xt7ftt4fr352 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ftt4fr352/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-04-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1986 1986 1986-04-23 2020 true xt7ftt4fr352 section xt7ftt4fr352 h r n I

. R Vol. XC, No. "7 South.“ "94 University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky independent since 19‘" Wednesday, April 23, I906
' CW
2 U S I 3.598 Bl'.ta.ll’S BX [118.011 Of 21 L.b ans
‘ ' ' ' Home Secretary Douglas Hurd. U S h f d ' L' b 7 . W
Br1ta1n JOlnS other Eur0peans whose iiiiisiiciiiii iiiciiiiiei iii. pi- . . stOps s ort o eporting own 1 yans . , -
lice, said the authorities had made , . i. ‘ .:
' ' f L'b certain that the 259 Libyans training The Associated Press meant by that. However. Speakes some of the Libyans might carry out I l .
1n greater SCfUtlny O l yans here as pilots or aircraft technICians did say. "we will take up these kind terrorist raids at the behest of Li ‘ _ I
wet? fnot 'n a pOSition ‘0 commit WASHINGTON — The Reagan ad- of issues at the economic summit in byanleader MoammarKhadaty x 'I . -
oterror. ‘ .- - .._— ,.. i, . . I . .I . .I
By LARRY THORSON around the country the Home Office ac ministration praised European allies Tokyo from May 4i Tht lnited States did not Itxptt , I. . I . . _._ .
Associated Press said The were tobede rted soon yesterday for taking steps to rein in While saymg it was heartened by the Libyans. he said. because ‘ there 3 - I . f . .
' y p0 ' Except for the trainee pilot, all the Libyan diplomatic personnel while the arrest of the Libyans in Britain will be a Libya after Khadafy’ and , . a I .. -
LONDON — Britain rounded up 21 The swift British action is based Libyans were students at universi- revealing it has deCIded agamstex- and the move by a dozen European it may help the l' s pHSlllon lll ii i . - .
Libyans yesterday and said it would on a Common Market decision an- ties in Scotland. Wales and England. pelling Libyans from the United nations to restrict tIheIsize and activ- post-Khadafy Libya it some Libyans ,I ' -. -.
expel them for "revolutionary activ- nounced Monday to restrict Libyan including five in London. the Home States. . _ ities of Libyan missions known as have been closely exposed to tho . . I, '," '1
ity n Prime Minister Margaret activities around Europe. Office said. Noting the arrest of 21 Libyans in "People‘s Bureaus." the administra~ l'nited States . .~ i; . y . . ‘
Thatcher said her government is I . , ‘ Britain and moves by other Euro- tion disclosed it had weighed or- Parker Borg. of the State Depart- .' - ‘-.
considering further actions against .5“) immediate reaction came from Th th t ld the H _ f C pean countries to curb trade with dering the estimated 2.000 to 3.000 ment. said the number of Libyans in ;* .I i f Pit-"'29,-
~ , - . t‘ . Lib-Ya' But m Moscow, the “new a c er 0 Iouse 0 om- Libya and restrict the movements of Libyans out ofthis country. the l'mted States is between 2.000 - .‘- -‘ i"; '.‘.
Libya.but not economic sanc ions. Sov1et news agency T355 said Lon- mons she would have “Red the Com~ its diplomatic personnel. White “We have considered whether to and 3.000 and most of them are stu .‘" " 1. '2
The Ohl)’ detainee whose name don had joined a “vicious anti-Li- mon Market [.0 take more sweeping House spokesman Larry Speakes send them home and have decided dents .' '3 ' 1‘25." ii»;
“'35 announced was Adel Masaoud, byan campaign" which T355 said measures aga'l‘s‘. Libya and she re- said. “These are the kind of steps. not to." John Whitehead. deputy sec. . . , _ ' t
23. an airline pilot trainee who was launched by Washington. Tass vealed that Britain has opposed sell- this is the kind of cooperation that is retary of state. said In an appear- Tlieteweteothei developments It .I . ... .IIII
threatened ‘0 form an anti-US. SUl’ said accusations 0f Libyan involve- "lg Empea'? {00d surpluses to essential if we‘re going to combat ance before a pair of House Foreign “Mann?“ SNK'W-la- USHSlahl ; . ‘ ‘. ,3
cide squad a month IagoIduring the ment ‘n revolutionary activity were Libya at cut prices. terrorism on an international Affairs subcommittees 59"“4313' ”1 't‘ranswrtation h.” 1”“ . I- . i, IV
ILS -Libya confrontation in the Med- a tpretext for the arrests and depor- . . . . baSis.” But in response m questions. :;l'lldll<;]fl£ll affairs. said the l llllt't’l . ~ . » I. , "I. :I. ;
iterranean. ta ‘0"5- But the primeImimster rejecteda But Speakes also said. "Quite Whitehead also said FBI sut‘xeil- ’ ”i” ”If" “I II"! ”' II‘ 1‘" “ml 4‘” . . ' .~ ‘- ‘. .
The 21. all university students ex- “We are considering further mat- C?” for economic sanctions by he” frankly, though. more needs [0 be lance 0f Libyans in the United States Pink? t IdtIIf‘II‘ “Winfred“ high " ' . ' 3 t. .' i'~"
cept for Masaoud, were among 7.500 ters about Libyan pilots in this coun- Kinnock. leader or the oppOsition done-H was being stepped up after last li>t~lastliilzl WIIIIIst IinItIidf-ntIs \IIIhe list I . . , i . I,
Libyans living in Britain and were try and any further actions we can Labor Party. President Reagan's Chief SPORGS- week‘s raid on Libya. H“ Sam the"? ' ‘ ' ( “a" ’ )u 'UMW“ ' l " ~ -._ ~ '
picked up in early morning raids take."Thatchertold Parliament. See 5(‘Rl"rl\\.Pagt-ti man declined to spell out what he was concern over the possibility s.. iii~PtiRii\t.,ig.._ i. I- I
.-.. I'M. ... mi». ""~. . .~
~. . «(oi . ., « Councrl act makes
'7‘» , 'L-"K’~’9 “ < Q i .
. ~\ . / . “5‘ S ‘r 5". .. '. it .' I ‘
' ‘ .I' ‘.5. . § 4 . .
\ . ' :Jv « WW ~ j i." . . ,
. , . , ,« , advanced UK study .
~' . ‘ *‘ 4:3 4. -. ' . .
-...« . \ . , . ‘ur ’ ' ' .-” - in
\_ I IV . . I- ka ..‘s . ' g I . ,
:0 s. -. DI ’. "I ’ . “" ' ' , ‘ x 3‘ . Ii I. ~,
...... «WW ”a «a... . by professors easrer
‘.’ ‘ ’ - . *V' _ 5"! ’7' ’ ‘ I... x ”'.‘: _‘t'_..._‘ '.’." ;“ L ‘ ' s _ » 'i i
i « enlist-c“; 2oz;- ‘..¢ ._ ~-_ . ~ , - ,. . .
“new -. ‘- «N '.' ~ u9~ 31%“ . . ‘ .
. raft" , ... '. I a. ‘J'; ‘— I .‘im.’ '~ . " ’ Hy (‘YNTlll.\.\.l’.\l.()l{.\l(t tinuous st-i'\it'e l‘ttl' non tenured . I
r' ’ .‘I , 4‘5 ' 7.... Q 4 5 “ . . fl . , . 3‘“ 1- "' Assistant News Editor faculty tiietiibers. a period of educav '
g ' 3 (y’g‘?(i: I}, ”,5..& m" ' ' ' 9 I ' I . tioiial leave would not ltt‘ counted as . . ~I -.
."v- we ' ~.. '. I" ’ ' '. ° ‘ _ l‘aculty interested in pursuing ad» probationary tx-riottseriice ' . '
u.- - ~ .9" g . as». . . . 3, _
~- i ‘9 ‘ ’ w -* '.' ’fi . ‘ .' us" 1 vancetl de’rees at ("K in other (llSCh The purpose of the itiiicndmeni is - ‘-
3- h 4" I . *3 .. a ‘ i l“
’ . ' .' " . - . ' " - v I ‘ ” plines may be able to do so without to clarify the conditions uiidt-i \\lll('l‘i . - . . . _ .
" ' . ' . ‘ - . ' . \_ the vvorryof'losing theirtat'ulty lien faculty meiiibci's can pursue such ~ ‘ ‘
. , ‘ , ‘I 3'4 5 r ‘: ' \ i et'its advanced degrees
. . . x a, f” . I w... ° 1 J .. - . -. t . The Senate ('ountil yesterda) I I . .. . ~
fizvr”'l" ‘ ‘ . 3 . l “l I . i ' r - ‘ . ~ voted to at'ct‘pl an amendment to II I'll lIn‘I “Witt: HlI liustti - Stptt .iiI . ,
,. 51".")? . ‘ I.” _ fl "' ”(1.4 a I ~. . . the l’tiivt-rsit) s (ioiei'iiing lteiltila- “1 .1.M). ’.”},(tgrl‘h‘ ill. “uni!“ ‘f‘liul ' . ’
331*}. .j ‘ ‘ ' n .' q ‘ , _ ' .. ‘ .3 “0m referring to "educational \itis ariiiiout iiil piiiiiiltt-t. tiit llll_\ - I
' ~.«. . , ~.. I ... y‘. ."13 ‘ . s I . . . . . . , . . members at the l.t’\lll)ll\tll t'iiiiipm - -
‘ . '- . ' «in i " --~- \- ; lea\e tot poisuit of degrees above I .
“I “....C .I Mr - X f“ . .. the master'slevt-l and Medical (enter sectors to pur . I . ,
354:7 {6" . f" ., i r. .I j . ‘~_ Paul Sears. spet ltll assistant for I‘Iltlll‘.(}:.egrws “my“ ‘1“. ”MN" \ low‘ I
.a- . w 2.15.. 4 . 1 atadeniit .ittaiis. ii the amend- I
‘ 2i .' . i *1}. " ment is "an attempt to not put bari l"acult_v "Wm...” [I‘m-m this 'wl- . ' -
“is: ' W’s . i . o. ' . ii riersinfrontot ”W‘WUHF ' ut'ational leave' may not hold more ' .
W“ at I I .1 , W I ‘- ‘ ~~ Th0 purpose "1 ”‘0 amendment l> than a halftime assiuiitiit-iit either p I'
‘2’ 1 ‘l‘ ‘ ,5' h) enable faculty nWlanT> 1" “I during the two lull tinit- t-tti‘isectitiit- ' .
ii-ngti . {a} ‘.‘ " .2. . ,r, " ...- quest halfltime or more leave. \iiti Highhm Mi,m.I\hir._ preceding the .
l g j .I if? , 32w“ ‘ Ws’ié . 1 '- .. proportional. but not complete. salzi (lUUlIl)'llli.’i Mammalwn I”, during the . I .
. ,‘“ l g- ' t‘yredui‘lion two semesters of full-time tiisserta , ‘- I ‘ '-
I I . III: I ”It. ’.I r I; ‘ Should the faculty ”10mm”. m. tionIIstuIdy lllllllt‘tllillt‘l} following the . ' I » . '
v . . I ‘ ‘t‘ ‘ v “ granted a leave of absence for "tac (IUU ifIvingexamination ' ‘ > . ~ ’
7f ' t ‘L I ult)‘ dfl010.pn.“l‘nl.‘ . fl“ .wlnfmq-km 0.1m; The council unanimously .tpprtiitid ' - .
. '. 33"?“ . ‘. ”‘.‘-d. It”,’3(.m:1d {I‘HIUII} Iii“: '[fnl‘jn‘ the ('lill'll}lll‘;.‘. amciidiiit'nt but Holt 1 . .
uumwnv KernelSto“ g:)11\dllt\i:tga:lgflIl:IL:Ilfuptlltx of tmi II” lleiiienwa}. [,hIim.I.hIm ..i m.- i-jii . . .
"" ’ Si b. y. ,y .it. “I“ " .
In the Open - L‘.ll\ll depiiitmont. saw. t.“ iiit» ...t i.. . . . .
Although the amendment did not ltors \iho mast lcaic ilivir Illt\‘li'tll.\ i , .' '-
include crediting the ‘l‘l()(l of odd to accept research L‘litlll\ should ' - "
Blending | restdents huddle around in a Circle and eat hot- rainy weather early this week. Conditions for alfresco cational leave toward (,hmm”) for hait- the Mn”. MIMI“ “k”. W" .‘ . ‘3 1. ‘. .I ’1
dogs and hamburgers at their spring picnic despite the lunching may not get any better before tomorrow. sabbatical hith ,1 would ,1”; h(. l’h' ”I... ”WWW, I”._Ii.hi.. HM... 1'.” : 'I .
considered as an interruption of con wa) saitt ' ’.' . I '.' .
° b d t I] i . F ° ' ‘ '_
irst am assa or e s - air to ocus on o . -cam pus ivmg , . .‘ .. .
«\H.-:.;:'.<.‘iizg:;:_-;s"...; =:-.._iI ‘ ' _: : i. . . . '
3 331'. ii5:1.1-2i-szil..i'iilfiist 5555.3 . -' I. ‘ ‘7;
. f ° E t G . ’~\\ Ih ins "ASSERT - 1
Of '1 e In as erm any <¢§i“w\ staff Writer V . . . ' ,
--. - he». ....«\" --.:-‘.‘:::r;?-=:j:::;':::;":=:x::;:r,-: I . I I' 3; r - '
. ' was ,_ 3% ME; Information about offcampus liv- , . n . ,‘ .5 '.". 4. ‘ i ' ,l
‘ ‘ ' ~ ~ ' . .. “ ' . :.=-“-‘¢.‘..~.;r»:.=i -'~ ‘3'»"ic.i: '--=:.\ \x\ . . ‘ ' . i‘ ‘“ ' - ‘.' i
2“ ;:l;\1l.ltl\“ M“ 113%)in :Ihe hgrrorsuof (““31 :2“ * g; s “a? \}\ on; can sometimes be at a premium \/ .I II ;.‘I‘ . .v It I:.
~ d It (I ingttinaCZIpru: aasnh: iglrddhceil h"); an; \ . . "SEEK? for students. But some answers may / . 7 7 R ' . . .' i“ ". t ' t f. >" x i‘ ,-
. ‘ '» '51:"? ’K‘ ‘ . lieavailable tod'iv ’ 7 l ' ~ = .= .‘ ..5 "i
‘ . ~ ‘ ' . ‘ - - ' ‘ . 3 Atom \ :=:§ 525$???» ‘ ' ' . . ' ' ‘ ‘ ~ ’ - ‘ i ‘
helnhgohrlgl:ih‘iIih‘IttItliItapgetfiolIirfIttuIr: :EIIim audience in the Student Cen §§§$§ The Commuter Student 0m“. ,5 \ 3, 1- i.' . I.II ItII ,I
horrors to Lutheran “martyrs" in (‘ooper spoke to about 50 people on ' .. l 33:20:21?‘grgfiufinfrgnfiorigngw; l a i r' ‘i ~ 3- 5
East Germany. ”The Early Days: U.S.-East Ger- .‘ _;;. 1 ‘ 206Student (‘enter ' l I ' I ‘ . a ' " i' 115"
(‘ooper served as the L'nited man Relations." 3' Hepresentatives‘ from area busi- , .-. ‘ . . I'Ii
”fate; {P‘s} ambasfsador [372:]? 15:52 “WP“ said. ”Those who study \ nesses and [SK services will provide ’ . . ~ '.
HI" h'tt); “I“? n tom d ."6' . u German literature and history" information about campus housing. - _ . .
.t d . earier .“He m he." know the great diversity 0f Ger- community rental properties. trans \ ' _ .~ i ‘.‘ .
(eor e S Patton ‘ Th 'l \' ' - -' ' -

(f tg-llk-‘V 't ll :“I -’ ”(13 I:“ manyintheartsandmusm. portation. utilities. car safety and \ AI r I‘ . ' i .
“$3. [1“]! .urope d 1e C use Of m d But “the (German Democratic telephone services. said Sharon ' " - x
[.m' told that viewing Buchen- Republic) and the (Federal Repub- (:l‘llltlb. program coofrdinator for the b ‘ . I f .I
wald shortly after its liberation in- he "f Germanyi are chiefly one peo- (()”~1\nlldlehf‘stut(ii:lrltn(t)“Clio commute . , . '

delibly etched in his «Looper st Sec AMBASSADOR. Pagefi JOHN SHERMAN COOPER don‘t have any idea where they are =M’g
.. . ”‘33?“ .. (...: . going to live."Chil(is said. .
*W:§§V C f t "tThe fair) is an attempt to circu- . ~
«g .. ow\. w» ' -- »- '- .x. ‘.‘P>’.~’:~'-.' . . . . -ii . aw '
amfirga . I; on erence 0 examlne late useful information about livmg '°“"°"““"“ ‘ . -
‘vm‘i,’5§§fs:;§§§¢:§fn tidal-123:; tilt??? :tnudlht: Ee‘mdfgg The Student Government Associa» “we want to on)pha5|]l(‘ that we do -
. “ . tion legal adviser will probably be not endorse or recommend these
"to NIH". Phonoflc, tho coal as source Of fuel :1") énzslfiffgfialazl“fifi)me T29 available to dlSCUSS tenant-landlord businesses.” she said "We have not
.9" round mound 05 mos- 8.” '5 95.1“ 0 p m ma e i'elations.she said inspected the properties " She
9' I ByBRADGEMEINHART an international reputation," Figg “"Sede‘ni‘lnnfit I _ I stressed that the fang During-9 .5
C093. will visit UK: Shivol Contributi Writer - t thro h- Information will be presented in The fair is the first of its kind at .
Y “8 said. Abou 125 people from ug I . _ . I purely informational.
..Field today. For the story, out the United States. Mexico. Cana- four areas: consumer issues and l'K. (‘hilds said. The idea for it '
... mIpm 2. Coal. one of Kentucky‘s main eco- da and possibly England are ex- tenant relations. housing. transpor- came from similar activities at A stereo-radio-cassette player will
nomic assets, and new waysofming meted toattend.he said. tation ~ car maintenance and safe campuses in large Cities and the be given away at the fair. (hilds .
this source of revenue will be the “This is the 25th conference.“ ty — and utility cost services and need for students to get this kind of said Refreshments also will be pro-
M‘IV VJ Alon hunter will b. topic ofa two-day conference. Figg said. “It is our silver anniver- energyconservation. ChlldSSfildi Ihhlrmillltm Vldt‘d
”km"! “5. "W9“ gm. UK‘s 25th Industrial Coal Confer- sary session.“ The conference is .
MN m the “m". ence, which begins at 1:15 pm. sponsored by the Office of Universi-
m 3 . today at the Carnahan House Con- ty Extension. along with the me- emocra S S aglng e a e
m t '99. - ference Center on Newtown Pike. chanical engineering and mining en-
will attempt to determine ways coal gineering departments. , . . .
can be used as a more efficient fuel The speaker for the session will be Staff reports Versailles. are running for the nomi- itored questioning session will begin
‘ sen SOUI'W- MD. Gurney. senior engineer for nation of their party for the 6th Con A panel of students consisting of
. More specifically. the conference the National Institute for Petroleum The College Young Democrats is BFGSSlOHalDi-‘lrifl. I ml‘mht‘m 0f lb? orgamlahttn WI"
. . will discuss ways in which coal can and Energy Research. in Bartles- attempting to promote political Th0 forum has "Ol he?" defilghed (luvsnnnih‘? candidates
, beusedasadiael fuel. ville. Okla. awarenesson cam s. to he a debate. but rather an infori Question topics WI“ include de-
"7od'7 will 5‘ W and Theconference is open tothepub- . . f .. puI . . mational session for anvone inter- tense. welfare. national economy.
W with o hlfll floor ‘0. lie although it “is designed primari. .IEvemng "9"“ include a buf et The pom“! organization “We" ested. During the forum. the candi- foreign policy and government
I’M aid tomorrow wilt Iy for power plant operators and dinner at Sfigndletop Hillnbeiiufil 59'" two 09mm“ congressional dates will discuss their views on spending
1,. M d... wok ..., those involved withthesale and bur- 59m" ‘9” “mm w' '° “09““ “mg. 3". '“‘°’m“"°““' topics that directly affect the 6th Following the panel discussmn.
, 0 . . ,. . . Nichols. director of the UK Counsel- forum at 7 tonight in 223 Student . . . . - . .
M O “A. W m ning of coal. and Robert has, as- . ndT t'n C nter C t Add't‘ District and the nation. members of the audience will be al-
.. in!" ' sociate dean of University Exten- inga 5' g e ' en er ”on' Each candidate will be given a lowed time to question the candi-
. '.' mm' sion. The conference will conclude at The candidates. Tim Connolly of short time to briefly give a selfde- dates.
”This conference has atablished noontomorrow. Lexington and Jerry Hammond of scription and then a carefully mon- Theforum is open tothepublic.

 l I s O

‘\‘“* " ' "* 2"” ‘ ‘
«tnzvcfla .\€§§§3~§§§‘§§‘ '
. . . . . ‘ .m 3 .3 A V .
'l'he Phillie Phanatic - ~ g . -- -y . a .g. SIDEUNES
o o o a , , f . " ~' g Staff and AP reports
' phlies into Shively i“ «u F. t.
" g. . 'j r... 3 a... - . Baseball team signs prospects
ll) i‘tiiiii.io\i:s _— = c. y . $9
‘ - ' - ,. =-. . is... ., . - :~ . . .
M‘mmn“ “We thought we COUld g N... v“ figg 9 $3 .’ . _ The UK baseball season is still two weeks from being
The Louisvtlle t‘at‘dinals won‘t be bring some fun. G- 'i . g9. «f . .itgt 3 .. :2? I r}. OVCT, bl" Wildf-‘aI coaCh Keith Madison has already begun
. the onl} kind oi hird appearing at . x ‘ jg .. t V‘ 3 .. adding to his 1987 roster.
- the Kentuck} baseballgamettxiay. rated entertainment to - - . y“ -- V ~ Scott Pruitt of Lexington, John Hampton of Cynthia-
l‘he other ieathered itlr‘t‘lgnt‘r who the University Of ‘ ‘ na, Billy White of Louisville and David Ray of Snellville.
will descend on Shhcl} l- ield stands ” t§ .9921... t ~ . ~. ,1 Ga committed to UK this s rin
. T-t‘eet tall. weighs .loo pounds and is Kentucky. ‘ -' ' ’1 ‘ . .. -. p g: . .
_ _ . ., . , . ~ He . = ‘ we 3 ‘ '«‘ The 5-foot-9. lSS-pound Pruitt, a swnch-hitter. stole 29
U)\U‘(tl \\llh bright gieen iur John Mugarian Q t w it _

. , ‘ , \ius horn on Galapagos island but I . ~ ' ‘ _, _ x ~- ’- i bases and scored 60 runs for his 17-year-old summer team.

« now makes his permanent home at LKaSSlStam baseball coaCh , w” South Lexington, and was a starting corner back for La-

’ , r'cteruns Stadium m Philadelphia. — 3" \ . .. a; fayette‘s 4-A State Championship football team.

,' . ’cntt , * _._ ._. ;. " .. . . . .

- . . I Yes. the one and only Phillie Phu~ game. L'K. 18-23 overall. won 4-3 at *5- t _ ' _ Hampton, a shortstop-pitcher. h" ~400 ‘Ylth a 9'1 pliCh'

. ~ ' mm. “I“ he making me college Cardinal Stadium when Terry i . -~=- ' . mg slate as a sophomore and batted .507 With a 7-3 record
' j dehut when l'K plats host to Louis Schumpert doubled tn Alan Yankey .=:j' . at if . record asajunior.

, tilledt lip m \t'ith\tw'0h0u(:smthatgpofthe “'Y‘g‘hI-ml ' l >_ ‘ . ' White. from Louisville’s St. Xavier High School, is

. - ,' "“1"”WHEN\‘t’t'tlUMbrmt-l 50"“? N e. an a _g game a ‘3'3 5’ ' . "ails-QIN " considered b man to be one of the best h' h school

' i - I . ' I ttiit. (i-l‘alt‘ti entertainment to the LOUISVlue- said head coach heith 'g-‘l'wéigza. k a N 13":i.s.-"‘s~*mx7 2“" » ’ ' \Kk . h ' yh K y k l d' Wh' bg
“ . " ' i'iiiiersitx oi Kentuekx.” said L'K Madison. "We got a win that we des- ' .' “'3 - " ~ \.~. n s .ortstops "T t e entuc y-.n 1.2"“ area. "6 atted '402
‘. I , ' , .- ' .l.\.\l.\l;llll Alliiflfiilil“ coach John Muga- periileiy needed." .. . h "gig?“- ’ IE”: ’. ’ " list \I‘ ’I With 29 RBI m 33 games as a Jumor'

- ,t _' ‘ mn "He‘s il great entertainer and Madlstméald the “Ildcais lack 0‘ M ”Lifhfizé'f; 3;; ‘ " - ° ..» The 6-2. 210-pound Ray. of Dekalb Junior College in
. . ' 3 he brings people to the hallpai-k who clutch hitting has hurt! them lately. .‘K‘ . m, Nafi - a .3253.» Atlanta. 08.. batted .315 and is having another good sea-
ff ‘ ' nortntill} wouldn't come " “‘3 hopes Mhumpfi’l‘t 5 game-wm- H” s 5' » \ s. '-'-;__..f}---'»‘ son for a 36-6 squad

' . . V ' - Mutzat'itin >Llltl he not the idea for ning dOUbll‘ I? it >18“ ”‘3‘ the team 9: ‘:'~.{_f‘:. ”:1 - 1 ‘
_ ‘tit'inging the Phtinatic to [K from “11} start getting sometimel)‘ hits. 3 “fix... .;_.¢_;°_j.;.j .. V” 3‘
.. - . I his t'ttttt'lllllll >tml ‘dt 151’ Th0 53“ hey h'ts‘ however.’ [mm "0‘ been . i saw.” I .
. ~ ‘. ow. t‘hicken. another major theonlyproblemforl h. . .3 it a Bold Arrangement to run in Blue Grass
’ ' ‘ league mascot. appeared at a couple “_OUFUmN‘P‘g problel: haa'been m; (Q; 3g ’ . 3:3
of litilllt'5 there and helped bring a .lUl‘K‘S. . 'd 150" Sill : " 6 ve no N :21: 5‘, l - _ . .
' it'Vi thousand tans tntothestadium been able (0 PU‘ our "”19 best 913)" “guest? 3 " U 310: grtmniengent. :nhEn%IISh bred colt}; wcllil mire :15
fl , . Mugnrian hopes the Phanaiic Will 911* 0U! there at onetime. tie; :» Eye ’ E ' _._. m e a es C ut an ‘S "St Stan 0". I e m w en 0
tiothe saint-iorthe Wildcats. summg shortstop Russ Schueler M... 3;: . 3%; s ~ . ._ _.. M 3 opposes it other 3-year-olds tomorrow in the Blue Grass
' ’. "it's the lit‘sl time anything, like has a pulled groin muscle and is .- {My WW Stakes.
- ., ’ this has *M‘” ““119 imd it hi” the PO' questionable for today‘s game. if g,“ f5 . ’3 .. ' ‘ The one and one-eighth mile Blue Grass at Keeneland is
» ’ ’ 7 , ‘5’"“5” {0 9".“ "..l“i"g‘.'tnuimperr 0i SChue'er d‘mn.‘ pm)“ .SChumpe.” a. “t ’ . ' " ‘- ‘ the final major stepping stone to the Iva-mile Kentucky
‘ . . ‘ mi” flluhdm.“ Sal}. ’ m “e. .99 “1“ move ‘0 Short and \ankey “"11 m%% ‘5’ N Derby May 3 at Churchill Downs. and a good performance
. that onte the tans ate in the >iddl‘ startatsecond base. W......;._.< ._ . ,. ..
- - .. w . « . '\' ,_ ,- 3 - ., w - ’ could earn Bold Arrangement a Derby start.
out. lht} Ldll \(t “hell college bat Th _ . . 't h f UK 3“ be “a. .. 3 .. gas. .M .
ixiliisullahout " , ebtdrtmg P' C 9r 0’ “1 ~~ " M; “inflow After entries were taken yesterday, Bold Arrangement
. ‘ ,. ) . . . . . . \ince Tyra. H3. who leads the staff ”NW . . '
the l hanutit. howctet. will not be m innings pitched and carries an coumsvmmuflwummm was made 12-] in the early line for the Blue Grass. which
_ the only entertainment today, - earned run average of“ 16. . . ' - . . will be worth $239,600 if all 12 start.
The othei >p€tl0> oi bird, the (ar- ‘ The Phillie Phonetic makes its college debut at the UK-Lomswlle
dinals. will tangle with the Wildcats Louisville comes to town with a baseball game today 0,3 p.m. at Shively Field.
_ in a rematch ot Monday night's record oils-24.
’ . . w O’Grady fined, suspended by PGA
. W omen s tennis team storms into SEC tourney _ M... a. ..
. . B KitlsToPllr‘R Rl's‘s‘l-‘ll . 11 t t on the‘r home . h t th 'd in UK t'll Chr' K UK) d f ted Let' PGA Tour Commissioner Deane Beman, was fined $5.000.
. ) . . t . 4 . 4 IS an CXCE en eam l ing er 0 e SI 91 85. S l [S arges i e ea 1- ' -
Stanwmer courts. managed to carry a +2 lead into cia Herrera 6-2. 5:], 6-2. Eleonor suspended from Six tournaments and placed on probation
' "But WE’VE played some 0‘ the doubles without Archer. Jonasson beat Jamie Plummer 7-5, forayear by Beman. . _ . .
’l'hc l’K women's tennis team toughest teams in the country this “(Archerl had a great tear and 5.2 and Caroline Knudten won 5.4, 5. The pro golfer’s lawyer said yesterday the dismplinary
’ t‘Ompk‘tt‘d ”5 rt’gUla‘r‘Si‘aSO“ SChC‘d' season. so we‘ll be read)!" Patrick could possibly be one of the top two tover Marta Homedes. action. the stiffest imposed in Beman’s 12 years as commis-
' “l“ 1““ “"‘ekgnd “1th momentum- sa'd' . . . seeds at the conference tourna- Takagi and Hahn beat Wathngton sioner. will be appealed and he hinted at the possibility of
« gaining \‘lCitlrlf‘S over New Orleans t'K. Florida and Georgia Will be .. , . . . .. -. and Herrera 6-1, 6-4 at No. 1 dou- -
4 . . , , . , , , . . ment. Patrick said. So there s no legal action.
and Louisiana State the heat) favorites. With LSU and d bt . "‘ed h l‘m re 11' bles. LSU won the last two doubles . .
., _ . . Mississi iState the best long shot 0“ “8 miss er. a 3 matches The penalties stem from bitter personal attacks on
lk. which heat New Orleans, 9-(lin . . PP pleased at the way the rest of the - . . _ B d h' d . . . f h d b O’G
' New tirleans and ISI’ 34 in Baton POSSIblmleS- team came through. With Beckwith Karges and Knudten finished With eman an 15 a ministration 0 t e tour ma e y ra-
Rouge. now heads into this week— The New Orleans match was a in the lineup. i think it would have the best record in conferenceplay. dym several newspapermterViews.
. . ends Southeastern Conference tour- complete blowout as UK lost only been 5<1aftersing|eS.” Mfg“, went 80 at No. 4 Singles
nament tti Athens. Ga . as one of the five games in nine matches. Allison _ “'hlle knudten W35 9'0 at NO- 6.
‘ teams to heat. Evans saw her first singles action m The scoring went as follows:
"We leel we have a legitimate a long time and beat Jean Paupard Tamaka Takagi (UK) beat De
chance of winning the whole thing.“ 6'0- 6'0 at No.65ingles. Ann Watlington at No. 1 singles 6-2. . . o
3 said l'K coach Mike Patrick. "On The following day. L'K beat a solid 6-1. Sonia Hahn «L'Ki beat Dana De
paper you would have to favor Flor- LSL' team without the No. 3 singles Watlington 745. 6-3. Evans filled in - . -
ida because they have won it so player Beckwith Archer. who came well for Archer, losing to Pattie
- man" “m“ m the pa“ and Gem“ “0““ “"‘h a “me“ “me” “”C‘ Hams”‘"‘hre“e‘5'6‘3‘4*"6‘4‘ For the next 60 days, The Duck Club will be conducting a test of .
. ‘ the Emergency Eating Syndrome. This is only a test.
' Take Your Professor The Duck Club will monitor the response to the following
‘ - ME {2 information from its new menu:
.‘ O
. L 0 Home WI‘H‘I YOU w Choice of appetizer or salad
- ' " L E T ME Th. 5 .1 Choice of any menu or featured entree
. ' OUT OF IS ummero .1 Choice of dessert
. ' .7 1/ w Bottomless glass of wine
. r‘ .
. 1 . _ H 1: K E .. A Professor Will Come To Arrordobw priced:
s 00
_ . _ . / Your Home This Summer "mm 21
. _ . W . ‘. per person
‘ . ,. ~. - (by mall , Of course) if“ V6 Tax and gratuity not included
‘ . . j .1 ‘ come b O r Off. d o k If this had been an actual Eating Emergency, you would have
. " .~ . Y U Ice an PIC been instructed to dial 253-1234 for Duck Club reservations.
. _ , ._ _ . m I up a free catalogue 6...“...
. - .. ; ' f E. E. S. strikes from 6—10 pm.
3 ' ’. d d d m Monday thru Saturday and can W
.v . w as ’. ' In epen en Stu y Progra be cured only with reservations @ g Ea 8
i,‘ . 1;. . in The Duck Club. (“5%
' r ‘ V "5' ’ if 257-3466 Room 1 Frazee Hall 400 WostVlno. Lexington Kontucky (——
t' ' y 3 ' Tailored to the Tastes of Lexmgton
,i . ‘,_'V,II'
.. 1 ; l, 1} UK Commuter Student Office :
‘ 1 Presents the *
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* to“? Car Safety if °'
' it. o
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* ' loom WV 28704
‘ 206 Student Confer I»
I» Call 257-6603 *
i» For more information *

 l .
__________________________________”’_”‘__fl'l___ WM m
Assistant Arts Editor
. . . * (335:;2’,‘ . . .. .. Iéagig$é£f§
- " rv-Mvo» u-"zik-zz-e .- 4+ -:::=- . . =:‘I-I-.-E"’- ---:.:zi:.:...;:.=:;’i:..;:-..=::.I.-:a::.a:;:-:sa:'-.:::2:1:91:25":-mia:'<;a,saai, i99-93.?«'1:E»1'E:E-'If'i=‘13:5>i"'-E--=::-'1:1:I'-1=f-3251'-':=="f'=-‘:12»? =2>z
avatar ,- '.' s
Racer ‘
infin‘°\ .
an?” .
S 01° 0 S an 31' S " ’ - finally comes h ome ’ '
It) LYN (‘ARLISLE —— : > ' " '. 35a.» ‘- ’ ‘ -I . .
Assistant Arts Editor " - "i" IM‘ [If :IJ' ,_,jII . V I‘ . 'i B)‘ MARYCAMPBHIJ. (ieriiian in watching TV " In New , 'I .
. . . . . REV'EW - ’ IE; f: ' f: I ‘ - Associated Press \ork she had laki-ii \ittlln lessons '
INancyvitll/hilson is a Jaliz) singer wgth ' ' g- ‘ if; i I f R h \i'eitni-sitays and studied at the Jun. ' ~
c ass. i over 40 a ums to er ’ ‘ ’ ' i .enni er us sang one song on hard School on Saturdms 'l liateil .. .
crediL she has wowed audiences Perhaps the saddest part Of Kee ° I” l ) ' lI WA F ‘ . II‘l :‘ I ”l I’ the ”Tonight Show" on March 11. ll I could!” \\'ili'h ("lllliOlIL like (i' ' I I. ‘ '
. . . . . I. I P i . i ,‘ » -, "' ' . . - I .. I In - . . II ‘ l ' 3 .' f ‘ ’
IwIithIIheIr impetccableI inItIerpreItStioIi: .5 that the muSlC ,5 made for bad“ i .i .i ( _) \ ,. :3: . . :3 .. lIIhItI «i T038)" Sign imiiiIiIsIdiatelyl i-inboiIiy olse . , '.- .
II cassic pop unes suc as .. an ground. 10 be lost behind a triVIal , : iii 1 an wan er on e nutI My brothers took up Iii>ll'uillt'llls ' .: j. «
laIke My Eyes Off of You and conversation, unlike Wilson's other '1‘ . week. Her album I“Jenniier Rush on their own One 1\ ,i :uuarisi \IllL' . . , . .
“l veINevIeIr BeentoMe. . albums. Keep pales in comparison g r "g. got a rave revtew in the lullu'tliiii‘t‘i' er. punk rocker in Human; w..- , , - ' I'II-. «I i'.
WhichI i? why heIr [ategt LP Keep to two albums in particular, one of Q t" Journal. . . plays Jazz saxophone in New \ oi'i. - 'I — . If- .
You SatisjiedIdoesn t. her earlier albums with Julian 3‘» I That s in America She s already a After two years in r'leiishiii'g ali‘ ' I, ' i, :
Recorded in Japan -— where she “Cannonball" Adderly and a more I"; star in Europe. Her first album in one in Wiesbadeii. (if‘f‘lll.ill} lius‘ii - t ; '.II Kg“,
has been making records smce leav— recent LP with Ramsey Lewis. Both .I't“ America, released in February by retui nod to live with tiei llltiillt'i' m ' . ' . iI‘ ".
ing the Capitol label in 1989 n the Of these albums featured songs with I Epic Records, is a compilation of Rochester. \' \' in ninth oi lotii .. 1 'I‘ I, at?
mus'c, on Keep isnt bad. Just de- Wilson's vocals followed by instru- - two albums that were hot in Europe grade she [It‘lUlInt'tl to (ioiiiiaii; to ' . i-{c‘j
EressinIgly average. The ‘0 SOHBS mentals featuring the musicans t and features the single "The Power hu- with her iathci l 'ih‘lll to "i ' ', I" v.21,
ave t e same appeal must Top 40 I ‘ oi Love." schools lion. lll‘\l gluiiti' llllt'l)_' 5’ '-’ I: , ';'
tunes have: all the rage for a month Though this album was obviously , ' .‘IIfII The singer. 5 feet 9 inches tall. high school not rowan.“ ~ :_I 121.154“; ‘f
and then gone. devised to feature Wilson on her IIIIg‘ I?“ horn in Queens in 1960. says. "if schools 1 uiaitunt. u ' wt. tags, .I g; .' J.‘
What saves these songs is Wilson. min and the musicians play impec- 5' “5’ “w; {NW'I‘:“'3“°I‘II I youIl'e signed in Germany you have school lil itociii-sli-i .ii. ii" to o‘.- I’d-(I IztItx:‘~"I I“
“H. range and phrasing is nothing It'alzly, these is a loss lift jazz impiI‘Ion- tiIiIulszIdstéch‘zsguIl ItheIrIeIIfirIsItI. file: \IkIllh myI iallIlt'l“\\l:ii !.iLl .s: .it. l!.t‘ IIIv‘I-I.:I..I"‘,‘~I"‘.:'.III
short of excellent, and listenin to Isa ion an me er in e music. e i . i . ., . . « . i . . - , ~ ' ' ‘3 . bi.‘ " “'VerS‘.‘ " 4" ”Ht—”W 3‘” '~“ '. 132".‘ '-"II,
her carry words through an apseal- songs are pop, completely lacking NANCY WHbON 5 KHZP YOb SATISFIED you can come home 'l‘hat s the way years [started \Iilillll; lllt‘lt' .-‘,;‘I7‘j' ff:
'nI.‘l -. . . - .' the style that Wilson's voice was . . ”lguredll-II "l "10! Mingtilttit ltttttllltt' l... “Iii-“.c'n'ltwfi.
in? he? :gfi5::l®£'::f :fiIignS‘I made for: jazz. A sax solo by Koh- to beroring. regardless oi how out~ ’l‘iui songs on side two . the en- “i‘ve sold about two million al- gene McDanii-ls and ‘.‘.tIi’Ii\t‘Il ‘.\|lll i . ’t, Iii-“I
hunts ‘ suke Mine and Toots Theiiemans' standing the vocals are. ei'gctic “Is It 'l‘oo Late" and the bums in Germany the past year and him about a year He slitippwl ll.. it it“. i-
' harmonica 5010 sound depressingiy The best example of ml, is “.1 electronic "lleawn Bound" are a half. When i went to {\o. l in tin tapes l tlltlll I get a li't‘tili' Ilt‘ill .\lI. Iv 7.-.Ii‘ 1: .'
. But then that should be ”porno; planned. son's cover of "('at‘eless \i’higperj' the closest to Wilson's prestige. gland i knew €\'€l'_\ililiii,‘, would be lather \ulil lt) conic track to tici ’ ‘.',-"9'I. 'I.’I’,f
from a Virtuoso whose career has . George Michael would probably give though they don‘t quite reach the UK, The Power of Love' is the most many with llllll l tlttt' t t .w l'tl\r~t'l ' .' '- ’15..." -~ '-.
spanned 23 years and earned her a . Perhaps it is unfair to insist on his gold earrings to have the phras- Will“ “Md single in England by a lemalifi dorl'. WlK’H‘ h“ Wt‘tt' l ltd" . "t‘l' I . 2 I: ‘I 5 i ' “I
(iiammy for \ou DOE” me H0“ la”: lml’r‘h’tsation when critics have mg a