xt7fj678wf2b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fj678wf2b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-08-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 29, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 29, 1983 1983 1983-08-29 2020 true xt7fj678wf2b section xt7fj678wf2b __e... _ _._ .__._.__._. ._
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 15 An independent student newspaper serving the University of Kentucky since l894 Mondm August 29 lQHj
._.. __.____ ________.__ _. _. _. . ..__ __. _.. . . ,
‘U G I l O O O O t O
a. . ._.. srae l prime minis er may reSlgn post
" ' 4% WW» FromStaftandAPreports Officials at the meeting said Begin There has been no indication that ister but remains pipului with th.-
, . ,~ , made his announcement in a few Begin IS lli. despite a history of public “t‘lfllldll recently ”10! with
” » ~* ' H I ’ i H . JERUSALEM — Prime Minister softspoken sentences at the end of heart trouble Begin sparking \pfi'lliilllntl he
‘ Menachem Begin announced yester- the Cabinet session, Begins announcement opens thmx might tie in link“ to return to .i it‘dll
”A“. A 5‘ .54 '. , . day he intended to resign but gave Those present said his wor$ were immediate possibilities lie muld ”film W“
g 5*» ._' i '. ' his stunned political allies 24 hours greeted with astonished silence. fol- retract his deClSlOfl. or resign and n], , , , V ,_
; 3377.147" " ». i a“ to try to change his mind. The deci- lowed by strong protests. “We re- form a new coalition. or call an elec- 4 ltd “cumin: “It,“ “lull mu“
“9‘ "w 4" ’ " sion triggered political turmoil and ceived the news with pain. sorrow tion lsrael Teleyision said the latter trip; 3? .lm,“. MUS”? " H “mm“
. . , Um: ..... _ W the prospect of an election two years and a refusal to accept it," said Ed- was the most likely. adding that the r‘“ e .5 If!" H“ M \i M" ‘L'HME‘M
' aheadofschedule. ucation Minister Zevulun Hammer. voting would probably be held )0Hll Tit“; :ppflmhg‘ ‘3‘“.1, '1‘? it)" ‘l’l‘,";"'
. - M Begin’s announcement, at the aid Cabinet ministers and leaders of iy Wlth muntctpal elections already _' Alt M ml” _m ”If" (f; “vii“; “‘
, not " of a routine Cabinet meeting, came the parties in Begin‘s coalition were set fortict 25 4°“ ‘ 1“"; ”"1"” “ r“ ‘ “" "“"'
. ' ' without warning and cited no rea— unanimous in saying they would if Begin chooses not to head the ”m -‘ “m‘
»- ;; U; "r , - , . son. fight to change the prime minister's next government, the stroiigtst con There was stimulation III} ism-i
. ,;»‘W. ' ._e' ,- ' . " ' 4 :_ It was quickly followed by an an- mind. tender for the post is Foreign Min Radio that lit-gin s lllll\t' was .i plot
, . ”2;: -,. ’» .. , ". nouncement from Defense Minister Supporters set up booths in seve- ister Yitzhak Shamir. 68. one of the intended to dmolw thi- thrmi trill“
, $4442)“ wag ’ Moshe Arens that it would have no ral public places, seeking signatures few politicians still alive who go TAMI the initials .m- {min lllt'
g ”"'"""‘ 414 t” ' _,. ,, effect on plans for Israeli troops to onapetitiontokeep Begin in office back With Begin to his days as a Hebrew words tor National tutti
”i" / v, V V" (I , L W pull back into southern Lebanon file 70-year-old prime minister guerrilla leader fighting the llnttsh tion Moveliit-tit with .i warning oi
"as 4”" '. g 4’ ' " __ , ” ” 4 u. soon. was to meet with heads of the coali- and Arabs for lsraelllndependetice early elections \Aillt'll lV\.\ll up
' ’ ' v . ,. . JV, Robert Olson, associate professor tion parties Monday before deciding The most popular candidate poses
’ ' ; w .' I 0f Middle Eastern “15:017. said he whether to render his resignation of- according to the polls. is Defense A senior winner of lit-gin. who tit-
, . . 3' ' 2- ' -. anticipated no change in foreign pol- ficially to State President Chiam Minister Arens, 57_ but he has to be (‘llnt'd to be identified itiststui this
,_ "- . ' » ‘ .- a " ‘ icy because of the resignation. “It Herzog. His closest allies insisted elected to the Knesset. lsrael's par» Is not it trick and stud “ruin lulh
_V g ”‘2: 12’ will effect Israel's neighbors only if they did not know whether Begin's liament, in order to serve as prime intended to resign although ht- “AS
7 4. i: » . . there are more significant changes decision was final. minister He cannot be a candidate open tiidist-ussion
. ' _, _» within the Arab world,"0|son said. Begin has been prime minister for unless Begin calls an election. "ll ithe resignation would (Ul‘t'l'
. . '. fl; . ' .5“ Israel Radio quoted Begin as tell- six years and is known to be despon» An outside candidate u, former other likud tilt‘tllll't‘. in (lfft'r
. ' -‘ ,» ' ing his ministers: “I feel that I am dent over the death of his wife in Defense Minister Ezer Weizman, stronger support tor lit-gin tilwn
2 M. *M not functioning as a man with my November and the ever-increasing who was expelled from leud in lull said “People hate been expecting
' . 1 ' responsibilities should function." Israeli casualty toll in Lebanon. for rebelling against the prime min this for at least a year
Board approves larger budget "“5"“
2 $95-mllllon to help recover from cuts, Smgletary says “in... .. . . . t
'- ‘.iiili\.ti| lt‘Jll' tum-ii " ., ~\ ' .- " ' I
‘ ByANDREWOPPMANN enrollment coupled witha decline in have no way of knowing what the W“ h" ”'l W "l
l 44 ' Editor-in-Chief facultyandstaffhiring. Council Will approve or what the 'l” ""“ “"4" "“m “" ““"“ " "‘
" t, r , .1 " ."_ “We are always playing catch~up state willappropriate " ”W" “"“l’""‘- Wt" ‘
- e44 - ’ ' ,4» 2 ,4 The Board of Trustees approved a . . . bringing programs into balance UK received about $145 1 million
U’» .i ‘% proposed $95—million budget de- with student enrollment,“ Singletary this academic year for the letting-
' ‘V' '4‘ t" ’ " . signed to recover some of the basic said. “We have not attempted on ton campus ~- :32 ft million less than “mum", ,.-, M", 3,. 3 ., . u ,,
JACKST-yinwnma5mm, program losses that the University this budget to load up any ‘gravy it would have got if the state had ,4 MW, km- N, . w “1,. w
. ' ‘ ’ has suffered because of state spend— train.’ eamedas much asexpix-ted , .4 M. ,l, ,W‘, . ,
Ready for actlon ing cuts. “The main thrust of this budget is Citing the community colleges as l 4... ”Mum“ WW _1
At the Board's meeting Friday, to restore our balance. . . This bud- an example. Singletary said that un i '
the governing body also approved get represents a significant step in less more money is sunk into the 12 i .
Dana Boza-"h. a physical therapy freshman. prepares I0 hi! the ball during a the proposed five-year plan for the that direction." UK colleges, the University might .___. ,. .. fl
game on the volleyball COurl beside Blazer Hall yesterday aflemoon- University, outlining improvements The requested state appropria- have to eventually conmder limiting i .
for several departments and pro- tions —— calling for $49.7 million to their enrollments WEATHER i
grams at the Lexington campus, UK the Lexington campus, $29.9 million Under L'K‘s selective admissions l
2 ’ 1 ’ Medical Center and the community to the community colleges and $15.6 plan. the community colleges . in .
women S Equallty Day college system. million to the Medical Center — did cluding the Lexington Technical in-
President Otis A. Singietary told not surpass what UK would be enti- stitute — are open to any student mm, NW N ”L M Wm mum
0 0 Board members that the biennial tied to under the General Assem- withahighschooldiploma my: “‘lm “I‘m . M‘" M h m
_. celebrates votlng rlghts budget request was designed to bly‘s funding formula for the state “You will reach a point in some of “mm M" h: ‘M‘; "K my}: “_u’m
allow the University to “catch-up" universities, Singletary said. our community colleges where there mm M“ “"1“ ”MW H: “I ‘W _w
By ANDREWDAVIS wood said: “For too long women 334:8 smmaus in revenue ”0’“ lgfmfioaugfiérfigmghsmfggaf :4”; be "0 more mm" Swim” innit...“ til it, ._..». .
Reporter haven’t told (others) how they feel. Aid 3““ t h _ eeded h p‘l Hi Ed t' f _ lat . . , f ll ‘ th ittyit~ min-ins w
'I‘hosetwosongswereaboutthat." ‘ cac -up wash , e c1 on- gher ucalon or appro u in an interView o owing e
The National Organization for Lucinba Grossflm said about her saldi because 0f the nstng student val. Singletary said. however, We \ccfluduet. page: __...-_ 7‘ -_..... ,
Women celebrated Women’s Equali- poems thtat she reap, “They’re abotp‘t ,
ty Day Friday with an attempt to women 0 taining eir own streng .
re ister le for votin and to If I want to go to the library at ‘ Illp p t w Illp d by t d t I] e
mgrk thepeoogi'd anniversaig'y of the night, I can’t (for safety reasons)," a “S 0 era ors S a e S u en S ca S
19th Amendment. she said. “But these poems aren’t
The brief ceremony, held in the about hatred. Hatred gets you no- By BECKY McVElGH —-—-——————— her is displayed on the screen in a each department every two months
free speech area of the Student Cen- where." d1 Staff Writer few seconds, By the time all the information
o ter,hadanattendanceof 15 1e. SChiCklel‘ said in her COHCIU ‘ng “ .. . could be compiled into new phone ‘
Jessica Schickler of the p[girlitucky speech, ”(President) Reagan re- We had prOblemS in 25th::dpinofdfmnjtizhmchpaagei‘nmu- listings, the phone numbers were :to
Commission on Women spoke on the moved the ERA plank from the Sen— Dial 257-9000 for campus informa- With pages falling out 50an (”Mona but not "8 3 ‘f‘. to 00 days old. (fomtns said
. - . . . . , in others, ,. , ,
power of voting. “The 19th Amend- ate agenda. This happened for the tion and this week you might find Nd 'nform 1.0” C h n _ Johnson said “Now it's instant .. Now we can input m.“ phoni-
ment was supposed to give women first time in 40years, though the Be that the operator will put you on a I a I a g ' ‘ ‘ ’ numbers directly into the computer
full citizenship," she said, “but publicans were the first to support hold. UK operators have been bom— [ng in some directories Del Combs, communication servv so they can be updated within 24
women only got the right to vote. We the ERA. barded with up to 10,000 requests . ices manager, said the new serVice hours."he added
have to work. support and votefor Thirty-four percent of all female- per day for phone numbers since but ”0’ 1" Others- NOW is much faster “Last year it could Combs said the new system should
certain candidates. The power of the headed households have slipped. classes resumed. Relief is in sight, it’s instant H take five minutes to thumb through have been installed in January. but
vote isapowerful tool." Only 15 percent of all joint or male— however. ' the book (to find phone numbers)," it wasn‘t until July that operators
According to NOW state coordina- headed households have.” “We’re swamped with calls,” Bon- he said. With the computer system, began to type the phone listings for
tor Suzanne Feliciano, 22 pie reg— . . nie Johnson, chief operator, said. . 50 percent of the numbers are found faculty, staff and students
istered with them whichpfl/oas short tosglelcgféigng €1,133 ($51 2:32;? In the past operators looked for Bonnie Johnson in one second and t!) percent of the The directory serVice ('0an 865,-
oftheirgoal. berinNovember. numbers in the telephone book, but Chief Operator numbers in less than five seconds 000. Combs Sald. and eventually will
The program began with Lexing- ' now operators use a computerized Making changes in numbers also allow inventory and billing in be
ton artist Kiya Heartwood singing “Some people are afraid of directory service. When a student — is faster with the new system. Be- processed by computer It also will
two of her own songs — “Laugh” change. They assume if women calls and asks for a phone number, fore. operators used computer print- provide listings of all longdistance
‘ and “Where Trust Begins.” Heart- gain, men lose. That‘s not true." the operator types the person's name into a computer and the num- outs of changed numbers sent out by calls for management reports
King’ 5 ‘ dream ’ lives in thousands of followers everywhere
0 n u - . ' ' _ h - .
K en tuck y delegation takes pilgrimage ,, ._ .4 9.44“» F locks of people gather in Washington
,. -':'-‘»s-‘l'¥.ei;-f-.-I-?:I'-'1') .
. u e .' ' pI!“‘.:.-!.1'\_.,":.".._..1.... . . . . .
to capitol for rights of all mankind » " 1 3st,, 2, to remember the goals of slam leader
.- ‘ f ’- ~ “ :‘.§:a‘?:i=‘:i?i‘:>>»., . . '
By EVERETTJ.MITCHELLH flew as the lexington delegation . - "33?; 3135-" ..,-,, t _‘ ' \ WASHINGTON (AP) - Declaring commcnng nmmng {or me 1954
Senior Staff Writer began its journey at 9:!) pm. With ‘ ' :-'t",'l;‘§‘-§§;T¢.?', ‘="',r~" ‘ , , ' -'.. a} ‘ “we still have a drum." black and Democratic presidential mmtnation
the Mt 0f the state‘s delegations W ’03/ “,{S 2'» :32.»., . ‘ wt. ' - white Americana gathered by the in a day of oratory promoting lib-
.. Like anybody. I would like to from Inuisville and fiankfort, t' 2 ', {if-£51325. 2454'" .l. ‘f .. ‘ tens of thousanth Saturday to revive eral cameo. more than four m
live a long life; longevity has its according to TH. Peoples, pastor of ’53:)», " A . .A‘e“ 1:403 _ .' Martin Luther King Jr's vision for speakers urged that King's birthday
grace. But I am not concerned about Pleasant Green. -. ‘15....335-35)? —,~ " .- . . v _ " ;‘,J_ America with anti-Reagan calla for hemadea national holiday
that now. I just want to do God’s The event began earlier in the day 3.. ”fig“? ‘4‘ _ :19", ', -‘,_.',, 42;,‘4345; '73,. L “jobs,peaceand {my Aimmt every speeker recalled
will. And He's allowed m to go up at the UK campus with the showing : , , :l‘b6:133:41'9-3_‘."1.".5.'."‘ .-' 1;??? - " x The huge aowd assembled under King's words which mobilized public
to the mountain and I've looked of a film highlighting the CiVll ' ~.» ..- "'»» "3.613323. ‘ _ _ r..- ,-.- ‘_' , q, 3’ _ a hazy sky facing the Lincoln Memo opinion behind enactment of the
over. And I have seen the promised Rights Movement of the ’fl and .- t 5' '2,"- “(6,; °. ‘,-‘ -' rig," ‘ rial, where 20 years ago King Ip» landmark Civil Rights Act of ma
land. King’s leadership of the movement. . 3, “fishy, ; ,32'.‘ ,l‘,{-."-". ,3, .. ..'- ft” \ peeled to the conscience of a nation "I have a dream," he said that day.
“I may not get there with you. But The film, titled “AmazingGrace,” kiln 2,4,2: '_"-.'.’-‘:f~_-_i ,3... :2: £55" .4 .4 4 . -. - .3; . during the 15'8“! civil "CNS march “that one (by every valley shall be
I want you to know tonight that we documented the work of King from 4a 9 ’3' ‘35-};l-.-..-_,'_...;_:,'~,-.‘.f!'§,. 1:...”- 2 I in American history. That event exalted, every hill ma motmtain
an MP“ Wt" 8° to "'9 promised the famom NW0“ In MOMBOM -,.-' it; ' “Ya-j-f.‘f:}:‘_-',-f:'{:f.""' .1 "" , , . K proved to be a turning point in the shall be made low. the rough place
land. . toliiaassasaination. — I" . - d‘ .; .10.:yfij—pzt'gy‘; , - i; , ’ - struggle by black: for social equali- will be made plmn and the crooked
—Martln Luther King Jr. The film, shown at 1, 3 and 6 pm, - 1.544.! I“ 3:3,sz ‘ 5.. 7’14? 2, f“. - ty. pace. mu be ma. mug“ and the
April3, ma attracted a combined sodium of ,8, . . “t, . » . fr“. 4 - . “' 1-,, ', : Washington police, atirmting the glory ot the Lord shall be revealed
approxlmtelyfiolmvle- ~ -‘-'."r,¢§g pf, " ' , crowd from a hovering helicopter. andallflahahallaeeittogether“
Martin Luther King’s prophetic Suzanne Feliciam. of the Calm ; . 7‘. ,~, 5.:flr51’3f,a."¢; T'- " , '- " said 200.000 We Ind gathered by “We still have a tram.” Mid Co
words are true Hi! (team is alive MW NW M50“ 0‘ Con- 2“ ‘ ‘F '7'; fawn-"f"? 55:3; ‘ 2 pm, - I crowd tint would almost retu Scott King in a warmup speech
and well in Central Kentucky. More sciatica. said. “The film was shown .9: j ‘ x? If" my - 6;; own] the sine at the ma rm uthecrowdnsaembled
danisopeopleaatiuedatl’leumt became so many people m not "‘..‘,»1-'- - 3,1» “ 1 , .2», -~..,-;»‘.. ,, Msrchoanhingtai. in a written statement issued rn-
Gmnasptistoim-ctiotiWe-tmx- able to go to Wampum." She .'~ my» , - 2 ’ ‘ ,2' lfltf,’ mmotmstwpedlo dsy. President Rateld Reagan aid
wellStroetlllt Friday tonethe wmmflWMlm '-';.._ “My, ' ./' ammonium,waveatsiid diatwhile muchprogreuhn oc-
local contingent of freedom mll‘Ch- togetlntothespiritofthemrdi. . "";"-'.»_o,._. ‘ "5:33.. ' , ~. ' try to touch Coretta Scott King, wife and in 1) years. much mind to
era of! to Washington, DC. for the “It‘s good the film was thorn be» .- T-'.:»._ ‘ ’ ,~ olthellelndvllri‘mleeder. be time He called King's drum me
mmmfymh- uncannyofthestudentl today - .* ‘ Aleockieely watered thy-in. the "thatallrnenand wot-lendgood
Fa-ty-tluupeoplerodeadnr- mummmmw ' .' "it thymunRev.Je-euchai,the will.biacksndvhite alikeshare
teed in, It time can and tune SaIIIIJIRI- MARTIN LUTHER KINGJR. charismatic King mt VII) in with-ll theirhenru."
. I ‘ p
t M...
n ' _ ' u

 2 - me klmucxv KIINII. Monday. August 29. was
I, ’ ' ' f ' U M i h k i t
ebanese militiamen open ire on .S. or ne e co p0 n
ieba ameiinder spok 'd, ‘ this month that the coun 's estine Liberation Organization guer- of the airport, which has frequently
B'Egugttled m milligaiiil; c “The outpltizci'eceived two rpgs a"; :13?! or; ktiieow if griffin: 2i; intentional. cunnnrcialuzr rillastroia tliooapital aft.- the June lbeen otruekd Chm? sheilsmfired bliynuhzos-
nn 7 e I I a I r r
' " been shut down because of invasionofubanonby Israel. em an tian P e 1188
believed to be from a Shiite Moslem (rocket-propelled grenades) and suffered any losses. 9011 h“ . _ _ ba each in the hills over-
m for w mm... mm in a... "in" m W W “is" mm: swash... n m. m slim... “transom “when...“
the first firefight involving Amen- man said, “and the Marines re- tackers. were rom “ l .. which of lbs 5 too-member multinatio- evacuation but 'ckly re
can forces since their arrival here turned thefire." lem militia 81’0“? All“, - part ' ' f ti ed‘ af hundreds. ofqm 'villans were One Marin' e was killed when he
last car a Marine spokesman re- _ . had battled Lebanese army troops in mi peacekeepking orce sta on '1!) “ter . cl - . .
pong} ' He “1d “’0‘" 3° Marines {here the southern districts and near Bei- the Beirut area. The force also in- killed in attacks on two Palestinian $429883 (:n a landmeigelaiishtortly afte:
"" '~ minimum the 0“th along M a ' ' ternational a' rt esterda cludes soldiers from Italy. France refugee camps. Themassacres were e . . orce amv year, an

-He sud mehetibamioibritokm:m mu“ “mw °‘ ”we“ 3°" fillet-nan. 1”” y y and Britain. blamed on Lebanese Christian mili- several others have been slightly
4-30 P-gnn'n‘; checipomt in the "a” diers. That fighting forced the datum of The Marines landed in Beirut last tiamen. . _ t wounded r0lacyk eshrapnel eéwm "sonar
95.3mm section of south Beirut There were no casualties among the airport, marking the second August during the evacuation of Pal- 'lhe Marines are based Jus north shellsor spropell grena as

' & E omics receives $50 000 rant for foundation
College of Busmess con , g
' ‘ ’ ' Richard w. Furst. dean of B&E, said Capital decided A private donor, who wishs to remain anonymous,
By ANDREW DAVIS vefiiéyxmhliée U1: egg-5n; ;s 05:13:21; 3&5.“ paid over a to pledge the 350,000 to UK because its executive vice pledged $250,000 to the foundation on the hats that it
Reporter three-year pzfigd starting next year. It also represents prositbnt, Irving W. Bailey 1!, knew of UK’s Bminess gorges up with other donors who can match the contri-
. - . . , ’ . . . . . . i . . . . u .m.

The Capital Holding Corporation of Ilouiswlle has an- Capital s first contribution to cam insggtitgnBzfisitigé Partnership Fmindationmstabllshedm 198! According to t, $0,000 was pledged by UK alum—
nounced a grant 0‘ $50300 to UK'S College Of Business Lomsvme‘ Capital also pledg "250' ar. 'nief undation is composed of four university officials nus Roger Mick and another $70 000 was pledged by
and Economics. An endowed chair is to be established College Of Lomsvtlle m 1982 and m lml started paying a and 2 (of the leading business people in the state with other alumni to lielp match the fund. Capital was one of
for the Mlanalggment Information syStiglss gfimounced grsac‘dtloliigioguingkséhnoizii for Capital said- “This the goal of making B&E one of the “finest" in the’coun- the companies that pledged money to match the original

‘ta, ‘einsurancecom y. , _ . . . , y _ . . ..
3 Eight ofa$2175,000 to the Uniszilsity of Louisville. UL is our first grant to UK. It indicates that we are expand- try,- sa:d John Shepard, B&E associate dean for devel c320:0{311’2'than:31031}!Ifilrsfmm-te also said he anthipatos more
received more because its grant was for the entire uni- ing our scope outside of the LOiusViIle area. opmen . t ch science physics and astronomy sta
at least one program on campus to of ‘peOPle. Men. women,“children, . 1e: ifiliireasing the number of teach- tistios public administration and
0 compare the significance of what whites and, blacks sang, We shall u ge ing assistant positions, faculty sala- music departments and the College
. 1n happen on August 27, 1963 ‘to what overcome, arid carried banners. ry adjustments and student wages in of Communications;
happenedmAugistZT.1983.‘ gioclalming: We still have a commuedfrom page one‘ the College of Engineering; 0 creating 150 fulltuition. room
‘ Comm“ "0'“ page one Following the last showing of the eam. . . meeting, he did not pin the blame of . providing sufficent faculty and :andf board schill:i':.:l‘;iep;| i cigietghle
, , , . film, a group of 15 people left the Peoples said,.as_ev1denced by the the University’s revenue loss from support to teach nucro-electromcs in or ouryears c y pe
ther ngand the Cin Rights SW? theater and marched to Pleasant crowd, that this IS a people issue the state solely upon the General As- the electrical engineering depart- nor students, .
gle of the early 505 was at “,5 Green Baptist Church to join others and notarace issue. sembly. merit; ‘ . spending more money on reel-Eh-
peak," said Sharon ChIldS,‘UIIIVCI'Sl' for a rally to Send off the local dele “The messa e we are trying to ex- “The losses that have come have 0 adding faculty members to the ing superior undergraduates to _ e
ty sponsor for Interact. ‘Its 800d gation to the Washington March. _g not been the fault of the General As- College of Businms arid Economns Umversity. Two-full time profession—
for 3'0““8 ”3°" Pe°Pl° ‘° kn" What The rally was scheduled to be held pfiwhfn’g “I; gtm‘l’fgfi :53 $2: sembiy," Singletary said. “They to correct the high student/faculty a1 recruiters will be hired and given
the black race has endured to make outdoors in the parking lot, but rain c r .. . . ‘ l b t came because of the shortfall. This ratio considered unsatisfactory after travel budgets. '

. the progress that we've made today. . . . 'de pies This is not a rale prob em u _ . l' . recent accreditation In ad dltion, a report deliver ed to
And those who are cognizant of what quickly forced It msn ’ , a 990913 problem, although some 0f state 51'3ng (11:18:32? iféitinzelzg: a o hiring additile faculty mem- the Board by Singletary said Univer-
happened in the ’605, it's good for us The Lexington delegates waited the same problems thateiusted dur- pususaliave besenim 803;] bets in the art chemical engi- sity libraries will be improved. r e—
m be reminded from whence we for bus” from LouisVille andFrank- mg the sesare smlh'efi: will“. mg‘he‘elements of tipi: five-year plan neering, computer, science, geology, ceiving increased attention through
have come." fort before they started their Jour- The issues are Sim - re, - ey‘are 1] f r the ex nsion of several col- journalism mathematics. DOllthfll 19%.

According to Childs, Interact is ney. A total of ten buses carried the more subtle. They re Just disguised ca 0 . . pa _ . d . .
planning a follow up program. Kentucky delegation. better. We made strides in the 605, legs “mm" the Umversny anf "in ATTENTION
“After the March, we hope to have The rally attracted different types but there are miles to go.” provement of many support am i-

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277-3702 I .Q \‘\ F-ovLumtllslllil‘torga‘tI1tidfoll 2‘2; lleylmdvteus-lCipm-n Bollorh in Barker Hall
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p - a lenda r , Tl‘eml’Pe Sh?"‘l’f"? 8" - is Mlide 63 Satisfy iiiIiiiurii ulna Iona
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. STRAY CATS Bluegrass ’0 Llfl’... M", 23 200 animal 71 Marsh grass gngEigg .Egg
(Students that reside away yet care about .Vatmulli' x 95 Amble’ and I I I "
their school) “Back to School BASH” Tues- 2734049 .. NGLUS 28 girlfée'd 010:2: unmagalfiwggng‘g
(Slayt AUSUSt 30, 7:30p.m. K‘Houset 412 Rose 29 Public house 2 Hard drink gagawg gal-“E3
treet. 30 Saved 3Warlike ' III I I
Featuring: Final Notice , 32 Beam mem- ; :Iziztit/ic ggag Bags 5853 b
TOP (Twenty.one Plus) , . . . 34 Ocean 6 Didos 24 Within Prefix 44 Bundles
' .. Ex 7 — 26 D l 47 Fumbles
Supper and DiSCUSSion every ThurSday' 5:30 UnlverSIty ArUSt serles 83 84 :2 Velioe'isable Beaulllil 27 ngky 48 Hearing
p.m., K-Housc, 412 Rose Street. picturing internationally:known orlisls 43 Bunker g Puirely 30 Takes live 2:) till/SK” O
This Week: . 2 words 9 Antelope 31 Pedestal c .
“Hammering Out the Kinks of Going Back to if; gifneitlrvicsks ,0 affrous 33 $231.2 top 2% 3373‘;
SChOOIH , w ' 49 Shot — ll VOId 35 State Abbr g; tegglh um!
. 50w 0 12H 1 i 36W sl bone 0 sins
' ' ' '1“! Nil etl'itnzs m0“ Leontyne Price ira'rr‘neow l3 Dgayrp ace 37 Pitrtllure g? gqueigg
S ee Wednesday, October 12, 1983 54 Sawlike part 19 CommPrCIals Abb(. '0 r
. 55 A | 21 T . lollo e “9 Sacs 62 0:9"
ThUI'SdaY. September 1st. 6.00 pm 56 M’QX‘V? 23 sggech W ' “Imus 64 Eggdmk P
119 Student Center The Warsaw Philharmonic type defects M Except 65 Belore
PROGRAM "35““; “‘“”""“”“"‘°"”““° III-I iiiIIII HII
Sign-up Sept. 6—9 Saturday, November 5, 1983
Testms beams September 12- The Israel Chamber Orchestra IIIIII w...-
' u ' 9“ 9“ “g with Eugenia Zukerman, flute III. wI'-
Spring 1984 Wednesday, February 15, 1984 “HI. Y I 31
a o ' 0
Application Due “I. ”III... 0
September 1246 The Fine Arts Strln uartet 37
. 8
' . Ph: 257-1857 Friday, March 30, 1984
Pick up application packet in 166 Taylor Edu- fill-Inn “5:."
'. i0 : . ' -l '
For as low as $8 you can announce Monday. fgnl l6, 1984 “II-nu. “I.
the important happenings that per- R .
. ular series $53.00 a
_ tam to the UK. students, faculty and Steugdent series 831 00 “NH“ III-I _ I...
in staff. The Kalender will be printed _ ~ ~ - d a..." “ll“.-
. Full time University of Kentucky stu ents J. ; ' . ‘
a «4‘ " every Monday, 50 "only the Kernel , may purchase one set of student series tick- ' “III-nu-l El-nn u
about the event by the Wednesday ets with a valid l.D. Ticket office hours are “I. "III. a...-
prior to the Monday printing. Call noon to 4:90 pm. Monday through Friday. _ ' 7‘
NOW at 257-2872 or stop by Room 8 For further information.oall 257-4929. “I. "l. I l...-
Journalism Bldg. (Basement) and ask
, for Lisa Timmering.
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o-THIKIMYKIINIL Mmluguot”. I”! M , "7 . ~ _ _. .
who“ I ' , f 'l .
me LOOK AT How FAR weve COME . --—-— ___.__ -_-.———~—~ ._.,
, t
VIEWPOINT N THE LAST 20 YEARS' ' ° N. \ ‘ if 1:417“.
(k I - '
. (I, {
’ \ M r~ UN. (5
established 1m lM'Slminl WONDER WHAT 'rHE NEXT 20 I — a t \ (- N . ”<92: . a ‘ I
m ‘5
Andrew OHIMIM Llnl s. Kldebe 7 \ ”1
Editor-in-Chiet Executive Editor w ‘LL BE L I KE ' NI ‘6’ ”J U i
'5‘. ,. [\v M F!“ 0. ‘. l i
MOI-"flu SooNWllholt Jonathon - 153336"; ° 7 l. ‘8 fit, . l
Managing Editor News Editor Editorial Assistant , i1 . 1,32":- M ’ 6‘ I / C’ 0 <1 .
. M“: . . "a W h 0 c I
l / ‘ . It! - . -———— (l ( o ‘0 O
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N t H i ll ' - (67’ (a K ‘nfl/ ”Y ' C KP I
a ton remem ers , . .. I m _. n
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e e e ; ? M\\( E‘ _ -_-- ‘ _ . “‘7 _ l4 , _
czvzl rights march . n \z T “ SEWER START - l
a . , a O a o <- c \ .__~__-._- - r
, ‘ , _ _. a... OREWIN ! , “iii" .
and dream speech l “r l A,“ 4‘:
“2"}.1‘4. \ _ _ i
Some UK students had not been born 20 years ago when i a if} fr / / ,
Martin Luther King delivered his “I Have a Dream” 3 “13‘ ( r 09 / f
speech. For those who were around, most probably weren’t ; ‘ ‘-' - W M/ ‘
particularly interested atthetime. 2 41449” ,, K ,K a // .55 ;
This week they haven’t got much choice. ___. m _ \ \ / ti :
At the anniversary celebration of that milestone in pub- . \ w ___._._————~———" ._. [S ;
lic address, over 500,000 people demonstrated in the name “v— , . - ., — ~ W— , ' l
of civil rights and a handful of other issues that the public
has been addressing on its own. K 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
A... - - - - ”d m
minim man. We no ......, .. teams .. . new mg S Vlszon survzves 111 me m 1 ages
0v,” the years, even for pets“ Who were there, the “Y’know something, people? I'm “Images" may be the key word methods, while angering still others essary?
meaning of such an event must change. Malcolm X as- not black but there’s a whole lotsa here. During his life, King labored who thought he was aski