xt7ffb4wm92v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ffb4wm92v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-03-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 2005 2005 2005-03-21 2020 true xt7ffb4wm92v section xt7ffb4wm92v A



March 21, 2005

newsroom: 257-1915

Past Issue free Subsequent Issues 25 cents.

By Ben Roberts
tNr ItrNuicIo KERNEL

the definition of a broken play.

The pass from Rajon Ron
do to Randolph Morris late in
the second half bounced off
the rim. flew about five feet in
the air and landed right in
Morris' hands. The UK center
then put it back up for a layin
with (‘incinnati's .Iason Max-
iell hanging on his back for
his fourth foul.




Celebrating 33 years of independence


The march continues

Cats rally from second-half deficit with rebounding, defense

In any other game. the
chain of events would have
left all -l(l.:l:ll fans iii the R(‘.A
Dome scratching their heads.

But after sitting through a
back‘and-forth contest that
featured each team‘s playmak
er trade blown dunks in tran
sition. the Hearcats Nick
Williams barrel over a court
side table while calling a time
out and more loose ball scram
bles than you could count on

See Cats on page A2

Azubuike’s effort
worth the wait

INI)I.~\NAI’()I.IS With
slumped shoulders and a
frown. Kelenna Axubuike

w a t c It ed
from the

I“ o II I
trouble had
the [K in
nior guard

' ~ 3‘ to the
Tim bench for
Wiseman tht final

six min
spoms EDITOR r1105 of the

first half
against (‘incinnati. and his
(Yats were reeling.

The l 1-point lead
Aznbuike had helped build
had disappeared. and all he
could do was watch,

”It was definitely tough to
sit there watching and know
ing you can‘t go back in the
first half." Azubuike said ”I

By Becky Hall

When Howard
Host and Robert
Straus came to
Lexington in
1956. they envi»
sioned what
Would become
the UK (‘handler
Medical (‘enter
where a cornfield
presently stood.

Straus said he
was proud to
share the experience of
creating the medical cen-
ter with Host. who was a
friend and colleague for

more than .30 years.
Host. a
member of the Medical

administered by govern-
ment or other non-profit the
processes was the only

wanted to help so much "

For three years. Azubuike
had waited to emerge from
the shadows of teammates
such as Gerald Fitch and Kei-
th Hogans. For three years.
lofty expectations had
weighed upon him For three
years. he had waited for the
moment to make this team
his own.

When the second half be-
gan. the wait was over

The usually reserved
Azubuike roared in the sec
ond half. He screamed at his
teammates. He pumped his
fists to punctuate big plays.
And when IIK outlasted
t‘incinnati. he smiled from
ear to ear.

"Kelenna. he doesn't show
a lot emotion. but he was
fired up today." said l'K ju
nior guard I’atrick Sparks.
Azubuike's roommate “When

See Azubuike on page AZ

(From left) UK junior
guard Ravi Moss.
senior forward
Chuck Hayes, fresh-
man Rajon Rondo
and junior guard
Kelenna Azubuike
gather at midcourt
in the final seconds
of UK's 69-60 win
over Cincinnati in
the second round of
the NCAA Tourna-
ment Saturday at
the RCA Dome in

mm man |


8 section


down low

By Ben Roberts

Morris stood all alone at the free
throw line. His team held a comfort-
able t’lglll-pttllll lead with 35 seconds
to go. and l‘K head coach Tubby
Smith told Morris" teammates to back
off the paint and let him shoot. not
wanting to like any chances oti a
careless foul.

There was no one 'here to tell him
what to do. no one there to give Mor-
ris guidance,

But at that point. the 1K freshman
didn‘t ne.-d it any more

"He played like a senior who knew
this could be our last game." said
sophomore forward Hobby Perry.
"Every rebound that v .int up was his

he owned the board~. I just tip my
hat to him. He came in Isa freshman.
and he really grew up iday."

I'K‘s freshman (‘t‘l'lt‘l‘ grabbed a
career-high 12 rebounI. ‘ to accent his
ll points and help leaI' the (‘ats past
(‘incinnati Saturday did into the
third round of the N1 AA Tourna-

(‘riticized throughout the season
by fans. and occasionally his own
teammates. for being too timid in the
post. Morris played 2.3 minutes
against one of the most physical
frontcourts In the country and re-
fused to back down

Knowing he would be facing
(‘incinnatt's frontcourt duo of Jason
Maxiell and l‘ll‘lt' Hicks. Morris said

See Morris on page A2

I l()\\'r.\Rfll) l.. Btis'l‘. tom-20o;

Medical Center founder dies


(‘enter and major
contributor to care."
the creation of
the Medicare and
Medicaid pro-
grams. died
March H. He was

“He believed
with passion that
universal cont-
health insurance

equitable. morally justifi-
able. economically sound
and medically effective
way to finance medical
said Straus. a pro
fessor emeritus of behay
ioral science in the Hi
(‘ollege of Medicine

Host first came to Lex»
ington in 19.36 as one of
87. five members of a plan;
ning staff charged with
planning and creating a
university medical cen-
ter for UK. The hospital
opened in 1960.

Iiost. who attained
doctorate in medical eco

Iiomics from the Univer-
sity of Michigan. was re-
sponsible for working
with legislature anti vari-
ous agencies in Washing-
ton to arrange for the fi-
nancing of the Medical
Center. said Robert
Straus. another founder.
lievond his contribu-
tions to Lexington and
I'K. Ilost played a signifi-
cant role in establishing
the Medicaid program
for Kentucky and was the
chief author of Medicaid
legislation that President
.lohn F. Kennedy passed

See Bost on page A2

fi rst»eyer


Charles Hayden “Chip" Lampe
had dreams of acting and being a
playwright. dreams he would tell
his UK hockey teammates about
during the 2001-02 season.

“He would tell us. ‘You guys will
still be here playing hockey: and
you'll see me in a movie.” Cool Cat
general manager Ian Ward said.

“He had big dreams."

Lampe. 22. of Lexington. and
his girlfriend of nine months. Gin-
ny M. Young. 20. of Willow Wood.
Ohio ,. also a UK student were
killed in a plane crash March 13
near the Lawrence County Airpark
in Lawrence County Ohio.

Michael Young. Ginny Young‘s
father and a resident of South
Point. Ohio. also died in the crash.
The 53-year-old was flying the sin-
gleengine airplane on a recreation-
al flight when. in attempting to
land. the plane came in too fast and
overshot the runway The plane
crashed as Young. a licensed pilot.
attempted to turn it around.

Lampe was very much in love
with Ginny Young. said his mother.
Elizabeth Lampe.

“Her mother told me that while
Chip was outgoing and Ginny was
shy. Chip was bringing her out of it
a little. and that was one of the rea-
sons he was good for her." site said.

Attempts to contact Young‘s
family were unsuccessful. and
phone calls to her roommate Were
not returned.

Lampe. in addition to playing
hockey for a semester: also majored
in theater at UK before and alter re
turning from the Art Academy of
San Francisco. where he studied
film and screenwriting for a year.

He appeared recently in the UK
Theatre production of “The Great
Divorce.“ and before he came to
UK. he was a member of Up With
People. a traveling theater group.
for a year.

“I was glad he got both sides.
the athletic and the more introspec-
tive side of life.” said his mother.
Elizabeth Lampe. “He had a lot of
memories in his short life."

Lampe started playing hockey
at age 8. when his family lived in
Montreal. He continued playing as
his family moved to Washington.
l').(‘.. and then finally to Ashland.
Ky. where he played for a hockey

hoops roll

‘ into next

,.— round at
Page A6

A family picture of UK student “Chip"
Lampe. 22. who died in a March 13 plane
crash in Ohio.

team out of Huntington. W.Va.. that
won a league championship.

“He was a goal-scorer." Ward
said. “He was always in the right
place at the right time. He could put
it in the back of the net.

"Wt were sorry to see him
leave.” Ward said.

"I think he enjoyed the Cool
Cats too much." Elizabeth Lampe
said. "He left the team to be a more
serious student."

Due to his theater studies.
Lampe was a sophomore at UK.
though he graduated from Paul
Blazer High School of Ashland. Ky.
in 2000. where he played on the soc-
cer team.

Lampe and his roommate. Jere
my Gill. won the 2005 campus foos-
ball tournament. and finished sec-
ond at the regional tournament at
Virginia Tech last month.

“Hayden was at 50 percent that
day. too." Gill said. “He got the flu
and didn‘t get one hour of sleep the
night before. We almost beat them
then. but Hayden was sick."

Gill said the day he and Lampe
met. he knew they would be long-
terni friends.

"He got off the bus from a field
trip they had taken. and walked
right tip to me." Gill said. “He
showed me a list of four or five
girl‘s phone numbers he had got
ten. just on the field trip.

“I thought. ‘This guy is going to
be my friend.”


City of I Lexington sued
over ticket sales arrest

By Dariush Shafa

THE xtNtucxv «mm

The city of Lexington is being
sued by a Paris. Ky. man after the
man was arrested for trying to
sell tickets outside Rupp Arena
before a U K basketball game.

(‘raig A, Wilson. in. filed suit
in US. District (‘ourt against the
city March ll. saying his First
Amendment right to free speech
had been violated and he was
subjected to unlawful search and
seizure by Lexington police offi

Wilson was one of ‘30 people
arrested before a UK men's bas-
ketball game Jan. 1 In an opera
tion spearheaded by the Lexing-
ton Police to curb ticket scalping

selling tickets above face value.
The Lexington law also forbids
selling tickets below face value,

Wilson was charged with vio.
lating a city ordinance that pro-
hibits selling anything includ-
ing tickets. food or merchandise

within a two-block radius of
Rupp Arena before a game with-
out a vendor's license.

Wilson was arrested with tWo
UK tickets in his possession as
well as $40 in cash.

"He (the officer) said. ‘Where‘s
the rest of your money? Where's
the rest of your tickets?” Wilson
said. ”One of the things that hurt
the most was their attitude. They
(the officers) thought they were
making a score."

Wilson said he was selling the
tickets because two people could-
n‘t come. Wilson was asking $15
for the 822 tickets. and the $40
was for dinner. he said.

Wilson pleaded guilty under a
plea agreement in return for hav-
ing his seized money and proper-
ty returned. Now Wilson has filed
a lawsuit. which he hopes be-
comes certified as a class-action

lawsuit. The lawsuit must be ap.
proved as a class-action suit so
others can join in on the same
lawsuit without filing multiple
suits for the same reasons.

Lexington Mayor Teresa Isaac
said the case is in litigation now
and declined to comment.

Wilson wants to clear his
record. he said.

“My concern is. I‘ve never
had a police record in my life. and
to receive one over this?" Wilson
said. "My biggest concern is get-
ting this reversed."

Wilson said he believes offi-
cers should have used their judg-

"They could have just given
me a warning.“ he said. “That
Would have been a little more up
the alley of fairness.”

Wilson said he was unaware
of the city ordinance against sell-
ing tickets within two blocks of
Rupp Arena and said the police
shouldn't be targeting people who
don‘t have any intention of
breaking the law.

“They know who the profes-
sional scalpers are." he said. “I
had no idea this was a law or else
I wouldn‘t have done it.

“I want the city to realize and
the police to realize that you can't
enforce a law that hits the people
you shouldn‘t be hitting.“

Wilson said he believes his
case has a good chance of suc-
ceeding with the help of local at-
torney John Helmuth and Michi-
gan attorney Thomas Cecil. who
is pursuing a similar case in that
state. Attempts to reach Helmuth
and Cecil were unsuccessful.

“I‘m confident." Wilson said.
“'ibm thinks they're going to
clear this away very quickly"



 PAGE A2 I Monday, March 21. 2005

Cats .

Continued from page At

one hand. a ho-hum response frotii the
massive audience is the best it could gar-

But the sequence was huge for the

The three-point play gave UK a 6439
lead over Cincinnati with less than four
minutes remaining, and the Bearcats
missed their last 12 field goal attempts. as
the Cats went on to win 69-60 and advance
to the Sweet 16 of the NCAA Tournament.

UK junior forward Kelenna Azubuike
had 19 points to lead all scorers. He said
the Morris play changed the momentum of
a game that had been tight throughout the
second half.

“That was just a smart play by Ran-
dolph ,_ to stay after it and not give up on
the play." Azubuike said. “And we were re-
warded for it.“

The No. 2-seeded (Tats (27-5) had a few
chances earlier iii the half to extend their

Azubuike a

Continued from page At

he shows emotion. people go from that. He
was the spark today.“

This was not the blank-faced. quiet
Azubuike. This was not the man whose
toughness UK head coach Titbby Smith
questioned last season. This was not a man
to be denied.

Less than a minute into the second half.
Azubuike streaked down court for a layup
to tie the game.

He clapped his hands and encouraged
his Cats to turn it up even more. They fol-
lowed their leader

"His energy was outstanding." said l'K
sophomore forward Hobby Perry. "The way
he played it ieally pumps us up."


lead on Cincinnati (25-8). but could never
finish when they had to. After regaining
the lead shortly after halftime. UK turned
the ball over and missed easy opportuni-
ties to put the Bearcats away for good at
key moments.

Then. with 8:48 left. Azubuike missed a
w ideopen dunk on a fast break that would
have given the Cats a 58-51 lead.

“We had a chance to put them away a
couple of times and couldn‘t." said junior
guard Patrick Sparks. “And then Kelenna
missed that dunk. and they took a lot out
of our system there. But we showed a lot
of toughness and just stayed with it."

Sparks scored the first two points of
the game as UK jumped out to an 1H) lead
in the opening minutes. He also added two
early 3-pointers after going 0-for-eight
from behind the arc in his last two games.

But Cincinnati chipped away at the
(‘ats' lead by forcing eight UK turnovers in
the last seven minutes of the first half.
converting on the other end to take a 35-33
advantage into halftime.

Sparks wasn't surprised by Cincin~
nati's comeback or the game's series of
unorthodox plays.


“We knew it was going to be like that."
he said. “And whenever you have a bunch
of athletes out there on the court. any
thing can happen. It was a hectic game.
but 1 think at the end we just settled down
and executed."

But junior guard Ravi Moss disagreed
with the notion that the contest was an
ugly one.

“i wouldn‘t say it was ugly at all." Moss
said. “I‘d say it was a great college basket-
ball game. and that‘s what college basket-
ball is all about. Two teams fighting it out
and being physical and grinding it down
until the end.“

Whatever it was. senior forward Chuck
Hayes had been waiting for it all season.

The game saw all five starters score in
double figures and 13 Cats hit the court in
the first half A a team effort Hayes said he
couldn't have been mom proud of.

“We knew we had it in us — this type
of game where everybody contributes and
it’s a total team effort.“ Hayes said. “And it
couldn‘t have come at a better time. It

came at a perfect time.”


A few minutes later. Azubuike got the
ball at the top of the key and nearly lost
his footing. He steadied himself and looked
Bearcat guard Jihad Muhammad right in
the eye.

And then he banged in a 3-pointer.

This was the player everyone had been
waiting for. This was the player who could
lead a team. This was the player UK need-

“1 think it's really important.“ Hayes
said of Azubuike's aggression. “The guy.
he's a scorer; he‘s a leader. People are
watching him , he knows that. He knows
the eyes are on him. and he's done a good
job of taking it in stride."

Against Cincinnati. Azubuike played
every minute in the second half. He did
everything. He scored. he grabbed re-
bounds and he locked down on defense.

He finished with 19 points and seven re~
bounds. but he provided more than that 777

he showed the fiery emotion these Cats
have needed all season.

In a grudge match against Cincinnati.
Azubuike answered the Bearcats' tough-
ness with unparalleled intensity.

"I wanted to come in and be aggres-
sive." Azuhlho slid. “They put a lot of
pressure on gut The way to boot M b to
be aggro-oh. d fin to m to not
back dun."

diamantouhau d


game. “torn-moon." III-tn
beenfoelhggoodoioldtu but!

The sink on Mafia was worth the



out to a quick 11-!) lead.


Continued from page A1

he prepared himself early for the in
side battle.

“I knew I had to produce for my
team to be successful." Morris said
“I got myself focused the night before
and played over in my mind what l
needed to accomplish I think that
helped a lot."

Senior forward (‘hiick llxiycs told
Morris before the game hc would
have to bring a new attitude. or the
team's season might come to an t‘iii‘il-
er end than they had hoped.

“I told him before the game. ‘You
have to step tip. You can't watch.”
Hayes said. “He went tip and got
every rebound there at the end. He
was big, He definitely grew up,"

Morris grabbed three rebounds
before the first media timeout and
before Bearcats center Jason Maxwll
grabbed one to help the (‘ats jump


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He also shut down the 6-foot-7.
331 rpound Maxiell inside. holding the
llearcats leading scorer to just nine
points and four rebounds. while keep
ing the big man in foul trouble for
most of the game.

.lunior guard Ravi Moss had nev-
er seen his teammate more assertive.

“Randolph was just a beast all
game.” Moss said. “He was big all
night for us. He came out focused and
ready to go and did great defensively
on Maxiell And it seemed like he got
every rebound over him."

Morris called Saturday's win the
best game he‘s played as a Cat a
claim his teammates were hard
pressed to disagree with.

"You saw him out there he was
grabbing everything." Perry said.
"He was doing what Coach told him
to do keep them off the boards and
take it strong to the basket. It was the
lies! game l've seen him play.”

broherts u kykernel. com


UK freshman center Randolph Morris celebrates one of the
career-high 12 rebounds he pulled down against Cincinnati.



Governor lauds budget oils for UK
Gov. Ernie l-‘letcher visited UK 'l‘uesday to
praise bipartisan Work in the state legislature's
budget. one that included ftill bonding authority
for a biopharmaceutical complex and a new stir
dent health facility.

The state legislature also approved $100 mil-
lion of a requested $250 million for the expan-
sion of the Medical Center. and gave $7 million
toward a basketball practice facility.

The state legislature also allotted an extra
$18.66 million to UK‘s operatitig funds. The UK
Board of Trustees has tentatively scheduled a
March 29 meeting to vote on how to use that
money which could be used to lower a pro-
posed 14.5 percent tuition increase for next
school year.

Mayor vetoes more efforts
to and water condemnation

Lexington Mayor Teresa Isaac rejected an ur-
ban county council vote to end all legal actions
in the condemnation of the Kentucky American
Water Co. March 11.

The council voted 8-5 in its March 10 work
session to end legal proceedings. regardless of
whether paid for by city or private funding.
Isaac. who had 10 days to respond. vetoed the
measure the next day.

Nine council votes are required to override
the veto.




in two.

Bost was also responsible for writing the
regulations by which the Medicare program
began operation in 1963. and his words re-
mained unchanged for more than 20 years.

Dr. Peter Bosomworth. chancellor emeritus
hr the UK Chandler Medical Center. said
Boot’s expertise lay in his organization. devel-
opment and writing abilities. Because of that.
many people sought his advice.

“Howard Bost had outstanding integrity
and was committed to public service." Bosom-
worth said. “He had strong opinions but was
never harsh."

At UK. Bost was assistant vice president for
program and policy planning at the medical
center. During these years. Host was dedicated
to creating and implementing better health
care provisions in Eastern Kentucky and Ap-
palachia. and played a significant role in the
creation of Appalachian Regional Healthcare.
Founded in 1962. the program helped sustain
hospital care for miners in Eastern Kentucky
as well as in West Virginia and Virginia.

Bost held numerous positions in the health
care field throughout his career. including first
deputy director of the Bureau of Health Ser-
vices in the Social Security Administration.
where he helped implement the Medicare pro.
gram during a leave of absence from UK.

“I think the work he did on a national and
state level. as well as at the university. repre-
sented an absolutely outstanding contribution
to the health care of the American public." Bo-
somworth said.

news «1 kykcrneicom



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March 21. 2005






Crystal Little
Features Editor
Phone: 251-1915

Email: ciittleOkykernel.com


UK, travel agencies help trip to Texas

By Elizabeth Troutman
iii: KENTUCKY mm

Students following the men‘s bas-

ketball team's progression

NCAA Tournament may purchase
tickets for the next two games today at

5 pm. in Memorial Coliseum.

Tickets will cost $120 per student
and include the Friday and Sunday
session, both of which are held in
Austin. Texas. A valid UK ID. is re-
quired to receive a voucher for the lot-


David Ellis, assistant manager of
UK's ticket office. said he doesn‘t ex-

pect tickets to sell out.

UK has 250 tickets available to stu-
dents. Ellis said it is unlikely that
many students will travel as far as


“We are responsible to sell all the

tickets." he said.

“If we are not going to get our al-
lotment. we have to return unused


Ellis suggested that students going
to the sessions this weekend should

The agency has partnered with UK
for March Madness travel packages for
several years. said Jane Walker. man-
ager for Commonwealth Travel.

Packages with the company range
from $795 to $1.570 per person.

Walker said that hotel-only pack-

in the

ages are sold out.




tic." Walker said.

year. "

consider travel packages available

through Commonwealth Travel.

She thinks the most practical op-
tion for students are the air-travel

Air-travel packages include the
price of a ticket. 3 three-night stay. a
game shuttle. daily breakfast and an-
other activity. Commonwealth Travel
has 100 such tickets available. Walker

Commonwealth opened yesterday
morning and received calls from UK
students and fans in the Lexington

“Spring time is always really hec-

“We have done UK fans’ travel for

so many years that it is kind of second
nature that March is our busy time of









Trekking to Texas?

NCAA W m ticket lottery

I Lottery will be held today at 5 pm. in Memo-
rial Coliseum. Students must have valid Ult 1.0.
Local travel agencies

I AAA Travel Agency
155 N. Martin Luther King Blvd.

I Avant Travel Agency Inc.
111 Woodland Ave, Ste. 110

I Commonwealth Travel
160 Moore Drive, Ste. 103

I Global Travel
1501 Nicholasville Road

I Pegasus Travel lnc.
245 Lexington Ave.

I STA Travel
Room 255, UK Student Center




Translating a love of books to Hispanic readers

By Nikita Stewart
THE wisaiiicroii POST

Scout leader assembling a
cookie display. librarian
Michael Andrews carefully
arranged books on a table at
Todos Supermarket. a multi-
purpose suburban Hispanic

As patrons did their gro-
cery shopping. cashed checks
or sought help with income
tax forms. Andrews tried to
get their attention one recent

“Ser'ior! Senora!" he said
quietly. hoping to guide a
reader to a Harry Potter novel
translated into Spanish or to
Con Mi Hermano (With My
Brother). Eileen Roe’s chil-
dren‘s book written in Span-
ish and English.

For nearly a year. An-
drews. 56, has been using his
elementary Spanish and a
van full of library books to
get the burgeoning suburban
Hispanic community interest-
ed in the public library and
thereby build the beginnings
of trust between new immi-
grants and local government.

You will be entered to win:
brand I'll/A"?

UK Season Student
Basketball Tickets

131 l’r‘izc;

Princess Package from
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.‘iiil I’l‘llk’;

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.lrcl l'l'llk‘;

Dinner for 2 at Bella No

For several hours a week.
he and other volunteers set up
displays such as this one at lo
cations popular with Hispan-
ics across Prince William
County. Va.

The effort. dubbed “the
Viva! Van" for the vehicle that
carries the books. is one way
the county is reaching out to
the community whose num-
bers have exploded in the past
five years from 9 percent to 16
percent of the population.

Since the Viva! Van start-
ed last April. it has given out
more than 1.500 books and
has had contact with about
800 adults and 800 children.
Andrews said.

Lydia Gonzalez, president
of the local library board.
said she came up with the no
tion because she knows what
it's like to be an outsider in a
new community. and how one
connection to a local institu-
tion. such as the library. can
make a difference.

The daughter of Puerto
Rican immigrants. she moved
as a young bride from Span—
ish Harlem to Rocky Mount.
NC. where the Hispanic pop
ulation is still less than 2 per-

cent. The bookmobile became
her salvation. Gonzalez said:
The friendly librarians be-
hind the wheel bonded her
somehow to the southern

So Gonzalez suggested a
Hispanic bookmobile when
the local group Hispanic Out-
reach Leadership Action #
HOLA -—v was looking for a
way to reach immigrants last
year. Prince William used a
$20,000 grant to fund the pro-
ject. Of that. about 315000
went to buy more than 7.000
Spanish-language books. The
rest went for items such as
plastic bins to carry the
books. promotional materials
and van maintenance.

The van also travels to
English as a Second Lan-
guage programs at various
schools and to Hispanic festi-

The books are “lealos y re—
greselos." or “read and re-
turn." meaning borrowers
can return them to any of the
four county libraries. There
are no late fees or library
cards: Organizers didn‘t want
to scare anyone away by ask-
ing for names or identifica


Spanish-English dictio-
naries go quickly. said Gonza-
lez. who regrets that more
books aren‘t available in
Spanish. especially how-to
books on construction. me-
chanics and gardening — all
specialties of day laborers.
The library system has more
than 5,000 titles in Spanish.
but the additional books for
the van must be nearly dis-
posable because there is no
guarantee they will be re-

Some volunteers are flu-
ent in Spanish. such as Betsy
Reid. an ESL elementary

“I really feel strongly that
literacy is important.“ said
Reid. 55. “To get their chil-
dren reading. they need books
in their home."

Andrews. who manages
the program. said he could
say "nothing more than ‘taco‘
and ‘burrito‘ " before Viva!
Van. He‘s now taking a Span-
ish class.

Nevertheless. he shares a
common language with his
small clients: that of Barney.
Clifford and Dora.




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The Campus (alendar it produced by the Oflrre of Student A(7‘VlrlFS, leadership 8 Involvement Reqritered Student Orgi and UK Deon ran submit iota/maria


To POST YOUR own UK event.


0 UK Judo Club practice, 500
PM, Alumni Gym Loft

0 Campus Ministry International
Bible Study, 8:00 PM, Student
Center Room 111

0 CSF Presents ”Shift“ for
Freshman, 7:00 PM, CSF


0 Wesley Foundation‘s Bible
Study and FREE Dinner, 6:00 PM,
Wesley Foundation. 508
Columbia Ave.

0 Prayer 8 Praise, 9:00 PM,
Chapel between the ADPI and
Tri-Delt houses off Rose Street
and Columbia

0 UK Swing Dance Club Lessons,
8:00 PM, Tates Creek Ballroom,
1400 Gainesway Dr

0 UK ACLU Meeting, 730 PM,
Student Center, Room 231

0 Solar Car meeting, 7:30 PM,
Terrell Civil Engineering Building


Building,corner of Woodland and


. Baptist Student Union's English f
Conversation Class, 600 PM, 429

Columbia Ave

0 UK Berean Bible Study, 8:00
PM, Student Center, Room 113
- Baptist Student Unions pre-
sents 'TNT", 7:30 PM, 429
Columbia Ave


- Reformed Universrty Fellowship '

(RUF), 7:30 PM, Student Center
Room 357

0 UK Horticulture Club meeting,
5:00 PM, Ag. North greenhouse

- mm ., 700w w
. ,.,i ,1 will i'~, i'i-i ‘i'viti'."'
0 UK Anime Club Meeting, 6 00
PM, Center Theater, Student

0 UK Green Thumb Meeting, 700
PM, Student Center, Room 106

- Leftist Student Union Meeting,
800 PM, Student Center 228

- UK Fencing Club Meeting, 8:00
PM, Buell Armory/Barker Hall



e Cat's For Christ Meetin