xt7fn29p353s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fn29p353s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19400612 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1940-06-jul12-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1940-06-jul12-ec. 1940 2011 true xt7fn29p353s section xt7fn29p353s Minutes of Called Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, July 12, 1940. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni- versity cnf Kentucky net in the President's Office at the University Friday, July 12, 1940, at 10:30 a.m., meeting convened on call of the Chairman. The members of the Committee present were Judge Richard C. Stoll, Chairman; H. S. Cleveland, Robert P. Hobson and Lee Kirkpatrick. President Thomas P. Cooper and D. H. Peak, Secre- tary of the Board, were present. 1. Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of June 28, 1940, were read by the Secretary wad on motion and second were approved. 2. Financial Report. The Business Agent reported that he is unable to present a financial statement for June at this time. This is due to the fact that the books can not be closed on account of outstanding bills and travel expense accounts until late in July. 3. Investments. The Business Agent presented a memorandum of available street improvement bonds of the City of Louisville, Ky., offered for sale by the Bankers Bond Company of Louisville, Ky. The memorandum show, an issue, Series GO 90, of $13,734.31 dated July 15, 1940, rate 6 per cent prior lien on property assessed at $110,958.00, maturity 1941 to 1949. The bonds may be purchased at approximately 1.10 which will yield for per cent on the investment. Excerpt from Legal Opinion. "I arm of tue opinion that said bonds are valid and le- gally binding special obligations of the City of Louisville, Kentucky. Such bonds are secured by a separate and special fund to which are pledged the proceeds of the second and suc- ceeding installments of improvement taxes, together with inn terewt and penalties thereon, levied proportionately as provided by law upon the units or parcels of property adjoining or fronting and abutting upon the street constructed and payable by the owners of such property in ten approximately equal an- nual installments pursuant to the agreements with the City of Louisville executed by the owners of such property severally; and said bonds are further secured by a foreclosable lien upon such property, which lien is superior to all other liens except those of ad valorem taxes levied upon the same property," 2. From statements made by the President and Business Agent, it was deolded that the balance in the Haggin Fund should be held to meet commitments and other expenditures that may be made therefrom. Mr. Hobson having approved the bonds, the purchase of such part of the Issue as may be made fron Student Loan Funds available for investment was ordered, on motion seconded and carried. 4. Bonds and Interest Due on Service Building Indebtedness. The Business Agent presented following statement of indebted- ness due on Service Building bonds: Statement of SECURITY TRUST COMPANY June 1, 1940 In Account with University of Kentucky Business Office Lexington, Ky. Payment on Principal due 7/2/40 $ 5,000.00 Int. from 1/2/40 to 7/2/40 at 5% 750.00 Trustees' fee to 7/2/40 100.00 $ 59850.00 It was stated that this is a valid obligation of the University that should be paid when due, and the Business Agent was directed to arrange for immediate payment thereof. On motion, seconded and carried, he was ordered to present the statement in the required way to the State Department of Finance and to ask for payment thereof from the general appropriation to the University of Kentucky for year 1940-41, 5. Membership in Board of Cormerde, The Business Agent was directed on motion and second to continue the membership of the University of Kentucky in the Lexington Board of Commerce at $25.00 for the year, July 1, 1940 to July 1, 1941, and to make payment of the amunt now due for first half of that period, 6. Report of Campus Book Store. The report of the Campus Book Store for the second half of the year 1939-40 was presented by the Manager, James Morris. The report was accepted and ordered inserted in the minutes, the Business Agent being directed to credit the amount due the University of Kentucky when collected to Campus Book Store account to be disbursed, as here- tofore directed by the Board of Trustees. 3. Report of the Carmpus Book Store January 1940 -- July 1940 Submitted by James Morris Manager. January 1940 -- July 1940 $3,972, 59 23, 876 - 24 3, 966.76 3,386.93 4,020.95 9013,55 $48,237.02 Gross Sales from January 1, 1940 -- - Exeraptions and deductions Dr. L. C. Robinson Dr. John Manning - - - - - - - Dr. M. M. Wh1ite - American Library Association - Professor Lawrence Yates - - - Law Companies - - - - - - - - . Department of Physics - - - - to July 1, 1940 - $50.50 - 97. 60 -270.00 -149.40 - 156.70 - 262.80 - 625.00 048,237.o2 _ 1,612.00 Sales on which Commission Applies - 46,625.02 ComnuLssion to University at 71-T% $3,496.87. January - February Mlarch April May - - June - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4. 7. Report of Custodian of Military Property. Following report of shortage in military property was reported by the custodian. Articles Q2.Mi.Clothing & Articles of the uniftorm Belts, leather, enlisted men Belts. webwaist Enl.O/S Caps, field. W/out braid. Insignia, collar,g/colored Jumpers, working , denim Neckties, Enl.black,M1936 Shirts, flannel, olive drab Trousers, working, denim, pr. Q.M. Property other than Clothing Slings, bugle, leather Whistle, thunderer Number Unit Cost Total Aggre- 31. 42 131 267 12 227 1 11 1 1 Total Total $0.67 .14 .49 .07 .59 .24 2.43 .60 $20.77 5.88 64.19 18.69 7.00 54.43 2.43 6.60 $174.78 4$174.78 .35 .35 .22 .222 .57-c .57 0_. MA. Band Instruments Block, wood, small Clarinet, B-flat, silver (#2723) Drum, snare, 6.. x 15"' Trombone, B-flat,Slide, (#130210) 1 .50 1 40.00 1 15.00 1 47.50 Total .50 40.00 15.00 47.50 $103.00 $103.00 Ordnance Property Brushes & thongs, auto rifle Hatchet, broad, 37-Mm. gun Protractor, lensatic compass, alidade, Mi. G. Screwdriver, hand straddles- stock bolt nut - 6 1 .12 1.00 1.40 1 .72 1.00 2080 .20 .20 Total $ 4.72 G-rand Total$288.41 It was ordered on motion, seconded and carried, that the amount of $288.41 be paid to Chief of Finance, U. S. army, and charged to the Military Clothing Shortage account carried on the Sundry Ledger. This account is made up from collections from students of charges made for lost articles. It appeared from the Business Agent's statement that this ac- count will show a balancevw~henoollection of shortage from students is posted, of 884.44. It was further ordered that a sufficient amount be transferred from other funds that may be used for that pur- pose to balance the shortage in the Military Clothing account after payment is made as ordered. 5. 8. Lease Renewed. a. Smith Hall Renewal of lease of Smith Hall to the Chi Omega Sorority for year 1940-41, at $100.00 per month payable in advance for ten months, beginning September 1, 1940, was approved on motion, seconded and carried, authority to sign the lease being given to the chairman of the Executive Committee, and thereupon he signed it in duplicate in open meeting. The terms of the lease are the same as the terms of the lease for the previous year except as to repairs approved by Executive Committee meeting June 28, 1940, Sec. 23. b. Home Management House -- Rental from Dunoan. Dean Cooper requested renewal of the lease between May K. Duncan and the University of Kentucky of house and lot at 162 Bonnie Brae Avenue, Maxwelton Court, for one year beginning August 1, 1940, at $780.00 for the year. The house is used as a home management Imuse for students in the Home Economics Department, College of Agri- culture. On motion, seconded and carried, Dean Cooper was authorized to renew the lease. c. Home Management House - Rental from Thompson. Dean Cooper requested renewal of the lease between Charles C. Thompson and wife and the University of Kentucky for house and lot at 119 Conn Terrace, Lexington, Ky., for term of one year beginning September 10, 1940, at rental price of $600 per year, The house is used as a Home Management house for students in the Home Economics Department, College of Agriculture, On motion, seconded and car- ried, renewal of the lease was ordered, authority to sign the lease being given to the Chairman of the Executive Committee, and there- upon he signed it in duplicate in open meeting. 9. Purchase of Coal, The President presented the following letter: 6. DEPARTiElNT OF FIN'AiNiCE Frankfort July 9, 1940 University of Kentucky Attention: Mr. Peak Lexington, Kentucky Dear Mr,. Peak: It is the opinion of the Division of Purchases and Public Properties that you should store your coal requirements during August and September -- a supply to last until February 1. Coal today is selling at a very low price. We are certain that there will be a considerable saving as the Government control price will go into effect not later than September 31. We suggest, that you send your requisition imu.ediately for your requirements so wve may take sealed bids on same not later than July 25. Yours truly, (Signed) Frank Tanner Assistant Director Division of Purchases The Business Agent was directed to refer the letter to Dean Graham with recommendations that he follow the request of the Di- vision of Purchases. 10. Maxwell Place. a. Repairs Report of Superintendent July 11, 1940 Mremo:President Cooper Administration Building Re:-Ilaxvwell Place Repairs. The exterior of the residence and garage is in good con- dition. Routine matters of general upkeep are now in progress such as painting metal decks, gutters and minor repairs. 7. I am planning to give the interior a thorough cleaning just as soon as Dr. IvIeVey completes the moving of all books and personal belongings. This work will include cleaning wall paper, washing woodwork, cleaning and waxing floors, -.vashing windows and window blinds. A considerable amount of papering, painting and floor sanding should be done before the new President moves in. I am assuming that this work should be deferred until the proper time comes, We are keeping a close watch on the property both day and night. I would like to have definite instructions about the raatter of occupancy during the interim. Your suggestions will be helpful. The gas has been turned off at the foundation but steam, water and electrical services are still on. Sincerely yours, (Signed) M. J. Crutcher Supt. C/S In addition to this report, the President stated that he will have such cleaning and painting done and repairs made as will be necessary for the preservation of the building, pending occupancy as residence by the President. b. Occupancy by caretaker, The President reported that the property is under guard and will be kept under guard pending occupancy by some one as care- taker, c. Inventory. A memorandum of property in the house was received from Dr. Frank L. MoVey, approved by Business agent and Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds. It was ordered copied in the minutes, Memorandum Received from Frank L. McVey All University of Kentucky property in Maxwell Place July 1, 1940, as inventoried below. 1. Basement 1 washing machine 1 mangle 1 gas stove 8. Basement (Continued) 1 gas water heater 1 vacuum power cleaner 1 fire extinguisher garden tools (used by James Tweedy) 106 steel folding chairs 4 awnings 28 glass doors for pergola 14 folding chairs (canvas seats and backs) 4 wooden flower stands 2. Kitchen 1 double gas stove and hood 1 sink and table 1 steel rack for pans 2 tables 3. Porch, rear 1 table 4. Back hall 1 Fire Extinguisher 5. Pantry 1 electric refrigerator 1 large bread tray vacuum cleaner appliances 14 sugar bowls 13 cream pitchers 134 iced tea glasses 274 large white plates wit: 88 large heavy plates 260 small white plates 265 small heavy plates 250 (?) cups 85 saucers 6. Bedroom. N.E. 1 small air condition mac Lh blue line hine (from Dean Paul Anderson) 7, Dining room 1 sideboard ) 1 china and glass closet ) Purchased by University June 1 buffet ) 28, 1940. 1 extension table, 8 leaves) (In pantry and hall closet) 12 chairs ) 1 pair of andirons 500 + plated spoons )(Locked in side-board. Mr. Underwood 300 (?) plated forks ) has key). 8. Parlor 1 pair brass andirons 9. Library 1 radio and loud speaker (from Dean Paul Anderson) 9. 10. In house 45 Venetian blinds 11. Back Hall 1 Fire Extinguisher 12. Bathrooms 2 oval mirrors 3 soap and glass fixtures 3 sets shower curtains 3 toilet paper holders 13. Lavatory, first floor 1 oval mirror 1 square chromium mirror 1 toilet paper holder 14. Study, second floor 1 gas heater 15. Linen Closet in upstairs hall 12 extra Venetian blind slats 1 bathroom towel rack 1 box with pair electric candle sticks 1 box heavy portieres gold colored net curtains (M) pairs linen radiator covers dyed linen window hangings 1 box - 4 pair window curtains (white with blue and rose decorations) 1 pair mulberry silk curtains and 2 valances 2 pair yellow & white bathroom curtains 2 pair casement curtains 1 pair short white curtains tie backs 3 boxes gold colored net curtains for downstairs win- dows and doors 2 pair hangings for library (goldnet~casement curtains are at front door). 16. Third Floor 1 gas heater, NW .W roora Miscellaneous in N. center room 17. General All lighting fixtures in place with bulbs, Above received in good order. D, H. Peak Business Agent, University of Kentucky ML. J. Crutcher Superintendent of Buildings and. Grounds, University of Kentucky 10. 11 Breckinridge Hall and Sandwich Shop. Memorandum by President Cooper. Dean T. T. Jones, in charge of the halls for men, recommended that the sandwich shop in the basement of Breckinridge Hall be moved and that student rooms be pro- vided in place of the shop, since the shop represents a source of confusion and noise in the hall, and that a sandwich shop be erected outside for the purpose of sup. plying sandwiches and coffee for the students in the ments halls; that funds therefor be secured from the budget of the halls and the Dean of Men for financing these changes, On motion seconded and carried, the President was authorized to proceed with the changes and construction recommended by him in the above memorandum, when he determines that funds will be available for that purpose. 12, Purchase of Dicker Property. On motion seconded and carried, it was ordered that the real estate of Mrs. J. B. Dicker located at 117 Washington Avenue, oppo- site Experiment Station property, being lot No. 29 in Graham Addi-. tion, City of Lexington, Kentucky, with improvements thereon, be purchased from her. The terms of purchase, based on statements made in Dean Graham's letter, copied in the Minutes of the Executive Committee of May 10, 1940, are that the University of Kentucky shall pay Mrs. J. B. Dicker $1,OOO.O0 cash when conveyance is made and $28.00 per month from date of conveyance for ten years. In event of her death before the expiration of ten years, the monthly payments are to be made to her son, J. B. Dicker, for the remainder of the period, The cash pay- ment is to be made when funds are available for that purpose, 13. Candidates for Degrees - August Commencement. At the request of the President, a motion was made, seconded and carried that members of the Executive Committee, Mr. H, S. Cleveland and Professor Lee Kirkpatrick, be appointed to represent the Board of Trustees in approval of the recommendation of the Uni- versity Senate of candidates to receive degrees at the August, 1940, commencement, 14, Civg ian Pilot Training. President Cooper called attention tolre Civilian Pilot Training Act which was presented to the University by Robert H. Hinckley, Chairman of Civil Aeronautics Authority, in a letter of August 5, 1939, and the action of the Board of Trustees at the meeting of September 19, 1939, The minutes of that meeting read as follows: 11. "It appearing that the University would not have full control of the program, and the danger of physical harm to students being evident, on motion of Judge Stoll, seconded by Mr. Hobson, consideration of training students at the University of Kentucky in the pilot training program was indefinitely postponed." On motion and second the matter was referred to President Coop- er to make report at some future date. 15. Haggin Fund - Expenditures Approved. a. Publication President Cooper recommended to the Executive Committee that an item of .1200.OO be set up from the unexpended balance of the Hag- gin Fund for the fiscal year 1940-41 for the purpose of publishing the results of meritorious research of more than state-wide inter- est, and also other important findings of the staff of the Uni- versity of Kentucky. It is the purpose to utilize this fund for the purpose of printing and publications in journals or other publications as may seen desirable. On motion of Mr. Hobson, seconded by Mr. Cleveland, the expendi- ture of $1200.00 from the Haggin Fund for publications as set out in President Cooper's recommendation, was approved and allotted the expenditure to be made under President Cooper's direction, b. Clerk in College of Law On motion of Mr. Kirkpatrick, seconded by Mr. Cleveland, the appointment of a clerk to assist in annotations work being done in the College of Law was authorized, 8250.00 being allotted from the Haggin fund for payment of salary. 16. P. W. A. Construction. Claim of Gilson-Taylor Company. GILSON-TAYLOR Lexington, Kentucky May 23, 1940 College of Engineering University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Re: Biological Sciences Building. Gentlemen: We hereby file a claim for $293.03 which represents 6% interest on suns due us on Periodical Estimates Nos. 16 12. and 17 We received a check from you today, made May 23, 1940, in the amount of $24,713.65 which represents the payment due us under Periodical Estir.mate No. 16 for $19,112.05 and Periodical Estimate No. 17 for $5,601.60. Included in the General Conditions of our contract for the erection of the Biological Sciences Building under Article 25, Page 7, states, "Should Owner fail to pay the sum named in certificate of the engineer, upon demand when due, the Contractor shall receive, in addition to the sum named in the certificate, interest thereon at the legal rate in force at the place of building." Based on this Article and contract, we are asking for the above mentioned $293.03 which is arrived at as follows: On March 1, 1940 our Periodical Estimate No. 16 was certified for payment but unpaid due to lack of funds. The estimate was in the amount of $19,112.05. On April 10, 1940 our Periodical EstimAtcNo. 17 in the amount of $6,601.60 was certified due us but was unpaid due to lack of funds. The breakdown is: 81 Days on :.$19,112.05 at 6c $254.38 42 Days on $5,601.60 at 6% 38.65 Total $293.03 If desired by you, we can submit cancelled notes from the Bank of Commerce showing that we paid 6% interest for money borrowed to replace that owed to us by you. Thanking you for your action on this matter and trusting that you will place this request before the proper authori- ties and see that we receive a check covering this claim, we are Yours very truly GILSON-TAYLOR, Inc. (Signed) By Edwin C. Gilson. On motion, seconded and carried, the claim of Gilson-Taylor Company in amount of $293.03 was allowed and ordered to be paid from the Building Revenue Fund set up for Docket No. Ky.1305-F. 13. 17. Automotive Building. Dean Graham appeared before the meeting and stated that, as he had anticipated at the special meeting of the Committee on June 28, a communication had been received from Viking Foundation in which it proposed to build and equip, at a cost not exceeding $80,000, and donate to the University an aviation research laboratory building of the kind generally discussed at the June 28, meeting of the Committee. It was stated that the Viking Foundation had requested Dean Graham under date of July 6, 1940, to act as its agbnt in all matters pertaining to the erection of the building and the purchasing, installation, and payment for the equipment, the foundation agreeing to deposit the funds ($80,000) to his personal credit for dispersal as its agent, and that after discussing this with Judge Stoll, Dean Graham had accepted the appointment as agent for the Viking Founda- tion in all matters pertaining to the proposed laboratory: Panama, R. P. July 6, 1940 Colonel James H. Graham Dean of the College of Engineering University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Dear Sir: We are today mailing to your University a proposal to make it a gift of an aeronautical research laboratory, a copy of which proposal is attached hereto. You will notice the proposal contemplates that you shall act in our behalf in all matters pertaining to the plans and speci- fications of the building and the erection thereof and the purchase and installation of the equipment therein, We would appreciate your acting for us in this capacity, and if you are willing to do so, we hereby authorize you to take all action and do all things that, in your opinions may be necessary in that regard. We agree that you shall have no liability in acting for us in this matter except for wilful misconduct. Please advise if you are willing to act for us in this matter. Very truly yours, VIKING FOUNDATaION By (Signed) A. L. Wenner-Gren Thereupon, Dean Graham laid upon the table the formal offer of the Viking Foundation, dated July 5, 1940, as follows: 14. Panama, R. P. July 5, 1940 Board of Trustees University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Dear Sirs: The Urcl1ersigned, Viking Foundation (hereinafter called the "Foundation") hereby makes you the following proposal: (1) The Foundation is desirous of making a donation to your University of an aeronautical research laboratory on the following terms and conditions. (2) The Foundation, acting through Colonel Graham, Dean of the College of Engineering of your University, will cause to be erected on the campus of the University on a site mutually satisfactory (the site tentatively agreed upon is located on Upper Street opposite your cen- tral heating plant) a building to house the laboratory. We are delivering to you herowith a preliminary floor plan of such building which, of course, is subject to change with Colonel Graham's approval. You will notice from this floor plan that it is now contemplated the building will have approximately a 200 foot frontage on Upper Street starting at the milroad spur and about 125 feet in the other direction. The amount which the Foundation is willing to spend for the construction of the building proper, including plumbing, heating and electric installa- tion, is $30,000 (it being understood that the heating requirements are to be supplied by your central heating system). The plans and specifications of the building, and the construction of the building, will be under the supervision of the Board of Trustees of your University, Colonel Graham and Professor A. J. Meyer, a member of the faculty of your Universi1r, Ownership of the building will belong to your University, free and clear of any claim of the Foundation. (3)As soon as the building referred to in paragraph (2) above has been erected, the Foundation, acting through Colonel Graham, will, at its own expense, purchase and install within the building laboratory equipment necessary to develop and test both large and small internal com- bustion engines, for aircraft, automotive and industrial uses, including acoustical equipment for preventing excess noise within and without the building (the items of such laboratory equipment and the places of installation thereof to be agreed upon between Colonel Graham and Pro- fessor Meyer of your faculty), it being understood, however, that the aggregate cost of such equipment including expenses of installation, shall not exceed $50,000. Ownership of all such equipment shall belong to your University, free and clear of any claim of the Foundation. 15. (4) The laboratory is to be designated the "Wenner-Gren Aeronautical Research Laboratory" and so marked with a bronze plaque placed near the main entrance to the building. (5) Colonel Graham is authorized to act for the Founda- tion in all matters pertaining to the plans and specifications of the building and the erection thereof and the purchase and installation of the equipment therein. If your University is willing to accept this gift, will you kindly so notify us as promptly as possible so that we may proceed with the plans and specifications of the building. Very truly yours, VIKING FOUNDATION By (Signed) Axel L. Wenner-Gren President Cooper then read a letter from Dean Taylor, protesting against the use of the ste for the proposed laboratory on Upper Street, wherein he stated that the building would encroach too great- ly upon the grounds of the College of Education. After a general discussion, wherein Mr. Kirkpatrick wished to defer action for fur- ther consideration, a resolution was offered by Mr. Hobson and seconded by Mr. Cleveland to accept the offer of the Viking Founda- tion as written and signed, and Judge Richard C. Stoll was authorized and directed to accept the offer on behalf of the University. All members present voted Yea, excepting Mr. Kirkpatrick, who voted for further consideration on account of the proposed location. At the suggestion of President Cooper, it was decided to inves- tigate further the question of a suitable site for the laboratory, especially as Dean Graham, as agent for the Foundation could accept a change of site on behalf of the Foundation without incurring any delay for approvals, if President Cooper and he found it advisable to make a change of site, Dean Graham then stated that in view of the cost of operating such a laboratory, he had discussed with the M4awen Motor Corporation (which corporation has, for a period of more than three years, em- ployed Professor A. J. M01eyer, of the College of Engineering, as con- sulting engineer in the development of an internal combustion motor of a novel type and especially applicable for use in aviation, with the result that much of the designing and other work in connection therewith had been performed within the College, thus affording se- lected students both employment and experience, which had resulted very favora ly for the College as some nine recent graduates had found employment on graduation with the Wright aeronautical Corpora- tion at Paterson, New Jersey) an arrangement whereby that corporation, in exchange for the privilege of occupying and using certain of the space and facilities of the new laboratory, would undertake to pay the cost of its operation and upkcop, thus eliminating this drain 16. upon the University's budget. He then stated that he had prepared a proposal to the Mawen Motor Corporation covering the use and occu- pation of the laboratory and presented this proposal for such action as the Committee desired to take thereon. After due discussion the proposal to the Mawen Motor Corporation as drafted and presented was approved and Judge Richard C. Stoll was authorized and directed to sign it on behalf of the University and to mail it to the Corporation. The proposal was as follows: UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Lexington July 20, 1940 Mawen Motor Corporation 500 Fifth Avenue New York, New York Dear Sirs: Referring to our recent correspondence, we wish to confirm our understanding with you as follows regarding the operation and maintenance of the "Wenner-Gren Aero- nautical Research Laboratory" which is now being construct- ed on our campus: (1) We have shown you the plans and specifications for the laboratory and informed you generally as to the equipment to be installed therein. (2) You are to have the exclusive use, in so far as you may require the samne, of the laboratory and equipment (except Rooms 13 and 14 on the plan) for testing and de- veloping aircraft, automotive and industrial internal com- bustion engines of conventional or unconventional designs whether such engines belong to you or such other persons as you may determine, The University is to have the exclusive use of Rooms 13 and 14 for engineering research, to the extent it may require the same for that purposes but, if and to the extent that such rooms are not so used by the University, you shall have the right to use them in your testing and developing work as aforesaid, (3) You are to pay all the servicing charges incurred in the operation of the laboratory building (such as electricity, water, etc.), excepting steam need