xt7fn29p5j8t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fn29p5j8t/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1992 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 1992 Vol.63 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, September 1992 Vol.63 No.9 1992 2019 true xt7fn29p5j8t section xt7fn29p5j8t MODW .

, ' x. ' 0F KENIU ER I Micflort; 3” i’ Liit:: '1: {Lie tizss. iii iii-1i , - ‘
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.. VOLUME 63 . NUMBER 9 . ;

The official publication of the . l
Kentucky Press Service 5

o o g ’ 1‘

G 0 1 118' an d C 0 mm g Mereurytowln : . 1

. . . . . Parkpapercham :1 a
Shingler heads to Pikevflle; new News Bureau director IS Tennessee reporter OneofKenmcstgiagt‘ilgéény 1

:‘fi'iEIIiZIE5EEE“Qiz-w S 1'5 ‘be' .1 V, '. 2. g

Becky L. Meadows, city govem— UMC from Jefferson Community St. Louis Suburban Journals, an orga- ggrkelgé‘vsypapgefioflidofgfeizflf ' 1 f

' ment reporter for The Daily Herald in College in Louisville. nization of 47 newspapers, and a Atenta‘tlveagreementwas ‘T' .
Columbia, Tenn., will take over as Before joining The Daily Herald teaching assistant at the State Capitol reachedmmldoAugustforParkto j i
director of KPA’s News Bureau on staff, she was onthe public relations Bureau of the Columbia Missourian. purchaseTheCarlzsIeMercury Q'ifr'om’ f
Sept. 8. staff of Campus Recreation Publica- She interned with the St. Joseph Hankand MarilynBond'i‘whdfhave i, '/

She replaces Pam Shingler, who tions Inc. in Bowling Green. (Mo.) News—Press Gazette in the publishedthe125~year~oldweekl f ;
started theone—of-a-kindNews Bureau During her senior year in college, summer of 1990, was a statehouse re— :::sinc§55?1987, 3:21;?-ifgivp.:;giiggf.f:5gig.if???3313.5;y :1 , x

. two years ago. Shingler, whose resig— Meadows was Statehouse reporter for See Meadows, back page ”ParkNewspapflShaSah'adl‘ t

nation is effective at the end of August, tron oflong ‘ standing i'h- the: media ,
has been appointed executive editor W2 around 5the'EEcountry n: Hank :Bond: _I ‘ ‘
of the Appalachian News-Express in . . saldinanAu . ' , . ,. ' ' .
. _ . . . selfifrost-Pagesrselet , ' ,
Pikeggle-l .11 . ed. in M1 d-Septemb er semlnar Iseenochangesitithegmannetoi... ,
Kentucig e1:11.15 ::::1:‘gulf :0 coiittrac‘: o e . Operation,whrchwrllaffectthe =7 '
fireadersi?or;*1adverfisersi3ioféi,3?lié'EiMersz '1
agreement. SEt for LOUISVllle RadlSSOH _;z¢u1‘.y_.u;g,gtgigs};iaggjgtgss; .1555??sziié‘iiéi'éifiiiiiiliii‘ :‘g; ‘ '.
Meadows, who is originally from =:;.. 'jNofurther;ilnfOTmah0nwas ' «
Carroll County, Ky., received a Bach- The annual Composition Serni- , p ‘ ‘1 . t}: availableatpresshmeastOWhen Ir:
elorofJoumalismdegree,WIthhonors, nar and Workshop for composition, . fit/4: ' ‘ ‘ “ thetransachonmlltakEplaceor -
from th? vaersrty 0f Missouri— production and advertising staffs is - g“ » L , 1’ whatmeBonds’plansare i

, Columbia m 1991. She transferred to slated for Sept. 17-18 at Louisville’s . . J, a . I 7 -\ meMgwryhadbeenmme t; .
:2Y0a2t12ethewdgexa;a;;;;;.:s::: We the Maestesh Compiler . a» \ i 9, tthBonds
. £15 :j.-:-.E.V;f‘-1:151:v":5t:;::{253.32%v. ’ 2:5..:'§5_:;.§_3:f:;;', '.-. Will be the focus of Thursday’s prO' . w I ’ I . kl
)udgesfortwopressassocratwngiz; gram,whichbeginsat1p.m.Covered ‘ ' - [.7 WKPA to "1881' -
figfiteggsmthenextcoupleof will be information on saving time t ! ‘ , "‘ 1 . O b
andmakingmoneywithMacs,alook \’ . _._- _ ______ . 1n wens 01‘0 '.
Judgesa’enee‘iedonoc"2f°’ at programs available, electronic art, :7 ,____ \‘F ~—- f’t _ , ,

' theNewEnglandPressAssociation and demonstrations of Multi-Ad "—\ \ POImCS and education, two pe- 3'
gntestiudgingissetfortheI-Iarley Creator, Quark Express and other LCNI team that’s researching new rennially hOt topics,w111bediscussed f ‘
oteltnLexmgtomBothadvertis- r r news a r technolo includin at thefallmeetmg ofWestemKentucky ;
mgandeditonalentrleswfllbe P 03 a““3: . . . p Fe gy’ g Press Association set for Se t u at
Judged 0“ Frrdayrthe emphasrs wrllbe Pagmatron and use of seamers- 0 b0 , E ' fl hm 1" g
letLet on increasing classified advertising Hawkins has worked with the wens ’0? 59C“ V? . ,

' Mnttfgvlditxmgotns revenue. The session runs from 9 Paducah Sun and the Henderson- A hospitality sessron w111 greet
:rncittote,heors,1;eporders am. to noon. based Cleaner and Journal Publish- part1c1pants on the evemrrs 0f Thurs-
alnpoPograiersaLeoététge Presenters will be Joyce Ford, ing Co. in marketing, classified ad- day, Sept. 10' Vf’lth registration for the ' p

, Lrlgmiaressssoaaonsio- vice president of production for vertising and sales training. She has meetingtobeginat9a.m.thenextdtg; .
“gums LandmarkCommunityNewspapers also worked with Land Between the accordmg *0 WKPA P’FS‘dem 1° -,.-;
Ifyoucanbeamdgeforeither Inc., and Jamie Hawkins, executive Lakes Association. Lucas, publisher/ 9‘11“" Of The 1

"- orhgontsegtzsfcallSueCammack director of the Marshall County Participants may register for Crittenden Press m Marion. , _ _z
at/64— Tourism Commission. both days for $35 or for either the Sure to attractmedla attentionwfll ' ‘

Before joining the LCNI corpo- Thursday or Friday program for $25. be a debate between the two mep VY' , i

' .- 3 . , a , -' .iQ:g;;;_‘.i;’§:§;t§_:§§i§1;;Efgggfigfgi‘ijiiggéi rate office, Ford worked in advertis- The seminar/workshop is mg forFustDistnctCongresliionilsieat, ;

I ' .. " , . InSlde ing and composition at The Sentinel “ sponsored by KPA’s Advertising DemocratTomBarlowand epu cfan .1

' " U I " News inShelbyville. Shebeganusing Steering Committee. it??? ngazgzsiizlhagidsafsiw: Jig

. ' F 'nf ti 11D ‘ 3 P-mrwl

_ Apress history Iesson,pagea Macmtosh equipment seven years ormorel orma on,ca av1d session after structured presentations ,9,
, Wanna be a veep? page 5 ago and IS now responSIble for pur- T. Thompson at 800/ 264-5721. h dd 1;
Paper profiles, pages 6—9 chasing,installation, training, main- Room reservations are to be by bOt lcan. 1 lite: S S ‘ft f i

Kentucky's Grande Dame, page 8 tenance and other aspects of Mac made directly to the Radisson, tele- Ear 1er m t e ayEEtieve fiWl 911 5

' The oldest subscriber, page 11 systems at Landmark’s small and phone 502/499-6620 or fax502/491- thestateDepartmento uca onw1

_ Plcturlng Kentucky, p096 20 mid-sized papers. She’s part of an 4443' brief parhcrpants on how they can -

. ‘ . See WKPA, back page. ,

L 7_—w , ,/

 sitsmsrsasreiasecsarsa , , ..
ADA in effect; affects most all employers I, P) ..,
If you’re in a position to hire applicant is qualified to do the job, against that person in the hiring pro-
employees and you don’t know what With reasonable accommodation on cess -- or in promotions or pay.
ADAstands for,you’vebeeninChina your part, you cannot discriminate ——-——-——-——————-—
or you don’t read your mail. Key words are reasonable a: 1992 Officers
- - . commodation.Youma have toma e
Title I of the Americans With A few steps you can take to . . f .1. . ybl d bl President
Disab‘lities ACt' effemve July 26’ insure that ou do not discriminate 315mg a0 mishagesisal'i'gan (315a e Mary sch”
prohibits employers of 25 or more , y _ , y persons WI 15a 11 es. _ y?“ Danville Advocate-Messenger
employees from discriminating aga'nSt persons With disabilities: may need to b? more creative m President-Elect
against qualified persons with dis— —) Review your employment structuring the Pb or setting work Jerry Lyles, Benton Tribune-Courier
abilities in job applications, hiring, application forms and eliminate inquiries schedulesorreasSigninganemployee Past President
firing, a dvancement,pay,job training into physical conditions. who becomes disabled. Or you may Celia McDonald
and other employment terms. __, If you give employment tests, have to adapt equipment, alter your lslice PiesidentTh K
Employers of between 15 and 24 "‘0le them 50 they don't unfairly employment of promotion tests and thlégupgery, e entucky Standard
1 'th h act discriminate against an applicant. framing male!“ 5; . .
:‘i‘i’ltyyizsafiimmw *9 smmmpreemnoymem Wm...”semi... 32$ilifiii2§ifllg°’dham
' . physical exams, replacing them, it applicant for a reporter's l°b happens District 1
I The taggezi? hgroup 0; A53 3: necessary. Wllh pOSl'Oller exams before to be in a WheelChIaiI',Ithen put a Spe- William MllChell, Fulton Leader
persoilsf w 9 at: pb 3:5 t' 11 the candidate starts work. Keep all “ally dESIgHEd t011€tmlhe ”Show“ District 2
‘T‘e’f‘t ‘mpalrmentt . 5‘11; am}? y medical test records in a confidential tile, and enlarge necessary doors» If an ad Jed Dillingham
hmlts one or more maior e 5%“le3” separate from the personnel file. salesperson loses his sight and can no Dawson Springs Progress
(2) have a record Of SUCh an lmpélr' —> Make sure that all your managers longer dfiVel TeaSSign that Person to 0‘5"“ 3
merit, 01' (3)39 regarded as havmg h h' ' | phonesales oranotherpositionwhere Teresa Revlett, McLean COUMY News
ch . . t w o Ire or superwse emp oyees are . . . . . District4
5“ an impairmen - aware of the law. Put them througha good Vision is not as critical. If an Cha I'e Portm F kI' F "i
That doesn t mean that you fife training and awareness program so they applicant for a manual labor lOb W - rl ann' ran I” am” 9
required to hire a paraplegic to hmst . . . uirin rimaril muscle is mildl DIStrICt 5
. can learn how to miervrew and work With q g P Y Y Coleman Love
EeavyIIbundleIIsh (if paperjgtafiiide 1: disabled persons. videotapes and retarded but physically able, then Landmark Community Newspapers
Des" Illianhiza Eu .mt 11 d brochures are available from a number of make sure your training program is District 6
personer SC op eni a oseI a 5' sources. understandable and thatinstructions Dorothy Abernathy, O/dham Era
What It does mean 15 that If the are communicated orally. District 7
Youraccommodationis expected Kelley Warnick, Gallatin County News
° ° to be directed toward the known DlSt'lCt 8'9 ,
Inland Stud & : Ad, Clrculatlon disability, not toward lowered qua]- giant hidettiloBila‘lth County NQWS'OUt/oc’k I I ., -_. ’
. . ity or production standards. And the M:n;(l3ackus
sales drop; but profits rise ADAaoesrecggmzsafhatgofirbu: Amnacmamewsfmss
From Inland Press Association declined, except foradvertising ex- ness 1.5 “Qt a high?“ we '” 31:1 ' District 12 ' - .
If the typical 20,000 circulation pense, indicating that it cost about 10 teration 3V9“ iImpose un ue Louise Hatrnaker ’ . . .
daily newspaper is an indicator of all percent more to sell and service ad hardship ,m r: “1‘?“1 to your Jackson Dmes/Beattwa/e Enterprise
the daily newspaper business, 1991 accounts in 1991. Payroll expenses company S S‘ze' inanCia resources District 13 ,
. f dro in advertisin inched u from 38 1 rcent of total and the nature and structure of its Glenn Gray, Manchester Enterprise
was a year 0 IF? _3 _ g pf ' pe . o ration then you may be exempt District 14
revenues decreasmg Circulation and revenues in 1990 to 38.3 percent in pe ’ , - -
- ' from that accommodation. Stuart Simpson, [DU/35’“ Week
circulation revenues, fevaer pages -- 19911;] . . , District 15A
and increasing gross PTO its. on-newspaper revenues 1“" . - - . _ Jim Green, Lexington Herald—Leader
The 1991 National Cost and Rev- creased in the 20,000 daily by more Infilitixfixflggcsxflfiflze District 153
enue Study for Daily Newspapers, than one-third over 1990. The result son, sblc t f mlheses 'fic 'ob Jerlene Rose, Clay City Times
cosponsored by Inland Press Associa— was an increase in the average total r)“: 9 3113620: sk aboulfl: exlst- State-At-Large I
tion and/Intemational Newspaper Fi- operating revenue from $6,494,100 to unc (mt: o o afi t o fa disabili Me'VI AUbeSP'“: ICourrerdournal
nancial Executives, reports averages $6,605,400. Growth in total operating ence,na reor seve y . ty. Camilla Box, U”’°” County Advocate
‘ N . If you require a medical exam 0f Gene Clabes, Recorder Newspapers
and norms for revenue and expense revenue and the general decrease in . . . .1 . b J h D | S t
cate cries of near] 360 US and Ca- expenses permitted the avera e total all entering employees 1nSimi ario s, o n e an o
g y . . . g then you may require one of the dis- Ashland Dally Independent
nadian news a rs. The final re rt gross profittomcreasefrom14 percent , . - - -
p pe p0 abled a licant However those ex- Assocrates Diwsron
for 1991 breaks the results into aver- to 15.5 percent. ams mfg: be .01; related and consis- Brad Hughes
agesbycirculationand revenue groups The Inland/INFE study is now in t t ith oul business needs Kentucky Cabinet for Human Resources
of 12 participating newspapers each. its 77th year. It is completely confi- en w y ‘ _ Advertising Division
Compared to 1990 averages, the dential with closely guarded key Cheryl Wilcher
20,000 CirCUIation daily saw page numbers issued to partiCipating ‘-'t'-‘-‘-I-‘I‘i4-3-2-2-2~I-Z-I-I'1"-2~2'3-1'1'1-2-2-2-2-3-2-I'5'Z'I4-2-2'Zi-Z-I{rt-I-Z-I-i'Iitbitl‘i'2-1-1'1-2‘2‘2‘31522122:22:21I::52:;Z:3::::::::: central K-entUCky .N?Ws‘journa,
count, advertising and circulation ab- newspapers to protect the identity of 1. gewsiaEdmllrial DIV'Sion
sorb marginal decreases- All told, to— participants Newspapers with less ’1 Aiiiniiaii ind... 9mm
egory slipped from an average of byI-line comparisons With other par- Sept 11_, it :P A fall meeting, David Dick, University of Kentucky
$5,892,000 to $5,790,300. ' tic1pants in their circulation and rev- Owensboro Executive Inn
Retail advertising revenues were enue group. Newspapers with more Sept. 1748 _ KP A Ad Division Fall KPA/KPS Central Office .
down slightly while space sold in— than 80,000 circulation receive indi- Seminar, Louisville Radisson andemmgoapsgpéEggtaggogecéggy
creased, suggesting more ”deals” for vidualized reports comparing their Oct. 2 _ Judging New England JohnsonI Bookkeeping Assistganl' Sue
advertising and 10wer average rates. averages to the group averages and Press Association contest, Lexington Cammack, Secretary. Advertising: Gloria
National advertising dropped more industry norms, to further guarantee Harley Hotel Davis, Director; Reba Lewis, Administrative
than 20 percent compared to 1990_ confidentiality. Oct. 22—KPA Postal Advisory . Assistant. News Bureau/T he Kentucky
Classified revenues also dropped Additional copies of the report Commutegoumvgll; USdPSfofflce :Irgafzgiefgégfiglrfiégg/ggoziétg
mar inall while amount of classified are available from Inland, which also Oct. 29 ‘— . oar 0 Kim Cox Linda Slem I '
g y Directors meeting, Frankfort . 9- Mall/News Release
space sold increased, again yielding Sponsors a Profit and Loss Manage— Jan 21-23 _ 1993 KP A Winter 3:le ancngsigton M lhl
_ . . - , e ress 0230324 bl'
lower averageIIraItes and suggesting ment IClimchased on the study, Sept. Convention, Louisville Executive “15°00"di postage paidemi‘ofliIiiiefiuckymfimYI
the practice of discounting.” 15—16 in Chicago. For more informa— 1m, fiaddiionalmfiilmmmsnscmlonpncesuperyear.
._ _ ~ I - - tmaslenSe c geotaddre iTheK muck P ,
The 20,000 daily 5 expenses all non, contact Inland at 708/ 696-1140. . 101mmumeILmIFmonIKymI(sogmgwgss
. I ‘_____#,_

 i ‘ September1992, TheKentuckyPress, Page.3 V
’ Press has paralleled state's wildness and whimsey
By Pam Shingler Association, which brought together toward mergers and buyouts by i ’
Press Edltor From the time the state’s diverse editors and newspaper groups, both large fl 7 i
(This article was prepared for a Cabinet publishers. In 1869, in an effort to national or international companies ' ‘ I
for Economic Development publication ' John Bradford heal some of the wounds created by and smaller, regional chains. '; -
spotlighting some of Kentucky’s oldest portaged and paddled the CiVil War, the group met for the But newspapers remain a strong, i '
industries.) - - tht time in Frankfort. ‘ vital part of Kentucky’ 5 present. All i a I,
When Charles Wickliffe de. a Prlhtlhg Press from Over the years, KPA has become but one of the 120 counties have at I
manded to know the author of a Philadelphia to a multi-faceted trade association that least one local weekly newspaper, 3
disagreeable article in the Kentucke Lexington provides training opportunities, and all are covered by regional , ' ,1
Gazette in 1829, editor Thomas F. ’ contests, advertising sales, lobbying dailies. Through subscriptions alone, I, ,
Benning refused, and Wickliffe newspapers have and other services to its 119 weekly Kentucky newspapers reach more I ' ’
killed Benning in a duel. A few recorded and shaped members, 24 dailies and more than than 1.3 million citizens. _, ~ '1
months later new editor Geor e ‘ . 75 Associate members. Members ' ,
James Trotter vindicated his piede- Kentucky hlStOI'y. ' elected their first woman president, ,. . ~41 i i I
cessor by killing Wickliffe. Betty Berryman of the Winchester - . " :' 5
Then there’s the tale of an early _ Sun, in 1986. . . L J " ,1, ' i
. editor. of the Woodford Sun in hi? dates to 1807 or (81, making it the The newspaper industry in , ‘2' in , ll . {
Versailles who. was killed acc1den— Oh iilcmhtmumg me him west 0f Kentucky has witnessed changes _ .,. ‘ W - , _‘ , ' :.
tally when a friend’s 8““ fell out Of t e eg eny mountains. similar to other industries in its 205 dildo, X, , , L. ~ 1
hls pocket and discharged While the The oldest daily newspaper in yearS. Once a labor intensive busi- fl._§f“‘i} ‘ 285* ~ I
two were eating watermelon 0“ the the state (and probably the most ness relying on massive machines, a figs‘Kyk . I .» .Zr f l
courthouse steps. . illustrious) is the Courier-Joumal, typical modern newspaper is an 3*?“ , p ' ’gfl‘a’éfi , 1
Of such 13 the colorful history of which emerged from several papers, electronic shop, with art, photogra- t. . ' y/ 8... I. , ,‘
Kentucky newspapers, which have including The Louisville Journal phy and stories processed by J . ; . ~ j :9; ,1 ; ,
wheeted the people and movement begun in 1830- The Courier-Journal computers and telephones. Whereas ' ' , . ,_~. ; 5 ,
Of this sometimes fierce, always became nationally recognized in the newspapers existed without compe- 7 \- 7 , ' l .
fascmating and fiesty common- latter part of the 19th century when fifion from other media for more 7,, 5 .
wealth Since before it attained editor Henry Watterson’s pen shot a than 100 years, they have had to p ’ (3%“ u; /
statehood. , steady stream 0f acerbic editorials learn to carve an audience niche is}: -; , Zia/14;: ‘3‘, . 1
From the time John Bradford on political and social issues. alongside radio, television and other 5 w ' . i 4'
A, w , , portaged and paddled a printing George Prentice, the first editor print media. While Kentucky J ’ -, I " ‘ J:
mv~ "T ' ‘ press from Philadelphia to Lexing— of the Louisville Journal and later newspapers were traditionally :j ,
t0“, neWSPaPerS have recorded and the Courier-Journal, was also the family or individually owned, the c .. . D P .. l J,
shaped Kentucky history. Bradford’s first president of the Kentucky Press last 20 years have seen a trend ' E 5 ' "" °° l: '
M, j Kentucke Gazette, first appearing on f ,
_; Aug. 11, 1787, pushed separation . { ,, . . . On the occasion of Kentucky’ 5 2 l
1 from Virginia and statehood for the KentuCk '5 01d eSt news a ers Stlll 11‘ “bllcahon Tricentennial, newspapers will have 2‘ 1
; rapidly developing territory. The 159% changed greatly. They’ll probably be j' l“
. Gazette brought international and Bourbon County Citizen Advertiser (Kentuckian Anderson News, Lawrenoeburg, 1877 delivered to readers’ homes Via - ' l 1
national news to the frontler and Citizen), Paris,1807 Critienden Press, Marion, 1878 telephone lines, With highly speaflc 1, ‘
provided a tool for new merchants The Courier-Joumal (Louisville Journal), 1830 Hart County News, Muniordville, 1878 ' indexes from which the reader will ;l
to hawk their wares. Sentinel-News (Shelbyville Sentinel), 1840 Henry County Local. New Castle, 1878 pick topics of interest. Already, } 1 }
It also gave readers a voice for Trimble Banner (Democrat), 1879 some newspapers offer a call in : 3 A.
their own personal concerns, such as M Bath County NewsOutlook, Owingsville. 1879 service where readers can get ; ’, '1
the man in 1788 who advertised that Hickrnan County Grazette, Clinton, 1852 Murray Ledger 8‘ limes, 1879 ' information ranging from weather to - -
he was no longer responsible for B°w""9 9’99" Daily News, 1854 Todd_County Standard, Elldon, 1880 horoscopes or can pass along news IQ
debts incurred by his wife ”having Pam“ Sun (Democrat), 1854 Flemingsburg Gazette. 1880 - . tips or place advertisements. 4‘"
” Franklin Favorite, 1357 Grayson County News-Gazette (Leltchileld g, 4’
proved false to my bed. Or the chap Hickman Courier, 1859 Gazette), 1381 Though guns are generally not 15 '1
, who placed the notice that he would Interior Journal, Staniord, 1860 Cadiz Record, 1332 tote d anymore b news a men i .,
not pay a note “given to William Glasgow Daily Times, 1865 Morehead (Rowan County) News, 1882 and women thei’iews p pe’
. . . . , paper industry 2
Turner for three second-rate cows The Advocate-Messenger, Danvrlle. 1355 Pioneer News, Shepherdsvrlle in Kentuck remains a force t be -
till he returns a rifle,blanket, and News-Democrat, Carroliton, 1866 Beanyville Enterprise, 1533 y 0 ,
tomahawk I loaned him." Carlisle Mercury. 1867 Greenup News, 1885 (rsefkongd Wit: d . ..
Newspapers in Kentucky’ 5 Georgetown News 3! Times (Times). 1857 $3 Sandy Nerf (Secorde1r)8,;.50uisa. 1885 neg: szifickyflgémgigedfixiy ‘- V
youth cropped up any time a citizen 1 Stillgiserjglvrs 122:5” Press of Kentucky, 1976.) ga
had an axe to grind or a P9158“? Cynthiana 013me Hwodsburg l-lerald, 1886 Discover New Worlds in 1;." ;
banner to wave. Communities Wlth News-Herald,0wen1hn, 1868 LaFlue County (Hodgenviile) Herald-News, 1886 011R NEWSPAPER é f
a hundred or so reSidents had a local Woo dior d Sun Versailles 1869 Lebanon Enterprise, 1886 m =3».
. . v . . w M w M AM M I: ‘
newspaper. Witness the long News-Enterprise (Elizabethtown News), 1869 U"'°” County Advocate, Morganileld, 1855 % w % fl % % . ii "
forgotten Wild H08 Valley Gazette ' Kentucky New Era, Hopkinsville, 1869 Ml- Vernon Signal, 1887 ' g % % % fl % és'l
or the SliCk K1101) Scrutinizer. Lexington Herald-Leader (Lexington Press), Tribune-(Democra1)Couner, Benton. 1838 % % % fi Q % ’;
As with other businesses, many 1870 Ml' Sterllng Advocate, 1889 % w M % fl % "Z ‘
. did not last after the founder died or Caldwell County Times-Leader (Leader), 1871 Central Record (Lancaster), 1890 g ' ’ fi :2; g ‘,
Iostintereswr .h....1...d took . - 13::::;7:,J;:;":g):“Wis1872 8litgitfjliflfilf’slfiii...“my % —, gag. ,
another route or a stronger competi- Sentinel-Echo Lon don 1873 1890 "F ~>~ % % Ii
. tor captured the readers’ attention. Messenger-Inguirer, Clvensboro 1874 Advance (Ballard) Yeoman, Wrcklitie, 1891 . A“, 925‘ ~.v.~ M»
Though the Kentucke Gazette Boone County (Burlington) Recolder 1875 Richmond Register, 1891 v r \ V NGlthGl iii}
disappeared in the mid—18005, one Ohio County News, Hartford, 1875 ' Meade County Messenger, Brandenburg, 1892 I , , ) . 3
Kentucky weekly can trace its roots Breckinridge Herald-News (News), Hardinsburg McLean County News, Calhoun, 1892 ,1 p ‘ Newsrbaper 2."
to the state’s early days. Evolving (Cloverporl), 1876 Glasgow Republican, 1892 +3111). --1 4.4- Week I '
from the Western Citizen in Paris, Oldham Era, LaGrange, 1876 Sebree Banner, 1892 (L'fl: \.- Oct. 4111 _ mm =
the Bourbon County Citizen Adver— " '3‘?T-‘ - 'jP;
, Q , ’ i?
. fiW'i’ _______,-z- - - ~————_—~—~-—6 —"—#———‘—"‘—“‘,—Tf‘__.4l

 _ ' ' 'I‘ “Page 4, The Kentucky Press, September 1992 - l1
1 ED RINEY has been named BECKY WALKER has resigned - CATHY MELTON, director of At The Preston Group, another 3
general manager of Owensboro as managing editor of The Olive Hill classified advertising at The Courier— KP A Associate in Lexington, PHILIP 1
. 1 Publishing Co., which publishes The Times, Grayson journal-Enquirer and Journal, has been appointed chair- OSBORNE has been promoted to 1
1 Messenger—Inquirer. In the new Greenup County News to become person of the Classified Council of senior vice president, NANCY M. 3
position, he is responsible for coordinator of the Carter Youth Newspaper Association of America. WISER has been named senior 1
‘ } advertising, marketing, production, Services Center in Grayson. The She is pictured in an article on the account manager and JOHN D.
circulation, finance and human Berea College graduate began her final meeting 0f the merged Associa- GIBBS is the new director of re- 9
: resources. The Brescia College career as a reporter for the Greenup tion of Newspaper ClaSSified search. '
' ,_ graduate has served the company as paper in 1979. Advertising Managers in the August DON MILLS, who was editor of ' hi
vice president of administration and edition of messim—e The Lexington Herald and the
finance since 1987. TED IURNEY and JONATHAN Sunday Herald-Leader from 1968 to ‘
CHARLES ”FRED” HULL . ROBERTS of The News-Enterprise in 1979, was appointed executive
1 resigned Aug. 4 as advertising Elizabethtown won first and second director of the state Public Service
- director at The Lexington Herald- i place, respectively, in the November Commission last month. The Clinton :1
‘_ 1 Leader ”to do something different _ _ features contest of the National Press native also previously worked for “j
and something more personally i. . ' .. . Photographers Association Region 4 The Paducah Sun-Democrat and on I
rewarding.” He had been With the . ,1 . . " .- publication, 4 SIGHT- the staffs of former Govs. Edward ‘,
, Knight-Ridder Company for 20 f KIT MILLAY’ Editor of The Breathitt and John Y. Brown In
g years and with the Lexington paper ” , j ; Oldham Era in LaGrange, has been ‘
~ since 1979. In the resignation an- g; 1 elected president of the Louisville .
3 nouncement, Hull’s plans were not 22W} chapter of the Society of Professional ICkus
specified. " W“ '““ ' 7 Journalists She has been a member i
i WALT DEAR, owner and - _ 1%,. M 'ii'j ' of the organization’s board of
‘ president of The Gleaner in 'W directors since 1988. The Appalachian News-Express in f
i Henderson and its parent Dear 5: . . , J. BARTON MEYER is the new Pikeville has opened a branch office ;
» Publishing, is one of three journalists «MM! “ vice president for development at in eastern Pike County near the West }
i: appointed to the state’s new five- KPA Associate, Transylvania Virginia border. Former staff writer 1 ‘
{.7 member Executive Branch Ethics University in Lexington. . Terry L. May will man the office, . j
Commission. Also named by Gov. ‘ Several Kentucky newspaper doubling as reporter and advertising ,._)‘,»;dw
.. 3 Br ereton Jones were LIVINGSTON B k t h l executives presented speeches at the sales representative. The area i
. , ' . ' TAYLOR, retired reporter for The a? 0 .SC 00 _ International Circulation Managers covered by the office includes i
Q I ' _, h E Courier-Journal at Its Frankfort KPA. immediate past pre51- Association annual conference, June Williamson, W.Va., and such .5
‘1: . bureau, and LYNDA THOMAS, dent Celia.Creal McDonald has 28-July 1 in Louisville. MICHAEL Kentucky communities as Belfry, ' -. '1 .
l . journalism teacher: and doctoral been appomted director 0f com- D. KUJAWA director of circulation South Williamson and GOOdY- i
. - 1‘ ' candidate at the University Of munications f 0,1- St,‘ Catherine for the Lexington Herald-Leader, The N ews-Enter prise in Elizak i .7
. Kentucky. The commission’s Charge College 1“ Springfield. She 15 spoke on .. A vibrant product bethtown is the fastest growing 1
is to enforce and oversee the execu- former editor and publisher 0f effective promotion and superior Sunday paper in the state, according .
tive branch ethics code passed last The Harlan D1111]! Enterprise and service equal success." He was to a report compiled by Audit .4"
spring by the state legislature. co-publisher/ owner Of The LaRae joined by Herald-Leader metro Bureau of Circulation. From March
3 The former Lifestyles section Hzgnihvillifsalijchyigvthe Kai: circulation manager GREGG 1991 through March 1992:7713 News- a
editor at The Richmond Register is the kg al F d . f GREER in a presentation on the Enterprise grew 3.2 percent on Sun— 1
3 new editor at The News Herald in tuc yjourn 15m oun ation or benefits of satellite or regional day to beat PM “5 C1059“ competi— :
Owenton. LARISA BOGARDUS, a KPA . and was named the distribution centers. R. KEITH tor, the Lexzngton Herald—Leader, ' 3
' 1991 graduate of Eastern Kentucky organization 5 Most. Valuable HIGDON, circulation sales trainer Wthh 1’05th -5 percent growth. The i
University, was hired in late July. Member m 1984' She 15 a so past and telemarketing supervisor at The Lexmgton P‘j‘Perr however, was the j
She had been with the Richmond pre51dent 0f the Rentucky chap- CourierJournal, offered a workshop fastest growmg mormng paper,
51 daily for two years. ters Of Women in Commumca- on effective use of computers in followed by The Gleaner 1“ _ j
5 Two promotions and an addi— tions and the Intern ational A? telemarketing. Participating on a Henderson and The N ews-Enter P711“. :
S tion were announced Aug. 1 at The soc1ation 0f Busmess Communi- panel on "Sexual harassment: intent on Aug. 1, the single COPY price ‘
Harlan Daily Enterprise. LESLIE cators. She was a Gannett “1.10:" vs impact" was LARRY Of The Richmond R3813?” rose from
- SIMMS, who has worked in compo- at Colorado Sta.“ Univer51ty s VONDERHAAR, vice president for 35 cents to 50 cents. Home delivery 5
h sition and camera room since 1978, .SChOOI 0f Technical Journalism human resources at the Louisville prices remain thesame. Improve- I
, , is now manager of the composition m 1989' paper. MAX HEATH, vice presi- ments 11‘ the quality 0f the product, 1
department. Promoted to special ’ dent/ executive editor for Landmark espec1ally 1“ local news coverage, '
promotions director was WYLENE A recent graduate of Washing- Community Newspapers Inc. in W19“? Clted by PUthher Wllham lv E
1 MINIARD, who joined the newspa— ton and Lee University in LeXingtoni Shelbyville, gave a workshop on Riley as the impetus for the change.
- 'per staff as a receptionist in 1976 and Va., is a new general assignment postal savings. After only five issues, the Lex- '
has served for the past eight years as reporter at The WinChester Sun- ‘ ington Weekly is no more. Publisher
’ » retail advertising sales representa- 2:513:13“ L- FUGIEE a naaftfive 0f Jerry Kuykendall attributed the g
" . , 3 tive. Added to the staff as ad sales iza t town, W“ t e 5‘ in I I a 1’3 demise to ”on oin eco- A
' ' representative was LAVONDIA luly- ' j-[ear ye. Hear ye. horrific pressures.” 'I'hegfreegweekly, \
BROWNING, who held a similar Former intern TERRY Judges are needed which had joined KPA as an AssOCi- i
. g _, post at The Tri—City News in ‘ SEBASTIAN has joined the news for the New England ate, had been intended to fill a ”need i
1 ' Cumberland for the past three years. Staff Of The Sen tinel—News in Press Association contest, for a local community paper just for 5
f , SANDY HOD GES 0f Shelbyville. A“ Eastern Kentucky October 2 at the Harley Fayette County,” the publisher is 4
5;: 1.1;" Cumberland has been employed by Universnygraduatei he has interned Hotel in Lexington. quoted as saying. He also reportedly 1
.,. ir her hometown newspaper, The Tn- not only Wlth Landmark Papers, but said he was lookin at brin 'n the 1
. , _ . . .. Call Sue Cammack, 800