xt7ftt4fr04t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ftt4fr04t/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1967 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 1967 Vol.33 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, September 1967 Vol.33 No.9 1967 2019 true xt7ftt4fr04t section xt7ftt4fr04t ._., _ - , -- - - - - -. -- - ~---j- — ----,~--»---~---~.-1---_-~---»-—-3~-~—mews-m»- --~- , w- ,ggzirfit:t:%ffi—‘*¢t‘:§‘f‘¥"“‘*"“"'""“ ~33".- ' ‘ 1 - 1 ~ r';_;-:“¢~~“~i3r‘ét+"¥‘3“rtfrr=
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,1, A Fall Harvest Of Ad Ideas will turns of a survey which the Central our hair down about our problems or any issue. You’re bound to take -
,5, be the theme for the first meeting Office conducted some months ago. in advertising. At 11:15 we’ll see a some ideas out of that session. At- “I”
'3; ‘of the Advertising Division of the Ken" 1 banking presentation. It has been sug- 3:15 we’ll see a retailing presentation , ' 1, -. F
, ‘ tucky press Association. The organ- Program gested that KPA purchase several followed by general discussion and :1.
:35- .izational meet of the division will presentations which could be loaned a question and answers session. You ' . ; '
. be held at Rough River State Park . The program for the meeting shapes to any newspaper in the state. These can either check out following that ,1 »
g: on October 19—21st. Division chair— up as follows; Check in is scheduled presentations could easily be used session, or you can stay overnight : .33 -
3;“ “man, Ed Moores, of the Lexmgton for Thursday afternoon, tobefollowed as an effective sales tool by your, and leave on Saturday. '
3:41Herald-Leader, has planned one full at 5:30 by a reception. Dinner is newspaper. Mark your calender now for Oct— ' ' f
' , . . - J , . 1 1 .
‘3 -:day of advertising ideas, which can on your own Thursday night. Friday 5 KPA s onsors IL'unch ober. the 19th. That's the day “that - ‘3"
1 g- be used by the weekly newspapers session gets underway at 10:00 am 9 _ the Advertising Divisidn of theKen- ‘{ ‘ i”:
i:- in Kentucky as well as the daily witha resolutions meeting. It is here“ 1 Lunch Will be sponsored by theKen— tucky Press Association holds its , -
papers. A good crowd is expected that we’ll get your ideas on what tucky Press Association.At2:00we11 first meeting. Makeyour-‘reserva-
i; "-as indicated by the flow of reser- we should provide for you through -get under way With tWO Presentations tions directly with Rough River 3 - L ‘
.37: -. . ~ - ' ' 1 -
- E “-vations into ‘the park, and the re- theAd Division, and generally let on selling advertisingforanniversary State park. , - 4
$3.3". , , “ . , - _ 5-554: .
’3": 1 . , . ' I ‘ - _ ‘ , _, 5'1. ‘

- me xemucxv mss , . . GUEST EDITORIAL 2 - ,—
Official Publication , C I '- E - ac - Otes
KontuckyjePnss Association, Inc. IrCU 0 Ion : 4 : - 4.
5 203 W. 2nd St. I . o o By A. J. Viehmun, Jr. , 4’; 1'55 L. .i
’ g.%i::%’§:?.;'.§’g,4°5°’- with J err For wll iii It Is worth . :
'7 7 - ' . . A hint of Autumn is in the air.§.‘:_ j‘
V‘ETMfil'wi‘f'étf'ZZ’z53" y Rep’m' {mm the ”metal“ “meme This is my favorite time of the year; 1 ',
PM; 5352”? grufggpr, The Circulation Division of' The ,SY C-H- WILSON ' ’1‘ means nth? “mean sleagmggfg“ ;.'
KentuckyXChqmber of Comm“, ended on a most successful note and of this nation are switching from the on 1; few pounds while we 4844444444,, 14.4.45.
Newspaper Association Managers a highly successful meeting, hot metal process to the cold metal front of the idiot} box on Sunday“
. Nanom. Newspaper Associonon . I would like to take this time to method of producing a newspaper. afternoon and catch up on what 33413.23
tlmemanonal Newspaper promonon ,thank each of the attendingnewspaper Gone are ‘the days, in many small ’ doin There is 'activit'e'e‘ e, 4
Association, representatives for their time and cities and towns throughout the coun- pros age (4894446 adverti in bus}:
Better Business Bureau ‘ effort in making this meeting so suc— try, where fine printing craftsmen are 3‘4"?er ere, an 4 s g 2,
Kentucky Press Association. lnCe . ceSSfuuy. If you are in the Cir- doing excellent jobs of typography' It eSS S4n0 except on. *1 5.: {I444
’ 5' 44C. ““0 f"'°"' “we"; ' culation end 0f 3 newspaper and YOU has switched to the hit—or-miss sys- , ” 4
Eff'wrgmgejLVgizjw'gi'qfizt have not attended one 40f our cir- tem of preparing a newspaper by This is the time of ygar that th4
ExeeuelCe c'emmmee ulation meetings and discussed your method of typing on a strip of paper advertismg budgets are eing {012“}: 7:51:54]
6444494. M4 Wilson, chum... (Second Dist.) problems in circulation, then I per- and pasting it into columns. perfee_ 4 slated. Along abont September oroetg; 4444...,44
William Nelson (Pam Dist.) sonally feel that you must not have tion has disappeared from manysmall her, the pe4opie44who spend the dolla.r44,-_ is].
3:; JE. S;::::b4e4;g((F:::: 13:04 any problems. In this case I would papers.Accuracy has been substituted gs:4 4gogeéherh wllhththie 4:4gency4 peoiple‘ ’3
Frank C. Bell (Fifth also.) ' - like very much for you to attend our to come up with all types of page :1 5‘21ng e414: d :41; A 0:5: (Singotge’ fig,
Thomas M- Buckner (Sixth Dist.) next meeting and let the res‘: Of forms. It is true that photos are bright g ' 1 YOUR h 4 ‘71:;
Wu"... R. Fish”, J.. (5....”I om.) us newspaper men and women know and sharp, but the balance of the print- scene try ng to secure . s4a1§4 4 44,;- i
4 . Louis De Rosen(Eigh4ih Dist.) what you are doing to prevent the ed page, to our way of looking at it,‘ of that dollar. Black; year, th§\
éfflifslsl‘z'z;iz.’:82:3: is?) 2 many Problems that someumes has much to be desired. After spend- gegeggggegn gtgmeergggela,,,;gg~
‘ James L. Crawford (At Large) ‘anse in circulation departments. ing 30 years in this trade itisdifficult ce 4441 that relate to thepfact 4411;,le
Donald B- Towles (At Large) If you have any notes or comments for me to become accustomed to this h y t f n ti n 1 dv ti inc.”- 137-15243;
. Tommy Preston (A, Ling.) pertaining to circulation or promotion type of printing, where there are no t e amoun o a 04 a a er s n44... 44,454.:
.Lurry Stone(PusiPnesidem) please forward them on to me and. basic rules of page makeup. We will which you realize is down. That, 42., c
5 I will h°1d them for our next meet— stick to our linotypes'and type, with right, it is a fact. The amount,.e44444444_ '?._.3":ll
. . in which will be announced at a national advertisingrealizedbynews, :33,.
S the hope that our readers will stay 11 v r th countr not 44....44. 4..
later date. Many new ways and means with us even though it costs us more papers at 0 e 6 Y: 3 ,s ; 44,14,443
. 0f increasing your circulation are for labcgr to do the job. This is to say in Kentucky,4 but all over the “M21093 .i
r 95' en's discussed at these meetings and can nothing of the thousands offine crafts- is down. It s dlnwn kiddie dailies I 7:5!
be beneficial to YOU and your news— men’thrown out of a job because of and its down in t e wee ies. -
paper. this complete transition. _ ' 333%». t
Again I say if YOU are h0t a mem- Let s take a look at this situation,- *4 e
(alumn her of The Circulation Division of . and try to come up with a ,lOgiofi .2 sf“
1 ‘ The Kentucky PreSS Association I explanation. First of all, the aunt,- -n
This is a' busy season in Press would like to take this time to per- motive strike is hurting eyery'on’fl4 ,
Association affairs. . sonally invite you to join and to at_— A strike suchas this is‘felt on ell/31:1 ,4
Chairman Tom Bucker of the Jan- tend our next meeting. , ’ GUEST EDITORIAL 4 level, from the worker on the picke 54.4%
uary convention committee has things 2 - line, ANR, KPA, and the automotif, ; jg,‘S
rolling along fine at this stage of the RS. October 14, 1967 is National ' dealer, to you and the person whaggr .1i,..'s
game for the mid-winter convention, Newspaperboy Day, Lets all pitch A n eW OUH k N 4 reads your paper. 4 4: ,44
January "18—20 at the Continental Inn in to make Newspaperboy Day the , 00 SW . ‘ .4;4j-4:4_4:4;1 44 42 ii
in Lexington. Tom will be calling upon greatest yet: I feel that each news— Reprint from the Fame-44444 0444144044 What could be a second reason mné'444 . 44 d
others to help him during the con— paper has room to promote an ed- the shortage of national advertisiti “FE-Si
vention and for some pre-convention itorial type promotionad honoring our The Falmouth Outlook becomes a in the newspaper. It could be that? 4 74.444 e
work. 4 h d newspaper delivery boys 1“ their or- new outlook this week. Born 60 years the radio and television bOYS 31: ale
The organization meeting 0 t efAh-' ganization. ago and under the leadership Of one presenting some prettysood 3.189,?- 4444.
2 vertising Managers Division 0 t e ‘ ' family, the most, modern printing ments,_,ba4cl42 2
_ ' 27;??- ~ . . . - - - :— 2
.._. . ‘ . . ;. - sewer-emote, waiiteurudkwtitss, nears- “
i . . 2 ,2, ~- . ' 2 ll .. 5. 2,.
Kentucky Weeklies Reflect e ects wen we ~ ace to» . 2
5 *1“ - . ~ Newspaper Association Managers, k t KPA 5; , -
3333333. 2' " t I .. A d P Inc. have elected Gordon P. Owen, 5 ea 3 o '-3 3 "
5-has é‘ . 05 a 9'" n ressures Eggaggiegldgn: nghtizfss-gisocifig George C. Wallace, ._former gov—
their ."_j‘ 2 : , ' 2 . succe eds Elmer White of Ehe Alli chi ernor of Alabama, has accepted an
1 put ’ - invitation to speak to the members
2.: , s c t n. th ff .1 . .
‘1‘ in -5 .~Kentucky. weekly newspapers re- first-time offenders, doing so on the: gilgctiileiilfiigotfi: ifececht :egtiiI’Tgellrsl of , the Kentucky Press-3 Association
unday ,f‘flected editorially the nostalgia of premise that every youngster is en- Coeur d‘ Alene Idaho were Ben D ' who attend the annual convention this 3
It the f::'.-;i2? autumn and the pressures of world titled to a second chance._ But, once Martin i ’ . ' January. The fieryformer governor .
2W ,. _ , genera manager oftheCalif- , ,
tivity 5.; and economic conditions, as well as that chance is given and the youngster ornia Newspaper Publishers Associa- and possible presidential3 candidate, .2
;bus- .2032"? 'the hurry-flurry of back-to-school again shows contempt for the law, tion vice-president- and Mrs Louise confirmed by phone, his intention to
- :5}: as August gave way to September. his or her name will appear in the ‘Bow’ker manager ’of the Arkansas be present at the Continental Inn on 2
, A survey of the editorial content news columns of this newgpaper. . . Press Association secretary-treas- January 19th, t0 Speak for a KPA
at the 5’ of the weekly press revealed a high The Times has arrived at thisf d3e-3 urer ’ , hi3nche0p3. 33 3 33 K , k 3
form- '55:: percentage of staff-written editorials cision after finding the names t e ' or t e rst t me, t e entuc y
.. Named to a three ear term on the .
rOcto- “indicating Kentucky editors continue same juvenile violators showing up, B d f y 1 _ Press Association will hold its an-
.2... _ - . oar 0 Directors, was G enn Mc h . l I
ollars -to be keen observers of the local again and again,on the court records. Cullou h of the Geor ia Pr A nual meeting at t e Continenta nn
2 .22? 2 g g ess s- i L . C . h .
people, 3,32,.and national scene. , We do not believe that the coddling sociation. Continuing terms to which n ex1ngton. onvention c airman,
going ,._'3,3.'.O;f the weekly papers surveyed, 64% of youthful criminals, in either the they Were elected in 1966 were Dick Tom Buckner, of the Lexington Hers
5n the 3’ of those having editorial-page mater— courts or the newspapers, is helpful C a r dwell of the Hoosier State Press aid—Leader Company, upon learning 3
share 5553.2: ial had locally written editorials. to either the young law violator or Association and Bob Shaw of 3 the that Governor Wallace had accepted
- u , , . . . .,
5elling l,»“‘2sj,;..'l\1venty-five per cent contained can- to the public which the law has the Minnesota News the 1nv1tation to speak said We are
,3,33 ,3, 3 ,3 _ , ,, . . paper Association. 1 h h h G
ficult. .3225; ned2 editorials or those clipped Job of protecting. This was the second Newspaper As— extreme Y aPPY t at t e» overnor
5ts re- 2 from other papers. Eleven per cent Kentucky editors are commenting sociatio n M ana . plans to be with us. We feel that this 3
:2... . . gers, Inc. meeting . . .11 b h b
t that W:--'<.,contained editorial matter in the freely on the Office of Economic Op- which - year 5 convention W1 9 t e eSt
3‘33, 33 your Secretary-Manager has W h b d 1 .
'tising .2‘5 -'form of chatty columns by the editor portunity and other agencies of the b . ever. e ave a ran new p ace to
, 5- een priviledged to attend, and w1th- . - d
That s ;;' ,.,..—:'or other staff members, but did not war on poverty. In the Appalachia out a doubt it is the most necessar meet, many interesting an enter-
1152:5222 2 ' - .- _ 2. , y . . h d
unt of . have a formal editorial page. area the Hazard Herald states. Most d taming items on t e program, an .
.3. . 2 , _ . an helpful meeting that a newspaper . 1 (1
news- There were no actual editorials and of our people we think, would be Will- association man a . now we have a controverSia an nat-
2 . . ger can attend. This . .
at just ? ,- _'a bare minimum of any kind of editor- ing to work if suitable labor is pro- year your Secretary—Manager parti- ionally recognized speaker to offer
ation, 131 page material in 34% Of the 116 vided for them. We mean work which ' . ' ‘ . the main ‘address. We feel certain .
35-2.... 2 . c1pated on the program in the cap—
iflieS, 2-,: papers included in the inventory. can produce a product, not cleaning . . that each newspaper man and wo-
525':- 2 . - ac1ty of being a resolutions commit- . . .1
- was... ’55 Very few of the editorials dealt with debris from the roadside or sweep- . . man who attends this convention W1 1
. . , tee member and taking part in a pre~ .
. ;:- the upcomingNovember gubernatorial mg out a school room. We re talking take something of value home With ,3
. 5,2. _ , . , , sentation concerning problems as a . ,,
uation 2. , election, a situation which pos51bly in terms of industry and small fac-, manager The next meeting is sched— him. 3
ogical 1,3,3 if Will change as‘election time draws tories. If, the ‘Great Society’ would uled to b3; held in Wisconsin O3r313e hundred rooms are being 882;
auto- ,21“;‘_nearer. - loan this ‘poverty money to estab- asi e for KPA convention goers, an 3,
ry'one. » :3. The opening of school, with its re- lish a small factory in the area, the 3 ' 3 _ they Will be awarded on a first come
every :' 2.: lated problems of drop-outs, school dividends would be much greater than The Circulation Managers Div131on first serve basis,Reservations should
p1Cket 323%,. financing and traffic safety, was the the so—called OEO poverty war, and (33