xt7ftt4fr037 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ftt4fr037/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1946 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 1946 Vol.17 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, February 1946 Vol.17 No.4 1946 2019 true xt7ftt4fr037 section xt7ftt4fr037 i .. . V. 1 "TV": it}???ILH'IZU'A‘VHZ: ji;';I-I::3:.A":.j.:’.‘..:g‘.:lH ..W.:_H.; . :1_:- —.._.;.. .,.4...WW;;AL;M¢QQAAIr.:_-;.._.‘f_<-:i§%1r‘7 1 h "A -
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1W 1 ‘
‘ r Took Heavy Toll Of U K Graduates r
A1 a . .1 . .
A1; A 13y Mildred Long when he was killed. \Vinn, whose home was nalists shot down in planes in the Pacific lA ‘
AA World War II took a heavy toll of the in Marion, lost his life during the break- area. i 1"“ 1‘ '
ASAAncwspapermen-t0~be who. were studying through at Saint Lo, France. Other well—knmvn newsmen of earlier . i 1 ,
Agijournalism at the University of Kentucky Killed in India, Sgt. .1- Arthur Sanders, University classes who lost their lives in A l, l
$31 when Hitler's march across Europe began. AIr., ol' Nicholasville, was a junior in 1941 World War 11 include S/Sgt. David P. Me- i A
3:; Eleven men of: the classes from 1938 to 1942 in journalism when he lelt [or service. On Namara. On the stall of the State Journal A 1 A i
if; are known to have been killed in the serv- the day following the report of his death. in Frankfort belore the war, McNamara did 111A 1 ,i
A; 1601 their country. Dr. Niel l’lummer, head Ol the department. public relations work for the Army Air 1 1A 1 "
AA;‘ in view of the total fatalities of 271 for received a letter and newspapers from San- Corps while in service. He died of a heart 1 1- :
A? 111 colleges of the University this is propor- ders postmarked the same day he had lost attack in Edenkoben, Germany, in 1945. A ‘
A: Allolmlly a high percentage from the Depart- his life. Navy Lieutenant Capel VVeems MeNash, A 3‘ ,1
1AA mentof journalism. The North African landing operations one-time night manager olf the Cleveland 1" 1' i3
E: On the service flag in the newsroom of brought death to a second 1941 journalism bureau of the United Press, and inventor ,
gilt campus paper. The Kentucky Kernel, graduate, Lieutenant George Lawrence of o[ an electric typewriter, was killed in ac- , . u
' ‘116 five gold and nine red stars. in addition Cadiz. In an article in Collier’s magazine, tion in the Pacific. He attended the Uni- : ’9
H10 seven gold and 32 red stars on service January 28, 1943, in which the landing in versity in 1934 and 1936. ,1 1 ‘
'.111Hgs in the printing plant and the business the harbor at Oran was described. Lawrence Many l'oreign correspondents and veteran : A' :1 9
.1 111111111. l’our members of a single st:ill4tlie was mentioned as the "kid from Kentucky.” reporters distinguished themselves by their I; .
‘A1111Uw-iii-cliiel'. managing editor. sports edi» He. like many others. was shot in the water. battle records, but none conducted them- 3': LIA/1' 1 1'
Aim and a reporter ol' the 1942 stall—lost alter the launches had struck the boom selves more valiantly or paid more dearly .1 .',
§A111111 lives in action. across the harbor, and the men had been than the journalists who went out from Ken- A“ .
‘i lhe promising careers ()1 such outstand- ordered to swim [or it. tucky's university to light a war. 1 i1 A:
A lflgsludents as Robert I. Ammons, Lexing- Lieutenant William Hopewell, l’rovi— , ,1 .1.” -
AAAIOH, who was Kernel editor while only a deuce, journalism graduate of 1941), was _¥~~F—_.___WA7V l A
§ :AAlltrinore. were cut short. .1-\‘nnnons was killed on Okinawa 1n May,.l94-o. He was on Daily CerUlOfthS . . ’j’ A '
A2 (“d in August ()1. 194/1 in ltrance. '1 he leave as assistant to the director ol student Show Record New High 3 )1 ..
$111111 Sports editor, Lieutenant Fred B. Hill publications at the University. While in . . . 1, , ‘
AA‘UASOInerset, was killed during landing oper- college he had paid his way by working in The 1949 AV” D‘rCCtOTY "1. Newspapers ,51‘ ‘ 1
gl‘ll'mls in the North African invasion three The Kernel plant. Two classmates of his, (”Isl Periodicals shows ‘1 new h'gh ”1 Clrcu- 11' . -1 -'
. §AnAonths alter entering active service. He Lieutenant \1‘Valter liotts, “7inchester, and 13th:" for (lady newspapers “L the. end A“ 1 .
3% 1:350nly 21. Both Aminons and Hill were Lieutenant Leslie Gross, Lexington, were 1949~_T0ull c1rc:dat10n 101‘ all U- 5- dailies r
A lmpl01’ed by The Lexington Herald until both shot down in planes, Botts in the Pa- has “SC" [0 48,/:)7,110, 1'" increase 0[ “l" 11,1 1 ,
c1'l‘eceived their army commissions and ('ific and Gross over Europe. proximately 1.750.000 0"” 19‘1‘1 figures. 111111.11 A
‘ ‘Elltinto active service. A l’llot Officer in the Royal Canadian Air These figures illustrate the importance of a AA‘ , .1 ,
: The l‘eporter and the 111anaging editor Force, Sidney Buckley, Earlington, was free press and free speech and indicate the 1‘» V.
'1 11°19 rEspectivcly, Lieutenant Oaks Caldwell killed in a crash in Quebec. A 1939 grad- intense interest 0f the average citizen 1" , I
”11nd Lifiutenant Harold Winn. Caldwell, uate. he was editor of the University year- the news 0f the da)“ 11 l: .
\lmh Louisville, was flyingr his twenty-fifth book. Oscar VVisner, Danville, a member of —"_"—“_.____——— “ -
MAHAWWAWOU over Germany in February, 1945, the 1938 class. was another of the UK jour- ABC is advertising insurance. 3 A l '
AAAfiAAAAA-fis 1 1‘}: ~ ,1, .. ..
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11.!“ .EEVEEEEE, 'Ii 11 1 'EE ..e 1f orte s or V of - “stay I . 11121 _- ans . . t6 it“ flew VPTG' 1V1“ E
,EIE :.IEEE.E“EEE _ 'E E ‘ a W“ , TCP .1)€r 11$6 #11 “11 110112 (1 'C11)«‘ . 111(16 E nt 6- 1m
'gEEEEEEIEEE - .I E 1 E Se [ht 153‘I us “I 6 ‘1 - 1t . r00 .111t1 . “1C y 1‘ (.e (:0 . ad'.
‘E‘EEEE‘E EEEEE ;i . Courage state 1151‘“?I gene“) bY'line. c111 money 11: [he brlglmviting‘l ) 11215 “ litter (0101‘ will only 29 Pcthe use 01 chiefly “1 “OE
~E“I.;E1=1e;E.i‘ E‘ “ 2 t0‘ 1 16 er ‘ e 1.5 . I“ ~ ) . C . - . ' ~53
EEEE‘HEEEEEEE“ EEEE‘EEI . ‘ E‘1-E either and IIE‘uilder’ t1 the report satis' Will ma daili‘gS keeportel ‘El turn 111‘ 11 1‘18 \ICY‘ISIHgE‘DCYCaSe 11'] mg or 1):!“ expfi?
E'EII‘E.‘I‘EIEE"‘ZJ"Ez 13511112 .;‘. ' 115; '06- ) CC, 01'6 ‘ ~ '[an . d r . W1 . 1'“ e he 1 rUS cl'c
1 11:11:11 §‘ 111- .. E, catlo restlc (1611 be 111 1111 101‘ [1559 ~c€5 1111 E [Ure 1t ‘ 1de ~ :11L 1)
1» 1,513.11 .1‘1 ~15 . E 1‘1. P 1 )0n by [C 111‘ 1 Sa 50111 (3 “ fen th‘ 1 [0 ‘ E_cl%
EzE. E1, 111 111 I EEE ‘11,. qster r1651 here T 1 . n The ws 1cm [tel‘ 116( . E 111) .
I. . mt . c0 t , , [a ne n( 6 fi 10
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1., 3:11;, . _ .4, 1V -. Sn 1 q 51 15 e E'-‘Ll « EE . . ——’ ‘
EEEE‘iE-IEEEIE‘EBEE El E E EEEE (1d to h“ , in the 5going to that the la stories‘ H and mak Tease (1119 nd ‘61111i011' —.'r.1(ti(3ally .I
1 E1111: NE 11:. :1 [21) 5‘5 .r .tive inc 1( fl 0]) _——_ ~E 11* .
1E1 .E-EEE :E I :' Em t0 S ort - sald y ~sp'3L 111111 1‘0 —” - '1‘" ‘5 E
1I.EI n‘E $3.: ' 3 EE; 1 I .1, fied 1‘ rep (3 1n he) 1101 . 1 ho ( _ turn: rtlsll a M.
3‘1.EEEE|EEEE}‘ E11!" ; ,‘1‘E‘E f0 . 61-6115 (or S . 1r. . . “’11 11 111 .lch .
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.‘EF HEERE E . 1 IE 11.: r6 -- the 11110 - St \ 1 510 on ‘16 E )rll n
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.‘EE 1E-E: 33$! EE‘I. E. E ‘i E can offer the r€p01)ersonahf’e’ news 00m- Lion, ‘lnchvertlslngwork “ 1:ch “11” 1 WI“ News S 1‘ Of [[16 Pellcd Egj
:11»: 1’» I I wing a t1 . C . Else . 110 ”or 111‘ , up 1is11c '0‘“ It"
EEIEI 1:; E1 E I1» E E ,1 g“ c6 . out t can . (:16‘ s- W -~ rCI 't 1 ‘ 5 en 1113 n L - hea H
E 191.1, 111 W , ._ 1 By t On 111g thll [he I” - hel‘ hell 11111 y , oda‘i Gre d .P I bee 111 11.
1w? .1 E s I ‘II s a qng ’ng UP 111115 f t . mm .1n ‘ \Mr ’ 11215 of V11
.. .Ew-m E. I -E m6 15 D‘ tll1 . ‘10 -11 P1 . - s 0 (:0 1(15 .1 V ‘ rs, nt - 1.
.1 EEE EE‘ EEEE 1w 1 . becO 11,11“ is no ulldl] o . “11 I illt‘c' _ the (1 t1‘61 ”V I - . yea . (1:011 Spltfl ll
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”E ‘EEEEEEVEE 111E, E E . Tr _ 0f hele 11] 1) thlng _ 1 l C ‘1 ) _ . n 111 _ War 1 . nlne . 011 «l (1110 R011] .
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.E 1,11 . I q rag e . - er . Eou lbs 1aIn 1 11-5: «1111 .
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1‘ 1 1
1946 11 February, 1946 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three ' : 1 .
)ul)lishcrs 3&1 1 - ‘1‘ 1,
1" color 3111 1
sc ()1 color in. I l ‘ f l V I : P l P l 1 1.1
lcd, :1 current. 8 RAIGH I G - 1 11-111.
paper Publish ; 1 '1 11 ::
Immury of [1191 _ ,_ .
' n1, 1 '1
mvcred, 82 per ' ' ° ' : 1
itely interested 1 '1 1,
nsion 0f r.o.p. ' 1 1 1 1 -
cnt expect that ' 3 1‘ 1i -
31‘s will be ex-1; 1 , 1 1 ,
130 in number] A marketing plan which in the span of five years has increased cash 1 1 -
23:16:;(111123 returns to farmers by 400 per cent, recently completed its most successful ': 11 1 ’
lunnnem is 81. season in New Jersey’s Atlantic County. 1 ‘ 11
be 180 plantS‘ 1 1 11 - 1
~inting, 36111111 Under this plan, developed in 1941 by A & P at the request of the .1 11
5 per cent can1 County’s Board of Agriculture, growers moved a wide variety of fresh fruits ‘1 - 11 1 ‘
C1111 Pri“t 11““ and vegetables directly from farm to store, saving thousands of truck miles 1' 11 1 -1
_ in wartime and cutting the number of handlings to a minimum. ' 1.1 l .
the 32/ offices ,1 1
5301;12:331113 Before this program went into effect, it was a common occurrence for 1 1 . '1 1
C ' 1 . .
1t they haveno' growers near the Jersey shore to truck a load of vegetables 55 miles to the 1 1 '1
uld be pointed Dock Street Market at Philadelphia and then, a few days later, see the same 1 _ 1
cent are 1111111111 ' vegetables being trucked back to stores within a mile of where they were : 11.1
ll equippe . 1 1 1 .
rc cquippedior1 - grown. 1:11 1‘ 11 1
t1 L ’ l ,iOl . . - . . 11 1111
11;:16111n111E1lmr1 The effICIency of farm-to-store delivery Is clear to Atlantlc County _ V 5
(I l 1 1
11115 include [11H farmers who received A & P payments of $154,569 for such shipments in p 1 '
ising and news.1 1945, as compared with $27,862 in 1941. Consumers, who are the ultimate 1 : 1
CV have ordered judges, appreciate the farm-freshness of produce which reaches them one to
[6 use of colonl . 1 _ . _ ‘
be pointed 0111} three days sooner by this bee-lune dlstrlbutlon method. . 1 1
1. , . 1 ‘n01 [0‘ . _ 1‘- 1 1
grigtipped- I The New Jersey plan IS but one of hundreds of examples of agriculture -1 ’ ,
but 47 percent, at work to improve the quality of its output. It also emphasizes the advan- ’1 1/1 1 1
n in the “5“ 1111 tages gained by the consumer through grower-distributor cooperation. 1-
:s as well 853114 1 1
XPTGSS “161’611111 Participation in this project is typical of the way in which the men and ‘1 1 g a};
' be ‘ . , . . . . 1 . A.
0[ C010; 11.111111 women of A & P continue to do the nation 5 most effectlve job of food dlstrl- 1 1 , 1' 1- '
16 chic y 1" 'r . .1 . 3
cent express 1101 button. r 11 1 '1
'ticzllly here. 1 ¥ ¥ ¥ . ‘ ‘ '
.1 1
' 1 _
of the Green“? 1 111111 .
en compelled 11171 '11 1
am of ill henld} 1 1 ‘1 1 1: 1
. 17'. 1‘ . 1,
1d lIOspltflL “11 1 1 '
of the Rowan: 1‘1 -i-‘11 1
h unmet; :11‘ 11, 111 .«
lsteP1 MW ‘1 ..
tement ’1' 1 11 1 ,
.. t a 1 ~-
,1 ‘ 1, 1 1 ,1
- ,2 1-‘ 7 '1i ‘
- ‘1'- 1 ,'

 .. . , ‘ I February, 1946 II ,
m 22'! KY PRESS . .

I III I I II II I III THE KENTUC ' 91's malts of three 01 fOUTIII Banks
ILLII I= I! ~ I III FOUI’ mucky At that, gm?) IIILIII-c not saved and manon Of LO
III‘III : I .I III? Page . - 1 publication 0? We K6 the “SCIIIIIICI II Mn ()116111““‘m0IIIII’IIIII Samuel
IIlII I III”. 92:2II Ofl‘lcxa Press ASSOClatxon them send more l L] I’ll I” 20 to 50. .Ich Whel“

3' ' I' II II-IgII- . . ~ ..I ”v 1- - 2
II'II t I‘ I. I} III" .'_—-.——-_-T_:Pubhsher : ‘D ()flCI‘lng db ‘5 , n I . .

2 III 22 “II 3332i 68 v‘ tor n Portmann’ Edmr ”I III“ II («mics only one In“ ”or: III utilnzch
3' I 'I ,I': 10 ' ~ ton ‘ f n“ .. ‘ . , . ,- .2cnt or t

2 III II I ._ I 3 88 m Lexmg h‘m .' :n vmd it 01111“ .11] mats s . Cl [1' trust I“
III I II' III ’ Printed on T scrHL '111 Save Fats, RCd CIIOSIS’ 0 IIIII lawns h:

, III I I II I‘II III: en , . ‘ \IlctOr)’ L01 I ( I lllCr effort that mlghl [unit
: II, . tance . , l (m) 0 or

2 I I, I r I I h fundamental MPG" . collect“)n “"C llic service. IIITI 6P

. Ii ‘ .ILI II“ III? . '26.? t e . , “bl“,- . [ed as a P“) 1
III; IIIII II Pres-5‘ Associatton recogm nd dissemination. 0f I) . c- l)c conStrl ) 1 tremendous cost tolheI [Odo so.

. III I _ II -. f I‘,IIIIII I he Kmmwky . posed on newspapers 0 and decency m the [77 1t all adds up u l K Publicitv as undoub! 5111111 I
3.; I . III‘jI . . . zm/ . . ) ‘ , - ' [11X I III ‘

. ‘I’ I I iI I :I II )f the Implied “Mt -t uth falmess’ ”£61”qu - alism. It advocates fi1~msllltlulgln_g In l vceklies are 0“ [III r0f\
II" II I II I‘ III ( - lion. It stands f07 T f the Canons 0f joum I the publica‘ cdlv all dailxes am ‘ “Se ’1'
III‘III --1 I I III; 2111mm”: us as set forth m . . litmn- It 011170595 . . of 0 Il' 1r list. . I. ‘I'mll ue
II'IIIII I 2i I , I sen/(1mm 0f 7161 I (Is in its advertlsmg 60 [t aflirms [he Oblzgatwn mm 115 '5 {Mt it is :1 wastelul prawceI [rust de]
.I I:' , ‘ I! . -!2 . , - ' . I ~ ’ ‘ I l I '

I II ‘.I LII I II strict ethical standa" def the guise 0f "gws' . l xprgssiOTIS- It tespects rhc pmml t mmlJ'mIcs have almn(lon€dI_ Farmc

- I.» : III , 2 ' ~ 6 _ . . ' - :{Cl' - ‘ _ I

' IIIIIIII III I: III= [ion of P’IOPagandzuIII nest and. fearless “wolf 'dual to Pat'tzczlmtton m wthh most 125' “How am the firms that IIIIIhave (10
“III" I“ I I ‘ I III I - frat? , 70 . 7- l in wt - ‘ the .\g Sharp "5 ‘ ,, I

, «III: 2r I I. , '67 10 I! of €710 .3 b ltevC’S m H . ~ - lama“
III I II,I I. news/1017 . . d the 7ng It 6 _ . I11 suckers- ,

, 2.I,~ I :2 7655- _ c 51K.

III IIIIIIIIII‘I Iii equality of 017mm" an ntee of Freedom Of ”IE P ial and cultural 60m Ior 1‘ b _____ In other

IIIIIII I III I “I the Constitutional guarfi-I for civic, “Onomzc, soc I ’ ———___#._ PTOPmII

'I I2- 1‘ I ‘I I2 , I . rum 2 . .
‘ 2.II.I .. ‘I: I I I . ~ final 7176’ IhE‘I hd‘

“VIII i ‘ ‘II I new 0203’ “I a , To T(.’SS- - ffered I ‘

II III II III II ' development and ‘b g - Reprints {Ior them

‘=I;~I1‘ ‘12 LII: , l . 3011. _

IIII'III , I I ._ II mumt) l “mom of the prewar depreISIl‘n TO LoCCll Readers 1 cxplIU" I

III, .I :II 52 '2 IIIIIv .' u- tle ) 2 v Sta“ 1 ,I , s unusU-Il

IIIIII! III II 2 I III fi . some featllrt €11th .. Show “'11

I‘II‘III ‘ ‘I ‘I I ‘ ’I‘II W Next UH“: _ , your reudelh free L

IIIIJIIIIII- III; III , 1 me (we? I __ - I' . - ed in— . t1" oflerlllg _ . me on

II‘IIIIII II ‘ 1‘ , I2 .II’ I 0 N "—‘— t be malnmln , - ..] )rO- . )mbatmn, l . . ' e bulldflI

'.I.I :I I. .I . - 1's mus - 2mm 1 I! )1 , J I] nestlg I.

IIISIIIII III III “‘II I III 'Won Office 1 \Icthod _whereby 1]]€(.I1 1 “long up- “liprints; it’s El “,()l]dl(:rh . [11 v0“ wrote. pep Ill Ill? 1:

>2IIIII’IJI“ 'I I I, Ken “0 - - I _ ,- \Iarintmn I . I, ,. an e( 1101212 , . (my \"

IIIIIIII II'II I , I]: H old A Browningylgrefigzlclén, Williamsburg (asses contmuc \\ 1th0ut CS 1er «(10])th [01‘ perhaps 1t “.13 f the (lcdiczlti‘m 0t 21 501- “I“ (lCP

:21»: I 2-i»- I‘II 3' ' ‘Iey ep ' I . d new on . ‘ I . . ictul‘C 0 . (il2 ‘

i IIIIIII III-.222, I ;, Wh't . ident I d lmCS an 11111» d l’ . “mull poem

I‘.;I‘III III‘, 2:. ,II I. II: - che Pres ~ on )m‘e . even ‘1 I I . . ”When

IIII I II I III Fred 13' WaChSI Flt“ Herald'l‘eader’ Ltexmgt Increased emCIenCyI hereby )’0ur dicr mcmmml' .IIUI by some one “I mm! Proportv

’ I w ‘- 1,: -" ‘ ,f III . siden , . ’oliC ' ~ “‘ , . , ~ 1 “'r' I I ‘ I '
IIIIIIIIIII III II 1 Mumford: Second Zlgjofgfe, Mol'ganfield 2. Long Range 1- dI'md enhanced 1)) reall) 30m) 10("11 cvcnl“whzltcxcl 1‘ [Sm ccumr :u
iI‘III‘e‘I I I’ II, I 'II‘II TY 9" - County - I -. maintamc ‘ .Imornte ‘1 " ttel‘ than r1 '.
‘III‘IIIII :y HI I In; Um”n _ a 61' . mlt 15 “It ,, v and be :32 1]
III IIIIIIIII-IIIIII‘ IIIII . R pom-nann, Secretary mMcTY,gLexington mmlTl1 . )unded Snecess. .. IS it is :1 kecpsakc \InlCt) we item. Ihe In {
III III"1 -‘2IIII- I ‘III Vlcmr I University Of Ken 'tteemen firmly gm V 1 ’lthn — whereby the ”“1 r 1ill Consider it a PrestIIS ttr'lctive event 0
.Iz‘IiIi‘I-‘I; ‘5’ ,I I”? . tive Comm' - produce a I“ . . basef 0 "l ' I — )rilltS on n ‘ The I!
‘IIIé‘II‘ IIII'I I I .I i}? Dish-[ct ExeCU ssenge’ Bran 3- . - . 19 Sold Are 7- 0' U ) the 1C1 1.

: . - x . 11 ~ . . ;l\m I . tcsc
IIIEIIIIIIIIIII‘! I, . III? . James M. Wlllls, Mia Gore, Sun- I” which yam prmt‘ g l‘qctm‘S- avoulmg \Ls, ml In. '1 litt1€ “me, but wha . lollzlke
IIIIII-I‘IIIIII II . III Cha'rmanImourth); F'I’St’ ‘Loejohn B- Gaines’ I 1 known and Provcn I job stOCk takes ‘ _I1 muld bring home-ml Imm tllC
III‘IIIII-IIIII‘ I: ‘ VIII: denburgIt Paducah; SFc‘m ’een- Third, J- M' “POI ,.1nti0n. I I. 1ld you do “21ml ‘ ._ l l-nevcr-rew _ .
IIIIIIIIIIIII .32 III ‘ 2; Demogf': ’ News, Bowlmg G1: ville' Filth, Vlf- haphazard \