xt7fj678wc9b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fj678wc9b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-07-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 20, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 20, 1972 1972 1972-07-20 2020 true xt7fj678wc9b section xt7fj678wc9b ‘5
"fit- MARION "YATT predicament but it might help you in the students is the National Defense Student
Kernel Staff Writer future. Loan Program (NDSLU).
As summer session nears its end the old “The first thing a student should do once Basic eligibility requirements are that a ‘
hassle of searching for funds to support a he realizes a need for financial assistance student have better than a 2.0 grade point
. ' college education is starting once again is to contact the financial aid office." said average after one or two semesters and
l nan Cla The Student Part-Time Employment James E. Ingle. director of the Student not be enrolled in the colleges of Phar-
Service and the College Work-Study Financial Aid Office. - macy. Medicine. Dentistry. or Nursing.
Program offer students a chance to work When you obtain the application for Students may borrow up to $1.000 per .
on a part time basis to earn money to financial assistance you will also receivea year as undergraduates and as much as .'
' supplement the cost of attending college. pamphlet entitled “Student Financial $2.500 per year as graduate students. The 3
A ld . Students striving to support themselves Aid“. maximum amount one may borrow during ', .
. are probably in one of two situations. One. The various programs available to undergraduate and graduate studies is
plans have been made by the student to students for financial assistance are 310.000.
. obtain the necessary funds to return to described in this pamphlet. A brief The NDSLU loan does not have to be
. . school this fall. summary of the programs are as follows: repaid until the student ceases being a full . -
GlftS, JObS and loans; Or two. the thought of where to obtain Education Opportunity Grants. provided time student. He then has 10 years to repay
3 $202350 for tuition. $100 for books. rent for by the Higher Education Act of 1965. are the loan.
an apartment and money for food and grants of up to $1.000 per year for students The Health Professions Student Loan
clothes is beginning to cause an ulcer. from low income families. _ Program is designed for students enrolled
- These grants are planned for those who in the colleges of Medicine. Dentistry and
a way t0 an educatlon If you are in the first situation. you are could not enter or remain in college Pharmacy.
either lucky or smart. If you think the without them. Normally. the family must Eligibility requirements for this
second situation describes your position. be unable to provide more than $600 per program are similar to the NDSLU
the following information on financial aid year for the student's education. program and the repayment terms are ‘
may not get you out of your present The major loan program for UK also similar.
Nursing majors may borrow up to a
maximum of 85.000 in the Nursing Student
Loan Program. Repayment over a period -
Th H I k of 10 years also is standard.
e c“ ”c 9 Loans and grants are not the only types
3 of aid offered through the Student
Financial Aid Office.
The Student Part-Time Employment
Service and the College Work~Study I
Program offer students a chance to work
on a part time basis to earn money to
voL. LXIV NO. to LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY Thursday. July 20. It“? sueplemem the cost of attending college-
Continued on Page 2
It t' ltdnt 'hl'ghd '
Bv PATRICIA MANTLE cross-cultural opportunities for contacted before they arrive on Ky. and the art museum in facilities and public relations.
. . Kernel Staff Writer international students. A staff of campus so that they may ask Cincinnati. Ohio. The (‘osmopolitan Club
Imagine yourself as a foreign three assistants aids Dalton in questions. sponsors International Week in
university student onaAmerican coordinating activities Fall Orientation acquaints Three field trips are scheduled the spring. This week of ac-
campus. To survive you must in throughout the year. them With the campus. One Of the per semester. A camping trip to tivities includes international
part adjust to the culture shock of Language barrier highlights of the crosscultural Red River Gorge is planned this exhibits. talent and fashion
’ this new experience. Often the international student activities during the year is the summer. shows. and a variety of films and .
But how does one make the has trouble relating to Americans US International Relations debates.
cultural transition to a totally socially because of a language workshop held in February. Social clubs are also provided Th“ International Student .
‘ ‘ foreign lifestyle? barrier. Although these students It offers international students for foreign students. They range Office makes the adjustment to 3
3 For foreign students from over must demonstrate their and Americans the chance to talk from clubs of various religions the American culture easier for
- 50 countries at UK, the In- knowledge of English on the test about their different cultural and nationalities. to the the foreign student. Estella
ternational Student Office is of English as a foreign language. backgrounds. Cosmopolitan. Club which is A. Fendley. assistant director of
partially a solution to this they are often shy about speaking Student organizer comprised of students from many the center. feels the office serves
question. it with Americans. The International Student countries including America. as a liasion between the student
3 » _ Directed by Jon C. Dalton. the Therefore. the International ()fficealsoorganizes field trips to Although these clubs provide and academic life. and between
International Student Office not Student Office provides several local cities and camping trips for their own functions. the ln- the community and the in-
only offers counseling services programs to help the foreign the students. In the past. the ternational Student Office aids ternational students on the UK ‘
but also provides educational and student. These students are students have VtSited Frankfort. them in providing meeting campus.
swan 333.3 .3 . 3;: 3 . ‘ *
r .3.. ,3 .3: ”agate? , V? .3 3 . . 3
h ' ll .3 M ‘3‘ . . . . -- , ‘ . .3
may 0P en t ‘3 fa i“ 3 ' , «1’ 33. 515‘s” .
By FRANK SEYMOUR ' . I 33.3 ' _ . ' ‘ $3
' Kernel Sta H Writer 33333333533333.333333MW ) 31f? ‘ r " A 11.: \N ' '
A student operated store will become a reality WWW -- 3 3% 333m; * j ' ‘“ ‘ “
this I all if a suitable location can be found close to ' .. ‘. 3 t' '9‘ “ “”’ ......t . .3
the University. said Student Government President . . a? .. > ' « 3* ' .
. Scott Wendelsdorf. w _. " 3 3,, . , .. 3
The store. which was incorporated under Student .. .. _ 3 3 $3 3 M .
. . . Services in June. is being funded by Student cg". 3.33.... . 33
Government (SG). Wendelsdorf said if everything - . " 7' w a: £3 3) w» . Mm
goes according to plan. “We expect to open 333 3:33 _3 H . -- 3333 .4 ‘ 3 ,
“Wm “mg ”‘° '3“ “‘9“ °‘ “W e e. ' .33
The biggest problem at the moment is finding a “gfifi szemg g” '_ grew “3 WM ’ =
suitable location for the store which has to be very ’g’m 333 wfig - .3 .. . t ._
close to the University. Even so SG is going ahead 39% --2§%33s 33 ef" __ ' ”:3 H3 3 . x ' 9 ’ ‘2’ 3%
and acquiring stock materials for the store. $313333: ”‘5" .- M j a? N 33333“ ‘ . . he
“We recently closed contracts with a record g 3‘ t \ ....J l . . '5: w“ ”a 5§ .
distributor and we are in the process of closing (Staff Photo by Bruce “Istngletonl
another contract With a paperback b00k ' ' , What better to beat the 00 degree temperature
distributor." said Wendelsdorf. 00 lng lt. than a nice cold ice cream from the friendly
Continued on Page 2 neighborhood ice cream man?

2—’|‘lll‘2 Kl‘IN’l‘lTKY Kl‘IIlNl‘Il.. Thursday. July 20. 1972
F ' '° 1 assistance programs
Rolling Stones Mick Jagger around bisliand when the officers “mm"ml “m“ page I y
a ' "i l{' -l' ‘d "I“ arrested i "d. ' ' ' .. . . . . . _ .
' llllqllll‘L'lil? I": 1:: “it“‘tick it i "ilupuhw attempted to put Employment both off and on the tinancial aid office to regional college scholarship
'l‘uesd'iv 2(ng 'l‘he 'irrests 011 Rich-it'd in ”w patrol car Jagger campus is available under these properly evaluate a students ISOTVICC office.
I ' ' Jagger: Richard and three others and two others became involved two programs. needs tor tlnanCIal aSSistance. (1 {Here lit '5 ctr/‘aluated ‘0
' resulted after a tight with police. in a light with police. Th" student "“‘5‘ be able to set , _‘ _ I . t” _ _ t' {It _lmltne . ow [induct support a
' ’ Police were called to the Jagger. Richard. Moore and "Side “V0 ‘0 four hours per day , ““59"“ m 0! ma ion . am] y IS cxpec e 0 prOVlde a
' '- Warwick airport alter the two other men were arrested “'0'" his academic schedule ‘0 . lnlormatlon relating to family 00.“ch student. The results of
» Prov id en ce J 0 u r n el and ordered to appear for a work in the part time em~ income and. personal income and this evaluation are then for-
' .~ . ' photographer Andy Dickerman hearing in District Court on Aug. ployment program. lestiuntes mp requesltedf on [2: 2‘3ng to the Student FinanCIal
‘ ‘ was attacked bv a member of the 23. J”l’5 available under the part- app Kldmm' Lrtsodna rleherfnrcm | ice.
. . . .' ,. . . . . . , , are a so reques e on e o .
y ' Stone s traveling party. Stanley lhe Stones however managed “"11 mtplowmnl programs .. . . . . .
. ‘ - ‘ A. Moore. to. of San Francisco. to make their scheduled ap- “"189 from general office (. lllla‘studgnthlslnot i'hdepesndenta fi'Efiigfag1513;422:221), 3:4?
; . ' ' . According to Sgt. Frank Ricci. pearance in the Boston Garden workers ‘0 research assistants ‘0 Pl) .tge C L radars lpSt terwce: March of the recedin ear i:
. _ i ‘ I who led the police detail. Richard live and a half hours late thanks agricultural workers. aluLts _ on ll 8'21“: h a eme? which astudentpdesires foy .
, ' I . was punching the photographer to Boston Mayor Kevin White. A” applicants for financial m‘usthecomp ete {.1 epa 1:".8 assistance receive
‘ ' with a belt that was wrapped White had them released. assistance "‘US‘ complete the m ‘3‘? persons ac mg m e" '
.‘ _ . basic “University of Kentucky capacity. . _ _ . _ .
. Application for Student Financial The statement is a confidential The Student Financial Aid
_ , ‘ ’ Aid“. resume of a parents assets and Office is located on the fifth floor
This application consist of liabilities. When the statement is of Patterson Officer Tower in
. AMERICAN STATION six pages of Questions that enable completed and returned to a Room 567.
" f . i . " Foreign Car Specialists in ' ll
. - . v.w.—mc Motors—Mercedes am S 00 store to open in a
. - PHONE 269-3804 800 East Main Street
. C f M . (‘ontiliiled from page 1’
, I owner 0 am and Ashland Wendelsdorf added if student senate and two faculty will depend on the honesty
~ . _ ' 10% Discount on Ports and Labor everything goes well “we could members. of the customers. Shoplifting will
' . 1 . Z . Studenfs and Staff only! be selling textbooks by the spring . Although Wendelsdorf is op- cause prices to go up. “Anybody
,7 'g , . .M- _ semester.” Eventually the store timlstic about the success of the who rips us off will be ripping off
- M‘mullI-e-nnm " “‘ ' .5 . . . H ,
- a I, . ”hm 58mm”. mewmmm'mi plans to sell food. clothing and store he painted out that 50 the people. said Wendelsdorf.
. , E pharmaceutical items. percent of all new businesses fail Interviews for a store staff are
- , ’ . , . g A Xerox machine will be in- and the success or failure of the currently being conducted by the
, ' i E stalled for use this fall atacost of store will depend on student SG office and Wendelsdorf said
, ., ' g a nickel per copy. patronage. volunteer help is needed and
‘. ._ , . ‘ 3334M _ w Mn“ me'w _ 33;le ' A board of governors will Wendelsdorf expects the would be welcomed.
f ' ' , oversee the operation of the Store‘s prices to be lower than
I} .I ' I QNLY:&_2E—PA_§~°uT~_AlES can you 99f f°°d Delwered E store. In the fall. a board of other Lexington stores, -—)-———*—————’—
.. .' . iii-IQIIJFQQQBQXLS. Don't settle for Cold Food. Have d‘,“°“.°rs M“ be 56'9de Wm“ espec'a'” ”0“.“- K W W.”
., ‘I . . , "cwfi : :5 ~ will include members of the But the prices. he said -. ‘—
1 ] it Delivered~ll0‘l':by PASOUALES No Delivery charge on use "I.
. . I . . _ ' ‘ °°
. ' , , -' ‘°"""" "’"‘ °“'°‘ °'° .. - s :1 oday and tomorrow - mm
> .> \ n/
I . . - . ' THE UK DEPARTMENT OF THEATRE omce opens July 17 from noon until 4:30 a o
. .7 . \ _ ONE BLAST 0F sup so IRQ ARTS' summer production, DRACULA, the daily. Reservations may be made by calling
, , ' 5 tamous vampire play, will open at the 2581680.Ticketsares2.00;$t.00tor students
. ' ' _ AND THE cAMPUS Blow” fl ,3 Guignol Theatre July 2Land play July 22,23, and $1.00each for groups often or more. -
g . . ‘ 28, 29, 30. Opening night, July 2], is already ___—‘-
. . sold out. Curtain times are Fridays and THE LEXWGTON WOMEN'S POUTWAL
. : , GO’NG Sgégg Saturdays at 3:30 p.m..~ Sundays, 7:30. Box CAUCUSwiIlmeetThursda».July 20.at7:30
. . ' ' , ’3 J '. .2 .2; pm. at Canterbury House—472 Rose Street.
. . . - . A All women are welcome. .
. ‘ ['4 ._-.: .- ,._;.. ' g. _ The
t ‘ .'
. . - . c;
. { . ‘4 (or a The Kentucky Kernel can ”an
» I’ . ' (a ., \C )6 6 The Kentucky Kernel. 113 Journalism
. . . . ’ '2 2.3:. ‘3’ N Building, University of Kentucky Lexington, vw &
, . ' ' ‘ ‘7 _' -' . v," 1e; Kentucky 40506. Mailed five times weekly . .
- " - ... - d' i..lti ttii hld
- ~at~i . _ , w .23's.;‘;.‘::...i:,".:.:°°.':...:'::..:. :z: Fore-tin Auto Repair
- l f K I2135',-:':'ii':§:flj‘_ffl"'I',._> I 7‘ I .3 V l - ,.easu’,6d suggliesrhzzslilyn'l‘hc Kernel Press, Inc.. 113 Guuranteed
’ . "31.'i:.,-.:*-:v"'35. .. I ‘Q ' ' * 1. -' .' f ' Journalism Buildinz. l’niverslty of Ken-
” of -’._ . )25, ». ' ' ’ I tacky. Lexington. Ky. 40506. 254-7912 9 a.m.-lo p.m.
. - ' :12; .EEE31111'I"’II:_“. ;;¢_Ij.“_jg.-' :2. » Begun as The Cadet in 1894 and published .-,. . . . _ _ d
. . .I. - .1 :;-.: . -..‘ t':';":.;‘;‘.':;:-. 6,1103 continuously IS The Kentucky Kernel since W34
’ ' II '- ‘ It' th 5.
' . . . . I ,_:{ INVISSIBLeE A 15,lidvertising published herein is intended to MW
. ‘ ‘ 2 - 5.9533321? _. Eff: VAPOR CAPER.’ _ help the reader buy. Any false or misleading WANTED immediately 2 bedroom apart.
I. . _ .;§§;§;%::E;::E;E:= .zzt-iz‘ O :iI-::~ :IZ :.‘ 7, _ f”, ' '.-' advertismg should be reported to the editors. merit near campus. Call 257.1437, 3.5 or 2“.
_ . . ° - - ‘9 ,. 3' i if 8766 after six. 20J20
. . — _ ,. .
. » , , . ._ a It? - < KERNEL TELEPHONES -,.-----------..-mm
. ' .. . . . ' o ' _: FE a -; Editor. Editorial Editor . . . 257-1755 FOR SALE
. . = 9“ M l d A O l. Ed't . . . . mommm
, . ' . -'= ‘J 43" .migmg .an. . .fisocmf . .‘20551-1740 FOR SALE: Schwinn iO-speed. All ac.
. ‘ . ' AFTER ' Advertising. Business. Circulation . . . cessories. Call 254-6566 after 5:30. 20J25
.' l 4 .....................258'4646 “__—
. ‘ V Newsroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2571800 "550 TO SELL G'F"S 74" Schwmn bike-
" _ . ‘ . , _ . ___ -..__ Good condition. Call 253.4277. 20m
' ,. " WALT DISNEY rnonuctlous' Thc day y°u '“e'vcd y°‘" “‘3
' ’. .y _ mond—rcmcmbcr the glow i
; f . .' g M your eyes. t happy thought that _
‘ ' h , ' 3 NW YGU SEE maMg this is lorevafiAnti indeed it is. 5“ P' Dennis McFadden
_ t’n_ , . . g for your diamond today has the foryourqrflcalmtdsat
V W m samc beauty that it did then. Per-
: ‘ , ' .11.. i t r 3 haps your setting. however. is not
. , . g . (‘7‘ “ TECHNICOLOR' @ keeping pace with current fashion. @Yfi LASS Es
. . . . . I!!!" P \ Let us show you how your orig- _
. ‘ 0 ' - .- g -. . , ~, . .
‘ . {‘7 M®\‘ ‘”§D_ - Intll diamond-can be made more OF Kentucky, Inc.
' " “mt l \ - . ' . . , ._ " meaningfulwnh a modern mount-
\ . . .- " - St - ., n 'nd liscuss this imperial Plaza Silo in Center
' . 'T I CKURT CESAR JOE JIM '"g' ‘_ 0p m ‘7‘" f‘ ‘ ‘ ' . ‘ 9" 9
. g . '. RUSSELL ROME . . NN BA KUS spccnil service With our trained Waller Avenue Lexington, Ky.
' g - . gcmologist and designer. A
. y i . WW” ‘M‘R'C‘N 6‘” ”5"" “if“ Remember to ask Dennis about the SPECIAL CONSIDERATION
. I _. ‘ e, FULLE &\ylLDER given to all UK. STUDENTS
,_ ‘ ' ' tan-mull 6“? % rm.” .
N Fxclusive' 1st Run' ”mm" m —'— Telephone 255-5506 ___—___.
. . ’ ' .15 EUCLID 280-2174 108 Esplanade HOURS: 8:30-5:30 Mom-Fri. —— Sat. 813042 pm.

 V I . l l _
S H . 5 . . 5 II 5 .

i . .
'I'III'I KI‘INTl'FKY KENNEL. Thursday. July 20. l972—3 . .

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 * l—TIlI-I KENTUCKY KI‘IRNEL Thursday. July 20. I972
Country musw and cotton candy
B] F . tOIIlOI‘I‘O W
I t m. s-\\'I)Ri\ coy”; service in the state. Center to be used for children‘s Among tLhe alias featuredlwill be figdwtftzsCly'dee?(filie:ol;’llitl‘ch‘egl
1 . t - . - ' - ' ‘ ' Jeannie ‘. 'ey o “ arper '0 . I ,
kernel Staff “me.- The Lions have given finanCIal eyes. .. . .
. ‘. . . aid which has enabled over 6.000 Hearing aids are also being Valley PTA fame. July 24. and world champion lumber jack
The largestLiVic pFOJeCl of any . . . . _ . h K D Sal r d th D m
' club in the world the Lions eye operations to be performed. distributed to children in can the First Edition Wit enny waitiny to an e anc g
’ ‘ - ‘ ~ . v ' , ' ‘ - ' .- ’ ‘ Rogers. July 28. aers.
. Bl ass Fair. Will open Zlofwhichwere paid for from the junction thlh Cardinal Hill _ _ ‘ . .
’ uegr . - t ' roceeds of last year's fair. Hos ital. Proceeds from the fair Other stars appearing Will be The traditional Miss Blue
. tomorrow in Lexmgton. Over a P p . - G F . t t d th H t
quarter-million people are ex- These operations included 310 also help support the ln- Tex Ritter and the All American rass air cones an e un
' I I cted to attend. successful corneal transplants. ternational Youth Exchange Rough Riders. July 21 and 22; for Talent Will alsobeconducted.
. ' peAccording to Sam Hunt. Eye examinations (‘amp located in Montgomery. flank Williams Jr. and the Displays shown will include
‘ .- executive committee chairman. l“ Fayette County alone the ’ Alabama. Cheating Hearts. July .27 and Future Farmers of America and
' ' all proceeds will go to chairty. Lions. with the help of the "In addition to many exhibits Danny Fleenor and his Hell the Four~H Club. Agriculture
' t ' . “We are allotting the bulk of Fayette County School System. there will be approximately 40 Drivers. July 24, 25 and 26. prizes Will total $29,000,
‘ ' our proceeds to the blind because provided eye examinations and rides and attractions provided by Entertainment willalso include . . .
- ' . ' 80 percent of all blindness has glasses for 737 children. In ad- the Deggeller Amusement the sky lelng .Golden Knightst The Fair Will continue from
I V unknown causes." he said. dition. the Lexington Lions Club. Company. the Klaydt Indian Family, the July 21 through July 29, except
I ‘ ' Lions Clubs throughout the the South Lexington Lions Club This is one of the top five Statesman Quartet. The .Gospel for Sunday.The gates Will open at
' - state sponsor the Lions Eye and the Lexington Lionesses amusement companies in the Couriers and the Cincmnatti 5 pm. With shows starting at.7
.4 Research Foundation which is Club..twomen‘sauxiliary)gavea United States. There‘s just so Bagpipe Band. _ and 9pm. Admisston price Will
‘ ‘ . responsible for all the eyebank total ‘of $7.500 to the UK Medical darn much to do at the fair this Nightly shows Will host be$l.50for adults and 25 cents for
. year." said Hunt. magician Mike Stratton, the children. ,
PWP pI‘OVldeS broken famllles
We have a huge selection of component and _o h d .0 l _- l _0 _0 _-
console stereo equipment at discount prices: Wit 8 “cathHa '9 $0013 aCthltIBS J
' . speakers, receivers, BSR and Garrard turn- By MARILYN \‘l’L‘Ll.S(‘HLEGER PWP is oriented to discussing atchapter meetings. Some of the
' . . tables, tape decks, and headphones. SSAVEs Kernel Staff Writer and finding solutions to the miotlgerSeexpreised concerngith
‘ Parents Without Partners emotional aspects of divorce and t e at r’s in requent V15! 0
‘ U N ITED FREIGHT SALES (PWP) is a local organization set WidOWhOOd. his children.
I , 2123 Ooxfor IrC e up to provide support to parents PWP does have frequent social .One young mother found it
. n Cardinal Valle off Versailles Rd. and children involved in martial functions and does not discourage difficult “to accept that he wants
, . f _______L breakups. dating between members. to get out of the responSIbilities
' The local chapter of PWP of- However. these efforts are often which involve the children."
' fers a balanced program of impeded by the fact there are Friendships are hard to
, t I 0 L L ' - a Q educational and social activities. three female members for every maintain after divorce, and some ‘
.. These are designed to help the male. parents discover a com-
. I members adjust to the problems It is also unique in the fact that munication barrier in their
. ' . they face in their new situation. it plans regular activities for partner’s attitude about the
The organization also helps to children of these parents. divorce.
' 7 create an atmosphere conducive Share problems Most serious of all, however,
. V ' OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY to forming friendships between The sharing of common are the reflections these people
. - I 7 men and women with similar problems is the basis for the have upon their divorce.Many of
q . BreakfaSl difficulties. said Anne Wright, existence of the group. them place blame upon their own
: I " ' who founded the chapter in 1968. Dr. George Gadbois, a political unwillingness to understand or
‘» ‘J . sandWIChes Plate LUnCheS science professor, is the state appreciate their partner’s efforts
1 president of PWP. to make the marriage work.
I _ 5' . Homemade THE DEPARTMENT Recently he conducted a Violent tempers, financial
. . _ J SOU . Ch i Ii . Pi es 0!: THEATRE ARTS questionaire study of the group's irresponsibility, drifting interests
.i ’ . p PRESENTS 100 members seeking to learn and adultery were cited as
- ' . t _ ' ' D R A c u L A what problems exist. Among the reasons to blame the other party.
. ' - Try our BREAKFAST SPECIAL : Th men in the group who do not have Fear of failure and the inability
' ' e vampire play . . . .
_ . . _ __ c custody of their children, to find a suitable partner were
, ' , . 2 EGGS TOAST COFFEE 39 mm,“ by frustration and loneliness seem among the responses as
, ' .' ‘ - ' I I ng'zgrgrfe'm: to be basic difficulties in such a deterrents to another marriage.
‘ . . OPEN 24 HOURS], 9 separation. To one recently divorced x
, ' . : ~ My 2,, 22, 23 One 40-year old father replied mother. “the prospect of
_ , ‘ 23'7“” his concern was “not knowing remarrying seems remote
I. - .. ' 1 located at For Curtain mo when they need you,wondering if because it would require an
. J . Sunday gummy.” they do. and just plain heartache unusually mature person to take
.. 'V f , ‘08 wes’ EUCIId carry-001' from absence.“ on my family as a respon-
, ' , ‘ (formerly Opigilggc’S'ight Another father regretted “nut Sibility."
. - . . cu" being able to kiss them (his PWP‘s approach does appear
' HOWE" S DIII’Y BII') . 0 children) good-night or talking to be an effective one. Divorce
- » Remodeled 253-1913 Res;g:",,°g‘;n'd§?'y’“ with them informally." and death have traumatic - .
. . ' , ~ . A younger father with four repercussions, but as problems a
J . ' ' ' ' “ children experiencedagreat deal are worked out and situations
. I f V of “frustration at not being able adjusted to. these single parents
. ' J ‘ " to do as much for each of them." find new lifestyles are possible.
‘ _ _ 27g. TURFLAND MALL “I enjoy it because I feel the
, . . . 7'?“ LAUGH “LL50 weexe Discuss communication need for contact with these
' J. . ._ . ON THE MALL gi'gifmfigéo‘goo Maintaining a reasonable people. lam happier than I have
. . ' . HARRODSBURG ROAD &LANE ALLEN communication with an ex-mate ever been,“ said one young
' , ' : H I“... is a subject frequently discussed mother.
, ' ‘ 5 3 . “Jack Lemmon and Barbara Harris are hilarious .” ”in; 3} . ' '
. .‘ , 4 m J 5" —ED SULLIVAN ‘5 i. J 699 Whll .
r , W Minutemen! . a ..
» .w ”ten momma, . .. M 2' 22 _
' . '3 " mm , i .
' ' ‘3‘& N ’2"3))\@§ ”it"? . 3‘1- ‘
J . 1 . . ”$2 - ”gig/”>3” J}. m 9 pm. to l‘a.m.
“ ’" figmmfial i“ -"
. ., l_Lc_.-__--__,._ a, £5
1‘ k. ' ‘ ”‘
, , . , . ' ‘ . 540 SOUTH BROADWAY
BARGAIN MATINEE-MONthriiSAT— Tii.2:.ioPM -Al.LS[-.ATS$I.()0 (4 mod“ Behind Student Center)
‘ , , ' . “us! be 27 with ID .