Minnie Belle Bates photographs


The Minnie Belle Bates photographs (dated 1915-1928; 0.03 cubic feet, 36 items in one flat box) comprise 36 sepia-toned, black-and-white snapshots of Minnie Belle Bella Bates' friends from the University of Kentucky, 1915-1928.

Descriptive Summary

Minnie Belle Bates photographs
1919-1928, undated (inclusive)
Bates, Minnie Belle, 1893-1985
0.03 Cubic Feet
Outdoor recreation -- Kentucky
Rivers -- Kentucky
Young adults -- Kentucky
Finding Aid Author
Ruth E. Bryan
Preferred Citation
2019ua036 : [identification of item], Minnie Bell Bates photographs,1915-1928, University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
Minne Belle "Bella" Bates was born December 29, 1893, in Denton, Texas. Her mother and father were Edmond Franklin Bates and Mary Leach Bates. She was appointed instructor in design in the University of Kentucky Department of Art in 1919. She became an Assistant Professor in 1923 and was acting head of the Department of Art in 1924. She died in Denton, Texas on August 30, 1985.
Scope and Content
The Minnie Belle Bates photographs (dated 1915-1928; 0.03 cubic feet, 36 items in one flat box) comprise 36 sepia-toned, black-and-white snapshots of Minnie Belle "Bella" Bates' friends from the University of Kentucky, 1915-1928. The majority of the photographs show individuals, groups of young people, and recreational scenes on and near the Kentucky River, including boats, cabins, forest, rocks, and streams. There are also a few photographs taken of individuals and groups at the University of Kentucky; in Baltimore, Maryland; and in Geneva, Switzerland. Belle Bates was an instructor/assistant professor in the University of Kentucky Department of Art from 1919-1924. People depicted in the photographs include Kentucky poet and University of Kentucky College of Education head Cotton Noe and Carol Mayer Sax, head of the University of Kentucky Art Department (1920-1929). There is also one image of a life-painting art class at the University of Kentucky.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.

Contents of the Collection

"Carol Sax in Baltimore before coming to University of Kentucky", prior to 1919

  • Box 1, item 1
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"Carol Sax in Baltimore", prior to 1919

  • Box 1, item 2
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Gladys Lowe (friend of Bates) and her husband, Andy Lowe, on their apartment balcony in Geneva, Switzerland, "the day after Andy passed his last Ph.D. exam", 1928 July 13

  • Box 1, item 3
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Janet Lowe Anderson, 9 months, "daugher of Gladys Lowe after leaving the University of Kentucky", undated

  • Box 1, item 4
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"Florence Barrett who later married George Whiting, University of Kentucky", undated

  • Box 1, item 5
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Live-model painting class, University of Kentucky, undated

  • Box 1, item 6
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"Eva? and Len Price, Dawson, Mason", standing in front of an automobile, undated

  • Box 1, item 7
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Group of University of Kentucky faculty, standing outdoors on grass with tree limbs in the background, undated

  • Box 1, item 8
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"Linda on Professor [Cotton] Noe's porch. I lived with Professor and Mrs. Roe and Rosvena? the year 1922-1923", 1922-1923

  • Box 1, item 9
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"Sherring?, George Whiting, Gary Smith" playing cards sitting at a square table covered with a cloth. There is a bed in the background., undated

  • Box 1, item 10
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"George Whiting, Morris Sherrig?, Gary Smith" posed in front of a porch of a house, undated

  • Box 1, item 11
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Two women lying on their backs with their legs up on a roof, undated

  • Box 1, item 12
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Two women wearing hats and coats sitting on a rock wall with a third woman also wearing a hat and coat standing next to them, undated

  • Box 1, item 13
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A large group of young men and women sitting and standing on the porch of a house or cabin. Many of the women are wearing sailor shirts, undated

  • Box 1, item 14
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A group of four young women and two young men sitting on a log in a forest. There is a pool of water in the foreground., undated

  • Box 1, item 15
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A group of four young women and two young men sitting on a stones in a forest., undated

  • Box 1, item 16
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A group of men and women "[g]oing down to locks on Sunday in motor boat, Kentucky River, 1919-1923"., 1919-1923

  • Box 1, item 17
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A group of men and women in a boat on the Kentucky River. The foreground is a rocky beach. The background is trees., 1919-1923

  • Box 1, item 18
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A cabin with automobiles in front, "Cliff Echoes, down on Kentucky River camping", undated

  • Box 1, item 19
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"Idle Wild" cabin with men and women sitting on front stone steps, Kentucky River, undated

  • Box 1, item 20
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A group of men, one woman, and two children, "Mrs. Olvey, Mr. Olvey, official chaperones", undated

  • Box 1, item 21
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"Dawson, Mason, Linda, W.C. Grimes, Eich, Mrs. Olney, Florence" sitting with two unidentified children on a rock by a stream. There are trees in the background., undated

  • Box 1, item 22
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"Marietta Eichelberger, now of Chicga" holding three buckets next to two automobiles, undated

  • Box 1, item 23
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"Linda [rowing in a row boat] on Kentucky River, native of Kentucky.", undated

  • Box 1, item 24
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"Miss Callihan?, our 'special' student, mother and mainstay, [standing in a tree with no leaves on the branches], down on Kentucky River, 1919-1923", 1919-1923

  • Box 1, item 25
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"Wolfe [man on left wearing a bathing suit with a towel draped around his neck], played in university orchestra. Ethel [on right, wearing a bathing cap] married Count." Both are standing in front of a porch., undated

  • Box 1, item 26
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"Ethel Anderson from New York state," wearing a sailor shirt, breeches, and boots, standing in front of a stone wall, undated

  • Box 1, item 27
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"Count and Eichelberger," sitting cross-legged on the ground. The edge of an automobile and trees are in the background, undated

  • Box 1, item 28
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"Count and Ethel" sitting in a tree or sitting on a rock with tree roots, undated

  • Box 1, item 29
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"Marg. Horsefield, Count, Nellie Gard" sitting in the ground with a bank and tree roots in the background, undated

  • Box 1, item 30
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"Margaret Horsefield from North Carolina, French teacher, 1919-1923," sitting on the ground with a bank in the background, undated

  • Box 1, item 31
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"Steps from Cliff Echoes down to Kentucky River, Nellie Gard, Horsefield, Ethel (top right), Count (bottom right), 1919-1923", 1919-1923

  • Box 1, item 32
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Two unidentified women smoking cigarettes. They are wearing breeches, leggins, and boots with long-sleeved shirts, undated

  • Box 1, item 33
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"Ann McAdams, Gladys Lowe, Eich, Ethel, setting up exercises [standing in a row with arms stretched out while a man stands facing them with his arms stretched out], camping on Kentucky River, 1919-1923." A cabin is in the background., undated

  • Box 1, item 34
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"Ethel, Margaret Horsefield, Nellie Gard [sitting in a tree] on Kentucky River, 1919-1923", 1919-1923

  • Box 1, item 35
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"Gladys Lowe, ?, Ethel [sitting on a rock with leaves in the foreground and background] down on Kentucky River camping, 1919-1923." Two of the women are wearing sailor shirts and bloomers, 1919-1923

  • Box 1, item 36
To top

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