xt7ftt4fr27p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ftt4fr27p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-03-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 03, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 03, 1981 1981 1981-03-03 2020 true xt7ftt4fr27p section xt7ftt4fr27p Vol. LXXXIII, No.115 , r l'niversity of Kentucky .

Tuesday, March 3 198' an independent student nchspnprr Lexington, Kentucky ." . .

Brown sa s universities ‘
y i , f I'I‘ .‘ I:

state’s ‘biggest crybaby’ ’
O \ , ' i I“ i i ;
regarding budget cuts l
iI :' '2. -I .

Combined from AP and staff reports solidating other schools and colleges s, g: ‘. '. . ' -

such as law, dental and communica- ‘ ., 5I' ‘ _

FRANKFORT — The state’s tions. ‘* ' I; " ' *1
universities will have to eliminate There are three law schools and ,y . ‘
some academic programs and two dental schools in the state. All of a a... 1 i? i l‘
reduce spending dramatically, ac- the state's eight public institutions of , »‘ i .
cordingtoGov.JohnY.Brown. higher education have a'college of » i.» .' 't. '1 ,V‘,

“Everyone out there is protecting communication. ., L .. r X ' _: 1
their turf. They (universities) need to Vice President for Administration .. . » ’ . 3.? . '
be open and flexible to eliminate Donald Clapp last night declined to {h , . I' 5 I...
those programs that are not essen- comment on the status of programs it; i? . a .9 j
tial," Brown told the Louisville at UK. President Otis Singletary was I ‘ A s: i ”'91:. ,
Courier-Journal in an interview in Washington, DC, and could not be , - ..;’i i 5 'uf'ifl.
yesterday. reached for comment. “ \. ' - - I.

“We’ve cometothe point where we Earlier in the day Brown called = ' I b ‘ -
are going to have to do some con- higher education the state‘s “biggest a ‘ 53‘ .
solidating of programs and make our crybaby” on budget cuts. He made «w ' ‘ I“)
tax dollars go further," Brown add- the remark at a news conference in f . .33? i . A ' i i '
ed. which he discussed the cutbacks ‘* , ‘ . .

State officials, including members necessary to balance the 1981-82 i '- j ' gfi ( “a;
of the Council on Higher Education, budget, I " d . i. Ifiaar . . . . .I,
have been reported to be considering Brown, saying the state will have ‘ f i "h“: ' 2 ~‘ ~
the possible merger of UK and Ken— to make massive cutbacks in pro- . i "' I W .i i 7. :
tucky State University as well as pro- grams, called for each university to ’ ' ‘ ':. - .‘
grams offered at both schools, in- excel in certain programs, instead of o By BEN VAN HOOK/Kernel Staff ,’ j
cluding the public administration trying to duplicate programs offered Flre destroys apartment «'1
program. on every other campus. .‘ "

Proposals reportedly under Con- “I feel like they are just all asking A gloomy Gregg Fields stands in the rain and throws a shoe from his in a three-alarm fire in the Landings apartment complex on Richmond :‘
sideration have also included con- Continued on page 6 fire-ravaged third floor apartment. l-‘ields' apartment was destroyed Road yesterday. '_J 4 '

' Next hearing tomorrow '"
By STEVE HIRSCH Employment Opportunity Commis- my absences became increasingly assured Hutcheson that if he found a II 3
Reporter Sloni and the Kentucky IUnemploy- The Brubaker case frequent with the lncreased amount job. he would give the proper two - i.
and ALEX CROUCH ment Insurance Comrmssmn. of harassment, but this supervisor weeks notice and see to the training , . i ..
Senior Staff Writer Peggy MCCllntOCki director 0f the Olllclal Hunnlll' Nltitil n t . ' Don W.l Hutcheson never once told of his replacement .- 5' .
@ Copyright. 1981 Kentucky Kernel UK Personnel Office, was also pre- Keith Brubaker‘s employment at me that I was taking too much leave Hutcheson told him to take I A

I sent at the meeting in Ray's office, the Kentucky G90l0glcal Survey or did anything to attempt to correct whatever time he needed Brubaker .' .

Keith Brubaker alleges that his Brubakersald. ended July 10, 1980. Whether he the problems which were forcing me sad h looked as though (‘rev would .I*. I'I.
complaint about the distribution of a The affidavit says that Ray and quit or was fired is still under in- out." replace him‘ Hutcheson agreed that ' ‘1
racial POSte' i" the Kentucky MCChhtOCk “requested to tape it (the vestigation. " e Brubaker‘s affidavit reports the ll. looked that way Brubaker said he '/
Geological Survey resulted in job meeting) . . . due to the absence of a In the second of two installments meeting with Ray was held would go and get Crev st'irtedion the «.- I I,

, harassment and that an investigation secretary and for their own informa- reporter Steve Hirsch and senior Thursday, July 3. He alho worked on monthly reports a superhisor‘s lob . ;I ,, I.

i of the matter by the UK Personnel tion.“ Brubaker says that, With the staff writer Alex Crouch have picc— July 3. Jul, . 4 was a holiday. 0“ Wednesday Juhi q Br'lbaker Lids

\ and. Affirmative Action offices pro~ tape recorder running, McClintock ed together details 0‘ the case in m Duplicates of sales receipts dating delivered a letter‘of corm‘lalnt‘to L'K i

" duced little result. Part two ex- and Ray, taking turns, bombarded WhiCh Brubaker, who iS white, has from July 3. bearing Brubaker's President ()tls Singletafiiv's office 3

- amines how his effective demotion him with questions — asking new charred L'niVPrSity OlliCialS With signature. have disappeared, accor- The letter spam: 0, his discontent I "
led him to feel his working conditions questions before he had time to reply harassment and FBCiSln- 9 ding to sources who wish to remain with the Affirmative Action Office d
had become unbearable. to theoldones. . The poster at right served as anonymousThe sales receipts would and of racism in the Kentucky ,i I'

Brubaker says neither McCllntock catalyst for a series 0t lncrdents prove Brubaker worked on one of the Geological Survev lt alleged he had ‘ ' N

i In order to get a transfer and to nor Ray would commit themselves to leading to Brubaker's charges and days the University claims he did suffered retaliation and abuse t th ‘
lodge a complaint, Keith Brubaker, any special effort on his behalf, ex- the surrounding controversy. «fist—‘2: not. Such a disappearance is unusual hands of Haney and Hutcheson a e ' '
then an employee 0f the KehtUCky cept for a promise to lhvesugate the —————-—-—————————— since copies of the receipts must be That same day he filed a' com- l-C- '
Geological Survey, says he made an harassment. Brubaker considered ject to the requirements of law, the unemployment hearing concerning retained for tax purposes. plalnt with the' lflxingtOD-P‘avette
appointment With Nancy Ray, affir- any investigation futile and wanted a counselor will not be permitted to certain Of his statements at this On Monday. July 7. he went to County Human Rights Commission .fl‘l'
mative action coordinator and aSSlS‘ transfer. After McCIintock left, he testify in subsequent proceedings as meeting. work and. according to his affidavit. which. outlined one local and two 2-1,?"
tant vice president for administra- and Ray continued to talk for some to information obtained solely from “Because of the harassment and told Hutcheson he felt he was being federal charges against [K and turn-
tion. This is according to Brubaker‘s time — With the recorder 0“ — but the employee, except with the con- intimidation which I received each “railroaded out of a job“ and would ed them over along with the af~ ,
sworn affidavit _ submitted to the nothing was concluded. sent of the employee.” Ray may have time I reported for work I found it in- like to take three or four days off to fidavit. to a federal agency the '
chington-Fayette County Human According to a UK Employee later violated this procedure by testi- creasingly difficult to appear." consider his options and perhaps Equal Employment Opportunity «V 5 ' C '
Rights Commission, the Equal Counseling Office pamphlet, ”Silh- fying against Brubaker at his Brubaker says. “I do not deny that think about finding a new job. He Continued on page .6 .= g; (j. '.

UK Bl k ’ ' '

a“ §E§£§55§§5335355553§535553553§5§55:" ,1 's’: . A“ t d th f

55555§%' a,” 44;: it;;-:g:¢.—.Ios; s; 2-4-3; . express COncern over an 3 ea S i; .

:3; ' . .‘rif.’~',.-?- " ~, . I '3'. "

KO £7353“? n A . j:\ 0° By ANGIELO HENDERSON members in Atlanta. Hawkins said badly decompOSed that no cause of .I. i,

t\ 35535533335Esis5s323555553§5§5§3§5§3§3535 list? r 0 ’3 12'2‘. swimmer “8 has a deeper Comer" than most diam could bedetermlned "w

3555555555335; (\ l;j‘-' " ‘ 3 students I . They were between the ages of 7 In:

55535555553555; \\ . 533535gagsgsgsgfgfgfgfgsggf:' (i, I \ - We sit and watch our children die, “Any person here at LK can pick and 15 and were abducted m broad ,i "l: ~.

Va; ".I‘I‘I “z :Itg While heavy-hearted mothers cry. upIa newspaper and see that another daylight or late at night. The 17 boys xii ‘ l

y‘ E;nggfgigfgfgfgfgsgggz “ , . r : 7; Their precious ones again they'll child was killed in Atlanta." he said. and two girls were kept for periods as 11’2" f

-‘\\ (O ' " ' . Never see or cradle them upon their ”But I pray that I don‘t look at a short as eight hours and as long as {I ,i 1-.” i

55555552353 \ § "55isésis555353355:5:§r§:§:§s;.. ' o knee. Paper and see my nephews‘ or three weeks. ‘1 ~.. v *

§ II ESE:5555555555555553555355553:-.-... ' ‘ Dear Lord. niece‘s names on the front page.“ The bodies were then usually '-j

>3 9 ' Pure mercy Wt’ 399’“ from you, Inl WlSh the killings “'Ollld stop " l dumped in vacant lots or fields. the .i " ..

\‘7 it "i'i:55555555355555555555555s355§55="="'"'" ,i Andpray theselzllungs to be through, Wish I could stop them.“ Hawkins APsaid.The only connection between it.

Q / 5333555555535533-‘5555355' For love should flow from breast to said “These kids are helpless It's the killings ii that all the children "

i,» bieaii, pitiful The person‘s sick. really were P00rand black. .

'51:” rb+ Q Yetour little ones have gone to rest. Sick." . Some other black l'K students are :, I” I.

y Y‘h «v q l rejoice that in a world of hate “When is it all gomg to end?" ask- equally concerned about the Atlanta "i

3353555: ' Can‘t stretch beyond those pearly ed Hawklns. murders and are showing it by wear- . ‘ 3 -

° gates. Amemorialservice was held last ing black armbands and black ribs !

They may have conquered our Tuesday in front of the fountain to in- bong, 3I i.

A ‘ childrens‘flesh form UK students of the tragedy that “The band that I am wearing ' Z .~‘.I:

“1‘ And left us memories ofthel'r past, has occurred with the Atlanta kill- shows people that we as black ,-.-'

'55-'23$:-"'-'3I-':-':3:5::::5.‘5:-':5-'::5:5:3'-‘--'-:~':-':1-'-'-':-':-':-‘:'-'-'5-I5.'-.~. Their once warm bodies now are ings, according to biology sophomore students care about the kids killed m - -

' cold, Carol L. Bogle. vice president of the Atlanta." said Greg Spotts. a com- "
O O O 0 But praise the Lord they couldn't UK chapter of the National Associa— municationsjunior '.

‘ he a InCIde is on the nse touch their souls. tion for the Advancement of Colored Vannessa A. Smith. a respiratory ‘
a ”g n — By Greg Spotts, communications People. therapy freshman. said she wears I3 ‘-I ~ .‘. .

junior The service consisted of prayer. black ribbon because of a deep per . » '
By DAVIDPAULEY . . . . . .. . . song, poetry readings, and a short sonalinvolvernent, ' .

Staff Writer must cheat. Plus, there is a lot of Slbllltles . handbook states that Efrem Hawkins plans to spend his talk by Dr. William Turner, a ”I want other people to kn0w that " ,. - .

. . pressure from parents to get good “cheating IS defined by its general weekends during spring breakiat socmlogy professor,sald Bogle. the black children do mean

Aches and pains of mid-term ex- grades" usage. It includes, but is not limited home in Atlanta searching for the The flag in front of the Administra- something to me even though I don't ‘ . ’ V.
ams provide the spawning grounds The number of cheating incidents to, the wrongfully giving, taking, or dead and missing children. tion Building Will be lowered to half know them personally “ she said I' -
for long hours of studying, panicking. is continually rising, Buck said. “But presenting any information or He plans to help the task force that mast every Tuesday in remem- “They‘re a part of me '50 a part of . ' l '
or maybe even plain old cheating. of course this is not just UK, it is a na- material by a student with the intent was set up to aid in the investigation brance 0f the children killed in Atlan- me has been killed along With the ~ ‘ 7

The reason for student cheating tional trend." of aiding himself or another on any of the Atlanta killings. ta, according to BOSle A memorial children “ . '
probably stems from striving for “I don‘t think there‘s any more academic work which is considered Nineteen black children have been service Will also be held every 'I‘ues- Spotts said he believes media at- '
good grades in order to qualify for cheating going on than at any other in any way in the determination on ‘ found dead in Atlanta over the last 19 day at noon at the fountain tention given to the Atlanta tragedies . .
professional and graduate time in thepast 10 years.“ Pival said. the final grade (any question of months. No are missing. The ASSOClath Press said some 0f falls short of its obligation and pales l‘ ‘
schools,said Frank Buck, farmer More cases are being discovered definition shall be referred to the Hawkins, a biology sophomore, has the Children were strangled, some when compared with the close ‘ ‘ ‘
academic ombudsman and currently because the faculty has become more University Appeals Board).“ lived in Atlanta for 20 years, and has were suffocated. and some found so Continued on page a i i

, an animal science professor. awareotcheatlng methods,shesaid. Pival said any instanceofcheating two elementary school-aged ——_———————-————_——

“There is tremendous pressure for “Student attitude on cheating is which entb in suspension, expulsion, nephews, who both fit the description lnSiC- e outsiw , .
grades. 000d students don't cheat, different nOW. Nenty-five to so a letter grade of “E" or a dismissal ofthepastvictims,and one niece. film" - _. ~ . . .. " ‘ »
because they don't have to." said years ago a student felt guilty. Now from the course goes on thestudent's “Both of my nephews wait for the Un‘vo ha, 3;, "If" f- lab ars a M.arCh mm?“ m ”"13”." “me ‘0‘ ‘

Jean Pival, the current academic students may feel that it‘s partofthe permanent campus record, but is not bus to go to school every day, and lasl 9: hi I vaIerIelngtIIIomedgaSe day S. temphramr“ w'" “hm be ' . I '
ombudsman. “The weaker students some in going to school,‘ Pival said. released to another university or to their school is about 15 to 20 miles Luksch: led the Lad K' t a"; k V Iamhlike " “1“.“ "manely sunny.
—- in order to compete with other “Perhaps they feel guilty when they an employer in accordance with UK away,“Hawkins said. “It bothers me th }- I y a a C m h'hh“ ‘" the 'h'd "’ ”PP" 4‘5- In .
.mts to et admitted to the dif- .. . .. 9 ma tuneup before tournament creasmg cloudiness tonight wtth the
t colleges _ to feel they ”again“!!! Ri ts nd Res rules Continued on page 3 and Mllygngntensre‘. .1 play begins "9’“ week. Steve low in the mid 305. Rain likely tomor-
Eh a pon- By ac ua y avrng faml y “Nth" has the details on page 4 row with the high in the low 5m.
1 ‘ K ‘ ‘ . d h

 I I ‘
icdiloricils & *l ........ l
, Editor in Chic] Editorial Editor Anne (harln‘ Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Picture Editor
Debbie McDaniel
« . Associate Editors DavidCoyk
l comme nls l
I Vickil’oole
. l : Jacki Rudd Aumum Day Edam 5‘3"}33" m;:mfl Lin Wallace rm?-
, Day Edum Dale Morton Assistant Sports Editor Auutant Entertainment Editor ”Ana“
_ ‘ 1 IMAM/itchAlmdneltomnulIcllrnumloptnmns lrtlcnundnommnsshouldhrtypedanlh 1 HIHSN’MP“
. ‘ spared Ind indoor mum, residence amt ulnpfl itkmihuuun miluding l k II) to! hll‘dl’llh and l I ‘ Senior SlaflWriters
‘ cmpl»y¢¢\ leurn would he limuui lo 200 words and “Winn!“ and comments In III mud-i ‘
* | ,, 74- _,,.A, -77777!.7_-7A 7 77*-V'77—_VV 777v7-k ,” ‘ HWJ
‘ ' l hild killi m
. . At anta c ngs uncover any i ih 'i
- 1' . . d . . letters 0 2 ad or
, mgermg attitu es of white rac15m ...............................................................,.........,....
‘ ‘ ‘ 7 - mechanistic:mattzmmmr“ “‘ ‘°
. f ‘ The tragedy of the children of Altanta is reeked of a supressed and self-defeating pre- ' y .'
‘ f _ representative of a cancerous uncertainty judice that certainly has no place in such a
' " -. . about the effect the differences in social delicate situation. 0 '
' PcFSp‘cc‘ivc between US has. The possibility of organization and political MISSEd the p01!“
. I ‘ . . When the count of dead/missing children in purpose in the killings (i.e. a racist .con- game due to the inaccessibility of Alumni Gym to han-
that c1ty topped 20 last weekend, the largest, spiracy) was also a Widely suggested idea. dicappedstudents.
‘- ‘ j most sophisticated manhunt in the city‘s The Ku Klux Klan, however, formally de- Iwould like to congratulate the Kernel for its article on It is unfortunate that only that facility was available
> -' history was underway. The mayor, the police nounced the killings. If there is some social the anthropology department. Your alert reporter during the period of time which the game could be
. ‘ . ' chief. the commissioner of public safety. the comment or political purpose in the murder of managed to miss both major issucc Presently confronting scheduled in conjunction withourfund-raising drive;
-' - , . ' , FBI, the Georgia Bureau of Investigations young children, surely the KKK would at least the department , . “mm“ we ha." “£91.13“ “mph“ °°°P°mtl°n 0‘
t ' and the police forces of Fulton and surroun- vaugely condone what is happening. Yet even 1) the exodus of as many as SIX professors in the near Caimpus‘ Reczeatittzn oflflilgials, bSEatogd (garter, the u(:rnly
‘ ’ . . d'n counties had ‘oinedinthe search. that group known for violent bombings and future’and . . 0 ‘7.” emaes.‘ '00 ”Pt us ause 0‘ -ee
' ' l g J . . .’ . 2) the polarization of the department between culture major problems. 1) the faculty has no seating capaCity,
. ,‘_ At the end 0f January. ".0 witnesses, clues assassmatlons, washes ”5 hands 0f respon- history (archeology)and applied anthropology interests. making spectator attendance unlikely; 21in order to ade-
, ‘ - , or certainty about the motive behind the klll‘ Slblhty- An intelligent discussion of these problems, which quately control attendance, all courts would have had to
-' ' ings had been found. The evidence points to a single killer, pro- threaten the future of anthropology at UK, was whatlhad have been closed from 7-9 pm, which was not feasible,
- It is interesting and at the same time bably white, obviously dementedln the wake unrealistically hoped for. Instead you opted to print a and 3) irrespective of other problems, Seaton Center was
f ' ‘ 5. disheartening to look at that uncertainty. The of the civil rights assassinations, the murders SUPerflCla'Survey “0'39 asPecmfamF‘lMacete‘i depart' b°°ked “m.“ “‘9 cam?“ ‘ntramu’lal basketoa“ t°“.ma'
.' ;' theories as to the killer's identity are a sad in Buffalo, and the killing of Vernon Jordan, it ”“3"“ reduced me‘"V°'Ved’°c°?S'°mgz:dpe°wfinar mew'mikmgscgedulmgaghe dwreddamTMS‘ble'
. , reflection on the state that has befallen the is acutely painful to see such a display of researchofthefacultydowntoone-liners. wor . T ese actors onot era cate my neglect, owever.l
. g , . . failed to take the problem of accosSibility into account
’ " struggle b." blacks for acceptence in this na— diseased contempt for the young Of a 990919 Jack Rossen during the organizational stages of this project.This is in-
V. . .‘ lion in recent months. who have fought f0? and earned the I‘eSpeCt 0f Anthropology graduate student dicative of the lack of consideration given to the very
. ' ’e For instance. there was vehement anger at their white counterparts. And it is grossly group Student Association is striving to benefit, and for
- ' the initial suggestion that the killer could ironic that this is happening in a major US. my ove'fSiEhtlom deeply SOFFY; [have certainlyleamod
- have been black. First of all. it was suggested city where the mayor, police chief and com— A I - {Wm "“5. exPenence‘ My hot” ‘5 that ““9? Students “”11
‘ 7 . by white behavioral experts. who pompOusly missioner of public safety are all black. DO Ogles Jomthef'gm‘ ‘ ‘and perhapSleam somemmg as we!"
I concluded that the killer was a young black Solving the murders at this point can never
. male under tremendous emotional stress. erase the scar the guilty party has left on the
, j _ The black community naturally found this faceof white attitudes. The ultimate respon— In response to Ed Bennem letter of February 27‘ 1981', . .
inconceivable. There is no precedent in sibility for such tragic problems falls on soc1e- wish to express my most sincere apologies to all those williard A. Dupree
'. ' . [ history of a black mass murderer; there are ty. the society which is each of us, black or who were unable to attend the SAWKQQ basketball (‘o-chariman.Cardinai Hill Week ‘81
. , , countless historical accounts of white mass white. Repairing society has to start at home.
, " ; murderers. Having no foundation, this theory not in the newspapers. ‘
" A bel'ever’ 'd t th ' is t ° (1 't fth Bo
, 8 gm 6 O 6 1118 , 011 , S 01168 an 1‘6 urn O 6 SS
‘ .' Writer‘s warning: For those who -_ of p0p music whose range of thought Springsteen if he wanted to come house, you know what my mom much adulation. His fans are nuts.
. Q ‘ feel they are up to their throats and and whose expression of those home and meet the folks. Bruce would say,“Why don‘t you play good There are things more important
~ _. Q . ears in Bruce Springsteen. beware If thoughts has been as limited as agreed. music?" My mom doesn’t even know thanrock.
you are planning to bomb an or» Bruce Springsteen." When the trio arrived at the house, Billy Altman. But most of all the skeptics think it
‘ - . phange the next time you hear his ‘ john ‘ o a o the kids‘ parents were relaxing in the .00 is too good to be true. No one can be
' _' name. either turn the page or how Of all the folklore Springsteen living room as Springsteen walked “He (my dad) must have thought that real andbethat big at the same
_. . about Ion at the bottom of this one » stories, the best may be one he told in. “Hey mom,” said the kid. “I‘ve that all the stuff in my room was the time. No one with platinum albums ,
._ - Continue atyour own risk. Clay Marsh in Musician magazine. It gotBruceSpringsteen here.” same make, ‘cause it used to be and hero's adulation can still call
, : f. . u. = seems Springsteen had an off night in Of course, the parents were skep— "I‘urn down that goddamn radio,‘ McDonald’s paradise or live in a
. 'f "I think my mother and father and \ ‘ , Denver and decidedtorenta car and tical. Finally the son runs into his and, ‘Get that goddamn record off rented house in New Jersey
. sister. they‘re here tonight. Hey. you go see a movie. While waiting in line room and comes out with a Springs that goddamn stereo.‘ God was dam- Let them think what they want.
" guys out there” For six years. for the flick, a boy recognized the teen album and places it up to the ning a lot of stuff in my room. 1
.' . . ‘ they‘ve been following me around. .' . singer and asked Springsteen to sit houseguest's face. The mother starts couldn‘tever figure it out.“ John Clay is the Kemeps sports '\
‘, trying to make me come back home with him and his sister. screaming. They COOK the 3055 a big " ‘ editor. His column appears every ;
' Hey. man. give it up. huh‘.’ Give mea Center Not 24.011. but enough. The movie was Woody Allen‘s meal, show him the family picture The Cynics don‘t like Bruce Sp!“ other week. He promises nottowrite '
._ hreak‘ They‘re still trying to get me The tickets sold like keys to free “Stardust Memories" and as they fil- album.Typical stuff. ingsteen. He's too big, he‘s too nice, about Bruce Springsteen for the rest '
’ 1' , [0 go back to college. Every time I Porsches. When the cancellation ed out of the theater, the kids asked If Bruce Springsteen came into my he gets too much copy, he gets too of the year.
-' . ‘ come in the house. you know. “It‘s not came. lyes, even rock messiah‘s get
' '. ' toolate, you could still go back to col- sore throats: more than a few were ° 0
‘ N m 0 ers some uotes or a occaszons
. .. v Bruce Springsteen at a 1978 con- It was not long after the visit to UK
~ ‘5 ~ ._ cert that Springsteen found his picture on
~ . '» 0.0 the cover of Time and Newsweek in There are some things I‘m anx- “If a man love the labor of any enough to understand the game and
. i '2’» "Rock n' roll. man, It changed my the same week. Born to Run hit the ious to share with you, but I know my trade. apart from any question of dumb enough to think it’s impor-
: ‘ r 1' life It was like. you know, the Voice top of the charts and Springsteen was limitations. They have been said success or fame, the gods have called tant.“
1. . of America. the real America, com- off and running, slowed only by a before by other people. and rather him " —-Eugene McCarthy
‘ ~ " ' 1 -ni1 Intoyour home “ break with his manager Mike Appel than run the risk of plagiarism and -- Robert Louis Stevenson
.w 7\ f .. , Springsteen III a 1978 Crawdaddy that progressed into a law suit and boredom I will let the authors speak lamzs “Americans are free to buy guns
i .1“ - 0-0 halted production for awhile. for themselves. “The only thing I ever saw that j. and bullets, but are not free to buy
1' . ' I take a lot of heat about a lot of Rock critic Dave Marsh called Spr- Please don‘t search for a central came close to Objective Journalism gflffln ‘ syringes and drugs. This suggests .
-_ j . things Being a sportswriter, being ingsteen's next album a rock classic. theme or purp0se; there is none in- was a closedcircuit TV setup that , I that Americans are more afraidofin-
' _ ’ short. my tastes. my clothes. my His latest hit N0. 1 in no time. The tended. watched shoplifters in the General L jecting themselves with a drug than
- looks. my writing. you name it Itake single “Hungry Heart“ cracked the instead, think of reading this as a Store at Woody Creek. Colorado. I ‘2», f t of being shot by an assailant with a
‘ -‘.._ u ‘- a lot of heat about liking Bruce Sprv top ten. walk along the beach. and each of always admired that machine. but I ”is i bullet, more afraid of metaphorically
«. . ' .. i. ' ingsteen. too Either you like the guy ' ° ' these quotations is a seashell. Some noticed that nobody paid much atten- shooting themselves than of being
.p . ~cwk We -
x h I.
Q h . ‘ ’ ‘ ' p

 I . - _ _ . mi. KLVII (in Maw. lucsda). March 3. 1981-3
I . . .
com fled from : h t .
news roundup 9 VC ea mg Increases as ,
op dispatches t. t. t h , '.
° gallon wholesale to $1.11 agallon. reporters that “a certainpreparatory Pertt’d may CO DC 1 10 0 g ' I '
atlon Those increases were the largest p