xt7fbg2hb387 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fbg2hb387/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1947 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.19 n.1, November-December, 1947 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.19 n.1, November-December, 1947 1947 1947 2020 true xt7fbg2hb387 section xt7fbg2hb387 Wm}lllllIll"llllllmll||1llllll|l“|“ llll|li|l1flll %@ £535? ,. Journals» “877 OFFICIAL OKG'AN Of‘ WNW: EDUCATIONAL 5% .H M LLIIll”lIll"!IlI!IIIlllflllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllll|lI||Illllllllllllllllllllllllll llll VOL, X1}! NOVEMBER—DECEMBER, 1947 No‘ 1 llllllllIIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIllllllllmllll"Hill!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlIllIllllllllllllllllllllllll Ill! "An Equal Educational 0mm rtunltyo m- rEvery Ke entnnky cum" =IIIIIIIIIHIIIIllllllIlllllllllllllllllliIlllllIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll: The Kentucky State College 1386 Framdort, Kentucky 1941 (Io-educational Class A College Degrees Offered In Arts and Sciences Home Economics -— Agriculture Business Administration Education Engineering — Industrial A115 FOR INFORMATION WRITE THE REGISTRAR The K. N. E. A. Journal Official Organ oi the Kentucky Negro Education Assoclaflon WL. XIX NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 1947 No. 1 Published by me Kentucky Negro Education Association Editorial Office at 2230 West Chestnut street Louisville 11, Kentucky W. H. Perry, In, Executive Secretary, Louisville, Managing Editor Wr O. Nuckofls, Providence, President of K,N.E.A, PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR OR 25 CENTS PER COPY Membership in the K.N.E.A. includes subscription to the Journal. Rates of advertising mailed on request. CONTENTS Editorial Comment 3 K. N E. A. Outlook W. O Nuckolls 4 KHNEA. Legislative Program .. .. .. 5, 6 The Dawn of Abdommal Surgery, Mrs. A T McCormack 7, 8 A Newcomer Looks at Lincoln, Mrs Katherine Taylor 9 10 State Educational Association Officers Meet G. W Gore. Jr Survey of Segregated Schools systems Bradford New K s 0 Dean] Faeulty Changes at K 5 Can West Kentucky Training School Make It? Over the Editors Desk Exchanges . Improved Spelling, ’1‘ R Rowan . K.N.E.A. Kullings 19, 20. 21 22, 23 K.N.E.A. OFFICERS FOR 1947-1948 ,..vaidence W. o Nuckolls, President . Robert L Duwery, First Vicepreaident... Elmer 0. David, Second Vice»1=resident. w, H. Perry, Jr., Secretary-Treasurer BOARD OF DIRECTORS w, o. Nuckolls, President 0. B. Nuckolls Victor K. Perry, E. w. Whiteside Whitney M. Yuun DEPARTMENTAL AND CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN Edward T. Buford, High School and College Department, BowlingGreen Mayrne R. Morris, Elementau-y Education Department Louisville Emma B, Bennett, Rural School Department ., . Louisville a. L. Carpenter, Music Department.,, E. w. Browne, Vocational Education Department John v. Robinson, Frincipals‘ Conference Beatrice 0. Willie, Primary Teachers’ Departmen Hattie Figg Jackson, Art Teachers’ Conference... G. w. Jackson, Social Science Teachers Conferene Gertrude Sledd, Science Teacher-5‘ Conference. Jewell R. Jackson, English Teachers' Conference. c. Elizabeth Johnson, Librarians‘ Conference w, L. Kean, Physical Education Department w. H, Craig, Guidance Workers Conferenc A, Richards, Foreign Language Teachers’ Conference William T. Davidson, Adult Education Conference ,. lizahethtown Louisville .Louisville PRESIDENTS 0F KN.E.A. DISTRICT EDUCATION ASSOCIATIONS First District Associntion Second District Association Third District Association Fourth District Association Fifth District Association Blue Grass District Association 7—H R. Merry, Covington . .Narthern District Association S—E, M Kelly, Pike'vllle. ,. Eastern District Association B—Esther R Ball Middlesboro Upper Cumberland District Association 2 l—Betfje C. Cox, Paducah Z—Lester G. Mixnms, Earlingtan 37E. B. McClaskey, Russellvill 4gM. J, Strong, Campbellsvlll 5—Elizabeth Wl Collins, Louisville. 6—P, L. Gufl'lrie, Lexington , Editorial Comment THE MCGUIRE CASE The Kentucky state Federation of Teachers took a courageous action in urging the resignation of Heman H. McGuire as president of the Kentucky Education Association. in the “interest of public education in Kentucky and in the interests of racial and religious tolerance," be~ cause he had “freely and flagrantly indulged in ignorant and bigoted references to a religious iaith and to a racial group." The references had been publicly made by Mr. McGuire because, he said, 'It is my duty as Knit, president to lead the fight for sound principles in edu- cation," That Mr, McGuire, who is superintendent of the carter County schools, was white-washed by fire Board of Education and educational organizations of Carter County, doubtless means he expressed the sen- timent of his community, That the directors of the KEA. wiped dieir hands of the affair, neither supporting nor condemning the action of their president, means they failed to take high ground when an issue presented itselt. Mr. McGuire’s unretracted statement must have been embarrasing to the many fine members and leaders of the Kins. whose records show them out of harmony with his point of View. Whatever Mr. McGuire's personal prejudices may be, his position as county superintendent and as K.E.A. president imposed upon him the obligation of asuming the role of a good American. This he failed to do. statements such as those made by the honored Kentucky educator go to Russia, along with American food and clothing It is to be hoped that whenever they may be chosen, Mr. McGuire’s successors in the official positions he now holds, will be persons whose efforts will be to establish, rather than to dstroy, me amtudes which make good neigh— bors of individuals and of nations. Salary leimtion Removed The judicial decision that the $5,000.00 constitutional limitation on the salaries of state officers of our Commonwealth does not apply to the salaries of principals and teachers. is of interest to the group. it means that their pay schedules. though limited by the availability of funds, will not be handicapped by the former low pay ceilingr Although teachers salaries in Kentucky have been improved constantly during recent years, by increases ranging from mere tokens to several hundred douars per teacher per year, their buying powe is, in many instances, less than that of die lower salaries years ago Further increases, due to increased living costs, already are warranted. There is abundant evidence that the larger pay checks have im~ proved teacher morale, with a consequent raising of the level of pro- fessional service. Thus the support given by the public recently to teacher movements for increased pay is being justified. We in the educational profession must never fail in our first obit gation—to render the best possible service to the pupils. A150, we should utilize opportunities ior keeping the public informed ot the financial support needed for good schools, and of the value of good teachers, Then, too, we should not fail to have available, through our educational organi» zations, the potential pressure groups through which modern democracy functions 3 K.N.E.A. OUTLOOK By w. o. Nuckolls It has been encouraging to note that the great dynamic force of teachers in Kentucky are admirably going on with the task to maintain and improve thrift and -a democratic spirit in our way of life, It is gratitying that general school needs are being improved. salary differentials and general equipment have been improved, but are by no means satisiactory, Negro teachers and interested citizens are urged to keep alert and continue to work for equal support for education for all Kentuckians. Farm study, by our group, has improved to some degree. The con— tinued shift or the Negro population from rural and smaller urban centers increases the problem to maintain adequate intermediate and high school opportunities for our group. -We are probably missing one or our best opportunities through gradual lack of interest and shirt from the farm. The K.N.EA. Board of Directors has met several times since the last annual meeting. It is proud to report that fllrough these meetings and are meeting of a committee appointed by the president, to seek information concerning the resignation of President in. 0. Russell from West Kentucky Vocational Training School of Paducah, that the state 'Board or Education accepted the K.N.E.A. Board of Directors as an advisory board to it concerning matters pertaining to that Training School, The President then appointed the following persons on an advisory committee to the K.N.E.A. Board of Directors: R. s. Lowery. G. D. Wilson, G. w. Jackson, Mrs, M. J. Egester, Mr, Rufus s. stout and Chas, T. Steele. The following is the personnel of the committee which met with the state Superintendent and the Vocation Training heads: The Presi- dent, R. so Lowery, G. w. Jackson, G, D, Wilson and Mrs, May'me J. Egesterr 1f the Secretary—Treasurer can get a good enrollment early the general preparation tor a constructive program for the annual meet» ing and the necessary planning for the next Legislative program will go forward in a way that, we think. will reflect credit to the KNEA, Mpectfully yours, W o. NUCKOLLS, President, KNEA. K. N. E A. Legislative Program The K.N.E,A. is in full harmony with the legislative program of the K, E A. However, Kentucky's dual system of education makes additional legislative and administrative action necessary if equality of educational opportunity is to become a reality. Specific needs are covered in the following report, made by our legislative committee at the April, 1946 convention. The Report The KNEA. Legislative Committee wishes to oricr the following report as its recommendation covering the legislative needs and some_ administrative adjustments for the improvement of education in the State of Kentucky. . 1. Physical plants and Equipment. A primal need in each of the three state Schools for Negroes is that of buildings, major equipment, and in some cases, adequate land for the prosecution of efficient educa~ tlonal programs, In the latter need, there is now an indefinite policy and a lack of positive cooperation on the part of the State Government in the procurement of land, the location and erection of buildings. We would therefore recommend; (a) that there be established a functioning Division of Buildings and Grounds, under the Department of Education, to be manned with a competent staff of engineers, archi— tects, and other necessary employees; (b) that the K.N,E.A. join with the administrators of other state schools in their campaigns for adequate legislative appropriations to bring the buildings, plants and equipment of the Kentucky state College, West Kentucky Vocational Training School and Lincoln Institute up to the standards of other similar state educational institutions. 2. Edumtlon nud Agriculture. That the Negro in Kentucky is fast losing out as a farmer and in other agriculturesl pursuits is common knowledge, and the State seems not to care. Due to the State policy or . segregation in education and social welfare, Negro farmers and Negro youth enjoy but little of die benefits which come to the state from Federal and State funds for the encouragement and improvement of agriculture and agricultural education. Therefore it is recommended: ('1) that the State and Federal Governments cooperate to set up 3hr Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Division for Negro farmers, with sufficlent personnel for research and experiments, farm demonstrations, and field work by farm and home demonstrators to serve the needs of Negro farmers who reside in areas Where local service is not provided under the present systm; (b) that an adequate plant be established and maintained at the Kentucky State College to operate and administer such special agricul- tural service as may set up adequate opportunities for Negro farmers and Negro students of agriculture. 3. Teachers' Salaries. Although much progress has been made toward the equallzafion of salaries in local school systems, there still Mist wide variations or salaries in many systems, due largely to a legauy permissive practice of assigning special duties to certain teachers, usually extra—curricular duties, and awarding them special salaries for these services. The advantage almost universally tavors teachers in schools for white pupils. We recommend fllat extravservice compensation be discontinued. and that (l) a minimum wage scale of 3140030 per year for college grad- uates professionally prepared to teach be adopted; (2) that annual salary increases, starting with the second year of service, and continuing with additional experience to a level of at least $4,000.00 per year, for college trained teachers with ten years of service. 4, Th Day Law. It is now forty-three years since one Representa- live Day introduced in the General Assembly and secured the passage 5 of a law prohibiting the attendance cf white and Negro students in the some educational institutions in Kentucky The principal immediate effect was the exclimion oi Negro students from Berea College—which, according to the then President of Berea, they had attended together “without contamination or reproach." During the intervening years from 1904 tn 1947, the position of the Negro in Kentcky has become in- creasingly more acute as concerns differentials in educafianal oppor» tunity and in his ability to secure education for the needs of life even though much of this education is operated in me state at public ex- pense. Therefore: (1)‘ We recommend the repeal of the Day Law. Or if, the alter- native becomes necessary, we recommend that such modifications or the Day Law be made as will permit Negro students to attend public graduate and professional schools, and such private schools or this type as will admit them, and that this include interneship in public hospitals and sanatoria; (2) that, until such time as the admission of graduate and pro— ressional students to institutions within the state does equalize these op. portunities as between races, the state grant adequate financial sup- port to out-od—state study under the Anderson-Mayer Act; (3) it is further recommended mat the Anderson—Mayer Law be so amended as to require a minimum or only one year of residence within the state to secure its benefits; (4) that are Andersondviayer Law be further amended to include the study of Medicine, Dentistry. Pharmacy and Nursing 5. Civil and Emmomlc nights. The Kentucky Negro Education Association joins with the Kentucky Division at the Southern Regional council, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in a constant campaign for run participation in the civic and economic opportunities of citizens of the state and Nation. in par- ticulzu', we appeal to the state and local governments ror: (1) equal employment opportunities for Negroes in the public service, in contracts and work on public projects, and under whatever conditions public funds are expended; . (2) we rewmmend also the formation of a State Division of Statistical Research on Negro Affairs. adequately financed, and re. sponsible to the Governor for- at least a quarterly report on the progress and needs of Negro citizens of the strata 6. Administrative Issues. More of an administrative nature than legislative are the following items: (a) Supervision. The effective work of the present State Assist- ant Supervisor or Negro Schools, lvtr, Whitney M, Young, has shown the possibilities of this type of work in Negro education, It is now recommended that instead of part-time supervision, the Assistant Supervisor oi Negro Education be placed on a full—time basis at an adequate Salary 1 Implementing These Recommendations In order to secure the needed legislative and administrative improvements set forth in this report, the officers of the K.N,E.A. are directed: (a) to have bills prepared, secure sponsors, and make every effort to obtain the required legislation to make these recommendation eiiec- tive, The employment of a lobbyist is strongly recommended; (b) that such portions of this report as pertain to regulation and administration by departments of the State Government he presented by a committee to be appointed by the president of the association for that purpose, and at such time or times as the president may see fit (During the April convention or the Association, the above report was adopted by unanimous vote. Members or the Legislative Commit- tee were H. 0. Russell, Chairman; Hi E. Goodlae.. E, w, Whiteside, J A Matth ws, 5. L. Barker, R, B. Atwood, c. B. Nuclcolls 6 rm ea ' _ THE DAWN 0F ABDOMINAL SURGERY The followlng proclnmntion invites observance o: a day in recognition of the first successlul abdominal operation ever perlormecl. it was done at nanvlue. Kentucky, on Christmas Day, 1809, prior to the dis- covery of anaesthesia. December 13, the date of Jane Todd Grawfmd‘s decision, is to be observed. Governor Willis, in accordance with the Act of the General As. sembly. February 21, 1942, has issued the following Proclamation honor— ing the date upon which two courageous pioneers. a. physician and his patient, mutually decided to enter into an experiment that has resulted in great benefit to humanity the world over. This Legislative Act calls for observance of December 13. each year, n rchuols, churches. clubs, and other suitable places with appropriate historical and memorial ceremonies." PROCLAMATION By The GOVERNOR Of The . COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME: WHEREAS, we once again approach the time when an Ken- tucklans take prlde in paying Ll'lbute ta that brave resident of Green County, Kentucky, Jane Todd Crawford, who, While stricken with an lllness helleved to be fatal, traveled sixty miles by horse- back over rough terrain to the home of a great surgeon, Dr. Ephraim McDuwell; and WHEREAS, it was concluded that she must submit to an abdominal operation in order that her health might be restored: and WHEREAS, although modern anesthesia was unknown. she courageously submitted to the operation; and WHEREAS, this was the first performance of an operation of this nature and as a result of he! fortitude and Die genlus of the surgeon, thousands of lives have been saved slnce that time; 7 Now, THEREFORE, I, SIMEON WILLIS, GOVERNOR or the Commonwealth oi Kentucky, do hereby proclaim December 13, 1947, as JANE TODD CRAWFORD DAY IN KENTUCKY and call upon the citizens of this Commonwealth to pay homage to our great heroine oi surgery. Done at Frankfort, Kentucky. this tenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven and in the year of the Commonwealth the one hundred and fifty- sixth SIMEON WILLIS, Governor Commonwealth of Kentucky Charles K. O’Connell Secretary of state Teachers may secure a copy of THE STORY OF JANE TODD CRAWFORD, by the late George Madden Martin, author of EMIMY LOU, by writing to Mrs. Wm, H. Emrich, 542 South Second Street. Louisville a, Kentucky. Under the chairmanship of Dr. Irvin Ahell, assisted by Mrs, Eleanor Hume omit, the Kentucky State Medical Association is renewing the attempt, interrupted by the War, to turnish the restored old home of Dr, McDowell in Danville, where the momentous experiment was per. formed so that this scene of surgery's stepping-stone may be re—opened to the public as Kentucky's Medical Shrine. Mrs. A, '1‘.McCorn'lackY Chan-man Woman’s Auxiliary, Kentucky Medical Association “The Newest and Finest in Visual Tools for Modern Schools” it? BELL & HOWELL MOTION PICTURE PROJECTORS SLIDEFILMSTRIPS — PROJECTORS RECORDINGS — RECORD PLAYERS D. T. DAVIS COMPANY More Than Twenty Years Serving the Schools of Kentucky 543 S. 5th St. 178 Walnut St. 911 Main St. Loulsv'ule, xy. Lexington, Ky. Cincinnati, Ohio A NEWCOMER LOOKS AT LINCOLN INSTITUTE By Mrs. Katherine Taylor I have called “Lincoln" home for about two weeks. A short time, Yes! But each hour I spend here, I’m more and more convinced first I'm indeed fortunate to be a pm of this great institution. When I look about at the rolling, majestic hills; the carpet of green grass; the towering trees and the glowing sunset, I feel the presence of an Omnipotent God. Without a. shadow of a doubt, it must have been his guiding hand that set this “City on a hill," in Shelby County, and allowed it to send its beams to the remote sections of our grand old stats, biding all young people, who will, to come and lay the corner stone for a richer and fuller life. The director, Mr. Whitney Youngi his able assistant, Mr. J. A. Carroll, and the dean of education, Mrsi Kathelene Carroll, have per- fected a. school organization of which every “Kentuckiim” can be justly proud. 1 find associated with them a splendid faculty group. Men and women who are academically and spiri ually prepzued to meet the needs of the students. As one, they are striving to develop these stu- dents into Well rounded personalities, who can best serve humanity, From the teachers and students alike there radiates a spirit of friendliness and goodwill. A cooperative attitude is exhibited by all. Truly, everyone seems to be a. loyal member of the “Lincoln family," Many visible signs of improvements can be seen this school yearr In the dormitory for girls, a new heating system has been installed; the rooms have been painted, and new hardwood floors have been laid. The living gum-tats for boyl have been redecorated. 'Shrubbery has been planted on the csxnpus, and work has begun on the road construction project, leading from the main highway to Berea Halli More than fifty counties and independent districts are represented in the student body, Lincoln, like other educational institutions, is experiencing an overflow in her enromnent Many are those who were not permitted to enter this semester, because every available space is already in us, This institufion is rated “A” class by the “state" and "Southern Association." Recently ‘ passed from the “Lincoln Foundation" to state control. Its poss‘ rs for future developments are many, and a bigger and better “Lincoln" has already begun to appear on the horizon Opportunities for basic vocational training are being uttered and the young people are urged to accept the same. I could not look at "Lincoln” without seeing in it. H18 dynamic courageous and christian spirit of Mr. Young, the man who stands at the helm and leads arlght. Though not a carpenter: yet he builds, Though not a doctor; yet he heals, Though not a. farmer; yet he sows, Though not a magician, boys and girls growl Though not a warrior; yet he fights, Work, for the Good of All is his chief delight. LINCOLN is on the March! STATE EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION OFFICERS HOLD MEETING AT FLORIDA A AND M. COLLEGE The second meeting of the State Association Officers, 5. depart- ment of the American Teachers Association, was held at Florida A. and Ml College, Tallahassee, Florida, July 2, in connection with file annual meeting of the American Teachers Association Representatives fram eleven state associations were present. Mr. J. R. Picott of the Virginia Association for Education presided. The meeting considered a founput program The first part concerned itself with adopting a constitution and making plans for a February meeting of the Assam,- tion to he held in Louisiana. The second part of the meeting concerned itself with cooperation with the American Teachers Association in keeping with the constitution of that organization. The third feature was a presentation by Mr, Picott on national advertising for state association magazines, The fourth feature considered new business and discussion of plans for development of the organization, All mem» bers of file organization were asked to pay a fee of $5.00 for the first year. The election of officers was as follows: president, J. R” Picott; vice-president, c. L. Harper of Georgia; secretary»treesuxer, George W. Gare, Jr.; lay members of the Executive Committee, Dr. R. c. Hatcher of Alabama. and Mn A. Tl Butler of South Carolina. The deparh'nent will hold its annual meeflng during the meeting of the American Teachers Association, and a winter meeting at the tlxne and place de- cided upnn at the annual meeting of the department, G. w, GORE, .13., (The KlN.E.A, was represented at the first meeting of this asso- ciation, held in Memphis last February.) The Domestic Life and Accident Insurance Co. STRENGTH - SERVICE - SECURITY 26 Years of Satisfactory Service OVER $2,000,000 PAID TO POLICYHOLDEBIS OVER. 500,000 POLIGYHOLDERS RESERVE OVER 200,000 SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDEBS Has Purchased $1,500,000 Government Bonds All Claims Paid Promptly And cheerfully Insure In THE DOMESTIC and Help Make Jobs tor Yul]! Sons and Daughters HOME OFFICE - LOUISVILLE, KY. W: L. SANDERS, President In E, SMITH, Vice-President R. D. TERRY, Secretary and Agency Director CLARENCE YOUNG, Treasurer 10 VEY 0F SEGREGATED SCHOOL SYSTEMS REVEALS LITTLE PROGRESS IN 15 YEARS Bureau of Educational Researeh, Howard Unlverslty. A survey of the segregated school systems in 17 states and the District of Columbia has just been completed by the Bureau of Kaunas tional Research, Howard University This study reveals that very lit. tle progress has been made in the provision of educational opportunities for Negroes equal to those enjoyed by whites in the same school systems, in 11 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Ken— tucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Okla- homa, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West 'Virginia) and the Districct of Columbia separate schools are required by law for the education of the white and Negro races Separate schools have been decclared by the courts to be legal only when equal educational oppor- tunity is afforded each racial group The findings of the survey of these state school systems which are given in some detail in the current (summer. 1947 Yearbook) number of the JOURNAL OF NEGRO EDUCATION, published by Howard University, showed that in no separate school system does the Negro receive educational opportunity equal to that of white students in the some community The most noticeable progress toward equality of educational op- portunity 11” been made in two areas: length of scchool term and In- crease in teachers salaries in the common schools. Fifteen years ago the length of school term for white pupils was 30 days longer than the Negro school term. In 1945 the white term was only 10 days longer than the Negro term, but the Negro school term was about equal to the white sdhonl texl'm in 19301 White elementary school teachers re- ceived an average Salary of $958 in 1930 and $1307 in 1945. Negro teachers were paid $510 in 1930 and $939 in 1945. The difference in white and Negro teachers' salaries has been reduced from 85% to 40% in the last 15 years In general, this reduction has been made possible by court cases instituted in many states requiring that equal salaries should be paid white and Negro teamers with the same training and doing similar work. The study revealed, however. that very little progress has been made in the equalization of facilities tor transporting pupils to school, or in the provision or buildings and equipment in the common schools Fifteen years ago the value of school property per white pupil enrolled was $166 and for each Negro, only $32; in 1945 the amount invested in white school property was 5224 for each vdilte pupil in school and only $52 for each Negro pupil. At the present rate of progress, it would take so years before the buildings and equipment in Negro common schools would become substanttally equal to those provided for white pupils in 1945, to say nothing or the tuture. 1n the matter of transportation to school, which is an important item because of the rural character of many Negro schools, not only are proportionately three and a half times as many white pupils trans. ported as Negroes, but twice as much per pupil is spent for transport- ing a white pupil as tor a Negro pupil. One state (Texas), for example, spent as much merely to haul white pupils to school in 1945 as was spent on the Negro common schools for everything—teachers salaries, transportation, teaching materials, etc, The survey revealed that the provision of higher and professional educational opportunities for Negroes by the several states is relatively little, it any, better than 15 years agar some increased but still in. 11 adequate provisions have been made for collegiate education and a little graduate work of limited quantity and highly questionable quality has been started. Three tin-1% as many undergraduate curricula are offered in the average state college or university for white students as are offered in the corresponding Negro higher institution Graduate work is offered in eight Negro state colleges in seven states, which give work leading to the master's degree ONLY. No Negro higher institue tion, public or private, offers work leading to the doctor's degree, Graduate work leading to the master's degree is offered by at least one statesupported institution for white students in each of the 17 states, and the PhD. degree is offered in 12 states. Professional education in STATE institutions vm available for white students as follows: DENTISTRY, 4 states; law, 16; medicine, 15; pharmacy, 14; social work, 9; and library science, 11 states. For Negroes N0 state-supported institution in any state provides any op— portunity for medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy; only 4 institutions offer law; and 1 library sccince. The most striking example of the relative opportunities provided for white and Negro students in state—supported higher and professional institutions is revealed by the fact that, in 1944, an amount equal to $2.43 for each person in the white population in these states was ex— pended for white higher institutions as contrasted with 56 cents for each Negro. In 1930, the corresponding amounts were 51.39 for whites and 33 cents for Negroes, Thus, the difference in favor of the white institutions has INCREASED by 13%, instead of being decreased. The following conclusions stated in the "Editorial Note" indicate in brief the status of the problem of the Negro separate school: i “. . . no critical observer can honestly say that Negroes are ob- taining equal educational opportunity in the separate school anywhere. Moreaver, the eliznination of dispuitiel in financial outlay for Negro and white common schools has been so slow flint. even if equal“: of expenditures assured equality of educational opportunity, it would e 25 years or more for file Negro schools to reach me paint Where the white schools are Now, and a hundred years to attain parity. These facts suggest that either there can be no such thing as “separate but equal" educational opportunity; or that, even if it were possible, it is not the intention of the several states in which separate schools are legally required to provide such opportunity for Negroes; or both. . .t "it is clear that segregation in education based upon race must be abolished. The question is when and where to start. It is the con. sidered opinion of a growing number of intelligent people, North and South, white and Negro, that we could and should begin Now in the graduate and professional fields, gradually working down to the lower levels. (And this appears to be a sensible sort of gradualismi) For there are numerous indications that such a step is not possible NOW in more than half of the states which require separate schools. but is absolutely necessary if Negroes are to obtain anything like equal op- portunity on these levels." 12 DR. DAVID H. BRADFORD Dr. David H. Bradford was appointed Dean and Registrar of Ken- tucky State College at the beginning of the school year. :Mn Bradford has had a Wi