xt7fqz22fw0g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fqz22fw0g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-09-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 03, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 03, 1986 1986 1986-09-03 2020 true xt7fqz22fw0g section xt7fqz22fw0g e ‘ ‘t
E P VOL XCI, NO. 6 Established ‘89‘ UnwerSity of Kentucky Lex|ng'°n' Kentucky Independen' since ‘97, Wednesday, Sfiplombor 3. 1986 ‘ . .
. . . . ' ' . 2
3 l' 91g 91' rams ov1et S 1p ' 400 believed dead " 3
B) hl-1.\()I.SE.\ mg World War It after striking a ered and that 319 people were \llll l’).otr \‘asxev The collision oc launch into water ant of the rescue were all siniet tourists ino»i!t. ti-iim . I I 'I’ I7 7
.____ .-\ssoei2itedPi‘ess mine . . nubsing twodays after thpcoihwm curred about nine miles from the boats‘ he said 7 the l'kraine and Baltic republics. he ‘ ' 7 I I 7.: 'r'IV
Attis‘t‘tM‘ A t .7 3 . -k- ‘ . DeputL' Merchant Minister Leonid "l llOpth‘und all ot us hope, that port of Novorossiysk Nediak said it was too soon to as said He said about 27o of the 1:45 ' ‘ gr;
, OWN pat ‘d 50 p Nedxak [Old 8 “QWS COMGFQHCP Wt 01 tht‘ ‘19 “WNW Wrsons there \edxak said ofticials believ- the sign blame He said there was no crew lll'r‘nllk’rs were aiiioig the sur " 7‘ ' ' '7 ’ -‘ ‘
\ict cruise ship. rammed and torn that rescue boats plucked 336 survt- may be some sui'vivors,“ Nedyak ci'iiiseship sank within 13 minutes tog atthe time of the collision 7 \.l\t)r.s I I 7 . 7' ' 7 5‘ ,7- ', 7 '
llliiilntllzl‘7wd It:eig;htter. tsar;k lso Ifast vrprs from the Black 'Sea'. most of said But he added "I beliexe that "The blow came into the partition He said about So \essels were \edf.ak and he was not sure how _' ’7 I _: ,-_-
i it wa. nt ime orepo} ite t (m clinging to rafts that floated most of these passengers are still between the engine room and the t'ttnttnumg search and rescue opera mam t'hlltlt‘t‘tl were dlltl'tl-l lle S’Ilfl . " 2 ~ ~ 7"
boats and more than too people are free when the liner Adrniral Nakhi- aboard the ship l'ntil the (lth'rs ilii boiler room and, practicallx speak tions, along with helicopters and l|\t‘ iii those rt'st‘ul‘tl and i“, triund -. . ' 3 ,
leaied dead, a iiiai itiiiie official said moi plunged to the bottom at about their work it will be ditticult to eon mg it ripped the ship opt-n. Ne tithet‘uircratt dead weret'tiildren : 7 ' I". t "7 71.7",
M'stei'day midnight Sunday .. firnithis supposition ‘ diak sald There were no casualties among the soiii-t medi;i iii-7o jpporlpd 7' '. 71,7;t
The same \‘esst‘l. then under a ”C1253?" “tzrti'fihifilirepetfle aboard He said the liner was rammed ‘Froni the moment of the blow the crew of the treigtiter which was the t-aniiiiin Miindai afternoon, less '2a ’,'.~'I:_"
lted t‘i‘oss flag. pt'm‘touslv sank dur- . . g , 7 pt) . amid ships on its starboard at it i.i until the moment of the sinking of laden With gram .\ed7\ak ‘Elltl than 17 hours atter it happened The "7" ’ 7' 777-77.“.7 75’,-
- Nedyak said 79 bOdlfi were recov- pm. bunday by the bowel freighter the ship. it was not poss'ible to The 888 (Tune ship passengers sci-SHIP tut-v.- ‘ ’ , 7' f if” '2' '5- ,
Zetas from Indiana
7., . 7, . --; .-;7 . -:~-7
$33, _ a‘ u. . . . . 7' r . “:7. ".7
' assmt in r b ld
3 77.: .3. ,9 e “1 In H" .l‘ t.’,.
' .- .. 7 l 5.5: '7‘.- ;‘."f-';:
, ' 7 . .7: '7 7 .7“ ’13-'14}
\ UK sorority c apter
. » 7,7 . 7 t It . ," 1
' ‘_ , I_-___;-;.;.x.:- 72.7
7 «it 2 3‘ ‘ B} BRHH ttttl’Ht The dear. ot slUtl(‘ltl~ I-fllit aiso 75777“ ., é 7,7 .7
. . 7 7 _ 1' ‘ , ~ Assistant M...“ 3:71:37”. posted a sign up list tor vi:.j.o:.«- .ilio :7. ‘; , -_'_ ' 7:.7‘. 3. 7
i . 7 w - ~ . was interested in rushing 'ta- sororr 7 ' , j . -. V 1" _, 5777'
. ' " ' 7. 7 RH‘nltilll/atlttl‘i tor [phi 'l‘.‘iu Alpha tj». said Beck. lleadle‘. wastant 7'
'i ‘7“ ' 3' ,' 7. o ' began last night as \ttl‘til‘lh meiip d"f‘7n"l‘md"nl"
. 37,7}; .3 ‘7; _ ' be” grow”! To ltbllet‘s taking pat“ \i-stt-i'ila} [he stir-tint. 4‘ up a 7’ . 7 ‘ .. z '7': .77 ‘
‘3 7 , i mm rebuildingetiort oooth .ii the ftudeni ten'w: to two .7 '7 ' 7.333.315}
7 74' ‘ ,' - . \ About 477 Zeta ”Wmm“ ”mum, hour's ii: at: ettort ‘o .itti'a ‘ :"1sli.-.-\7 \‘3 7 7 35.73 .‘7, _- .
* ‘ 7 ; ‘ '3 in trom liidiana ll‘,|\t‘l'5ll_\ greeted l"?""l' ““97
*x. rLLshees ‘~\tlll iiiuiticolored buttons “7‘77““ 7“" 7""“7‘17'” ”'"j‘ m" 7' ,,".". \7' "-:.'3.’
7 ‘7 . .. 3 “,3de “(‘Bt'lu'kt‘ pimple .\e talked ts. is - iii. ; . :xt 7. t .-’
" ¥~ N.» tttticials tron. [TA s national '577‘77777'77d7777‘”77777777 ,7777 7 5 . 77-77 7 .‘57' tr".
‘ 77 fl chapter \md mt?- are hoping m ”L Il‘iut It is still too eari} 't't-ii sa 2 7‘ 3 7 ' V {3'1
r 7 t ' an“ ; _ 3 build the l'K sororit} ti; pledging Mn”: Slaughter, 77h“ 7‘”: ”7‘7 7 ’7‘" :7 1-" {7 '1' ' " a ’7
‘ :33;qu g“. “(1“ ltlé‘ttlltt‘l‘s and 73m ”blotting titti‘lai ‘. it'e pi-tastttetit t'tilztI1. :70 In,” *7 ‘2 3. . . ‘.7, .7
. . . 5' them to take an acme i'oii :i; cam Arm” , 7. '7' ‘- . 7 7-
' “ 7:7: ' 1.: t. pUs at'ti\'ities 7:“ “ ”4”} he“ '7" l1“ -l"'Ul “I" " 5 . ’ '. - 7' 7
, .. 1-3; . 7 7 if The soi'orit} was closed- last lie 1"59‘m-‘9 5m" ‘3 "7“” Ill“ ”7* round 7‘ 3' , ' ‘7" 7127'
. 's' M ;Q 7 cenibei' b) its national chapter be m tormal “”77 “’7‘" " 7"": hour -‘ ‘ 5 7‘ '.
‘ . , 1‘9 'f cause of (let‘l‘t’i‘lslllfl 'iienioership “amt enough ”1”" l" Fl"? tu-(t- f7 7", ,7 . ' :7
. {7‘7 5-» and “low campus \‘isitiilitj- 75777.57 ‘77“5‘7 *ldRH-‘lit‘l‘ "‘7'” Wm“ l' 'v" 1 7' 7 ‘5 7 7
7 , I.“ ' 7 77 All 2:"; Zeta members were plat-ed W777”) “Ml“w“ 7:7 " :7 - 7. .-
Q2: . , ‘7' 0n alumnae status and tort-ed to Through 7777‘7’5'5731577717757 7"5777'77-7 7‘ 7 "- .- ', 7 , j", '
7 .- 777:7: a“; m 7”,»- movetromthesororit} house ”73717577 image ”7 [l 7 '7 7";"577‘11’7‘4 - Z- , ,7 "
, 3,335) a ‘ " 7 ' I" .. Last month, the [TA national P‘l‘jml 7‘1”} 7 ‘7 7 7 ’- '1. ‘
3, 7.3 ‘7’ N chapter sent to members from its “7: 771777 7777777777 an ‘7 "575 [77777 ”5 ' '3 '5 7' f 7; "
. . “:3 . .1! lndiana l “77“.“: 3777.03”; along the new /.eta Tau Alpha nixit the new 7 ’ 7, 1-"
' Mi 77‘?“ , '2 with two field ttiiisultatits and one opportunities ”77 ”ml” 7 ”l": 7 u" 7 ' . , 7. “
' ‘ . / , ’ ‘ , ‘ graduate counselor to pirticipate .n “‘7“: , F7 "
. . a 7 . L‘K's tall l‘llsll. and Debbie i1nw- “WW-7mm“ 4‘ “9“ l“~‘>"“““ "W“! '71 ' .
7 , . , , .W 47 -~__‘7 7 ,. N ”,7“. L . 3 _ executive director for the national ‘aKe advantage of o} pledging 1:th " 7 I -, ' . '. 3'
. mum. xmsw chapter would include increased chances for ; 7 .7 .- ._'
.7,... .,., _.,...,.777‘,7 7 ,7 .-
Hand-picked The} iii m- z 513.13.tiliifir‘éi‘ii‘ilfli‘. £2353 . i ‘5‘” a - «i L :1 ~
, rounds ot t'dsl. week at the ertt vtl " . - i l . , . N n ,_ . 7 I}. 7‘ -. 7'
Joe Maggord a psychology senior, takes a break from work to night. Moggard is an employee of Jessica's Fruit Market on hugger rinset‘ sin-i out then took 7, “(173,: hxc-llbf‘frolfdb’tlltlltfiWIT-Yr 77. . 7_I' I' '.
90' 0 IUSt picked' nectorine before closing the stand lost Nichol05wl|e Road. week to run-w a list of all rushees in; MAW} N.,pri,rmeN and h1:.7,r.:5,:7:,,e;l::i 7-, ' 7 ' I: ’ 5
_ and make personal contacts .iitli I 7 77 I“: 7 7 '7 7 5* "(Z-7; :5
' prospectnepledges \t‘s‘ttRURIH thin-c: -I- I 27,..5
‘ Student Center Equinox * ‘ ' - °
, . Freshman counCil offers '4 r “
. a 395 00 9 5131095 up _ - . 4 chance to get involved ’ .
. . m , “3 . ”3% E '_ 3377.71,;
4 ’ ' -._..7. _ _ '7 77 5'“ _ {i
. old cafeteria-style menu % - .~ ' L; -- e ~ .5 . 7 ~ , ~.
7 .. ‘— 3 1.52”." = ~* . '7 7 ,‘1 NEW‘ It‘ll!” were hoping it would be he said 57' " - ' 3.- 3?- >5":-
lh mun PHILLIPS pvtltlvt' “tth any other salad bar in rat—3 3 ‘~ 7 l ~ t "7' ‘ 7 7 7 People didn't fet‘l a part or what ~ E . 7 f '53
t ontributitig Writer town " ‘_ g“ a. 7, ‘ ’7’7 So you re a treshman and want to was going on ’ . i, _ 7; .3; 7 . 7 .5327; .5'
The potato bar. he said. has been . a 3 7"“: 7'. 7.7-? 3—35,“ 5 7.; y get ”“0le 1“ St‘dttt’nt EOH’I‘nmt‘t‘I? Williams. who series a: ttie coun 7.' ‘17 i777”; n.7,”: i
’ , There s sttnlt’llllllt-l different about "really tremendous " It starts with ' ‘ ‘ :2. 7 - 7 7" = I - ‘7 7 ‘- 17 Wt You don‘t know how The Fresh t-il's cmrdinator. hopes this war "7 7' '. if
the student (‘enter liqumox a large plain p0tato for $1 10 and for ng ‘ “ 4N flew man RePr%ema““’ (‘W’ml md.‘ l7“ “‘1“ but different WW." 7 7; -‘~ 5’ 7-": .73 ’ ":5 '1' '
The student t‘entei' Food SerVices prtt‘t‘S up to $2 45. diners can add a 777777,. 7 37 ‘7" "\~ '-_- — * \ theanswer He hopes to emphasize to the SGA I' -‘ V 2 '. 7 » L $.17
m7 7777,7777”)” a ('t)ltll‘(‘t)()r(ll- variety of trippings7 such as sour 17‘ _ . SGA .\tllIl|lllstr’dtl\(‘ Assistant that students m the freshman coun- . 7 "7‘1“ ,j_.: ,5}?
‘ ii‘iti-il 7ilnit)7\phoi'e and added new cream.cheese and bacon bits, so?” \' 7 «.7 i “75' Jason W‘lllamb 54‘“ the lrefihma“ cil ‘have just as much desire as the .' 7‘7 :7 .7771?“
, toods tons menu Fried chicken and fixings is the \\ COUNCII is a good "way to get trPSh peoplettho art‘alfeiththert‘ 7' ' 5 57-7 ,‘ 1-5737-
"This has been a major. major theme forthe Country Kitchen. 333;,- 3’ N“ M men involved in student govern An ongoing pi'oiect for the councn V. ‘7 i ' ‘1'
l‘t‘ttlt't't. said Mark “mnmmv. “This has gone orer better than ”7°57 . W ment. 3 Williams said there are this $98” will be showing the SGA .' '7 .774: [Sf/:3“
Food Serra-es manager at the Stu- we anticipated,” Denomme said, “I 7 ,3 \ ”WT." 1““ W’Shmt’ll lhit' know about tltSPllt) at ”“0115 “’Stdt‘l‘“? hall-‘7 I 7;; V - :71 .t ' ‘I.'
l ‘ dent t'enter ('ateteria “It's also cost think because we serve very good 7: I nioumum KunnlSta“ {77719 8757777775 “mommmt ASSOC” ““1 cafeterias around campus Th9 .‘- 57-, l '7."-
, wnwmonh). ~- chicken ~- . ion‘ counCil also will l)C responsible for _ " ' 7' : I ,7i"- "'3‘.“
“W rexamping of the equmox was A two-piece dinner costs $225 at iTtlsliaSr'eUdem Center EQU'NJX has revamped ”5 '00k and expanded He said those people who get in- distributingthe SGA phonebooks 3’ {I 7: if}. 3
. (”mum”) planned to be a four-stage the (‘ountry Kitchen and a three- . ‘ \~ol\'ed now "are the people four The freshman council will iiieet bi- .. . ,3 i- 7 j .7'~ 3‘37 -
. protect. Denomme said. However. piece 15 $2757 Both meals include Old {3‘03th the (Ml and the taco we re got the equipment to do it bet- years from now who will be the weekly on the Wednesda} opposne .I 7. ,‘7.'~'i.-,;-,'. 7'
“m.” ”0””me brought the propo mashed potatoes. gravy. a biscuit salad. are still in the equmox but ter‘and faster 7 leadersin student government " regular SGAsenatemeetincs. ‘- ' -' i7 1» . _7
N7] 377.377”. the Food SerVices admin- and coleslaw» with 50"“) changes luach new unit of the equinm is All incoming freshmen are eligible Williams said councn members ‘- :7 x; ".-‘-
Islt'.llt)t‘.\. they told him to complete For these tired of the same old TM“ ”alt“ '-‘ “”lwu‘ 4“ lh" Stu- fully "7077717777 and can 777‘ moved or for the CUUI‘ICll, “th77 has been I“ m” be required to attend a “Wham 5 ,' 7 '7 H - '
thepi'oiectallat once cafeteria food. there's the Gourmet dent (‘enter Denoiiime sélltl "It was ”7913““ cheaply. he “ml "\\hat eXistence for three years Interested number 0f senate meetings through- ‘- 7 I "7 - -‘ i 7 ', -.7'i 7.‘
‘ \w m the equinox is a salad bar. Grill Due for completion 3th, first served m” years ago and ”S we it- created is the ability to freshmen can pick up applications in out the tear (‘ouncil members will ‘ ' .7- " 3' .7; 7
a Potato bar, the (‘ountry Kitchen. month, it will offer such delicacies sales hai'cnewrt‘tillen " change “"‘h What} currentl} hitP theSGAotfice,iZtiStudenH‘enter be BSSIE’ned t" different t‘Vt‘CUUW " . 7 . ' -
tttltl .‘et to be completed. the flour as Spinach salads. charbroiled Now, to help reduce line problems. pening “lth 9(7‘7’91" 5 [ti-“9 1“ it” 91‘” 3‘9le?!“th drt’tlUt‘ 5‘13I 13 branch committees ' ‘ ' 7 t L 5 i 7'
. lllt’ltil‘lll chicken and Reuben sandwiches it's been givenzt.~m.t.'.vi.-t.ind nomicalprice A sevenmember committee will 'II‘N )f‘dt m“ t‘t’utlttl “-0 limited - . » :' . 273-7"
”l“ “It'd hi” “”“ls 3" mppmgs The prices will be a little higher The deli has also been redesigned .SFUdem 7777777770777 70 the WM“ ”“19“ "‘0 applications and the“ to 15 members, bl“ “‘“l‘ml‘ 53‘” 7- ‘ . 1‘ .7 7:: '13 .
.iiideostsSL’ 35 than the other foods offered at the with faster lines in mind "We're hatebeen 777707777777 but ””7 77‘le conduct Intf‘I‘VICWS with applicants the 5119 Of the councn “1” depend on 7 ' , ' = 7‘
’h s gone over really big." Ite— equinox. “but the value is there." serving the same variet) of food at “7.777 77777779770777 . about N“ weeks 3“" the applica: the number ofqualifiedapplicants 7 ,_ ' 57‘ ’. W 7
iitiiiiiiie said "And the price is com- [)gnornmesald the dehf [tenomme 5mg npm now It “ml“ a l‘" “'C‘T‘ 54“" 13002 tion deadlinewnliams said “tWe‘rei looking for people who '. ' '-
S‘T 7”“ '7‘” 7 Last year, the freshman councn are fat”) serious 7' ' 7 . 7 5 i 7 '7:- 5
H lth d l' ' ° ' ' 7
“.13.: . $75 1;va 73mm? - - : 7' 7 . .
ea an re igion are intertwmed, shaman says .. ,
a": \‘Gllt'ét-‘Shl‘T —_—__— itihre “Illsdpplhhwl‘nN‘l ot .‘iti‘tpins (:iy useél to create this state of mind_ In ”M7777 ' 7777777777777 '7 ”‘77:" - ' 7 .‘ -,
‘ ‘ u ' e sic or eir altllV ant men s. sai . . - '
a l 3 .. ‘. _GOd manifests Koffi said These sintui actions are Akuete said Western cultures find 7 um and $9on Gyro both 7 7 ~. ‘ '
“ Alma. rtllHttm reflects ”“7 himself in natural nullified through spiritual lnlt‘th‘n it difficult to accept shamanism be- . " havo now "W’ W" F°' ‘ ' i . .~
“"5“ C‘mnwmn between 591mm“ 1- tion. which can include rituals and cause they lack a tradition of the 7-. .3“ TOViOWS. m ”WINS, ‘ ‘7 ‘
77'7lllli7h7:lffltlli]:alth f h occurrences lkC sacrifices tothese spirits powers of spiritual healing. Another - Page 2. I 1 ' ' ~7
s 'E.‘ niessa eo a s - ‘ ' ' ' ‘ . '
gneii by Durchback :kuetp. amt disease? pestilence, However. :‘ifricans do not worship :easplrglisilttfnli:rrbt:$u::nnt:t {8:777 re- ‘ti , ‘
cm African spiritual leader and famine and drought," ‘h“*“SP”"‘-“** W“ W“ 54““ Th“ hi7: no funds for meLiningriTiw: 7 mm“"”“"' “‘7‘” ' 7 7 1
mm" shaman. to about 75 people h k Ak African religion is monotheistic de- search i . Oh for the $091. 13 football
lastnightin24SStudentCenter 0““ bac ue‘e' SP"? "5 amml-‘ltt‘ nature ‘Antmtsm However Koffi said th t bec - 7“ game Wm Monday For ‘
Akuete. who spoke through his in- Spil’itllfll leader ‘5 the assigning 0f “t“tSt‘tttUb lttt‘ tt‘ modern » 7 [f 7 ed a _ am ‘7’ ' I I ‘
tcr reter Afawubo Koffi . ‘d n) . natureor naturaltmdies - . scien ‘ 'C m '“ne '5 otter - M,mm,Pog08. 7
“glam ideology m Africjialcarl I; — "God manife t h n if r l insufficient to cure diseases. it may '
- s s ii se in natu a . . . , ”my at..»» a... i
meaningful unless it has to do with leadership “9 becomes a healer.“ occurrences like disease pestilence. 3.91::eshiart7hdnriglilfsyh'ld matte”: 7773mm‘77737 77
healing Akuete 831d famine and drought to African tra healing 7 5pm ua .. m 7 . _ '7' 5777
Matters of health and medicine in Villagers who come to h‘m 357‘ "Ot dllttmitl religious C0mmum““~‘- or in res nse to a ue t o b t h' ' i777; 7777 7 7 7777: 7
fluence religion so much that in Af— (”fly for healing, bl“ 3150 for {00¢ societies. these different manifesta- ed po 7 q s l, n a ou . ls
rican communities the healin clothes shelter and even farmland ~ . . proc ures. Akuete. who 5“]de ' Today will b. portly sunny .
. , 8 du- - “0'15 ”f (10" 8"? PPFWntltf‘tl 3* medicine in Germanv and France ’
ties of the shaman take precedence The shaman is sought first by the ‘gods.‘ such as the god of thunder ” said he "blends“ his Western and ' " wM’o W WM
over his religious duties SK‘k because to Africans. the physi- Koffi said Mm.“ background in h]; ractice " . 0" W 0 M m I). m
cal body and the spirit are one and Shamans can invoke these spirits However he 'gald a shamah) sho Id MW WM ° b”
"An African shaman becomes the same. said Koffi. who spoke be- through humans. .tkuete said This be able to mi what I; w'ron 7m”? 65. Wm M
overshadowed b), being a doctor fore interpreting for Akuete is not a form of thhOSIS. nor. as sick person merely in logki 7: "IVRCHBACI‘ AKUETF WW MM” '77
rather than as providing religious Sickness is caused by spirits who many Westerners hélieve are drugs them 7 7 ’ ng a ' row . A
7 .

. ‘ ’ - > 3 v
V. ‘a ! _ . . ~ ‘ , “m
’ . V i -. 3. ‘3 ‘~ 3 3 . midi!"
. ' ; woo Mllbf .m
3 3- ‘_ ”,3, 19” Amuon'A'" Ed!
.2 . _ _ ., my,
.; ; 2} umrucx'xf‘fff'tfw __*_—_s————_—_—_——_——
v: J “ E RSI O N 3 .1 ,. 1 i372.» mum-V ’ “" ‘3 E ,3 W
1703' ‘ " RI 3,; \ I 2- _V . . I j. ,. -» "a _‘ 3 1.2!,“ :3 . A 1‘ if .42.;- 5 _
, 3 talbum . - « a
:3 R317“ 3- 3T 40 S 3 es Cla lsm “”335 “ V} . r. 333137;: 11" ' \a fne
' ' suffermg rom 3’ i K 1T1 h
,3” ‘ t I] - “— .3; 1321.513}? V; 1:, 3 3 ’ 4' )e
‘ ’rO Gyra S l M, but is 3w by the “3““ uslc REVIEWS vw ’ "R. q.“ r 3: “ -
e‘w‘mri‘fi ‘ v v [ends 8 ~ hi solomg. . M V , 3R3 R MR; 33-; ~ .t 3 vv
‘3‘“ \ . “W” “”m“ "”1' [he mm mwtggd Bieakout is a “at: 5,333" =~\"3 fl A3
‘§'>.3~‘"‘Rvi3{’-‘ , 1‘? \\H \H $31}th A" ' 1 album. it demogstra _ ‘1’ 3' " . V ,3 t.- ARR . '3“
3’;:'3~."-.‘?va‘~; ‘ " , V ‘ ’ V . R t of ms comma?“ - : direcm" . ‘°' EcE ~va _ . 7' ‘ . '~ 3' ‘7 v 3'.
2?“? A The mm! ”Hptfilrxgl?55p;fro 0-"? a slepGylrga u[21:3rrtlti':first time smce zfgéfitfiij 38 , 3.13 €33 ‘ ”4A1; ' .“R'J- ~ 3‘35:<‘r9_‘4.'.
‘\ , .3 v. -- “‘ ‘ W“. 523 3.313 33R and ‘5“ 35%ng album. meg, 53°51”; . ”WA 3. u ' RV; A 3,213 ‘ . ,‘i‘;
:}\2”x; lituglljxliné 0‘ the group S {03235; sliflltly “Sh. appgoaaedly one Of Rat in the K'when my ‘ 'fimm- x ‘
‘an‘igggflg L131; Mikexxsxtlln Tgtfiihggow with -~wmrlwind" wageogieca {hey'Ve Records k 5:): v4’ .1: 3 ‘v
‘13:}..3'55." ‘ . .‘ I“ q! T 31H‘H'_ ‘w‘; ‘k’ 5[9m lea ' ‘ . ‘ the mmt innov 1‘s. "5 . . . ngry ['00 m _ . “TV" I 2.7.; F ‘: : !r
'53:: v :3: . 3.3 .rv mm R ‘ “ r . 3 , . ..~, ;.r;:V‘ 2
‘ 3’33“ ’ " "I daugh- effec- rtsondnl 10'; his 5.: Wk m lb syncopraogrssion proves the gong: gganticism._ bad" minim“ to O 9 e E i 3 3' 33?; “‘3 .3 ‘
>.'\,~.‘.‘}3,;;3§\R€ Huuzr‘ ‘ 0;" m. Ugh“ m E: silvaged some hope {01‘ u with enough bltw§n§sciswllds ll" R0 7" ; ; “fig 3%
«1.3; ‘ .z’v'v‘w '_.:‘ :21). W . f E v15 , v i . 3 r . n’ *
W‘S’fi‘; d d albums‘ th corfimlficissimfies. k full (I .. . R 33'5“ . -. ,3.- v.“
.1133?“ “’““ “Swelot Away’u on: Of thcfffo a: $122: in the Kim"? 3:32:23; simple I 3, ”a" , .355? 3" "
$3.3", :[VS )3: >_ 3. - , ts. s OWS . . . l and Socia a ‘ _ 33 “waxy 3 ‘
5.38:“. ‘3. ‘ A ? redeemable cu . . Side and polmca t even the Ian I N
kg.- 3 Mn sensltlve ha enough Lha _ . "5 THE KITCHE
A3“ 31f gut"; , groups more the heads of a few and S rp ul d not mlsconstl'ue UM'S RA TIN f today is
3.2.53 ‘3’ S" ? ight even turn . ha e been at nstenel‘ co t 1 the 31' home- The U340 o
Avmiv‘ff‘N-‘R : V‘ t It mlght V . - Unfortuna 9* l'ttle ~t~ n me far from concerns are
W‘Etfifiwjgs W R ‘1 ‘ Jazz mas 91:5 had Someone m the meaning drive leaves l . ' t/Fire live ammunl '0 d the U340 of old. The
.73113-33-‘18‘43 334% Q 3 more effect”? tely, for bum'S ”tense songs Fem" 1""098" d/When the crow
.- ._ - ~ v . _ - [V Unfortuna btle, tender . t a crow . mesame.
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13333333339333 ‘ ., ‘ . ’ some nareforcreat‘V‘ty' tal injuxitlce bfgmof being plamnt- :30: They‘ve simply never V
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KEN’UCK Y KERNEL, wulua-La ; aaytarubol J, )9“ 3 ,
O r‘ u 4
’ M ' Bl 7. h t l 1 ' -' '
That 01 song-and-dance 00d) "95 I “D ,
w ' th w I P ' I '  
a n o o o o ‘ i A le I

Sophisticats start of f second year With auditions tonight at Center for the Arts 1 “e 4 d I" 5' "g 9 ' ' .
lh .\NNI-:(iAl.|.0WAY teraited UK or Lexington (‘om- Those Interested should also bum lluh'uui director ut the so I f¢ I i ' '

Staff Writer munity College students at 7 to bring a resume of pt‘l'llll'llllllg e\ [llllsllt'illh Ose u n d v () ra 8 Id e S . -

. night in the Center for the Arts periences. should limit auditions ,

. King Alumni “011-89 IS Sponsor- Recital Hall. Information and au— to three minutes and should m- ‘I‘how who \ht)“ pron“... M71 in \Iilti i turn} If . .v . 77.7.77 H .. ' . - ' ,. '

”lg )‘913nUther7 classysplush. dition sheets are available at able to read music he .iskml to meet at T the follow \ii‘” "3 l' ' . ' . s ‘ f ‘ ’

It has nothing [0 do With the King Alumni House at 25743905. mg night at the Rehearsal Room . ., . 3 m7 . . .
color blue or basketball. AS a A piano and accompanist will “We're looking for students .it the (‘enter for ,m. A,“ Th“ \t \i. 13.1.7. . 7 7M, , 1"
matter 01 {1191. the group sported be available for the audition. but with good vowes. who can read \tlll be asked to sing Wllll each “’“k'” ' ' - - . my“: I ‘ ' ' ' ~' ~'
red at a National Collegiate Ath- students should bring accompany music. who can move on stage other to determine which per Honda is. a , . - . 77 7.. I' _ '; [1,"?
letic Assoc'iation dimer for alum- ment muSic in their key. and who are personable," said formers work best together pom» W ‘n - ' V i - ' '

They are called the Sophisti- {Y ' ‘ l . re ' . . . A :. t- '71" x . " .'
cats~ l'K's equivalent to Up With ' “V . 7 I 77 , .. _ .~ .. ' . w 5r 'j . 7' 5
People The Sophisticats are a 15- ( 3).. .. ’ ,L‘) ‘ 7/ ‘ . ’ ' Ll _ ”it: ‘7 7H 7 . . - iii. I, I, ‘3' -II7I 7
member ensemble. Although - ? . 7' ~ 4,. f "' ’3‘ N I (I; '7 " ’ - , . .-' "I. ,_;« 7:
founded last spring the group re~ " “ " ‘ ’ -- ~ I ‘ __ ‘ " ' ‘ . .7 .i..,.-.4 . ,' :"’.‘ .- 0 r-."'.'

. . I 7 - ‘ _.' ‘. ll '.‘l7i .‘- , gi'm :.', ""Ii .1
ceived limited attention on cam» '_, ‘ I .. \ ’ . - ’ SI? “7 . _ , . . - . 'I ,2; .- ,’
pus. " i ' I vs! "' ‘ signing: :; ' ." . i. iii ;".-"L".-‘"'-‘"l‘

The group is composed of three , i: : . ' 7 s\ n .i I I I II II I . I , . :57": II7._,I. '1" .III,
soprarios7 three altos, three ten- 7 with“? .. I, '_I I‘ . .t .. . ‘I I' .. II'I717U
ors, three basses. a pianist. an 7 ‘ ari- II‘IIIIII ‘ I ‘ I' I.~.I,I.',II 1%,":7’7'
electric bass and a percussionist. { 7. " it: it H. _ _ I -.-I‘. II"-'.,"."-'-, ".5'.’
The} perform any style of music . . ‘r1 “I" "a ' I ._ are I' , III IIII \ _ . , . ' 7;.IIiiIf-IIi-I -__‘ II, .' tIr‘.
short of classical but specialize in a . i «If ‘ S7I7II‘I7L777II'7 I7 '7 , _ ‘ .i’} '1‘ V'.-.'.',"":'.
pop. jazz. and Broadway tunes. fig” f ‘ 7 ‘1‘” ll I'I'f: ', 7 7' -. ' ' .'_ ‘ 3:351": ;'."I~I"I
complete oithchormgraphy. . _ . i. _. old lirv' \I‘ I‘ . II if?" 34... 3.331;, I is

All performers receive a $1000 h. 3 , «. ‘ " lod ,I, «I: Cw . ' i 7‘ :7". "I”. ,‘f
scholarship from the t'K National “" 7:7. .. 7m... 7 . 377 _t _ ., ' _ .‘ 5 ‘ 'I‘I I‘ ' ' ’i- f» 75‘. 733:. 37;“. '73

. . , .. v.- -I""~ 7:.3 . in! . 7 Satin -. » »., . .. \ 7,..-.-,.

Alumni Assoctation. l‘he [ lx 4, . b. it. 24:17:: we, ‘ 4 .ii . II I_ i .. .I7IIlII '55; ".’- .‘

. 7 , » 7i.- , d hll> ll. J”, .,,7. . f . .7u7-7. 7', ._ ’7
School of Music provides the 7. ‘ 7 - _ ‘ » . < TM . 7 ‘ U. .I._,’ ‘1 35.435"
group With uniforms and lnSU‘U- . ‘ II . I’ . i .,_ 7;I7I.7»I7 « .15) ‘13»). ‘ 7:I“.;~_, 33.73731 I ' 7 “337,-: ‘7 {II I" .J'Ii7-“LI
ti itl;iI\. lil \l I \()l t \\ lll ‘37 ' " 77',‘7:<;=’57?"5 7‘? " .Jk' ' "3.45: . '7 5-; ,I 9.74;:-

, § . II II, .i, . I '7 ;II {If-f); .3. c'I II. ,uI
9097.30, #7" limited ODEHii‘gS 7,, Army ROTC “4,4,... 0,. MS <07 0nd Sopho \II 'ZI‘IIIIIIII . 7 7 , _ I _ I: 1:- 37:41. :I if. 17;!
more MS 20l classes Stop by Barker Hali w. to» tin Cg'npui, .1; w” 257 II E“%§&WM$§§W ’ .‘ . , . , j 7 7 .1. f. 7.1‘I I‘v'c' "7’; .xI
[“75 ‘or more information lk‘*~f$:VW:y II)“ 7 " I I ‘ I . '. .9 , . if“: I.'7vI.“' 'f H’. I.

' .'"..7,.-»7...‘T"1:*7'-M "3 .‘ ' . . .' 1 ' . 13.9 7i..-;.';',- " ; ' I 7

, 7 » Even today, there are still a few students 7 ,.

l g a}. W 0 out ave an _ cal - C 711131 3 salt:

____ L , W~A_._-A_.______L__.___,L.___, _AII . .4 g : " i ‘ ' I E:- I')’ iii"; :4 2 .V '7‘

. W..-” ”LI.-...7....-.. M. -W....7........ .- . ‘ 7 I, 7. .7
' . '* o ,3. if 2‘ W ”- i, 3,; ..-\ I' a; :j- : ’. I m " ,‘1 2“; 3 to i: 'f; A, a, .-, at}: ” 337,33. *‘I 5-733; 1: {are ittj, .Iz-I‘ 7-,§.II‘=c-ei..., ‘. , 7 .7 I', ‘II 7.77 .-I.'I: 171;, ‘g.
" ~ " i’ “ :- . x: ~ i “- i; 7 fluxes“ : 1‘2.“¥..L‘;t"‘3s,l“ a: «it, a; - ‘1'“- - “ .g. n‘x’jlz
7 ~ - ': 4 7. ., . :‘ 7. s ,- . - 3. .J; -, 7:3 .7 .-‘~'~\' 5&97777 4i” 7. g 77 * " _7 ~ ,-::;>x‘ _ 7 _ 7.. '.’.7 .

0 Ge . . I ‘i‘ ' . ' ..—‘I ‘ s ,I‘ w. ., II, ’ 'g. at I .7 ‘2-‘1/ \.‘: 73:. 37:1“.73/ 'o, . 5:: “ I‘I " g ‘\ -'. 7»! 5 ‘ 4 'v‘,':.-. 7 , r

6‘ ‘ ,, II II III) .- . 3': II 4 \c‘t‘ l'ie. x 77 , . -. .f \7 -. I I (f -. I ..‘ I~ 3": It; I I!’ :2.
c0 «5 . .. . _ 7 ‘. , .. .