xt7fqz22fz4x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fqz22fz4x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2006-07-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 20, 2006 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 20, 2006 2006 2006-07-20 2020 true xt7fqz22fz4x section xt7fqz22fz4x THE


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ky Kernel


Thursday. July 20, 2006

Celebrating 35 years of independence


Vick resigns, Monroe named acting police chief

Vick paid $25,000 to quell
sexual harassment suit

8y Crystal Little

With the resignation of UK Po-
lice Chief McDonald Vick last
week. Maj. Joe Monroe has been
named acting chief of police.

In a four-line statement issued
at 4 pm. last Thursday. UK an-
nounced that Monroe "will oversee
the day-to—day operations of the
department until UK officials

permanent replacement.”

In the meantime. UK officials
are evaluating what the universi-
ty‘s next move will be. said UK
spokesman Jay Blanton.

“We want to make sure we pick
a chief who'll best fit the universi-
ty's needs,” Blanton said.

Vick. who spent 18 years on the
Durham. NC. police force before
serving 10 years as police chief at
North Carolina Central University,
was hired in February after UK
had conducted a 14-month search
for a new chief.

Two days after the announce-
ment. The Kernel and other local

media outlets reported Vick, 50.

was a defendant in

a current lawsuit

alleging sexual


and illegal wire-

tapping against a

female former po-

lice officer in

North Carolina.

Also. complaints

of sexual bias

against female of-

ficers had been

filed against Vick when he was
Chief in 1998.

Deona Renna Hooper was an of—

ficer under Vick at the NCCU p0-
lice department for 11 months be-
fore she was fired in 2002 after alle-
gations of insubordination and
leaving the scene after damaging a
police cruiser. Hooper first went to
NCCU’s grievance committee.
complaining of sexual discrimina-
tion and illegal wiretapping. The
committee upheld her firing.

Waters-Oldani, the search firm
UK paid $29,000 to advertise the po-
sition and help narrow the field of
candidates. recommended this in-
formation not be given to UK Pres-
ident Lee Todd and other members
of the search committee.

UK stood by Vick. who had
been cleared of the complaints in
1998. and he relieved former acting
UK Police Chief Kevin Franklin in

Last July. Franklin was named
acting UK police chief; this was
nine months after former UK P0-
lice Chief Fred Otto III resigned.

Otto stepped down on Nov. 23.
2004. after he used a university em-
ployee to help him with his home-
work for two classes he was taking
at Eastern Kentucky University.

But Vick admitted in a recent

See Police on page 2

make a determination regarding a

UK's search for a police chief

McDonald Vick named UK police
chief after a 14-month search;
Vick was police chief at North
Carolina Central University in

Durham. N.C., for 10 years

Vick resigns after court docu-
ments reveal he paid a female
former police officer $25,000
to drop a sexual harassment
lawsuit in North Carolina

Deadline for applications for
UK's police chief position; by
this date. the university had 75
applicants for the job

UK Police Capt. Kevin Franklin
is named acting police chief,
relieving UK's public safety
director, Ken Clevidence, of the
post after nine months

UK Police Chief Fred Otto lll
resigns after using a UK police
employee to help with work on

his doctoral degree at

Eastern Kentucky University


Fans’ posts
cross NCAA
recruiting line

MySpace comments aimed at hoops recruit
prompt UK to report ‘secondary violation’

By Tim Wiseman


Hoping to help UK land one of the nation‘s
most-prized basketball prospects. some Cat
fans crossed the line set by the N( 'AA.

By posting comments on the MySpacecom
Web page of Patrick Patterson. a rising high
school senior from Huntington. W.Va.. the fans
forced UK to report a secondary violation to
the NCAA. as such communication between
fans anti potential recruits is forbidden.

By alerting the NCAA of the violation.
UK's compliance office H , I
likely avoided any pun- It S

ishment. said UK

spokesman Scott Strick» another GIE'

“” ment that's in
the process

“Usually with sec-
ondary violations if you
of recruiting
and the

show the NCAA that you
process of

are addressing the is»

sues. then nothing
comes of it." Stricklin
Tubby Smith
UK head coach. on Web SliES

such as MySpare and Facebook



me mm | sm’r
Rachel Rogers stars as the evil White Witch in the Lexington Shakespeare Festival's production of ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.’

The Lion, the Witch
and the Wardrobe +

Magic. mcrrimcnt and wonder:

The chington Shakespeare Festival bn'ngs (LS.
Icwis’ classic piece of children’s litcratur * to the
stag ‘ in the third and final segment of the
annual event. 'l‘hc performance will run through
July 23 at the UK Arboretum.

The messages tried
to persuade Patterson. a
6-foot-8 forward. that UK
was the right choice for
him. On his profile. I’atr
terson lists Wake Forest.
UK. Louisville. Georgia
and Virginia Tech as
schools in which he has
an interest.

Under NCAA gmidelincs. only coaches may
have direct contact with prospects But with
the rise of Web sites such as MySpacecom
and Facebookcom and Internet message
boards. recruits are closer to fans than ever

“It‘s something we all have to monitor; it's
another element that's in the process of re»
cruiting anti the process of coaching." UK
head coach Tubby Smith said during a telee
conference this week. “At first it was the call-
in shows anti now it‘s gone to this. Eventually
who knows where it will lead. I‘m not much on
the message boards. you can see how it can get
out of control. like the ‘Facebooks' and ‘My—
space' all the stuff that‘s creating problems for
a lot of people."

In a January meeting first reported by The
Kernel. Athletic Director Mitch Barnhart
~ *7 ' i urged all of UK‘s student-athletes to use cau~

UK students evacuated from Lebanon ‘ ‘ H (L '

bookcom. He said if student-athletes were
posting inappropriate material. he would be
Weatherbee said in email to her mother
that “we are extremely lucky as American

forced to take action.
”He made it seem like he was definitely not
students in that we have options and re
sources for escaping this conflict.“

kidding around." softball player Brooke Mar.
The school has canceled classes this

nitz told The Kernel in January. “He's just try-
ing to protect the athletes. the school and the
week. There is no word on if. or when. class-
es will resume.


mc mom | surr
Cast members ready themselves for the stage during Tuesday's
technical rehearsal for 'The Lion. the Witch and the Wardrobe.’


bombing Lebanon last week in the after-
math of the capture of two Israeli soldiers
by Hezbollah gunmen in south Lebanon.

As of July 16. Burnette had been evacu-
ated to an embassy where United Nations
representatives also were. according to the
Lexington Herald-Leader.

According to his mother. Burnette had
been sitting in the student center of the
Lebanese‘American University. able to
watch attacking Israeli planes fly overhead
as they approached the Beirut airport.
three miles from the school.

Weatherbee was airlifted to Byblos. in
northern Lebanon. According to
Louisville‘s WAVEAB television station.


Soon-to-be UK graduate student Ryan
Burnette and UK junior Sarah Weatherbee.
both 22. have both been evacuated from war-
torn Beirut. Lebanon. where they were
studying Arabic language and culture at the
American-Lebanese University

A US. military helicopter took Burnette.
a recent graduate of Georgetown College
who is planning on attending UK‘s Patter-
son School of Diplomacy in the fall. to
Cyprus on Sunday. July 16. He spoke. briefly
with his mother. to tell her he was safe and
needed money. after landing on the Mediter-
ranean island.

The evacuations came after Israel began


To guard against potential recruiting viola-
tions by fans. UK's compliance officers moni~
tor the Web. Stricklin said. But the key is that
fans should learn they are breaking the rules
by contacting prospects.








E-mail newsm kykernelmm i
J. “Usually our fans are passionate and if

unreSt m the Middle M I they realize something isn‘t helpful they‘ll
. . . _ stop." Stricklin said. “Our concern is that
For more information on the American evacua I there is any communication (between fans
l and recruits) that's the issue rather than
i the content of that communication."
E—mail turisemama kykernel. com

Newsroom: 2514915

4 tion because of the Hezbollah-Israeli conflict,
see page 2.


First Issue tree. Subsequent issues 25 cents.







PAGE 2 | Thursday, July 20. 2006



Continued from page i


Now. with Monroe. UK has another
interim chief of police. and Blanton
said he doesn't expect another 14-
month window to pass before the uni-
versity names a permanent chief.

Monroe. who was one of the two fi-

keep on trying to fill our vacancies and
train our officers. making progress to-
ward becoming a top~20 department."

clittleu kykernelcom

nalists in the search for a new chief of

deposition that he paid off the female
former police officer. giving her $25,000
to drop the harassment complaint
eight years ago. This development was
revealed in a lawsuit filed last Wednes-
day in US. District Court in Greens-
boro. N.C.

Vick resigned from UK the next day.


“Any time we have a blow like this.
it‘s a blow to the department and to the :
university." Monroe said. “But we'll . ,. ,, , , , ,, PM,

police last year. said he‘s trying to keep

the department moving forward in this : ' ‘ " ' , '
transitory period. monitoring the 45 ‘
sworn officers and all-member security


I Check www.kylternel.com tor the latest up-
; dates in UK's search for a new police chief.

Any time we have a blow like this, it’s a blow to the department

and to the university.”

- UK acting Police Chief Joe Monroe, on the circumstances surrounding former UK Police Chief McDonald Vick's resignation. ,

Cruise ship begins ferrying U.S. evacuees from Lebanon

By Johanna Neuman and Megan Stack

BEIRUT. Lebanon More than 1,000 US. citizens were fi-
nally able to escape the fighting in Lebanon yesterday. as the
first chartered cruise ship carrying American evacuees left
Beirut for Cyprus.

As many as 6.000 Americans could be out of Lebanon by
the weekend, the US. State Department said.

Thousands of Europeans are fleeing as well. British offi-
cials expect to evacuate some 5.000 Britons in what officials in
London were calling the biggest such operation since the
evacuation of Dunkirk during World War II.

The Pentagon said the USS Nashville. an amphibious ship
that can carry about 1,000 passengers. would arrive off the
coast of Lebanon on today.

Landing craft and possibly helicopters will be used to
transport evacuees to the ship. which will be kept well off-
shore for safety reasons.

In addition. said Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman.
the military has chartered an additional commercial vessel.
the Rahmah, which is to arrive in Beirut tomorrow. It can
hold 1.400 passengers. he said.

“The capacity will basically double over the next few
days," he said of the evacuation effort. believed to be the
largest such use of military assets in the last two decades.
Nine Navy vessels and several chartered ships will be taking

But the increasing ability to get Americans to safety is. for
the moment. bypassing hundreds who are stranded in south‘
ern Lebanon. awaiting safe passage out of the country.

“We have several groups of people congregated and ready
to move." said Maura Harty. assistant secretary of State for
consular affairs. “We'd like to get them out of harm‘s way."

Harty said "a decision was taken" to keep the Americans
in south Lebanon "in a holding pattern until we think it’s
safe and prudent. We’re always going to err on the side of

On the deck of the Orient Queen. Tony Zeinoun and his
children snapped pictures. with Beirut‘s skyline as a back—

Zeinoun. a Virginia contractor. had fled his homeland dur-
ing the country’s 15-year civil war. which ended in 1990. ()n
this trip. his first time back in seven years. he had brought
his family to see their relatives.

“We come back now and all hell breaks loose.” he said.
“We took a chance.“


Leaning against the ship‘s railings. he looked ruefully at
the tangle of cranes rising over Beirut’s downtown. largely
resurrected after being devastated in the civil war. Zeinoun
had read about the reconstruction and had looked forward to
seeing it but on this abbreviated vacation. he never made

“It‘s a pity we‘ve only gotten to see it from the ship.“ he
said "It‘s devastating. It's still being rebuilt.“

As the evacuation escalated. the White House notified con-
gressional leaders of possible deployment of "combat-
equipped US. military forces" to Lebanon and Cyprus to as-
sist in the efforts.

The notification letter is required by the War Powers Res-

Bush‘s letter said “a contingent of US. military person-
nel" had landed in Beirut Sunday “to assist in planning and
conducting the departure from Lebanon of US. Embassy per-
sonnel and citizens.“ More troops may be deployed "as neces-
sary" to assist in the evacuation. the letter said.

Pentagon officials said the troops were being deployed
solely to aid in the rescue efforts. but added that they were
studying supplemental rules of engagement in case the
troops were attacked or became embroiled in the fighting.

The last major deployment of US. troops in Lebanon was
in 1983 and ended after a suicide bombing of a US. military
barracks in Beirut killed 241 US. Marines. Hezbollah is wide-
ly believed to have been involved in that bombing.

The United States has been critici/ed for a delay in orga»
nizing the evacuation of the American citizens in Lebanon.
estimated at about 25.000. Several European countries began
removing their citizens over the weekend.

But military officials defended the pace.

“This is a, war zone. we have to get it right the first time.“
said Brig. Gen. Michael Barbero. deputy director of regional
operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "We‘re not going to
rush to failure."

The US. efforts did not begin until the Navy destroyer
Gonzalez. equipped with the military’s most sophisticated
anti—missile radar system. arrived in the region. It was fol-
lowed yesterday by a second Aegis radar-equipped destroyer.
the Barry.

Because of the sensitivity of intelligence on threats posed
to US. ships in the region. Pentagon officials declined to com-
ment on whether Hezbollah‘s newfound anti-ship capabilities

one of its rockets struck and almost sank an Israeli naval
vessel were a direct factor in the comparatively slow move
ment of the evacuation mission.



Stem cell research
moves past debate

By Jonathan D. Rockotf

WASHINGTON ~ President Bush’s veto yesterday of a
measure that would have expanded federal funding of re-
search involving human embryonic stem cells promises to
prolong years of sparring over whether the work promotes
the destruction of life. But in many important ways. ethicists.
researchers and even regulators within the Bush administra
tion have moved past the political debate.

With state and private funding. the research has moved
far enough, fast enough to prompt discussions. writings and
the establishment of government committees to prepare for
testing the cells in human beings. which is expected in the
next five years.

Existing state and federal regulations and recommenda-
tions address some of the issues that will arise with human
testing. but stem cells present some unique twists. with which
ethicists. scientists and regulators are now grappling.

One goal of the preparations is avoiding the political con-
troversy that has so far ensnared the research. A key concern
is protecting the safety of the patients who participate in ex-
periments. And. already. there are bitter patent fights over
who would control discoveries.

“There’s a recognition across the scientific community
that these debates have to occur across the US. before the
wave of therapies hit our shores or else we’re going to be left
with a lot of questions.“ said Dr. John O. Agwunobi, assistant
secretary for health at the US. Department of Health and Hu-
man Services.

Agwunobi made it clear that the Bush administration
would not support funding for the next wave of research if it
involved new lines of embryonic stem cells. But he said the
government is preparing to oversee human trials involving
all kinds of stem cells. including embryonic ones. to ensure
that test subjects are kept safe and any new treatments will

In human trials, investigators could implant stem cells
into cancer patients who developed tumors. children with
Tay-Sachs disease or adults enduring Lou Gehrig’s disease.

“In all the trials we've done. we've spent hundreds of
hours thinking about" scientific and ethical issues such as
which cells to use and which patients to involve. said Dr. Doug
Kondziolka. The University of Pittsburgh researcher has fin-
ished two trials using mature neural cells on stroke victims
and is developing a trial. to begin next year. using stem cells.
though not embryonic ones.

“There’s a lot of tricky stuff happening that has nothing
to do with the moral status of the embryo." said Henry T.
Greely, a law professor and director of the Stanford Center for
Law and the Biosciences. who has written about the various

Scientists. regulators and ethicists say they are trying to
answer these questions now to minimize the potential for
problems that might arise when it‘s time for clinical trials
testing stem cells in human subjects.

“We‘re confident that if they‘re done right. they will work.
And if they work. all of the politics will dissipate." said Dr.
Evan Snyder. who directs the Stem Cell Program at the Burn-
ham Institute for Medical Research in La Jolla, Calif.

The veto by Bush keeps in place the stem cell policy he
enumerated in August 2001. The policy allows the federal gov-
ernment to fund research but only if it involves stem cell
lines derived from embryos gathered before the 2001 an-

“This bill would support the taking of innocent human
life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others. It cross—
es a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect.
so I vetoed it." Bush said.











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Thursday, July 20, 2006‘] PAGE 3


Parties worry corruption scandals spell electoral defeat

By Jim Vandellei
THE wasumctou P051

WASHINGTON While political corruption has failed so
far to take root as a national issue. the defeat of scandal-stained
Ralph Reed in Georgia on Tuesday showed that federal investi
gators could tip some key House and Senates races this fall. ac-
cording to party strategists.

Reed, a former top campaign official for President Bush and
executive director of the Christian Coalition lost the Republi-
can primary for lieutenant governor after getting pounded by
his opponent for his close and profitable relationship with con
victed lobbyist Jack Abramoff the central figure in an unfold-
ing money-for—favors scandal. Reed was the first electoral victim
of political corruption probes — but officials in both parties
said he probably won‘t be the last.

Republicans worry that more than six candidates for the
House and Senate could be hurt by Justice Department investi-
gations, the courts and revelations in the Abramoff affair. Top
ping the list are Rep. Robert Ney. R-Ohio. and Sen. Conrad
Burns. R-Mont.. both bruised by Abramoff connections and fac~
ing tough races.

Anticipating more bad news. House GOP leaders are pri-
vately discussing a pre-election plan to compromise with the
Senate on legislation clamping down on lobbyists and member
perks. according to a GOP source familiar with the effort. The

source. who discussed the plan only if his name was not used.
said that if Ney or other Republicans are indicted House lead-
ers would drop their demands to include strict curbs on special-
interest election spending that favored Democrats in 2004 and
quickly pass the lobbying bill to provide political cover to candi

Democratic leaders are concerned about a few of their
members, too. Reps. William Jefferson, La. and Alan Mollohan.
WVa., are under investigation. Party leaders are bracing for a
possible pre-election Jefferson indictment that Would undercut
their campaign to paint Republicans as the party of corruption.
Mollohan’s troubles have given the GOP a shot at winning a seat
otherwise considered solidly Democratic.

Three months from the election. the rash of political scan~
dals in Washington is not resonating broadly as a major issue in
a campaign dominated by Iraq and high gas prices. A series of
public polls show corruption ranks near the bottom when vot-
ers are asked about the most important issues in this campaign.
A Washington Post/ABC News poll taken in May found 2 per-
cent of voters listed ethics/ corruption as their top concern.

“Whatever the problems are of any of those people it does
not affect another district." said National Republican Congres
sional Committee Chaii man Thomas Reynolds R- N. Y. But
those members under investigation might be‘ “held accountable
in their districts."


Bush gone wild:

Unsavory comments caught on tape

By James Gerstenzanq


President Bush complained
Monday that some of his fel-
low leaders at an internation~
a1 summit talk too much ~~
way too much. His advice to
the host, Russian President
Vladimir V. Putin was that
they “gotta keep this thing

And he had a profane sug-
gestion for how to resolve the
current conflict in Lebanon.

A nearly four-minute
recording apparently made
without Bush‘s knowledge
and relayed by Russian tele-
vision captured the presi-
dent‘s candid lunchtime chat-
ter at a gathering of the
Group of 8 industrial na-

The tape offered a rare in-
stance of unfiltered conver-
sation among leaders that
veered from the serious. such
as the Middle East crisis. to
inconsequential chitchat.
while beverages were poured
and bread was broken.

During a conversation
with British Prime Minister
Tony about ways that US
Secretary of State Condoleez-




za Rice and UN. Secretary
General Kofi Annan might
help resolve the ongoing war-
fare between Israeli troops
and Hezbollah guerrillas in
Lebanon. Bush put it this
way: “See, the irony is that
what they need to do is get
Syria to get Hezbollah to stop
doing this shit. and it‘s over."

The president showed his
impatience to move on after
the three—day summit in Rus-
sia. saying he planned to de-
liver his final remarks off
the cuff and to keep them

"I’m just gonna make it
up. I'm not gonna talk too
damn long like the rest of
‘em." he said. “Some of these
guys talk too long."

Putin. sitting on Bush‘s
left. seemed to chime in.
"yeah." in heavily accented

“Good job." Bush replied.
“Gotta keep this thing mov-

“I gotta leave at 2:15. You
want me out of town so it
can free up your security
forces." Bush continued. ap-
parently to his host.

The president said he was
ready to finish a trip that be-
gan in Germany last Wednes-




‘Get on a plane and go
home." he said of his plans.

Then. to Chinese Presi-
dent Hu Jintao. Bush said:
“Where you going? Home?
This is your neighborhood.
Doesn't take too long to get
home?“ When told that Hu's
flight to Beijing is eight
hours. Bush said. “Me too."

"Russia's a big country
and you’re a big country."
Then. he told someone else.
“No. not Coke. Diet Coke."

And resuming his flight
geography lesson. he was
heard saying to someone:
“Takes him eight hours to fly
home. Eight hours. Russia's
big and 50‘s China."

To British Prime Minis»
ter Tony Blair he asked:
“Yeah. Blair. What are you
doing? You leay ing?”

Blair responded hew was-
n t Ieav' mg right away

A few moments later.
Bush remembered a gift that
had come his way

“Thanks for the sweater."
Bush. who just celebrated his
60th birthday. told Blair “It
was awfully thoughtful of
you. I know you picked it out


Reynolds and his cmounterpait Democratic Congressional
Campaign Committee Chairman Rahm Emanuel III. are re
sponsible for masterminding their party s election strategies
and preparing for the worst. The ongoing investigations are
complicating their efforts because there is little they can do to
prepare for possible indictments the leaking of embarrassing
material from the investigations or the reaction of candidates
and v.0ters

"Where you are personally connected (to scandals) you are
vulnerable on the issue," Emanuel said. He said that although
corruption might not be a top issue it “colors the environment
of a self-indulgent Washington.“ which most hurts Republicans,
who are in power.

Republicans consider Ney the likeliest victim of the cor-
ruption issue. He is running for reelection in ()hio's 18th Dis-
trict with a distinction no member wants: He has been identi-
fied as “Congressman A" in Abramoff‘s plea agreement. His for-
mer chief of staff has pleaded guilty to conspiracy.

Other members threatened by corruption charges include
Republican Reps Jerry Lewis Calif. John Doolittle Calif. and
Richard Pombo Calif A court ruling could force former Major-
ity Leader Tom DeLay. R- Texas back into the race in Texas'
22nd District a potential boon for Democrats. Even though De-
Lay resigned and wanted his name off the ballot. the court
ruled it must remain. DeLay has appealed.



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July 20. 2006



Ellen Sawyer
Features Editor

Phone: 257-1915
E-mail: features®kykernelcom



FRAMEXFRAME I for those who like to watch


"Clerks II"! (Also known as "The Passion of the Clerks"). How
can can anyone not be excited about this movie? Even if he or
she isn't exactly an avid Kevin Smith viewer (and if he or she
isn't, they have no soul. At all). Of course, this version will be
in color and probably more commercialized (i.e., Matt Damon
and Ben Affleck might star and make fun of another horrible
movies they have recently been in. Note: Ben Affleck is actual-
ly in this film). Nevertheless, the movie continues on with the
plot of the original, except that this time Dante (Brian
O'Halloran) and Randall (Jeff Anderson) are forced to move
out of their shop. The two settle at Mooby's, a fictional and
sophomorically humorous-sounding Disney-McDonald's fast
food chain. Although references to Smith's previous works are
in his later films, this is the only true "sequel" the director has
made to any of his movies. Rated R for crude humor and lan—
guage. At Cinemark Fayette Mall, Regal and Woodhill.


Apartment building superintendent Cleveland Heep (Paul
Giamatti of "Sideways" and "Cinderella Man" fame) rescues
what he thinks is a young woman (Bryce Dallas Howard — yes.
Opie's daughter) from the pool he maintains. Eventually he dis-
covers that she’s a character from a bedtime story who is trying
to make the journey back to her home. What? Wait, keep read-
ing. He works with his tenants to protect the young woman from
the creatures that are determined to keep her in our world.
"Lady in the Water" is the latest effort from writer and director
M. Night Shyamalan, who directed the suspense-filled "The
Sixth Sense," "Signs" and "The Village. " I don't know about
you, but I'm incredibly excited to see this movie. While many
critics bashed "The Village" because it wasn't scary enough
(and was a bit political), "Lady in the Water" seems to be more
in the vein of "Sense." And if, like me, you have nothing else to
do this summer besrdes get excited about the latest Shyamalan
film. then see this! It's bound to be more entertaining than
"Monster House." (Not in a mean way - I'm just sayin'). Rated
PG-13 for some frightening sequences. At Cinemark Fayette Mall,
Regal and Woodhill.


From executive producers Robert Zemeckis ("The Polar
Express") and Steven Speilberg ("Munich") comes this movie
about three kids who discover the house across the street is
alive. Not only is it alive, but it also eats people. None of the
grown-ups believe them. and it is up to the kids to unravel
the mystery about the house. Voices include Maggie
Cyllenhaal ("Secretary"). Steve Buscemi ("Fargo," "Ghost
World"). and Jason Lee ("Mallrats," "My Name is Earl"). And I
mean, the voice of the house is Kathleen Turner ("The Virgin
Suic1des"), which should be scary enough. Yeah, it’s a movie
for the kiddies, but I'm hesitant to knock any film that can be


seen in 3-D. Rated PG for scary
images and sequences, thematic
elements, some crude humor and
brief language. At Cinemark
Fayette Mall, Regal and Woodhill.


A regular dude (Luke Wilson)
dumps his lady, lenny Johnson
(Uma Thurman) for being needy.
Good call. He then begins dating a
co-worker (Anna Paris of the
"Scary Movie" franchise). Johnson,
however, neglected to mention
that she is the alter-ego of G-Cirl,
a superhero who can go through
walls, smash heavy things, bend
rather sturdy objects such as metal
poles, and save the world if she so
chooses. What she chooses, how-
ever, is to concentrate her energy
on breaking up Wilson and Faris'
fledgling relationship. Ivan
Reitman ("Old School," "Road
Trip," "Euro Trip") directs. After "Kill Bill," Thurman shouldn't
be girly. Ever. Even though she's a superhero in this, she
expends her energy on a guy that wronged her, rather than
her regular gig. This patriarchal nonsense should stop.
Hollywood. The stereotype that a strong woman would imme-
diately get back at the man who scorned her, the "Even tough
women need a man" concept, is insulting to real-life strong


morn rumsuco IY emu" rox
Note to self: Hell hath no fury like a superwoman scorned. Or, in this case, Uma Thurman. The ‘Kill Bill’
beauty stars with Luke Wilson (‘Old School,’ ‘The Royal Tenenbaums') in 'My Super Ex-Girlfriend.’




Graduate School Dissertations

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women. 0n the other hand, the guy from "Old School" is the mom” .wDWmM,
“KW" Pdessurs
director, so if you can ignore the plot implications, it at least 1.."va 1.... mm
should be funny. Rated PG-13 for sexual content, crude humor.
Tone 9‘00“! Tune 9301."

language and brief nudity. At Cinemark Fayette Mall, Regal

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