xt7fj678t68z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fj678t68z/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Ky.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1942 "There are 120 counties in Kentucky and it is expected that a guide will be issued for each county."--Letter from Work projects administration of Kentucky dated Sept. 8, 1942. books This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Associations, institutions, etc.--Kentucky--Montgomery County--Directories Kentucky--Montgomery County--Civil defense Guide to civilian organizations. Montgomery County, Kentucky text Guide to civilian organizations. Montgomery County, Kentucky 1942 1942 2012 true xt7fj678t68z section xt7fj678t68z I GUIDE TO CIVILIAN ORGANIZATIONS I MONTGOMERY COUNTY E · I KENTUCKY I _ I I Compiled for · I THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY _ I K DEFENSE COUNCIL -_ ‘ I II}; ;;— ii ‘‘:`E BY THE I` I Y¤ ·<» wm smzvnczs szcrnou I E E v I; mv; 1 QLHGBYJ wom: vriogngs ADMil3l;TRATION ; IN Kzmucxv I , ‘§* ~: E L ·‘ i gj r K *3 ' » T ~ 1 ;{`\· »;; . , QQ __ ».·..,, — ?§ ` .. , pri; _~ ‘· ' 7 {R Ktua § ·· 7 L V~O 1 z I · Q.; {3 · F ·-S} s . § I 6 z i 2* 2%% Q? ‘ . Q i P .Z >,. ` ‘ • • n • • • • ¤ • • ' • i.' .2 ..: j I . I I I g. { Q The Montgomery County Defense Council is Affiliated ;_ with the Kentucky Defense Council flv § Frankfort, Kentucky i? Honorable Keen Johnson, Governor of Kentucky n. Chairman ;> John J. Greenleaf, State Director of f` Civilian Defense MONTGOMERY COUNTY DEFEISE COUFCIL . Mt. Sterling John Williamson Chairmen ° This guide is prepared for the official use } of the Defense Council of Montgomery County end Q other agencies engaged in defense .work, It ‘ h should not be made eveilieble for ·o0m ereial a use. Additional copies can be obtained only E· et the office of the Nontgomery County Defense _ Council. Z A • ‘ 2 ‘ f i xi I * g 4 %§ . HZ V » V i? I ‘ " A · [E I, 4 . .. - ·. _.. . I' . · : • •. ‘ — . . . . . . ..°. ... . · . ` I- .·.. ...-...... [ L. ‘.: ,:- `· : ; • - · · _' . _ V a/' I- 1 - V Q MONTGOMERY COUNTY CIVILIAN OQGLEIZATIOHS t ` ‘ V 1 ‘ · Q AJERICAF LEGION, NOHTGOMERY POST¤#22 (National American Legion), C/c Leonard ,@ VPayne, Mt. Sterling. Founded 1919. Commander, Stewart Sharp, Ht. Sterling. gi Adjutant, Leonard Payne, Terms expired August, 1942. Q Membership: 105. Open to veterans of Tbrld Ter l, having an honorable dis- g - - charge. ·_ ‘ .=F T , ·;· — j .=_ _ § Camnittees: Child lelfare, James Igo, Mt. Sterling. _ ` . Q Purpose: To perpetuate valor of Corld War 1, veterans. Promote betterment Q of social and civic welfare. ` ` `“"‘ Q ,Formal Civic Activities: .Cooperates with P. T. A. in helping underprivileg- i ed ehildren and school lunches.d — . . _ F Defense Activities: En a.ed in Familf Social Service in Industrial Areas C 5 - » l *‘T"‘f**"""""""""";""""°"' _'*"*&"*f""""' V _ · I · · ce · _ ‘ Cnild Care. Interested in Emereencv Keeair Service Child Care Teachinr V ___________________________ Q V .1 - I I lz I, Americanization~Classes‘for Aliens and Others. g ' ·Local Publications; None. ¥— ; “ . · - , · . · ff AJERICAU LEGIOI, XORTOY JUDY POST f222 (National American Legion), c/0 Qi Charlie Overstreet, Mt. Sterling. Founded 1940. Commander, Edward Jones, g Sharpsburg. Secretary, Charlie Overstreet. Terms expired July, 1942. Q» Kembership: 36. Open to veterans of Tbrld Ter 1. I . " I , A S Purpose: Patriotic charitable and civic welfare. .: x ......;.,..,.... 4, . , . . . { formal Civic Activities; Community service, Americanism rehabilitation. it Defense Activities; Engaged in Collection of.Scrap Metals and Other ictals, Q Interested in Auxiliary Police, Air naid Yhrdcn Service, Civilian Aircraft Q? Tbrning Service, Auxiliary Fire Protection, Emergency Repair Service, lcd E Cross Assistance. ‘ ‘ ’ Q Local Publications: Tone. , C . . ‘ T 4JCIICAD LEGIOT AUXILIARY, HONTGOMLIY UHTT=#22 (National American Legion P Auxiliary), c/o Hrs. Nelson Tkrd, Kt. Sterling. Founded l955._Presidcnt, { Hrs. Nelson Tbrd, Telephone 550. Secretary, Irs. Ben Scott, It. Sterling. S Telephone 225. Terms expired July, 1942. ‘ Membership; 51. Qpen to wives of members of the Kontgomrry Unit or the i American Legion. — 1 : ·· 2,-- . American Legion Auxiliary, Montgomery Unit f22 (Continued) Committees: None reported. l i` "‘“ Pur cse; To assist the American Lerion promote better citizenship and Amer- P , Y V ·..> 5 1. - icanism. 4 ’ 1 _· _ Normal Civic Activities: Aid to Red Cross, assistance to underprivileged yi children. · . A -. , ‘ Defense Activities: Engaged in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, f First Aid, Child Care. Interested in Entertainment, Recreation, Collecting _ Books. ' ’ , ·· · Local Publications: None. ( ‘: `'“° ‘ 1 . .,, AJERICAN RED CROSS, VONTGOLERY CHAPTER (American Iational Red Cross),_c/b_ A Duke YL Young, Mt. Sterling. Founded 1915. Chairman, Duke U} Young.-Tel—, * ephones 122 or SCG. Secretary, hrs. G. B. Senff, Mt.Sterling. Telephone 507-J. Terms expired December, 1941. ' _ A = » T V, ‘ Membership; BOO. Open to anyone paying annually one dollar or more. Q Cmmnittees: Disaster, S. C. Sharp; Sewing, Hrs. Roy Hill, both of Kt. Sterl— 2 ing. ‘· · -`-` ... ‘‘_ Purpose: To provide aid.and relief in the event—of disaster and furnishwel- Q Taro service. · " , i A . . A_ ‘ Normal Civic Activities; Instruction in First Aid, Safety, Nutrition, Eurses Aides, Sewing and Knitting. ; - Defense Activities: Engaged in Sewing and Preparation,of:Surgical Dressings, 1 `° , """`-" _ °-° "°!'*"' "T‘T"‘ , _ . _ . ' ` ..._ A Fed Cross Assistance, First Aid, Child Care, Collection of Scrap netals and _ Other Metals. ‘i ` ·- T 4, · , S Local Publications; None. A _ . A . A BOY SCOUTS OF AFEFICA, IT LTYRLITC TTOOPy#55 (Boy Scouts of America, National i Council) Bluegrass Council, Lexington), Patrol Room, Christian Church, Main i A Street, Nt. Sterling. Founded 1955. Scout Master, Charles Pieratt, Ht. Sterl- ing. Telephone 754-J. Term indefinite. Assistant Scout Easter, Henkin Hern- - don, Nt. Sterling. ~ . Membership: Ed. Cpen to boys 12 years and over, able to pass Scout test and requirements. ‘ · . ‘ Q Committpes: Local Honor Court, Boyd 1cCarty, Kt. Sterling., g Purpose: Training boys in eharactzr and good eitiz2nship.- . ` ~. M, i C Q 2 A _ .. 5 .. g Boy Scouts of America, Mt. Sterling Troop;#53 (Continued) i NormaL_Civic Activities: Civic service, first aid in all forms or rescue i Defense Activities: Engaged in First nid, Collection of Scrap Metals.and V· é Other Metals, Interested in Family Social Service in Industrial Areas. Q Local Publications; None. V _ Q DQUCHTJRS OF THE QMEQICQH PEVOLUTIOE, COLOHEL NICHOL;S CH;PTER (National` ’ Q Society D. R. n.), c/b Mrs. Duke Young, Mt. Sterling. Founded 1925. Vice- 3 Regent, Hrs. H. H, Barnes, It. Sterling. Secretray, Mrs.;Inez_Day. Kt;_ , ~ V 5 Sterling;. expire igiay, 19/15. , · ' · Q Merhershipi·:56. Open to female lineal doscendent of one who aided the cause .» e of the American Revolution. P; Committees: ,Registar, Hrs. Robert Judy; Publicity, hrs. Hunt Priest; App- ; roved Schools, Miss Carolyn Bourne; nrchives and Relics, Hrs. Lillie Ray Vi Ratliff·'Girl Homemakcrs and Americanism Mrs. Fred nmmerson, all of lt. , , I J J _ . . . V V Sterline · - " ‘ s "’ b' . Q Purpose: To perpetuate the memory and spirit of the non and women who . .. Q achieved American Independence, A V T _ " "‘ . i· Normal Civic nctivities; Patriotic education, Red Cross assistance, Sponsors § Constitution and Flag Day. _ A_;, W _1. fi Defense Activitiesr Engaged in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings. Q Interested in Led Cross issistance, Discussion Leaders. Contribution ‘to F Lountain Schools. Buying Bonds. Gave §25.00 to buy Plasma, donated money to ;* EBjs Island and all worthy local causes. . - , * 5 . 4 . I S Local Publications; Year Book. _ { _ ,. _ . 5 GIRL RESERVES OF KT. STZRLIHG HIGH SCHOOL (Tational Y. "L C. A.), c/o Diss Q Elizabeth Coleman, Mt. Sterling Pigh School.Founded 1924. President, Miss _ Z Josephine McFadden, Pbst'Hain Street, Mt. Sterling. Tzlephono 750. Secretary, E Liss ;.l Kartha Lnn‘Tre0dway, Thst Main Street, It. Sterling. Telephone 782. .é Terms oxpir May, 1945. Executive Secretary, Kiss Elizabeth Coleman. Term Q indefinite. 'sl ' V ’ V ¥ Lembership; 85. Open to Senior High School Girls. "' ft Cmmnittoes: Service, Laura Shoemaker, It. Sterling. { Purpose: Character building and citizenship training. 1 1 Girl Reserves ci'l%. Sterling High Scholl (Continued) N Normal Civic Activities: Cooperates with Red Cross, Tuberculosis and Crippled UHi[dren*s Drives. Cares for children during P. T. A. meetings. n Defense Activities: Engaged in Child Care. Interested in Sewing and Prep- . q . . . • _ V . · . · • aration of Surgical Dressings, First Aid, Family»S¤cial.Servace~in·Industrial Areas. V -- ` ·-~· — ( Local Publications; None. ` 1 ·t - —-r· INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD_FELLCWS,·UATSON LODGE #62 (National Independent ‘ Order of Odd Fellows), c/b lk G. Howard, Mt.`SterlinQ. Founded 1846. Noble Grand, J. H. Hoskins, Kt. Sterling. Secretary, L. G. Howard. Terms expire June, 19dG. A ` h . V Membership: IOO. Qualifications, good health, reputation. Proposed and passed by vote of members. O VU Committees: None reported. ‘ '_ ` I ··;· ~ Purpose; Fraternal and charitable, mainteance of orphans`home, also indigent home. J V Normal Civic Activities: Take care of sickness and burial of members of the . 5E`§“"`""““`““""" V Defense Activities: Interested in Auxiliary Police, Air-Raid·Earden~Service, Civilian Aircraft Earning Service, Auxiliary Fire Protection, Red Cross Assistance, Consumer Protection Activities. I Local Publications; None. S ' V ” ( Q ·i—» ~; ~_~- JUNIOT ‘OIEL'S I`;` CLUB OF NT. bIE?LI?E, (National Federation of Uomen’s Clubs), c/o Mrs. Carl Boyd, Nt. Sterling. Founded 1914. President, Miss Anna Marion Drake, Winn Street, Kt. Sterling. Secretary, Mrs. Carl Boyd. Terms expired 1942. _ , Membership: 55. Open to women over l8 and under BO years of age who are prep- · osed and voted upon by members;d ° ” A ` Cmmuittees: Program, Yrs. Ralph Green; Library, Hrs, Duke Young, both of Mt. Ster[1ng. ' ` Purpose; Assisting with cultural and social community programs.—·--» · A Normal Civic Activities; Contributes to Community Band, coooerates with- L 7‘!'*'i"*""""""""F""""' . __ , , ° _Y ,. Z nomen's Club in ChrisEwas program. gelps the underprivileged, AI I and C Girl Reserves. ’ ‘ ..fr.. » 9 - 5 - ° Junior Woman’s Club of Ht. Sterling (Continued) Defense Activities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance. Interested in Motor Corps Service, Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Family Social Service in Industrial Areas, Library Service. Q N · ,..»- -· Local Publications} Year Bodk. LIONS CLUB OF MT. CTEHLING" Lions International c o K. D. Walden Mt Ster- _ I I I ling. Founded 1958. President, A. L. Mitchell, ht. Sterling. Telephone 581. , Secretary, VL D. Ymlden. Telephone 66. Terms expire July, 1943. p Membership; 22.; Open to represontives of all business and professions.‘ Committees: Civic Improvement, Bedford Orme; Health and Uelfare,.P. K. McKenna; Safety,jU..L. Gibson; Sight Conservation*and Blind, Tom Douglas; _ P . Community Dettermcnt, Guy Wagner. V V' 2,L,.,...,; , Purpose: Civic Service and recreation for the members. _ A i __ __ .~ Q Normal Civic Activities; Furnish equipment to the blind, aid to the indigent., F Also cooperates with other civic clubs in community betterment. i Defense Activities: Engaged in First lid, Child Care, Collection of Scrap * Metals and Other Metals. _Intercsted in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, * Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Consumer Protection Activities., » 4 Local Publications; None. L ‘ , - ·. MONTGOEERY COUNTY COUNCIL P. T. A. (Kentucky and National Congresses pf P. · T. A.), c/o County Court Room, Court House, Ht. Sterling. Founded l958. President, Hrs. T. W. Fitzpatrick, Pegg Pike, Mt. Sterling. Secretary, Lis. Oscar Sword, Levee. Terms expire Hay, 1945. . 1 _ , Membership: 250. Open to parents or teachers of child attending school.. ‘ I Purposegt Cooperation between home and school for improvement of child Ybl-l ,., fare. _ c _ Normal Civic Activities: Cooperation with Lions Club in providing glasses y · S for indigent children, distributes clothing to needy children. Assists I with all worthy community programs. — ·» » Q Defense Activities; Engaged in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dress- .; ings, Led Cross Assistance, Collecting Books. Interested in Emcrgency__ T ’ I Repair Service, Motor Corps Service, hospital and Clinical Assistance. j Local Publications; None. _ ·· - 6 - MONTGOMERY CO NTY 4-H CLUB (State and National 4-H Clubs), e/o County Agent's Office, Bank and Locust Streets, Nt. Sterling. Founded 1926. County Agent, Floyd McDaniel. Telephone 524-NL Term indefinite. _ V Membership: 502. .Opcn to rural boys and girls ages 1O to 2O years, who • · A wish to plan an &gT1OUltUT&l`OT home progect. Purpose: To educate in agriculture and home cconomics.` . ~—~ Normal Civic Activities: Community beautification, County Fair Organizations, 4 Entertainment. _ _ _ ( . i “ ‘ ‘ ( · Defense Activities: Interested in Ped Cross nssistance,·Preparation and Ser- ving of Foed,.Entcrtainnent, Recreation. Local Publications:‘ None,. E ` V _;,.., MT.’STERLING BOARD OF'TRADE, c/o E. O. Crooks, Mt. Sterling. Founded 1959. President, A. G. Clay, Nt. Sterling. Telephone 27. Secretary, 3. C. Crooks. Telephone 505-J. Terms expired, 1942. ‘ ""'"` Membership: 58. Open to firms or corporations engaged in legitimate business. ‘Committces:_ None reported. . » p Purpose: To advance mercantile- manufacturing and interest in the community. Normal,Civic Activities: Cooperetes with municipal, civic and other agencies tom matters of general public interest. Sponsors It. Sterling Band. " it Defense Activities: Engaged in Collection of Scrap Petals and Other Metals. Interested in Auxiliary Police, Air Raid Qardcn.Service, Civilian Aircraft Warninv Service Auxiliary Fire Protection Red Cross nssistance= Comsumer~ " cz. 3 , t J _ ,.|_ Protection Activities. · “ · · C I Local Publications: None. ( ` . NT. STERLING GIRL SOUTS, TROOP—#1 (Girl Scouts of America), c/e Miss nnisc Hunt, ht. Sterling. Founded 1957. Captain, Miss nnisc Hunt. Secretary, Hrs. Albert Clay, Ht. Sterling. Terms indefinite. __ ly - Membership: 29. Open to girls ovcr_lO years of age able to pass tests and S - fulfill necessary requirements. ( - ,I` Committees: Executive, hiss Emily Tighlmcn Hunt, It. Sterling. A * ’ J "VA Purpose: Training for k:adership,`Civic Service, instructions in health and safety, first aidJ' V Nomnal Civic Activities: Ceoperates with Crippled Children's Drive and all _ civic welfare. { Defense Activities; En aged in lntcrtainment. Interested in First.Aid, Child i Care, Collrction of Scr;p letcls and Other Netals, Local Publications: None. L ‘ -7.. ; MT. STERLINH HI-Y (National Y. M. C, A.), Charles Pieratt, Mt. Sterling. Founded 1936. Advisor, Charles Pieratt. Telephone 754-J. Term indefinite. Membership; 85. Open to boys from seventh through the twelfth school Qygdgd Purpose: Maintains and creates higher standards of Christian character in ” J» .Y school and community. · , _ ` ` n" Norma1'Civic;Activities: Cooperates with tuberculosis and crippled chi1dren's drives, aids the needy. ‘ gm ..., `H-" ,‘ Defense`Activities:$Engaged in Family Social Service in Industrial areas. _ Interested in First Aid, Discussion Leaders. r‘ _ Local Publications: None. . ` MT. STERLING LODGE #35, F. & A. K. (Grand Lodge of Kentucky, F.i& A. M.),_, » o/o S. S. Finney, Ht. Sterling. Founded 1815. Worshipful Master, TL L. Gibson, ` ` ` Mt. Sterling. Secretary, S. S. Finney. Telephone SOS. Terms expire December, 1945. ' - S __ , Q Nembership; 175. Qualifications, white, male, 21 years of age or over and 3 belief in Supreme Being. ~_·· 2 Committees; None reported. 4 i . ‘ , 2 Purpose; Fraternal and charitable. * ( ° A Normal Civic Activities; Cooperation_with MasoniciTidowsrand¥Orphans Home, i local charitable organizations, school band.___ _, ( e Defense Activities: Interested in Auxiliary Police, Air Raid UardenDressings, Red Cross Assistance, First Aid,·Library Service, Collecting Books. V . Lo cal Publications: Year Book. V _ ROTARY CLUB OF MT. STERLIEG Hotarv Internationall c o S. C. Share Nt. or » I L 3 Sterling. Founded 1955. President, Nelson E._Nard,_Kt. Sterling.. Secre- tary, S. C. Sharp. Telephone 885. Terms expired June, 1942. · · V ~ ‘ Membership: 54. Open to occupational and professional individuals. Committees: Community Service, Rev. H. S. Stephenson, lk. Sterling. _ _ Purpose: Promoting high ethical standards in business and community. Normal Civic Activities:_ Cooperating in Crippled Children's Drive; Assisting · with School Lunch Program. V Defense Activoties: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, Child Care, Entertain- ' ment. Interested in Auxiliary Police, Air Rail Thrden Service, Civilian Air- { craft ”arning Service, Auxiliary Fire Protection, Collection of Scrap Metals i and Other Kctals, Consumer Protection Activitios• · · Q Local Publications: Keno. f g u. - 9 - L TUESDAY CLUB OF HT. STERLING (National Federation of Women's Clubs), c/e ` — Mrs. Charles Cook, 751 Maple Street, 1%. Sterling. Founded 1910. President, _ Mrs. Henry Barnes, Mt. Sterling. Secretary, Mrs. David Howell. Terms Ex- ‘ pire May, 1945. . Membership: 55. Open to adult women who are proposed and voted upon by I nmmbership. _ Committees: Hospital, Mrs. John Stofcr and Hrs. Till Ed Jones; Education, Mrs. Henry Barnes and Mrs. John Knox; Civics, irs. David Howell and Mrs. — Floyd HcDaniels; Finance, Mrs. TL EA Feavyhouse, Mrs. Tmltcr Bridges and e Mrs. John Stofer,;Kusic, Mrs. Henry Ringo, Mrs. Loring Turley and Miss = Frances Henrrg Publicit , Mrs. Nelson`Uard and Mrs. Curri McChcsncv all 43 5 of Mt. Sterling. f Normal Civic Activities: Social and civic welfare of the community. _ { Defense Activities: Eniaeed in Hosoital and Clinical Assistance. Interested ., a. L2 1. Q in Red Cross Assistance, Family Social Service in Industrial Areas. Collect- _; ing Books. }_ Local Publications: Year Book. i WOMAN*S IMPHOVENENT'CLUB (Kentucky Federation of Ebmen's Improvement Clubs), ? c/e Hrs. Iary Owens, Locust Street, Mt. Sterling. Founded 1911. President, Q Mrs. Amy Stockton, Locust Street, Mt. Sterling. Term expired January, 1942. S' " Membership: 20. Qualification, interest in community betterment, Innes 2 proposed and passed by vote of club. L Purpose: Charitable assistance to indigent, community improvement. Normal Civic Activities: Contributing to worthy causes, assist the needy. Defense Activities: Engaged in Sewing'and Preparation of Surgical Dress- — ings, Red Cross Assistance, Child Care, Collection of Scrap Ketals and Other n Metals. Interested in First Aid, Preparation and Serving of Food. -; Local Publications; None. E Q A ,I _ · - ll - TYPES OF DEFENSE ACTIVITIES LISTED Air Raid Harden Service Ambulance Service = Auxiliary Fire Protection j Auxiliary Police Child Care Civilian Aircraft Warning Service I Collecting Docks f Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals i Consumer Protection Activities · Y Discussion Leaders ’ Drafting J Emergency Repair Service i Entertainment ; Family Social Service in Inéustrial areas Z First Aid i Hospital and Clinical Assistance { Interpreting E _ Interviewing » T Library Service I Motor Corps Service Operation of Canteens ' Preparation and Serving of Feed Public Speaking Radio Operation and Repair ` Recreation Red Cross Assistance Research Assistance , Salvage Demolition Service Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings Signal Services Teaching Americanization Classes for Aliens and Others · Teaching Classes in Nechanical Skills {ceded in Dvicnse Industries · Teaching Classes of Map Reading and Sketching _ Teaching Literacy Classes for Aliens and Others Teaching Spanish and Portuguese _ Typing and Other Clerical Assistance 1 'V :- y . _ J - lg - LLPHABETICQL INDEX American Legion, Montgomery Post #22, l American Legion, Morton Judy Posty#222, l American Legion nuxiliary, Montgomery Unit f22, l American Red Cross, Montgomery Chapter, 2 Boy Scouts of Lmerica, Mount Sterling Troop¤#55, 2 _ Daughters of the American Rwvolution, Colonel George Nicholas Chapter,5 ` Girl Reserves of Mt. Sterling High School, 5 Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Watson Lodge #62, 4 t `Junior Uoman's Club of Mt. Sterling, 4 K Lions Club of Mt. Sterling, 5 ° Montgomery County Council P. T. 4., 5 Montgomery County 4—H Club, 6 Mt. Sterling Board of Trade, G S Mt. Sterling Girl Scout, Troop>#l, G Mt. Sterling Hl—Y, 7 _i Mt. Sterling Lodge #25, F. &» L. M., 7 Mt. Sterling Parent-Teacher Association, 7 Mt. Sterling Woman's Club, 8 Rotary Club of Mt. Sterling, 8 Tuesday Club of Mt. Sterling, 9 Weman*s Improvement Club, Mt. Sterling, 9 r - l Il 2 1 · · 4· 4 ` ‘ I., ' INDEX OF ORG;HIZ;TIOHS EY TYPE OF l . .__ DEFENSE nCTIVITY, TR;INIHG OR INTEREST Explanation of_Symbols¤ A- "Engggod'in", B- "Troining for", C- l 4 "IntorostWin“.i V r·‘ ` * · ; ‘¤ - ·‘ ‘ ’ C Humbors follomdng A, B, or C, indicato pogo cntry in Dircctory. AIR RQID YLRDEE SERVICE ‘ Vi U h Lmorioon Logion, Morton Judy Post #222, C-l; xndspcndcnt Ordor of Odd Follows, UCtSOn LOHg®#52,C·é;Ht. Storling Board of Trado, C¢6; It, Storl- ing Lodgo #25, F. 8 L; H., C#7; Rotary Club of Ht} Storling, C-8• ;UKILI4RY FIER PROTECTION ` · ‘"jmwricdn Logion, Morton Judy Post f222, C-1; Indopondcnt Ordor of Odd Follows, Eotcon Lodgo #52, C-4; Mt. Stcrling Board of Trodo,·C-6; Ht. Storling Lodgo<#25, F. & 4. M., C-7; Rotary Club of Mt. Storling, C-8. ;DIILI;RY.POLICE up I 4 \'- . . " ~· .. ` Amoricon Logion, Morton Judy'?ost'#222, C~lj Indopondcnt Ordor of Odd Follows, Eotson Lodgo #52, C-4; Lk. Storling Board of Trado, C-6; Mt. Storling Lodgo #23, F. & R, K., C-7; Rotary Club of Ht. Storling, C-8. ' cnim cms _i __? ‘· T i_ ·- _ _ Amorioon Logion,IHontgomcry Poot¤#22,"It. Storling, A-I, C-I; hmorican Lcgionpnuxiliory, Hontgomory Unit-f22, R-I; nmoricon Rod Cross, Mootg- omory Chapter, C-2; Girl Rosorvcs of Ht. Storling High School, A»5; Lions Club of Ht. Storling, A—5; Kt. Stcrling Girl Scouts, Troop yl, C—6; Mt. Sterling Porcnt»Tcochor nssocintion, C—7; Rotary Club of Ht. Storling, _ A—8; Homon‘s Improvomont Club,_i»9• i ° CIVILIQF 4IRCR;FT TQRFING SERVICE `S ni ’ > · Lmoricon Lcgion, Morton Judy Post f222, C-I; Indopondcnt Ordor of Odd. Follows, Uotson Lodgo QZZ, C—é; Kt, Sterling Board of Trzdc, C-6; Ut. Storling Lodgo·f23, F, C i. X., C—7; Rotary Club of ft. Sterling, C-8. l COLLECTING BOOKS _ , . ~ " h Amoricon Legion guxilimry, Fontgomory Unit·Q22, C-l; Iontgomory Courty — iggungjl P, T, ;,, R.5; Nt. Storling Uomon's Club, ;»S, C-8; Tuesday Club of lk, Sterling, C-9. I “ ‘ “ I J · ,J I { l Q , COLLECTION OF SCRQP H3T-LS 4RD OTHER METALS S Amoricon Legion, Morton Judy Post #222,'A—l; Amoricun Rod Cross, Montgom- ory Chnptor, C-2; Boy Scouts of Anorico, Ht. Storling Troop lss, LPZ; Lions Club of Ht. Storling, AFS; FW. Storling Girl Scouts, Troop #1, C-6; Rotary Club of Mt. Storling, C-S; Womon’s,Improvomont Club, AAS. . CONSUMER PROTECTIOR RCTIVITIES l , A V Indo ondont Crdor of Odd Follows Uotson LodJoEt52 C—4· Lions Club of P _, .: .1 1 _ .» It. Storling,’C-5; Mt. Sterling Boord of Trodo, CAS; Ht. Sterling Lodgo f25, F. & R. K., C-7; Rotary Club of Kt._Stcrling, C-8, DISCUSSIOF LELDERS ~ : "` Dcushtcrs of tho Lmoricon Rovolution Colonol Gooreo Uioholos Cho tor ° Lg 3 I C-5; Kt. Starling HI—Y, C-7. ’ EMERGENCY REIRIR SERVICE `Y ' _ — ` · _‘nmCTlC2D Logion, Montgomcry Post=#22, C-l; Iorton Judy Fost #222, C—l; Montgomery County Council]?. T. L., C—54 ¥ETTYElTi-ILTCC“lT ~ ··· A V * C · ‘ nmoricon‘Logion Auxiliary, Montgomery Unit¤#22,'C4l;`Montgomory County , 4·H Club, C46;.Mt. Storling Girl Scouts, Troop’#l, A.6; Mt, Sterling I Vbnon's Club, A-8; Rotdry Club of Kt. Storling, A-8. FAMILY YOCIML SERVICE IE IUJUSTRILL ;RB;S ’ ` _ .hnoric;n Legion, Lontgomory Root [22, $§l;.Boy Scouts of gmorioo, Ht. 1 • F • , . —·· ; ¤ ¤ I . Sterling Troop css, C—2; Cirl Rosorvos of nt. Storling High School, C—3; Junior Lbmon's Club of Lt. Sterling, C—4; It. Storling Girl Scouts, H .7 , . - ·· · .`. . r, ' • I. A Troop Ll, C—G; Lt. Storling nI—Y, n—7; nt. storlin;‘Psront-Tooohor nssoc— _ iotion, C-7; Tuesday Club of rt. Sterling, C»O. · FIRST 4ID S _ Lmcriccn Logionrguxiliory, lontgomory Chit-#22, R-l; Amorioon tod Cross fontgonbry Chsptor, C-2; Soy Scouts of nmorico, Mt. Sterling Troop,·f55, 'A»2; Girl Rosorvos of Yt. Sterling,Iigh`School, C-3; Lions Club of lt. Storling,,;-5; ft. Storlin; Girl Scouts, Troop #1, C-3; Lt. Storling . HI-Y, C—7; ot. Storling Parent-Toochor Lssociotion, C—7; It. Storling Ibmon's Club, ;—S, B—S; [onmn's_Lnprovomont Club, C—S. ~ ·\ - l7 - HOSPITAL ARD CLINICAL ASSISTARCE Lions Club of Mt. Sterling, C-5; Montgomery County Council, P. T. A., C—5; Mt. Sterling Parent-Teacher Association, A-7; Tuesday Club of Mt. Sterl- ing, A-9. LIBRARY SERVICE I Junior Woman's Club of Ht. Sterling, C-4; Mt. Sterling Uomanls Club, A—S, B"'8, C"8• MOTOR CORPS SERVICE Junior Tbman's Club of Em. Sterling, C—4; Montgomery County Council, P. T. A., C—5; Ht. Sterling Parent-Teacher Association, C-7; Mt. Sterling _ Woman’s Club, C-8. y PREPARATION AFD SERVING OF FOOD Montgomery County 4-H Club, C»6; Mt. Sterling Girl Scouts, Troop=#l, C-6; Ht. Sterling Parent-Teacher Association, C—7; Uoman’s Improvement Club, C·•9• RADIO OPERATIOE AED REPAIR American Legion Auxiliary, lontgomery Unit #22, C-l; Montgomery County ’ 4-H Club, C-6. RED CROSS ASSISTAFCE American Legion, ’orton Judy Post *222, C-l; American Red Cross, Bont- gomery Chapter, C-2; Daughters of the American Revolution, Colonel George Nicholas Chapter, C-S; Independent Order of Odd Fellows, lhtson Lodge f52, C-A; Junior Uoman's Club of Mt. Sterling, A»4;‘Montgomery County Council, P. T. Ag, A-5; Montgomery County 4-I Club, C-6; Ht. Sterling Board of Trade, C-6; ik. Sterling Lodgc;#25, F. & A. M. C-7; Mt. Sterling Parent-Teacher Association, C-7; Tt. Sterling W@ran's Club, _ C-8; Rotary Club of Lt. Sterling, A-S; Tuesday Club of Nt. Sterling, C-9; Woman’s Improvement Club, A»9. SEWING AKD PREPARATION OF SURGICAL DRESSIRGS American Legion Auxiliarj, Hontgomery Unit·f22, A-l; American Red Cross, l Montgomery Chapter, A-2, C-2; Daughters of the American Revolution, Col- onel George Nicholas Chapter, LAB; Girl Reserves of At. Sterling High School, C-5; Junior Toman's Club of Mt. Sterling, C-4; Lions Club of Kt. Sterling, C—5; Montgomery County Council, P.T.A.,A-5; It. Sterling Girl Scouts, Troop-#l,C-6; Parent-Teacher Association, C-7; Mt. Sterling Hom- an's Club, C-S; Tbman’s Improvement Club, APU. E ;;jf:;:r {;r; # nr tt sin E E . -‘ I r A »-r—- r»— — ..·~·»»-...·.·.·......4·•·.......4...... ,.... .... . ..,,_ __ , ,,_- _ __....·é 3 . " · · » , . _ . _ I. ` . A ' [ * · ` - V ` » . ‘ » Y . · V . ` . 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