xt7fqz22fv3p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fqz22fv3p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-03-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 27, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 27, 1980 1980 1980-03-27 2020 true xt7fqz22fv3p section xt7fqz22fv3p Vol. LXXII. No. 131 Ker el l'niversity of Kentucky
Thursday. March 27, I980 an independent student newspaper ' llflinlltm- Kffliut‘h)
_ u
. 1 '1 _- ’Unoffrcra/ presrdent’
V 4
' c - - -
'- ampus antr-draft/regrstratron group
1p. - 7/ d' be d d d
1. . -- WI not [S n as reporte yester ay
' VV. " V: g , By DON WARD group is that the registration bill is not as l CARI) is concerned. Jim Pepper
5% .i SiaffWritci dead yet and student organirations has nothing to do with the
' V' like LCARD have an important obll» organization"
0 The Lexington Committee Against gation to fulfill.“ But Pepper defended htmselfby say-
-:- «.3, pen Riglsm‘w‘ and ”‘c We“ M,” "0‘ b" 3’ C°“Fi’?”‘"g 'hel’VViFl'101‘V”PM" I"? l“: it‘d "ff “eff" V‘"‘V°rf“ed. h"
.. _ . 1 . .' . :VWEEQV‘VVV‘I’WVVWLZLV discontll n ued 3? a ca mpug ing opposition to theltgislatton and any one a out i it. decision totontmue
- f . . . . tct‘pp mama‘m": “mid"‘g '0 ”W“ ”‘6 d‘a‘“ “"3‘9'” ‘uld “long" W1 “n“ ”W "‘5‘ “me "C “"“ndt‘d “ll
.13 , _ .1 , :. 1. 1%Wwéjy,flt of the committee. . . port could be gained. “I we to the we March l3. . .
I), " er; p '" Wu“? 5 ’W’W’r ”. W “W mal9“‘i’ "‘.““d°"‘.‘ '"W'Vede We 0." ”W “eh“ ““ "“d ‘* “‘“PPOW
pW .. ,. an/ggvv after lenlsln‘e Wnn We le 'W ”e We W nnl .“ln Ferrel d “' up... here lnll
a%p%pn’ " ”mm“ MM“ ”'d ”V“ PW“ “m "°‘ ‘mpre“"3" V" V“ gm“ mn‘m‘“ “’
V gifgéngnfg/r [pg fatéi‘» 333133;; :LVV; .1 .5" We’ve???”- Pep per claimed that the group speaktngior the whole group when lit‘ disband. .
“(MI .1pl../,,lv..;p11 ”map/map. ,1 .0/1 , .5, , . ._ V e. . . . announced Iht: disbandmcni (vl i L‘pptff \dld It appears to hilll il‘litl
would disband because thtrt was . . . . .
.. . .. . . . LL ARI) in yesterday‘s [tonic/1 (.artei s proposal to appropriate
nothing lVVV to do. AVVUVH'V‘ Dr. Accordinltol(‘\RI) , b J . monevlorthedralti not min t) 1'
. __ .. , Ernest YanareIla. political science than Ha‘iV P ‘V V_ }.dim I" Oildf anvwav ..“ _VVV t'VI V0.5: dgdiViiVVd
.. ,. .. a .. H rt‘fi“. In 4V .e an ’-:W;§TV-.J-j1g professor and ”Why ild‘t‘ls‘” l” V I' lV-V .V.l W m VVVngnVVV V|- V. H" in V” V VVVV ,Vm W V
V» VfierVVVVVV’VV VVVipVVjVVVVlVVV VVVgVVnVfifiyngy ._ LC ARD. said the group does not plan any 0 ”V mun"? l” H“ l‘V‘“ ”m“ I“ m. M“ I‘ ‘1‘” ,\ d“ " “"-‘ ‘” m” ”l L ”d
V? 4‘ .1: ,zti‘zzgg a); M}: ,V LVW’fist V€%VW,V%VV?VZEV§T3V§e to disband. He said the mistnforma— four “VVVV‘ V“ VhV group assumed ll“ things Up. .
1.53263 ”as: We ‘ppvégnv . ~ d i - I' i i1 “a“ "0 "mg" "“e'ie‘d ”"3 “I” W held nn WW ”and
tag/Xv nyfl’irn an Warmth” "%e”eo 1 , inwar- “0" “m".‘c .r"."‘ “ d‘ “ "w ~ 'I‘ «- . .. , . . s ~ a ‘d "i . - 1 -. ‘rt . .
,pgygefl )ppwflpwwggh V,‘ )1_ WWW gm .1); y communication “mm the group C '7‘“ umlay nigh. and JCLIdttl ULLCL t IltlilI’dLllng about - )0 pm
:.¢p¢"p/1Ve’:%vfl%,rspfi”agggfityflflfi V ‘j in contlmle on campus as an educa- pie. Pepper said he was unable in
appiapptpzt .nlrvr Prenend Caner nrvnnnl nn-l nwl penplv nip nrenn ren rellv nevenv nv nenen lll
perverse: ,:.. rvlnennv lne drnln LCARI) lllerv ~nll W ..i lelnnnnns rllv “ell ml
Wartime , fnrmvrl nor in purpope pl nundinp nan." llpll pip wimp mum ein- pmpiem npsipn ppppppig in
§V%VV?§t%§tsnaese supppn no help stop the drill parnvlpnn." Anoinvr mneiinp in much nnn me to inform me rnpr
iVVt/Vpé::4«4’pip/79%;?’rfiefg/ 1: legislation facing Congress. At that scheduled for next Vluesday night to “CFC 30mg 10 continue. andthatmeet-
By DAVID MAYNARD/Kernel Staff time. a president had to be named in elect "official officers"so I.(‘»\Rl)can ing limes had been changed from
' d bl order for LCARD to exist on L‘K's become a permanent campUs Thursday nights to quesday nights."
1 PIaYIng 0U es campus as an official organi/atityn.si1i organi/ation. Pepper explained. “Right now. the
_ Pepper volunteered for the job. Hall said he was outraged when he organiration doesn‘t really have .1
Despite what your eyes may be saying to you. there is knocks a few tennis balls around at the Seaton Center Yanarella explained that the organi- read Pepper‘s words in yesterday‘s leader and I don‘t claim to be the
really only one person in this double-exposure photo of courts on the south side of campus in yesterday‘s hazy ration did not plan to disband by any Kernel. “l couldn‘t believe it. Pepper leader. l think l “ill dISSUClmC myself
Paul Surko. Here Surko, chemical engineeringjunior. sunshine. means. “The general feeling of the doesn't know anything about it. As far from the organization afterthis mess.“
poem..— i r 1
I I I I I ng‘ ”V ,L.» V ., ,
Fundtn a roved for handtca faculties —
By RON HALL ramp will be needed to give handi- cally targeted for handicapped pro- VRestrooms in four buildings V . 1 = p11
siat‘t w'riit-r capped students access to the sub- jects can be conserved and used for Commerce. Chemistry-Physics. Phar— .. I ~ VV _ ° i"?
basement level. Men‘s and women‘s additional projects beneficial to the macy and the Medical Center will . ‘ * r)‘ 3 rm.
. UK will spend 5984.000 in the next restrooms on the main level will also handicapped. be modified to serve handicapped 1 _ in .. 1V1; .
yearto improve campus buildings and be modified to accommodate the . Wessels said UK has also received students. new V“ :1 1' .
make them more acCCSSiblC 10 halidi- handicapped. 3284.000 from the Council on Higher V Redesigning graduate student . ' 1 t? V-1 1 is .1 “we
. capped students. according to James V The old elevator in Funkhouser Education for use on miscellaneous study carrels inthe M.I. Kingl.ibrary. ‘ 1 §$\ .3 . a... .t
. Wessels. director ofthe Phy’sicall’lant Building will be replaced by a newer handicapped projects. improvements and lowering water fountains in 1- ‘.. V Var» -- " . V i: . W111 ‘ 1 1.. 1
1 Division. one with sell-opening doors and to be made are: Dickey Hall. Seaton Center. and the .. 1 ' . ~ Vi _. V . V
Most of the money will be spent on easier-to-reach control buttons. Vlnstallation of automatic push- Chemistry-Physics and Commerce 3v“ -~.V~ V i V '
renovating four buildings. l'VI’lluOI‘l Denny said. The corridor leading to button door openers at Holmes and buildings will also be funded from the ' Vfi a“ ’ V V V. -
Hall. Kastle Hall. lht‘ Journalism the elevator front the entrance will be Blaler Halls where handicapped stu- $284,000 grant. ‘ ' 1 é§ .5." T . 1-1....) 1V. .. e. V: - § ‘
3“”de and iunkhouser “Ulldlng modified for handicapped students. dents are housed. Ramps will be built Wessels said alloftheseprojcctswill1k $1 1 V} 1 l a 'VM\ 5
Warren Denny. assistantdirectorof VA similar elevator will replace to provide easier access to the auto- be finished by June I. “This is not a V’V ' l V' V ~ 1: ‘fV ' a
V. Desrgn and Construction. estimated the current one used by the printing matic doors. wish list." he said."Every‘thingis phys- V“; V . ' V 1‘ 5 .LV V
' the ‘30-“ Ol improving the 10“" hUVIld- department in the basement of .lour- Wessels said the door openers will ically going to be done." V . ‘ 1. . ' a. V ’ V. V ‘
”‘85 “WM be $6607le Ht‘ said lht‘ nalism Building.Vl'heheavy'ttietaldoor be installed by May I and the ramps Both the major renovation projects V ' \V “V i i V § V§
improvements will be funded by a handicapped students must nowuseto should be finished by June I. but andthesmallermiscellaneousprojects ' 1‘ ,, ' i V -V- V.1 -' ‘-
. 5700.000 grant fmm lVKVn BUdtlt‘l enter the building through the base- added that the automatic door at are pan oflIK‘seffort tocomply with .21' V ‘ - 1v ' V i 1 g y . 3f.
. Office. ment print shop will also be modified. Blazer Hall cannot be used by handi- Section 504 ofthe I973 Rehabilitation ‘1 V7“. .. 3 . V-EV -..::- Vi . g V
Denny said the [Chiming lum‘C- Denny said. cupped students until the ramp is Act. which requires that public build- VtV VVVV : 1 .. r, : “V V
ments W‘Wld be made ‘0 "Mk0 lht’ Wessels said work onthefour buildv completed. ings be made accessible to handi— V 1 ‘ V 'e V V 1 .
baildtngs more accessible to handi- ings\aill begin AuguV\[ |1 "Allofthem VAutomatic door openers will capped persons. V i ‘ n ' 'f_ $3:
capped students: will be done at one time. It will take also be installed at the new Center for However. this does not mean all -. l.” . ~ V .. V “' V .. 3‘ lire“
VA ramp Will be COmlrUCIt‘d in about a year to finish.“ he said the Arts. the White Hall Classroom campus buildings thatareinaccessible .WE-V V' VI ‘5 . e: :f'V'Vr'
the front 0f ””60“ Hall to “”0“ In addition to these four projects Building. Patterson Office Tower and to handicapped students mustbemod- ‘ in 1;“ iii? 5 I
‘ 860655 *0 WheelChfill‘?r1UdcnlS. A new funded from the 8700.000 grant. a at Lexington Technicailnstitutc.Wes- ified. lfa handicapped student wants i 1-: , f i- z _ " .1V53"V is;
elevator will beinstalled at the rear of mayor renovation protect atthe'laylor sels said the openers should be to take a class that is meeting in a "up 1 . . V' 5 . Vr mfifiifi
V ‘hc hu'ldlhgahdmllhrlmdk‘ WCNIO l‘ducation Building is nearingcomple- installed by May I. building that is inaccessible. he can ,V V V1”; V 7 , - Vv . " V‘VSKNEW
all three 090”. tion. Wessels said a new elevator and V Additionalcurb cuts willmakeit request that the class be moved to ‘ 1’" ‘ 1 . ‘ ’VV Vii?
th addition. ‘he ”WWW “‘ll he‘ an access ramp are being installed. easiei for handicapped studentsto get another building. " . 9 .. $.V V-iiTVV'EtéeV-ins‘mi
modified to serve handicapped sttt- Wesscls saidthese modifications are around on campus. Wessels said 54 Dan Bauer. a telecommunications " VV 1 V V ' Mn V1»
dents. Denny said lht‘ lCSlr‘lllm‘ 1" lht‘ part of a SI million general renovation new curb cuts will be made by May I. junior who uses a wheelchair. said he V . V‘ P
hu'ldlhs WC“? in need “l Whi‘lklllon of the building and their cost will not V Locker rooms at Seaton Center has done this in the past. "Whenever I V V - .
anyway. be deducted front the grant allotted by and Memorial Coliseum will be modi- need a class moved. I go to the Handi-
V Denny said a ramp will be eun- my Budget (mm lied to allow handicapped students to capped Student Services office in
SlTUClCd ‘0 allh“ 110““ 1“ llls‘ mill” Wesse‘is said that whenever a build- use them. Wessels said the changes Alumni gvm. They usuallv get it 8) ““10““.‘ARD/Kcma Stiin’
level 0f Kim“ “a“. and d” n‘lk‘Hlllir mg is renovated. an effort is made to include modifying some ofthe showers moved." V V V
. ~~ - PM I ”‘8 P 4‘ 0mm Continued on page 3
[ten the members of Carter's party agreed he should I V l h .
state debate Democrats favoredapublic airing ofthe issues bya CHE mmmlflee critiques twc Ing pmg’am
5.148 margin
THE STATE H01 SF of Representatnes tt-sterdav Ihe poll was taken last lhursday and Friday before the
defeated by live votes a hill providing for a statewide lottery New York and Connecticut primary victories by Sen. By KATY BANAHAN graduates from the program in IQ’K and graduate lCH‘lS‘.
on the Kentucky Derby that would have funded .i \‘ietiiaiii ldwurd Kennedy 5”" Wm“ loy Iiiioizi a “immune mtmhcp l he role Oflilht‘lilitil'} schools in
“1)“, veterans b‘m‘” V \i'Jltl \tHliC liik‘fill‘ik'lb Ul ”TC (in ”With“ CdUC3ilUn.
shtVinltntViiliiiil(LileVorliVsathiiiiiirritVIVtiiniVivVvibiilhtjliiiigrliiriitiVianl . world . The Academic Affairs Committee obit-gird to this proposal because The charge that graduates of
smummal amendment IRAN/AN REVOLLTIONARY LEADERS) escalated ofthe state CounCIl of Higher quca- “they felt the law of supply and Slim teacher education programs are
The qucsmn m, a lottery. which MUM [V_qum amendmg ScerVachVerdctj iiivraui’iiiinVimeVisy thostants pn trila‘I ifVSlhla: tton presented a ””0“ refyaluanng demand would lakccareoftheVsurpliis ttot prepared to deal with classroom
th Sm) CVVanumVnV Mum hm) been Find on W M” Mohammad “mesh“ :Ian'zgrcrfarr'; Vh‘: genv-olgfioz: the process of educating teachers in better that this quota system. S””““°"‘r _ . ff ..
November general election ballot. Mum”. wd the maioriiv ‘0'. the 30““. supported “Cr: Kentucky colleges and universities -\nothei' recommendation in the Improvement “l 0 Vmehpus
nation ma“ . yesterday. report is the development of a “child Cdl‘Ci‘llt‘hl’l programs l‘” tcac mg
Beheshti said the crisis over the 50 American hostages. The report. titled A Study of VUVV de lVmeV center [0 give edu~ studenltgi of coordination in data
AMERICANS “ANT PR [SIDI‘VT ( ARTER m come who have been held captiveior ludays. has been “useful"in Tad." Education In Kentucky. is the ““0" students the opportunity ‘0 t 1 ‘. L t t h.“ raduates from
out of the White House and debate his Democratic oppo— demonstrating Iran's "‘d'~'i’¢hd°'"Cc from hlB'WWU influ- result ofa study undertaken :3“ year. work Vlth VVVVleonal VlllldVVn' per aman 0 “CV V V V
ncnts on the Issucsl dew.“ the mmmumg mm abroad. a ence. Hostage trials "should help us further.“ he said. ' _ ‘ According to Nancy Bell. committee Kcntuck) schools.
national Assmyatgd mews.“ \w, W“ 5a). th A controverSial recommendation chairperson. the ability to teachcxcep- . The (“Cd foradoctoralprogramg
inimicwm asked l.597 adults am,“ {he wunt,)_ “Do wee er contained in the report concerns the tionalchildren is one ofthe majordcfi- In education at ‘hc UNVCTSIU' 0'
you think that President ('arter should now publicly debate THOSE FLORIDA TANS shouldn't fade today. Mostly "Whit" 0i students admitted into HPMIC" 0' ”if current teacher louisville;
his Democratic opponents on the issues. even though the sunny and mild today withthe high inthe mid to upper 50$. undergraduate tcat'hlrtg progi.irris.iiltf illl'yl-tl‘l lll" need h" coordinated efforts
crises in Iran and Afghanistan are not settled“ Increasing cloudiness tonight With a 40 percent chance of is aimed at reducing the surplus or I he document deals With thefollow- between the 5‘3“ Department Of Edu-
woi We nvn
sure ‘ ' a m m V15: mid m 505 y 3 the CH E. the proposal would limit the CHE hopes to improve: According)! Bell. thSC IPTOVCmCMS
3‘ “pp" ' number of education students admit- The charge that some programs WI“ be CONSIdCI’Cd 3‘ the he“ CHE
ted each year to 95 percent of those are duplicated on the undergraduate meeting April I4.

KENTUCKY Debbie McDaniel ‘
liliioi in 1 1111-1 Merit (.‘reen Kim Aubrey Thomas (but John (1., (at) Landon ‘
Ker 2 Jay hmetl Bub (tn-hum l‘lllt'HulIlIHl’IH f'ililiir gym,“ hm”, Dimior o] Photograph
(an “tilts too. ltllt‘ li/iiori Paul I“1|an
Haiti/mitt 11/1111; ( ind) “thee s. I. Robinson 3“." Rielterd David Maynard
Ju‘ki Rudd inn/uni 4111mm! Spoil» kilrlor Pht'l“ ”WWII”
\tt-se Massey Lisa Duusnrd ( o/Ii liliIiI/t IIHt'Ilul/lmc’lll [Li/Ill)!
editorials & comments (am/1111 [ill/or l.i/iiiiriui Lililirl
____________M____ _________fl“_————————————_____—.—_—______—_“
Represents senators, not students \‘ _ I-«\..---
' d d' h t d 'th 86 "“fIs W? l
‘ I 9’10 an 9 WI .. ““3 ‘1
Stu ents s r 1 WA mm \. , ,- ._ -\
I \tipposc ihc\ 14.11 c .1 Student tioI. 1-: iiIIieiit tlcciioii ”Ll t"I_l since last spring's election. the students'have é , ‘1 mWANT Tb $3 t. . m ‘
and nobody showed up hceii piii in the background. while the political intcr- 4/“; I, .‘l Tib LbsTAfi." it i ARQ '
' , t-tts iIi iiiant oi the student senate members have —~—€ - . 1 1
\\ llit ctti;‘\ ‘ - . ‘ | ‘: .\ // 1 “IE
\ltci .t bumbling \e.ii Ioiigdisplitj. or political :lieI ’s‘tlllk‘tl'1‘lll1‘l‘l'3llllm- ' ‘ g g 11- ! | . ___- -,__‘\ ,7 75/ \\
tiIiic. {L‘HL'thilttills .ivitl 'llllt'hsgflJlg ~11 main. ”.11 llist.’\\l\L‘. tlte credibility ol 5(1. which President ‘Sgflut i l - H r 1 1“ “Tm" ‘
to mention .ii: apparent lack ol 11m ie.i1si_eii l‘t'1lllilc‘il~ ‘11111 is \lctcall once said he would like to restore. has k 1‘ It; (1 2 lEW \\
‘ , “mm“ 1‘4“?“ m 't k.\ Mum”! (maximwru ”m korlripst-il ‘(Jllllc iitinkly. it neyer has existed. if - J v y. r" [/9‘ 4; ‘ /
. \mz.‘ \(l is“, ”I“ m“ tune ”up 111.. iioitztiemldr \itei tili. Student (io\ernment meetings hase been ’fl .. ‘ i ' fi§°l< s) 1k i | I .
' 'Mmdld‘ufl ”‘1' Hm 1M Pitpgxirii-‘rt‘l‘ut' letrfdlrrr» .111 hr» t‘ltaiyicteii/ed by intense discussions which often fac— '\ g f. ’ x ‘ ip \ « ,
NH”: lltlllllll/t' the senate. Although many oi the arguments \ ~ 1) i i a _ P) ‘ .;3‘ ', [ZR 1
I And. not siilluis:'ig\ 1Iiil\ Iii k‘til‘UIllJiL‘ Izletl tor till' \iitiil- student “mm” ”he“ “CW vehement I," ' f ‘\,\11' \ fill 1‘ IQ’MQ‘X {/l (filial
[lie 15 tit-Iaict- stii'A ill :11. t iIiiggu. or M 1:11 llt.ilt‘n. ille-ll positions. and seemed better able to proyetheir 4‘ , ‘ 9 1 Wm\ Q?» ‘ \ ”/11; f1 ((1‘)
51)Cliil l’ioiessioizs. litiit-sii‘s .iiiii I Ilium \tieiitc. 41W”) to debate than ‘1’ “CL kg, ’ I ”fly“.9\\“‘I\l\s‘-t‘ ‘1 //;_ f i .. ,II .‘1,
there It no ”11mm 1-11111 l ook iii the recent debate over whether or not |.e.\- T . . AI ir mil/I ‘ ll“ , _,~\ y o , ;/ ll 1‘ / _ 5‘
l1 \ccm‘ the \mm, imp 3L“ bum“. 1,: “Khmer iiigioii lechniciil Institute should hate a representa- [/cu I 'V . \/ “pawl/W ' .4. ’1 t / ‘1’1- 65‘;
. with the mpwwnmm. hm“ ,l Rik-U. 3,; 3.11 the the \l_in_\ oi tlte senators who ia\or ljll I au’l‘rssrb“ 1“'\ l ’1. I’ It , g, \:‘1//, \ I
most part. li.is tlceitlcil to 11-1 1111- 11;.1 9.11“ M. Mop. iepicst-iitiiiion voted against the amendment allowingI . Q ,” rm; 1 I i H l [x “M K ,i 1. 1 .
- it out among thciiise '1 11111 11. [yellowing 1.,1111- 1.1." ieptcstiiiation because it scented \ague. .5 x.‘/ .as» _— A . '1 l 1; / ,7.‘ M “if.
' V' 'liiit ilk'liilllL'Lk-iilhcddlik'.\iliklk'll!\1il'§\iicl‘glll’s'llilly \o wonder students don't care about S(i. Instead ol ‘ ii "'| l 1‘1 ‘1 ll l «not.» ‘ // 1' l 1,_ \ \ if],
1111- rtoiiiieil _L’l.i\l‘ oi 1111- tin-1:11 11-:I Inuit-is II‘iiII'wIItIIIt! ‘tIIdI‘IIt opinion. ‘1 ”WNW ‘mdcm l l | lllllililli. l l' “ I ' ‘ I y. a =
I. l1isliist‘iitttltllt'i\\1II:iitlt'tltilhiil'.t ‘11? «:11 lilt'li" “1”th ’ [£7 944—- . . l .{l l llil‘ . // 1V” I I I"‘-'
force! 111,»- mo‘, Mtge whim, Jittill‘l.‘ii;‘ ; \_ ii the \lasbc 8(1 should disband totally. lt was done tn 0 , ’_.."v’Z"—"ffi'.‘fl}"i‘:l,n 1,1 - J ' f , _- g "
' sititllt‘l isn‘t ..1it~ttil. I1»; not-nits .111111111-11 i11- o-it the past and it could be done again. lhis way. fl ,_ ‘ )3, e”- 32»: ~ ~¢+a'-J’_rn;" ./ ,
1 . , 'h:r.I_I'i:.1I. 3M ~Iglimmut op. p.191 I1 {I “got 11 i:iemheis oi the student senate cotild lorm their own ’ — / a ‘ W . _ , - ’ " SI ‘7 . .
I . sing-11 (Hm-11‘1““ “m anon-11 111.51.; ohm“. tlcnate team and dicuss “really rcletant issties"iiiiiting ammo-— “-—
.‘ rm 11‘1“ “mum ”I,_.V._1LI. ; . 111.; _,\g;-H;,I._1,Alr;r.;l '.l.t-Ii:scl\cs without wasting the money that is poured .
, “N Wm “up” ,1“. 10,“. who”; ,l-yslrrimii lllltt \(1 each year through student lees. Patience hard Work re uired to bUIId
1 q
. l'ne [\t’Hi'lit AI, Aer/:11 we comes at t'ttlllllhlil.tilis should list their position and department _ . I
' ‘I from the l K coninitiriiti lot publication on lllt’s'tiilt‘lli. lhc Arnie/may condense or reject contributions_and tradltlon at U Of L to same level as U K S
.I ' . .ir‘t‘ -.Ip:nIiI'i pegs" llt';.‘llC.'1l writers mat belimited Editors reservethc right ‘
l hm,“ “pirwng 4,”: H Y ”.35 .1 s. “11.1 1.1 1-1lii to.r correct spelling. grammar anu clarity. and By ( HRIS ('AMERON more do they want‘.‘ Yes. (‘ardinals \(m‘ perhaps 100 suddenly. the y
‘ l ‘ I .i I ’ ItY‘IC YI'EPI‘L“‘1"I1~"~‘1l All“ "N “"5 "'5 “ ‘ \IL’” "1‘” delete “helm” statements some Big Blue tans were read\ to put Cardinals have been thrust into the
, mg Atltl’;'s\ .i'lll pin ne r~ ‘rIn, l k _’.I.-iIi- irt: (‘oniiihutions should he dclttcred to Room ll4Jour- \nti we‘re supposed to help them the cold war aside longenoughtocele— limelight. 'l he high ratings ll of L
I I .11. :11; then wit; :u ,z'i l i s‘ft‘l‘l-tik‘ nalism. l niiersity 0f Kentucky. Lexington, Kl- 40506- celehitiii.~'.l hrate the fact that the NCAA title is received inthe season's college basket- 4
" . ' l—-———————.-—I———- , His 1 imcrsiti oi Louiinllc ('airdi- back in Kentucky (won for the first ball polls Vim- sometimes overlooked
- —fl———~—-—~o---rw -. 1,, mils secured their first NCAA (‘ham- time byateam otherthat 17K). But our beacuse of the apparent ease or the
' ' ' l9); 1"? : WOJLDN‘f pionship Monday night. Congratultt- congratulations cannot be heard while l.ouis\ille schedule. Nevertheless.Uof
~ , i -5 7 t) 5'? yQD, HlM JUST “1”“ ( oach Denny ( rum. Darrell —_——_—— i. won. and now expectsa miraculous
' 1 V] w?" ”as BASKlNCj (iiillith. and the rest oi the( ardsiora fl / red shadow to travel east on [-64 and
. _ 1d ‘/ \ “ N01,. lit, ' Ah ioh well done. Iliat s it; no more. ier- Sta CO umn cover (TR. Nonsense. .
‘ . r L) I .. ‘1‘ it" iN [He him Or me 7 haps l oi l. associates are expecting l'K‘straditionisthe oldestand rich-
- s l :3'111 ff? K is 963013136 DfidFFfl HO” 1 too much. _______ est in the world. [K was winning
, I .' k ’.\ . {‘11, t ‘ 1 D r A [1 l 1 . ill the wake oi the ('ardinals‘ 59-54 irate ('ardinal fans vent their in'securi- NCAA championships before Darrell
- _ I l \s‘ A W‘ V L \ \ 1’09 KVNNCP‘I . . a}; 111‘ 1'1 ”0“”) ("CT the [TIA Br'ums. many ties toward Lettington. Slowly let the (irilfith even learned how to spell the
‘ 1‘. l "7/ , /V' ‘ .1 ‘ 5-1575” 3&1 ”I: if concentrated on laughing in the laces fact sink in. Cards; You won, Fnjoy word "dunk." it is unfortunate that
, ‘7 R: .. 's A i‘vf—f‘” I, e?“"'.(x‘”’ .,-:I- ”if > - i» oi Big Blue lollowers rather than actti- the \ ictor) with mg maturity and dig- many would-be Cardinal fans are torn
' ’ ‘11:...” ' 1*,i (f. ',_ . fl ,1; ally celebrating the Helm}. In a front nit) that mould be reflected by an between two Kentucky teams. But
' - " . i, 5'7, {ruff/h '5; '~ ll 11' r: ‘ W11" bdrm” 5““) In low-“1“?“ NCAA champion. Learn 10 rCSPCCI please. spare us the sob stories.
‘ . I: g L f fa, _ a? ‘. 00“: t 1Inner-.11iiirnul. sports columnist yourselses without haying to compare 1' oi I. now has the chance to enrich
, ' , “3:9 ’1 " . -I r‘ p9 ' BI“) Rt‘t‘d concentrated not on the your programwiih-lvk‘s;lhenthe rest its basketball tradition; hopefully.
‘ . I Q' ' % ‘.;.- iacts oi the game. btit oit a childish ofthe state will‘ioin you. they “0“} blow it. it is possible to
'. . ' ' ‘ f;- j y Y ”/4 4 V'Q'elii'f‘" .. __ ‘Um’m‘ll‘m 1" l “l 17“ ‘Uddm go‘ld lht‘ reasons for-the litCl's til §Cll- honor two powerful programs in the
f 4/ 3v: 1/ , “f"\ H M’dfiifi': V L fortune “”d C‘m‘c‘lucm“m_bb°r.\- lhc confidence on l.outs\illc‘s behalf are same state. But L' oil‘s efforts to de5s
_ . . I‘ »_ [/7 mafia-,1, s/‘e _ Lfl’v j'f‘ero'; ‘_ .' iront page oi the ('our'it'rI-./ournu/ understandable. of course. ('rowds at troy the ['K following along the way
i .r I ‘ i: '- ' ' ' ‘ \ "AI-'1” Ai‘\ V ",3”! VILI-Jil ll hurdll'“TimlllCilPPmPtlihe plat’t‘hit Churchill Downs are oitcn largerthan will never work.
. . . k ‘ 1 , — 1 s“ 1,, gar ~// “75“ 31.3.1521, 11 11 1 the emotional headline. (ards tri- those at 1 oil, home iootball games It will take patience and hard work
. . ? .-.: .. .‘ / 'N i a 1‘er 1‘. ( $3 .33 .1” 1, / u'mph could iirially win respect irom that occur simultaneously with the to mild upon the L‘ 01 [ tradition.
_ . ‘I - {:- \ L \ 1 “Wk; 1 luff-'51:. \ l lK. Althougn the headline could races. Inaddition.studenienthustasm lradition doesn't develop in the
.' ‘ 1 , g 1 \ . \ {61.1“- (0.]: ‘l‘li \ l provetriie. Reed sattitudc deserves no Is not 35 endent at [I 01 [_ 35 m other course of one night. Neither does '
. I .- l I ‘l \1" ”1%“ g \ "fins,” "ll rL“W“- universities. as a majority of l' of I. respect.
‘ ' I _ l l w v ‘ix 53%; K ~\$§\.\\$:‘%3/er “'8 Blue fans 11“ not.necd to betold students commute from the various
‘ ' g I i //” . l M‘ ._. t M v i ‘ ‘ ' whom I” ”spec“ that 5 it ‘lap m ‘hc iift’ds 0i LOUlMlllC andits surrounding ('hris Cameron is a Kernel reporter
' . L,» ....,. Mn lace. Sure. we‘re glad they won. What communities, and Journalism sophomore.
' f f '
i U. 8. Olympic boycott due to earn comparison
' ‘ H} SIH’HI- \ “(illl ' \ 'It.1v1‘ nix.- 2w II et'tion to place Btit much moreimportant. 1'8. men and 55 for women. while .Ameri- res; and other thieves grab ever- since become more and more blatant. -
I ' . I ' . I "m" \I’ldltii: f‘tt3ilItH INM- leaders '01” what “in WHO“ 1‘ they C1105 can nolongeraffordto retirecvcn increasing super-profits and attach Doing its part. Pan Am, the U.S.‘s
t ‘ . I - 11-.1: oi . Imps: \ II. t ' . l» "ieI :'..itItI_u :iiiposetl allow great numbers oi Americans at age 70. why paid yearly vacations strings to ever-increasing numbers of only airline regularly carrying pas-
“ -, :h '111- N... .. l ”,4, 1~ .‘11, w; :.,1 ~;iI ooi- ‘ s '.' ops oi; \,I.I;;1.1m h.i\~ particularly young Americans to for Soviet workers are lengthier than politicians‘.’ sengers into the Soviet Union. unilat-
. , .~ .. son {lie I 'i.:1tl \l.1't'\ L'.i\t"'1n‘.v_':tl i. 111.11 1.11 ;I .;‘t\‘l goxeinments iti sec.w1ththeirowneycs. analternatiyc those for American workers; why . ,- . erally canceled and ended allitsflights
‘. . _ "~ ‘ piisnzng "Ii 11 pm I‘ .i‘ =1 1 \itt\\ii\\ \iIt‘si. t.I.I .,_. ‘1‘11 .1 tliI/L‘ll tiriics durI \Iictdl\_\\lt’m1hillh_\ contrastitotheir .Acroflot is the largest airline in the h.” safer to keep the Eds and the to the 1'.S.S.R. just beforetheonsetof
' . . . ".1 i,i,\ll‘:piis 1:1. '11 ‘ s s i \tillnlll oceiip.i— own) is working. Personal witness oi world. with the lowest passengerlares tourists home, eyen ”. you ha\eto heavy Olympics-preparatory traffic.
,‘ :' ~ ’ llie pIcti-st I1 ..:s1|l‘. .1 I1 1.1 'I 11nd tuiIii ':.ir-.ilmetl ti.iily the the constantly rising standard oi litirig in the world;wh\ the l'.S.S.R. consu- threaten m revoke the” 935590“ N on October 29, W78.
’ ‘ . “ o . ., , . _ .I I. . , ‘ . ' ,_ , thevdaretryiogoseeRussiaforthem-
_. , . , U.” “HUM to low; g “H ppm” its I. it: p Ipi i 11s witritssttl on of tht Soyittl nionisdangtroustothe mer priccindesdccrcasesiromyearto ‘1' , F' If 1 . d M ,.
.. ., .ilioweu illlit the present: oi i~1iii:.-. IIiii :eI-I s_':‘.:'ls lll‘ili'll\ (iiiier l‘ 5 power structure at a time when year while wages alone go up: why 3‘ ‘65} 'ar 5“ ‘erwto PM,“ an fr”;— '0 go or not to go to OSCOW'
' i 3" ( .:th'l\\1ili’itl l‘i.1\c'l‘.t' et.ts111.isk( .i:. sgt's :iII“ 1mg it Izi: with maintaining the American standard of liying is col- Soviet youth are healthier and imolve sgerve intact the cartoon imagelo t 6 Afghanistan. when facts are looked at.
‘ l ' ’. ts't ‘II \“Cttl 111.11 t‘iI. l \ is.is IioI <111Iiio 1 \ trII ;i~. \iIiilll lsorcti to lapsed to a lower level then in NM. themselves more in sports than their "10"“ Lnion ‘0 care ““5 disserm- provides no reasonwhateverto put UP
3 3' ‘ . ' 1Iic.iiii/.:ig 11I:.its .IiziI -\1gh.ii;is1.iii this 11... ll- 1"Itlz.‘sl.il't‘lls reek with and is dangerous iothatpower struc- American counterparts; why fewer nated hi the American information barricades. lhe reverse: does 0‘”
.3 .. [I , rm] 1,”,me F. . . I“ Whit .11111 H. ”mm.“ um, when the American people are Ru‘mm than .Amerieansare iorcibly media the media totally owned by planet need still more separation of
l . . ' -_ H ( .1itt-1 would he ..sk.»1l Io tum; 111.11 M getting poorer each and every year coiilincd in prisonsand mentalinstitu- and‘totally controlled b); comfortable peoplesand 5““ more tension. What
'- . *1 ‘ ‘ the t l\ li.iit n Ititi ii.isoii ititi . . (poorer because almost no one‘s paper lions; why Sotiei steel and oil and. capitalists. Capitalist economies are better time‘than right now for youth
I ,I, ’ '. t; \,¥.Wm,d,g\(”NW ML.” 11 ywm‘ Cpl/”0n dollar income is increasing as last as wheat production already surpasses goingthroughamuch—needed gear-up from varying backgrounds to get
. . .1 __ - dwhwmfl “(”un 111"“ [m pm“ ’ that oi the l' S 1 “hi zero uncmploy» for war; the last thing capitalists now together to pursue challenges all have
" tittli-Iittt‘II‘IIII‘IIi‘ \in:I: xiii knit-ii 1111 ________._______ How would i s lemon “pi-(“n m ment and a [mm shortage allow every want '5 Olympic-scale dirt?“ meeting In common and inthe process to grow
" I it'iltiL‘l oi \tetinnisuir 1.1111. 11”.}- iv is. 1:1 (maternala. the (lingo. shocked ()lympic tourists and particr- Smict worker to select from among and communication between Ameri- toward appr)ec1ation.and tolerance 9f
. ' llltIltlll\ L‘dlilt" .iI.11 ms 11.111 111 11111, \.t"1l'.1'" “i: lioriiiniean Republic. pants the high~rise apartment build- always-available robs; and why sltims “’l‘ human beingsand Riffmn '11.].an one another. preCisely the Olympic
.' | ‘ f. I k1.£cd ht h.s 11er pcuplp \mm m1... .iii-t t .iui'II-Il-s inassise ph\sica| bat- ings popping tip like mushrooms all in the ['8 SR would hand to be beings. demystifying the enemy (the ideal that the powers m the L'S‘ so
I ,' . ' issued .1 pitui \MIl 1: titan .ig;i.i.s1 .1 tt- tu I.I. I. tum-mt against [ht- around Moscow andthe movement of looked for with a magniiying glass? looming and inhuman and ominous abhor,
, '. ,. \t‘,\‘.t’i "intav I1 " nec.ii.se he 11.1. rift-ring l \ soldiers um horribly ll million Russians into brand new ,A disproportionately large percen- image ofthe enemy thrives on ignor~ A judge should seek out the full
' . , , dltt'-ttl\ ItIt'I «It ,“I “I." netoit i'i.it ' 1:..1 rots: M II I but .lll the many reporters homes In 1979. while [CS housing tage of the l' S Olympic competitors ance; ”16 mass get-togethcrat MOSCOW story from both Sides before rendering
,. sion" toos Pltltk .i~ \'L"lil'l start including numerous \tarts icll lrom 2 million in I978 to L4 are black and poor when they return “I“ dlspd ignorance. altering the a righteousjudgment. Isn‘t each of us
_. , A \owt troops were 1.1I‘ltul iiiio \tgs1 \I‘IIIIIIUI'I .llllt'ld crews dl the turn oi Inllllttn In [9791’ How would they froom Moscow to American fc:illi).lt) ”71.336 “Russ” and Ruwam 'n the supposed to be ajudge? Who is tryin-
- . .‘ .inisttin hy the goternmeiii oi I\1gli.1ii ll‘II Iriit 11.11 t” not been able to men ”Plum “hl Wm In the USSR . the decay. poverty and hopelessnessol minds 0'” many Americans. turning gito prevent us from seeing the evi-
. 1s1.in under terms oi 1111- high” tattlt .i £1117th oi such battle against including all utilities. costs no-one American Cities. how are you going to many away from, preconceived antm- dence'.’ The prospect of our exposure
' , sotiet lre.1t\ oi lion-mm», s 111‘s and \oi.t~ts1I.‘1111-is hetausethereisnosuch more than 5 percent of monthly keep them irom talking to the neigh- ”s'tli hell“ “dt psychology will to first-hand information at Moscow
. ' helped -\1gh.ini.tiiri resist the mount hi'tie -I:11.ii.ir\ Aiglianistanis esi- income; why a ride on the giant and bors and the press" It the entire por- become. difficult to. propagate. war worries and frightens some. lest our
. . . tire pressure triIml \ eqiiippeil r.ii1l .it ttiII h 1 _1.' P1'C.|\L'tl by thcriddancc oi t‘tspanding Moscow subway Costs the trait of the Souet l'nion provestobea taxes M”. become difficu" .m collect. judgment "0‘ come down on the SldC
1 ill}: liIltt's \tllicli llii'st‘ ht't'n (ilsltiili litif \l“ I. "1 'llt tIPt‘lllniI til ll’ik‘ prisons. santeS ktipt‘t}\ as In i915. Why a loaf of llC. ht)“ are you gmng [0 keep most and war-industry profits WI” become of capitalism and war. T00 bad. While_
. out 111 liittaio: lia‘s Pakistan 1111 :111 ‘I; :11 11.111. to programs redistiihui. bread costs the same it) kopecs as in Amciieane who learn or a different d'mcul' “’J‘N'ly especrallyin hard we still have some freedom of move—
' . Past two tears lllt‘ l \ .ilsi» II .1k It .I1L' 1"I :‘I 1:111 wealth. and by the 19421. why medical care. dental care. Russia. irom wondering what other “mml' meni: boycott. "0 W3)"
itseli .in t‘liL‘ill\ oi Pakistan‘s pcopi H 'it‘II s ~. 11 l\ .igainst Pakistan-based and university education are all free. fairy tales their heads haye been filled Moves by the (1.8. to sabotage the
IIImI'li’ IHId PtIti‘PIns’ IIP l1.i ll‘II' “I-Iit 't’IItI-IIIIHI‘ “hi '01” times to man) engineers with? Having become aware of alter- 22nd Olympiad and to limit Soviet- Stephen WohlsaMontrnlmechani—
, , , ' who li.illiiti)il\l\ osethii-tt 1.1.11-11 \s so 1I1.~ 11-.i! liltilnt‘s tor the hot. graduateirom Soviet universiticseach name economic possibilities. howare American contact got diligently cal engineer. He holds patents In 28
and exentiisilv murdered iiii l’.1’s.st.i tII'I t'll-Ifl the \meritan()Iympicath War as from Ameri