xt7fqz22fq8d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fqz22fq8d/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 199808 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 1998 text GLSO News, August 1998 1998 2019 true xt7fqz22fq8d section xt7fqz22fq8d Ohio Lesbian Festival Pink Pages Premere ”we’d“? “’39 Con‘es‘an‘s “""be
T “1 7A , asked to Introduce themselves and
en nmversar - -
X Celebrate the premiere of the Mime: be gflvetr; an mg” to dress
On Saturday, Sept. 12, a few 1998 edition of the Pink Pages a” ["3 elllptort .elrpe rilrmarrifces.
miles east of Columbus, Ohio, a won- Thursday, August 6 from 5 to 7 pm. ocaattanf er Zine: xi gerortm
derful one day music and comedy at the Pride Center. Stop by after :8 wfe Wth 0' I e 6 0° 8 S O
festival will be held. Comedians work for the gayest happy hour in rans 0"" emseves.
Marga Gomez and Katrina Curtiss Lexington.
will be joined by musicians Lucie Enjoy complimentary beer, wine, Ebony Male Pageant
Blue Tremb'ayl Chris Williamson and soft drinks and hors d'oeurves while .
Tret Fury, Adenkum Drummers, looking through your copy of the Pink Ebony ”3'9 w’” “‘3’“ "5 sewn“
Straight Ahead, and Slal’l‘ll‘l‘lll’lI Babes Pages_ We’” a|so be giving away a MISS Ebony Male Pageant on
(June and Jean Millington). There few door prizes. Thursday. AUG 20 at the Bar
Will also be 8 ShOW by H.l.S. Kings, The Pink Pages is a fund raiser Complex. Doors Open at 8 p-m- and
some lip synching, some dancing, for the Pride Center, Advertisers are With the show beginning at 9‘
some carryin’ on. businesses professionals and orga— Admission is $5with proceeds to ben-
There will be great shopping and nizations which welcome gay les- efit Movable Feast.
workshops during daylight hours, bian bisexual and transgendered The elegant Ftayna Starr, reign—
food sales up until 7:30 and child clientele The are often but not ing Miss Ebony Male, and the fabu—
care. The Best program will agalnbe I y ' lous Latoya Becall will perform.
. . . necessarily, gay-owned, operated, or . , _ .
Q'Vmg "6'9 mammograms if YOU qual- . . First place Winner Will receive $100
. . staffed. When you call or VlSli one of , .
W and call ahead 70' an appomtment . and a crown‘ first runner-up Wlll
(1-800-625-2378). our advertisers, please let them know receive $50 '
Tickets are $24 in advance and you appreciate their decision to . ‘ _
$30 at the gate. Tickets are available advertise With “5- WWW 0" page 3 mmmumy news
in Lexington at Alfalfa or by writing to
the address below. Some work Cl,” 6‘09“ 34“
exchange may be available if you call
soon. The Royal Imperial Sovereign
This festival is closer to Court is proud to announce (The
Lexington than any other, a mere (Blow Bad to be held on Thursday,
four-hour drive. If you have never August 6 at 9 pm. at the Bar -
been to a festival, this is a great one Complex. The $4 admission benefits
for “festi-virgins.” Moveable Feast.(See related article
For more information contact on page 5)_
U35 at PO BOX 82085; Columbus, This special event is open to
Ohio, 43203 Phone (614) 26743953 individuals of any gender who have

 Good Stu” at Video Hits days. Butterfly Kiss, an English -
. .er 0w“.1'.r;vj 75-7“? by Peter Taylor movie by Michael Winterbottom. and
43‘ Lavender Limelight, a personal look ,
[25” It you're looking for something to 3‘ several lesbian filmmakers. 5
’2'}: 1 RV! g" . watch while you hide from the latest There is also a copy of the tran-
036' p4. heat wave or even on longer term sexual comedy, Different for Girls by
MW, " . ,. karmic” until global warming ends, you could Richard Spencer. In addition to all
. d0 W958 than it? check out the CW these fine contemporary works. there
v Standing goiiectlon Of iQSbigaYtranS are even a few kitchy lesbian and
themed Videos at‘Wdeo ”“5 m the bisexual sexploitation films from
La"dazogsrssgsngig‘xitm their the60's and 70‘s such as Therese
The GLSO News ”New Releases" the other day yielded and Isabelle, Score and The Lickensh
V0143 Issue 8 a large selection of international lnde— Quartet. Vida? Hits can be reached
_ _ at 266-9218 if you have questlons
Published Monthly by pendent films by and about lesblans, about hours or availability.
gays and transexuals, including some
. relatively rare films that l haven't seen
The Lexmgton Gay anywhere else in town. Elegies
- . From England, there's
LeSblan Service Boyfriends by Neil Hunter and Tom fog tangols, Punks,
O 1‘ - - Hunsinger which observes three gay an aglng Queens
gamzatzon . . .
couples negotiatlng different stages Th J | at ‘ th GLSO
321 Second St, of their relationships with differing N e uy e “on o e
degrees of success. I recall many wig: :féjvexegeusczggieizeiefiii;
Editors: giggrig; Lehidigggfgalt;20§:§;: $2: the excellent production of Eagles for
Mary Crone man. this movie suggests that they Angels, Punks, and Raging-Queens.
Peter Taylor spend a lot of time rubbing each other “1'5 play by Bi" Russell wrth mustc
Davina wamer the WRONG way until they get it by Jane‘ H°°d was d'mc‘ed by
rightt. goiter I‘rageyjarxopmduced by Act
There is a copy of Kiss Me Guido u u" g n. e n ‘ .
Layout Editor: a slight, gay—themed comedy set in ‘Tracey (m a wonderful iOb 0f
Charlie Perkins New York City. Ma Vi e i n Ft ose is also pulling together twenty seven , most-
on the shelves, but given it's wlde dls- ly amateur, actors and smgers to cre-
GLSO Annual Dues tribution, I imagine it Is available at ate an experience 0t great warmth 4
and Newsletter: $15 fine video stores everywhere. Those and beauty: A" the people who
Dues and Newsletter for of you who missed this at the worked to bring this play to us are to
Couples: $20 Kentucky earlier this year will want to be commended and thanked. .
check it out. It is a perceptive film _ ACt Out I? 6.0““?an producmg
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are about 5‘ transgendered child strug- "1:: pm, ”8'2: L:”.'S‘C"e.near tfhe
those of the authors and don't necessarily gling to he himself in suburbia. 3V0“?! £139st ran mD extngéon $7
represent those of the GLSO Board. Video Hits' collection of lesbian T ay on ecem er -
Submissions are welcome and become the themed films is even more refreshing, he response to the play has been 5.0
mom of the GLSO. The st 3“ reserves the including the critically lauded enthu5lastlc that we hope Act Out Wltl
right to edit submissions and advertisements Watermelon Woman by Cheryl arrange to show It several more “"ies '
as well as the right to reiect any submissions Under, a collection 0‘ short films by if] Lexmgton, If you mlssed It the ”St ‘
or advertisements. (and about) Australian women. One tlme, IOOK tor announcements Of
even stars Xena in her pre-warrior future preformances. ‘

 ,s,l Herr
r‘.irie°‘m tittrtttttt
if: i,» ‘tflt WWW
, ‘irotf‘rl’r’riwt ‘V‘““rfmtm’t3ilt‘rt~nt‘fi‘t’gi’mrnta

This contest is open to all you Bring your questions and we will Rodeo
beautiful ladies; ebony is not just a bring the refreshments. For more
color, it is an attitude! If you have the information call Don at (606) 299- A few people are wanting to
attitude, come strut your stuff. 4458. restart the Kentucky Rodeo
Anyone interested in participating 1- Association or what was once the
can call Mark at 389—7081. IVI QV‘WQGVQ TS G R A. This organization raised a

Ice-Cream SOCiGI Our next monthly luncheon is lot of money for charities in the area
scheduled for Sunday, August 16. and provrde entertainment for 'many

Cool off this month at the Once again, we’ll travel to a local people. lf_you are Interested In the
GLSO’S ice Cream Social Sunday, restaurant after the church service western. lifestyle, culture, dance,
August 23 from 2 to 5 pm. in for lunch. For more information horses rldlng and/or rodeo call Ty at
Woodland Park. (Come early if you about Interweave and about the 266‘3784'
like our ice cream firm_ Unitarian Universalist Church call . .

){Bring your kids or :31 date to the Davina at 27145174 Rape CI‘ISIS Center
park for an afternoon of fun. A vari- . . .
ety of ice cream flavors with toppings GOSPCl Concert Centjerseof £22123: (:(ZntizlgyeNggS;
will be available for ou to make our
own sundaes \X/eru also hyave The Robert H. Williams Cultural VOWNTEERS' T“? 1998 .Fa”
games like volleyball and horse- Center will hold its annual gospel gealtnqgtnlflriozless';mnrgt2n8f3rclidar¥t
shoes for you to play. And if that’s concert Sunday. August 16 at 6:30 5" m.” in ' ”“2 next a:
too strenuous, bring a blanket or a pm- at Shiloh Baptist Church. a" 0° ' U 9 3"
lawn chair and relax under a tree. This CONCen raises funds for Saturday, Sept. 19th and the follow-

We are asking a donation of $1 several programs at the center, 82:3ch fritntifggésgc‘rfpct).f$h rrind
each to cover costs, so it’s easy for including the Minority AIDS Program. U on successful com leticEJn ‘of
you to enjoy a day of “family” fun in For more information, call the center ALL tfaining sessions volunteers
the sun. (Then again, if you like your at 255-5066. . . ’ . .

. wrll. answer the 24-hour Rape Cnsrs
"739T as.s°”‘,’:°°m,e..'atefi).. GAY DAY AT srx FLAGS 50“"‘61P'°Y‘desupp°'¥a"d‘"‘°rma'
Qflegé’iwo‘teflfi non for Victims and their loved ones,

‘ Saturday, September 5 is the meet victims at local hospitals and
DIGNITY first unofficial Gay Day at Six Flags courts, and-provrde referrals for fol-

Kentucky Kingdom in Louisville. The low-up services. volunteers answer

Dignity of Lexington invites park will be open from 10 am. to 9 the Hotllne ”,1 the". own homes and
everyone to an informal question and pm. that day. Shm chorce {3 flexrble. A S'X month
answer forum about our local group, Wear your favorite pride shirt, commitment '5 requrred and volun-
National Dignity, the Catholic button or jewelry to show others teers must be at least 21 (TWENTY'
Church, or other related topics. you’re here, you‘re queer, you‘re fab- ONE) Views 0"" The 1Tralnln|g
Dignity is Lexington‘s Catholic ulous. Remember, this is not a park 30:22: frESIoéchelllErie Stag);

- /Christian gay support group and recognized or sponsored event. For 2615 by Sgptember 1i:
faith community. more information, contact www.gay— The Center thanks you for your

Meet with us Sunday, August 23 louisvillecom . ,

at 6:00pm. at M00, 387 Waller Ave. help and apprecrates your continued

 MATURE PEOPLE MAKE leaves a play like Phantom of the to having the place to myself when I
THE BEST PARTNERS Opera in the middle? We do! came home from work, so I asked
Seventh ,-,, a sen-es by Kerry O'Fenre” Naturally, one of the things that Tam to make plans to be out of the
“I think mature people make the attracted us to one another was the house by 4:30 (not just leaving when
best partners... [among] several very thing that irritated us later. Tarn I arrived home, but completely gone)
mature attitudes: they are happy liked how out going lwas and I liked so that I could come home to an
being together or by themselves,” ” how available she was (homebody). empty house and be by myself.
from MAME—$912M! Eventually, she was asking me to be Being by myself is definitely
home more often and l was asking learned. l began to learn how to
My partner, Tammy, and I had her to get out more. entertain myself during a break up
made plans to eat out and Just piddle We've both found some balance (that lasted a year). Moving to
around together one Friday evening in this area. I started saying no to a Lexington without knowing a soul, no
and I noticed something wonderful few events and making plans with job and no place to live helped me
and fun as I worked that day . I was Tam. That wasn’t, and still isn’t, as find ways to learn what was available
excited about seeing her. It was so easy as it sounds. in a city and how to meet people.
much fun working and then suddenly We still have conversations that There’s lots to do in any city, I
remembering I'd be with her in just a sound like this: Tam, I’m going to be just have to stop waiting for someone
few hours. busy all day Sunday. " We never to tell me what and where and find it
When I came home that spend a whole weekend together. * myself. And then realize that I won’t
evening. I heard her whistling at me Yes we do. But not every weekend like everything I do. (I also believe
from the porch. She and three cats We’ve planned whole weekends that if I can’t find what I want, then
were sitting out there waiting on me. together. * We don’t spend enough start it. I did that in my first few
ldon‘t always feel like that - time together. * But why can‘t you months in Lexington when I started
excited to see Tam. I don‘t always count now as time together? And Les’Bian at The Women’s Center.)
feel the love I know I have for her. I’d add to it tomorrow morning and all Tammy has found some balance
be lying if i said I did. day Wednesday and Friday night. It in being away from home by con-
' We stayed in Chattanooga for feels like no matter how much we’re sciously making plans with friends,
our honeymoon and went to the together, it's not enough unless it’s a exercising and periodically going
aquarium. We’d been told how nice whole weekend or a whole week. * camping with a friend.
it was and that it had taken six hours That's always your response to my We firmly believe that our histo-
to see everything Well, about two wanting to spend more time with you. rise shape much of our lives together
hours after we started, we were leav- ' That’s because it’s never enough today. We try to be aware of when
ing (and we’d probably spent a half And thus begins the always/never our parents have proverbially moved
an hour in the gift shop)_ We were volley. in and then talk about options that
laughing because we are so much After some time apart one day work for us - not them.
alike - neither one of us is into read- (and a conversation similar to the Tammy and I come from very dif-
ing a lot of plaques We don’t take one above), Tam said, "I'm going to ferent backgrounds. My history with
many guided tours. try and be more understanding of time went from spending practically
We went to see phantom of the your work schedule" (I don’t work M- every evening at home as a teenag-
Opera in Louisville one afternoon last FIB-5). I said thanks. We spend all or with my parents watching TV, to
year, The theater was packed and day Wednesday together with sever— living with a husband, to waiting
the play enjoyab|e (though I did hear al hours at the pool. As we were bob- around for a boyfriend to come home
a snore from Tam periodically). bing in the pool, she said, "I‘m aware to waiting on a girlfriend to make up
During the intermission, we both con- that we’re together today and really her mind. When I finally learned how
fessed we were tired and had seen appreciate this time at the pool." to get a life and how many things
enough, so we headed to the car. "M6, 100." there were to do and go and see and
We felt kind of guilty. I mean, who We're WinQ- people to meet, well, let’s just say

 balance for me has always been will bring to the Lexington community RAISING, and Special Events.
found between two peaks. a wonderful and much needed new Several events are planned for
Meanwhile, Tammy was partying service to those living with AlDS. August that will be donating funds to
from age 14 to her early 20's. As far Moveable Feast has a simple mis- this effort. (See page 1)
as she was concerned, she’d seen slon statement: “ To prepare and Those interested in helping in
and done enough for one lifetime. deliver freshly cooked meals seven the kitchen will need to go to 333
Here it is again, another Friday days per week (365 days a year) to Walter Ave, 4th Floor, to obtain a
evening and l’m sitting on the porch, those people with AlDS or HIV relat- Food Handler’s Permit. The cost for
drinking a beer, reading about the ed illnesses and disabilities who the permit is $7.00 and it’s good for
pros and cons of monogamy in The need them...without regard to race, three years. All volunteers ( You wont
Advocate, waiting on Tam to get sex, sexual orientation, religion, polit- make a dime) are asked to partici-
home from racquetball. She’s going ical affiliation,or national origin." As pate in a brief orientation with a
to cook hamburgers, fries and baked you might well imagine, though the Moveable Feast staff member or
beans for us tonight and we‘re going Mission Statement is simple enough, specially trained volunteer.
to watch the WNBA. i can't wait to the work involved is a mighty task. There will be no charge to the
see her drive up in the car, whistle at That's where YOU come in. meat recipients. This is a mission of
her from the porch and hear all about Over $10,000 has been raised love. At this time it is anticipated that
her day. l’m excited all over again! by the group to completely remodel approximately fifty meals per day will
Thank goodness, maturity is the kitchen at St. Augustine’s Chapel be provided in the Lexington area.
about progress. not perfection. on the campus of the University of The group espouses no religious
Kentucky. There are many volunteer or political agenda. Confidentiality is
Moveable Feast opportunities available, including of the utmost importance, both for
by Charlie Perkins Kitchen, Meal Delivery, Office, the volunteers and recipients. For
This Autumn (which is upon us) Development, Data Entry, FUND complete information call 252-2867.
$2; fr' V
- . .
s PrOUd'Y Servrng Kern-”CRY 5 LeSb'an.
- Gay, Bisexual , Transgendered
and Strayt Communities.
I II], -
. RantMQBSQ a
a “m'““"_"““m‘“ EQUAL HOUSING
r 278 7501 OPPORTUNITY

 Unitarian “a“: Howthe In fact, I was entering a service them. Of course, that relationship
. which did not treat women equally -- ended in disaster, and years later
"HM” cm“! an Actifis‘ women could not serve in combat when I finally accepted my sexuality,
by PW“ Warner . units, and this condition of their mili- l refused to hide it ever again. i know
This '5 a selection With some varia ' tary service often prohibited them this is one of the primary reasons i

fion from the church service i gave at .
the Unitarian Church Sunday, July 5‘ from advancement to higher ranks. am such an outspoken lesbian

So, how was this naive country activist today.

From the time I was a little girl, I girl transformed into a social activist? I also believe the diverse people
wanted to be a sailor. I had been Since becoming an activist, l have lmet while in the Navy tore down the
born at the Balboa NayaI Hospital in often asked myself this question. | walls of ignorance and prejudice i
San Diego when my Dad was in the believe my activist roots were culti— had been exposed to as a child. Like
Navy, and my family joked that the varied during my military service. most branches of the military, the
doctors had given me a shot of sea First of all, there‘s nothing like Navy includes men and women from
water. Whatever the reason, I had losing your rights to make you appre- all over the United States as well as
always been fascinated with the ciate them. While on active duty, l individuals from the Philippines and
Navy. was not allowed to publicly protest or Guam.

I played dress up in my Dad's oppose our government. in my posi- And while the people i served
old uniforms. I loved movies about tion as a Navy journalist, i could not with came from different ethnic, cul-
the Navy like Anchors Aweigh, p7: cover controversial stories, and the tural, religious, and socio-economic
109, The Fighting Sullivans, and An stories i did report always had a pos- backgrounds, we all shared two
Officer and a Gentleman. i even itive Navy slant. My job was not to things. We were in the Navy, and we
investigated going to college at the report the news, but to build the were far away from our families and
Naval Academy, but as soon as I morale of the sailors and their fami- friends. This isolation from those we
graduated high school, I joined the lies. Consequently, most of the sto- loved and the teamwork emphasis of
regular Navy. My chosen training ries l reported were propaganda or our training caused us to turn toward

» program, journalism, did not begin fluff. i don't think lfully realized this one another for support.
for several months, so I did not Ieaye until my last two years of service. We shared rituals like daily
for boot camp until two days after That's when i had gained enough meals, holidays and religious ser-
Christmas in 1931. rank to develop my ovm stories and vices. We spent our oif