xt7fqz22fz5h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fqz22fz5h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-02-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 2007 2007 2007-02-19 2020 true xt7fqz22fz5h section xt7fqz22fz5h l



\N’\\’\'\’. l\\ kl R N l: l .( ( )N'l

HBRL‘ARV l‘l, Jllll“

Upperclassrnen lead their team as women clinch Senior
Day win in Rupp Arena




Ministry looks
at Christian,
gay relations

By John Crowell

riiwsslkyke'r'la‘ i‘i‘

;\ pinginiii l‘lUlllHllllf.’
lllllllUSk‘\llll!\ lu \l'iimxe .i
xli.ugiii lilexl_\le \\ill he «in
enriiplix “Kiln. pit-xeillul l‘}
the on \.lll‘il‘ll\ group ()l‘k'll
Dom \liiiixliiex

()l‘t‘ll lliuii \linixiiiux
xli'iwx ti» lultliexx ixxuex «ii
lliriiluxe‘xlinlilx {iii (‘liiix
lldllS lx \lllk'xlfll. \Hlll‘llll
lll\.lll\)ll\ xeiiiui' (‘lii'ix
Sluinp. lllix .ii'i.ili_:etl liii llie
glnlml Ul'glllll/dllltll l \mlux
International in lviiiig lheir
pi’irgiliiii "Irulh Jllkl liiit'i'
luiee" lo l‘K.

Sluiirp lli‘pex the pin
gram. “high ix liiiiiglil lii '
ll‘. lhe Sliitleiil ('enlei lli.‘
tilei. \Hli lllllillll \lll‘iii‘llx
(‘lii‘ixliliiix on \lli‘j‘llllillf:
htlllll‘SkWJltll" \‘le-n ‘Allll' 'ii
lteuinie lieleiiixeninl

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il "iilit'li xt't'lx ii‘ 3‘3

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N ew teeh nr )l( )g\'
to advance L’Ks

i‘ltlkk' liniiinxmulilil) .ix ere
llllilll oi nnl "

Siiiiiip ix leleiiiii; hi
the tlelxile mei \\llel|iei‘
\t'\ll.ll l‘l'lt‘lilllllllll ix wine
lhiiig llltll\l\llldl\ tlle' lmr'ii
\\illi iii ullelliei ll ix \llkl'

"\Mlli llle urnluxinn.
Eliex liiiiipleiel} .ittepl liu
li‘ilixk‘\ll.llll_\ Hl lillUlc llit-
ixxiiq uriiiplt'lell,‘ lie \likl
"\llin} limk .il lhe lllllllll'
xe\lil1| uriniliuiiilt “Illl
llltlL‘lllL'lll "

,\\Ull l).l\l\. lllx‘ \lllt'L’
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uplore “helhei ill Hill in
\!l\l\lll.ll\ lair lmr'ii tun. it it
ix puxxil‘ie in he ('liiixltui
tint! llilllill\t‘\lltll. him
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liniirwxevuil li:eiiilx
Mindlltl i'l
,"iulx H

\i'n liilex ,i:;

It” lilkiiiniuiiin‘.

l L \

Open Door


(‘lfLLliRAl INU ll) YIQARS ()l |.'\‘l)l l’liNl)lT\‘(‘l



Phi Kappa Tau was the
annual Greek Sing event Saturday. Chi
Omega sorority and Sigma Alpha Epsilon

overall winner at the

fraternity co—sponsor Greek Sing to raise

dlSCLISC I‘CS filth funds for the l\/lal. ., 1,
"e: t \

We 7%". 1’ '«i‘n ., ‘K ‘ w“ '- ,.. ., ._ ,y ..
Gemini(May 21 June 21) ‘ 1;. y: ,“fil
.3 ii :7: Lkv’lfi ‘ ;" «, . ir- "

you 'tf 'tgi't' toot:

teotly B: or

“Wit" ('3 ' ‘1 ’

Mathll '1.»



1..” _..,.
. t. i i .h


' actually on":
' ..- ‘.‘."n’liis‘ “with; giant] i)".
Virgo (Aug. 23 Sept. 22) Today

\J"‘L’I,‘tl.iy use tase

-='v a' .t as“:


Scorpio(0ct. Nov.21l "in

Cancer (June 2 July 22) Today
You ’t3 losrng interest to
sure you new enouoo on
oats natural, because you ai
‘loi't forget to wrap. things

”i”. (not! at t “at";

“for” ~nv\~\4/.
.dt. !'


"More will» :tt'r‘tl'

Libra (Sept. 23 Oct. 22 T airy

,v i ._,,ng‘
.1 Y“, it








lit siatiraiit .iitd lttllltLt‘
_ ”W

810 Euclid A\ e.


and very oersuaswe, too Therefore,
you don't need to throw your money
around Remember that
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 Dec. 21) ,,
Today is a 5 You're often the life
of the party, the star of the Show. You
have oermiss‘ion now to be invrsrhle
to all out your close family. You're one
dergolog a metamorphosrs
Capricorn (Dec. 22 Jan. 19) 7 ,, To
day (S a 7 , You're so immersed in
your studies, you hardly know times
along by loday, the startling devel
tt;tttl8’li is found through your re
seairt‘ You to on the right path
Aquarius (Jan. 20 Feb. 18) _, To-
day IS an 8 If at first you don't
s2: reed, renew our shopping list
him: u’ti sete'al items on there that
‘.U . (at: (:2 w thcut

Pisces (Feb. 19 March 20) - To
day is an 8 You're very intelligent
:2.tt."'1ttvitetltiyttinnert'ision Rely on
(not 9w: t?X;tt§':t?tt(2€3 to a mortar sttu

' '9" “y“ “JUL ‘ifiit’l‘ift‘w N"





' > Oi, -
“d \aSiv ‘ “(5’00“)“



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0/2 .

Noon - 1 pm

Panel discussion
with author Erik Reece

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3 - 4pm
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Student Center

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win a copy of
Lost Mountain!



After it BI'fllA‘h mag t'luims
.\h(‘ visited a weight/on gum,
Kate Wins/cl lax/res our with It‘-
‘eul action.

Kate Winslet was indignant
backstage at the British film
awards (BAT’I‘A) Februar} ll
in London. Not because she'd
lost the best—actress trophy to
Helen Mirren. but because last
week. the UK. maga/ine
Grazia had published aii article
that claimed the 3|-_\ear»old ace
tress -— who once said "I'll
never be a stick insect. and I
wouldn't want to be. either"
had Visited a diet doctor.

“I am upset." she told rc-
porters at the Royal Opera
House. “it’s categorical!) on»
true. it‘s a complete lie."

No“ the Oscar nominee‘s
rep confirms to [is that she has
"filed legal proceedings"
against the weekl) ((ira/ia had
no comment). "She felt it “as
an important step.” sass the
rep. who notes that. at Stool-(i
and an estimated I30 pounds.
Winslet considers herself a role
model in an industry where
women are increasingl) held
tip to ilt‘tpossibi} thin standards.

"She feels it‘s \ei‘_\ iitipor»
tant to put the right message
out there and back it up." .»\s
\Viiislct puts it: "i would iie\er
want aii_\onc to think I “as a
lispocrite in going to .I dict

When contacted h_\' l's. the
iiattiropath cited iii the article.
Yi i’aii at the ('hincsc Healing
Institute in Santa Monica. (‘aii

we DiSI-I

.iourététt'ideeofentertainmentpow'mrwtdtun KW“ ‘ Ql


fornia. confirmed that Wiiislet
had been a patient of his last
)ear but for a neck injury,
Says Pan. “it's not true that I
worked with Kate as her diet

His explanation‘.’

He spoke to the maga/tne
about diet issues. he sa)s. "but
not regarding Kate." (Winslct's
rep s;t_\s she has no plans to
seek legal action against the
doctor at this titiic t

Ups and Downs

This isn‘t the first time
Winslct its hose weight has
fluctuated since her [111‘th
through iii (007‘s Titanic) has
spoken out about hots she's
been represented.

She made her feelings clear
when British (iQ digitall) al-
tered her bod} on its February

“The retouching is execs
sch. I do not look like that and.
more importantly. I don't desire
to look like that." Winsiet. who
admits that at age 1‘) she went
on a starvation diet to reach
Ill pounds. said in one inter»

l).i_\ s later. fashion trade pa—
per Women‘s Wear Dail} re-
ported that Harpcr‘s Bazaar had
superimposed Winslct's head
onto a thinner person's body
for their .laitti.ti'_\ :(iilv‘s cmcr.
(Both the niaga/ine and
\Mnslet denied the claim.)

While \Viitslct's suit makes
a strong statement iii the press.
NYCbased media law expert
I)a\ id Kor/cnik is not so stirc it
\sill hold up in court.

“It isn‘t clear that going to


Oscar nominee says she
never visited 'diet doctor'

a weight-loss doctor is a
defamatory thing." he tells is
And. in fact, Winslet has
sought professional help to lose
weight iii the past.

After gaining 56 pounds
dtiriiig her first pregnanc}
(daughter Mia is (1. son Joe Is
3). she enlisted London-based
Facial Analysis dietitian [iii/a»
betli (iibaud. \s ho ad\ocates a
limited diet. "The weight (Us!
dropped off." Winslct said at
the time.

On Februar) 35. she will
hate another chaitce to show-
case her curtes when she and
husband. director Sam Mendes.
4i. stroll the red carpet at the
()scars. Sa)s her rep. “The)
want to go and have fun."

Other Stars Who Have
Fought Back

\Viiislet isn't the on!) one at
odds with reports about her

Keira Knightle). 2]. is tak»
ing British tabloid the Dail}
Mail to court for publishing a
bikini shot of her 7 and com-
ments about her slim figure 7
iii a January ll article about a
girl \‘\ ho died of anorexia.

Through her law 5 er.
Knightle). who has publicl)
denied ha\ ing an eating disor»
dci‘. offered condolences to the
teens faiiiil} btit sa_\s she will
“challenge the suggestion site
is responsible" for the death.
She ma) time a case: [it Jul}.
the UK. edition of The Nation-
al linqtiircr agreed to pa}
undisclosed damages to Kate
Hudson. 37. after calling her
“\\;i) too thin,"






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Spr irtiwwar ( ‘1 imparts.

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Continued from page 1

choice to live a heterosexual
lifest)le after living as a homo»
sexual for years.

But there are other on-cam—
pus groups that find Exodus ln-
temational‘s policies hamiful.

Susan Matsubara. a political
science and gender and women
studies senior. who is the direc-
tor of the (la). Lesbian. Bisexu-
al. ’l‘ranssexual and Questioning
(GLBTQT Resource (‘enteL said
the group‘s outlook on changing
homosexuals is destructive.

“Am church or religious or-
ganization that is aftirming. sup-
portive and accepting
(ILBTQ people can create a
positive contribution to sortie—
one's life." Matsubara said.
"Hovs e\ er. there are some
churches that claim to support
(BLBTQ individuals when. m
actualit). the churches are en-
couraging (them) to believe
there is something wrong with
their orientation or identit) and




Continued from page 1

Beach said. “So it's just amal—
mg that it could do this."

L'se of the mass spectrom-
eter is not _lll\l limited to stud)
\Hllllll the Department of Mola
ecular and ('elltilar Biochem-

"It‘s not lust the (‘ollege of

Medicine. it‘s people all across
campus." said Dr. Louis
Hersh. chaii ol the [K ("ol-
lege ot Medicine's Department
of Molecular and (‘ellulai Blur

It “as a etlort

lL‘tlITl l0


Continued from page 1


throughout the week

l'K lecturer lirik Reece
and biolog} professor James
Krupa vvill participate in a
panel diseUssion on mountain
top removal toda}. as depicted
in Reece‘s book "Lost Moun-

linglish prolessor Kim lid»
\vards vsill read from her New
York Times th‘lec‘lllllg‘ book
" l'he Mentor) Keeper's
Daughter" on Thursday Krupa
vsill also lecture on esainining



The Kernel is printed
on recycled paper.

We do our part.
Now do yours.


then attempt to change the per-
son's identity to one the church
or organization finds accept-

Keith Brooks. treasurer of

UsK' Gay -Straight Alliance and
lournalishi senior said a per
son s sexual preference should
be mdepende nt from outside iii-

“I think people should have
the option to go to the services.
hovsever. I don‘t agree “llh (Ex-
odus lnternational‘s) mission
purpose." said Brooks, who has
written for the Kernel. "Ultr
matel) I think people should

have the libert} to live their

Stump insisted that "Truth
and 'l‘olerance" is not about con-
demning homosexuals,

"This event is not about
itidging." Stump said. “It's an
opportunit) for Christians to
learn more about a different per—
spective on the homosevualit}
issue: ponra_vmg Christ~like
love while still standing for Bib-
lical truth."

Stump sees the program as
more of a message for the
(‘hristian communit) than an

achieve the grant involving
researchers trom i \ iiietv ol
fields. Hersh said. \1any l K
researchers contributed to the
grant application. offering dif~
ferent uses for the spectrome-

"It reflects the quality oi
the faculty" Hersh said. "The
scientists here do good work."

Hersh said graiits trom the
NIH pro\ide the maior fund-
ing the (‘ollege of Medicine

The NIH ranked the [K
Department ot Molecular and
(‘ellular Biochemistr} 13th in
public medical schools in INNS

up li'om Zh'th in Mill)

“The l'ni\ersit} of Keri-
tiick} has done very vxell in

animal bones l‘rida) night.

“I can lind all kinds of
things ion a skiilli indicating
past trauma.” Krupa said.

Involving professors is one
main oblective ol the neck.

"We vsant to highlight our
faculty” McFarland said.

Nonl'K’ lacult) speakers
are also participating in (ieek

(‘aroline Webber from Yale
l'niversitv and author ot
"Queen of Fashion What
Marie Antoinette Wore to the
Revolution” \Hll speak on the
importance ot lashion in poli~
tics and culture during the
i‘etgn of Marie Antoinette and
lotiis XVI on 'l‘hursda}.

appeal to the homosexual com

"There are man} (‘hristians
who don't want to accept homo
sexualit) as (iodordamedf
Stump said. “Many ('hristians
sa) that the) don‘t understand
hovv to have a ga) friend or tel
alive without SJMHg. 'I accept
that put of )our life.‘ "

Matsubara. how ever. said at
tempting to change one‘s sexu-
ality can be damaging,

“(Those religIoUs organi/a»
tionsi can be extreme!) detri»
mental to a person in terms of
not old} feeling re_|ected b_\ their
faith, but in hovs the) feel about
themselves." Matsubara said.
"There are a gross mg number of
churches that are uelcoming ot'
mdividuals regardless of their
se\ual orientation and ltlL‘lllll)
and that accept people for \\ ho
the) reall) are without passing

"Truth and 'l‘olerance" is be-
ing funded b) l'K‘s Baptist
(‘ampus Ministr} and
church donations.


building up research."
Hersh said.
The spectrometer “ill be
about si\ feet in length and
positioned vertically

"It doesn't take up much


more space than a nice deski

but it goes up high.” Beach
said l‘he spectrometer vstll be
kept in the Proteomics (‘ore
l‘llL‘llll) in the (‘enter loi
Structural Biolog}

The specti‘oittetei‘.
\\llll other proteomics scri
available to re-

scai‘chcrs across campus on a

\ ices l\

leert’or service basis, 'l'hose tn.

tercsled in iising the L‘illlll‘
iiieiit can contact Beach at
1859i 2574‘”:

Some of the events taking
place are not limited to onl}
l'K students Local elemeii
tar}. middle and high school
students tit't‘
to come later in the neck toi
the int i] events

\ lot ol school lcaclic'ts
around tovv n are giving ciedit
to students \\ ho attend." Krur
pa said.

Krupa hopes (leek \‘leek
shims students that “
isn‘t scars." and that the pro

also encotiiaged


i—‘i'ains create .i\\;irciiess and
inform the public
.\ lllll scllc‘dlllc’ i‘l (icck

\\eek events can be totind at
no u as iik}.ctlii geekvveek


loam l.P.U .l



Tiled. Feb. 21“

lnniinntinn [enter




'0 Yates Elementary
'School Tutoring, 4:00 PM,
Yates Elementary School
10 Swing Dance Lessons,
:8:00, Tates Creek
lRecreation Ctr Ballroom
l0 Solar Car Team
iMeeting, 7:00 PM, DVT
lEngineering Building

l° FUEL, 6:30 PM, 508
Columbia Avenue

0 College Democrats
Meeting, 7:30 PM, 211
Student Center

0 Saul Williams, 7:00 PM,
Student Center Ballroom
0 UK Budo Karate Club,
8:00 PM, Barker Hall
Dance Studio


0 UK Students for Life
Meeting, 8:00 PM, 115
Student Center

0 Cheap Seat Tuesdays:
"Bobby", 8:00 PM,
Worsham Theater
(Student Center)

0 YMCA Center For
Achievement Tutoring,
5:00 PM, YMCA Center
For Achievement

0 Students Taking
Action Globally (STAG)
Meeting, 5:15 PM, 211
Student Center

0 8385 Bowl 4 Kids
Sake, 9:00 PM,
Southland Bowling

' Universrty Christian Fellowship 8 00
PM, 230 Student Center

. Comedy Caravan wrth Sparky
Brown, 800 PM, Student Center Cats

0 Bryan Station Middle Tutoring, 4 00
PM, Bryan Station Middle School

0 L E C M Food for Body and Soul,

5 05 PM, St AS (472 Rose Street)

0 UK Budo Karate Club, 8 00 PM,
Barker Hall Dance Studio

0 LateNight Film “Freestyle The Art
of Rhyme" 10 00 PM, Center
Theater (Student Center)

0 Evolution of Black History (from
past to present), 8 30 PM, Ingles Hall
0 Helping Hands Meeting, 7 30 PM
Student Center Room 115

- Helping Hands Dinner at Catholir
Action Center, 5 15 PM, Catholir
Action Center

0 The Beatnik Ball The Dialectic.
800 PM, Student Center Grand




Call 257 3l37 for more







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llC Congratuia It

It teGiai

es our liatemit en ii liiloeame alOl Ollll

elall iiiiio sem mesiei


Alpha Gamma Rho
Richard Medley
William Meyer
Josh Renaker

Alpha Tau Omega
Christopher Adcock
Dylan Proctor

Delta Sigma Phi
Benjamin Buker
Noah Burton
Matthew Elberteld
Jordan Hall
Timothy Kerdolff
Samuel Lanham
John Newton
Ryan Schulte

Delta Tau Delta
Landon Cox
Garv Criscillis
Kurt Myers
Daniel Robbins
Tyler Sheriff

Phi Delta Theta
Taylor Ashley
Patrick Cunningham
Scott Mclntosh

Aun Munis
Christopher Schuetz
Todd Steyer

Walt Sweeney

Farm House
Bradley Hart
John Russell
James Taul

Phi Gamma Delta
Thomas Chumblev
Joe Goodin

Eric Haitz

William Kir‘ii
Joshua Kopp
Thomas Scovic


0 Family Fun and
Learning Nights, 4:30
PM, Carnegie Center

0 Responsibility of the
Media in Time of War,
7:00 PM, Temple Adath
Israel, 124 N. Ashland

0 Late-Night Film: "Do
the Right Thing", 10:00
PM, Center Theater
(Student Center)


Phi Kappa Tau
Todd Angle
Darrell Freeman
Corey Gragg
Hugh-Derek Hall
Michael Jerrow
Stephen Kiene
Andrew Pruitt
Luke Stephens

Phi Sigma Kappa
Christopher Jones

Kappa Alpha
Alexander Thompson

Kappa Sigma
Taylor Baldwin
Nathan Belt

John Carter

Shaun Denney
Ryan Fischer

Daniel Mudd
Christopher Sherry

Lambda Chi Alpha
Daniel Ebert
Erik Ostling

Pi Kappa Alpha
Elliott DeWeese
Jacob Doyle
Jason Rahmel
John White

Pi Kappa Phi
Ryan Goy
John lOlTldSlCCl‘ilO

Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Blake Burnett
Morgan Ford
Matthew George
Joseph Halbert

Sigma Chi

Kevm Barger

Jarrod Barnes
Frederick Barton Ill
James Bailey
Benjamin Cunningham
Aaron Ellis

Grant Mills

Nathan Simon

DaVid Wright

Sigma Phi EpSilon
Paul Ackermari:
Jospen Freehan
Corey Maple
John MrKa'y
Bradley Mitchel:
Eluah Robe;
Cased» Rouse

Sigma Na
Nathan Harris
Ale: Harrzsor
Eric Krpps‘
James Mela“
Jeffrey Oldnarr
Dawd Turner

Sigma P.

Joshua Beams
Charles riornmrx
Brian Przeprsit’v


Mark Amar“
William JOT‘i'S
Andrea Lyn?"
Jonathan Alter




° LaterNight Film "in
the Heat of the Night",
10:00 PM, Worsham
Theater (Student

0 LSAT Prep Weekend,
6:30 PM, 208 C8

0 UK Budo Karate Club,
4:30 PM, Barker Hall
Dance Studio


0 Saturday Morning
Clinir Prolort Health,
9:00AM, Dental Clinic
0 LSAT Prep Weekend,
10:00 AM, 208 C8

0 UK Ultimate Frisbee

Organization, 10 00 PM,

intramural Fields
Ignite UK, 6 30 PM
Worsham Theater






it'il :‘l

Page 4

fl lil


Jonathan Smith
Sports Editor
"hope 25/ Win

‘3 ti ttthiyltetiiei i tlil


Men's tennis finishes weekend
with wins over Ball St, Butler

By Kenny Colston
kcolstoany-iiernel L’Jilt

Dennis Liner) isn‘t sit)
.ihout [‘idMllg’ the best teams in
the eouiitr)

'I‘hnt‘s \\h_\ the [K nieii's
tennis eodeh scheduled iii.itehes
ilg‘dllhl three ol the iintioii‘s hest
It‘dnls \o 3 Ohio Shite, No
5 Bioloi and No 44 Middle
l‘eiiiiessee State hoping it
would hettei prepare the (kits
tor the rest ol the season.

"It does no good in li.i\iiig .i
nettle seliedule to pile up “his.”
linier) \tllti “And l‘\e .ilxttits
s.iid :iii elite [ll'ttg‘l'tilll plats .lll
elite schedule N

fillet” hislllg‘ to those three
l'dlli'sc'ti tennis. the No 3-1 l'k
iiieii‘s tennis team s\\ept d doti
hlelieddei .igdinst B.i|l State nnd
Butler l'iii\eisit_\ Stittirdii) .it
the llildi‘) .l Booiie leiiiiis (‘eii

in the e.iil) gdiiie. l 'K edged
B.i|l State —1 i helinid strong siii
gles pin} lioni the top thiee po
sitiotis l K itiiiioi “ill \\Lnd de
leiited .lose Petdoiiio in the \o
ipositioit iii sttiiiglit sets. (p3. 4»
I dllti seiiioi Nini'etis Stiiidli iiii

ished Aaron Phillips iii straight
sets .ts \\ ell. (i3 and (t4 SCHIUI
l’eter Bioi‘ls. pl;i)iiig in the No l
singles, needed three sets [0 dc“
lent Joe lipkc‘). (+4. 5 7. 776 177

The (animals l‘diilc‘ti iii the
No 4 through No 0 positions. .i
problem spot .ill senson lot the
(Kits Sophomore Shane (‘olliiis
.iiid lieshnien Roninn ()gnrkot'
iiiid Jorge .loi‘ge till lost iii
stixiiglit sets to put the (Kits in '.t
i 3 tie. l‘lie (Kits siiiiiililed eiii'l)
iii doubles “lien Brtiiio
.\_L’tt\llllciil iind Kenn) Hodge
lost No. I dottlties iii lzpke) :ind
l’erdonio, 85, But the (Kits
roiiied but k \tiiiiiing No. 2 dou~
hles behind “11rd and Bioils. 5'-
4. the (tits elnielied the match
lielinid No. 3 doubles Siiiidh dllti
()gdi'km \tiiiiiiiig 34.6

"i'l‘lie te.iiiii real!)
eluteli in the eiid against B.ill
Stine.” l'.iiiei\ stiid

Siiiidh. the [L‘dltl edpttiin.
\\d\ .i little more outspoken

"lilie Bnll Stine iiiiiieh was
tight. hut \\e should ii.l\c‘ lsilled
them.” he \illti

llie lilglilictll‘ \\.i\ it little
the (Ins, iis the)

\\ its

Cd‘fl'Jl toi

donned Butler 5-l. Without
e\ en plating doubles

'l‘lie (‘iits‘ 011i) loss was iit
NH 4 singles. “hen Hodge lost
to l:\'.iii West. 7-5. ()3. No. 89
Agostinelli. eoiiiing ol'l~ his upset
of the niitioii's No. 1 ranked
plu)ei'. needed three sets to def
lent .ltinies Lo“. (LI. H1. 63.
Suiidh. pl.i}itig in the No. 3 \ln’
gles. improved his reeord to (i-l
iii singles plti) b} heating lirie
Breiteiibiieh. hwl. 577. 672.
Biork. No. 3 singles. tlllti Ward.
pl;i}iiig iti No, 5 singles. both
earned their second “ins ol the
dii) in straight sets. (‘ollins liiiA
islied the lIlLlIL‘il “Hit it \Hll .it
No. (i singles. (i3. (i3,

"It's hard to phi)
.ig.iiiist steaiker l'diCIlI iiiid hard
to keep the iiiteiisit}. but it Hill
is it “in." Stiiidli siiid,

’l‘lie l'K schedule remains
tough this “eels Jtlsl hon
liiiiei') likes it , its No. ()3 liidi-
dild eoiiies to the Boone (‘enter
to ltiee the (‘iits 'l‘hiirsdii) iii 3

"ll \\e eiin \Hlls lhii
hoost our eoiil‘ideiiee im- the
SH'. “here \\e need to he on
lite e\eij\ ninteli." Siindli stilti,



Cats sweep season opener

guts \\ere there to lxiek the tip .iiid \\ e e.inie
tliioiigh \\ith the thin '
(‘olieii \\.l\ iiiipiessed \\ith I)oiiihio\\sl\i's

By Eric Lindsey

pt l‘iffnlly dawn” "(A

.ioliti (Vititc‘li this speizt u. lot oi llItlL' iiidoois


[)tie to the told \xiiitei

.. . .
itiasc'l‘dtl ltxitti «iiiki its ii‘g‘dti unit it stifled ittiliiiils

H\c‘ the id‘s‘ 1ll iiii‘xs
x't‘tltt‘tf ( Mitcl‘
Btit [its l is iMl‘kli‘dii it‘dlil
dooi lli.le'l‘. t\ to sheep ltii
lildll l nixi-zsdx th:s Weekend
.ft il\ sc'i‘M‘li «tl‘x'ttiitt' \c‘ltt'n
i't.‘\ Htti\-t\li‘\i tiie i'.litl«illi\
'\ 'l‘. ill. Vim.- 1
. ii pp ‘Al! ..
\i.ttii.\ il' 'iw:

xiii. “mitten Us. 3.

\\i‘iliii peiloi‘

"ii “tit \\ ' did

\tenthei. iiie
soiiietiiiiig lilai eon

“\g'lc .lli‘L' l'.\ \‘ili

di‘lil!) to liiiiit runs. despite .iilot.\iiig eight hits

‘l)oiiiliio\\ski \\.is null} good todiit." (‘0.

l is

silt liict' ..

lien s.iid “ lhet h.id se\ en oi eight hits oll ol
iillt’: lint le\\ ol tlieiii .leiililii) lelt the iiilield

lhe (Lits pliited the seiies \\itliotit itiiiiot

tiiilioi “its!


oiitlieldei (‘olliii (dWKL‘lii. \\lio siit out \\llil ii

Redshii ilL‘\illlldil .l.ison

lsipiiis tilled the \oid during the \\eel\eiid go-
ing; * to: ”. \tliit‘h iiitltided t\\o lionie iiiiis on


"llt \.til‘:e‘ tliioiigh let its in ii hig \\.t\ this
\Kc't‘ht‘fiti ”( oheii s.iid "\\e ie.illt needed some


‘o step tip illtki he \\;is ileliiiitel) one ot

‘liose gins loi ii .kiil \\lio is pi.i\iiig liis liist

Heeisetlel itl college itdv'ihtii. ilc‘ i‘tttticillll ild\c‘

lliiti .i i‘t’llet \M‘c'hellti H

iiit’ ( il'.\
[“ [in


iesiiiiie phi}. on \\k’\iiiL'\(itl) d1 4
lot tlieii home opener .igniiist \ltiiin}
tslieie tliet hope to keep the iiioiiieiittiiii
ill‘lti their hot stnit

l :\.is "\"eliih iiiipiessed \tith the litisiiiess
l-m‘ iipprom it our lsids hiid.” (‘ohen \illti ”(iet

’i:' till Ti~
ti “,1. y.

\ '}"Lii

. :\N‘\l

‘stnit is (liltiili i‘c‘ii‘ifl iii the

(‘wiileieiiee so it‘s lllll‘ttliitlll to
\oiitidente with the einlt iioii trill

t" ”It \ti‘iei: lit.


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end. but lrethan Jodie Meekx
earne haek “1th an aerobatte
la)up “hrle being fouled. He
eornpleted the three-point pla).
ulneh Ire thought would he tlte
turning point lot I K,

He “ax wrong. as the l‘rde
ans“ ered \xtth a 9—“ run to totee
the lead baek to II.

(‘ranlord led tlte (‘atx on
one ttnal push \\ hen he hit a ‘v
pornter “th ill to plat to
make It (wS-(vl. Steele tnade [\M)
l'r'ee throux tor Alabama alter
the pla). and I’K appeared to
mm the lead haek to tour agarn
on a \hot h) guard Rarnel
l‘lt‘adle}. But as the hall “as on
li\ \\a_\ down. Randolph Morrrx


Continued from page i


gotng to get it We'll |ll\I ha\ e to
keep \xorlxtng at H unttl the)
do "

In the second halt. (‘ranl'ord
and his teammates began tlterr

After a Mykal Rtle} tree
throw \\ rtlt 10' | 7 lelt pushed Al
ahama\ lead to 45-35. [R went
on an hilt run to eut the lead to
I\\lt poll)!»

Ronald Steele anxuered
\\rth a z-pornter on tlte otlter

’tluttddtu lelttnaw ill ZULU | PAGE 5

humped rt baek through the net.
\A rpmg awa) the seore on basket

Biddle} \atd alter the game
that the (‘atx haxe Illl rock but

rntet'lerenee tom, atrd tltat he hopex thrx rs tlte
"Vie eatt‘t make llll\I.lI\\‘\ lo“ point ot their ~ea~on
like that l‘hat'x rust unealled l'o a\ord hottonnng out. the

torn" \atd (‘t‘autotd uho \kUI'L‘tI
a gamerlttgh l7 poltth " l‘he

(‘atx agreed the} hat e to get otl
to a better start and tnnxh gamex

hall was alread) tn the haxket lt strong

“as onl) about a lite pornt l‘hen the) might hat e a

game. We rust ean‘t ha\ e those punehetk ehanee

lands ot‘ mental lapses " “It's \er_\ \It‘pl'L‘\\lllg.u
.\Ittl‘rh \dltl attemard that .\Ieekx \atd “It‘s the third g