xt7fj678wb5f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fj678wb5f/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1967 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material: 2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1967 Vol.33 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, April 1967 Vol.33 No.4 1967 2019 true xt7fj678wb5f section xt7fj678wb5f i4 ‘ 1 ' ‘ , '
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_ e Marlow Wi11' ard' Elkton - QIII, 112fiw... wfi駧flfi , 1
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Begnder the able. dire t' y I e .1 1 1%, 1 . .2 1' ' .:f’ . ; ~’ ég
h0st E‘ 300%. 111 5.3.1011 Of for the 1.... l : ' ' -., ' "39.2.
' 11...? Nfles and NOrr‘ 1°C?” tended. Th g9 group Which t -5.- ,; '3 P .
. g am, the W 15 D11- eFrldaye . a ' 115 1:5 :11 1 " . . .: » .
‘ PreSS ASSOC' eIStern Kentuck Iunlet .Was hosted bvenlng ban:- > 1 <52}, 1% . E” . _ 5
9 SuCCBSSful H1155... held anothei 5 mums» and it W y Kenkay .. NNA s5...e cm... “ ' . ‘1 - g
at P eetlng A . east befitt. as Indeed _ IY, has plaCed th an, Maul‘ice K . .. 4 . : .‘ .. >
. emlyrile State Prll 13.15 mg kings a 1m, III up f0 e name of Geor . Hen. bia UniVer ‘- , .4 , , 4.;
In addifi Park; FollOWi ' Year’s P0st r nominéltion to :58 A'Jop' nallism N SW 5 Pulitzer Sch 2 1 "'ii1 2
meetings 011:1 t0 the busine KPA P ng the banquet tion will 531.2“th NNA Beard $131 a one Aftel’. £ng01? City, 001 of Jaur. '
W .011 SS resid 9 past tiona1 P 306 du - ' 9 elec at - uation h ' =11: 91
backb mak ent L ‘1 ~ NeWsp rmg the 1 ' ' e edltor f ’ e S“v‘l'Ved ‘- 1
one Of e up the presented ’ arry Sto m Rich aper AquC- - 967 Na 31 . 0 5318 we as aSSOc‘ ‘-
. ~ 1 latmn ' n untu h . ekly So 1'
th1s typ any gath 1 1 aWards t ne mond J““6 22 c°nVentio e enhst d- merset Jo u i
. e th . erlng of presldent 0 the pa If e] -25 n 1952 hewas e mthe AirF “r- . :1
deal ’ ere Wa t S of the w St aeted Mr . . tena cOmmismo orce. In .555. "
of fun h S a great uCky pr eStern K the state ’ ' JOphnw “t and as 1 ' “9d asec -
1 ' 5 0f V' 1 - °u1d re nat" Slgnedt t °ndLieu. 5-55
LOVett ad by all C eSS ASSOC ' en West V‘ - 1rElma N Present ““131 Rel " 0 he Scho 1 1 ""1“
e of St ' harles lat1011. 11”glnia T ’ orth Carol' Grad athnS,Geor ° OfInter. . 1
John O’ ampS“COnh . An eXe . on the boa d: 'enneSSee and ma, uate 5611001 W .getoWnUniver . ..
Conn a1m and cu‘31Ve tin - r ' Vlrgin" ’ Kentuck tEtched t - ’ aShmgto my 1 '
01' K held meet' “1011 of h - 13 has h V 0 the A1 n, D. c n ,595
reSent ‘ ’ entuCk On Satur lng W ang ad the d1 Warfa . r FOI‘ce’ -, at. 1
athe f y Re _ t (:13 as repreSent . One Of th 1 15- re Dlvis' S PSYCho] -
or th P 1 hen th Y mOI‘n' the dlst 1 6” memb to th - 1°n- He lat °glcal r
eI‘s pr 8 U S e S ' lng and ter Pott “Ct mo t 61‘s e VOICe f er was a . . 5,. :
BSented ' - Brew. W ,prmg M . 9 di . 81‘, from C 5 recently W I 0 America . SSlgned .__ .199
.fi S’mct r ulmapper v- - .' 31- “ August 19 mNeWYork -
Spltality Kentu k the th epreSentat‘ ’ 1rElma afir . P 53, new ' . Clty. " :4}
. SOCiat‘ c y Pr ePI‘esid we until . :Was stLleuten as dischar .. 111:5.
10n was - 988 A ency ofNN mOVIng u t set is ant and ret 1 ged as .
adJOur 5" year Vacan A’thusc » p o 0b900me d' “filed to s
med 0 CY on the Teatmgao the] e 1tOI'oftheC Omer. ‘1
I ’ Dponent for th board M ne argest week'l 0mmonweal 5le
Mrs L _ e Seati 3 r. Joplin’s In Janu Ynewspape . th, » » 5-
2 - 015D W . S agamavi - NY, 1966 th rmKentuck
a Kentu . - atkms It' I'glnian the 30m 2 e COmm y, .
II Oklan - . - 1s not f : erset Jou onwealth .
I g lzed In 59” ‘ -‘15 gWen t o te“ that Papers "191, both ”‘1 . 1 - .
EdltOl‘ 8: P“ pec.;.;1:1stmon55..1to C°mmén¥§§1i53°nsondated 12:11:15,215: 5
, I . . entu k' . ard W’th . Ournal - e '
quahfmat- C 1311 Wlth ; es. 1 a Clr . dajl
> Ions H . Mr J 5 1. culatmn of y “Gwspaper -1 .
DFOblem .' e lS no ' Oplin’s 1“ was ex almost 0
SOme of th . , bllSh er pubnshe: f‘immg both the szralgger to the ation and :2th president 05151113001 JOD- 'i;
tain PU-blishe 01‘1th Who main ed a veryssiln this Country has“: anddafly five-day-awééinae {managing e dung??? . .
ers - ' ager to Ccessful ’ geonve. t H 21' y 1 e
Only in th are Inter ' of WMIK 3“ e01112111 weeklleew r ' 9 has serVed ' '1 ‘
e bal ‘35th m 5 took 3’ SuCceSSful d . SPaperin tUcky p as Chan-m , ..
, benef' anCe She . Onths to off f Ge any. - . I‘eSS A550 . . , an oftheK . .,
1t from th 1" mlght 1;" Serve our We Adam mittee - “anon Ex - 9‘1 ‘5
1me " . as 301:1 18 19 8 s JOplin m . ’ “Ce Pres‘d 11--—~Lcut1"e Com ’
a KEntu e knOwled Inter Ve full- ’ 2 r the Wasbo Presm 1 ent and " 1‘1— » ' , 1 5
Cky publ‘ g9 0f a1 1m Pre'Sid ’ the lat 1 S°“'0fB » m Ma “‘1 1me ”“1964 K ' 1 , ‘
_ . 5 Ge arthemas y V3.11] b 5heWa , PA’S . ‘ ..1
ment Of hi ISher’S 1n p achlan R _ ent of Ap_ Of th Org-e A. JO I. 81193 and a le membe SseleCtedth 1 '
S tim veSt' A eglonal H - es"mersetc " 1“, J 11- pum- Japun 1 rOfKPA emost » '
a human- e and tale - ' 5 head Ospltals 9d SOme ommonwealt ’ “her A - 15 married ' -
Italian Hts 1n (1' 0f ARH . . . I‘Set scho h. He att 1me Sum - . to the f m
' lrect : Mr H Kent ~ 015 and end. h merSOfL . , ormer M‘
' Maur' enterprls ed a ' enr uCky M‘l' graduat d ave th oulsvm 155 . _.
10 6. - non- - y . 1 ltar - e from I“3e chi e,Ky, . ..
Publishere K' Henry, who - “On which (,..,npr‘mt COrpora- 3? 3’5“”: Fla-313532? 5., Lyndon. Ky 8’3“. 1’0““. b33565? Jane' 1‘? 6133;3er
Daily NeWOf the Middlesbo§§ 1: System of n: and Operates Ky_, figgigrgm Centrec'ofigggcgivedhié Pregblyst a member 53%;?» 1967. 1 ’ ‘ .7,
s and g 0 ' he 00 T 9« wa 5 anvin 'erian ch Con 0fth -
eneral Spltals " 1 mmunit “eta Pi f 5 a memb 9: Some urCh'Vi - eFirSt ‘ v
man. ’ Wlth 3. tot y wa Paternit . er of B t I‘Set.pu1 k' ’ cepresldent -'
S aSSOC' y- Whlle in e a dation- . as 1 Count I _ ofthe ‘
_ (Pleas a1 Of 970 late edito schom h ’adll‘ect 3’ ndlStTialF ‘
6 fun. 5., p ger 0f the r and bus... ’ 9 NatiOnal °r0fthe Fir Dun.
u9e SeVen) 0n tn college pa 955 mama - Bank" B - StandFar ' -- "
e Weekl Per and 31 - mltte , 03/ Scout - . mers V. P
£7 - - Y B0 50 we eman. Dlstz‘ . .1 .1
. . . . .. .. ‘ . . ceWed his MS de 3’19 Ind8pendent Hrked Rotary C1 libpaSt preSidentof the SI“ Com.
.’ > ‘. N. ,, . . ._~ gree 111105” ' 9 re. of (1;. ’ and a m V Omerset "
' 1w 2 ‘ » . " r0mc "1‘1‘1‘v‘Ctor . ember oft .
. ‘ . « , ohm-1 ni .5550»- .5 Of 1531* Centre C , he board 1
.7 . _ 1"»335177-“11151n..." .. . . . . 4 , 5 clatlon. Ghege Alum_ . .
1 “15...“; “.3123 IP g \ v.1, ,... ‘ {I “ ‘ . . ’ I
."-‘ ' , ' " 1...,
,,,;.:..:‘.!J‘Tf?§35“"‘f?"37““1‘ “ i " “ i , 3‘ ~ ‘ , ,, . il.l;.1§ll;v2t.:oo. .
. PAGE Two - one KENTUCKY PRESS * ' ~ _ ' it 1
Official Publication COIN CIDENCE J a k N t - ' s; .
K tkP A iti ,I. . « C
en uc yLeiiiZtorifi)(:r.a on no (Guest Editoral Elizabethiown News) . c -_ 0 es ‘t( ‘ . _
printed By Fif ears 0 ,The NEWS - - - , k
’ Madisonville Publishing 00., Inc. said 131,133,, a nunaiger of friends By A‘ J“ VIEHAM’ JR“ are 1nterested 1n Spendlngafew V tit
Madisonville,Ky, 42431 and relatives gathered at the I mentioned some time ago days llhstenlngto some outstand- ‘
A. J. Viehman, Jr. Editor home of W H Moble 0 th that your KPA Central office ing speakers, soakingupalittle , g,
Member ° ° y n .e had a lot of irons in the. fire sunshine, and generally getting 533i ~
Kentucky Chamber Of Commerce St. JOhn Road to celebrate hls t th. t. It th t to ViSit With Old friends as well 47.4
Newspaper Association Managers 50th birthday. In its issue of a 1s 1me. seems a each - - 43:33":
National Newspaper Association Tuesday April 4 The NEWS tlme one Of them cools Off a as some new ones, then thls 1s ti
a. National Newspaper Promotion . had an ’ account at. the 100th little, another comes along to going to be your kind ofconven- - at ,
A . t' . - - 7 . '
Better i3suosciilaeégnBureau birthday celebration of Mr. take Its place. tmn' - 55 "
Kentucky Press Association, Inc. Mobley at the same residence The WeStern. Kentucky Press One Of the real attractlons A ~ '
s. c. Van Curon, president _ _ . _ ° Association meeting is history held by the Summer Cenvention '
FrankfortState Journal This comeldence 1n events now The Circulation Division is the awarding of prizes for the '
Howard 3- Oglesivice hresidentiFranklin well illustrates one of the prin— of K.pA meeting will be history annual newspaper contest. We 3% V
A. J. ViehFr‘élgriirEESecretarv ciPal functions of a Country after April 23rd. It seems that eXPect to see your eXPressions . ’ ‘ ‘
IManager.Treasurer, foington newspaper which ie it? keep up each time we plan a meeting as tense as those on the faces of _ E - .
Rigging-e gggrrilsititrléefgzdrglérizsgg wlth .what its publlc .ls d01ng, anymore, we set some new at- the Oscar nominees on Acade— it ,
son, Chairman, Hardinsburg (Second) 113$ blrths, 1'95 marrlages, “5 tendence marks. The crowd at my Award hlght- sis" ‘ .
Ben E. Boone“ m, Elkton (Fourth); educational life, its. business the WKPA meeting was larger Just to insure that you shake gi '
' Frank 0.. ecu, Vice .Chairman, Bedford ventures, and unfortunately, at than any I can remember, and a lot of hands those three days, 3 ‘ -
ffifih)s‘l’fi$232 "féhastgishsathtityg‘ivlsle 8:11:33 tlmes its misdeeds, for all of as for the Circulation meeting, the 50th person who shakes Mr. , %
~. Thomas M_ Buckner, Lexington (Sixth); them area part of the record. well, pm here to tell you that X’s hand 15 goingtobe $25 rich- 3 as ’
\LNarreg Rfi Fistheé, grogzrliflfitfeginth); Thegr are 1n successwe periods the last one we had (September) er at the end of the convention. ' , 3% /
at.) W a the movng finger writes drew about ten ream-o... Who is Mr. X? onyheandyour r -~
e. scams, am can); James L. andfhen mOVeS °n~ ' The last time I checked the 11st Secretary-Manager will know. i -
Crawford. Corbin (At-large); Donald B- A newspaper, even those in for this one, wehadover twenty It jUSt won’t pay to be shy at “$3 V
TWIQS’ L°“‘S"¥uei (“Jamefi'rmmy the cities must know the public and the list was still owin . this KPA meeting. . .
Preston, Cynthlana (At large), Larry . . gr g . er ~
stone, Central cm, Postpresident. it serves, but In the smaller The point that I’m beating In closmg. let me ask you a a , ’
. _,————:— . places of population like county around the bush trying to make question. HOW many 0f YOU are ":5" ' _
Clrculaflng WI'I'h Bi" seat towns, that knowledge is is that you all are becoming Planning to attend the National , .
indispensable. Moreover, it more and more interested in News a e A ' ' .
By BILL GIBSON t b . . . . . . P P r 7 SSOClatlon con _ »
I just want to say that if you mus e interested 1n these attending meetlngs that W111 ald vention in RichmOnd, Virginia, , . A
aren’t planning to attend the same 1:21p e, what they are do- you 1n your work. On the other June 22.25? You read on the
Circulation Division meeting at ing,thw. e her 1t 8 a new biby hand, . we. are becoming more frOnt page that Maurice Henry ,
Rough River, then you’re going 1!; their ome, the graduation consolentlous about prov1d1ng had nominated George Joplinto ' . a.
to 'miss a good program. The t: ' elé' children, a vacation worthwhileimeetlngs for'yon to serve on the NNA board as a ‘ g
small registration fee of $10 bI'IIIchn not to be overlooked, attend-Setting up ameetlnglsa _ representative of our district , t ,. ;
entitles you AND your wife to 1r ay celebratlons llke the little like throw1ng a ball back (let me point out that this nom- ~
some of the best food and two held 50 years apart for Mr. and forth: If we get an idea ination was unamiouslyendors- -f
Southern Hospitality this side Mobley. and toss it out to you, we ex- ed by the KPA Executive:Com- _
. of the Mason-Dixon Line. A newspaper has :3; large re- pect you to toss it back so that mittee). ‘For sometime now, , , ,
I couldn’t help but think that sponsibility to .fu1f111.and cer- we can play some more. If we our districthas beenrepresent-
this information that caught my tainly in doing it, it will not Set “P a Pliogram then You héve ed by a Virginian and thiS year * " ’
eye in Editor and Publisher please all persons but if it pub- to attend 1? °rder t9,majf‘-e 1“ a we would like to See a Kentuc- 7
would be of some benefit to lishes the news about those in success. nght 119‘” 1t S tlme to kian elected. Why not plan to ’ ~
all of us, daily and weekly which its readers hove a na- toss .you somethmg' Ti“? firs." take a few days - Off to go to ‘
alike. . tural interest its chief obliga- meeting 0f the Advertlsmg dl' Richmond this June? We’re go- " ~ '
' The Post Office bill submit— tion. especially as regards a' V1510“ 0‘3 KPA ls g°mg to take ing to need to give George all - r ’
ted to Congress calls for the “country newspaper,” has been place next September at Rough of the support that we can mus- . 3' .
following rate increase: met. {hwter State Paik' TE}: only W313; ter, especially since the Con- , 7
, — .———————————- a you can ene 1 yourse vention is bein held in con- * ' "
1. First Class oes from 5 : . . . . . . g
cents to 6 cents. g from the present 12 cents to and the assomatlon 1s toplanto Junctlon With 'the Virginia ‘— .
2. Airmail goes from 8 cents 141/2 cents per pound. attfengeth’l: meeting. ' Pr ((13/sz Association Convention, ‘
-. - u ma eyourreserva- an i m ess is o d th r ' ' " -
to 9 cents. . Y gu g 0 e e
3 In ener 1 S d Cl 10. The Second Class pound tlons for the 1967 Summer Con- wi1l be a lot of folks from that _ ,
is increg d ail econ tas: rate to the eighth zone goes ventlon'to be held at Kentucky state on hand to push their can- ,_ ~
I per centasger anliflln (3:71:31: a from the present 14 cents to Dam Village June 1‘3? If you didate. , ' . ~
_ . . 17 cents per pound. ., -— 7 ~ ~ ' .4
three year period. There 13 no _ . _ MOST FAMILIES NOW EAT IN THE KITCHEN ‘ i .
surcharge for elrculatlons over 11. The Third-Class mlnlmum . if '
. (Guest Edutoral Russell Times) , _,";-‘ -
500,000. per~plece rate goes from 278 A survey tells us that 91 percent of convenient place wh th t ‘ T i r r ‘
, —— GI‘e e 0V6 . Mag’
4:. The Second-Class text rate to 3.8 cents. 3 American families in the middle income adjust to this current practicéarchlistect: '.
goes from 2.8 cents to 3.4 cents _ bracket who were questioned reserve their and decorators have given kitchens the
over three years, beginning 12. The Third Class bulk rate dining room for companyand eat in the kit. look of living rooms. So once again kit. ' ‘
Jan. 1’ 1968. .for books and catalogs goes chenTor adjommg breakfast nook. chens are what theywerein earlier days, . ,
5. The Second-Class adver- from 12 cents to 16 cents; the memberi‘lgspziiilfdnggncglaiil$$0mefglig if; cozy places for famllynvmg' "it.
tising rate goes from the pres- Third Class bulk rate for other where the mother could Serve directly Thus does £35m.“ come roundthe Ch" ’ E43 '
. matter 0 fr 18 from the range. At that timefamilies with cle. Th0.“ who dIShke change can take ‘
ent 4.2 cents per pound for the 9; es om . cents. to ‘any pretense to culture felt some member comfort in this return to the ways of the 3, .
first and second zones, to 5.1 22 ants“ Non-profit Thlrd of the group must carry the'roast‘intothe paSt' They may feel sure that other mOd' 1
cents, Spread over a three- Class 18 set at 50 per cent of 'dimng room, even though it meantalong ern modes will follow this pattern. * ,3? ,
* Year period. the profit-making Third Class ngrtgfig: gljtfl‘ger'smntry(WhiChhad Even mlniskirts. But we hope the ‘
6. Th . . rate. " . _ swing will not be so great that it will .
the f ti advertlsmgf rate to , d1catigeacigigzgttaigfiosl‘égfit‘gigi“gigs" bring back grandmother’s dust sweeper,a
our zone goes rom 7.2 13. In the non-profit Second having disappeared even among thewell. Skirt 0f .Such length it had to be rein- .
cents per pound to 8.7 cents Class category which currently‘ to-do, the wife-cook nowdoes the practical forged \Z1thhhem_ braid so it would not i .
per pound, Spread over three pays 1.8 cents per pound for thing' She serves her family in the “‘0“ t: liegflsqueiileislivciiil’Ebfgpiiglel $13333;
Years. text and advertisin the rate is ' _' because in the long run the m dernt é ' -
7. The advertising rate to increased to 2.1 cihts on text- nearest .State Employment Ser- is all to the practical. And that is aiirto ,,
the fifth zone from the present and to 2.8 cents per pound on V109 Office. . ' ' W . ‘ ' b - »
9.2 cents to 11.1 cents. . ,. advertising. . Youth is on: agealtes: natural; STAMPS CONH AIM
8. The controlled-Circulation resource an t 6 ac 100119 0 ' i‘ ,
bulk rate oes from 131 r A hearing on Postmaster tomorrow. You can help youths NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING SERVICE f
g /2 pe , ,
pound to 15 cents per pound, Genera]. O’Brien’s proposal for help themselves by ' f1nd1ng 3555 Na, La Brea . its Angeles, Calliorma 90036 . ‘ : ,
spread over three Years.’ _ a non-profit corporation to run these summer town jOb onen- Chm“ Hf VL°"°"°
~ 9. The Second Class pound the postal service has been “135° It willbe an investment ‘ ”19 sundqw" Lam f f? ‘
rate to the seventh zone goes scheduled-r-Mayfla—in Congress. in the future. ~ 1 , F°" “"9 ”we“ ' f _ , ~
—~ . v o I Y i
y , - 1969-ls K.P.A. Centenma ear
' ’ By JOE LAGORE shape, local, state and national that, as. McCraokén County. would be a big help to the Cen-
aw ,\ Although it is more than a affairs. whose county seat is Paducah, tennial Committee if thesesug-
,d- g: year and a half until we begin We also think it mightbe well has had more than 50 papers. gestions are made in writing, _
16 if" to celebrate the 100th anniver- to invite our United States Sen- The Young Hlstorlans Club of so that we can make a file of
ng .I§ , * sary of the Kentucky Press As- ators and members ofthe House Paducah has a 11st of these them for reference at future
all sociation the planning for this of Representatives, our Gover- papers and copies of Inany of committee meetings.
is important event is under way. nor, and other VIPs to honor them. Publlshers may find that The Centennial Committee
n- . I It is our intention to keep us with their presence on the” a story in their papers asIklng can, and will, make plans for >
ii“ the membership informed of occasion of the President’s readers for old papers printed the celebration, but this im~
as {i - . what we are thinking of'for this visit, if indeed the President in their cities and counties W111 portant year will be a success A
on . . ' momentous year, and to solicit ‘ can be persuaded to attend: . If turn up a surprising number for Kentucky papers only if the
he the members for suggestions he cannot, we should ask the of them. . ' whole membership gets behind
Ve ' s for the year-long program. . Senators and Congressmen, the The Courier-Journal art staff these plans and make them a
as :;:I:; , The pl 'ng began after Governor and others to the Jan- drew up some suggested Cen- success. .
of 'LI :3‘ President Larry Stone appoint- uary or June meeting. tennlal emblems. . These Iwere “—— :
.e— ' .;_:" A ed me chairman and Ed Templin Inasmuch as the January Cen- printed in an earlier edition of WHAT JOURNALISM STUDENTS SEEK ;,.
.: . :57 . co-chairman of the Centennial tennial meeting W111 come 50 The Kentucky Press. The re- m FIRST NEWSPAPER JOB
ke } Committee in April, 1966, With soon after the President elec- sponse from WKPA members What factors are important to young ' g
S, ' the death of Ed in January tion of November 1968, it could indicated that the one repro- peoiilekfiunehingthonfa jnurnalism cares};
: gr . . - m 00 g or e 1rs newspaper jo .
r. ' 1967, the new KPA president, be, especially 1fW6 have a new duced here was the ch01ce 0f Fifty-four students in newswriting ,
h' ' ' E. 'C. Van Curon, strengthened President, that the Pres1dentlal most members. We plan to classes at the School of Journalism, Uni.
n. ' this committee to include, be- schedule cannot be arranged to have this emblem done in 301d Vfirsiiy 0f. N°rth Carolinahwetriaikegmis
2,‘ .. . ,, . _qesmnlnasurveyconuce y ro.
1r '1 sides myself, Larry Stone, Joe accomodate a Kentucky V1511? and blue, and pr mtefi- on gum Kenneth R. Byerly and Assistant Prof. -
w. , . Dorris, George Wilson and before June 1969. In this event med IIpaper Iand ftérnished KPA Donald L. Shaw. Survey highlights follow:
at . Frank C. Bell. “ the new de 111x? COtta‘geS at Ken’ Elem (ifs . a 00:; tt 011-1 use on 22 per cent said one of the most im-
. : -: , The discussions Ed and I had WCKY Dam Vlllage State Park 911' usmess e or ea 5 or portant factors which they would take into-
a ' ' . had about the Centennial were would provide an excellent set— envelopes, preferably on both. account wouldbeamountofstartingsalary.
re _ " reviewed Saturday, April 15, ting for a Presidential visit. We Will have mats made in one 17 per cent cited advancement Iop.
a1" . , when the KP A executive com- The ~ Centennial Committee and two column sizes for re- portunity as a factor in choosmg a Job., . ,
h. : ' mittee held its spring meet— W111 suggest that each member production throughout the year. 16 per cent indicated location of news.
a . ing at Pennyrile State Park paper. or a group of neighbor We Plan ’a further report on paper'
he ' _, near Dawson Springs. papers, arrange for some local the Centennial program at the If 13dp§r fItIEntISSid variety and challenge
. . . _ - . - _ o ere y e JO .
ry fj- - At thlS meetlng Were Larry PrOnga-ms dIurlng the year_ $30 KPA summer_ meetlng at Ken In almost every case where students
to , ‘ ' Stone, George Wilson, Frank acquaint their readers and CIVIC tucky Dam Village State Park said money would not be an important
a f . Bell, and myself' , and business leaders with the June 1, _2 and 3. Members are factor in their job decision, they quali. .
ct - We plan' now to begin atthe fact that the Kentucky Press asked t0 be Prepared t° “fer 53%? $322333:’Vlfiaf‘fi‘fist’ff 213553;
n- i ‘ - ~ top and invited the president Association is 100 years old, 1311611: suggestlons for the Cen- the job offers a chance for reasonable ‘
s- : of the United States to attend and that the first neWSPapers tenmal year at thls tlme- It Pr°m°ti°“-”
. . - . M
n- ,3 3 either our winter or summer in Kentucky were printed much . I o I,
w, " a meeting-in 1969 and address earlier than 1869. : . > ,:, - , ' . ‘ . J
it- ‘ " ~I ”us. Although we cannot pre— Vlctor Portmann is at work - » - h
1r I‘ I . sume to advise the President on a history 0f newspapers lIn r you up a .‘
e. 'on what he might say, we be- Kentucky. He says hISPI‘ehml' I
to :I v lieve «it would provide him an nary work shows that Kentucky 1,
tow . I, excellent forum to talk about has had, Over the years more on ra lng 8 amps '?
o- " the role of the community press than 500 newspapers. The IISt - '
11 ;'II in recording, and helping to COUld run much hlgher than d 7 I
s. , . , an prices. ‘
[1" ' . . ',-i 7 ” : z?" "
n- ‘ » ;:-_.- _ . I A , t , f; . '
ha Q‘ , ' ' ' . ' .2 -, 7’15} ‘1,“ HYPOTHESIS: If trading stamps lead to higher ,
ll _ l ' ' \ ~11 . at k . o I '
.é- - If; ‘ . - - .l . *I'.I; 1'!” 2k food prices, then wouldn’t prlces be hlgher where
at . I I _ exit—97:} if stamps are given and lower where they are not given?
n- - i. _, , , . F-“A‘ ,1 2‘7 ‘W" ,. , ”- ‘ .L '
: ‘52“ gII‘l E drab}? 51' II: 4132:“: I". Onlyone way to settle that one.Go used. ,I
— l f g I [i "u‘ C: ",‘A’ : out and check prices. ConclusionzFood prices in stamp '
‘ , i.- .I‘ ”If 7'35. A fellow named Verne A. Bunn giving stores in Missouri were ac-
if I . . \ fi‘ did just that in 1965. He wasare- tuallya tiny bitlower than prices
[‘0 1 , ' . ii t» search analyst at the Midwest Re- charged by stores in the very same I:
its ‘1: , fiI It: - Qi=:-S;1;::.j’:w#f§’§ search Institute of Kansas City, chains on the non-stamp side of the
he ' ;éI 15 c , ' ,3 g& 6 Mo., and a former professor at the border. 4?
In : III I W g”‘"ll‘é “ UniversityofWichita. This didn’t surprise Mr. Bunn .
5’ ' ,E ; Vhl'é V/Q‘I’. it He used an ideal laboratorszhe very much. He had made Similar .
. . . I"?! ' K “t ' kktfiii ‘g‘ Kansas/ Missouri area. Trading studies four times in the past, begin- 4-.
i; ‘ : i , 'I n! ,. | il'l' Leg; ' ‘ "' stamps are used freely in Missouri, ning in 1960. Got the same results ,
5e , s .. I ‘\ t ’ U. NI I; ii but notin Kansas, the only state each time. i.
d- ‘ ' II . V. I . r _.__" ' that PYOhibitS stamps. And that pretty well agrees with
> ‘If f 7.- ...— ~ . \——— He checked prices in non-stamp other studies going back nearlya »
hé . I , i . . . II . . stores in Topeka and Kansas City, decade that also fail to establish ‘
lll ; ‘ , Amer'ca the Be?u“ful Kansas. Then he compared them to that trading stamps do, in some 2
,a ; > g '5 Everybody 5 10b ' prices in the same chains' stores systematic way, lead to higher
n- t ' 2 , . It’s the job of everyfamily that spreads a picnic on 21 ~ ‘ across the state line in Kansas City, prices for food, drugs, gasoline or sf
1‘? v I_ ‘ malifetltizbigb of every boatman who cruises the ' Missouri,Wherestampsarefreely anything else. _
1‘: ' . : lakes and waterways. V ‘ ‘ ” “
3d ’ : l Every driver, every walker, eVery flier.
t0 ., . ; That’s why our Association throws its whole- J 1
‘ ' ' hearted support each year into the Keep America ‘ f~= if: ~
— , Beautiful campaign. ' : GREEN f ,
3'1 .‘ ' STAMPS ‘. _ (v
' ‘ ’ . j! Lovely country we have here. Let’s keep it that way. M. , ‘ I V H . I.
. « 1 PI 0' B°x~22187' LOIUISVIHe' Kenti‘c“ 40222 . I An American-Way 0f Thrift Since 18.96 l T
'I I, _ , I I I I _l- ._I ___* i W
. K r ‘ 7’ i I . I I n“;
.5.H,.:‘;r '- _ ‘ . . .5 » ‘ , ~ . r» V~ .35:iiic‘wifkr<‘:<__(il;§\; is“?
blwwm Q '. '
a M“ ‘% “‘\ > ' '
put your nd'§h A, . w g
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5"” “/‘d , W \/—§ . ~
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3.2512555» . , \~’: ;._ 5’ “l!!!*i:>‘l>. 4.: . x~ 53.21355 Much We “mimifgifi'f’” "w _ ,w g__
7/ , l i w 5.0, ., ‘ezzxslllk-w '-.z ~=>~ ‘- » “b .. E’EE'OMhatonersas "a“!ai- .
Southe" --. - N5 5. . u: ~53- 55515;: “mowmzww .
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Do-it’wmn“ «had I» Never mmd- u 5552253,;:xewil‘fifn’ifiizixsr5r ‘ » '
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35.323; ”ease t 7' "l ' in the Smith“?d 11:25::55:55::95":5'322‘1‘13.55555°:5 . ~ 1
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m‘iagm; mom!“ . .. ”’— the exact spot 5.":32555’5537'Mn5mfwmamas: ‘ ' - 5
33:“ cOnSlderauon In zit/AW ‘ f; ' ‘ ~ VCHECK AND double check- Wh“ J-Sr Departmehi Luci, 0. ' ‘ .r f
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. 5“ w p|ant a mf ‘ 1 t your new - . .' indufl- iiblusnnessacaflmmi? En 26 0131‘ _ J r i . ,7 ‘ .
your ne E] W Ia p ant Where the . u 'E‘ds""sm'"'mmvslian:;m,:f . . :‘a ‘ . .=
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