'Ofie (Kxrvtuckt Pushcart DrrJiy: KERNEL Dance Friday. Derhv Satiirihiv 11 r tv, No. Today's ratkrr: PartK riomlv. Wjmtm; rer i Ke IJ LEXINGTON, k . m FRIDAY, APRIL c 19, A 1 1 TiJ. Law ,o y 1963 Eight Pat Honors Students IJave 3.38 Overall I !li H W ltli 'H c IHiH i I sP :l .till .1 f UI.!-- !s I l : iji ii Hit; partu hm i. In II. lsit .itioil, is . H 1 en H f 81 T men c est t women II no ft .1 Art !! F ... . cabmen more effectively. j. mmI Be acea. r ii. V H I ems from some of the stifling tajuirementi which are generally ;j erroneously considered oeoes- - ! jp Education Ii.. n :. In " "i f U 1 studj r Mudetrts Mt I :.):-:- . V .i'iiA'4. . . t I a H : ua Hiitlidl in tin x Kentucky high scfa to the program. . 21 i Hm i Sixrv-M- tu ed I. h.- - ' rv . and pfej i. i the Heatly twa-thl. - esMeicd i In hsn r : akou flo c'ric.il -- . the Mas jiai. Meet an bt l1 l it st . '!..tn fresh Ken, - . or a . not - 1; - di mk ed :. aritkoul i, ard Da i Reception i.i P:..! rin i.:c - 1. Oaten Hash wi'.h a reception Uh n:.ihi UMB! (it BeenelatM Ball faBowtng In- - appi : 1, ie tt.ni-h- t. Use p :s I. v ted atti nd. Mr. X' h, i laM us 1 bt vi r e. w.il pvaeut .i : : :. . ram at 3:13 pOL in II c hseusa a- - i pari ef th (':-- l 1 K. C art . :. Lee-"- .i ntwefcy Bert Btndents v.::: i . I bj in card. a The program wfl tariu t::h-H- i ?s fin t . I - ii .!;.- niversity : icul mbo have satisned j: H nors m m Ms ! taa have Mated a their !:. :. .: i ; m t:. yj If frtri: -- lOHMi row: Carolyn Hughes, Candy on. K., Kimberlin. University Planning; Brt'athillites Accuse New Parking System 4Happv Chandler systti pr'itli Of Ducking Debate hirs !t c j'.u k ,i : ,i mukL p ig si - . 7HU hi !,i I 51 ' I ! " i .us rdwi. the laiajgapat Mnuni uonei I t mpb !: '. planning i ' it i t inq . ill BJ part t taw range plans f..r the Dnnvrsjty. The lata and the parking sU ictwes en bull erifl oper- - npleteh in tlx an Roai Hie paen'a hi ;ii eitird surface lots and seven isit conunnnit) is now in ramps m ill be able to accom- - it I pariing QmmHficnthm tests tor the BjBadMaaiiaa liltlr Keuti!iK I). ih will In It Id at 1 p in. todav at Um '5 IcaUM S, rts (t nter tratk. t be premH ami an let lit iM tot each team m.'si lie pni at this time. I Pushcart Derby Omen Candidate Have tMNaMl t:r tin- LmmMi ( hi Alpha Push- ,irt D) r jie. liist row: Sallv .Mttrarv. Belt) r. it ;. -- : rf I : MUM : .I1'- ei tlu Hon i I': the Lhl) m t:.. .;! ' OaUBitt kM Hum tl hieve-b- t fka d. nded t. i Ogden Nash a Junior r and i t i m nt . i event taj hi Ul c t i t i Ha hr i : itton Mr. Ha h hi- - been nationwide !. on tour i pi t . t t r. 1 ta i. ii- -. t I To Honor per g Mperior ajsades. ' Hapro holarships distinguished from Brants-4n- - j s c: m rangle at parking area R. i on. 'i id , le.i that t'i struct itrr will mast lik.is kc kattt rast t th titi it I nimi BuiM-ki! i I g a joining S4ag netawrfc witi function he to ease Ike Ike academic parking problem art.: aad botmWJ units. Tht series of parking areas will be constructed to keep pace with i he growth of the University. "The plan under nay now u for the complete system to he geared to the needs of 20.oon students D and faculty memand 64MM bers, should Hm University ever reach that size." Coleman said. Pit !:: ly there - space for 3.c.o cars in campus parking lots and on 'lie service drives, such as tin one circling in front ol ii'e Administration Building ar.ci the one behind White HalL The planning commissk ner said ;t- new facilities are made available, many of tlx congested parking areas non being used will he taken out. 1 it Id. I Dr. Sharp To Revisit University Paul Sharp, president of I): H:!.m College, Hir.im. Ohio, will be in Lexington this weekend a1 Hat raojuest ol the presidential teening committee. Dr. Sharp i.-- one of the five or -- ix men -- till beinu consid red to replace resigned University Prt-iaFrank G. Dickey, according to Jutfse James a. Sutherland, -- creeniny committee spokesman. Intel views with other candidates will continue through bMfcOMl k Kartti view ot the nUMpBM Irotii a J.M T.ikinx in IjllllbBb. this week's Keri.l g W like art. K.tren js .t itinio;:emt)er Ml Mpha Gamma ma jor Iron; Veaice, I la . aai Ii Ita i mm Mi The k of the screening mittee should be completed bv fay :." Jud.c- Sutherland - Campus supporters ol Edv ard 'I' N.d Breathitt ystrr-- n ( !handk r ounti rparts of day accused their A. I. "Hap shielding the Former governor s disiiR'linatMMi to engage in a public TV debah with Breath itt. Jerry Anderson, campu.- - co:. thil campus. Bill Kt:: p. .rt! ordinator, UK Student- - for ton declined this challenge, Breathitt, issued the following it to Jim Shuifett. statement but night: "Shuffett than issua da state"Events of tin- bud several days ment on behalf of certain, bur .,s clearly establish that every action law students. Mr. yet namek-- -. ol the mall student group supa law nut him-eBhuffetl inn A. B. Chandler has been port but lie is a fraternity an effort to cover and camou13:11 Kenton. It seeWM brother flage Mr. Chandler's bvious fear to us that law students ahi uM of facing Ned Breathitt in a lf face-to-fa- the telecast dcbaTe of of the governor-pri- mary -Fir.-t. we issued a debate challenge to Mr. Bill Kenton, wh Chandler's state Director "i College Planning and Activities, i 'lie Chandler sup- - be able to peak tor thtir.-eive- -, ti- - should Candida tea. "Heat, Um Chandler supporter of the the presidents asked forward ta Young Democra us a re. iesl thai a student be taped I i telecast. Thil Caatinaed on Page I Football Flavor Still Listed As Critical Bj Kit HAKI) STEVENSON, Kernel BaBj sports Kditor Giles Smith. 20. Lexington, sun ol Mr. and Mis. Jt.hrt Giles Smith ,i sophomore football player injured April 5. has made no general condition change as o! yesterday, according tu Dr. (). 15. Murphy, team physician. He remains unconscious and on the critical h.-- t at the Unil. versity Smith was injured in a game-typ- e i iliiagr on April 5. He underwent surgery that night at tin- University Hospital. Dr. Harvey Chenault. the said Smith physician, suffered a cerebreal contusion and laceration. Cranial surgery was pe: formed with subsequent improvement noted." Dr. O. B. Murphy, the team was on the sidelines phy.-iciaduring the scrimmage. "Smith was Injured in a routine gatr.e scrimmage.' Dr. Murit was noted ty c phy was shakBradshaa thai the en up and Bmith was sent to the sideline. At this time, he was in full contiol of his faculties, He wai examined Immediately by me on he :citl.:.- and am plained of a headache. Increasing evidence of an acute head Injury prompted imrnediate-l- y him to be tran.-porte- d to the emergency room of the v :.hospital when were carried out." Smith was red hirted U-- r sei-s- on and win be a sopboakoru, eligibuity wise nexl fall During the scrimmage be wai Bstad a *