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H.R. 2074 con't. GSO 1979 i
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The Lexington Gay Services Or— Some of the activitieé of GSO so
ganization and several individ— far this year: ‘
— to
asiing him to support H R 2074 operate. Efforts have been
. ' f ' made to build up our referral
If every person reading this news sources
letter could do likewise and con— '
'xigi: agtwe1ia8titogi hirlggge t: - In-service training sessions '
d' ’ g , _ with the Yesline staff and
ifference. And you don t neces
sarily have to identify yourself the Urban County Government
. . Juvenile Probation Officers
as gay; just write whatever let- were held
ter you feel comfortable signing '
Sgnzu§§;r1et2:rghtz- legislation. — The Speakers Bureau was very
Representative Larry Hopkins busy WIth engagements at. UK’
. Eastern, Kentucky BuSiness
U.S. House of Representatives Colle e Fu azzi Business
514 Cannon Office Building c ll 9 ' d g .
Washington, D.C. 20515. O fge an GOOd samarltan
‘——_—_—_——_——__-____———_—____—_—__ - The GSO Rap Group began in
GSO Phone Line & Rap Group
- A series of summer picnics at
GSO operates a couple of services Jacobson and Woodland parks
on a continuing basis to assist began.
the gay community here in Lexing— “
ton. . - GSO submitted a grant propos—
4 al for a "Drug and Alcohol
GAYLINE: provides answers to Prevention and Treatment Pro-
questions ranging from "What gay gram" for gay men and les-
activities are available in Lex— bians to the Kentucky Depart—
ington?" to "Where do I go for ment for Human Resources.
counseling?" Volunteer listeners (The grant proposal was not
7 staff the line and attempt to funded.)
provide useful and nonjudgemental
information to callers- Given — In February GSO presented a
legal constraints and the rela— workshop on "Gay People and
tive paucity of gay resources in Drug Abuse" at the Kentucky
Lexington, the help provided by Drug Conference in Louisville
the phone line is of a limited
nature. But, we try and, if not— - In April we presented two
hing else, are there to listen. days of workshops on "Gay
The line currently operates People" at the annual confer-
Thrusday and Friday evenings from ence of The Kentucky Coali-
seven to ten. Once. summer is tion of Student Social Work—
over, we hope to get more peOple ers.
willing to volunteer. If this is
the sort of service you would - GSO gave support (financial-
like to see expanded, let us . ly and with participants)
know. The Gayline number is 254- events celebrating Gay Pride
6592. Week in Cincinnati.
RAP GROUP: Often subjects will - We solicited responses from
be broached in GSO meetings that candidates for Governor in
can't be fully discussed or re- the May primary concerning
solved in a short period of time. policy issues and gay peOple.
And there are as many concerns
and perspectives about being gay - In June we gave testimony to
as there are gay people. As a the Internationa1.Year of the
result, several members of GSO Child National Committee on
began a rap group which meets on "The Needs and Problems of
the first and third Sunday of Gay Youth".
each month from one til three at' , .
the Southland Branch of the Pub-3 It 5 been a productive year so far
at mm
Nonmembers Of GSO are welcome. Hopefully, this focus will result
Articles, reviews (books, films, l? more effective community ser-
records), poems, short stories, yices f0? gay peOple. We will al-
etc. to be considered for next °O continue trying to bring gay
month's newsletter mav be sent to people together in mutually SUP—
GSO, P.O. Box 11471, Lexington, porcive ways.