xt7fbg2h9x9j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fbg2h9x9j/data/mets.xml Arizona Historical Records Survey (Ariz.) Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects National Archives (U.S.) 1939 iii, 33 l.; 27 cm UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number Y 3.W 89/2:43 F 317/ser.6/no.3 books English Tucson, Ariz.: Survey of Federal Archives This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Arizona Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Post Office Department -- Archives -- Catalogs Archives -- Arizona -- Catalogs Arizona -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series VI, The Post Office Departpment, no. 3, Arizona, 1939 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series VI, The Post Office Departpment, no. 3, Arizona, 1939 1939 1939 2019 true xt7fbg2h9x9j section xt7fbg2h9x9j ; -: L. . ‘ ' . 2 - ‘ 3mmMMm1n (We ~ - ‘ E I ’ i , 1 Entries unwise d I _-_-...__,.. ~;fl_mv_wfl--T~ ., c - . ’ .' : ;L‘W““mm-‘m—"WW-Ljfi E. . , , E ('3 3' ‘ ; 9’ ' " ' ; ‘1: ' E E E- 7 'i E :' INVENTORYEOEW. . 4, . ‘3 E; E ‘ ' ;E FEDERAL ARORIEIES‘ , ‘ l; 3 A ' E » » ; IN THE 8lele .; f V a; j; . , E 3 .‘ ‘ V'- . E E; ‘ 1 2 I; 1 _ : E' ' ‘ E; . . .; _; . SERIES VI . ‘ 1‘ 1 THE POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT ; -, , ; ; I' NC. 5. ARIZONA a = A . a ' ; g . ‘ ‘ t 9 | ‘ TEE SURWJI OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES I. a E 1 ‘1’ ' ' ‘ WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION 1 .1 ' A ' . n___ E :1 H 1 311.11%“: ,._ __ .1 ;! .:V a y . . E; ._ - ,g,r")2:j;;:fiw;mfi . J 1' ‘1 )3. I u H“ , _‘ ' (I; . E 4 IENEVEEE‘EE‘E‘EE‘? :‘.‘2,s=u'?£j£:£'t I _ ; ‘ EXEHF‘defifi-g 1 _, ,E: E , . .; HE ’ i ' ' - 2' ”N; - 1 ' h 1;. M . ' . , I ’1 w a; ‘_ . .% ‘ .~ . I ' \(t . 5‘ r E? I ’ ‘l;;//\ E 2 -. E I I ' E :e ‘ ,g ‘ . ; _ , Eli: ' l‘\1\kl.)l!l’ \ . ‘ g ¥ - ' * ' j ‘ E E [2 1 ' . . . .4 '5 ..? l 'I :Liéy‘uty I. 1 . t4; 3!] t -“ “a t” 3.33523"? ’ he. tub-:2 . - a m. . ,. T - n 1 . “ ». £39,?” ’ IN \TENTORY 01+ ELDERAL. ARCPIVES IN TrIE STATESW_ I-(‘J'r 7“, 1. '.' 1 '. gig-airy" 7‘ ‘ , . ' :,§t'"=-"j-;_:gg.;.. 1 . . : _ tg’fiww 1' V; - ' ' .. ‘ (5:73? > v. 5 ./ Al." gag), ‘ . ”,7 We ‘ Prepared by ; ‘ “iv . f‘ The Survey of Federal Arcnives l 5;; Division of Women's and Professional Projects : ‘ , my! . . . . . i 4: WorKs Progress Administration ‘ 3 g The National Archives 5 T 3&5, :5 . ' p Cooperating Sponsor . 1 ’ , = ‘ i ’ : I 1 . ‘ j, i E5 ‘ . ) I - - n vvw‘m - 1"“ ‘ FRIES V] . TEE POST C‘l‘l‘l‘uE DEPxflTnth a no. 5. ARIZONA ‘ i a“, i 1 ’ 3 1 4- , v T l' . h r)‘ - J I " :,. axon , Arizona , { The Surrey of Federal Archives ' ’1 ' 1T7: ' t 31.! W “"hi _’§ ‘ i‘e’ WI}??? «33' 5‘; ~ {14 .53 q .- . as , , 5:1 1 :w '9! 1:. . i i ' J i! - , . é " i g ii H I? PREFACE , _I The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products . of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a nation- - ' wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January l, 1936 to T‘ June 30, 1937, and has been continued since that date as a unit of the > Historical Records Survey, also operating as a nation—wide project of the : - Works Progress Administration, and a group of state or local projects of : w , ' that Administration. > ) ‘ The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I : 3 consists of reports on the administration of the Survey,'acknowledgments, 3 and general discussions 3f the location, condition, and content of federal { ‘ 1 archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information , ator secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate series num- t j ber being assigned to each of the executive departments (except the Depart- j ' _: ment of State) and other major units of the Federal Governmentv Within 1 ‘ each series No. l is a general introduction to the field organization and , , records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers con- I . tain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state ; j in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama 5 - , is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 5, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc. i t For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of re— 1‘ I in lated records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive dates f l ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was secured), l ? general description cf informational content, description of the system of v filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, 3 2 form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear , " g5 footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records 4 ‘ ”f (not stated if satisfactory), location by room number or other identifying 1 A information, and finally, the number of the Form 588A on which this in— " formation was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was - , abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National hr» i , chives. When it contains substantial information on addenda sheets which “ has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is ' given by use of the reference "See addenda." . In Arizona the work of the Survey was directed by Dr. Howard A. Hubbard , H of the University of Arizona, with Mrs. Meryl E. Morgan as his assistant, f ,_ until June 50, 1937. Since that date the state project has been directed :' by Mrs. Morgan. This Inventory of the records of the Post Office Depart- - _ ment in.Arizona was prepared in the Tucson and Phoenix offiCes of the Sur— : vey. It was edited before mimeographing by Miss Elizabeth Edwards of the . . Washington office. 5 _ Meryl E. Morgan ”' Tucson, Arizona State Director ". January IO, 1939 Survey of Federal Archives L _' in Arizona 3 y“?‘“~ x t , gfiw if -.. i..Izv‘_WI_..__-r-fl_fi 7__ k“r V,7,1J+2f;, & 9 ,“li in“, ,.M., ,v , 7 , V t I E n i i i s interns. , ' t E% Page jg Clifton, Third Class Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 in; Douglas, First Class Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 f%§ Florence, Third Class Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ffif Globe, Second Class Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5% Guthrie (discontinued office; see Clifton) . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 fifif Metcalf (discontinued office; see Clifton) . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 -§§ Miami, Second Class Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . ,% Nogales, Second Class Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 fig, PhoeniX, First Class Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ’23 Division of Air Mail Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 E; Division of Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 7fi‘ Division of Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 I E} Division of Operation and Maintenance, Custodial Service . . . l5 :2 Division of Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 5?. Division of Postmasters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l6 fa Division of Post Office Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 a}, Prescott, First Class Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ff. Main Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 iV Division of Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 ff Division of Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3f Division of Motor Vehicle Service . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O 31' Division of Operation and Maintenance, Custodial Service . 20 _j Division of Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 if Division of Postmasters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 f1 Division of Post Office Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 .fi. wnipple Substation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 f“ Safford, Second Class Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3) Superior, Third Class Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 I fl Tucson, First Class Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 53 Main Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 E; Division of Air Mail Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 ,fi; Division of Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 ;fit DiVision of Dead Letters and Dead Parcel Post . . . . . a 28 g? Division of Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 fig Division of Motor Vehicle Service . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 0&5 Division of Operation and Maintenance, Office of the ti Chief Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?9 ,fi? Division of Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 ‘ EA Division of Postmasters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 g §%_ Division of Post Office Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 g; Division of Railway Mail Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 g? Greenway Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 ff University Substation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 ;§g York (discontinued office; see Clifton) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ,sa i 1 :1; TILE POST OFFICE DEPARTI.ENT i ' :j CLIFTON THIRD CLASS POST OFFICE '@ Post Office Bldg., Railroad Ave. E § The definite date of establishment of the Clifton Post Office cannot E .2 be determined, however, the earliest date shown on the records is 1889. 1 ' ,{ Prior to moving to the present Post Office Building, it occupied office ‘ g, space in the Phelps Dodge Corporation Mercantile Store building. Records ‘ (‘5 from Guthrie, Metcalf, and York, Arizona were stored in this post office 3 > 5 when those offices were discontinued. The records on the desk in the main ‘a; office are stored in the safety vault at night. Many of the records have : I - been listed by the postmaster for destruction. t 1 1. ADVICES RECEIVED OF MONEY ORDERS DRAWN UPON, 1889; 1891 - 1900; t - 1902 — 1907. Money orders issued and fees received. (Never.) 10 X 15 E , vols. (5), 4 in., on open wooden shelf° Storage room. (346) l ‘I 2. INVENTORY OF THIRD CLASS OFFICE, Jan. 1, 1899 — 1901; 1908. Total 1 ‘ f stamps received, on hand, and issued. (Never.) 10% X 14 vol., i in., on r ' : open wooden shelf. Storage room. (342) t t _ 5. QUARTERLY ACCOUNT AND RECORD BOOK, 1899 — 1901; 1911 — 1915; 1927 — 1 :5 1929. Form 1545, quarterly postal account inventories, monthly statements, E f receipts, disbursements, etc. (Seldom, official.) 8 X 13% vols. (2), 1 * .1 .;, in., on open wooden shelf. Storage room. (554) l a I 4. REGISTERS, 1904 — 1905; 1907 to date. Domestic money orders; Fomn ) :' N, register of advices received of domestic money orders; Form L, domestic : and international money orders issued. (Never.) 8—5/4 x 12—3/4 and 10; i , _" X 14 vols. (12), 1 ft., on open wooden shelf and on desk. Main office and 1 E ' storage room. (545) l 5. OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK, 1904 — 1908; 1920 .. 1924. Form 1558{§, stock t ' accounts, certificates of deposit of funds in Phoenix office, monthly war i‘ , savings stamp account, quarterly postal account, stamp account, cancella— :_ tions, etc. (Never.) 8 X 15% vols. (5), 1% in., on open wooden shelf. 3 “ Storage room. (539) (.h 6. CASH BOOK OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY'ORDER OFFICE, 1907 — 1911; 1914 — ) 1 3g 1924; 1930 — 1951. Form_N, debits, cash and credits, Form N, cash book ‘ i ‘ for money order business of main office and station. (Never.) 8% x 12-3/4 5 vols. (ll), 8 in., on open wooden shelf. Storage room. (348) . 7. WEEKLY MONEY ORDER STATEEEMTS, 1908 4 1911. ’Money orders issued, 3 .‘ summary of money order transactions, recapitulation, money orders paid, ' domestic and international. (Never.) 15% x 18 vols. (5), 4; in., on Open " wooden shelf. Storage room. (551) I 8. ACCOUNT AND RECORD EOOK, 1909 - 1927; 1950 — l9??. Form 1545;, i I; postmester's account and record book, showins amount of stamps, postal ”WW-~41 V ‘ mm... ___~ in. 7 -,,.-_i_,,.,_ V111,". ,, ...:,?::.:__»_;, . _ Vi 1 -' — V ' ' ‘ r ,. r . , . . Clifton Post ‘Office 2 3 ~fi cards, books of stamps, stamped envelopes on hand, and statement of re~ . ;§ ceipts and disbursements. (Earlier records, never; later records, occa- Tfi sionally, official.) 8% x 14 vols. (6), 3% in., on open wooden shelf. 1 23 Storage room. (541) j 9. CERTIFICATES, 1911 — 1919; 1921 to date. Form PS 505, postmaster's 9 daily cash and stock summary, certificates of deposit; Form PS 600, appli— tfi cations for withdrawals; Form PS 517, withdrawals and balance; Form PS . Jf 541-A, statistical report; Fonn PS, non—negotiable certificates; Form PS } ’fi 500, certificates paid, certificates of deposit in money order account, 1 5? also stubs, etc. (Earlier records, never; later records, occasionally, 1 official.) Variously sized vols., 2% in., on open wooden shelf. Storage 3 "3 room. (535) z ‘5 10. REGISTER OF POSTAL SAVINGS CERTIFICATES, 1911 — 1920. Form 509, 1 i register of postal savings certificates issued; Form 509—A, register of i f postal savings certificates paid. (Never.) 8; X 15: vols. (2), 2 in., on 3 , J} open wooden shelf. Storage room. (324) E, 11. POSTMASTER’S DAILY CASH AND STOCK SUMMARY, 1912 — 1917. Form 508, 3 ” postal savings system summary of depositors' accounts, and savings card and 3 _ savings stamp account. (Never.) 8; X 15-5/4 vols. (4), 5% in., on open ‘ wooden shelf. istorage room. (352) . ' t ‘f 12. DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL MONEY ORDERS, 1912 ~ 1933; 1956 to date. 1? Form 6011, postmaster‘s monthly money order account; Form 6012, money or— 3 ,fi ders issued; Form 6014, money orders paid, domestic and international; 3 ‘E Forms 6701 and 670l—A, applications for international money orders (English 3 32 and Spanish forms); Form 6021, money order remittances, etc. (Earlier rec— 3 .3 ords, never; later records, occasionally, official.) 10 X 14; vols. and 1 forms, 9 ft,, on open wooden shelf. Storage room and safety vault. (356) -E 13. RECORD OF APPLICATIONS, 1917 - 1919. Applications for duplicate 3 , domestic money orders. Index. (Never.) 10% X 17—5/4 vol., 3/4 in., on . open wooden shelf. Storage room. (521) 3 ,3 3 I 14. POSTMASTER'S PERSONAL FILE, 1917 - 1919; 1957. Correspondence, -? etc., of postmasters. (Earlier records, never; later records, seldom, 3 , official.) 11 X 11—3/4 folders, 9 in., in 3 cardboard travsfer cases and 3 f on wooden shelf. Storage room. (558) 3 5 15. BOX RENT AND KEY DEPOSIT REGISTER, 1917 to date. Form 1091, reg- 3 f ister of private mail box period, amount, etc.; Form 1558, bills for box 3 :3 rents; Form 1545—A, box rent schedule and quarterly account; Fonn 1550 T/C, ‘ 3 schedule of box rent collections, and quarterly report. (Earlier records, 3 j never; later records, occasionally, official.) 10 x 12% and 15% x 17 vols. w: (59), 5 ft., on 2 wooden shelves. Storage room and safety vault. (557) 3 «Q 16“ DAILY SUMMARY, 1917 to date. Form PS 708, postmasterzs daily sum— 3 12 mary, cash accounts, postal savings certificates issued and paid, savings -1 cards, and savings stamps including list of depositors; Form PS 600, appli- Tf cations to open savings accounts; Form PS 313, receipt of funds received '2 from other postmasters; Form PS 706-A, abstract of certificates; Form PS 3 ix 704, monthly current account, and record of interest paid. (Earlier rec- 3 , '1 ords, never; later records, daily, official.) Variously sized vols° (4), 3 1 cards, and loose sheets, 5 in., on 5 open wooden shelves. Storage room _} and safety vault. (558) 3 3 3 ‘9? 3 3 ..a... ,._l.i, “ . r Vpg, i p A a. I” i ’ I ;E 1 Clifton Post Office 8 ifl: 17. MONEY ORDER COUPONS AND STUBS, 1918 - 1953. Money orders paid, g? C.O.D. money orders, and parcel stubs. (Earlier records, never; later fig records, Occasionally, official.) 5 x 5% coupons and stubs, 12 ft., on gg open wooden shelf. Storage room. (349) tn e 18. NEVSPAPER AND PERIODICAL STATEDENTS, 1918 — 1934. Form ?539—S, Q3 direct accounting, postmaster's quarterly stamp, newspaper and periodical fig statement, postage, etc. (Earlier records, never; later records, seldom, {E official.) 10; x 12—3/4 vols. (4), 4 in., on open wooden shelf. Storage Iii room. (552) AM ‘éfi 19. COMPLAINTS, 1919 — 1925. Form 022, complaints and articles lost 3% or damaged. (Kever.) 8% r 13% vol., 2-5/4 in., on open wooden Shelf. r5? Storage room. (522) ‘ HW‘ 20, RECORD OF SPECIAL DELIVERY ARTICLES, 1920 — 1921. Form 3953, ar— fig ticles received for special delivery, incoming and outgoing; Form 3954, fifi window receipts for special delivery mail. (Never.) 10% x 16 vols. (4), . "$5 2% in., on open wooden shelf. Storage room. (351) ’ 115.7%; 21. DAILY THEE RECORD OF PERSONNEL, 1920 — 1924. Time of arrival at ' Efi' office and time of departure. (Never.) 7—5/4 1 10; vol., 3/8 in., on fig open wooden shelf. Bindings broken, some of volume missing. Storage fl} room. (345) :2. RECORD OF erg-MED PAPER, 1920 — 1926. Stamped paper received, E1] sold, and or hand. (Never,) 10 x 19 loose—leaf book, 1 in., on closed %} wooden shelf. Storage room. (344) 222521 I 2:5. REGISTERED MAIL, 1920 — 1927; 1950 — 19:31; 1953 to date. Form E 11‘ 3850, record of transit and delivered registered mail at window, parcels fifl and mail forwarded; Form 3805, window receipts for registered articles a} outgoing; Form 5807, record of mail registered; Form 3950, roll for Special 1 33' delivery and registered mail service. (Earlier records, never; later T90* 2%;5 ords, daily, official.) 7% X 9% vols. (20), 4 ft., on closed wooden rhelf 2&5 and on desk. Main office and storage room. (33?) W? :13”, 24. C.0.D. PARCEL RECORD, 1920 to date. Form 3814—13., record of C.’c.D. 1 'gg; parcels received for delivery; Form BBlS—A, sender's receipt for insured 9%fi} mail. (Earlier records, never; later records, daily, official.) 7% x 10 l fig; vols. (22), 2 ft., on Open wooden shelf and on desk. Iain o'fice and }§§i storage room. (550) i 1 ,3, 25. MANIFOLD REGISTRY DISPATCH BOOK, 1921 to date. Forms 325.2 and ”gfi 3853, lists of articles received and dispatch bills, jacket bills, main | L€§ office to station office, etc. (Earlier records, never; later records, 3%? daily, official.) 5—3/4 x 8 vols. and bundles, 10 ft. 6 in., on 2 open 3%; wooden shelves, and on desk. Main office and storage room. (330) I fig; . , $1121 26. TREASIr—‘a' SAVINGS CERTIFICATE STUEs, 1922 — 192:5. Stubs detached | fig from Treasury savincs certificates. (Never.) 8 I 10% stubs, 9 in., on 1 fig open wooden Shelf. Safety vault. (553) i 27¢ FIRM LELI‘VERE 1300K, 1922 — 1926; 1932 — 1934-. Form 3883, all mail , and parcels received, niunber on parcel, office of oririn, bill number, etc. E fifi' (Never.) 4% X Sé-vols. (5), 5 in., on open wooden shelf and on desk. ( fig Main office and storage room. (540) f i E Eégé 1 \ ‘ . l i 1; Clifton Post Office 4 ,2 fi 28. TIME RECORD AND PAY ROLL, 1925 — 1926. Form 1590, time record, % monthly pay roll, and registered checks. (Never.) 13 x 16; vol., 5/4 E in., on open wooden shelf. Storage room. (347) a, 29. CASH AND RECEIPT BOOK, 1923 — 195]. Form 5330 (formerly 012), 5% special request envelope, nane of person ordering, amount and date of 33 delivery, and money received; Form Z202—A, memorandum of order for busi~ "f ness special request envelope, amount, denomination, etc. (Never.) 10 x , 15-5/4 vols. (4), 4 in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty, bindings broken. ' Storage roomo (325) ‘ BO. RECORD OF POUCHES RECEIVED AND DISPATCRED, 1924 — 1935. Form 157a, list;ng nature of’service, hour of arrival or departure, number of pouches ' , received and sent during the week, etc. (Never.) 9% x 12 vols. (7), 3% f in., on open wooden shelf. Storage room. (325) 31. QUARTERLY REPORTS, 1925 to date. Box rent collections, vouchers * for rental service under contract, list of money orders issued, list of ' - money orders paid, postmaster's money order account, quarterly report of applications of international money orders (English and Spanish), etc. . (Earlier records, never; later records, frequently, official.) 8; x 14 > leose sheets, 6% ins,.on open wooden shelf. Safety Vault. (355) 32. APPLICATIONS FOR DONESTIC MONEY ORDERS, 1926 to detr. Form 6001, memoranda of issuing postmaster; and applications for domestic money or— ‘ . ders. (Earlier records, never; later records, daily, official.) 3 X 5% forms, 27 ft., on 5 open wooden shelves. Storage room. (529) ,- 63. CHANCE OF ADDRESS NOTIFICATIONS, I928 — 1930. Form $2, notice to postmaster of change of address. Index. (Never.) 5 r 5 cards, 7—5/4 in., on open wooden shelf. Storage room. (335) L4. ACCOUNT AND CASE 100K, 1929 to date. Receipts, distrrs" his and ’ totals, authorized payment, quarterly account, record of stafip trunsn — . tions, etc. (Earlier records, nchr; later records, froourntly, c“9i~inl.l _ 8; X lfinfi/é vols. (2), 1~3/4 in., on open wooden shtlf. Sat ty vault. U (559) 1 , “_ 55, REPORTS OF STAR ROUTE, 193b.to date. F:rm wilt, thil warriur's ( ,f, report, date, service, and route. (Occasionally, ="i~im1.) d I 6% cards, 1, 2% in., on open wooden shelf. Safety vaulcw (EL ) ) Z-I’ ' ; Guthrie Pogggg :__c-_c_- E 5f (discontinued) ( \ f: 56. MONEY ORDER CASH LOOK, 1907 ~ 1921. Domestic money orders, ccr— { l_ tificates of deposit on money orders,_aécounts, and rcpo_ts for the post j :,3 office. (Nevgr ) B x 12—5/4 vol., 1; in., on open wooden shelf. Storage 1 9: room. (328) i ‘ 37. REGISTERED JAIL, 1907 — 1921. Form 3850, record of transit and ,5 delivered TufilSiCTud mail at window, rareols and mail forwarded; Form 5805, -g window receipts for outvoinu resistor d articl s; Fore SWOT, record of 1 E mail registered: Foim 595C, roll for 3r fllfl1 dclivvry and Pufl1fit rod err— ffi vice. (Never.) 7% K 9; vols. (1?), 1 ”i,, in Pfififubovrd For. Storavv ff room. (561) l .. J H, 1 \ Z i a his: Deuclas Post Office 5 lffi 58. MONEY ORDERS, 1912 ~ 1922. Form 6012, domestic and international i? money orders issued; Form 0014, money orders paid, and applications for ;” international money orders. (Never.) 10 X 14% vols., 1 ft., on open ,f wooden shelf. Storage room. (362) "i 59. APPLICATIONS, 1917 — 1923. Form 5571 WS, application for payment " by mail of war savings certificates; Form PD 750, request for redemption ~ of war savings certificates, war savings stamp cards, and certificates. 5; (Never.) 5—5/4 X 6 slips and cards, 2 in., in pasteboard box. Storage " room. (356) ' 40. DISPATCH AND RHMITTANCE CARDS, 1920 — 1922. Registry dispatch , - and receipt cards, central accounting receipts, and remittances. (Never.) " S x 5 cards, 3 in., in pasteboard box. Storage room. (827) fletgalf Post Office -* (discontinued) I 41. APPLICATIONS, 1917 — 1923. Form 3371, application for payment by ' _ mail of war saviOES certificates; Form PD 750, request for redemption of above certificates, war savings stamps, and certificates. (Never.) ' ’ 5—5/4 X 6 clips and cards, 3 in., in pasteboard box. Storane room. (360) } ’ 1 42. MONEY ORDER STUPS AND COUPONS, 1918 — 1955, Money orders paid, ; ' C.O.Du money orders, and parcel stubs. (Never.) 5 X 5; coupons and stubs, ‘ ' , 4 ft., on open wooden shelves. Storage room. (565) . l 1' 43. COMBINED MOKEY'ORDER REGISTER, 1922 — 1927; 1955 - 1936. Form M, -. combined register of orders received and orders paid, international office, 1 exchange office, money orders issued, etc. (Never.) 8—5/4 i 12—5/4 vols. (S), 2% in., on open wooden shelf. Storage room. (326) ' 14. DOMESTIC AND INQEREATIONAL MONEY ORDERS, 1922 — 1927; 1933 — 1956. ‘ 1 Form 6012, money orders issued; Form 6014, money orders paid; ficrms (”Cl 1 ~. and OVOlaA, applications for international money orders (English and Cpan- j '” ish forms). (Never.) 10 x 14% vols., 2 fta, on open wooden shelves. ‘1» Storage room. (564) i - : lesLPLst Oils t '1 {discontinued} ‘ '3 45. REGISTER OF DOMESTIC MONEY ORDERS, 190$ - 1509i Jb;T.N, domestic { ,"i7 money orders. (Nevero) 8~5/4 x 12—3/4 vol., i in., c; oven wooden shelf. 1 1 Storage room. (565) 1 FIEQST' CIASS POST OREIF’E P'vst Office and (flurtomr-I House ,Efi ’Ecnth St. 'md F Ave. E 5%? The first post office in Douglas was at the corner of T nth Street and 53% H Avenue and the date of establishment is not Hnovn. In 1Y1? the post ~£§ office was moved to a new tuildinw at Tenth Str*xa “3% N rtonne. This * i j ’ I. I \ 5 4 3‘ :E'Eqr’i‘i fig Florence Post Office 6 ”?% 1‘ office was advanced to first class on July 1, 1917, redvced to second " class on July ls 1955, and again advanced to first class on July 1, 1956. ', 46. PERSONNEL, Dec. 15, 1911 to date. Clerks and carriers, personal ' postal employment history records of past and present ernloyees, and rec— ords and correspondence concerning all employees from 1?21 to date. Filed alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 K 11$ envelopes and 10 x 12 _ folders, 1 ft. 9 in., in drawer of wocden filing case. 3. 142 and money y order~registry room. (185, 182) 47. CUSTODIAN’S COREESPONDENCE 51D IFSTRUCTIONS, 1916 ~ 1935. Per— - taining to building and equipment; also mate ial on Camp Harry J. Jones, y and blue prints of post office building and grounds. Filed Sibjrctively. ' . (Occasionally, official.) 9 I 11% folders, variously sized blue prints, 2 ft. 2 in., in 2 drawers of wooden filing case and in drawers of map cabinet. R. 142. (183) ’ 48. QUARTERLY REPORTS, Jan. 1921 to date. Quarterly reports of re~ ; ceipts and expenditures of office. Filed chronologically. (Quarterly, ?‘ official.) 9% X 15 enveloges, 8 ft., in 5 drawers of wooden filing case. Money order—registry room. (181} ‘ v 49. ASSISTANT POSTIASTER’S OcanSEObLEECE, June 50, 1922 to date. g Included are reports, requisitions, circulars, bulletins, and instruc— Z - tions covering all departments of the post office. Filed alphabetically. 5 ‘ and subjectively. (Daily, official.) 9 x 11% folders, 7 ft. 6 in., in 1 5 6 drawers of 3 wooden filing cases. Money order—registry room. (160) f l » 50. CORRESPOHDEKCE OF SUFERINTEYDENT OF NAIIS, 1923 to date. Included 1 are reports, circulars, bulletins, irstructions, and requisitions rcrtain— I ing to mailinf. Filed Plenabotically and subjectively. (Daily, offi— ( I cial.) 10 x 12 folders and 1COSC sheets, 2 ft., in drawer of woodrn rill 1 top desk. Edres torn. Mailing room. (179) i ' 51. POSTMASTER'S CORRESPOFEENCE, Aug. 1935 to date. Inéludcd ire in— I structions and circulars. Filed alphabetically and subjectively. (Daily, , "' confidential, official.) 8 x 11% folders, 8 in., in drawer of wooden filing case; 172.142. (184) i - | , ' l J I FLORENCE l ." i » THIRD CLASS POST OFFICE . Final Lumber and fiardware Company 1159. | ‘ Kain St. ‘ 1 , The date of establislga‘t of this office is unknown. It has occupied ‘ .»‘ many buildinfs, tre namvs an; lovations of which could not be ascertained. “. About ten years ago it leased a ,oriion of the Final lumber and Hardware '4 Company Euilditj. All of its chCTdf were destroyed by Fire in 1933. I 52. APPLICAI:ONS F0“ DOfiEDEIC ALL JOREIGH MOIEY OkDEis, 1933 to date. »{ Form 6001, name of senior, amount, to Whom issued, etc. (Daily, official.) ' * 3% x 5 bundles and loose sheets, Si in., in drawar of wooden filing case. '31 Work room. (97) i . 35.3- t \ I ' 4 a %%7 Florence Post Office 7 3) 53. RECORD OF C.O.D. PARCELS RECEIVED FOR DELIVERY, 1955 to date. 2 Form 3814-A, record of all C.O.D. mail received for delivery shoving date , I of mail, C.O.D. Parcel number, office and state of origin, date of receipt, , charges, name of addressee, and disposition record of money order number. ' (Occasionally, official.) 7% x 10% vols., 3 in., on table. Work room. (100) . 54. RECORD OF C.O.D.'PARCELS TO BE DISPATCFED, 1955 to date. Form , 5816, triplicate receipt form showing amount of C.O.D. and dispatch rec-~ ord. (Daily, official.) 5% X 10 cards, 10 in., on open wooden shelves. Work room. (99) , 55. RECORD OF RECEIPT AND DELIVERY OF INSURED MAIL, 1935 to date. ' - Form 5850, insured mail delivered or in transit, showing insured number, office of origin, date and number of receipt, delivery record, etc. (Oc— casionally, official.) 7% x 9 vols., 6 in., on table. Lork room. (95) i 56. RECORD OF TRANSIT AND DELIVERED REGISTERED MAIL, 1955 to date. I Form 5850, registered mail delivered or in transit, showing registration )' number, office and state of origin, date and number of receipt, delivery ‘ record, etc. (Occasionally, official.) 7% x 9 vols., 6 in., on sh€lf in steel filing cabinet. Work room. (105) I 57. REGISTER OF MONEY ORDERS ISSUED, 1955 to date. Form I, combined ‘ - register of all money orders issued at Florence Post Office, showing date, money order number, amount, fee, etc. (Daily, official.) 8% X 13% vols., l 3 5 in., in steel safe. Work room. (98) ) » s » 58. SENDER'S RECEIPT FOR INSURED MAIL, 1935 to date. Form 5815, par~ E eel post and third class matter, showing receipt number, name and date I received at Florence. (Occasionally, official.) 7—3/4 X 10 vols., 6 in., g ' on table. Work room. (101) Y 59. WINDOW REGISTRATION BOOK, 1935 to date. Form 5805, reentrts of ) ' dispatch, each book consists of 300 numbered receipts covering rcgist red ‘ mail of all nature for dispatch. (Daily, official.) 7 x 7—5/4 vols., j " 6 in., on table. Work room. (102) I - 60. RECORD OF POUCRES RECEIVED AND DISPATCTED, 1984 to date. Form ) ’ 1576qA, nature of service, origin of pouches, tr in numbtr, schedule time ‘ ' of arrival or departure, and actual time of arriv l or d parturc. (Occa- ) . sionally, official.) 9% x 12 bound folder, 1 in., on table. Work room. 2 . (106) ' E . 61. SAVINGS BONDS 1mdrmvcs, Aug. 22, 1955 to date. Form 914, rec- ‘1 ord of all bond remittances to the PhOenix OffiCc showing dates, etc. . _ (Occasionally, official.) 9 X 12 folders, % in., in 3 ft. Work room. ) - (,6, l I .- 62. POSTMASTER'S ACCOUIT LOOKS, July 1936 to date. Inventory of gov— -‘ ernment property on hand; table showing payments made by postmaster, re— " ceipts of authorized payments, payment of office help and rent, income _ from postage stamp stock, printed stomped envelopes, daily stamp sales, ‘ schedule of deposits, daily and quarterly cash books, advrnccd deposit -1 and trust funds, special delivery fees, and box rent income. (Daily, of— ‘g. ficial.) 8 x 14 vol., i in., in safe. Work room. (104) .5 i \ ' . 1 5 fifi Globe Post Office 8 . I 65. AIR MAIL PULLETINS AND SCWEDULFS, Nov. 1956 to date. Schedule of . air mail service for United States from the postmaster at Phoenix, includ- ing foreign air mail service to Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, and air mail map showing all air mail routes in the U.S. (Occasionally, official.) 8 X 10% folder and 18 x 50 map, 2 in., on open wooden shelf, . and (map) on wall. Work room. (108, 107) , 64. CHANGE OF ADDRESS CARDS, Jan. 1957 to date. Form 22, old and new , addresses, locations, date of change of address, etc. Arranged alphateti— . cally. (Daily, official.) 5 X 5 cards, 9 in., in pasteboard box. Work room. (109) 65. POST OFFICE BOX RENT REGISTER, n.d. Box rent register for keyless , - equipment, showing box number, name of renter, amount paid, date rented, ) etc. (Occasionally, official.) 9; I 10: vol., i in., on tatle. Work i ‘ room. (105) i. GLOBE i SECOND CLASS POST OFFICE Federal Bldg., Hill and Sycamore Ste. A small office was established in 1875. By 1952 it had advanced :: , -' second class. Some of its earlier records could not be located, tut the ) present postmaster has no knovledge of any being destroyed. Ionthly re— E ports are sent to Washington, D.C., and weekly and monthly pcstel savings ( reports are sent to Phoenix. The money order division records are de— ( l V stroyed after three years by order of the Inspector. i 66. MAIL CARRIERS (RURAI AND CITY), 1925 to date. Applications for 1 money orders, complaints of patrons, and daily record of numter of pieces § , of mail delivered and collected. (Frequently, o“ficia1,) 9 x 1“ folders, ( i 4 in., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (298) 1 67. BOND STUBS, 1952 ... 1935. Record of suntan», drs, and amount ( . . n. - . l . ,- : , (duplicates). (OccaSionally, ofiic1ai.) 5:71 E vol., 1: in., on open ( steel shelf and in steel safe. Office veult. (293) i 68. APPLICATIONS FOR DOMESTIC MONEY CREE S All C ggileLLIIC STUES, ‘ ' 1952 to date. Applications and money order stuts syuefiryinm -mount, nmne ( , _ A. . - ‘ 7 1 , and address of purchaser. (Occa51onnlly, ofiieivi.) l, 7 2 stubs and 53 ( — ‘ ‘r‘. 1 ( X 5 loose sheets, 62 ft., on 9 open sttel shelvvs who in s2 pvstsbooid l ‘ boxes. Office vault. (502) ( I 69. CORRESPOIDENCE, 1952 to date. Incominn and outnoinn correspondence ( y of postmaster and custodian to Washington and patrons. (Frequently, offi— .- cial.) 9 X 12 folders, 5 ft., in 2 drvwcrs of steel filing case. Office. ~' (296) ' 70. MONEY ORDER REPORTS, 1952 to date. Monthly summary of money order . business sent to Washington, issued rnd paid money orders, month