xt7fqz22fx4c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fqz22fx4c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-11-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 22, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 22, 1999 1999 1999-11-22 2020 true xt7fqz22fx4c section xt7fqz22fx4c Things you
would never
know with-
out the


l. During all police
investigations it will
be necessary to visit
a strip club at least

2. All telephone numbers
in America begin with
the digits 555.

3. A large, lolt~style
apartment is well
within the price
range of most people
- whether they have
a job or not.

4. It’s easy for anyone
to land a plane
providing there is
someone in the
control tower to talk
you down.

5. Once applied, lipstick
will never rub off -
even while scuba


6. If you need to reload
your gun, you will
always have more
ammunition - even if
you haven't been
carrying any before


7. You're very likely to



WN_vemhr 22, 1999






Adviser discusses coercive violence

‘Powerful hammer': Patterson School
brings nation's top soldier to campus

1 By Janet Chui


When (ien. Henry H.
Shelton. Chairman of the
[Inited States Joint Chiefs
of Staff. visited Lexington
Friday to speak at UK. 700
people listened.

Shelton. the principal
tnilitary adviser to the pres-
ident. Secretary of Defense
and the National Security
Council. was invited by the
Patterson School of Diplor
tnacy and liiternational
Commerce to talk to UK stu
dents about "Force. l)iplo<
tnacy and National Security."

His 30-minute speech
covered the importance of
diplomacy and of the US
military. as well as when
the use of force in interna-
tional affairs is appropriate.
He stressed that it was im-
portant for people to under
stand the rationale behind

"The use of force is the
most important decision
our nation can make." Shel
ton said. Such decisions of
great consequence had to be
made by citizens, he said.

“The role of the mill»
tary is to tight and win the
nation‘s wars." Shelton
said. [.‘uS. military opera
tiotis abroad required sup
port frotn l' S. citizens and
Congress. he said.

Shelton said that many
questions were usually con
sidered before making a de-
cision on air operation. but
despite that. any military
operation abroad was going
to face sortie opposition at

“The military is a very
powerful hammer. but not
every probletn can be faced
as a nation as a nail." Shel
ton said. "We need to make
the decisions based on our
understanding of what is
entailed iii a particular mis-

apathetic attitude

a few audience members
asking about the growing



Gen. Henry H. Shelton, Chairman of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff, delivered a speech Friday at UK.

"lt's \ei'\ helpful to ll~ s till?" an .ll'iii ii
meet someone tlizit's that in late Wt she said
iluenliai Lil shaping [illlilli 3\i m, NHL Shelton “(it

ed the speech out ofcuriosi
y or an interest iii the mili-
tary. Some did not know

Survive any battle in Us. military action and SlOll. before “(i mt’lkt‘ (l ('t)ll‘l~ had toward the military. who lit‘ W215 llt’l‘til‘t‘ they :tir tittllt‘}. t‘spt't'ii‘lll} li‘ttlll :t JEN. ljl‘l‘st‘llll'll with an
ally war unless YOU that "the military is always mittnent to “50 our miljmry Shelton replied that it tended the speech. military standpoint." lll' award m tilllslnntllng \l'l'
make the mistake of the last resort." flux-pg" ‘ was a concern. but not a Kevin “"0115“ (1 finance said. \ it-.- and .‘l t‘tinlnllssltil] :is (l
showing someonea Shelton began his talk Shelton‘s speech was major one. and adtnitted senior. said he was taking Kim‘l” “Nita. it WHHHH lx'en'iicle. t oionel. iii‘i‘sciil-
=- picture 0’ your 1 on a light note with a few received with a standing that he had no “silver bul- political science classes atid Iiit'itiltiih lit-"Ill” “1h 1m ed to him by the Kentucky
i- sweetheart back 1 UK basketball jokes. but his ovation. A qtiestion-and-an- lets" to solve the problem. was glad for the opportuni lii‘l'W‘tl l‘\ iii-'1‘“ than it‘li Commission for Military
home. tnain topic was serious. swer session followed. with Many students attend I_\' to listen to Shelton. Xi‘lit‘t‘iil‘S inc-““0“" Affairs

8. Should you wish to
pass yourself off as a
German officer, it will
not be necessary to
speak the language.

Rupp to renovate, Mumme signs on for six more

9. The Eiffel Tower can
be seen from any
window in Paris.


The future looks bright for
athletics at UK, committee ‘ 3 .
fiaJSttL‘i'fcfiti” “9 hopes to ensure it ”m‘tili‘gifit’it’tt’i‘.‘if}.2”l'.l§i"§i£“t§iis to

‘ beating but will back-to~back bowl eligible seasons. if

wince when a woman By James Lason Kentucky does receive a bowl bid. it Will

tries to clean his Eéiiiiiatffiiic‘iiiiifi’“ be the lil’Silltlle .s‘llit‘e the 198384 season

wounds. that the Wildcats have gone to consecu
tive bowls.

“Right now he‘s a pretty hot proper-
ty, which is good because if he's a cold
property than I'm a cold property." Ath~
letic Director CM. Newton joked in ref-
erence to Mumme being a possible candi»
date for the liSlt' job.

The board members also discussed
possible renovations budget to Rupp
Arena and the Lexington Civic Center.

friendly. such as lobby renovations. mes
sage boards and concessions." Newton
said. "it has not been decided \‘et
whether or not to take seats away."

l'K President Charles \t‘etliington
Jr. made the point that the entire Slit mil
lion would not be spent on Rupp Arena,

Larry Ivy, senior associate director
ofathletics. presented his plan for the ex
pansion of the Nutter Center. The pro
posal includes 7.000 square feet for new
offices. which would encompass two ley
els. The firtn of .s\rrasmith. Judd and
Rapp. the original designers of the Not
ter Training Facility. will design the ex
panded wing. The project is expected to
cost $1.6 million.

Other reports given included stic
cesses of the new student athlete employ

said, “This long term commitment by
Coach Mumme and the [Tniyersity of
Kentucky will ensure continued growth

‘ 5“.”VN‘ ”W'W‘w-U. ‘
é V ’
10. A man will show no


Hal Mumme will officially head llK
football for six more seasons. the UK
Athletics Board voted Friday.

The board had several items on the
agenda. especially after a recent an,
i; personally at that nouncemetit by the city to renovate
DTECISE moment. Rupp Arena and a 6-4 winning football
*= season.
12. Mothers routinely The


. Television news
bulletins usually
contain a story that
affects you


vote to extend h’lumme‘s




; cook 909$. bacon and $800.000a»year contract for another two The cost is estimated at $45 million. with ment program at UK and on the expand

33f waffles for their years extended his stay through the 2005 $30 million expected front the state for ed revenues generated frotn the new lllX'

%' family every morning season. Mumme had four years remain» Civic (‘enter changes. The remaining $15 ury suites and other possible improve

it, even though their ing on his contract. million will be paid by the city of Lexing- ments to Commonwealth Stadium. "0T0 FURN'SHED
: husband andchildren “UK believes in what Hat is doing. ton for renovations for Rupp Arena. ' “At the next ticket committee inert Look for a more user-friendly Rupp Arena as plans are
it; never have time to and we can show our commitment by Our consultants have let us know mg a proposal tor'student season tickets made to spend more than $15 million on renovations.
33 eat it. gleL’ him a SIX year contract. Newton Rupp can be enhanced to be more fan w111be discussed. Newton said.

:3: A___._. _..*._,.._. 7.“ ,.,._.g,-.~i ‘_ ”7. c- .7 ._W .g. . . ”,7 4. ._~ 7A,. was“.

13. A single match will be
sufficient to light up
a room the size of

s~1¥§§$iii s.





wrng e gr s a ma er

;; Source: . . . .

i? http://users.owt.con‘_l/ wish list: Program helping elementary schoolers have a great Christmas
5.' ‘ lazrchet/humor/movre

E s.htm Jessica Stevens Children are asked to fill out the student center ticket office.
’- - . stfi‘fiftn‘h" cards listing their clothing size. said this program helps put her
1*? Compiled bV' . their age. and three gifts they life in perspective.

4 Samantha 555" and ,. . 3 Y. ‘ Would like for Christmas. The “Everyone tends to get
5% Ron "0"" [he 0me m 1h“ V100 ( han- children also list a “dream gift." wrapped up in the holiday." she
E3?“ cellor for Student Affairs has tit” Popular dream gifts include bicy- said. "This is a chance to put ener-
li. ctded to add another task to their cles and Nintendo ti-ls. Coke said. gy into helping others who are
5‘ duties .ll'i the interest of helping “Our goal is to make sure all needy."

gt: underprivileged children in ”W 650 kids receive a gift and we hope 3
81‘051- that many will get their dream —hnn
E. “We are their Santa." said gift" (jokp said. Lend“ d __
1;“ Anne Coke. executive assistant Gifts Will be taken to the (.10. _ . . . _

33 for the vice chancellor's office. mentary whoop; who”. coun Anyone Wlshlnt] toparttcrpate in the

‘3', “Some, children might not have a selors will work with parents m program can pick up forms '."

g; Christmas without this program." transfer the gifts to the h()n](\g m M6960" Hall. Peterson Servrce
The progratn Coke referred titne {m- ('hristnlas_ Building. 529 Patterson Office Tower,

5.4 5.?



to. the annual (Tircle of Love.
kicked off Nov. 18 in the Student
Center Great Hall. The vice chan-

l)enise Stephens. assistant to
the Student Organizations Center
and a six-year Circle of Love vols

the Student Center or Ag. Science
North. Wish lists will also be available
in the lobbies of the Medical Center


The Stu—jwspaper at the University of Kentucky,


Lookin' 000d- cellor‘s office is calling on UK stu- untepr. Works with groups on and the Kentucky Clinic.
’fi' ““'—""‘ """”‘ dents. faculty {Hid Staff to help lht‘ campus to sponsor children. Sill-
cm 9 ’. nearly 50 UK volunteers working dent Activities Board. the Snow Gifts Wt “WNW“ and Ci" be
it.» . t with officials in Fayette County el- Ski Club and Residence Life are a "goth“? ammo lltt ttée Student
ementary schools. 3 . , 0 s , S K . . '(‘i er om : am. 0 p.m. on
VOL ”'05 ISSUE “53 “You're never too young to 22:0 {1}: [ES pxgaafll‘lifimfu Dec. 6 or 7. Gifts for the Medical SPORTS DAILY
MA———_A~—Lfl learn abOUt giving and bringing “It's a good feeling to give to CEMIT Cir"! 0' lo” M be men r. W “m“ m u m . W m 0'" M M
ESTABUSHED 'N ‘892 happiness into someone‘s life." others." said Stpphms_ “It's good to the hospital lobby. m.‘ W lull m... m m Id . m M M
lfigpffiPfljIETfEi] (‘fike 531d . . to know you are being part of the “I. M” m 3" um 4 M 5.

. The volunteers compile a list community. doing your part. and . , an” I
3"” l a? of about 650 names of underprivi- helping disadvantaged kids." 1' "W ”13‘”! a . ' 3* mm"
Call: 257-1915 or write: leged children. said Coke. the pro- Theresa Goodaker. a second-
kernel®pop.ulty.edu gram's coordinator. year volunteer and manager of






not/mm 223999 _|jEnTrucxv mm 7 7'


The Low-down

I’d rather
be Kim
—— but
-Carol Burnett,
66, to Mike
Wallace, in a
"60 Minutes"
interview to

be aired


Four Penn State buses crash. 2 die

WIII'I‘B HAVEN. Pa. Four charter buses
loaded with Petm State I'niversity students
crashed on a fo 'gy interstate early yesterday,
killing a student and a bus driver and injuring at
least loo people. authorities said. The four buses
were among six carrying 280 students home from
a shopping trip to New York. officials said. I'ui
\ersity President (iraham B. Spanier said the
buses hit a “very thick wall of fog" while travel-
ing on Interstate 240 just after midnight. The en-
suing chain-reaction wreck involved three ofthe
buses smashing into one another with a fourth
hitting a guard rail. A pickup truck and two cars
also became tangled in the wreckage. officials

Clinton calls for sharing wealth

FLORENCE. Italy President Clinton
talked for hours yesterday with five like-minded
leaders about how to spread the benefits of the
21st century's global economy and technologiml
marvels. Joining (‘Iinton at a “Third Way“
gabfest held in a spectacular I-Ith century Renais-
sance palace were Italian Premier Massimo
D‘Alema. British Prime Minister Tony Blair,
Brazilian President Fernando Iienrique (‘ardoso
French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin and Ger-
man t‘hancellor (ierhard Schroeder. The Third
Way is billed as a middle ground between the
politics ofthe left and the right.

Bush nips meeting with gay group

WASHINGTON George W. Bush said yes-
terday he probably would not meet with a gay
Republican group, .-\ppearing for the first time
on a Sunday morning talk show. the (}()P presi-
dential frontrunner said he doesn‘t “believe in
group thought, pitting one group of people
against another." During his hourlong interview
on .\'Bt”s "Meet the Press.” Bush was asked
about a recent meeting his (HIP rival. Sen. .Iohn
.\Ic(‘ain had with the Log (‘abin Republicans.
Bush said he would “probably not" meet with the
group because it would create a “huge political

Colombia turns over drug suspect to 0.5.

B( )( it )TA. (‘olombia Police put an accused
heroin trafficker on a ITS government plane to
Flotilla yesterday. the first time in nearly a
decade t‘olombia Iias turned over one of its na-
tionals to stand trial iii the l'nited States. The

English play-
wright William
Shakespeare is
Britain's most
respected son.
A survey by
'Heritage’ mag-
azine found the
celebrated bard,
who lived from
1564 to 1616,
was considered
an even greater
Briton than sci-
entist Isaac
Newton, or
wartime prime
minister Sir


superstar Will
Smith wants to
be the first
black president
of the United
States - and
says he will
give it a try in
to years' time.
In the mean-
time, Smith is
to get a feel for
the job by
Millennium Eve
night with the
Clintons at the
White House.



handover of .‘lti-year-old Jaime ()rlando Lara to
the US. Drug I‘lnforcement Administration
comes I0 days after a deadly terrorist bomb ex-
ploded in Bogota in what many suspected was a
warning against extraditions.

25 Poles die in frigid weather

WARSAW. Poland Authorities found four
more frozen bodies yesterday. bringing to 25 the
number of people killed by the quick onset of
cold winter weather. After a mild but brief fall.
temperatures suddenly plunged as low as :3 de-
grees in late October and winter weather with
snow and subfreezing temperatures arrived last
week. Last winter. police reported 225 cold~relat—
ed deaths across Poland. Most were middle-aged
men who had been drinking before they died.

Crane, Bond appear to set record

LOS ANGELES James Bond and Ichabod
(‘rane combined for what was shaping up to be a
record-setting weekend at the box office, accord-
ing to industry estimates yesterday. The 19th
episode in the Bond cinematic juggernaut. “The
World is Not Enough," posted lVIetro-(‘midwyn-
Mayer‘s largest opening three-day weekend ever.
taking in $37.2 million in ticket sales through
Sunday. “Sleepy Hollow," the Tim Burton-direct-
ed version of Washington Irving‘s story. brought
in $30.5 million. If estimates hold. studio execu~
tives said it would be the first time two films
opening on the same weekend each grossed more
than $30 million.

Jets beat Bills 17-7

BAS'I‘ RUTHERFORD, N.J. - The New York
Jets won their third straight game yesterday
with a staunch defensive effort in beating the
Buffalo Bills 17~7. The Jets. who won the division
last season but have sunk to last place in an in-
jury-wrecked season. have beaten AFC East con-
tenders New England and Buffalo in consecutive
games. Inexperienced defensive linemen Eric ()g
bogu and Jason \Viltz had key turnovers for the
Jets t l-ti). who field the Bills to 265 yards overall.

Davenport beats Hingis in Chase final

NICW YORK Lindsay Davenport overpow-
ered Martina Hingis yesterday. beating her 6-1. H-
2 to take the (‘liase (‘liampionships title. This
was lllt' second straight week Davenport had
faced Hingis III a title match. And for the second
straight week. it was Davenport who walked off
the court with the trophy. Along with her victory
in Philadelphia. the (‘hase (‘hampionships
crown was Davenport's seventh ofthe year. This
one on the blue Madison Square Garden court
was worth 8.300.000.

Tragedy brings students together

By Matt Loftis



Mark Micer. a junior mech'

' tal engineering major. woke up

early Thursday morning to phone calls from his grandparents. parents and several others. Every-
one wanted to knowthat he was OK and had not been hurt during the collapse of annual Texas

A&M University bonfire. “It‘s really just shocking." Micer said. "It‘s unexpected."

Micer‘s experience was common at Texas A&i\l 'I‘hursday morning after the nearly-finished
Bonfire collapsed killing students and injuring many others.
Parents. relatives and friends clogged telephone lines shortly after dawn with their hurried
calls to locate students.
The rescue work began early ’I‘hursday morning. and after the initial amazement had some-
what faded. the student body was forced to consider other questions.
Any doubt over the student body's ability to cope was met quickly. ’I‘hursday morning. stu-
dents turned out at the Polo Fields before sunrise to help move logs that were trapping Aggies and
prepare for larger-scale memorial services for the victims of the accident. A television was set up
in the MSC I‘lagroom. anti students sat and watched the rescue efforts together with others con-
cerned with the progress.
Angela Pena. a sophomore biomedical science major. said the good part ofthe whole thing was
seeing the Aggie spirit as everyone helped one another.
“I think just by (the students) coming together. we are getting past this." said Pena. “I see a lot
of people comforting each other."






Shawn Allen Berry, 24, right, on trial for his part in the dragging
death of James Byrd Jr., stands as he is sentenced to life in
prison, while his fiance Christie Marcontell holds his hand Thursday
in Jasper, Texas. Berry, who insisted he was just a frightened
bystander, was sentenced to life in prison for one of the nation's
grisliest racial crimes since the civil rights era. Berry's room-
mates, avowed white supremacists John William Iting, 25. and
Lawrence Russell Brewer, 32, were sentenced to die in separate

trials earlier this year.


Students at Texas A&M comfort each other after Thursday's tragic accident claimed twelve students.





“(8; L(’





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iiéii program helps critically ill

By Jessica Stevens
sun WRlTER _~

A relatively new program at
UK‘s College of Nursing seems
to be doing well.

Acute care nurses. UK‘s
first of whom graduated in 1998.
treat critically ill patients and
collaborate with physicians in
hospital settings.

“It takes a lot of work ofT
doctors and patients can get out
quicker." said Susan Zeller. who
expects to graduate from the UK
acute care practitioner program
in May 2000.

Zeller said acute care nurs-
es can “manage the house"
while doctors operate.

The nurses also perform
other roles: working with pa-
tients who have already been di-
agnosed with an illness. satisfy-


ing patients‘ health care needs.
providing hands-on bedside care
to patients and getting them
back to a functional status. said
Lynn Kelso, acute care nurse
practitioner and assistant pro-

Acute care nurse practition-
ers help alleviate some of the
workload of physicians by pro»
viding continuous care and be
ing more readily available than
physicians are able to be. Kelso

Unlike family nurse practi-
tioners. acute care nurse practi»
tioners focus more on late ado-
lescence through adulthood. she
said. Family nurse practitioners
usually care for patients
throughout their lives.

The acute care nurse practi-
tioner program was funded by a
High Intensity Grant. developed

by professors. to incorporate
rural health care in tiie under-
served population of the state.

Nearly 20 students have
graduated from UK‘s acute nui‘s
ing program, but students aren't
encountering the best job mar-

Mary Phillips. an acute care
nurse practitioner who graduat
ed from UK‘s program in May
1999. will begin practicing as an
acute ‘are nurse practitioner at
UK on Monday. But the time be-
tween her hiring and gradua~
tion was a little uncertain.

“I started looking for a job
when i graduated." said
Phillips. "It was harder than I
thought. There is a lack of un-
derstanding about the program.
but it is getting better as the role
(of acute care nurse practition
ers) becomes better known."

Phillips also said that the
acute care nurse pi‘.’ictitioiiei\‘
functions overlap with a resi
deiit‘s role.

"At a teaching hospital
with a lot of residents. there
may not be as much of a need."
She noted.

But Zeller said that while
the program is still relatively
new and there aren't many
acute care nurse practitioners
in practice. hospitals are begin
ning to open their eyes to the
value of the practitioners.

“I‘ve heard doctors say. 'I
would really like to see more
acute care nurse practitioners
Working with me.” Zeller said.

"Acute care nurse practi~
tioners are having to build their
own position." she said. “We
have to show how valuable we
really are.“

China makes gains in space race


BEIJING a China on Sun«
day completed its first un-
manned test of a spacecraft
meant to carry astronauts. a
breakthrough that could mean a
manned mission is just months

China is striving to become
the third country, after the Unit-
ed States and former Soviet
Union. to put human beings in
outer space. Its space program is
a symbol of national strength in
a mostly rural land where farm-
ers make an average of $260 per

The Chinese-made space-
craft Shenzhou was launched
early Saturday at the Jiuquan
Satellite Launch Center in
northwest China‘s Gansu
province. It detached itself from

its launching vehicle and en-
tered orbit 10 minutes after take
off. guided by China‘s newly
built space control network. a re-
port from the state-run Xinhua
News Agency said.

The craft orbited the earth
14 times during about 21 hours
in space. It touched down as
planned in central Inner Mongo-
lia in north China at 3:41 am.
Sunday. Xinhua and national
newspapers reported.

Xinhua announced more un-
manned flights were expected
before China sends up a craft
carrying astronauts n or ”taiko-
nauts" as they are known here.
from the Chinese word for space.
The government news agency
called the mission a “break-
through in manned space flight
technology" for China.

Communist Party leader

Jiang Zemin gave the go-ahead
for the nation‘s highly secretive
manned space program. known
as Project 921, in 1992. Before
that China started preliminary
studies of manned flight as soon
as it was successful in launching
and controlling satellites. Xin-
hua said. China put its first satel-
lite in space in 1970.

Sunday‘s reports. released
only after the launch was com-
pleted. followed a long ofiicial si-
lence. In a rare report on space
last month. Beijing's official
newspapers quoted a senior ex-
ecutive of the government-run
China Aerospace Industrial (‘0.
as saying plans for the launch of
a manned spacecraft were set for
the end of this year or early next

In addition to a boost for na-
tional pride. China expects prac-

tical results from its space mis-
sion. Chinese military officers
have written about the need to
improve satellite communica
tions and to develop space-basal

The official quoted by Xin
hua said the program would
strengthen the country and “en-
hance national prestige and
boost the nation's sense of pride
and cohesiveness."

James ()berg. a 22-year vet-
eran of the US space shuttle
program now working as an iii-
dependent consultant. said (‘Iii-
na already has unmanned recon
naissance craft in space and that
there were no direct security im~
plications in the test launch.

The name “Shenzhou”
means "magic vessel.” but the
characters sound the same as a
name for (‘hina



Leaders look to modernize equitibally

President Clinton rails against ‘digital divide’ and calls for
loans to the world's less fortunate for a better global future


“That‘s our mantra. that‘s our pitch."
Blair said.

Jospin. head ofa leftist government un»




The Campus Calendar is produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities.
Postings in the calendar are tree to all registered student organizations and UK
departments. information can be submitted in Rm 203 Student Center or by
completing a request form on-line at http://www ukyedu/StudentCenter.
Postings requests are due ONE WEEK PRiOR to the Monday iniormation is to
appear in the calendar For more information call 257»8866

1 1/22

Res Lite Tutoring: Eng 101 . 6:30 -9. Holmes Study lounge and Commons 308A

Res Lite Tutoring: Math. 6-10. Holmes Classroom

Res Lite Tutoring: Spanish. S—lpm at Haggm (unipuii-r lab 8. 79pm at Commons

Res life Tutoring: French.6~8pm. Keeneland



Amnesty international UK Meeting. 7 30pm, Room 22h Student Center

Grace Bible Study: A Verse by Verse study 01 Romans [(30an Rm 115 Stucient

SAB Spotlight Jazz Committee Mc-etiiig.715piii.Rm 20 l Student (enter. Everyone

UK Wind Ensemble. 8pm. Singletary Concert Hall

Tae-Boxlng. 5pm. Baptist Student Union
UK Kempo Sell Deiense Club. 6:30pm. Alumni Gym Lott. FREE'

”Sea Change in Littoral Warfare: lmpdti oi the International Arms Market".
noon-1 pm. Rm 420 POT

Special Events

Karaoke Night in Student Center Gameroom. /‘»9pm

Mommy and Daddy‘s Night Out FREE. Childcare tor UK Faculty and Stafl. 6:30—
10pm. Alpha Xi Delta House. call Amy at 333~9651 for details




Free Math 109 and 123 Tutoring. Rm 119 Student (enter. Sign up in advancecaii
7—6959 ior more into

informal Creative Writing Workshops. 6:30— 8pm. W.T Young Library Writing
(enter. FREE

Res Lite Tutoring: Eng 101. 630—9. Holmes Study Lounge and Commons 308B
Res Lite Tutoring: Spanish. 5~7pni. Holmes Classroom and Haggin Lounge
Res Life Tutoring: French. 4-7pm. Hagoin Computer Lab

Res Lile Tutoring: Math. 6—10pm. Commons 308A

Res Lite Tutoring: History 108/109. 6:30‘10pm. Commons 306

Career Testing. 3pm. Rm 109 Miller Hall

internship and Shadowing Orientation. l—3pm. Rm 111 Student (enter


T—N-T Meeting. 7:30pm. Baptist Student Center

Alpha Phi Omega Meeting. 7:30pm. Rm 359 Student Center

SAB Muitic ulturai Committee Meeting. 4pm. 203 Student Center. Everyone

P.H.A.T. Tuesday Worship Service Sponsored by Wesley Foundation. 7:30pm. Rm
230 Student Cente

Leftist Student Union Meeting. 7pm. Rm 228 Student Center

Green Thumb Environmental Club Meeting.7:30pm. Rm 106 Student Center
Alpha Kappa Psi Meeting. 7:30pm. Rm 148 B&E Bldg.


Exhibit' A Tale oi Two Cities. UK Art Museum

Exhibit: 100 Giants of (hair Design. UK Art Museum

Exhibit:Town and Country. 12—4pm. Open till 8 on Fridays. UK Art Museum
Exhibit' Modern Fiction and Art. 12—4pm. UK Art Museum

Student Recital: Chad Pence. 8pm. Memorial Hall

Senior Recital: Matthew Young. Bill Adams. 8pm. Singletary Recital Hall

UK Men‘s and Women's Fail Chorus (oncert.8pm. Singietary Concert Hall. Free!
UK Opera Food For Thought Luncheon Series Amahi & the Night Visitors. 12pm.
Boone Faculty Club. $10.ca117—836610rinio

Ultimate Frisbee Club Practice. G—Bpm. Band Field

Tae-Boxing. 3:30pm. Baptist Student Union
UK Rugby Practice. 6-8pm. Club Sports Field

Special Events




FLORENCE, Italy ~ President Clinton.
worrying about “people and places that are
completely left behind." called on prosper-
ous nations Sunday to spread global wealth
by helping poor countries with Internet
hookups. cell phones. debt relief and small

“How can we continue to grow the
economy?“ Clinton asked. “You can bring
investment to the places that are left be-

In a spectacular 14th century Renais-
sance palace with frescoed ceilings. Clinton
spoke at a “Third Way" gabfest with five
like-minded world leaders. They talked for
hours about how to spread the benefits of
the 21st century‘s global economy and tech-
nological marvels.

The Third Way is billed as a middle
ground between the politics of the left and
the right +~ a system of governance that
promotes entrepreneurs and trade and pro-
tects the less fortunate. Joining Clinton
were Italian Premier Massimo D'Alema.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Brazil-
ian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin and
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.

Later Sunday. Clinton arrived in Bul-

garia. the fourth stop on a 10-day. six-coun—
try trip. It was the first presidential visit to
the former Soviet bloc state and was in-
tended to highlight the problems and the
progress of the Balkans.

Clinton spent less than 24-hours in Flo-
rence — much to the dismay of his en-
tourage. The city is one of the great art cap-
itals of the world. the place that nurtured
Michelangelo. Dante and Leonardo Da Vin-
ci. It also is known for its fashionable

Arriving here late Saturday. the presi-
dent drew parallels between the advances
of the Renaissance and the changes
wrought by the technological age.

Expanding on that theme Sunday. Clin-
ton cited the “digital divide“ of haves and
have-nots. “The people who have access to
the Internet and technology have enormous
advantages and it has to be closed," he said.

“I think we should shoot for a goal
within the developed countries of having
Internet access as complete as telephone ac-
cess within a fixed number of years." Clin-
ton said. “It will do as much as anything
else to reduce income inequality.“

Blair praised the meeting as a trans-At-
lantic ”dialogue“ that will help each leader
explain to the voters back home the poli~
cies he is ursuing. “All of us are trying to
manage t e consequences of change.“ he

der pressure to preserve costly programs.
cautioned that globalization must not un-
dermine the traditional nation-state.

“We want to place France within the
universal current of modernity without ale
lowing France to lose its identity." he said.

(.‘linton told his colleagues that devel-
oped countries should work to “get more
cell phones and computer hook-ups out
there" in poorer nations.

“The people in Africa are no different
from the people in America." Clinton said.
“If you give people access to technology. a
lot of smart people will figure out how to
make a lot of money."

He also said wealthy countries should
support debt relief for the world‘s poorest
nations. “It's insane to keep these poor
countries spending all their money making
interest payments They‘ll never be able
to grow and they have no money to buy our

The president also promoted an initia-
tive championed by his wife. Hillary. to
provide “micro enterprise" loans $50 to
$100 to people in poor urban and rural
villages. mostly women. in Latin America.
Asia and Africa. He said the United States