xt7fqz22fq7t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fqz22fq7t/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 199909 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, September 1999 text GLSO News, September 1999 1999 2019 true xt7fqz22fq7t section xt7fqz22fq7t i l w” rri €30 W S j ' 533W? ”fi '8 t . 01:46”) .._::i.;;::..';:2!i!!-_-§gz' q l/W yet, ie "$1711. 1999 No. to A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization flow; 23am” SISTERSOUND oeto LESBIAN FEST , The Ohio Lesbian Festival is ' “The Julie Vaughn Memorial SisterSound is beginning her firm celebrating its 11th year Saturday, CiOSGt Ball ‘99 Wlll erupt on ThlUS-. concert season this fall. Rehearsals Sept. 11. ” YOU have never been to Sept. 16 at Club 141, 141 E. Vine St. begin Sunday, Sept. 12 at 6pm at a women‘s music festival, this is a Doors open at 8:30, with the show Park Methodist Church on the corner green one l0 aliend- ll lasts only one starting promptly at 9 pm! A donation of High Streetand Clay Avenue. New (3an "0m “AM ‘0 “PM: and ll l5 3 of no less than $4 to court sponsored members are welcome to join us. relatively short drive to Columbus, charities will be required for entry. We areadiverse women's com- Ohio. There will be over 50 mer- Sponsored charities of Reign 18 munity chorus open to ALL women. chants, workshops. food sales, include Movable Feast, The AIDS No audition or musical experience is comediennes and 900d music. Medication Fund, and the Rape required to join- just a commitment to Performers this year include Crisis Center. Please donate as much learning the music, and a desire to Kate Clinton, Melanie DeMore, Alix as YOU can 10 ”1659 “’0th causes! join with other women in creating har- Dobkin. The Butchies and Voices 0' Among the artists featured at mony through music. If you don‘t feel Africa. Tickets are available locally this year‘s event: the lovely Erica you can sing, but would like to be a at Alfalfa restaurant for $24, or you Vaughn returns to the stage after a part of the magic, the SisterSound can purchase lleelS at the gate for ten year absence and the delightfully Auxiliary has a place for you. $30. You don't have to spend more exuberant Junette Ciabourin will This season win 599 many money than that if you carry in your whoa the ClOWdl Emcees for the changes within SisterSound. We are own food and drink. evening are the notoriously naughty currently searching for a new direc- Mosl people from ””8 area find Natalie Gay and the master of may tor, while under the direction of an a molel l0 stay overnlgnl and drive hem Marlon Austin! RlOl DOllCG Will interim musical director. This change home Sunday. ' recommend Motel 5 be alerted in advance. in musical directors will promote as the most inexpensive alternative. Contestants vying for the title change within the performances and For more information about the festi— “Miss Closet Ball ‘99" must never rehearsals. val call The Lesbian Business have performed on Stage m. (“.39- SisterSound’s first performance Association at 514‘267'3953- They W!“ be presented m the" b'm‘ will be on December 18 with Wishing ' 7 S ' . ' ' gender, then given exactly one hour Ct . Th’ h l' ' _ .nSanSOI" Of the Month to transform themselves into their ‘3" as 0"” guest. {5 ' O'day con ‘ » drag fantasy persona! Men,vwomen. cert Will bring you festive mUSIC and .3: ,7 ~ , ._ . .A 7 everyone is encouraged to partici- 900d cheer. - " 7 pate in the most anticipated evening Please contact Patti at 24343243 . ' ' in the yearly Court charity calendar. or at oaowens@excite.com if you Turner; Contact Emperor 18, Kevin would like more information about .24 .3 . ‘ : Fillips at (606) 252-3014 for contest becoming a singing member. an aUX- 1:5 ' c" . . . rules and entry forms or email blue- iliary member, 0’ being added to the scunse'l "g j" grassempire@hotmail.coml mailing "3L - 1:33" . ’ ~ " I I, H . . 4 V V Ly'lor and a rural Kentucky x’tzrxé R C l k A ‘ l, C'aSS and CO ) . "h ape “q” ( Ln er family's love for their mother. Both 7. ehzttlfifl Need S VOW" we” ' ' humorous and poignant, this play cel- : 7 “LESBS The Bluegrass Rape bhs's ebrates the magnitude of ordinary itv‘CE Center need volunteers to answer the women and the power of living and SE6 / 24-hr. criSis line, to provrde support talking about their daily lives. Tender n 03;;ch and information to victims and their is being performed at the Henderson 5 /// , Vgtoh’ K5 loved ones, to meet Victims at local Fine Aits Center on October 14 and 0 " L670“ emergency rooms and police stations. Oct. 15 in conjunction with PWJW '99, k The 1999 Fall Training for volun- Registration is affordable, costing v teer M" be held: Friday, 001- 1’ from only $40 for the entire four—day event. Vi 5:30 to 8:30 pm, and three consecu- PWJW includes owerful ke note it Ih L News . p y 210?] 4 Slgue 8 live saturdays, OCt- 21 91 and 16 from addresses, workshops, storytelling, Vi . 8330 am to 4330 pm. There '3 no fee. concerts, exhibits, community meals, 1 Published Monthly by Upon successful completion of all worship, and more. For registration h training sessions, volunteers answer brochures, call the pah Haus peace . the crisis line in their own homes via and Justice Center in Henderson at A The Lexington Gay call forwarding. Shift choice is flexi- (270) 82643281 or email l, Lesbian Service ble. .A srx month commitment is paffhaus@paffhaus.org A . _ requrred and applicants must be at h Organzzatzon least 21. To apply for training, call Take Back The M9.“ F 321 S d S Stephanie at 253-2615 by Sept. 17th. The Tenth Annual Take Back the fl econ L This is an excellent opportunity to Night Rally will held on Sunday, t( get training in the areas of sexual vio— October 10 at Triangle park in e lence and crisis intervention. If you Downtown Lexington. The YWCA a Editors: are a social worker, therapist, or are in Spouse Abuse Center and several tl Mary Crone e related he'd) "“5 ha'h‘hg can be other agencies will be introducing The ir invaluable to you as well as a serVIce Empowerment Expo, an expansron of c Peter Taylor to the community. previous rallys. a Davina Warner , , Activities will begin at 4 pm with Peace W‘lh Jusuee Week music from Delicious Trip Attendance The 8th Annual National and Mother Jane. Various vendors GLSO Annual Dues Gathering ,Of Peace. and Justice and local agencies will set up booths h and Newsletter: $15 AChV'StS w'” be held 'h Henderson, in Triangle Park; t-shiits, posters, and a Dues and Newsletter for Kentuckynon Qctober 7417‘ The'1999 food will also be available. N Couples: $20 theme '5 Daring to Differ. Meehmgfm The rally will begin at 6 pm. The Work, Alternative Wisdom, lncluswe keynote speaker will be Barbara Love." The 1999 presenters include Smith, an author and activist for Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are Deidre McCalla, lesbian song writer human justice from Albany New York. those of the authors and don’t necessarily and singer, Carla Wallace, activist, Ms. Smith an African American femi- repreéent those 0f the GLSO Board. Fairness Campaign, Louisville, and nist was one of the founders of Submissmns are welcome and become the Rev. Jimmy Creech, of North Carolina Kitchen Table Press. Local communi- pmpe'h’ 0f the ewe The Shh reserves Re istration includes a ticket for - . - - . ' , _ g ty leaders Will also speak. The annual the right to edit submissmns and advertise the theatrical production of Tender a . . . ments as well as the right to reject any sub— rf I d h' h l k ’b march, candlelight V'Q” and speak OUt l missions or advertisements powa U an '9 w persona wor y will follow. For more information con- Pam McMichael about life and death, tact LeTonia Jones at 233992] Ti ____________.._____.._._——————- GLSO Page 2 ; it M E N , s C H O R U s that will'knock your socks off! This'is and Lesbian Service Organiiation. The Lexington M en' 3 Chorus will a Court sponsored fund raiser so you We encourage all of you to subscribe resume rehearsals on Thursday know the money is going to fulfill to the GLSO News where our events September 9th at the Pride Center some basic needs in our community. will be listed. They are in great need on Waller Avenue. LMC is always Join us for a great time. of sugscribgrs at ttéis time. . . . ur ept. chedule: Every {22:22 Igéicgfiafiggggnrgfafigfi DISCUSSION GROUP Tues. and Thurs. dine out at Cosmos who want to help with the Auxiliary. The GLSO Discussion Group (or wherever you decide) with Deb, N o audition is required. Registration meets in the Pride Center (387 6:45 PM. Saturday Sept. 11 several will begin at 6:30 on Sept 91h and Waller Avenue) every Wednesday at of us are going to the Ohio Lesbian 16th with regular rehearsals running 7:30 PM.‘ LBGT people share their Music Festival, east of Columbus. from 19:15 each Thursday. concerns in a supportive and helpful See page 1 for particulars. This is 19992000 marks the 10th environment. This is not therapy, but one just for women. It you want to Anniversary Season for LMC. genuine support. caravan, meet at Walmart in Highlights include the !Oth We generally meet upstairs but Georgetown at 10AM. Anniversary Gala Concerts in April as on the third Wed, of each month, we Saturday, Sept. 18, we will try well as the traditional Holiday and are downstairs in the MCC space. Comedy Off Broadway, Lexington Pride concerts. ln July 2000 the cho- For more information, contact Green (admission $8). Meet at Ruby rus will travel to San Jose California Jeremy at 269-6658. Tuesdays at 7PM for dinner (entrees . . . . . _ $6-$14.) Becky Petigo will headline. .0 momma be and Lesbian choruses from around Socral Concepts offersa sup- at the Campbell House, tee time i the world. If you would like more portive atmosphere for Lesbian and 2PM" Soft spikes required. Dinner at : information about joining the chorus Bl women to socralize. We plan sev- the Clubhouse afterwards, or on the i contact David at 231-0090 or Wayne feral events 93°“ month sum as d'"' "lmh' Gomng $8 per person we at 887-1325 mg OUt. movres, theater. concerts, have reservations for four now, If you I and picnics. We encourage attend- are interested we will have to make , Bid/May 361% mg community activities, and we additional reservations, let me know. ; Niagara Falls invites the world to include some events H? thh you Dinner at clubhouse runs $6'8’ ; her Birthday Bash on Wed. Sept 29 can bring family and friends. (yes, Also that weekend, Sept. 25-26, I at Club 141. A great entertainer, even men ) we plan to camp out at Kentucky Niagara promises to put on a show | am pleased to announce that Horse Park. Bring your own camping 2 . we are now an inte- gear and food. Members only. Are 1 L 1 1: EPRIN TS gral part Of the Gay Community news continued page 4 r PHOTOGRAPHY Regular Events - . * HAWOLORING GLSO Discussion Group........Wed. 7:30, Pride Center ' _ CUUPS (Pagens)........12:15 Sundays, UU Church r a on site photography _ court Cafe at Regina's...........First Sunday, N. Upper i mm...» 1' unique creative Portraiture P-FLAG........7:30 2nd Tues. Chapel Hill Pres. Church it Cheryl A. Clark Tlna Orr ~————~——————- p _ Photographic Artist Bus. Representative IYG LESBIGAY YOUTH HOTLlNE' Twenty years experience Lex Phone 263-7343 4 800.347-TEEN 7pm-12pm Thurs. &'Ffl. GLSO PAGE 3 ' Q- C :51 T 5157" - .- 7 « -i “3 . . ' < i * . in its way around the Net says that 3 CommumineWsConhhued .‘ - thg shooter-scoutmaster then said. you upvto sleeping outside? (As if we position would be from three to "'We know how to handle gays.’ were going to sleep!) Bring any play twelve months depending on the The August 18 San Francisco equipment you would like such as results of a nationwide search to find Chronicle reports that Camp officials balls, squirt guns, cards, etc. an ordained MCC Pastor. removed the scoutmaster from Charcoal and lighter fluid provided. We are most interested in some- camp, saying that they follow strict . We are developing a training one who has had experience working National Rifle Association guidelines workshop for those of us interested as a pastoral leader in a Christian not to use the image of a person as in becoming mentors for newly com~ Church. The individual must be target practice. The paper also says ing out persons. I need to know if you aware of the focus of LMCC and its that "his future in scouting is to be are willing to give your time and mission in the community. To learn determined." energy to this important role. We will more about the MCC please see Excuse me? A scoutmaster be trained on what to say and not UFMCC web site: www.webring.org/ teaches our kids that using a gun to say, provided with referral numbers, cgi-bin/webring?ring=ufmcc. You can blow up a fag is ok. This takes place crisis intervention strategies. We will contact Tomas (226-0978) or Terry at the same time that Jewish children meet periodically to improve our ser— (255-5469) for more information. are being shot at by a hate-filled vices. For more information contact madman in Los Angeles. And the Ginger at 6063897698 or email Scouts need time to determine this her: gg40504@hotmail.com Scout Leader Uses Gay guy‘s future in scouting? Photo For Target Practice If the shooter were gay, we‘d Euchre Anyone? This is edited material taken know his future in scouting. He'd be We are looking for a couple of from news articles on the internet toast, because the Scouts feel being people that enjoy playing euchre (for The Boy Scouts of America's gay isn‘t ”morally straight." the uninformed, euchre is a card ban on homosexuals was ruled ille— In fact, on August 12, right after game, for four people) If you would gal under New Jersey's anti-discrimi- the shooting incident, the New York like to play, call Sharon at 245—9098. nation law, by the state Supreme Times reported that the Rhode island Court on August 4th. The court said Scouts reiterated their anti-gay poli- MOONSHlNE EEAPS the Boy Scouts organization constl— cles: "the [Rhode Island Boy Scout] Mark your calendars now for our tutes a “place of public accommoda- council said it saw homosexuality as first annual Mr. Kentucky Bear tion" because it has a broad-based inconsistent with the Scout oath to Contest on Saturday, Sept. 11 at membership and forms partnerships be morally straight”. Crossings. We will have some spe- with public entities and public service Apparently, the only problem cial guests along with lots of fun and organizations. James Dale, 8 gay with using gays for target practice is surprises. The contest will begin at eagle scout, had challenged the BSA that the shooter violated an NRA 10:00 pm. If you would like a con- after being kicked out in 1990. guideline. Teaching our children to testant application or more informa- According to the Aug. 11 use guns to express their distaste for tion, please e-mail us at Providence Journal (Rhode Island): other Americans is not even recog— Mnshinebrs@aol.com. Thanks for "On the day after the New Jersey rul- nized as an issue all of your help and support! ing, a scoutmaster showed his dis— To protest, send letters to the dain for James Dale and the national headquarters of the Boy Pastoral Search Supreme Court decision by pinning Scouts of America. They're at 1325 Lexington Metropolitan Community up a photograph of Dale's face at the Walnut Hill Lane, Irving, TX 75015 1 Church (LMCC) is presently search- camp’s rifle range." According to two 5 ing for an interim pastor to handle high—ranking staff members at the Watch f01‘ Trick, 8 gay Sunday worships and pastoral care camp, the scoutmaster then took aim themed movie coming to = matters during the search for a per— and fired, destroying the newsphoto ‘ manent church pastor. This paid» of Dale. An unconfirmed report mak- he Wrnwnmw--.“ l GLSO Page 4 t Mam’, Sir, down. The man looked at me, then mouths. I shut the door. Suddenly . to Kat, then back to me. In a slow they were knocking on the screen 01‘ Whatever You Are easy drawl he asked, “Who you look- door and yelling. "Sir, Sir, Sirl May ) By Reinette F Jones ing for Mam‘.....Sir.....or Whatever we please talk to you? We can help. 5 _ you are? You seem to be lost." Sir, Sir!" 1 Before I 0}" my hair, ' was He said it so sincerely that it My last nerve detonated, and l l always recognized as a woman. sounded like a greeting. There is yelled through the window for both of ; After ' cut my hair, strangers have nothing like honest down home peo— them to get off the #@$" porch or t 3 often assumed that I am-a. buyer a pie, Well, we got directions to a tiny was taking off the robe and coming 5 man. . Sommes the mi5identilica- house that set up on a hill in some- out the door. I turned the doorknob 3 tion 9m?” '5 "0t “'0th the effort 0‘ body's backyard. There was a street and one of the men backed up to the 9'3”“03‘“? At other times‘the ensu- light in the corner of the yard and the edge of the porch and fell out into the r ing correction has resulted m a range one door to the house was unlocked, yard. The other man fidgeted with 3 9f reactions, from Sincere appreCIa- just like the owner had promised. I his hands in his pockets for a few 3 tion to. one instance 0‘ a u-gly con- went inside to look around while Kat seconds. It seemed he was just as i versation (an “9W exchange Of managed to open all four screenless serious about what was under the 1 words). in Sthe 0‘ all that, i 3“" have windows from the outside. She dis- robe, as he was about his mission. 3 a “8 mCh haircut, and I have devel- covered that the windows were But realizing that his mate was quick- 3 0999' a 5?“? Of humor about four slightly open because they would not ly peddling his way out of the neigh— particularinCidents. shut or lock. The house would not borhood, the second man joined in j The ”St occurred four Wars ago become our dream, but the stranger’s the race. l have not seen either of 3 When Kat and I We {00mg for 3 words had given us enough to laugh them since that morning. 3 house to rent. We inqmred about an about to keep the journey from And I wish that I could say the 343”" the owner told us the newly becoming a total nightmare. same about the next incident. l was er bmlt “9"“? was a couples dream. Our next stop was Lexington, visiting a certain state university k We believed her. 30' at 8:00 on a where we found a much larger home. library and needed directions to the d cold February "'ght' Kat and I drove It took us a few months to get settled. bathroom. l sought assistance at the i- mggegorfoK$ward beautiful North l even took a vacation day to test the circulation desk. The woman on duty t] , ’ ‘ , , , silence factor. lhad planned to sleep looked at my hair, stared at my 3 out 4V3: tlutvna:ndtrhgnlgrigtfiiggtlsrel‘: late and do as little as possible, but breast, glanced at my crouch, and 0 took another 10 miles to figure out somebody’s linger had gotten stuck asked, "You boy or girl?" ltold her it how to turn them 0“ With that done on the doorbell, and the trill was was Monday, ‘which would she pre- n we noticed a sign with the words ‘Mtl shredding my last nerve. I put on my fer. She pomted to her right and 5 Sterling’ Our destination was a few blue, high collar lace trimmed robe said, "That way!" I laughed as l A miles behind us we had driven and ran for the door. Somebody was walked toward the bathrooms. 0 through North Middletown at some gomg to get a piece of my mind! Several weeks latershe and l )r point between finding the bright lights i looked out the wrndow and were introduced ata librarians’ meet- )— and having no lights there were two men In black surts. ing. With much stuttering, the woman By the time we 9 ct to where we My instinct told me it was the law and apologized for her previous insult .e had intended to go the air was a lit- they were at the wrong house. But and told me that she realized I was a Iy tle tense inside the'car and all sense when I opened the door, in saw that girl. I laughed and told her that l was .5 of direction had become a power the men had backpacks, Bibles, and not a girl, lam a woman. She replied . struggle The consideration of ask- bicycle helmets. l kindly told them I by putting her hands over her heart _ f directions in a small town I t was not interested and don’t touch and saying in a sad hushed voice, "i y :antgniorht a d th f‘ ht flit/e the damn door bell again. They nod~ have a husband and three children." 0 d 9d C use a”: e: '9: he i ded their heads and moved their lips, Then she left the room. Idon‘t know fivcevgmgggei‘ofeyastefioswrigg;d:83 but no words came out of their if she was sad or mad or had a nutty condnuedonflrenextpage GLSO Page 5 Are you 0 T and PROUD? Contribute $3.00 ormore to GLSO's Queenie aThreo Dollar Bill Campaign, before Sept. 22, and we‘ll print your name in the October GLSO News as an Out and Proud member of our community. it you already contributed you may want to check with Mary (266-5904) to be sure your name is on the list. Thanks .....oontinuedfrompage5 birthday and we were allowed the necessary. The couple's teen chil— moment. All subsequent near meet- luxury. La-la land was in sight when dren and some of the spectators ings have sent her running in the suddenly a man ran into me and were doubled over silently laughing opposite direction. There is a jar of restored reality. at the parents’ blunders. I turned to colorful beads and a shiny truck (a Without looking back, the man Kat (as did the couple) and she was toy) for the person who can explain said, "l’m sorry Sir." And he and his trying to talk without laughing. lt what the heck happened. family continued to walk and gaze at wasn‘t working. The last incident of mistaken the signs. Without thinking, I yelled, The man moved toward Kat to identity occurred in Charlotte, NC, "SIR?!" The entire family turned assure her and others that the situa- last month during a WNBA game. around to comprehend how I had tion was an accident. About mid-step There was at least a killion lesbians been transformed into a female. The the couple realized that Kat and l in the coliseum. There were twice as man started to apologize and his wife were a lesbian couple. For the sec- many straight families with children, came toward me with a look of con- 0nd time, I came very close to receiv— all of whom seem to be screaming for cern and her arms wide-open. The ing a hug for a revelation. The cou— the same sugar—filled treats. Kat and situation had graded itself; because i ple started to talk at the same time, I behaved much better, we stood in was not a man, I had somehow trying to explain their sincere inten- the middle of the floor with our become vulnerable and itwas ok for tions. Their chatter made absolutely sweaty hands gripping wrinkled bills. the wife to act by giving me a hug. no sense and I started to laugh. We were staring at the signs trying to The crowded hallway was not They stopped talking and laughed decide which menu item had the the place for a lecture on sexism. l also. We left it at that and parted most calories. Sugar, salt, and or told the woman that I was not hurt company It was the beginning of a grease, we wanted it all; it was Kat’s and a (very inviting) hug was not great evening. Intercultural Lesbians! FT—"'"‘—__——TT‘W—_—————mm—W lF YOUP MALlNG LABEL is A STPANGE CCLOP. PLEASE PENEW...or, If you have never been 'a subscriber, think how nice it would be to receive your newsletter in your mail box at the first of every month. subscribing helps us a lot by insuring lower bulk mail rates We need 15 new subscribers in Lexington ‘ he be able to mail at the lowest rates. The newsletter comes in a non revealing envelope, with only a lbox number as a return address. so not even your mailman will know for sure! . actress WWW 1 ~ - ‘ - '5 , » , > ' ‘ - It, f $15 membe '. g1] (ship and newsletter , » W820couple membership and newsletter , , W‘Wfldukethenm 1 letter-at this .,',tedueed rate .............._.......' ' ‘ ; . ' Ml 41111de $3 or'mote,vpleaseadd toy/our molds) to the Out and, Proud Sponsorship pageyin'oc'tober. ,Mail to GLSO News, PO'Box 11471, Lem, Ky” 40575 GLSO Page 6 _ ' , .. ,, , ,,.. . ,wflzgww2 5 // y. 4 ,4/ 44/7/ , 72;2,4,,2.,.,.,....,,,1,22,, . £4,” , ., ”/4224 2,4I/ggtww2,2%fif 44%;; If? 2 57/ ’ : 22/ 2/932 4,2 /2 ,< 212' ’ 2- 555' 45515" ’2 2121:; .‘ i 53'; ’= (2)} 522:2 7444 55:35:23; .:1 :E:{.’=5// $3M? {‘- ”2'3 . ’ " 222 2/; 2/2 7 7% / ' ’22." 54522 : “2-2/7 =3 52:2 = 55-": 21E; 552. :55}, .1.;: 35:. -' 24;: , 22,5 ;;;;=;- 7,2, ((2.; ;. :44 ....4.,;«,;. :;..:2__, x4 92 2' 's:'2: ' . $2 v/‘: 35,"? 2:25;: ”2-": if. 4/? E f? 2:? I ’/ 29 £523- """ 25:22 5255;: -.2' . ”751-1 : 27:3 2 :22 52 21:25 'zs'z‘s“ = 2., 59%,,” .2 =2 22:; j 2 2,4: /, ’- 5,: 7,3 ; 4.; S 1..:. .2; 21:122.: ;2.:- ,., = «7 .._...,_..,,,,4...... . 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CALL 252-2867 (Z‘rroup (Pride Center) ‘ .. o/ I f ’44] 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian. AA , i .9” ,’ " ' ’ . C ~ . ' 5 SUNDAY 6 MONDAY 7‘ TUESDAY 8 9 1O 11 10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 1 1:00 am Social Concepts 6:30 pm Men‘s Chorus 6:30 pm Women’s 9:00 am Frontrunners 1 1:30 am LMCC (Lilth Fair) rehearsal (Pride Center) Spirituality Group (Arboretum) 12:30 am CUUPS 6:00 pm Frontrunners (UU Church) 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 6 S t aur ant (UU Church) (Woodland Park) 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 10:00 Mr: Kentucky Bear 6:00 pm Dignity 7:30 pm GLSO Discussion Contest (Crossings) 5 5 7 S L. Group (Pride Center) I 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian. AA . lmeStone I Lexmgton, Ky. 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 253-0014 10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm GLSO Board Mtg 6:00 pm Frontrurmers 6:30 pm Men‘s Chorus 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners l 1:30 am LMCC (Pride Center) (Woodland Park) rehearsal (Pride Center) (Arboretum) 12:30 am CUUPS 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:00 pm Fairness Steering, 9:00 pm Closet Ball 7:00 pm Social Concepts ' (UU Church) Committee (Pride Center) (Club 141) Comedy OffBroadway featurlng the famous 6:00 pm Sistersound 7:30 pm GLSO Discussion (see article) rehearsal (Park Group (Pride Center) 7:30 pm Gay/'Lesbian AA Alfalfa weekend Bflll’lCh Methodist Church) 8:00 pm Cray/Lesbian AA . bl b servmg ue erry ‘9 2° 21 22 23 24 25 buckwheat pancakes, 10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm Frontrunners 6:30 pm Men‘s Chorus 6:30 pm Women’s 9:00 am Frontrunners . 1 1:30 am LMCC (Woodland Park) rehearsal (Pride C enter) Spirituality Group (Arboretum) eggs benedlct arnold 12:30 am CUUPS , ‘ V 7:30 pm GLSO Discussion (UU Cluuch) 2:00 pm Social Concepts . , (UU Church) olso news DEADlJNh Group (Pride Center) 7:10 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Golf (Campbell House) spanlsh OII‘lClCttCS 6:00 pm Sistersound SUBM” ADDITIONS 8:00 pm Gay/LesbranAA 7:00 pm Social Concepts d rehearsal (Park AND/OR CORRECTIONS Camping (Kentucky ourmet esserts Methodist Church) FOR NEXT CALENDAR Horse Park) g ’ 2739649 I 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA and muCh more 26 2.7 28 29 30 10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm Frontrunners 6:30 pm Men‘s Chorus 11:30 am LMCC (Woodland Park) rehearsal (Pride Center) All Of our breads and 12:30 am CUUPS l 7230 pm GLSO Discussion ‘ mo Chm) 1 Group awesome desserts are baked daily 6:00 pm Sistersound 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ' ‘ rehearsal (Park TBA Birthday B