xt7fqz22fx01 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fqz22fx01/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-08-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 18, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 18, 1995 1995 1995-08-18 2020 true xt7fqz22fx01 section xt7fqz22fx01  


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Add/Drop slowly becoming


Plyone bass] es decreasing

By Beth McKenzie

\rrl.i ll ir't/

\ceil In add a class, ilt'np one
or renew your lall \tllt'lllll‘t':

ll sn. l'l\ \Ill’ oilci‘s one stop

'l'he s) stciii. \iliii it opened in

the W“; tall \our date of
semester. git es {WMH'E"““A‘W’fiwm " "'7 hittli \\lll be your
. . i r .. ’ '
Students llit l Add/“Pop "'nts l l \(. iiiiirilrcr. ll
ppoittmity to . , you .lls .r ltrst
register tor l l tiirie tisci'
classes it . riit Here are some additional tips to i \ till it ill lie
.in\ where . lOlIOW To help make UK'VIP 35 1 required to
around llit 1 simple as possible. change your titiirr
globe, lrci' niitt logged
\ll \nu need i VConditional Drop/Add allows onto the system.
is .t I itiit'lt you to only drop a cowse if you It u...‘ liri‘get
rum- plume. are successful in adding another yntii‘ 'I’\(.. {on

your personal
access code and

course. This will eliminate the
hassle oi dropping a class only to

impossible to add or drop a class,
lilt book also tontaiirs coiriplete
liisti'iittiniis lni‘ using the i‘euisti‘a
tinn sei‘iiee. .
\ntl'll .tlsir need In lt.t\c your
student idetrtilitatioii number as
\H‘ll as your personal .retess code.

iri‘ l) \l ‘.

iirust take a photo
II) [it the Regrs

.t stltL‘tllllL' find an alternate section was trar's tritiu-
linok Sounds i closed. below the secret
easy, but there lllltlllrel‘ can be
.m- .i fen Iririttts VA professor is not required to t‘t'\'('.llt'tl.
\tnrtlt wont, drop a student from a course if “in tliai
an”: it. tllalsL' } they miss the first two class ses- respect. \‘.t"t'L' lttst
win: tall a lmlt- i sions. it you want to dropaciass. htt- ,l hint."
easier. you should use UK-ViP to ensure (:nl Ims out.
"'l‘lit- lit-st you are taken out otthe course. "'i llt\ \tnii‘t tell
ailiice is In lit ; \nti \ntir \ l \l

prepared." said
Lisa (Iollms,
assistant regis-
trar. “Know
what you “Jill I
tn1tiltl nrtlr'olr i




belni‘e rriakiiig
the call. .llltl
don‘t try in ilir
it ll. you don't
have a schedule

'l he St‘llk‘il"
tile ot (:l‘asses

tt)i}l.illl\ \illllt'

. VCail only during an open reg-
istration window, which is based
on classification, hours earned
and the last digit oi your student
identification number.

VUsing busy number redial,
speed dial or automatic busy
redial prohibits you from gaining
access to UK-VIP.

VBudget time spent on UK-VIP
wisely. Callers have only twenty
minutes before they are discon-
nected from the system.

ittititlrci‘ n\ei' tltt
phone "

\tter getting
through to \'ll’, u
is tiirportatit to lis
tell tn the

'l he
will talk you
through each step,

"( )ire ol the
itrnst basic things
that happens is
that the student is
ineligible to t’eg‘isr



\ital ininrrriar ter."(Inlliirssaitl.
mm lirr‘ ,i sllt' Source: UK Schedule of Classes “ll twilii lrc
('L'SNl‘lll L‘llll lllJl '\'(Jll ll2T\C Al
namely. the _____ stop on your


the digit call
titiiiilrei‘s needed lnr eat h class.

\Vithotit these llllllllltt\, ll“~

record. ’l'lie irtosi
titlllllll'll reasons (lot a stop) are
lilri'ari lees and unpaid parking




//,'i {iii u’r

Mom", 0" "P .Vli'e/ lieu/Ht mil/‘1' I/re frame of Ii‘l'tlf :31” /ie t/ie ll ill/trill 'I'.
lit/“w III/Want 'Ii‘i' Nit/iii Ir it’luvt/n/o/ fl: lu' «amp/writ! in tire ‘/”'III_L{ iii/WT

Construction may slow
Itinwan/Blantling movers

By Jenniier Smith
liming/nu lit/Hut

Students on South Campus tan
e\pect longer delays \ilrilc irroyiiig
in this weekend. l'iii\ersit_\ oi't’i
cials said.

()ne of the main arteries lead
trig up to the Kiriian/lllairdiirg
(Lomplex has lreetr closed for
repairs all summer and will stay
closed for at least the lirst two
weeks of the semester.

'I he walkway. which runs iroin
L'iiir'ersity l)ri\‘e into the main
pla7a otthe ( Iomple\, has general
ly been used as the main vehicle
entrance on irroyitig in days.

In addition, portions of the
“green area“ between the towers
are also being fixed.

Bill (Iollins, riiariager ot mamr
tenanee l‘or l‘K's Physical Plant
Division, said in an interview ear»
lier this summer, that l’l’l) was
hoping to have both areas (‘trltl‘
pleted “long before students
retttrired for classes."

However, (Iollrns said other
projects etrded up takitrg prece»


_ I .

iletrce n\ er South (:ampus.

“It was .r iiiagnaninrotrs prw
|ect." (.ollins said
ititiioi‘ prolrletiis we did not
e\pect. It may well be open lry the
end otne\t week. but there are no

l)elroralr lla/ai‘il. Residence
l ile director. said students can
e\pect a “little more delay."

lloweyer. she said the satire
routes will be used except lor the
titrlirrislied otie.

"lhc ['K l’olice (:ltiel‘
i\\'.l l.) .\lc( lotrras and his stall
are responsible for the r'e~route
mg," ( lollins said. “\Ve had soror
ity rushees more tti last weekend
and it didn‘t cause too many maior

lla/ard stressed that students
would irot be iii any danger
because of construction.

Students on South (Iairipus are
not the only ones who cart expect
ilil'ticulties. (Iollms said.

Some parking restrictions will
occur when crews repair the root
on the west side of .\leiriirrial (Iole

u\Vltlt sirtttt‘ '



\\ ll. lli"»..‘

ll‘TL'll .tilil ilri

llii' '32: ss lLt

sits. inst It". in ‘.\l‘..il
they sit H
(lit that
tillers a status i llttls
"\Nllll this. tliiee
tliiitgs you can lirid out." (.nlliris

ltiili'. l l‘s \ll’ ilsir

there an


"lt tat: ,(ztt‘ \ou tour yetr .iilil
iriator. the \\IIlilir\\‘s tor
\ilili/l)lttll. iri \iiit titll l‘ltttls
slnps, ill there is a \li,‘))‘ it tells
_\trtl e\at lit \\llll ll Irlllti iir i'llt't l

\ii .iiltisei hold is aiioilrti pos

[ls \ ll’ \tirir‘i

.lllt‘i\\ ton in rtgistei.

\lltlt lt‘l‘v'tll ‘.\li\
it you lr.i\eir‘t initstilteil mirth
go lirl a
session lretorc you \sill be; allowed
to t‘egistct.
\ lt‘\\ other perks ol the sy stein

itit hides st arches lot .rlteiiiait sci.

xoiir .iil‘trser. \illl iiiiist

'toiis ii the one you tried is closed.
and stops to keep you lt‘niti l't'L'ls~
ttiitiu liti' tlasses \Htli time Will

\s \tlil’l)rop approaches.
ll. iiit‘llllitl to be patient.

‘\\'e it lli\ tr_\ to get the stti


i in himr

SUMMER BLUE: Ray llll/N'. rUl employee I” II if H i/i‘iw (,rrrm‘lretnrr. {ink
[riH‘u/ I/ie \n/i'qu/l' hilt/me In l/te ANT:'iIII/li’liunlri/Q ( 'nm/i/t \,

'l'lre protect. which started
'l'hursday. requires some spray on
irraterials that would be lra/ai'ilons
to cars parked iii the area.

‘l'lre same type oi work also is
being done nri the root ol l’errce
Hall at the rear ol the building.

(lilllltl\ said he e\pei ts no park
mg changes near that site. lrtit that
students should be “art of \salk
trig on the sidewalks near the

\notlier minor construtiioii
delay may be at the corners ol
I'VlIClltl and Rose streets .is l’l’l)
coriiplctes .t t lull \iatcr protect.

l'he protect required “digging
big holes in the ground atid laying
down big pipes to get chilled
water to the King \ltmrm House."

laick ol ttitrds left some other
sidewalk .iiid resirrtacing prorect
scheduled lor' the summer tintin—


ilciits In i‘culstel' lrelnre tltt lii‘si
(lr' \uu If.
upset .I litis\ signal.“ (lirllllh 's.tltl,

“L't‘l's nl si lli)i)l_
"'l'lic litst titties to call are \tr'.
early in the lllitt'ltlltg’ or late in tin
melting. and lry the time i \ttg .W,‘
i‘irlls around. it‘s t'i allt easy to 11¢”!
persistent and doir‘: one tip
keep at it,"

l lie liest til\'ii‘e is In lie

ll you need In add or tli'nlr
between classes. .i phone bank is
.rtailalrle iii (in l unklrotise r llitiiil
lltLj lrettt'ceii \‘ .i in .ll.tl 4 iii pair


:1 rig/1st IX, 1995
Z world musrc to UK this
year Story. page 81


\ln'td i\ through l inlay.

[i., tr . \.\ ll hi. t‘,T' Tllll'il tllill ;
1‘1: iiti \iij. .‘l j’l
lt '.i-tl i"iil .i tnpi. oi \nui
i ' ' ’
\(llt‘i t it, \wil t Ill :1“ iii tltt

liirrl-‘iioiisei lnlilzy. \rlretc scheil



['li‘ ‘.\‘il l g‘rll‘i' l'ilr tiL'k is .r‘
\ilL’, .‘l
\lli.li'I|I-, lli\|!!{f tillt\l!iill\

about t l\ \ll)(,il'-i ill ilii' l’rolr
x” “l‘(

leiii llirll!"i i:

llt'lii is .i\lll.lili('


' llt‘l‘Jtt‘Tl ‘\

tlriniiuh l'lili\

”til i r! p


P830“ students on time

By Brenna Reilly
\i'L‘u l‘a/l/w/

l‘inaiicial aiil oliicials said they
are pleased w tih the progress ot a
new student loan program that is
designed to reduce students‘ “an
on federal .llil.

\s oi \\ ediresd it. the litiairt ial
.lltl nllite had credited 5".l liltl
ltoii in slllilt'tlt lnaits. with .i ueeL
still to go lrclnte classes start

" l liis ; ari
llttt't‘11st' ir\i,‘l’ last

Llialii. viii si11llliiL! oi the lilitllllss‘i
rs iioii istht starting point. \iiei
lies the it-ltial goreirtiireiti .llTil

'“ll‘ " \ii‘litil illt'iillli"i‘irli

the riint‘illllit'til sends a notice
bat L to ilrel iiiii isti.
”lt usiil In' Li ‘~ ti» l.‘ \u elss

isiait'iiL; iroirr ihi. applierrionl.
rio\\ \tlreii the siiitlttrt siiiits the
proiriissoty note it should take
sc\tti in ll’l‘l.lt\.”{l1"'llyi saul

, ~ .
(ti-nix; bi itti ~"it, ststtiir \\tll

in lt' ii: \Tililt rits

lrti itisi‘k l\ ll.i\

rim ant with your old?

year at the same lilirl" . irirltiil

time. said . ‘lleinre \\t‘
l.\'tttl.l (.enrrc. . , . ' “
:w :u
LL! u"
H‘ ‘ .
u ’4 ,..
H .
,u ,
u ..
t , .
u ~ .4
‘|| ..
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address to access the
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 4 . l4 Ffidqy..4ugurt 1.11. 199$,Kmnuh Knm/Add/M-up 11'





















”79 ACC 201 009 2' 30 TR (EOOAM WTSAM 00406 AEN 748 001 19 00 TBA (1)469 ANT 161 004 8 30 MW 0800AM 0850AM 00552 ARC 8x: ‘11 ‘ :' ‘1 1 , 11+ A10 ' 111,1 I
TBA 004% AEN 749 001 99 C‘C TBA M 0200PM 0250PM 00553 ARC 8.2 .118 1' 1 - 1‘. 114 A‘.‘ ‘. ‘-1".'
00282 ACC 201 201 13 30 W (XSOOPM m30PM 00407 AEN 750 001 9 10 TBA (1)470 ANT 161 005 10 30 MW 0800AM 0856AM I ‘54 ARC 8211 '11 .' 1 1 TM
@1283 ACC 201 401 34 30 MW 0600PM 0715PM 00408 AEN 768 001 1C1 1:, TBA M 0300RM 0350PM '0555 A111. 8.; .1 1 ,4 1 1 11-
00284 ACC 201 402 46 30 MW 0730PM 08451’M J0409 AEN 769 001 9.9 L , TBA (1)471 ANT 161 006 5' 30 MW 0800AM 7,185 :AM 31,155 AR; 821 11 ' .4 1 1.11;
102$) ACC 202 401 4' 30 TR 1.600PM 0715PM 00410 AEN 775 001 9 UL) F 0300PM 0350PM T 1100AM 1150AM 405219 ARC r. 1 . ‘ ,- ~ '1 A i.
1291 ACC 202 402 3‘ 30 TR 0730PM 0845F’M 00411 AEN 795 001 11_ 00 TBA 00472 ANT 161 007 19 30 MW 0800AM 08%AM ”0561 AR 8.- - ' 1 ‘ ‘.' ' 1 "J A: 111.1 I
1173(1) ACC 302 002 8 30 TR 0930AM 1045AM 060:8 A60 320 001 8 3. TR 1100AM 1215PM W 6200PM 1:23.1‘M. 412:0 A111, {12" - ‘ 1 1 1 1'.‘ ‘ T‘M .
303m ACC 395 001 16 10 TBA 0597’; ACC 362 001 5' ,1 1 M 0400RM 0500PM (1)473 ANT 161 008 4' 30 MW 0800AM 081’ 1AM .I ‘81 ARC 8.‘ ' - ‘ ‘ 11 . l‘.‘ 1' 11.1
115476 ACC 399 TX)! 20 10 TBA TBA R 0800AM 08511AM 01,44 ARC, m1 - 1 ‘1 ‘ .2 . 1'.‘ -‘ T’.’
)03m ACC 4036 00‘. 1' 30 MWF 0900AM 0950AM 06026 ACC 395 001 10 11‘ TBA 06525 ANT 221 001 1' 30 MW 090(4AM 0950AM 110585 AR(. 821’ I .' ‘ T 2 11'.‘ 11.‘
110309 ACC 4036 LXJZ 1‘ 30 MWF 1100AM 115JAM 06027 AGC 399 001 5' 10 TBA T 0800AM 0851AM .1 {1111. AM r1.L - ‘ 1 ' 1 111 . 1 ll.‘ - 111.‘
1.1310 ACC 4036 003 13 30 TR 1100AM 1215PM ‘ ‘C‘ AGR 360 001 9 3; TR 0930AM 1045AM 05529 ANT 221 002 4' 30 MW 0900AM 39‘ AM '11»:
£311 ACC 4086 001 2' 30 MWF 1100AM 1150AM 96438 ACR 367 003 9 1 R 1245PM 0200PM W 0800AM 085.AM 3512‘ ART, 8.;1 I ' ‘ - 1 1.'.‘7 ‘,1 11.1 '2 11.1
110314 ACC 4106 001 ‘3 30 TR 0800AM 0915AM R 1:1200PM 045OPM 05530 ANT 221 003 11 30 MW 0900AM WRAP/l ‘11,“38 ARC E-1 - ‘ ~ - 1.1.: r‘ A'.‘ .w 1
30315 ACC 4106 002 3' 30 TR 1100AM 1215PM 00415 AGR 395 001 ‘4 11 TBA R 0801.1AM 1:85AM )1. '11) ARC 11 C 1 ‘ 1 1 '1'.‘ AU
C0320 ACC 577 001 7 30 TR 1100AM 1215PM 00416 AGR 399 001 5' ‘0 TBA 05531 ANT 221 004 8 30 MW 09UIAM 0950AM 13998 ARC 8‘J 1 ‘ 3' , ‘1 '. 1 1"! ‘3-11.‘
06055 ACC 603 001 19 30 TR WOOAM 0915AM 00419 AGR 4686 001 19 30 TR 1100AM 1215PM F 080(AM 0850AM 3037‘ ABC 8‘1, - ' 1 ' 1 i 1 -: 11'.‘ ,1 “1’"!
00322 ACC 610 401 19 30 R 0600PM 0830PM 05977 AGR 4776 001 15 31.1 MWF 0900AM 0950AM 05532 ANT 221 005 1' 30 MW 0900AM C’E-’,1AM 11772 ARC 81,: I ‘ 1 . 114A '
00323 ACC 617 401 16 30 M 0600PM 0830PM 05978 AGR 502 001 21 3L1 MWF 1000AM 1050AM F 0900AM 0950AM 00573 ARC 881 1.: (1 ‘1 .1 ‘ ' 11 "J 1‘ 11.1
00324 ACC 619 1 20 10 TBA 00421 AGR 515 001 1' 3C WF 1000AM 1050AM 05534 ANT 221 007 1' 30 MW 0900AM 0951’1AM 00574 ARC 81 1 1 1' .» 1‘. 11,1111! 1‘ 1"!
00325 ACC 627 401 16 30 R 0600PM 0830PM W 14100PM 0250PM F 1000AM 11151 AM {101’ 75 ARC m - 1 '1 . V 1. PM 1' T11! "
90326 ACC 628 001 11 30 TR 1230PM 0145PM 00422 AGR 564 001 10 3 0 TBA 05898 ANT 235 501 6 30 M 0500PM 080111114 1111 1‘ 7113 ARC 11F L11 -4 .1 l .C 1 11‘“ 1‘” .1;
W327 ACC 628 002 25 30 TR 0330PM 0445PM 05979 AGR 573 001 9 31.1 TR 0100PM 0200PM 06596 ANT 255 001 1' 30 MW 0100PM 11"»‘1PM 10'77 ART, 5',‘ ,-1 .1, 4 1‘71 ‘ 1111.1 +1 111.1
00328 ACC 628 401 26 30 T 0600PM 0830PM R 0200PM 0500PM M 090CAM O9"0AM 11.578 ARC 81,1 - C1 ‘ ‘ 4 MW . 1 111.1 1 1.1
00329 ACC 795 001 19 10 TBA 06408 AGR 597 001 30 20 TBA 05603 ANT 255 008 2' 30 MW 0100PM 0150PM 00579 ARC 86‘ I 1 1 4 MT 1111” '1 1"!
3031!) ACC 795 002 12 1 0 TBA T 0200PM 0251.1PM 013580 All; 811‘ _- z ‘ 4 T‘ l 1111‘! 1' ' 1 ‘.1 ,
00351 AEC 201 001 13 30 MWF 0900AM 0950AM 00427 AGR 599 001 32 10 TBA 05592 ANT 325 001 2‘ 30 TR 0930AM LAFAM 011581 ARC 1111 1‘ ‘~ 4 1W" 1 11,4 x 1.1-3 :
15960 AEC 305 001 11 30 MWF 1200PM 1250PM 00428 AGR 620 001 6 30 MF 1230PM 0145PM 06593 ANT 332 001 1' 30 TR O200F’M 031E-PM 00582 ARC 111 1 . ‘ 1 L , M .. [HA 1'. 11.1 ;‘
30354 AEC 309 00‘. 18 30 TR 0930AM 1045AM 00429 AGR 622 001 8 30 MWF 1100AM 1150AM (D491 ANT 399 001 10 10 TBA V ,1»! 1‘.‘ ‘~ “.1 ,11
.10355 AEC 311 001 23 1 0 MWF 0100PM 0150PM 00433 AGR 697 201 30 3 0 TR OBOOAM 0430PM 05605 ANT 4706 001 19 30 M 0200PM 04:10PM WP ‘( 11 '1 ‘J 1 1" 1 ‘.‘ f
JC356 AEC 313 001 27 10 MWF 0100PM 0150PM 00434 AGR 748 001 ‘.5 00 TBA (1)494 ANT 490 (X11 36 30 TR 080(1AM 0915AM 115:"! ARC >11 1 J ., '1 1. ‘.1 .1 11111.‘ ,-1 1‘.‘ 1
(10359 AEC 399 00‘- 15 10 TBA 00435 AGR 749 001 100 00 TBA (X3495 ANT 510 001 24 30 MWF 1100AM 1150AM l.‘ ,1: "J 1 11.1
D5961 AEC 410 001 33 30 TR 1230PM 0145PM 00436 AGR 768 001 8 1 0 TBA (1)496 ANT 515 001 4‘ 30 TR 12308M 0145le M _ 1 1.1 ,- 1 '.1 -",1
00360 AEC 425 001 20 40 MWF 0800AM 0850AM 00437 AGR 769 001 73 00 TBA (1)497 ANT 525 001 30 30 TR 0330PM ()445PM 1115114 AR’ 81‘1 ~11 1 M ,1 1111.1 1: 1-.1 3'
W O100PM 0250PM 06004 AGR 772 001 8 1 0 F 0200PM 0250PM (£396 ANT 533 001 19 3 0 TR (13pr 0445PM M f T 2' , '.1 A
00361 AEC 4416 001 19 30 MWF 1100AM 1150AM 06006 AGR 772 002 6 10 F 03OOPM 0350PM 05584 ANT 580 001 14 30 M 0430PM 0700PM WT 1. 111'.‘ 11‘“ '3 "
06485 AEC 471 003 4' 30 MWF 0200PM 0250PM 00440 AGR 773 001 23 1 0 R 0330PM O420PM (D503 ANT 581 001 28 1 0 TBA Y 11115 ARC. :11 ,1 - 1 1 z 1 M . 1 1' 1.1 T ‘11
36364 AEC 531 001 17 3 0 TR 0200PM 0315PM 00441 AGR 799 001 22 1 0 TBA (1)504 ANT 601 001 27 30 R 1000AM 1230PM M 11'. ‘10 ,r ‘ :1 M
110365 AEC 580 001 7 3 0 TR 0930AM 1045AM 00442 AHP 840 001 27 2 0 R 0100PM 0250PM 06350 ANT 620 001 4' 3 0 TR 1230PM 014EPM 1‘.‘ 1,: M 1 1’ , 1.1
3.0366 AEC 580 002 18 1 0 TBA TBA 12000 ANA 206 001 44 30 MWF OBOOAM 0850AM (B352 ANT 621 401 10 30 R 0600PM 0830RM 011588 ARC 81‘ 11 .1 " h V 11,1 11 51
10368 AEC 590 001 13 30 TR 0800AM 0915AM M 0800AM 0850AM 06578 ANT 651 001 6 30 W 0200PM 0430PM 1 -1’1 'J
00370 AEC 620 001 25 3 0 MWF 0100PM 0150PM M 0800AM 0850AM (1)507 ANT 660 001 26 3