xt7ftt4fnn10 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ftt4fnn10/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19281012  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1928 1928 2012 true xt7ftt4fnn10 section xt7ftt4fnn10 Best Copy Available P""

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l. tomorrow


we're behind you







OCTOBER 12, 1928



Wildcats Oppose Strong W. and L. Generals on Stoll Field Saturday
21 filRIS RNTRRF.ni Annual SuKy Dance
After W. and L. Game
Is Banned by Senate




.Nominees for Places of Honor in
Yearbook Represent Many

Winning Eight Will Be Selected
By Artist, John Dundon

The onnunl dance held in former
years after tho Washington and Lcc
game will not take place this year, according to an announcement from C.
R. Mclchcr, dean of men.
This will be the first time in several
years that the Woshington and Lcc
game will not be followed by a dance,
the proceeds from which arc used to
increase the funds for sending the
University band on its trips with the
James Hester, president of the SuKy Circle, said that there was a
University senate rule to the effect
that no dances may be held by University organizations before Thanksgiving, and that Dean Mclchcr gave
as his reason for denying permission
for tho event that it would be better
that no exception be made to this rule
in the future as in the past.

Nominations for the annual
beauty contest closed on
afternoon, with 21 co-eentered. These young ladie! are representatives of the various sororities
on the campus and of the unorganized
For the past few years, the beauties
have been selected primarily from a
mere glimpse of a photograph by an
artist or illustrator. This year, the
selection will be on a different basis.
Of the 21 girls on the ballot,. 14 will
be selected by the students. In other
words, the' highest 14 candidates,. as
to the number of ballots cast, will be
W. & L.
the select list.
Then this list will be
turned over to John W. Dundon, editor of the 1929 Kentuckian, and the
14 co-ewill be photographed. These
will be sent to some
qualified artist, and the eight final
Kentuckian beauties will be selected
from these photos.
The names of the 21 candidates,
their year and organization follow:
Betty Crawford, freshman,
freshman, Delta Zetaj Dorothy Gor-haAlpha, Gamma Delta; Sarah
Warwick, senior, Chi Omega; Anne
Rhodes, sophomore, Chi Omega; Lucy
Gamma; Mary Houston Molloy, junior, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Georgetta
Gamma; Judith Geory, freshman,
Kappa Kappa Gamma; Martha Mini-hasenior: Louise Rogers, junior.
.Zeta Tau Alpha; Evelyn tford, sopho
more. Alpha Gamma Delta; Ruth
Bonnin, sophomore, Alpha Gamma
Delta; Lola Combs, junior, Alpha
Gamma Delta; Mary Armstrong, sen
ior, Delta Delta Delta; Julia Marvin, Guignol Production Will Open
junior, Delta Delta Delta; Mary Eliz
October 29 at Old Romany
abeth Brother, freshman, Delta Delta
Building; Fowler Announces
Delta; Mary Virginia Willis, freshChange in Cast.
man, Delta Delta Delta; Ruth Gier- inger. freshman. Delta Delta Delta;
for the forthcoming
Martha Reed, sophomore, Alpha Xi
Delta; Mary Louis Marvin, senior, uuignol production "Hay Fever," are
being held nightly
and Director
Alpha Xi Delta.
The balloting on these candidates Frank C. Fowler announces that he
is very much pleased with the way
A will take,place Monday afternoon, be- -' in which the cast
is responding to his
ttfeentn'e''hours of 2 and 5 o'clock.
training and that he is confident of
Xhe bollots, giving the names of the
success with such admirable talent
2l nominees, are published in this with
which to work.
issue of The Kernel.
"Hay Fever" will open on October
Every regular student of the Uni- versity is eligible to vote, but it must 29 at the University theater building
be remembered that only 14 of the list on Euclid avenue, former home of
hav-jifc- g
Nothe Romany theater, to run
If can be chosen. Any ballots ofnotnames vember 3. It is a comedy until three
ing the required number
checked, or having over 14, will not acts written by Noel Coward and has
be counted. Each student must sign had successful runs in both London
his name to the ballot, and any at- and New York. The play is well adaptempt to stuff the box, or mutilate any ted to amateur productions and will
of the ballots will result in the ballots no doubt prove popular with local
j$L,being thrown out. The ballot box will audiences.
Mr. Fowler announces a change in
'Wbe located outside the Kentuckian office, on the second floor of the armory. the cast as published last week. Miss
by the Margaret Lewsi, Y. W. C. A. secre
The ballots will be counted
Kentuckian staff, in the presence of tary, will take the part of Myrtle
Arundel instead of Mrs. Herbert W.
a member of the faculty.
Young and Carl, official photog- Brown Jr.
raphers for the yearbook, will return
The first night performance will be
to tho campus Tuesday for the final formal this year with several promtime, the 14 successful inent people in attendance. A number
time. At this
candidates will be photographed, and of special invitations have been isany seniors or other students who sued, included among which was one
were omitted in the past two weeks, to Gov. Flem D. Sampson and Mrs.
orany student desiring resittings Sampson. Mr. Fowler will spcal: be
must be present if his picture is to tween nets on the aims and purposes
be included in the 1929 book. This is of The Guignol and after tli3 psrfona-anc- e
positively the last chance. All ora recepition will be held on the
ganizations should bear this in mind, stage at which Mrs. Frank L. McVey
and if all members have not had their and Miss Ann Callihan will pour.
sittings, have them out Tuesday. It
Tickets are now on sale at the the
is also announced that all proofs will
building and it is hoped
' be taken in Tuesday. There are still ater students and faculty, as that all
well as
some out among tho students, and the townspeople, will take an active
these must be in at that time.
Guignol this year and
interest in Tho
help to support it.







Lexington Leader
Will Have Guests
Annual Poultry Show
At Game Saturday To Be Here Next Week


Tho Lexington Leader will entertain more than 300 orphans at the
football game Saturday afternoon between Washington and Lee and the
Wildcats. A speciul section of seats
has been reserved for them, and arrangements have been made with the
Milward Funeral Homo to provide a
special truck for tho crippled children.
To tho majority of these children it
will be tho first football gamo they
have witnessed. To allow for tho outburst of their great joy and enthusiasm SuKy is appointing a special
cheer leader for their suction.
An added featuro will bo tho ice
cream and catidy furnished for each
and every guest. In order that tho
children may reach tho field in perfect
safety, transportation will bo furnished by the Consolidated Coach Corporation, Barnes Brothers and the Kentucky Traction and Terminal Company.
Tho boys and girls of the Odd Fellows home, Pythian home of Kentucky, Children's home, Julius Marks
sanatorium, Lexington Orphan asylum, Colored Orphan's home, Shriiiers'
hospital for Crippled Children, and
chippled children now under treatment at St. Joseph's and tho Good
Samaritan hospitals will bo the invited guests.

College of Agriculture Sponsors
Complete Program For Vis-

itors at Farm

The seventh annual Poultry Day,
sponsored by Professor Martin, of the
Poultry division of tho Collego of Ag
riculture, will oo held Wednesday,
October 17, ut the farm. Tho program
will consist of appropriate lectures,
inspection of the farm and discussion
of experimental work being conducted in this field.
Visiting parties will be shown
through the plant in tho morning and
questions regarding work will be anAt noon luncheon will be
served ut the judging pavilion. In
tha afternoon Dcun Cooper will deliver an address of welcome.
Dr. G. S. Vickers, field manager of
tho Ohio Poultry association, Columbus, Ohio, will speak on "A Statewide Program for tho Poultry Industry." Tho concluding lecture will bo
given by Professor Martin on "Ken
tucky's Plans lor Poultry Improve
Lust year people from twenty coun
ties visited tho Poultry Day exhibit.
Three hundred people are expected to
uttend this year and pluus have been
laid for the most successful show in
tho history of the association.

Student Council
Elects Officers





Brilliant Array of Material
a mi

rrr w tt n






fall Number of 'Letters '



A brilliant array of short stories, j in writing a biography
special articles and poems is announc - Kentuckian.

of this noted

Men and Fifty Women eel lor the tall issue ot "letters," um- Qur Fractured Universe." bv A
Are Chosen by Professor
versity literary magazine, by Prof. M. and M. M. Miller, promises to be
E. F. Farquhar, editor of the publi- of interest among the list of special

Fifty-tw- o


Of the short stories, perhaps "KillCOMBINED CHORUS
by Prof. George K.
TO PRESENT OPERA ed In Action," English department,
lBrady, of the
be of exceptional interest.
Majority of Women's Club Mem will served in the World War, Prof.
bers Prove to Be Talconsequently one assumes this story
ented Musicians
to be written from his own experience. Readers of ''Letters" may exOne hundred and two voices, 52 men
and 50 girls, will compose the University Glee clubs. The University
should enjoy one of the most successful musical years in its history. The
material in both clubs indicates a decided improvement over that of last
A questionnaire circulated among
the Glee club members shows that all
tho girls, with practically no exceptions, have had piano lessons. A
large number of them have had pre
vious voice culture and play a variety
of instruments.
Owine to the fact
that many fine voices were discovered
the club has been organized into a
four-pa- rt
The girls have
learned a number of difficult compo
sitions in a comparatively short time.
The Men's Glee club will be slower
rounding into shape, Mr. Lampert
said, due to the, fact that they have
not had the same musical background
that prevails among the girls.
Among the activities planned for
the singers this year is an opera,
"Rosamonde," by Schubert, which will
be presented by members of both
clubs. If results justify it the two
clubs will be combined into a University chorus, Mr. Lampert said. The
clubs will be ready for their initial
appearance soon.
Last year the Men's Glee club made
a successful tour of eastern Kentucky
while the Girls' Glee club sang at the
University of Ohio and gave concerts
at home. The "men have planned a
home concert this year.
Membership in the Men's club has
benn announced as follows:
First tenor M. N. Franklin, F. D.
DeWeese, L. J. Alexander, G. F. Bus-ki- e,
K. P. Patterson, H. B. Stone, J.
F. Conley, A. T. Graves, M. R. Glenn,
J. H. Calloway, M. L. Revelle, Toy
J.. S. Kelly, J. R.
Second tenor
Moore, W. M. Given, J. D. Smith, L.
T. Ison, II. F. Norment, J. J. Boucher, O. R. Vestendorf, M. L. Nollau, J.
H. Johns, P. W. Berry, R. L. Brad
bury, B. L. Humber, C. W. Schuer-meye- r,
C. F. Stone, E. M. Butler, E.
First bass F. M. Masters, C. A.
Poole, W. M. Townsend, J. S. Williams, R. H. Warren, W. R. Mayes,
R. G. Heitz, C. A. Blaine, J. D. Tur
ner, J. w. May, u. I . Pennington, L.
Layman, J. McDowell, P. P. Powell,
P. II. Johnston.
Second bass R. H. Brown, A. M.
Osborne, W. H. Adcock, J. Leith, G.
H. Miorsch, J. B. Allen, J. B. Hughes,
nnd G. Osborne.
The Girls Gleo club is composed
of the following:
Sopranos Margaret Allen, Marian- no Anthony,
Gladys Bell, Florence
'Bickel, Nini Budel, Jane Calcutt, Nell
Clarke, Jessir Clements, Mary Cro-leEunice Denton, Kathleen Fitch,
Marie Flora, Anno Garrett, Kathryn
Gutlill", Martha Hall, Mary Heaven-ridg- e,
May Hutchinson, Mary Howes,
Dorothy Jackson, Maxine Lewis,
Mathis, Anno McFarland, Willie
Mill, Flossie Miuter, Kathleen Montgomery, Edytho Reynolds, Rosanna
Ruttencutter, Elizabeth Wilhelmi, Lillian Randolph, Anne Shropshire, Alice
Whitinghill, and Virginia Young.
becca Brown, Edith Allison, Loretta
Bitterman, Mary Carter, Sally Chris-tophe- r,
Lela Cullis, Helen Darnell, Elsie Derickson, Juno Gooch, Marjory
Gould, Helen Hall, and Emily Hardin.
In order to create an enthusiastic spirit among tho students and
to raise money for SuKy, pop organization of the University, the
Circle will conduct two tag days,
today and tomorrow, when candidates lor the organization will sell
tags on tho campus for ten cents
each. Printed on the tags is the
motto, "Yea Wildcats, Beat Wash-ingto- n
and Lee." Purt of tho proceeds will go for new equipment-fo- r
tho team and part to SuKy.

pect something unusually vivid and
colorful in the way of war stories.
"River Rat," a story by Joe Graves
is said by Professor Farquhar to be
a little masterpiece of realism. James
Leith, the author of "Bonus," another
short story, is new among contributors to "Letters." Readers will look
forward to making his acquaintance
with eagerness.
Among articles dealing with criti- Prof. Grant C. Knight's study
of James Lane Allen, entitled, "When
Lane Allen Turns to Realism,"
will in all probability excite a great
deal of comment. Professor Knight
is especially well acquainted with his
subject, being at the present engaged

Convocation Speaker

Other articles include "Greek Sci
ence and Obiter Dicta," by Dr. Glan
ville Terrell, of the philosophy de
partment, and "The Classic Dance As
a Fine Art," by Mrs. Florence Offutt
Of the poetry, "Oklahoma Autumn,"
by Harold H. Woolery, is said by
Professor Farquhar to possess dis
tinctive merit. Mr. Woolery was
former student of the University and
is now a senior at the University of
California at Los Angeles.
Two sketches, "Italian Street
Scene." by Prof. Edward Fiske, of
the art department, and "Scene on
Campus," by Mildred Shute, together
with book reviews and the special
view service conducted by Prof. W
F. Galloway of the English depart-Jame- s
ment, go to make up the content of
what will be in the estimation of
many the best number of "Letters"
that has yet appeared. The magazine
will be on the campus November 1.

Y. W. C. A. Leader





secretary of the World's Committee,
with headquarters in
England, and also a member of the
commission on Child Labor in China,
was a visitor on the campus Wednesday and Thursday in interest of
the welfare of the University Y. W.

W. C. A.,

C. A.


Spirited Pep
Meeting Will Be

Held lonight
prelude to the WashingIn war-lik- e
ton and Lee game, a pep meeting will
be held in the Men's gymnasium, Fri- ilnv iivnniiur ut 7:!i0 o'clock. A mni-beat Washington and Leo than was
needed to annihiluto Carson-Newma- n
last Saturday, and the cheering this
week should be greatly improved in
botfi quality and quantity.
Tho program, consisting partly of
songs und cheers, will begin promptly.
Tho band will lend itself to tho occa- sion. Of particular interest will bo
tho speeches by Captain Claire Dees
'and Coach Harry Gumage. At 9:00
o'clock students will march to tho
Ben Ali theater for more songs and
The excitement will bo high and
interest will bo intense when Bluo
meets Blue on Stoll field Saturday.
Probably no student in tho University
will be absent from tho gamo, and
no studont who is sincerely and loyal-- i
ly supporting his team will bo ubsent
.from the pep meeting tonight.

0- -



W. & L. Half



Visits University TRYOUT SCHEDULE

Miss Mary Dingman Discusses
Child Labor Conditions in
China and France

The second convocation of Univer
sity students and their friends will be
held at 9 o'clock on Friday morning,
October 12 in the Men's gymnasium.
Mr. Walworth K. Bradbury, manager
of public relations of the Niagara
Falls Power Company, will be tho
speaker. His subject will be "Water
Power and Its Appjeal."
Mr. Bradbury is a delightful speak
er. His story of Niagara, both from
the romantic and utilitarian standpoints, is most entertaining and instructive. In view of tho great interest that is being taken in water power
development in Kentucky, Mr. Bradbury is a most welcomo visitor. The
public is especially invited to attend
this first general convocation at the

The nnnual election of the Mn's
Student council for this year was held
last Tuesday, according to James Hes
ter, Pi Knppn Alpha, president of the
rive .senior representatives
elected, three juniors, two from tho
ophomore class and one freshman;
all from diHYrent schools in tho University. Tho following members were
"led cd; Whitney Evans. Pi Kanna
Alpha, College of Education; Robert
Uarsie, College of Engineering; Rob
ert Swoctstor, Sigma Nu, College of
Commerce, and James Shropshire,
Delta lou Delta, College of Agricul
ture. Junior representatives arc Will
Ed Covington, Pi Kappa Alpha, College of Education; Smith Scott, Alrhn
Camma Rho, College of Agriculture;
Don Whitehead, Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon, College of Arts and Sciences.
Sophomore members are: George Cel- la, Kappa Sigma, College of Arts nnd
Sciences, and Ben Harrison, Triangle,
College of Engineering. Ted Cassidy,
Pi Kappa Alpha, College of Arts nnd
Sciences, is the temporary freshman

Miss Dingman has traveled all over
the world and has done much for
the general improvements of industrial conditions, particularly in China,
where child labor standards have been
quite unsatisfactory in the past. When
she was in China, in 1925, Miss Dingman stated, that the standards for
child labor were very low; in fact
there were practically no standards,
for the children work at any age, any
hour and under very trying circumstances, in most cases. Since there
is no good government to enact the
laws, practcally no money to work
with, and few workers, it is conse
quently difficult for China to progress
much industrially.
During the war Miss Dingman did
Y. W. C. A. work abroad, chiefly in
France, where she remained for three
years, and was engaged in industrial
work. She also spent much time in
Jerusalem, and she states that the
Jews there have very high educational
standards, fine arts and music, and
are very progressive m general, ine
Zionists have done much m starting
new agricultural schools, which have
helped the agricultural needs, al
though the
soil is a great
Miss Dingman found the
industrial work there very interesting.
While in tho United States, she is
doing some research work in connec
tion with the present industrial con
ditions. On October 13, she is sail
ing from Montreal and then on to

Moberly Will Head
U. K. Cheer Leaders
Tryouts for cheer leader were held
last Friday afternoon before members
of the SuKy Circle. From the 18
three were
boys who participated,
chosen to lead the University cheers.
Kirk Moberly, a sophomore in tho
College of Arts and Sciences, was
selected us chief leader.
Rawlings and William Irion were
chosen as his assistants. Megaphones
and sweaters will be given them this
Jimmy Hester,
week by SuKy.
president of the organization, indicates that a fourth leader may bo
chosen in tho future.

Illegal Balloting
Results in No Vote
The straw voto that was conducted
lust week was declared void by The
Kernel duo to proven unfair methods
of balloting employed by some stu
dents. The purpose of the poll was
to determine the University's choice
for president in tho coming general
election and many political enthus
iusts were very much disappointed at
the attitude of some
"workers" on the campus,

October 22 Is Day Set for Open
ing; Applications Must Be in
Hands of Committee Friday,
October 19.
The Strollers, student dramatic or
ganization of the University, have
postponed their annual tryouts until
Monday, October 22. The tryouts will
be held in the recreation room of Pat
terson hall, both afternoons and evenings and will continue for three
days. The judging committee is com
posed of Louis MacDanald, Frank
Davidson, Harry McChesney, Leonard
Weakley, Martha Minihan and Bob
The date of the tryouts was chang
ed because the books were late in ar- iving and students were unable to
et parts copied. Four one-ahave been selected as a basis on which
to judge dramatic merit. The follow
ing are the plays: "Before the Play
Begins," one boy, one girl; "Meow,"
four boys; "Their First Quarrel," one
boy, one girl; "A Rural Belle," one
oy, one girl.
There are two copies
of each play on reserve in the reading
oom. They may be copied but must
not bo taken from the reading room.
Application for tryouts of the plays
must be handed in by Friday, October
19, to Frank Davidson or Louis MacDanald. Call Frank Davidson at 4194
or 0035 and Louis MacDanald at 4G51.
must contain the
The application
names and telephone numbers of all
persons in the play, the name of the
play, and the director together with
fifty cents for each person trying out.
The three most successful one-aplays will be put on "Amateur Night,"
Thursday, October 20, in the Men's
The Strollers plan for
Amateur Night to be better than
it has been for the last several years.
The winners of "Amateur Night" will
eceive two tickets to the Strollers
One must first become a Stroller
eligible" in order to tryout for a part
in the fall play which will be put on
ometnne before the Christmas holi
days. A part in a Stroller play entitles one to a Stroller pin. The tryouts for the fall pluy will bo held
about a week after "Amateur Night."
The Stroller play will be selected
from the following three-ac- t
The Butter and Egg Man," by
George S. Kaufman,
Dulcy," last year's Stroller play;
Charm," John Kirkpatrick;
Em and Leave 'Em," George Abott
and John V. A. Weaver; "Pomery's
act," Clare Kummer; "The Poor
Nut," J. C. and Eliot Nugent; "Two
Girls Wanted." Gladys Nugar, and
'Set a Thief," Edward E. Paramore

Anyone interested in trying out for
the stage crew will see Don Forman,
stage manager.

Visitors Have Quartet of Triple
Threat Stars in

Critics Say Virginians May
Threat in Race for Southern Honors


(Hy Wnyman Thoniasson)
David and Goliath
Washington and Lee.
Before a record crowd of about 11,- 000 people on Stoll field tomorrow
the sixth chapter of one of
Kentucky's greatest football feuds
will he written in splendid colors.
Again two great, rival hosts are
drawn up in battle array with their
blue and white banners flying. Again
David" and "Goliath" arc the cham
pions of their people and Kentucky is
host to her former conqueror.
From Virginia beyond the moun
tains comes the most sinister threat
six years of gridiron war, the
Washington and Lee Generals, proud
conquerors of Lynchburg, 56 to 0, and
North Carolina State 38 to G, to op
pose Kentucky, queen over Carson- Newman by Gl to 0. Coach Gamage's
bugle has sounded the approaching invasion, his splendid forces are mar
shalled, and war is about to start in
the Southern Conference.
Williams is W. & L. Star
War is h , somebody croaked as
another redskin chewed the crust, but,
anyway, here's the lowdown on this
heavy struggle. W. & L. got the
breaks in her scuffle with the Carolinians last Saturday and the Generals made quite a day of it due to the
dashing propesities of this elongated
Williams, who will register as an end
tomorrow for the visitors.
He escorted a fumble and an intercepted
pass down Jhe field for touchdown
visits and made the score look a little
more healthy than it really was. He
might not look so good tomorrow with
Pete Drury and "Bull Brown clinging
on his scrawny legs, but, anyway, this
sophomore is a bad actor and he will
bear watching.
Williams can snatch
passes out of ten feet of ozone, and
at that height, Portwood and Covington would have to do a balloon ascension to interrupt him. Thus, the Generals' strong passing attack may
leave the Wildcats holding the bag to
But, get this in your ear trumpet!
With Uncle Gamage and the best little ole line in the South on her side,
Kentucky will not be without an ace
in the hole tomorrow.
Suppose Drury, Dees, Brown, Forquer, Thompson,
Trieber and Nowack should hold a
Wildcat reunion in the General backfield just about tho time this pass
flinging is started.
The Generals
would run into approximately
pounds of dynamite, enough to blow
up the whole Virginia army.
'Cats Will Oppose Star Backs
The W. & L. backfield includes
White, a hard plunger, Lott and Thib-odeaa couple of fast and clever ballcarriers, and Faulkner, a good blocker. They average 175 pounds and
compose oue of the most formidable
backfields this side of Georgia Tech
and "Stumpy" Thomason. They can
kick, pass, or run but can they hold
that line? You know if a man goes
anywhere, he's got to start from some
place, and, if you'll pardon tho
"French," ho won't have no placo to
go if Mr. Drury and company happen
to be detaining him.
And, speaking of going places,
Portwood and Covington ain't going
to be staying at home that day. These
boys can really tote a pig-skiand
I don t think Captain Fitzpatrick and
Mr. Hawkins, two 200 pound General
tackles, can do much towards stopping them. Kentucky has eleven men
on the team, ono to carry tho ball and
ten to run in the interference.
they stop nobody knows, but Carson-Newma- n
chased them down tho field
ten times Saturday trying to find out.
Injuries Beset Gamugemen
Still, the 'Cats are in pretty bad
shape. Colonel Gilb skinned hjs shin
on one of the fighting parsons Saturday and was not able to practice all
week. Williams, Forquer, Thompson,
Allen and Gentile are all ailing in
sundry places, but they might be able
to start a whale of an argument if
Coach Gamage should let them in the
game. That stern master had his
proteges playing the old game under
the old flood lights till almost G o'clock
every afternoon this week, and tho
boys were shouting "Beat W. and L."
like they mennt it. No doubt tho
Wildcats are the underdogs in this
heavy tussle, but the worm may be in
for a little turning around about
"bath day."
Kentucky's line will average 192
and will outweigh tho Generals six
pounds to the man, but the W. und L,
backfield, which averages 175 ' utitifi,
more than makes up this deficit in the
team averages.

Miss Beau, of the University post
office, has requested that students call
The lust chance for students to turn
for their postolHce boxes. Over 300 in proofs, have their pictures taken,
boxes are yet to bo taken and us a or to get resittings for pictures will
quantity of mail is waiting distribu- be October 10. Young and Cnrl, ofl'U
tion, students are asked to call for cial photographers, will return on that
boxes immediately.


* Best Copy


Subscribe I 'or


And Help the Association











Mrs. K. T. Proctor, '16

Wyland Ilhudcs,

Dr. K. C. Elliott,

W C. Wilson. '01


Walter Ilillcnmojcr,


Dr. George II. Wilson. '01


This year the officers of the Alumni association will inauRiirnte
what has Ioiir been n much needed factor in the activities of our
Alumni association: a system of class reunions. This feature is one
of the biRRest factors in the annual homecoming of alumni in most
of the universities and coIIorcs in the United States.
The class of 1908 this year held its first reunion on the campus,
and if we are correctly informed, it was the first reunion of any class
Wo do know for sure that it was
in the history of the University.
the most successful reunion that any class of the University lias
over held. An account of that reunion, written by one of the members of the class, appears in another column on tins pape.
Some Alumni associations use a system of reunions whereby the
four classes that were in school at the same time meet at the homecoming. While this is a most successful way in which to run reunions, the officers of this association believe that it is better for our
needs to have classes from the earliest down to the youngest gathering
This, in their estimation, makes of
in reunions at the same time.
the association a body more closely knit as a whole and not one made
up of groups from different periods.
The system that has been planned already has been announced in
an earlier issue of The Kernel. Classes graduating five years apart
from the first on down to the last will meet this year. Those classed
will be as follows: 1869, 1874, 1879, 1889, 1894, 1904, 1909, 1914,
1919, 1924, and the class of 1927. By this system you can see that
alumni of all ages will be present at this reunion. Next year classes
jumps down to the class
beginning with 1868 and coming in five-yeBy this system
of 1925 and the class of 1928, will hold reunions.
each class will hold a reunion every five years.
In the jast the homecoming of the Alumni has been more or less of
a haphazard affair, a reunion of all classes and with no especial organization. This we hope to correct this year.
The plans which are still in the formative stage already call for
a separate meeting place for each class, with meetings and programs
for each class. This will be added to the general meetings and entertainments which will include all the classes present along with
all others who return home.
A system of class reunions is not begun with the idea of letting
only the members of the classes in reunion return for homecoming,
but with the idea of increasing the number who return, and to make
it more interesting for the homecomers.
Work has already been
started leading to an organization of each class that will hold a reunion this year. Further plans will be made and announced in subsequent issues of The Kernel on this page. Watch for them and
make plans to help the officers made this initial effort a success.

We use the word Alumni

strictly meaning the male graduates of

a university, college or other institution of learning, to mean all the
members of the Alumni association of the University, both male and
female. The use of the word in this sense was recently accepted and
made standard by the American Alumni council, in its constitution.
Article one of that constitution reads: "The name of this association
is the American Alumni Council. The word 'alumni' is construed to'
include both alumni and alumnae." This merely to indicate that our
association takes in both the male and female graduates of the University of Kentucky.

O- -


They Tell Me

More Than 50 Per Cent of Total
Number Is Present at First
Reunion; Member Describes

Fourteenth Anniversary










T. Dotson, LL. B. 1917, is
Henry Duncan I'almore, B. C. E an attorney and his address is Box
1914, is a construction engineer for 27, Harlan, Ky.
He went to Harlan
the State Highway department, and soon after his graduation and has
is located in Frankfort, Ky.
been practicing law there ever since.
He has been active in the Alumni asJohn G. Carlisle Spencer, LL. B sociation almost every year since
Ky., where he has been located for leaving the University.
MUG, is now an attorney in Jackson
several years.
Edith Gary Dean, A. B. 1918, is
now Mrs. V. H. Bowman and lives
Samuel Jefferson Caudill, B. M. E. at 1439 Willow place, Louisville, Ky.
1910, is still a consulting petroleum This year she sent in her dues to the
engineer of Tulsa, Okla. He recently Alumni association for the first time.
has moved his offices from the Atlas With the program of expansion that
Life building to 1504 Philtower build- is being pushed this year we are sure
ing, Tulsa. He has been an interested that she will be among the first to
and ac