xt7fxp6txt25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fxp6txt25/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19471021 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1947-10-oct21-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1947-10-oct21-ec. 1947 2011 true xt7fxp6txt25 section xt7fxp6txt25 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, University of Kentucky, October 21, 1947.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:45 a.rm,
Tuesday, October 21, 1947,   The following members were present:
Judge Richard C. Stoll, Chairman; J. C. Everett, Thomas Cutler,
H. D. Palmore, and R. P. Hobson.   President H. L. Donovan and
Comptroller Frank D. Peterson, Secretary of the Board of Trustees$
were also present.

     A. lijinutes Approved.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the
Executive Committee of August 28, 1947, were approved as published,

     B, Report of Comptroller

     The Comptroller submitted the usual financial report for the
period ended September 30, 1947, with a summarized analysis of gen-
eral and plant fund operations for the period covered.

     The report was examined in detail by the members of the Commit-

     The Comptroller also submitted a balance sheet as of September
30, 1947,

     The members of the Committee considered the financial reports
as submitted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, au-
thorized each report accepted and filed.

     C. Approval of Purchases Made bjy Comptroller,

     President Donovan read the following letter from the Comptroller,
listing all state requisitions, Advice of Emergency purchases, special
purchase orders, contracts, University departmental orders, and Libra-
ry departmental orders approved by the Comptroller's Office for the
period July 1, 1947, to October 1, 1947,



      October 7, 1947

      Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
      University of Kentucky

      IMy dear President Donovan:

           I submit a list of state requisitions, advices of
      emergency purchases, special purchase orders, food con-
      tracts and departmental purchase orders which have been
      made by the Comptroller's office between July 1;. 1947
      and October 1, 1947.   These purchases have not been ap-
      proved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees.
      The listing below gives the numbers of the documents
      requesting the purchase or actually issued as purchase or-
      ders, which documents are made a part of this record and
      are held in the Office of the Comptroller subject to in-
      spection.   The purchases have been mrgde on properly drawn
      documents at the requests of the various departments:,'nd
      have been charged against available funds.   The list fol-

          State requisitions                 I  to   443 inclusive
          Emergency orders                   1 to   1201   n
          Special orders                     1  to  1332   a
          Contracts                          l to      8
          University departmental orlers 9502   to  9714   I
          Library departmental orders     8001  to  8323   "

          The above record of purchases is respectfully submitted
     with the request that they be approved by the Executive Com-
     mittee, thereby ratifying the action of the Comptroller in
     making such purchases.

                                   Respectfully submitted

                                   (Signed) Frank D. Peterson$

     The members of the Committee discussed the report of the Comptrol-
ler and, after due consideration, upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, the state requisitions, Advice of Emergency purchases
special purchase orders, contracts, University departmental orders,
and Library departmental orders, as referred to by numbers in the
above communication, were authorized approved, and the action of the
Comptroller in making said purchases and commitments was ratified.


     D, Budget Increase for Adlditions to Pipe Organ.

     President Donovan reported that he had been in consultation
with Doctor Capurso, head of the Department of Mlusic, concerning the
possibility of making additions to the organ in Memorial Hall.    He
stated that the instrument is nowcvscribed by musicians as a "skele-
ton organ", and cwas installed approximately twenty years ago, with
the intention of adding new pipes and stops gradually.

     He related that, due to the shortage of funds available to the
University during the depression years, no additions have been made,
and he recommended a budget increase of $7,200.00, to be used for
additions to the pipe organ in putting this instrument in proper con-
dition to be of maximum service to the Department of Music, and pro-
grams sponsored by the University and the Department of Music.

     The members discussed the President's recommendation, and upon
motion, duly made, seconded and carried, authorized appropriation of
07,200O0, and directed the Comptrpller to transfer said amount from
the unappropriated surplus of the University budget to the budget for
special repairs and alterations.

     E. Appropriation for Steam Distribution System.

     President Donovan stated that it was necessary to make some ad-
ditions and revisions to our steam distribution system, in order
adequately to serve existing buildings and the new buildings that are
now under construction. He read the following letter relative to
taking bids for this work.

                                      October 17, 1947

     Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
     University of Kentucky

     Iy dear President Donovan:

          . transmit herewith a set of the plans and specifi-
    cations for construction of revisions and additions to the
    steam distribution system of the University of Kentucky.
    We have requested contract for this work, and the bids are
    to be accepted in the Frankfort office on October 23, 1947,
    3:00 p.m., C.S.Tn

         We have made an attempt to give a wide distribution
    of this request for bids. It is rather difficult to es-
    timate the ocost, but, In our judgment, the low bid will,
    in all probability, exceed sixty thousand dollars,



           If it meets with your approval, I desire to recom-
     mend that the Executive Committee, at its meeting on
     October 21st, be requested to appropriate a sum sufficient
     to permit the awarding of a contract, if a satisfactory
     bid is received at the letting on October 23rd.   You
     will recall that in addition to the revision of the old
     steam distribution system, this work calls for a line
     that will take care of the Fine Arts Building, the tem-
     porary chemistry building and the temporary classroom
     building in front of the Library.   It appears to be
     rather urgent that we get started on this work as soon
     as possible.

                                   Sincerely yours,

                                (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

     The plans for the addition to the system were available, and
members of the Committee examined the plans and familiarized them-
selves with the work to be done.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the additions and
revisions to the steam distribution system, as outlined by the plans
and specifications available, were authorized, an appropriation in
the amount of i70,000.00 was approved, and the Comptroller was direct-
ed to authorize the acceptance of bids for the prosecution of this
work at a cost not to exceed $8O,00000.

     F, 4-H Club Camp Site Authorized Accepted.

     President Donovan read a letter from Dean Thomas Cooper advising
the possibility of the State transferring a camp in Western Kentucky
to the Univeraity, to be used in the 4-H Club program.

                                           October 8, 1947

    President H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

         For some years it has seemed desirable from the stand-
    point of the conduct of 4-H Club work to have an area in
    Western Kentucky for utilization as a 4-H Club camp and owned
    by the University,   This would give, in that area, a proper-
    ty for 4-H Club work such as we have in Central Kentucky in
    the Bingham Memorial Camp and In Eastern Kentucky, for the
    present at least, in the facilities of the RobInson Substa-



      Mr. Wihitehouse and members of the 4-H Club department
 have been considering for some time, possible sites in
 Western Kentucky.   Lately they learned of the possibility
 of procuring a park area of approximately 400 acres, one
 mile from the city of Dawson Springs, accessible through
 paved roads-.  It was further ascertained that this proper-
 ty could be transferred to the University of Kentucky if
 the University Board of Trustees so desired.   Water in
 the park is obtained from drilled wells and it is stated
 that the supply is ample.   Also there is a good residence
 in the park for occupation by the person who may be placed
 in charge of the property or for such other usages as may
 be determined.   There is a pavilion in which meetings may
 be held and which contains two fireplaces.   In addition,
 there are numerous other structures in the park.    The wells
 are equipped with modern automatic equipment.   Bath houses,
 toilet facilities and drinking fountains are already in-
 stalled in the park.   There is a lake of 14 acres, with
 bathing facilities, and which varies in depth from a few
 inches to twenty feet or more.       The grounds have been
 improved and beautified,

     I'Ir. Whitehouse and Assistant Director Bryant recom-
mend that this property be procured for the use of the 4-H
Club department in the Agricultural Extension Division of
the University of Kentucky.   Much use could be made of
this property when it is completely developed,    The thirty-
two counties of W'estern Kentucky have an enrollment of more
than 15,000 4-H Club members.   In addition there are more
than 6900 in the homemakers clubs in that area.    Other
organizations of the institution would also have available,
facilities of that camp.   Undoubtedly it would be necessary
to erect a club building to be used for kitchen and dining
hall services and to procure a building for sleeping accommo-
dations for those in attendance at camp.    Attached is a
blueprint of the grounds, prepared in 1937.

     I recommend that you request the Board of Trustees to
authorize a request to the Kentucky Board of Public Property,
for the transfer in fee simple of this property, with all its
appurtenances, to the University of Kentucky for the use of
4-H Club work and other official activities.

                                 Sincerely yours,

                               (Signed) Thomas Qooper
                                        Dean and Director.



     The President reported that he had had an occasion to visit the
camp recently and that, in his judgment, it was very much vworth while
for the University to secure title to the camp, if arrangements could
be made.

     Some of the members seemed to be somewhat familiar with the
Gamp, and after a general discussion, motion was made, seconded and
carried, authorizing Dean Cooper and the Comptroller to take the
necessary steps towards securing possession of the camp, and to ac-
cept on behalf of the University the proper deed.

     G. Exchange of Kentucky Utilities Stock authorized.

     President Donovan read a letter from the Comptroller outlining
the details of te exchange of Kentucky Utilities stock held in the
name of the Albert Kocourek Law Library Fund.

    October 16, 1947

    Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
    University of Kentucky

    My dear President Donovan:

         The Kentucky Utilities Company has refinanced its 6%
    and 7% preferred stock, and has offered to pay the stock
    off in accordance with the provisions under which the
    stock was issued, or to issue to the holders a like amount
    of stock plus additional shares which might be desired.

         Tle albert Kocourek Law Library fund owns twenty-one
    shares of Kentucky Utilities Company 7% Junior Preferred
    purchased at a price of 56- as evidenced by Certificate
    Number 3/0 20622.   The conditions of the call are that
    the stock shall be tendered at one of the designated se-
    curities dealers prior to 3:00 p.m., C.S.T. October 14,
    1947. I have surrendered this stock and requested an
    exchange of a like amount of shares, plus one additional
    share which may be purchased out of the premium and inter-
    est received for the old 7% Junior Preferred stock,
    4-3/4% Preferred Stook of the Kentucky Utilities Company,
    which will be ready for delivery on or after October 20,



          I request that this be submitted to the Executive
     Committee for approval and ratification of the action of
     the Cormptrolleri

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

     The Committee discussed the action of the Comptroller, and
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, approved the transfer
and ratified the action of the Comptroller.

     H. Increase in PAy for Practice Teaching Authorized.

     President Donovan read a letter from Dr. W. S. Taylor, Dean of
the College of Education. recommending an increase in the amount paid
per quarter hour for practice teaching supervision.

                                     September 30, 1947

     President H. L, Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

     Inr. Ginger and I have been discussing the problem of prac-
     ticoe teaching for the current year,  Dr. Rowland feels
     that the V5.00 per quarter hour which we are now paying is
     inadequate for the amount of time that is being demanded
     of the teachers.   I think his point is well taken.    I am
     recommending: therefore, that we pay for the current year
     $5.00 a quarter hour for off-campus ivork.

     IS you will approve this increase, I think we will be able
     to do a much better job of practice teanhing_    I do not
     believe the cost for the entire year willj amount to $400,
     .which will be cheap for the work which we shall get done.

                                   Very sincerely yours,

                               (Signed) William S. Taylor.



      President Donovan recommended that the request be approved,
 and that the amount per quarter hour be increased from $3.00 to
 4$5.00 per quarter hour for off-campus "rork.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
 of the President was concurred in,

      I, Injury to Sam BethelT

      President Donovan read a letter from the Comptroller reporting
 on an injury to M.r. Sam Bethel.

      October 10, 1947

      Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
      University of Kentucky

      1dy dear President Donovan:

      I atzach hereto bill from the Good Samaritan Hospital in
      the amount of five dollars for services rendered to Sam
      Bethel, kitchen employee of the Residence Halls for Women.
      Mfr. Bethel cut an artery in his arm on July 28th, about
      5:20 p.m.   The University health unit was closed, and Mr.
      Bethel was taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital for treat-
      ment,   Several stitches were taken in his arm and he was
      released,   Additional medical services have been rendered
      by the University Infirmary.

      I recommend approval of this account, to be paid from the
      Income of the Residence Halls for Women,

      Respectfully submitted,

      (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

     The Committee members, being advised, upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, approved the invoice of the Good Samaritan
Hospital in the amount of 45,00, and authorized same paid from the
Revolving Fund of the Residence Halls for "Somen, with the expressed
understanding that the action on the case was without commitment as
to future action of the Zxecutive Committee and that it did not es-
tablish a precedent and did not admit negligence or liability in pay-
ing this bill.



      J. Injury to Dan gelch.

      President Donovan read a letter from the Comptroller reporting
on an injury to Mr. Dan Welch.

      October 13, 1947

      Dr. H, L. Donovan, President
      University of Kentucky

                                    Subject: Injury on job of Dan
      My dear President Donovan:             Welch.

          On August 30th, at 9:00 a.m., Mr. Dan Welch, painter,
     was working at the Stock Pavilion.  IMr. Welch was on a
     ladder when the ladder slipped on the concrete walk, throw-
     ing him to the concrete. He was taken imr.ediately to the
     Infirmary by a fellow worker and examined by Dr. McChord,
     About a week later, he was re-examined and an X-ray made.
     The results showed that Mr. Welch had a fracture of the
     sacrum.   Dr. Humphrey, of the Infirmary, sent 1r. Welch
     to Dr. Ernest E. Myers, orthopedic consultant.   Dr. lMyers
     gave treatment to the patient, who seems to be doing all
     right at this time.   Invoice from Dr. Myers is attached,
     in the amount of ten dollars for personal services rendered.

          Since Mr. Welch was injured on the job and was referred
     to Dr. Myers by our physicians, I recommend that the invoice
     of ten dollars be paid.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                 (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the account of Dr.
Ernest E. Myers in the amount of $10.00 was authorized paid from
College Collection Fund, with the expressed understanding that the
action on the case was without commitment as to future action of the
Executive Committee and that it dl.d. not establish a precedent and
does not admit negligence or liability in paying this bill.



     K. Foreign Scholarship Approved.

     President Donovan submitted a recommendation from the Committee
on Foreign Students that a free tuition scholarship be granted to
Lliss IMtercedes TruJillo, a Columblan. student who was with us last

     The President recommended that the request of the Committee be
approved, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the
recommendation of the President was concurred in.

     Lb Recess for Luncheon.

     The Committee recessed at 12:30 for luncheon, which was served
in the President's Office, and at 1:30 took up again the business on
the agenda.

     Mo Gift:
                Check for 5600.00 from the Kroger Company.

     President Donovan reported a gift of $600,00 from the Kroger
Company, for three Q200.00 scholarships, to be awarded to students in
agriculture and home economics.   He stated that the recipients of
the awards were to be selected by the Dean of the College of Agricul-
ture and Home Economics, the money to be treated as a trust fund.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of Q6O0.00
by the Kroger Company was authorized accepted, and the President was
requested to write a letter of appreciation to officials of the Kro-
ger Company,

     N, Budget Changes.

     President Donovan read a letter from the Comptroller detailing
budget changes, and recommended that same be approved.

                                      October 20, 1947

     President H. L, Donovan
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

          7e have entered on the books of the University the fol-
     lowing budget changes which have not been approved by the
     Board of Trustees:


President's Of.
Personnel Of.
Arts & Sciences
Mathemati ce


  if     it

  it     Ii
  I     It

Acct.No. Decrease



It     it

Net Decrease


1s 650,01

$3, 575. 01
(3 380 00)
4;-195 *01

     I am confident that you
by the Board of Trustees.

desire ratification of these changes

                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                     (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the budget changes
as requested were ratified and approved, and the Comptroller was au-
thorized to make the necessary budget adjustments.

     0. 1ceorrt on Pardue Suit and Commendation of Judge Dawson.

     President Donovan reported that the case of Dr. L. A. Pardue
vs Commissioner of Finance et al., in which Doctor Pardue seeks a fa-
vorable ruling that the Board of Trustees may pay him a salary of
$5,600.00 per annum, was recently argued before the Court of Appeals
by Judge Charles I. Dawson of the firm of Woodson, Dawson, Hobson end
Fulton, Louisville, Ky, He stated that Judge Dawson masterfully pre-
sented the argument for Doctor Pardue,

     The members heard the report of the President and bitlefly dis-
cussed the case, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, di-
rected the President to express to Judge Dawson the great appreciation
and thanks of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees on
behalf of the University for his very fine services so freely and mag-
nanimously rendered in this important case.








        P. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.
      President Donovan submitted staff appointments, reappointments,
 salary adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, promotions and
 other staff changes requested by deans and heads of departments.

                    College of Arts and Sciences

 Apo intment s
      R.obert BuLrron, instructor, Department of English, for ten
 months, effective September 1, 1947.

      Chester by Levis, instructor, Department of aknatomy and Physicl-
 ogy, for nine months, effective October 1, 1947.

      Catherine Beard, instructor, Ddpartment of 4nglish, for nine
 months, effective October 1, 1947.

      Firs. Wilton Tucker, graduate assistant, Department of Homance
 Lnguages, for three months, effective October 1, 1947,

      IIrs6 Nell J. Stooke, secretary, for twelve months, effective
 October 1, 1947.   Mrs. Stooke is employed in the Department of Polit-
 ical Science.

      Lena Reynierson, secretary, Department of Physical Education, ef-
 fective October 1, 1947,

      I-Iilford D, Estill, graduate assistant, Bureau of Government Mie-
search, Department of Political Science, for nine months, effective
October 1, 1947.

     iary Flton Jones, secretary, effective October 1, 1947, Depart-
ment of Botany.

     ialter h. Gnttis, graduate assistant, Department of Political
Science, for ten months, effective September 1, 1947.

     Ruth ql11son, student assistant, Department of Social Work,
ef:. ective October 1, 1947 to Juae 1, 1948,

     George H. Payne, student assistant, Department of Botany, for
ten months, effective September 1, 1947

     Vance C. Johns, student assistant, Department of Botany, for ten
months, effective September 1, 1947,

     Lirs e Mildred C. Iiartini instructor, Department of Mathematics
and Astronomy, for three months, effective October 1, 1947.

     B. C, Craddock, graduate assistant, Department of Iiathematics and
k.stronoMys for three months, effective October 1, 1947.



      William H. Breeze, graduate assistant, Department of Iathematics
 and Astronomy, effective October 1, 1947.

      Rowena Neal, graduate assistant, Department of Botany, for tn
 months, effective October 1, 1947.

      Cordelia Alexander, graduate assistant, Department of Bacteriol-
 ogy, effective October 1, 1947, to June 30, 19486

      Ruth Shapira, half-time technician, Department of Bacteriology,
 effective October 1, 1947, to June 30, 1948.

      Milford D. Estill, graduate assistant, Department of Political
 Science, for nine months, effective October 1, 1947.

      Frances LI. Abrogast, graduate assistant, Department of Zoology,
 for nine months, effective October 1, 1947.

      Frances Barkley, graduate assistant, Department of Zoology, for
 nine months, effective October 1, 1947.

      Robert Li. Crouch, student assistant, Department of Zoology, for
 nine months, effective October 1, 1947.

      Mrso Dorothy Crowdus, graduate assistant, Department of Zoology,
 for nine months, effective October 1, 1947.

      George Freas, student assistant, Department of Zoology, for nine
months, effective October 1, 1947,

      Dwight II. Lindsay, graduate assistant, Department of Zoology, for
nine months, effective October 1, 1947,

     Ranald F. MacDonald? III, student assistant, Department of Zool-
ogy, effective October 1, 1947, for nine months,

     Broomfield Ridley, student assistrant, Department of Zoology, for
nine months, effective October 1, 1947,

     Eugene Ryburn '17eakley, student assistant, Department of Zoology,
for nine months, effective October 1, 1947,

     Allie L. Whitt, graduate assistant, Department of Zoology, for
nine months, effective October 1, 1947,

     Hambleton Tapp, instructor, Department of History for October,
November and December, effective October 1, 1947%,

     Robert a, Howell, i  raduate assistant, Department of Anatomy and
Pi1hYsiO' ogy, for nine months  effective October le 19470

     Joseph R. Bolton, graduate assistant, Department of Anatomy and
hysolojogy, for nine months effective October 1; 1947,

     birs. Charlotte Hobbs, part-.time secretary, Department of Psychol-
ogy, for eight months, November 1, 1947.



      adrian Id. Baucom, graduate assistant, Department of Mathematics
 and Astronomy, effective September 1, 1947.

      Mrs. Robert D. Hayes, library assistant, Department of A"rt, for
 nine months, effective October 1, 1947.

 Salary Adju stments

      J. WV. Christopher, graduate assistant in Psychology, adjustment
 in salary, effective October 1, 1947, to end of fiscal year.

      MIrs. Emma Sue Hutson, instructor, Department of English, adjust-
ment in salary, to correct error in original recommendation.   1frs.
Hiutsonts appointment is for ten months3, and the correction is effec-
tive September 1, 1947.

      Mrs. Gwendolyn Jasper, instructor, Department of English,
 changed from e2aren to ten months basis, effective September 1 1947.
 The change is made to correct error in the original budget.

      Irving Lieberman, graduate assistqnt, Department of Bacteriology,
salary adjusted, effective October 1, 1947, because of reduction in

      Robert Stone, technician, Department of Bacteriology, adjustment
in salary, effective October 1, 1947, because of reduction in his

     Franklin B. Pauls, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics,
is resigning his professorship, in order to continue graduate study,
and is becoming part-time instructor, effective September 1, 19479
with reduction in salary.

     Mrs. Margaret Shirley, graduate assistant, Department of Romance
Languages, made part-time instructor, with adjustment in salary, ef-
fective October 1, 1947.

     Hager WV. Bach, graduate assistant, Department of Political Sci-
ence, rmde instructor, with adjustment in salary, effective September
1, 1947.


     Mary Ann Bradford, secretary, part-time, Department of Ancient
Languages, effective September 1, 1947.

     Mary Evelyn Rose, secretary, Department of Botany, effective
October 1, 1947,

     ~rs. Constance L. Cole, instructor, Department of Anatomy and
Physiology, effective September 1, 1947.

     ivrs. Irene Haynie Russell, secretary, Department of Political
Sciences effective October 1, 1947,



      George CG Herridon, instructor, Department of English, effective
 September 1, 1947.

      Rhodes Stuart, half-time technician, Departmeht of Bacteriology,
 effective October 1, 1947.

      Robert Humphreys, instructor, Department of English, effective
 September 1, 1947.

      Mrs. Betty Lee White, secretary, Department of Journalism, ef-
 fective October 15, 1947.

      Betty Grote Rives, graduate assistant, Department of Psychology,
 effective September 1, 1947.

     Pauline Gay Bond, part-time secretary, Department of Psychology,
effective November 1, 1947.

      B. E. CraddockR graduate assistant, Department of iMtathematics
and Astronomy, effective October 15, 1947.

             College of Agriculture and Home Economics


     Roberta S. Taylor, instructor in Home Economics, effective Sep-
tember 89, 1947.

     Hlary BRrbara Shelton, instructor in Home Economics, part-time,
effective September 29, 1947.

     Hughes H. Spurlock, assistant county agent In training, lMagoffin
County, effective October 1 1947.

     Graham Wilkins; county soils assistant, Marshall County, ef-
fective September 15, 1947,

     Elizabeth Ann Swift, assistant chemist, Department of Feed and
Fertilizer, effective October 1, 1947.

     Helen Varner, clerk, Department of Animal Pathology, effective
October 1, 1947.

     Emily Elizabeth Ploch, stenographer-clerk, effective October 1,
1947.   Miss Ploch is employed in the Department of Feed and Fer-
tilizer Control.

     Mrs. Franoes Young Quertenous, clerk-stenographer, effective
October 1, 1947.

     Charles HInes, graduate assistant, Department of 1ilarkets and
Rartal Financep effective October 1, 1947.

     James A. Welch, graduate assistant, Department of Ahimal Husband-
ry, effective October 1J 1947,



      Harla4 Short, clerk, Department of Feed and Fertilizer Control,
 effective October 1, 1947.

      James E. Criswell, graduate assistant, Department of Farm
 Economics, effective October 1, 1947, to March 20, 1948.

      Robert Hutton, graduate assistant, Department of Farm Economics,
 effective October 1 to December 17, 1947.

      Ernest D. Gooch, Jr., graduate assistant, Department of Market
 and Rural Finance, effective October 1, 1947.

      Homer C. Evans, graduate assistant, Department of IviMarkets and
 Rural Finance, effective October 1, 1947.

      Edgar A. Gilbert, graduate assistant, Department of Markets and
 Rural Finance, effective October 1, 1947.

      Mrs. Louise Hamby, secretary, Department of Entomology and Bot-
 any, effective October 7, 1947.

 Salary AdJustments

      Jewell 1M1. Wilson, home demonstration agent, Gallatin County,
 adjustment in salary, effective October 1, 1947,

      Jane Lee Forrest, clerk, adjustment in salary, effective October
 1, 1947.

     Mrs. Ellen G. Turner, atenographer-clerk, Department of Feed
and Fertilizer, Experiment Station, adjustment in salary, effective
October 1, 1947,

     Mrs. Jane Earlywine, stenographer-clerk, Department of Feed and
Fertilizer, Experiment Station, adjustment in salary, effective Octo-
ber 1, 1947.

     William E. Jackson, Field Agent in Forestry, adjustment in
salary, effective July 1, 1947.

Leaves of Absence

     Donald EB?, MeLaury, assistant in poultry, Experiment Station,
granted leave of absence from September 22, 1947, to September 21
1948,   During the first six months, Mr. M1cLaury will be on sabbatic

     Frank He. Smith, Field Agent in Recreation, Breathitt County,
granted leave of abeence from September 1, 1947, to February 14, 1948.



     George Antle, assistant agent in training, Falmouth, Ky., ef-
feotive September 14, 1947.
     Paul H. Gray, assistant agent in training, Hickman, Ky., effec-
tive September 15, 1947,
     Seldon V. Hail, assistant agent in training, London, Ky., effec-
tive September 15, 1947.

     Alfred J. Richardson, assistant Agent in training, Manchester,
Ky#, effective September 9, 1947.

     Irene Green, clerk, administration, effective September 30,
     Frances W. Stivers, clerk, Animal Pathology, E