xt7ftt4fq05w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ftt4fq05w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky 1947 athletic publications English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Media Guides University of Kentucky Football Facts For Press and Radio, 1947 image University of Kentucky Football Facts For Press and Radio, 1947 1947 2015 true xt7ftt4fq05w section xt7ftt4fq05w 1;}
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University of Kentucky
ul l 9 4 7
lil Football Facts
m Edited By
i Roy Steinfort
Athletic Publicity Director
Otfice Phone: Shelby 2066 Lexington, Kentucky
’ \
Facts About the University of Kentucky ....................., 3 '
‘Cat Success a ‘Bear’ Possibility, by Zipp Newman .,.. 4
Prospects ..................,.,..,..........,......,..,..........................,............ 6
The Wildcat Offense ....i......................,.................................. 7 I '
The Coaching Staff .........................,....................................,. 8
Football Coaches, University of Kentucky, 1892-1946 ,... 10
Thumbnail Sketches .,.......,.......,.........,.,.,.....,........................ 12
1947 Roster ..................,,...............................,.......,..........,.,...,... 16
Probable Order of Substitutions ......,,.,.... . ........................ 19
Kentucky Statistics, 1946 ...................................................... 20
Past Results with This Years Opponents ..........,........... 21
The University of Kentucky ............,..,.....,...,............,......... 25 `
Opponents 1947 Schedule ...,..................................,............. 26
Officials for 1947 ............................,,....................................,... 27
U. of K. All-Time Football Record ....... . ....... . ..............,. 28 vg
J Facts About
l The University! 0f Kentucky
l.()C.v\TlON—Lexington, a eonnnunitv ol $Jl).()()O population. capital
l U ol the thoroughbretl horse industry, located 80 miles east ol Louis-
ville and 85 miles south ol Cincinnati.
I ]’RliSIl)l£NT—Dr. Herman L. Donovan
NICKNAME Oli '1`E.\l\I—\~\’iIdeats
(Z()L()RS—Navy Blue and \‘Vhite
' I 5'l`.\I)IUM—MeLean Stadium on Stoll I·`ieId (2Ii,8()l> tapaoitv)
B.\Nl)—"The Best Band in Dixie"
l ' A`I`I-II.Ii'l`l(2 DIRli(Il`Ol{vBernie Shivelv (Illinois 1927)
I·Ili.\l) FOOTI5.\LL (Z().»\(lI-I—l’anI Bryant (.\IaI>a1na IOEIIS)
.-\SSIST.\NT I’O()TB.\l,I, (I().—\(IHES—(1arnev Laslie (.·\lilI)1lI]l1I IOISB):
Frank Moseley (.\la|>znna NMI): Mike Balitsaris (Tennessee I912):
_]oe Atkinson (\¤’anderhiIt IEI»l2V): and lirrnal .—\Ilen (Kentucky 19-I2)
'I`I(1I{liT SALES M.—\N.\(QI§l{—I·Iarrv Dickerson
TR.\INER—X\’iII>ert (Bud) Burger (illinois HMI)
.\'l`HI.lC'l`IC l’UBI.l(1lT\` I)lRi·](1'l`OI{—l{ov Steinlort (Kentucky If)-I3)
l Sept. 20 Kentucky _,_,_... vs. Mississippi ........ There
Sept. 27* Kentucky ........ vs. (lincinnati ....Ael, Here
Ott. Kentucky ,.,.,... vs. Xavier ........ There
yi ()ct. 11* Iieiituekv ........ vs. Georgia ........ Here
()et. I8 Kentucky ....r... vs. \’anilt ........ There
In ()t*t. 25 Iieiituckv ........ vs. Michigan State ....,,,, There
Nov. I Iventuckv ........ vs. .—\Iah:nna ....,... Here
* Nov. S Iieiitnekv .. ..... vs. \\"est Virginia __.,.... There
Nov. I5 Iientutkv ........ vs. Evansville . .... . Here
nl Nov. 22 Kentucky ........ vs. Tennessee ........ Here
L. *Night Games
'H September lfl .................... Kentucky vs. Morehead at Ashland
K Oemher l() ,._,_..,................ Kentucky vs. Morehead at Morehead
November 7 ...................... Kentucky vs. Tennessee at Lexington
lh October —I ........................ Kentucky vs. Navy Plehes at .\nnapoIis. Md.
. November l»l .................... Kentucky vs. U. of Cincinnati at Lexington
I. 3 l
’Cat Succcss Is QB03P’ Possibility
By Zipp Newman, Birmingham News Sports Editor l
Kentucky can`t go any way but up in football. That is if Paul l
(Bear) Bryant gets anything like his share of the breaks. .-\nd he will
make a lot of his own breaks with tremendous will power.
This colunmist wrote when Kentucky signed the former .\labama
star: "l{entucky is most fortunate in obtaining the finest young football ·
coach in .\lll€l`l(`2l today." That still goes. Here's one former lieu-
tuckian who is much concerned in Paul Bryant’s future.
Paul Bryant has every qualification of a great grid master. He was
the most fearless football player l ever knew. He has a thorough I
knowledge of football. He has a flare for imparting the "know how" to
players. Bryant is a tireless.worker. He has tl1e patience to rehearse
a play lf)0 times. He 110t only knows how to handle players on the
practice field but off the practice held. No coach has more personality. . U
He was always popular with the players as an assistant coach at
Coach Bryant was schooled under one of the greatest teachers loot-
ball has ever known—l`rank ’l`l}t)11l&lS. He learned well 'l`homas’ way
of running a football team with the pressure on.
.\s a recruiter—and a football coach nowadays must know how to
get material—Paul Bryant is in a class by himself. He could sell gold
bricks to bankers and they would like it.
l’aul Bryant was one of tl1e finest ends in the history of football
at .\labama. He was one end, who could not only catch a pass but ji
rack up a tackle in cellophane. He gave one of the greatest exhibitions III
of handling a bruising tackle in .\labama's great victory over Stanford
in the l9$5 Rose Bowl game. {
.\fter l)on Hntson. who went on to become the .\ll—'l`ime profes-
sional end. left ;\labama. Bryant was switched to left end. He was
switched because he was a good pass receiver. In
Bryant played his greatest game on a broken leg against `l`en-
nessee. lf you don’t believe this. there are X-ray pictures in a doctors if
office in Birmingham to prove it. .-\labama beat Tennessee 25 to O and
Bryant was the spearhead. ‘"1`he Bear" got mad and the Vols couldn`t
handle him. He forgot about himself and what re—injuring the leg
might mean to his football career.
Paul Bryant was born in Fordyce. .-\rkansas Ilil years ago. He m
entered the University of .\lal>ama in W32 and was a hellion on thc
freslnnan team. He lettered in football in lflflfl-fl-l-35. receiving his B.S. H
degree in Physical Iiducation in 1936.
Paul married his campus sweetheart. Mary Harmon Black, one of m
Birmingh;un`s charming belles in 1935. '1`hey have two children. May `
f 4 i
Xlilfllll, l1l1]t.1ll1(l 1*:1111. 1\\'11. 1*11:1* :11*e 11>()1·i111g 101* 1*111111. L1()\\`11 :1:
’ .=\1:11>:1111:1, Li()LlIlL1llg 011 111111 :11 le:1s1 lllillélllg 1111* :\11-(1l)1lli(‘l`Cl1(`C 1en111
l 1wi1`e :1s 11is 1):111 (11(1—2ll1(1 p1:1yi11g 111 Z1 R0se B(')\\'1 g:1111e.
1*:1111 S12l}’€(1 Ol] :11 .\l:1h:1111:1 1llilC1` g1`:11111:11i011. He 1)C(`1iHl(? :1 line
10:1111 :11111 011 the side g01 S()lllC business CXl)Cl`1C11('(f 111 :1111:1 s11l>1>01‘1e1·s
:1111`1|Jn1e1l some 01 111e 1‘1‘e11i1 10 1*:1111 Bl`1’1l1l[ 1:1111ing 111e (1()l1l11l(')(1()l`CS
1010 believing 1hey were l>e11e1‘ 111:111 111e (11`1111S(>HS. 11 11*:1s ()]`lC 01 111e
l 1l111`(1CS1 l)12lY(J(1 g:11111·s 111 111e 11is101`1* 01 the 0111 series.
1*:1111 13111:1111 is :1 111:111 01 :11*11011. He \\’f1lll€(1 111 111e 11*:11* 111 15112.
1l1· wen1 10 "\l21S1111]glb. Zlll(l Bobby Brooks.
Ketttttrky hud three line kickers lust lull i11 ,·\llen, Cutchin. llllll
George Bl2ll1(lZl. Bl:1nd:1 will be buck und Couch Bryunt regurds l1i111 as
his No. l booter. "1`hen cotnes Len Knbiak, Dopey Pl1elps. _]i111 Bubb.
Clztyton \‘\’ebb, Elllll _]oh11 Ghtnnley.
Y .\g:1in it is George Bl1ll'l(lIl heading tl1e parade followed by Bob
·“ Cvillll. _]:1ek Cll]`l`CI](`C. Bill Boller, und Dick HCIISIG)'. Curreiice. un ex-
, ceptionully hne l1`€SllllI1lll prospect, sl1ould give Kentucky znnple insur-
1ll’l(`C i11 th:1t ull ll]l[)t')l`l1llll extru ])Oll]L business.
Couch Bryztnt will use either l1is right or lelt hullbztck i11 the snlety
position. He l1:1s no set rule. Dopey Phelps is u t1‘en1e11dous threat.
l{entucky h:1s seyerul other good n1en—Ben Heinzinger, ]i111 Howe, Bill
Boller, Bobby Brooks, lllI(l Alflllll (.llllHllC}’.
E I11 the huddle Illl(l ulter tl1e LCIIIII returns to tl1e line ol scrinnnage.
1 it will be one ol the lollowing (lll2ll`l€1`l)1lCl·iS wl1o will cull the signals-
Blund:1. Bubb. Jerry (lluibortte, Don Fl`2iIl1l)[Ol], Dick lioerber, Ogden
Thoinus, or Le11 liubiuk.
{ 1*11
The Coaching Staff ` I
The combination for a successful University of Kentucky gridiron l
eleven has been found in the person of a 33—year old Arkansan—ener-
getic Paul Bryant.
Since football was first attempted at the Bluegrass school almost l ’
60 years ago, the \\'il<1cats have never truly been recognized as a grid-
iron power.
ln February 1946, Bryant affixed his signature to a Kentucky con-
tract. The \‘\'ildcats last season won seven games and lost three 1`or . I
their most successful campaign since 1912.
ln November 1946, .Bryant’s original live-year contract was ex-
tended to cover a lO—year period. Football at Kentucky under Bryant’s
keen. observing eyes seems to he headed in the right direction. '
A native of Fordyce, Arkansas. Bryant starred in football and bas-
ketball while attending high school there. From Fordyce, Bryant went
to c0llege—and to the University of Alabama.
From 1933 to 1935, Bryant starred for (joach Frank "l`homas’ Crim- ' 1
son-clad warriors. In 1935. Bryant was the right end on that famous
Alabama Rose Bowl eleven. His roo1nmate—l)on 1-lutson, later of
Green Bay Packer fame—was the left end. Dixie Howell. a ’Bama im-
mortal. was in the backheld.
That `34 Alabama eleven was acclaimed by old Capstone followers ·
as the most powerful and colorful in Alabama gridiron history.
Following his graduation from Alabama. Bryant ren1ai11ed as
Thomas' assistant for four seasons. It was during this period that he
absorbed the Alabama system—Coach Tommy’s system for football
From Alabama, Bryant went on to another Southeastern Confer-
ence school, Vanderbilt University, where he was line coach. After
working with the Commodores two seasons, the year 1942 rolled around. _
The United States was at war. Bryant entered the Navy. His first
station was the Pre—Flight School at Athens, Georgia. Then overseas . . . i
to Africa. In
On his return, Bryant was assigned to the North Carolina Pre- L
Flight School. Shortly thereafter. the war ended. Lieutenant Com-
mander Paul Bryant was released to inactive duty. `
The University ol` Maryland offered Bryant a three-year contract. In
He accepted their offer a few days before the season opened. Six wins, y;
two losses and a tie resulted-Mary1and‘s best gridiron record in its his-
tory. His eleven impressively defeated the University of Virginia Cav-
aliers, a team which had won 16 straight contests. m
Since his arrival at Kentucky, Bryant and his staff»Carney Laslie, ;_ V
F1‘al‘il< Moseley, joe Atkinson, Mike Balitsaris and Ermal .-\11en—have
worked hard.
lientucky’s impressive 7-3 record last fall substantiates that claim. m
[ 8 ] ~
CARNEY LASLIE . . . l.ike Paul Bryant is a University ol Alabama
·· product Zllltl a lorn1er Rose Bowl star for tl1e Cri111son Tide . . . Laslie
l lettered three years at YBZIUIZI. ’3(), '31 and’32 . . . III ’32 he played 011
tl1e Tide eleven which wo11 a 24-O decision over \Vas11ington State in
the Pasadena classic . . . Remained at Alabama as ill] assistant [or one
{ year alter graduating . . . Then 11e beca111e head football coach at t11e
l Blvtheville. .·\rkansas. 11ig11 school . . . 1-lis teams went undefeated [or
three seasons and t11e11 l,as1ie we11t to V.M.l. as 1i11e coach . . . From the
Lexington, Va., school, Ilaslie entered the Navy . . . \~Vl1ile in tl1e Navy,
he coached the Nort11 Carolina Pre-Flight eleven . . . Released t0 in-
active duty alter three years service with tl1e ra11k of Lieutenant Com-
. I ma11der . . . joined Bryant at Maryland a [ew days before the 1945
season opened . . . Specializes i11 coaching tackles at Kentucky . . . Mar-
ried and has an eleven year old daughter.
‘ FRANK MOSELEY ...i \ native ol Montgomery, Alabama . . . Quar-
terbacked the Tide elevens i11 `Z1. ’?12 a11d 213 . . . 1'1aye(l two seasons
on tl1e same :\lIl1)Zl1II2l teams as Laslie . . . (llllllff to Kentucky i11 1934
and served as backlield toath under Chet \Vyn`ne and .-\b Kirwan . . .
' 1 E11tered tl1e Navy i11 *12 . . . Served as gunnery otlicer aboard the air-
cralt carrier Lexington with tl1e ra11k ol Lieutenant Commander ...r \
veteran of practically every battle in tl1e Pacihc . . . joined Bryant a
few days belore tl1e season opened at l\laryla11d . . . Backlield coach at
Kentucky . . . Married 1l11(l has a three-montlrs old son . . . Called "Mose"
l by many. but "Bu11y" or "Chesty" by his old Capstone acquaintances.
MIKE BALITSARIS . . .» Another Rose Bowl player . . . But 11ot witl1
.~\labama . . . Mike was an e11d 011 General Bob Ney1and`s `39 Rose
Bowl team and in ’-10 Mike played i11 the Sugar Bowl lor tl1e Vols . . .
Played both basketball il1l(1 football for three seasons while at Ten-
nessee .... - \ 11ative of Pittsburgh . . . Coached at St. Petersburg, Flor-
ida, high in 19-12 . . . Knoxville Central i11 *13 and served in the Navy
in ’44 and ’45 . . . Came to Kentucky as €lI(l coach . . . Married and has
two children.
JOE ATKINSON . . . \~\’as a star guard with Vanderbilt from `39 to
’41 . . . Bryant coached Atkinson in `40 IlI1(l `—l1 when he was line coach
at Vandy . . . _]oe captained tl1e `=l1 Commodore eleven . . . Entered
§ the Navy alter graduation in ’42 . . . Served 46 months . . . Skippered
` a PT . . . Came to Kentucky immediately after his discharge i11 March.
In 1946 . . . Handles tl1e guards ...1 A native of Lebanon, Tennessee . . .
,, Single.
' ERMAL ALLEN . . . joined tl1e Kentucky stall alter being ruled in-
m eligible after two games last fall in one ol the most controversial eligibil-
V ity cases i11 the history ol the Southeastern Conference .... Xssists with
tl1e backs . . . \\'as granted four 111o11tl1s leave ol absence this lall to
1* play professional ball witl1 Paul Brown`s Cleveland Browns . . . \Vill
m return to the 'Cat coaching staff in December . . . Married and has
two children.
~ [ 9 I
Football Coaches
University of Kentucky, 1892-1946
Year Coach College W'on Losm Tied I
1892 _]zu‘1;ie Tlioinpson Purdue 2 E1 I
1893 jaickie '1`lunnpson Purdue I fl 1 I
1891 \\’. 1*. Finney Purdue »I I
1895 (Jlmrles Xlzison (lornell #1 ~I
1896 l)u¢lley Cornell 3 (5 I
1897 l.}'1Il()ll ll. lizimn (Iinoinnuli —I #1
1898 \\'. R, Buss (Zincinnzui 7 0
1899 \\’. R. Buss (jincinnuli 5 2 2 I
19()0 \\’. ll. liiler Illinois I (S .
1901 \\’. II. liiler Illinois 2 (S 1
1902 li. N. M¢·1.eocl Micliigznn II 5 1
19024 (2. .\. \i\’riglu (lolunibiu Ii I I
1901 l·`. li. Sclizuilu Nlinnesotn (i I5 I
1905 1·`. li. $(`Il2l(`IlL Nlinnesoui 9 I
1900 \\’I1ite (Luyn Iientmlay ·I II
A 1907 \\’I1iLe (Luyn lienlucky 8 1 I
1908 \\’l1iLe (Luyn lientucky —I 3
1909 li. R. Sweetlnncl (lornell 9 I
1910 li. R. Sweelluncl (lornell . 7 2
19lI P. 1*. Douglas Nlieliigzin 7 $1
1912 IC. R. Sweellzuul (Iornell 7 2
1913 Tigerl \/1lll(lCl‘l)1lI. (3 2
1911 ,·\ll)llil llrununge Kzinszis 5 21
1915 _]. _]. Tigerl Vzinc1erI>i1L (5 I 1 m
1916 '”l`ige1‘I V1l1l(1C]`l)ll1 —I I 2 r I
1917 S. .—\. Boles \‘Iilll(1C]'l)llL 31 5 1 I
1918 .·\n<1y Gill Indiunu 2 I I
1919 i\n<1y Gill Indianu Ei I1 2 In
1920 \\l. A[ll1lC1lll \\'isconsin 21 -1 1 ’
1921 \\'. _IllllC1lll \\'isconsin —I 3 1
1922 \\'. _]. Iuneziu \\’isconsin 6 5% ·
1923 \\'inn l)l'll1L`€[()l1 -1 3 2
l92~I l·`re liirwztn licntncky 2 7
1939 .\l> Iiirwzrn lientnclay li 2 I
I l9·l() .\|> liirwun Iientucky 5 El 2
l9·1l .\|1 liirwxnr lientucky 5 -1
l9»I2 .\l> liirwnii lienturky 35 ` 6 I
l9rlf’I No coziolt
I l9·l·l .\|> liirwziii Iiciititcky fl 6
|9—15 Bernie Slrirely Illinois 2 8
l9·l(i l’1n1l Bryztnt r\I:il>;nnu 7 Fl
1946 Football Results
lientucky 20 Ole Miss 7
lieiitticky 26 (linrinnxni 7
Iientncky 70 Xavier 0
lientncky I3 (Qeorgiu 28
limrtticky ll) Vzintlerbilt 7
lientticky 39 Nlicliigtnn State I4
“· Iientucky 7 :\l2ll)2ll]l1l 2l
{ I Iicntucky IEI \~\’est \I’irgini;r 0
I Kentucky 35 Marquette O
In Kentucky 0 Tennessee 7
k 233 91
’ l"<>!` OIC Nliss. SCIJLCIIIIJCY 21) ........,r...1.,.... Hotel Clrisczi, Memphis, Tenn,
In FOP XHYIGI`. OCIOIDCY ·1 ,.».._.........,..,,.,rr,.,, Sinton Hotel. Cincinntiti, Ohio
FOI` V2111llL Oc‘lUl>€l‘ IS 1,,................,..., Noel Hotel. Nashville, Tenn,
, For Mioliigun Stzite. October 25 ...... Fztirinont Hotel, Fairmont. \\'. Vu.
Tlnunnbnaui Sketches
Dick Hensley, l9»year old six—leet four—inch l95—pound \‘\lllll2lIHSOll,
\\’est Virginia product returns for his junior year this lall . . . Ranked
by Coach Bryant as his best left end . . . Lettered in both his freshman ul
and sophomore seasons . . . Considered an outstanding pass receiver
and a Hne defensive player . . . \t\’as an All-Stater in high school . . .
Should be one of the Southeastern Conference`s outstanding ends this
George Sengel, six-feet one—inch 179-pound senior from Louisville,
is considered one ol the roughest defensive players on the squad . . .
Lettered in `#l2 and again in *16 after returning [rom the .-\rmy r—\ir
Corps . . . This being his senior year. Sengel should have a good season.
\Vash Serini, six-feet one-incth 2l5—pound 'luckahoe, New York
native, returns for his fourth season with the \\t'ildcats . . .l’layed for
Kentucky during the war and earned .c\ll-S.li.C. honors . , . His sheer
determination wo11 him a spot on (Zoach liryant`s first eleven last fall . .
Voted the most popular man on the campus . . . Serini should be a
mainstay in Kentucky`s line.
Doc Ferrell, six-leet 198-pound sophomore from neighboring Rich- .
mond, displayed great improvement in spring practice . . . He's being
counted on heavily to help the \*\’ildcats in one of their really weak
spots tl1is autumn . . . Majoring in business administration . . . Could
be Kentucky’s No. 2 left tackle.
Bob Gain, a giantflike six-feet three-inch 22()—pound freshman fron1 ~
\Vierton, \t\’est Virginia. is rated as one of the best line prospects to
ever enroll at Kentucky . . . ll` he had some game experience under
his belt, he would prove extremely valuable to the `Cats this fall . . .
He’s fast, aggressive. and extremely agile for such a big young man.
Leonard Preston, a six-feet lllli-pound junior from Louisville, is
another one of those boys who was never given serious consideration i
until Coach Bryant arrived at Kentucky .... X veteran, Preston last fall
had trouble in conditioning his legs . . . He`s i11 top form I1()\\’ and
should have a great season . . . l’rematurely grey . . . Married and has
a two-year old son . . . Should be Kentncky's starting left guard.
Hut Jones, six-feet one-inch l9t5—pound senior from Corbin, Ky.. ln
plays either at tackle or guard ..,r -\nd he'll probably see service at
both positions this fall . . . \‘\’as at Kentucky before the wat . . . Strictly
the rough type . . . Has a tremendous charge on the offense. and on the
defense he is as rough as any man on the squad . r . Iones will play a
lot of ball this season.
II. Jay Rhodemyre. six-feet two-inch lift}-pound senior from Ashland,
liy.. is the best. center in the Southeastern (Ionference. Coach Bryant
claims .... \nd (loach Bryant is 11ot one to give undue praise . . . Played
at major portion of all lientucky games last fall . . . Majoring in en-
gineering . . . One ol the best team-play leaders on the scjuad . . . \~\’as
ul never more than a second-stringer until Bryant started to work on
him . . .There`s no doubt about this former Army Air Corps pilot, he`s
a great football player.
|“ Harry Ulinski, six-feet two-inch lilo-pound sophomore from .-\m-
bridge. Pa.. gives lientucky a terrilic one—two punch in the middle of
the line . . . Never before in recent \t\’ildcat history has Kentucky had
two centers as good as Rhodemyre and Ulinski . . . They`Il both be in
the line—up when the ’(jats are on the defense . . . This boy is just a
.“ good football player and that’s about all you can say.
Leo Yarutis, '"l`he l.ittle Tiger." is one ol` lientucky`s best vest-
, pocket guards in the school`s history . . . l’ive—l`eet eight-inches . . . Leo
is a master of his position . . . He weighs but 180-pounds, but he can
mix it up with the biggest and best of them .... —\ hery player. he`s a
great leader in the 'Cat forward wall . . . Majoring in pre-med ..., -\n
exceptionally fine student . . . Broke his arm in last year`s opening
game . . . He should have a line senior season.
. (lharley Browning, five-feet ten-inch junior from Montgomery.
.-\la.. won a spot on the squad because he has the desire to play . . .
\\'eighs l9()—pounds . . . Sulfered a back in_jury last summer and was
counted out . . . The doctor prescribed corrective exercises and Brown-
` ing faithfully followed his advice ..., -\s a result. he played a lot of ball
ll. for Kentucky last fall, his sophomore year . . . Majoring in electrical
Bill (jrilfin. six—leet live-inch Mayfield. liy.. man—mountain. is the
No. l performer in this position . . , Played at Kentucky before enter-
ing the Army . . . Hit his stride alter returning last fall for his junior
. year . . . lf lientucky had several more like Grill`. the tackle position
l wouldn’t be such a weak spot in the forward wall . . . Recently mar-
I" ried . . . Plans to coach after his graduation in _]une.
j Frank Smothcrman is another player who showed possibilities in
4 spring practice . . . ll` he continues to improve. he`ll be of immense aid
to the line . , . Smotherman has the physical qualifications to be a good
end . . . He stands six—l`eet four-inches and weighs 2].5-pounds.
\Vallace "\Vah \Vah" Jones is the pride and joy ol all lientuckians.
. . . Jones will probably be regarded as I{entucky`s greatest all-around
athlete if he continues his Hne work . . . Lettered in football. basket-
ball. and baseball both his freslnnan a11d sophomore years . . . \\~'as an l
,-\ll—S.li.C. end last fall . . . jones was named to the .—\ll—S.l£.(J. basketball
five ill both his freslnnan and sophomore seasons . . . (jonsiderecl one
of the best pass receivers in the Nation without cjuestion . . . Has a tre-
mendcms amount of competitive spirit .... He`s one boy whose desire
to win could never be cjuestionecl . . . Called "\\'ah \\'ah" by his host all
of friends and admirers. but just plain \\’allace by (loach Bryant . . .
He`s six-feet four-inches tall and weighs lE}5-pounds .... \ native ol
Harlan. .
George Blzmda, a six»feet one—i11ch ISN)-pound lf)—year old junior
from Youngwood. Pa.. was l{entucky`s regular cjuarterback last fall
when the \\’ilclcats were ttsing the single wing system exclusively . . .
Now (Ioacth Bryant plans to mix-up some single wing with some 'l`»
formation ...i \nd Blanda. despite the fact that he is ranked the No. l
man. remains much of a mystery . . . He has never been tried unclet
game conditions ..., \nd that`s what they pay—olf on . . . I·le`s a fine
kicker and a lair passer . . . l.etterecI in his freslnnan season . . . This
position is a really big cjuestion mark.
Jim Rabb, l77—pound five—feet eleven-inch sophomore from l.eb-
anon, Tennessee. was a left halfback last fall . . . Has been switched
to the signal calling spot this season . . . Possesses a tremendous amount
of native ability as a kiciker. passer. and runner . . . If Babb develops j t
into the player that he is capable of being, then lientucky should have
a good cjuarterbacik ..., \ veteran. Babb was in the (loast (Luard
during the war . . . He`s the strong. silent type ...i ~ \ physical eclttca— j
tion major. ,
Bill Boller, five-feet ten-inch sophomore from Beaver l·`alIs. Pa.. is
placed ahead of l)opey Phelps by (Ioach Bryant as lientuclcy`s No. I
left halfback . . . Phelps is rememberecl as the freshman last season who
led the Nation in punt returns and kick—olf returns . . . This seems to III
be an indication that (loach Bryant has complete confidence in Boller .
. . He passes well. kicks well .... \nd runs hard for a f77-pound back ;
. . . He's another one of those boys who`s playing because he has the de-
sire and determination . . . This should be the season he receives the lll
experience for being a line