xt7fbg2h9x31_13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fbg2h9x31/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fbg2h9x31/data/1997ms164.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms164 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Bell family papers Bell Place newspaper clippings text 1.08 Cubic Feet 5 boxes and 1 oversized folder Bell Place newspaper clippings 2022 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fbg2h9x31/data/1997ms164/Box_1/Folder_12/Multipage494.pdf 1910-1911 1911 1910-1911 section false xt7fbg2h9x31_13 xt7fbg2h9x31 a
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fiHiéfi‘EEN cow’s SELL AT AUG»

Bishop Clay as Agent Secures Prices
Ranging From $15.40 to $41 at Front
Foot—$16,670 Total.

Bishop Clay, as agent for the Bell
Place Land Company, sold Friday aft»-
ternoon at, public auction thirteen (lo-«-
[siraiblc building lots in beautiful “Roll
iPlace" for a total of $16,670.85. Priors
irangod from $15.40 to $11 per front

Only one lot fronting on Main street
was sold. This was the ltia,i'2;8,iii of tho
sale. and went to City" Attorney W'al»
lace Muir for $4]. per front foriit, or a
round price of $2,060. Before lcavingw-

the grounds Mr. Muir was offcrorl $100
advance on his bid. but (lcclineid To
ialgcit. Mr. Muir contemplates erect-
ing a. homo on the purchased lot,
which lies about midway between the
main. entrance lo “Bell Place” and L49
residence of 143.1,. ‘Irlutchinson.

The other lots sold were on Sayre
Iaxvonuo, Boll Court, first, Bell Court
West, Ormsby and Boonesboro ilVr‘

A good sized crowd allmulcd iho
sale. W llCh was conductml by Auciion»
cor Harvey W. Brain. 'Whilo the prices
realized were not. as good as expected,
the bidding was fairly :s'pirilx-nrl and 1hr
sale on the Whole was satisfactory to
the company.

Following is a summary of the sale.
giving the number of lot on tho plat.
name of‘purcl'iascr and. prior ior from
hot ,~ Yollmwr Muir .....

Lot 7 B. Hliolhy

Lot. , .. X, Morrhant

Lot '7 . J. Mkflrogor

Lot (We—AN Gr i‘xi('l_}l‘(‘g()i‘

Lot 67~—~'i‘ll()illu‘3 \‘C'liiic,

Lot. 68-»'l‘liomzi>: “White,

Lot 69~——’l‘liomus W'liitc

Lot TOrA. G. McGrogor

lml’. stir-GOO. B. Shel)“ ..

Lot. Jill—ml. F. Kciinorly

Lot lfltrkmi'l‘. (7. Berry

Lot ilil‘J-flH. l). 'W'ilson







 _ . Slifl Hilfliilii
Sixtteen Bring Over $20,000

0. B. Lowry to Erect
Handsome Residence

' Sixteen lots in the '
l beautiful
Pflfce were sold at auction Tileslrglfily1
a ernoon at prices ranging from $12.50
3 $33 a front foot, bringing a total of
$0,627. For such property as was
Edd the prices were considered by the
fest Judges exceedingly reasonable In
act,_several pieces went at what were I
cons1dered bargain prices, though the -
avIetraget/Hwas” fairly good. /
1s , 'e,highest clas ft '
_ . property which has eersi 221393132210:
tion 1n Lexington, and the prioesrbid
were in several case§'»less than~ had
been offered for the lots/at priirfate
sale. The lots were sold with- build-
1ng restrictions, as to the location
cost and character of the houses and
W1th a guarantee of concrete ’side- -'
av‘vnaéks,agutters and curbs, sewer, water -
streetgs.S pipes laid, and macadam
First Lot to Be Sold.
ofTélgflfirSt lot sold was at the corner '
. rAft court east and Sayre avenue 1
1 er spirited bidding it was knocked !
Eggn go J. M. Roche at $32 a front ‘
e t. he next lot, facing Bell court '
as, was also knocked dOWn to Mr
Roche at $33 a front foot. Mr. Roche!
also secured the third lot at $32 hponi
‘ the sale of which he announced he had ‘
purchased them for Mr. C. B. Lowr
The three lots have a frontageyot

157 feet and are 240 feet deep and
Mr. Bain, who conducted the sale an—
nounced that Mr. Lowry authorized




' < - ' , - '-~ drprnrv’ hummgn nr‘
residence on them. 0"
Messrs. Todd and Looney Buy.

Two other lots. facing Bell court-l
east were then sold, one to Mr. Jamesl
A. Todd for $29 a front foot and the‘
next to J. P. Looney for $25.

Mr. Bain then sold the four lots at
the corner of Bell court and Sayre
avenue facing the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Cary. The corner lot was
bought by Mr. C. B. Hagerman for $31
a foot; the lot next to the corner went ‘ ‘
to Kinzie Stone, of Georgetown, forl
$30; the next to Yancey Freeman fori
$30, and the fourth to J. Howard Mur-
ray for $26.

, Lot No. 65, at the corner of Bell
court west and Sayre avenue, wast
bought by Mr. Freeman at $28.50 at
~ foot.
‘ Forest Avenue Lots Sold.

Five lots on Forest avenue werel
then sold, the lot at the corner of For-
est and Sayre avenues to W. D. Howse,
of Carlisle, for $27 a foot. Lot 57 wasi
bought by Lafe Brock for $21.50 al
foot; lot No. 59 by B. F. McCormick}
.for $21 a foot, at which price Joseph,
[McCormick got lots Nos. 60 and 81. i

One lot at the corner of Ramseyl
and Russell avenues was then sold to
G. L. Gast for $12.50.

The lots range in width from 52 feet
5 inches to 57 feet, and in depth from
150 to 240 feet.

Good Crowd Present.

The sale was held by Clay, Rose &i
Cockrell, agents, and Mr. Harvey Bain]
was the auctioneer. There was a' .
Splendid crowd present and very great
interest taken in the sale, many ex-
pressions of admiration for the sub»
divisions and regret at not having the
money to buy lots being heard in the}
crowd of onlookers. I

7 There was keen competition for!
most of the lots which were offered,
and it was announced by a member of
the company that nearly every one

who purchased a lot will erect a house , ,
i immediately.


 One Residence and Nine Lots
Bring An Aggregate of $14,-

One tw~osto1y brie l1 reslrdlence and
nine attractme building; lots 1'11 Boll
Place addition were sold Monday after
noon in the public sale conducmd by
Bishop Clay 1301 the Bell Place Land
Company the proceeds of :he sale
whaling approximately $14 000 The
sale which was mied by Auct1oneer
Harvey \V 83111 “as not largely at-
‘tonded owing 16 the heat and the
.111 dding was slow. On accofint of the
0811113111 crowd and lack of 1nte1osrt he
.9,“ e of the other lots was postponed
unfil a more seasonable time A sum 1
‘ wary of the sale fol lows:

N0, l—~Two—slt.ory pressed brick
house andl ot—~Mrs. J. E. Can-
‘11"111 Georgetown ............ $5 500
Lot No. 29~Mrs. J E Czantrill,
pm f1 on foot ................ $27. 25
1. BOW—J. Craig Shelby 23.2)
' . 31~D. \V. Gas-e ........ 18.00
1 . 312»~-Henry Kelly 1750
. 33~H. T, Duncan Jr. 14.00
.134—{31‘aig Shelby ...... 12.00
. 41~VV. J. Moore“... 23.723
11 . 96———H. T. Duncan Jr. . . . 14.00
‘ . 74——'W. J. Moore. . . . . . 19.00