ex- perience prior to coming to the University includes teaching at the secondary level in Kentucky and in California and in USAFI evening classes at Misawa Air Base in Japan. He said Dr. Wethington, an assistant professor of education, holds the A. B. degree from Eastern Kentucky University and the M.A. and Ph. D. degrees from the University of Kentucky. Dr. Oswald reported that the recommendation had the en- dorsement and support of Dean Ellis F. Hartford. Dr. Denharn said that he was delighted that the Maysville Community College had such a well qualified young man as its first director and made the motion that his appointment be approved. His motion was seconded and passed withoat dissent. L. Board Committee Appointed as Liaison with Joint UK-UL Committee Under HR 43, President John Oswald of the University of Kentucky and Presi- dent Philip G. Davidson of the University of Louisville were asked to appoint a joint committee to study the future role of the University of Louisville in the state system of higher education. The following committee was named: Lisle Baker, Chairman, Thomas A. Ballantine, William H. Kendall, William F. Lucas, Albert G. Clay, H. Lee Cooper, Ed Paxton, and Clair Vough. The committee employed the firm of Heald, Hobson and Associates as consultants and the consultants submitted a pre- lininary report during the late winter which Dr. Oswald discussed informally with members of the Board. The Joint UK-UL Committee prior to drafting its final report for submission to the two presidents and to the Governor has indicated its wish to learn the reactions of the Boards of the two institutions to some of the recom- mendations made by Heald, Hobson and Associates. The Board of Trustees of the University of Louisville has already named a committee and President Oswald re- quested Governor Breathitt to appoint a similar committee from the University of Kentucky Board. These two Board committees, after first meeting together, would then meet with the Joint UK-UL Committee for full discussion of future relationships between the two institutions. 8 Governor Breathitt appointed Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Mr. William R. Black, Dr. Harry Denham and Professor Paul Oberst as the committee from the Universi- ty of Kentucky Board of Trustees and named Dr. Angelucci chairman. M. Feasibility Study of Relocation of Stadium Authorized (PR 11) In the early stages of the long-range planning of the central campus, it became evident that building sites would be of prime importance if the needs of a student body of 20, 000 or more were to be met satisfactorily. The present stadium now occupies an area which should be made available in the near future for academic purposes. The fact that the stadium is utilized only five times during a year, makes its present location extremely costly in terms of land use. In June 1966, the Board of Trustees authorized President Oswald to undertake all actions necessary to conduct physical and financial planning for a new stadium to be located on Coldstream Farm. Subsequent to this authorization, city and county officials as well as representatives of the student body and faculty requested that consideration be given to the selection of alternate sites within walking distance of the campus. An ad hoc committee under the chairmanship of Mr. Robert L. Johnson and composed of representatives of the community, the students, the faculty and administration, and the alumni, was named by President Oswald and requested to study alternate sites and to recommend several such sites to him for presentation to the Board of Trustees. The committee has carried out its charge and has recom- mended three possible sites as follows: (1) on the University farm, south of Cooper Drive; (2) near the Jefferson overpass which is involved in the urban renewal and track removal project; and (3) another urban renewal area between Limestone and Broadway and north of Euclid. The first site is recommended over the other two possibilities since the University already owns the land there; however, discussions with community leaders will continue on the feasibility of the other two sites. Dr. Oswald read the recommendation as set forth. in PR 11 which recommend- ed that the Athletics Association be requested to conduct a feasibility study of constructing a 50, 000 seat stadium and adjoining parking lot for 2, 000 automobiles on the University of Kentucky farm, 3outh of Cooper Drive, emphasizing that the parking should be fitted into the University's long-range needs and possible multiple uses of the stadium itself should be explored. Governor Breathitt complimented the University administration, faculty, and the students for the wisdom of their thinking. He said that an investment as large as would be required to construct a 50, 000 seat stadium with attendant parking facilities should be of benefit to the entire institution and not to a small segment of it. The day-to-day use of the parking area and the provision to accommodate several of the facilities now programmed in the Physical Education Complex would insure the best possible return on the investment. Mr. Hillenmeyer moved that the recommendation as stated in PR 11, which is 9 included at the end of the Minutes, be approved. The motion was seconded by Dr. Denham. All present voted 'aye, with the exception of Mr. Sam Ezelle who voted "nay". (See PR 11 at the end of the Minutes.) N. Meeting Dates for 1967-68 Established (PR 12) Dr. Oswald called attention to PR 12 which listed the meeting dates for the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee for the fiscal year 1967-68. He commented that the recommended dates would provide for monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees from September through May. The monthly meetings were set at the request of the members of the Board of Trustees. The Executive Commit- tee would still meet during the summer months and at such times as deemed de- sirable or necessary between monthly meetings of the Board. On motion by Mr. Ezelle, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, the Board established monthly meetings from September through May and approved the dates for such meetings as set forth in PR 12, (See PR 12 at the end of the Minutes. 0. Executive Committee Elected Governor Breathitt said that under the Statutes of the Commonwealth the Ex- ecutive Committee of the Board of Trustees must be elected yearly. The present Executive Committee was elected on May 3, 1966 and action was needed at this meeting. He asked for nominations and Mr. Black moved that the existing Com- mittee be thanked for the outstanding job which it has done and that the present members (Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Chairman, Mr. Smith Broadbent, Dr. Harry Denham, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Dr. H. B. Murray) be re-elected. Mr. Ezelle seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. P. School of Mathematical Sciences Activated (PR 13) Dr. Oswald called attention to PR 13 which recommended the activation of the School of Mathematical Sciences effective July 1, 1967. He said that the establish- ment of such a school had already been approved as a part of the general plan for the organization of the College of Arts and Sciences presented to the Board earlier and the Board was merely being asked to approve activation of the school and the ap- pointment of Dr. Wimberly Royster as Director of the School of Mathematical Sciences and Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences. On motion by Mr. Broadbent, seconded by Dr. Angelucci, and passed, the recommendation made as a part of PR 13 was approved. Dr. Diachun commented that he was sorry he did not have a vote for he would like very much to have the op- portunity to vote in favor of the appointment of Dr. Royster as Director of the School 10 and Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences. (See PR 13 at the end of the Minutes. ) Q. Board Committee Named to Work With Athletics Association Committee on Stadium Feasibility Study Governor Breathitt said that if the members approved, he would like to name a committee from the Board of Trustees to work with the Athletics Association Committee conducting the feasibility study for the relocation of the stadium. The members agreed that such a committee would be extremely desirable and the Governor designated Mr. Hillenmeyer, Dr. Denham, and Mr. Ezelle to serve as a committee to work with the Athletics AssociationCommittee. R. Jefferson Community College Offices Opened Dr. Oswald said that invitations had been issued to attend the formal opening of the offices of the Jefferson Community College on May 9, in Louisville. He ex- pressed the hope that some of the members of the Board might be able to attend and reported that work had already started on the renovation of the Presbyterian Seminary building and the old Pharmacy Building and that the first students should be admitted in January 1968. S. Meeting Adjourned Governor Breathitt asked if there was any further business to come before the meeting. Dr. Diachun replied that inasmuch as the Board had approved as a part of PR 2, a leave of absence for him from August 1, 1967 through July 31, 1968, he would not be attending any more meetings of the Board and wished to say to the Board that he had found his term of service of great value. For himself personnally and for the members of the faculty who elected him to the Board, he expressed thanks for the sincere interest and concern evidenced by the Board in all matters relating to the faculty and the academic affairs of the institution. Governor Breathitt said that the Board had been aided in its deliberations by the advice and counsel they received from the non-voting faculty members. He thanked Dr. Diachun for his contribution and wished him a pleasant and enjoyable leave. On motion by Mr. Ezelle, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and approved the May 2, 1967, meeting of the Board of Trustees adjourned at 3:20 p. m. Respectfully submitted, H. B. Murray, Secretary Board of Trustees 11 PR 2, PR 3, PR 4, PR 5 and Addendum, PR 6, PR 7, PR 8, PR 11, PR 12, and PR 13, which follow are all official parts of the Minutes of the May 2, 1967, meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky. PRESIDENT'S REPORT TO THE TRUSTEES May 2, 1967 1. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION HAS SUCCESSFUL REUNION WEEKEND The Alumni Association reports a successful reunion weekend. A check for $1,911.50 was presented to the association by the class of 1957, which held its 10th reunion, and the Senior Associates announced commitments of $1,221,500 under the Fellows Program. Senior Associates president Hampton C. Adams said 26 men and women have enrolled as Uni- versity Fellows, 19 of them alumni. Half are Kentuckians, he said. The association named Ervin Nutter of Xenia, Ohio, as president, and Charles 0. Landrum of Park Hills, as vice president. Mrs. Joe F. Morris was reelected treasurer. Samuel M. Cassidy, Mt. Lebanon, Pa., was elected chairman of Senior Associates, an organization of UK alumni who have been out of school 30 years or more. Other officers: James W. May, Louisville, vice chairman, and R. E. Shaver, Lexington, secretary- treasurer. Alumni Awards for distinguished service to their communities and to UK went to Miss Madileen Small, Washington, D.C.; Nutter; J. Winston Coleman and Mrs. Morris, both of Lexington. Teaching awards of $500 each were presented to Dr. Nicholas Pisacano, chairman of the Department of Hygiene and Public Health, and assistant dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and Dr. James P. Noffsinger, associate professor-8f architecture. They were chosen by student organizations. Research awards, also of $500 each, were pre- sented to Dr. Walter G. Langlois, associate professor of French; Dr. C. Oran Little, associate professor of animal science, and Dr. Donald E. Sands, associate professor of chemistry. The awardees were chosen by their fellow faculty members. New members of the Alumni Association Board of Directors who took office April 22 for three-year terms are: District 1--Doualas E. Williams, Hopkinsville; District 2--Walter "Dee" Huddleston, Elizabethtown; District 3--Joe Creason, Louisville; District 4--Richard L. Rushing and Mrs. B. L. Kessinger, both of Lexington; District 5--Mrs. G. D. Beach, Frankfort; District 6--J. Roger Caudill, Morehead; District 7--Dr. George P. Archer, Paintsville. District 8 (Kentucky-at-large)--Cecil D. Bell, Lexington, and Joe F. Rupert, Ashland; District 9--Daniel M. Van Sant, Nashville, Tenn.; District 10--C. Robert Yeager, Attleboro, Mass. - 2 - 2. DR. CLARK TO DIRECT SEMINARS AT STANFORD Dr. Thomas D. Clark, distinguished professor of history, is one of 16 outstanding teachers of history from across the U.S. who have been invited to participate in Stanford University's summer Institute of American History. The eight-week program will center on a seminar, "New Findings in American History." Institute director is Prof. George Knoles of Stanford. Dr. Clark will conduct the seminars. 3. UNIVERSITY HOSTS 762 HIGH