xt7fn29p3k9x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fn29p3k9x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19390407  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April  7, 1939 text The Kentucky Kernel, April  7, 1939 1939 2013 true xt7fn29p3k9x section xt7fn29p3k9x Best Copy Available

The Kentucky Kernel





Forced out cf last issue because
of lack of space were about 8 or in
letters which we arc including 'n
whole cr part this issue. A majority
seem to be interested in some hazy
"change of policy" wh'ch is attribHowever,
uted to the Kernel.
thanks anyway.




Rid Day Saturday

Smart's Lecture Will Open
Literatae's Public Forums


The guest editorial by Mark
Harris was a sign of awakening to
the real problems of today. But I
found this was veiy shcrt lived.'
The writer goes on to rail against
Jim Caldwell's statement that he
still cant understand why Franco
isnt "God's gift to Spain." He enas
his letter by pleading that the Kernel be more rational in its opinions,
trying to see through, rather than
round, problems, and be more careful in its selection of opinions to
set before the students future government-makers
of this country.
Initials were M. S.

Noted Novelist, Editor
Scheduled For Meet
Of Chi Delta Phi



She Wins



Charles Allen omari. novelist.
English professor and formerly a
member of the editorial staff of
Doubleday. Doran and Company,
publisheis. vill be the principal
speaker at an open session of Chi
Delta Phi. women's national honorary literary fraternity, national
convention at 8 p. m. tonight in
Memorial hall.
Mr. Smart who is the author cl
"R. F. D." a recent best seller.
Holiday." and "The Brass
Cannon." will d scuss "The Young
American Writer Today."
Today's program includes an assembly meeting for business and
discussion at 9:30 a. m. at the
Phoenix hotel and luncheon for the
delegates and participants to be
held at 11:30 a. m. at the Lexington
country club. The group will be taken on a tour of the Bluegrass at
by the Lexing1 :45 p. m.. sponsored
ton board of commerce. The tour
will be conducted by Mrs. Elizabeth
Simpson. Kentucky historian and
author of "Homes in The Bluegrass."
Following the tour, delegates will
discussion sesmeet for an open-a- ir
sion on the steps of the old porch
at Elmendorf. Mr. and Mrs. Smart
will be guests of honor at an informal supper at 6:30 o'clock tonight
in the Union.
Election of national officers and
the induction ceremony will be held
at 9:30 Saturday morning in th?
Ass ?mbly room at the Phoenix hotel.
Luncheon for the delegates will be
held at 12 noon at the Phoenix and
discussion groups led by national
officers will meet from 2 to 4 p. m.

Sorority bid day will be held
from 9 a. m. to 12 n. Saturday in
the tfliie
the Dean of Women,
Dean Sarah Blanding said yesterday. Sororities must have their
bids in before 8 a. m. Saturday
and the bids will be distributed
from 9 to 12.




t-- i


forum will




PA Convention
Will Open Two-Da- y
Meet Today





Not A Queen Again, But

Final Meeting Planned
For Monday Night

r 'n




Four Newspapermen


Slated To Address

mi m. mmi
. . . president






of the Women's
association, fwvrm-It- 'l

The Kernel will act as host to
body ( sororities, m Jrannr student journalists from nine KenFinal report of the Committee on
Reorganization of Student GovernBarker, left. f the Alpha Gam- tucky college newspapers when they
ment and Dr. J. Huntley Dupre of
ma Delta wrority. She was rWt-e- d attend the
the history department will share
of the Ken'ucky
Tuesday afternoon.
in the spotlight in the fourth and
Press association to be held on the
Among Mis Barker's honor
last forum of the YM-Yseries on
Repcampus today and Saturday.
Never Satisfied
are presidency mf the Atphj resentatives from the Chicago Trib"Are We Training for Democracy?"
Undoubtedly, our private, personrJ
to be held at 7:15 p. m. Monday in
Gams, May Qaeea for 1938, and une will select the bPst all round
philosophy shall be founded upon
paper, best news story, editorial,
Patterson hall.
the premise that all men are essenqueen of the 1938 Mountain Laufeature storv. sports story, editorial.
tially dissatisfied. On one hand
Students attending the forum will
rel festival.
The prouram w.ll include panel
came complaints that we are "editdiscuss the report on student govforums, and talks by
Two hundred high school students ernment and either reject or accept
ing" too strenuously. On the other
were discussions,
Other "flieers rlei-teprominent newspapermen. Registraand coaches from 77 state schools the report with any amendments
hand comes this letter complaining
Dorathy HiHenmeyer, Delta Del- tion will be at 1 p. m.. today in
met yesterday for the opening of adepted by the forum.
because a columnist is allowed to
session of the 19th
speak his mind whether he upholds
the three-da- y
ta Delta, aeerrtary. and Klranor Room 204 t- of the Student Union
Tentative plan approved at the
1 annual Kentucky high school forenbuilding,
- T Iglehart. editor of
the editorial policy or not. Ah.
second forum called for a president
Winkler, Kappa Delta, treasurer. the Kernel, and president of the
sic league tournament sponsored by of the student body to be
trouble, trouble.
the chief
will welcome the visitthe department of university extenexecutive of the students; two vice
ors at 2 p. m. Speakers included
Art "Expression"
sion under the direction of Louis presidents consisting of one man
at the forum following the invocaClifton.
"As a reply to the letter in your
and one woman; and a student legistion will be A. B. Guthrie. Jr.. city
Barbara MacVey (above I was
Friday's issue, it is ironic that the
President McVey will welcome lative body to be elected by classes
editor of the Lexington Leader, diselected president of the YWCA delegates at the
very fact that opinion expressed
annual high school with proportional representation of
Thursday in an election of YH speakers'
news values;
about the Union art committee
dinner at 6:30 tonight in men and women.
sports editor of the
Miss MacVey, who is the Union building.
should be adverse criticism. HowScott Reed.
The legislative body empowered j
Leader, sports writing: Russell
fiom Canton, X. Y is a junior in Lexington, Henry Clay high
ever, it is gratifying that at last,
school to deal with all student problems j
advertising manager of the
the College of Arts and Sciences.
after two exhibitions, the existence
debate squad member and president will be elected by classes. Eligibiiiv
Herald-Leade- r,
newspaper advertisof the committee has been acknowlof the state forensic league, will prerequirements for the legislature are
ing: and Prof. W. C. Tucker, acting
Bids for engraving, photogedged.
now under consideration, according
head of the journalism department,
raphy, and binding of the 1940
"The committee, you will find.' is
The tournament opened at 10 a.m. io uon irvine, cnairman oi tne comeditorial writing.
Kentuckian are due at noon.
not difficult to contact and certainThursday with a meeting of debat- mittee.
April 10. In the Kernel busiG. M. Pedley. editor of the Lyon
ly has room for individuals interers, coaches and extension staff
Chairman Irvine stated yesterday j
ness office, the Board of StuCounty Herald, state publicity, diested in bringing art to the Student
leaders at the Union building foi that "high and specific" qualifies- Dr. Frank L. McVey. Dr. Edgar Z.
dent Publications has decided.
rector, and vice president of the
Union building.
announcements concerning the ses- tions will be necessary for presiden- - Palmer, professor of economics, and
Petitions fcr positions of
"However, its "select' personnel is
Kentucky Press association, will be
sions and preliminary debates.
tial eligibility and that possibly all
editor and business manager
necessarily limited to students with
guest speaker at a dinner at 6:30
h initi.i- Preliminaries to be continued this canuiaaies wouia De required to
of the Kernel and editor and
great enough interest in Union acp m.. today in Rooms 23a and b.
afternoon, consist of two rounds fcr take a test based on the principles ted into Beta Gamma Sigma, nabusiness manager of the Kentivities to give time and effort as
Union. John H Morgan, advertising
each team. The debate subject is of civil service. These candidates tional honorary scholastic commerce
tuckian for next year are due
well as ideas.
manager of The Kernel, will be
"Resolvea. That the United States found most eligible will run in a fraternity, at 6:30 p. m. Tuesday In
at the same time and place.
is appreciated
"Student interest
A cup will be presenttoastmaster.
Should Establish an Alliance with general election.
and solicited."
ed to the representatives of the be-- t
the Gold Room cf the Lafavette
Barbara MacVey. Lexington, was
will be required to take the same .
Great Britain."
Oscar Patterson, chairman. Union
puper and keys will be given to the
A book exhibit featuring "The elected president of tho YWCA yes
said Irvine, adding
At the end of the series, eight examinations
art committee.
individual winners. Certificates of
Book in The Making" arranged by terday
Principal speaker of the evening
in the Union building. Other teams wiU
that sex equality would be assured.
seiected to continue
Gocd going. Pat!
merit will be presented to seconi
Mrs. Katherine B. Schryver, Ne".'
Dr. Dupre will sum up the forums is to be Doctor McVey. Dr. L. H.
were Marion Valleau, in the quarter-final- s
culminating in
and third place winners.
York City, representative of Ran officers chosen
by discussing the compatability of,Caiter. president of the organiHe Read Some Papers
Janet the final debate at 7:30 p. m. Satur-Fertrdom House publishing company, Lexington, vice president;
Alfred Watj:en. journalism senior,
and democracy. The sub-- : tion will preside at tne banquet
in Memorial hall.
zation his address
And back to war: "From the col- assisted by Jane Lewis, member of
who won a recent Kernel ad conLexincton.
"Religion and
leges of these United States. I defy the local chapter, will be presented
Announcements and presentation Democracy "'
test, will be given a ten dollar set
following the ceremonies and wel- ...i.wm.w-.- ..
anyone to find an editorial more at 4 p.m.
of awards m speecn eyents xhed
of pipes.
ccme the new members. Responses
smelly" than the one recently bor- Jontly sponsored by the local Xi The new president is an Arts ana uleci f0r Friday will be made at the
TO PaSS Delta Sijsmi Chi. mens journal- will be given by J. Lee Friedman
rowed from the Mississippian by the chrpter and Alpha Iota. Transyl- - Sciences senior, majoring in pouti- - banquet tonight. The banquet
ism. honorary, will give an inlormal
j fcr the seniors. Freelon Hunter for
science and a member of Kappa glam wiii include music by the Uni- chapter, the convention
ed.tcrs of the Kernel to besmirk vania
dance after the dinner at 8 p. m .
vmeeting Delta.sownt-y.AThatfiErm
the stand taken by the American cpfwij ...for. a three-dal of the
eijiVs wild r..n.n"
the juiws. Doctor Pakwt fin- - the
ftuum 106. for c!''!"2n'es. memoer..
Student Union for peace. Out cl yesterday afternoon at the Phoenix icr round table and Pan Politikon. cUbs and the radio orchestra.
on suggestions con- - ' and guests,
Taking action
faculty, and Leroy Miles for the
a heavy batch of university papers hotel. Chapter salutes were given Miss MacVey. who is also a member
Officers for 1939-4- 0
will be elect- rprniii th rondur. tin's of
Following the final debate Satur-c- f
handed me on request by the edit- - by delegates from the represented
Pi Sigtra Alpha and Chi Delta day night in Memorial hall, medals
-- re Free- - in trie future, proposed recently
by ed at the business session of the
Students to be initiatec.
crs of the Kernel. I could find noth chapters in the form of dramatic Phi. has appeared in several Guig- - will be presented to the members
convention at 9 a m April 8. in
' lcn Hunter.
Junior. Buffalo. N. Y.; a special faculty advlfory commiitv.'e
r- lug to match that vulgar piece of skiis t the Little Theatre. Transyl- ncl productions.
cf the two remaining participating
HOUSe WoUld De Robert Nash, junior. Lexington: headed by Dean of Men T. T. Jonts. Room y4 of the Union. delegates.
college vania college last night. Xi chapSome of the
A forum for a.'l women
Marion Valleau was chairman of t?ams. The Lexington Leader tro,
Walter Butt, senior. Fulton; Clay- Interfraternity Council has ap- -' University women journalists, and
papers that stoop not so low were ter presented. "Who Murdered The
jtoa Bullock, junior. Covington: Es-- ths
the sophomore commission. She is phy will be awarded to the school
pointed a committeff of three stu- members will be conducted by Theta
as follows:" and a long, long list King's English?"
a member of Cwens. Phi Beta, and represented by the winning team
taleiie Lewis, senior. London; Otto dents to Investigate Hell Week aclcllowed.
The writer gees on to
Leaders in each field of writing
Sizma Phi. honorary
Concerning statements made re- -: Combs, senior. Viper: Walter
and the Courier-Journaward of
tivities, and to pas on suggestions fraternity for women, following the
criticire our "jab for isolation" and will head the convention study and the University Choristers.
by the Lexington board of iter, senicr. Schenectady. N. Y.; J.
(Continued on Page Five
Janet Fergus was elected secrefacutV. It was an- morning meeting in the same room.
says that we are blind if we believe craft groups. They Include Geneva
made by the
trade and ethers questioning the Lee Friedman, senior. Louisville: nounced yesterday. 5
"a pail of water in both seas be- Stephenson, author of a recent nov tary, although her name was notTickets for the banquet may be
practicability of a combination field Joe R- Johnson, junior. Clinton:
announced with the other wnditween Europe and the Orient will el. "Spring Journey;" Mrs. Kather- The committee, exposed of Crit- obtained by journalism studen.s
house and auditorium to b" erected Ruth Johnston, senior. Cincinnati.
tor tne onice. ine nominating
guarantee peace in a
ine Schryver. New York, who will dates
from John Morgan in the Kernel
Sigria Alpha
at the University, Col. James K. Ohio; Russell Proctor, senior. Win- tenden Lowry.
committee found that one cf the
world." P. A. G.
lead discussions on the short-stor- y
James Wine. 3gma Chi. and business office for 65 cents.
Engineering chester: and Charles Moore, senior.
Giaham. dean of the
We Just knew we would get into technique; Miss Hazel Selby. River- - two wemen named to vie for the
The Crimson Rambler. TransylMcVey
and Dr. Bill Hall. Phi Delta theia, will meet
college, stated yesterday that the Franklin.
College News. Murray-Stattrouble if wd gave him those papers. side, Calif., national president jf position did not have sufficient
Palmer will be honorary initiates. Friday afternoon to yonsider means vania college
term, "copibined University
the organization and newspaper scholastic standing and Miss Fergus'
college; College
with the faculty Heights
woman; Miss Charlotte Shockley, name was substituted in the ballots
City building." as used in reenn
Mr. Caldwell answers Mr. S.
committee on all "practical" sug- Teachers coliege; Cento. Centre Sta'e
"Dear Mr. S.: In my column of 'dramatic and music critic, for a She is president of Cwens, and a
Bei commentaries on the subject, was a
March 24. I said nothing of making Cincinnati newspaper and director member of the sophomore commisGeorgetonian. Georaetown colmisnomer.
Spokesmen for the Council staled lege; Progress. Eastern dtate Teacha minor sport of football.
I like of the University of Cincinnati an- sion.
"According to the laws of ihU
Mary Lois Williamson, state su
I go to every game. I nual festival; Miss Montague
state. said Dean Graham, "no pervisor of home economics, wl' Thursday that the committee is ex ers college: Orange and Black.
Anna Oder, treasurer, is a memGaffney. S. C. vice president
cheer as loudly as anyone. I appected to object to the suggestion. Union college; Trail Blazer.
Col. Howard Donnelly announced structure mnv lip own,i lointlv h'l
ber of the junior round table and
preciate the efforts cf you football of the national fraternity, who will
and the Kernel, are sending
rwiuuirc as set forth by the faculty, tnat lni- yesterday that examinations for the the city and the state. It follows!81""1, "ut,1"5
glee club.
players as much as any student in discuss articles nnrt pssavs nr.rf Mrs the
seniors, no in
leacn nations be connnea to cnapter- - delegates to the convention.
40 men who have applied for ap- then that any money contributed by
school. I admire you and the rest George Edwin Smith who will lead
year on luonaay.
prii iu. m house grounds. This, the Council
pointment as cadets at Randolph the city toward the equipping ot a nexi
of the team. If I have hurt your the
Texas, will begin Friday at state structure does not give the the office of Miss Ethel Parker, believes to be an "unpractical"" sugField.
feelings. I apologize.
The convention will close with a
Training Sehool Building.
gestlon. However, it was stated that
9 a. m. and will extend through city any priority in the use of that
"However. I happen to be a strong banquet at 6:30 p. m. Saturday at
John Allen Fu.lmer. Engineering Monday. April 10.
mav be arran2?d every attempt would be made to
advocate of the Hutchins Plan see the Phoenix hotel with John Jacob junior, who entered the Good Samawith the faculty com-t- c
from 10 to 12 a. m. and from 1:30
"The situation clarified is this:
The examinations will be given in
Kernel, Jan. 17, 1939 1. I would like Niles. authority on native American ritan hospital last week for obser6 p. m. by calling Miss Parker's mittee in seeking out and remedy-offic- e Weeks. Kur;ihtk. Kailev, Hal- "The University, with the aid el
see football conducted here as it ballads, as guest speaker. Mrs. Frank vation, was permitted to leave yes- the basement of Brewer Armory by
ing "basic" evils.
a board of examiners composed of W. P. A. funds, plans to construct a
before Monday.
lard. Wythe Also"
is run at Johns Hopkins under the L. McVey will introduce the speakterday.
Major Russell L. Williamson of the field house. The building when finNamed
I believe the plan er and Miss Hazel Selby. national
Hutchins Plan.
Bessie K. Campbell, agriculture
to be the thing of the future in president, will act as mistress of senior, and Virgina Ferguson, grad- Army Air Corps, another air corps ished will seat approximately 12.000
people and will be equipped for
John Rusell. Engineering junior
athletic matters; I would like to see ceremonies. Miss Montague McMil-'a- uate student, who underwent ap- officer, and a flight surgeon.
So far as is known, the examina- holding football and baseball pracfrom HopkmsMlle. was elected presnational vice president is pro- pendicitis operations last week are
the University receive the recognihere will be the only ones con- tice and for holding basketball games
ident of Tan Beta Pi. Eng nering
tion of being among the first to gram chairman.
reported to be rcovering satisfactor- tions
ducted in the state this spring. A and tournaments. As it stands then.
scholarship honorary, at a meeting
adopt it.
ily at the Good Samaritan.
requirement for application is com- the building needs no accoustics and
ot the organisation
heal Tlirstiay.
"It is with regiet that I must
pletion of two years of college work. no theater seats.
April 4. He succeeds David Davis,
decline the kind invitation of the
uniting the college youth of retiring president.
j in
are students or
The applicants
team. To return the compliment.
"It was felt, however, that the city
former students of the University might want to use the building at
Student opinion, judged only from America against war. might prove
Other officers eli:-were Harry
I shall be greatly pleased to hav
personal views of several stu- - j very effective In time of a crisis."
Weeks, junior from Water Valley,
Because of rain, which left the and other schools.
you write a piece as guest colum-Ihtimes as an auditorium or as a the
James W. Wine, junior in the
taking the
dents who have been questioned, is
Persons interested in
courts coveied in water, the
any time next week. Copy is
Jack Ballard, junior
hcrse show arena. If this should be
State tennis match examinations whether now in col- the case it would be necessary to in general accord with the princi- - College of Arts and Sciences, and iiorn Frankfort, recording secredue at 6 p. m.. Sunday for Tues- '
peace strike sched- student director of the Union, ex tary; Ernest Rn.ley. junior. Lex- Unipies behnd the
scheduled for yesterday afternoon lege or not. should call at the
dav's paper, and at 6 p. m.. Wednes- building with an eye uled to be held April 20 on this cam plained that a peace strike would
I 13I1S ArC
versity military department after construct the
JT Or on the Rase street courts was called
dav for Friday s paper.
toward accoustics, stage equipment, pus by the Youth Committee Against stir the conscience of the college ington. treasurer: and George Kur9 a. m. Friday.
"Friends againrwim Caldwell, j
comfortable seats, etc.
generation to an understanding ci seigeant-at-a- i
ins Tiie ot:ice of cor"This would call for extra funds:
Senator Ernest Lundeen. Mmne-sct- a the horrors of war.
A. E W J M. C. and T. D.. comwas retained
S36.00O for theater seats. $60,000 for
Farmer-Labo- r
the principle of a peace by David seerefarv junior from
"I favor
Joe Cieason, sports editor of the
pliment the Kernel on presenting
acoustics, and $4,000 for miscellanae. be the featured speaker on that strike." he declared. "It brings to Georgetown
world problems in its editorial col- Kernel, wjs electad presidenl of
the money to be raised by the city. day at a Memorial hall convocation, Dear on our
umns, although everyone dees not Delta Sigma Chi. honorary journalofficers, oiher than
either by official action or by pop-- 1 His topic is "America's Relation to of the destruction that comes with Davis, are W. H Hail.
necessarily agree with the stand ism fraternity for men, Tuesday-nightserves to promote
Meanwhile the the Foreign Crisis." In reality, the war. and thus
ular subscription.
Other officers named were
taken, and D. V. I. comes through
Stuart Wahl. recording
striving for peace."
exclu- - "strike" will consist only of the
building would still
with th's: "With typical bellicose Georye T. Lamaron, vice president:
James Palinore. treasurer,
opinion in favor of the
to the University. Any city vocation and several other addresses
first judging of papers the Kentucky
emotionalism, the ASU has wailed William Hopewell, treasurer, and
and Clifford Simpson, sergeant-alarmVincent Crowdus. secretary.
walked away with tirst prize. organization desiring to use it would by authorities in the held of poliu- - strike came from Rosalie Herman.
against the
Organized 12 years ago with a Kernel University
sophemore in the College of Arts
Plans were made for a dancing
was host to the have to obtain Dermission from the cal science.
you reprinted from the Mississippurpose, the KIPA conanrl SciMioes. and activp member
MCA secparty at 8 p. m. today in the Union three-fol.,
Bart Peak. University
second meeting held the next year University through the usual chan- pian. To those of us who do not
I - - - n It V
She termed the I n
card room for delegates to the Ken- vention hes sinj
retary, was. among those who voiced of the YWCA.
giowii iinto u and thus the Association was well nels.
fall sueh ready victims to rabid
medium I
utrike as rh most efficient
approval of the "strike."
affair attended by the on its way. James Shropshire wa.
lanaticism, it is a relief to observe tucky Intercollegiate Press associa- "One conference basketball
tien meeting, members and pledges staffs of nine college newspapers in
"I have been strongly in favor in enlightening the youth or Amenpresident of the association
ament would rt.pav the m.--i chants
the stand your newspaper has tak- of the fraternity,
ca to the destruction of war.
, exinirton for anything they of the peace strikes where the
and guests.
1929, two years after organization.
en." He continues, saying that ASU
"A nationwide peace strike anion.;
University has given
Cm Lowry. Princeton, junior in
Cieason. Benton. Ky.. is a memThis is the fifth coliegiate press Nine college papers attended that
methods lead to war rather than
" is
the Arts anil Sciences college an. I
ber of Alpha Tau Omega. Lances, conierence to be held on the Uni- convention and the number has re- might contribute to the project."
a convocation for the purpose of college students." she declared.
peace, that we shouldn't be duped
healing a speaker on world peace." the most effective protest our ycuth member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
versity campus in 12 years. Two of mained the same to this day.
by talk of saving Amenta's l.oii'-sin- ce and is Lamas-- n. editor of the Kentuccan make against international bar- was elected president of the InterMr. Peak said.
Montclair. N. J., an the conferences were in the National
Yearly meetings were held at first
it is not invo'.ed "Similar kian.
"Eventually." he continued, "we barism. Such a strike will serve m fraternity council a' a meeting of
with one or two persons representtripe resulted in millions of deaths SAE. is KeriK news editor and a Collegiate Press Association.
only to appreciat- the group Monday nih:
memljer of the Kentuckian staff.
All men students of the Univer- - will come to the method suggested educating us not
ing each paper but they soon grew
Conceiving the idea of a Kentuca while back. The ASU prates of Hopewell.
Providence. Delta Tau ky Intercollegiate Press association into
invit-m utt-n- ri
Lowry. assistant in production at
the bv the peace advocate. The world the value of peace, but to abhor
affairs with most oiv ,!., h..
peace and then advocates the moM
Delta, is ni?ht foreman of the Ker- - in 1927. the editor of the Centre of the staffs of each college publiuirls formal ilaiu-- from cannot continue its mad rush for the horror of war."
the radio extension m tidies and a
warlike measures, an inconsiMency
In former years the annual peace
power and
quite appiopriate ti the political nel printing plant. Crowdus.
C"to contacted the editor of the cation attending. The purpose oi 9 d. m. to 12 m. Saturday in the military which are of preserve those demonstration on the Kentucky member of the beard of directors ot
greatest value
Union, holds the highparanoia frcm which it seems to the Kernel. assistant news editor of Kentucky Kernel and together they the meeting as defined in the first- Union ballroom. Jamie Thompson's things
by the the Student
was sponsored
to mankind. Good will, understandworked out a plan to hold the first conierence was to raise the standorchestra will supply the music.
The est scholastic suuuin.g m his col
ing and peace are necessary to hapconvention in Danville in May ol aid of college newspapers, lead to i
rimniitte. Aunillst War
Force can never brills Vnnth
py living.
greater fellowship between colleges
tho same year.
Whv S Late?
Other officers named were Frank
sprung from a split in the ASU na- it."
Two or three representatives from and to elevate college journalism.
S. H. C. wonders about the change
campus leader to sanc- tional organization two years ago. E. Clark, vice president. Alpha Gamof officers of
Ballots for election
Mrs. Frank L. McVey. Dean Sarah five or sy college pipers attended
At the meeting last spring on th
Of date for the intramural track
year are tion the peace strike was Gracte The Youth Committee's main ob- - ma Rho. Frankfort: Oscar Cor bin.
tournev, which was scheduled lor G Branding and Mrs. Sarah Holmes this organizational convention. The campus of Transylvania College. L the YM for the coining
oiciim rot.
Silverman, secretary of the senior jective, according to leaders ol tne secretary .
or Y rooms
April 3 but postpjned to May 8, were guests at a luncheon meeting Kernel was represented by Editoi T. Iglehart. editor of the Kernel, due in the postotTice
faction on the campus, is "to keep and Lou Dorsey. treasurer. Phi
-f the University
Housemother' John R. Bullock and Business Man-l- r was elected president of the asso- not later than noon today. Bart class, who said: as
suiwxjsedlv because of bad weather,
ma K upH RelWue
out. of war"
an inst rutneiit.
Pejtt, secretary of tile YM. sntrcrl
In t.lic ciation for tin.











McVey Will Welcome

Students From
State Schools







Petitions, Bids
For Publications
Due April


Seo-fiel- d.


Commerce Circle Will


Initiate Fourteen


Valleau, Fergus, Oder
Win In Balloting










Body Named




r leld
roperty UI UK













Home Ec Conference

Examinations Will



eol-lg- e;





Students Improved



Tau Beta Pi Elects

Kussell President

To Voice Annual Plea
For Peace At "Strike" April 20





Gone With The Rain






Dance Party


Kernel Will Velcome Delegates




To KIPA Meeting For Third Time




con-sive- ly






ter rater





Men Invited







Ballots Due




Elect Crit Lowery

* rage




for furnishing guards. Guards this vcai were
selected otherwise and paid $12.00, yet allowed
hreakagr amoiiniing to St). .'(. And why should
the lass pav for a pieiuro of the president, and
for vest, studs, gloves all amounting lo SltUidr
On the basis of two veais only, even a
optimist roidd not ! fully salislicd ai
the wav in which financial matters were handled.
And who is to blame? Regardless of the in
dividuals involved, the junior class has itscll
to blame for not requiring a public account,
for not setting up an adequate system of control
for its officers. If there was ever a crying need
for a better form of student government, that
need is certainlv screaming iis justification now.






Post Ofhc at Lrx.nptnn, Kentucky, as wrwnd
riaw mnupr nndr thr Art of March 3,
Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association
Lexington Board of Commerce

Enttrrd at the




National Advertising Sen1 ice, Inc.
"ieri Hepretentstit e
New YONK. N. Y.
20 Maoiion Ave.
hmctt.tr - m Facc
Chkaco actio


IM One Semester

.of is

J2.00 One Year







On two occasions recently, ihe olice have
across from
been called lo a campus hang-ou- t
the Good Samaritan hospital because of excessive noise on the part of I'niversitv students.
Mavbe these students are immune to ihe
humiliation of being charged wilh disturbing
ihe jieace. but at leasi ihey should have enough
common courtesy toward those who are ill. And
the fact that ihe hospital furnishes employment
for manv of the students should have some bearing iiMn the conduct.
The piirxse of these three paragraphs is not
to squelch all fun. but only 10 remind that a
one should be a quiet one. Don't
make eople hate us because we are I'niversitv
'indents and enjoy having a good lime, lint
. O.
have vour noisy limes in ihe country.

Advertising Manager
Sports Editor
Circulation Manager
Art Editor