xt7fxp6tz79d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fxp6tz79d/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19440714 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 14, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 14, 1944 1944 2013 true xt7fxp6tz79d section xt7fxp6tz79d The Kentucky Kernel VOLUME XXXIV LEXINGTON', KENTUCKY. FRIDAY, JULY Z246 Exam Schedule Final examinations for the first term of the summer quarter will be held, for the most part, on the last day of classes, Wednesday, July 19, according to Dean Leo Chamberlain. The length and exact day of the exams will be left to the discretion of the instructors. Gillespie Is Named Editor Former Member Of UK Vocational Staff Vera Wood Gillespie, a graduate of the University department of journalism, became the only woman editor of a daily newspaper In Kentucky this week when she assumed that position with the Daily Register - . & Union Sponsors Roof Dance 1,779 Students Now Registered Uni1944 summer school at 1,179 as opposed to total for 1943 according for stands now 1,519, the us l i 17-v- nr University Graduate Killed On Bombing Mission (Dutch) Sanders, Major Russell A. President and Mrs. H. L. Donovan of will entertain with a reception for a University graduate of the class May 8, members and faculty of the Agri- 24, was killed in action on a culture and Graduate colleges, to- while Flying bombing mission in a B-Fortress over France. night, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Maxwell The major had been overseas 16 Place. months and had been stationed with This tea was previously scheduled the Eighth Army Air Force In Engfor Wednesday. July 12. so note the land. change of arrangements. Prior to his induction, he handled Invitations include all staff mem- advertising for Mademoiselle magabers of the University who are not zine. While at the University, connected with any specific college. Major Sanders was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha. He played tenor banjo with the Blue and White orchestra, which his brother, "Red" Sanders organized and directed. Social Calendar... TM-TWC- A A University "roof garden" is the theme of the second informal summer dance to be held from 9 to 12 tomorrow night on Jewell hall roof, featuring for the night, the music I of Delia Burris, her orchestra, and vocalist Ted Jaracz. Service Men Invited Invitations have been sent to service men stationed at Fort Knox, Centre College, Morehead, University of Louisville, Eastern State Teachers college, and Berea. Women are invited without dates and they will be, charged no admission; I however, men attending will be charged 50 cents admission. ; The dance is sponsored by the Union social committee and those in charge of arrangements include Mabel Carnes, Delphia Dunnigan, Ruthie Dimock, Helen and Virginia Raynor, Wilma Berry, Dorothy Por ter, Margaret Dickey, and Eleanore Keeti. Chaperones for the evening will Lncy Meyer be Dean Sarah B. Holmes, Dean and Mrs. T. T. Jones, Dr. and Mrs. J. Huntley Dupre, Mr. and Mrs. University Senior Joins David Young, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Staff At Breckinridge Sutherland, Mrs. Lily Mae HanLucy Meyer, Lexington, Univer- cock, Miss Margaret Arnold, Mrs. Gertrude Zemp, Mrs. Ballard Lux sity senior, was the first local vol- on, Mrs. M. C. Morgan, Mrs. Hill unteer nurse's aide to enroll for Spaulding and Mrs. Robert Henry. service at Camp Breckinridge, Ky. She will serve during the month UK of July. Miss Meyer is a senior at the University, where she is a member Radio Advancement of two University of Delta Delta Delta, Mortar Board, Cwens, and SuKy. She was chosen of Kentucky journalism graduates in the field of radio was announced as an attendant to the beauty this week in a nationally known queen this year. They are broadcasting magazine. Received Certificate Thomas L. Riley, 1931, and Gilbert W. Kingsbury, 1934. The young nurse's aide received Mr. Riley, who has been television 1, 1943. her certificate December Other volunteers for service in director of William Esty St ComArmy hospitals are urgently needed, pany, New York, has resigned to according to word received by Mrs. make a radio and film survey of Lucas B. Combs, chairman of the the office of Coordinator of Affairs in South America. Lexington chapter of the Volunteer Mr. Kingsbury, who has been asNurses' Aides Committee. All volof WLW-WSunteers from Kentucky will be as- sistant in Cincinnati since Novem signed to Camp Breckinridge for periods of one month, subject to ber 1942, has been named of the stations. Before renewal for a second month. The periods begin the first of each joining the staff of WLW-WSMr. Kingsbury was a reporter and month. assistant city editor of the CincinAides Needed nati Post and later assistant dean Qualified nurses' aides who wish and assistant professor at the Unito enroll should call Mrs. Combs, versity of Cincinnati where he is telephone 4616. To qualify, an aide still a member of the evening colmust have finished 150 hours of lege faculty, lecturing on jourservice in a local hospital. nalism. - The total enrollment at the versity - Graduates Receive Appointments I "I think the faU of Saipan was a great Nip loss. They really put up a fight for it. I guess they hated to lose such an important base." In discussing this point. It will be well to mention that Naval commanders consider Saipan's airfield potentialities and usable harbors as the best of any island captured from the Japanese. Another Interviewee brought up places American forces within 1,260 an entirely new feature when she miles from Tokyo, cautious Uni- suggested that with the winning of versity students maintain that the this newest conflict, the Chinese wresting of the Philippines will un- were heartened because of the hope doubtedly be the longest, bitterest that our new Superfortresses would struggle. bomb Japan regularly. This would This conquest marks the first suc- split Nipponese forces trying to atcessful attempt of a beginning de- tack Chinese bases on the Burma pletion of the enemy's supply lines. front. "The battle of the Philippines, a since the recent Mariana Islands victories, will be campaign." the decisive Just when this will occur, students interviewed In the survey this week were reluctant to guess.' Even with the comparatively quick capture of Saipan. which war-endi- ng Registration for the second term of the summer quarter will be held from 8 to 11 a. m. and from 1:30 to 4 p. m., Thursday in the Union building, according to an announcement from the registrar's office. Although many students enrolled in June for the full quarter, they will be required to fill out new registration cards. No additional fee will be charged those who paid tuition for the full quarter. There will be no alphabetical registration, so students may reg ister and classify when they desire. Classes Begin Friday Classes for the second term will begin on Friday, July 21, according to the same schedule followed the first term. Monday, July 24, is the last day any student may register or enter a class. Tuesday, August 1, is the last day a student may drop a course without a grade in the course. No student may enroll In a short course of three weeks or less later than the fourth meeting of the course. Courses Offered Courses which will be offered in the College of Arts and Sciences are as follows: anatomy and physiology; ancient languages; anthropology and archaeology; art; bacteriology; botany; chemistry; economics; English; German language and literature; history; hygiene and public health; journalism; library science; mathematics and astronomy; music; philosophy; pnysicai education; pnysics; political science; psychology; romance languages; sociology; and zoology. In the College of Agriculture and Home Economics, more than ten home economics courses will be of fered; and also courses In agricul tural entomology; markets and rural finance; and rural sociology. The College of Law will offer four or more courses. Courses which will be offered in the College of Education are as follows: administration; agricultural education; business education; educational psychology; " on Page Four) Inter-Americ- an editor-in-chi- ef editor-in-chi- ef "Battle Of Philippines To Be Decisive" By Mary Jane Dorsey No Enrollment Will Be Permitted After July 24 Invitations Extended To Students, Servicemen Meyer First Volunteer pre-med- ic 6 : IS p. m. Tuesday, balcony. Union building. Topic, The Republican Convention and Platform. BSC Meeting 6:15 p. m. Wednesday, Room 205, Union building. Phalanx Fraternity 12:30 p. m. Tuesday. Initiation ceremony. Colonial Bowling Lanes. Residence Halls Tea 4 to 6 p. m. Thursday, Jewell hall lounge. Reception 7 to I p. m. Friday. Maxwell Place. For students and faculty of the Agriculture and Graduate colleges. Dance to 12 p. m. tomorrow night, Jewell hall roof. Social Daaeing 6 to I p. m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at Alumni gym. to 12:30 Red Crass Rn-:- 30 a. m. Tuesday; 6:30 to 10 p. m. Thursday, in Room 1, basement of the Home Economics building. 34 Registration For Second Term Starts Thursday to a report released by the Public Relations office this week. The 1,179 students include 218 courses. registered in Puerto Costa Rica, Ecquador, Rico, and Hawaii have enrolled six students this summer. At last year's at Richmond. summer session Costa Rica and Graduated From The University Puerto Rico enrolled one student Miss Gillespie was graduated each. West Virginia and Ohio claim 20 from the University in 1938 and for three years served on the staff of the students each, and New York runs department of journalism. For the third with 8. years she has last two and one-ha- lf In the state, Fayette holds the been on the staff In the department record for enrollment withE21, a of vocational education at the Uni- drop of 22 students from the '43 versity. During this time she has session. Other counties with large published scores of articles and enrollments are Boyd, Jackson, feature stories In newspapers and Franklin, Bourbon, Boyle, Floyd, magazines in all parts of the nation. Harlan, Harrison, Kentorr Mason, While a student at the University, Madison, Pike, and Pulaski. Approximately 160 to 180 ASTP Miss Gillespie war, a member of Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Sigma Phi, men remain on the campus taking courses. honorary fraternity for women In engineering and journalism; and Chi Delta Phi, There have been five groups of honorary literary society. She is also ASTP's on the campus, more than a member of the Kentucky Press 1,900 men. The trainees that have Women's Club and the National been registered at the University including 1,383 in ASTP, either basic Federation of Press Women. or advanced phase: 441 In the Army Soeceeds James Miller Training Reserve Pro- She was chosen as editor of the SDecialized nlriR', And 104 nd- fnr & j Register after James A. Miller, the nrum restudents managing editor for seventeen years, vanced ROTC Universitywho were for further accepted a position with the Office turned to the training after having been withof War Information. drawn in the spring of 1943. Donovans Entertain With Lawn Party NUMBER 14, 1944 but resistance was strong during encounter, and as a rethe sult it was the most costly of the Central and Western Pacific battles. "By gaining that strategic airdrome on Saipan, our new Superfortresses can keep bombs raining on the Philippines and the Japanese mainland," prophesied one student. "Vanquishment of Saipan gives NimiU amphibious thrust toward the Philippines, and once we get the Philippines, our foothold in the 25-d- ay Pacific war is secure," said one soldier. One student said she thought Guam would have to be taken before an attempt was made toward taking the Philippines. SO THL7 & 5fV2 By Nancy Taylor Question: What one feature of summer school have yon enjoyed the most? Betty Sue Scott, A&S, freshman: Getting up at six o'clock every morning. "Katy" Basse, A&S, freshman: Shooting pool in the Union. Mary Edwards Miller, A&S, sophomore: None! Virginia Brady, Ed, sophomore: The geology field trips. I've had fun down in the grill, too. Jim Woods, A&S, freshman: Staying In the Student Union and visiting the grilL Sissie Smith, A&S, freshman: All those boy who came home on furlough. Bob Moseley, A&S, freshman: Getting up at six o'clock every morning so I can make to eight o'clock class. Vivian Abraham, A&S, freshman: When it Is time to go home! Arnold Schneider, Com., freshman: Not a damn thing! Except maybe my class. (Plug.) * THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Page Two KERNEL FEATURE PAGE The Kentucky Kernel OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED HOLIDAYS DURIWO THE SCHOOL TEAR EXCEPT OR EXAMINATION PERIODS n, Entered at the Post Office at matter Ky., as second ander tba Act el March 1, 111. du Intercollegiate Press Association Lexington Board of Commerce Kentucky Preai Association National Editorial Association Kentucky RATES SUBSCRIPTION l it One Quarter OF KENTUCKY OF THE UNIVERSITY tl.M One Tear Carolyn Hill Foreign Linguists, This Is To You Editor News Editor Doris Singleton Margaret Julia Wharton Business Manager REPORTERS Mary Jane Dorsey, Eleanore Keeti, Bob Feiring, Jimmy Woods, Adele Denman, Billie Fischer, Martha Yates, Nancy Taylor, Winn Hord, Tom Underwood, Jr. vutrieme ev National AdvertisingSenriceJnc CeUf PmUiiken KtiwmmuliPt Naw Vosiic N. 4zO Maoisoh Ava. Lea Y. riw abmlss eoasfdered the and eols are to tint article! and do aot necestenltbereflect the opinioopinio! of the wrltert of The Kernel. taemseloes, Alt craps by adde denman Swoonatra. (2) The Kappa Sig 1. Dick (Andree) Youngrnnxn has house will hold Kappa Sigs this gone into the beauty shop supply X business, wbost permanents fall. (3) Seen at spot and every Mac-Benight, Andry Hnffacher specialize in giving the "proper RS.MFB! snag to bags." "More women have hair than ever before, says An- b. Why does Joe Gardner have to be engaged? dree. "Don't let it string, give us 5. Theatre billing: Double feature a ring." "Old Friends Get Together" and b. Lights have been seen again at the abandoned KA house. "Hands Across the Table" playing at the Joyland theatre, star2. Weather report: A giant tidal ring Les Bruce and "T" Bell and wave began over at the well Mary Lou Sympson and B. L. known cottages on Virginia aveKessenger. Selected short: Henry nue; some football boys were Bussie and his orchestra. drowned. Sources agree that it might have resulted from a water b. Also playing at another theatre is 'or Whom the Bones Roll" starfight ring Harold and Bill Barton. b. Bob (Bhaccns) Canner, well known GI is going into the deli- 6. BUI Shnman goes around singcatessen business, he already has ing "Milkman Keep Those Bot." his Cook Lil? tles Quiet" (preferably Quarts). Seen about Lexington: ..Don Lail Several large 3. Geology news: and Delphia Dnnnigan in Don's footprints were found near Lex"Big Blue." convertable Seen ington and are believed to have stealing pennies from the Salbeen made by ancient animal life. vation Army, Joe Gannon and They were first discovered oh Dug John Sutterfietd to get money to Cox's face. Mr. Cox is reported come to Lexington on. sleeping in a lower bunk to be T. Every Triangle hat S points: under Earl Cornet. He believes geometrically speaking, that (1) b. Hear ye I Girls, Jack Ambrose is The shortest distance between two in town, with car and weaknesses. points Is a good line. (2) He believes too. that he should be "on the square" with every girl. (31 But sometimes (1) Bob 4. Subjects for discussion: she gets him talking In circles and she Williams rather looks like Frank gets a diamond. th By Billie Fischer Congratulations to the two ASTP men-acwho have evolved an ingenious method of squeezing money out of unsuspecting victims. Their present plan is to form a protection insurance agency. If you take out a policy, one of them attacks you and the other protects you. If you refuse to buy their insurance, they both attack you. Anticipating next week's registration for new students, they have thought of several ways to skin innocent freshmen. They will sell everything from parking space on the campus, and passes for the elevators, to subscriptions to the Kernel. So, beware! If anyone approaches you in an attempt to seU you the Brooklyn Bridge, just laugh in his face. The Brooklyn Bridge isn't for sale. We bought it last week and we're going to keep it! es And while we're on the subject of soldiers, we'd like to mention the ghastly sight that we witnessed last week. Several men crawled up to us, gasping for each breath that they took, eyes glassy and wide with amazement, disbelief, and horror. They had Just come from the cafeteria. No, it wasn't the food. . . . It waa the new paint job. And who would blame them? Part of one wall (if you have been fortunate enough not to have seen it) Is The knowledge of foreign languages is a dangerous possesion. In our worthy efforts to become a linguist, we picked up a few words of Hungarian, Polish, German, Latin and Italian, and slaved over a hot French text for three years. (Our French teacher always told us that we spoke French like a Spanish cow.) We've never found ourselves in any serious difficulties because of our great knowledge, but someday we will! The only words that we can say in Polish are the translations of "Thank you," and "I love you." One night, not long ago, we had dinner with a soldier who had come from Poland in his early youth. We asked him to please pass the salt which he possibly improve in did. Wishing to surprise him, we No man can any company for which he has not beamed at him and gurgled out our respect enough to be under some thanks In Polish. He was more If you cant see what it is ahead degree of restraint. Lord than surprised. He was shocked! of you, you can at least be careful. All he did was pass the salt. And I told him that I loved him! Side by side with the famous saying, "Lafayette we are here," "Hitler here we come." From Our Files... Love may be important but sometimes it seems to be wholly outclassed by charity. There is one enemy of the Victory Garden that no one can find a remedy for in the stores laziness. painted in rude, crude, and unattractive pink, yellow, and blue tones. Even Brother Dali would revolt at the ungodly effect. We suggest that the painters be recalled and be made to lick off the paint. "tr Of The Week 4 Which is the better, pause half a minute before crossing the street, or pause half a year after crossing? Times are really tough these days one can hardly buy a car to ride in, and equally as hard a job, is to build a home to live in. Times will reverse, the pendulum swings, for example there are many people who could afford many things which they cannot buy. may keep a dear Experience school but what have any of us learned worthwhile, other than what we learned in the school of experience. If you depend on luck alone, you will find that it is not always good sometimes It is bad. ington. You Con Now End The Search Miss Dimock is Chairman of the Coffee Club, Treasurer of the Student Union Board, member of the House Committee and Dutch Lunch club. She is also Standards Chairman of Kappa Kappa Gamma, social sorority. for For these achievements, Cedar Village invites Miss Diomck to enjoy any two of their delicious meals. SLIDE-RULE- S NEXT WEEK'S COMMITTEE No Priority Margaret Julia Wharton, Chairman Adele Denman, Chi Omega Carolyn Hill, Editor Needed We Have the "to To those who are leaving our beloved campus at the end of this session, we give our fondest regards, a ticket to freedom, three tears, and sincere wishes for your RUTH IE DIMOCK This week's "Colonel of the Week" goes to Miss Ruthie Dimock Arts and Science Junior from Lex- tt tr Most profound thought of the week: If one of the local swimming pools were to be filled to the brim with Martinis, think of all the fun we'd have diving for olives! tr ft to If you notice anything slightly out of the usual going on around the campus, have no fear all will soon resume normality. It's only the Sig Ep pledges doing their required tasks and raising a lot of hell, too. ft COLONEL It is no small art to sleep: to achieve it one must keep awake all dayv F. W. Nietzsche, 1885. The IFischer Utowl tr Friday, July 14, 1944 Log Log Duplex Trig Slide-Rul- e SERVING HOURS: 11:45-1:3- 0 Lunch 5:15-7:3- 0 Dinner Sunday Dinner 11:45-2:4- 5 return. tr One of our non-drinki- ng alums returned in his little soldier suit and went to the favorite campus hang-ofor some refreshment. After be had received his bottle of coke, he asked the waitress for some H20. In a few minutes the waitress returned with a bottle of Hudepohl much to the soldier's horror. ut price 12.50 CAMPUS BOOK STORE Cedar Village Restaurant ' . * oesi uopy Mvanaoie THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Friday, July 14, 1944 Weddings Lydia Brown House Will Be Enlarged Additions and improvements are being planned for the Lydia Brown house, residence hall for women, according to information released this week by Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, dean of women. A special board is still completing the plans, but they have agreed to the addition of a neighboring house Bennett-Rober- ts which they may connect and build Miss Elizabeth Eloise Bennett, on to the Lydia Brown house to daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James make a large and modern residence Walton Bennett, Williamstown, be- hall. Dean Holmes stated that the new came the bride of the Rev. William Austin Roberts, son of Mrs. Cor- addition will be "completely renodelia S. Roberts and the late Mr. vated and made into a suitable Roberts, at a wedding ceremony residence hall for women." A cen at 8:30 p. m. Friday in the Wil- tral heating system for the two houses also has been decided upon. liamstown Methodist church. All plans must be approved by the The bride attended Randolph Macon Woman's College, Lynch- WJ3. burg, Vw and she was graduated in June from the University. Her Kappa Delta Pi Initiates name was listed in Who's Who in Twelve New Members American Colleges and Universities. The members of Kappa Delta Pi She was a member of Phi Up6ilon Omicron, served as president of met for a picnic supper at 6 pjn. Alpha Gamma Delta, and secretary Tuesday at the home of Dean and Mrs. W. S. Taylor, 112 Cherokee of the Student Union Board. park. Following the supper, initiation Klug-O- rr was held for Misses Wilma Batter-soAnn Carley, Mary Ella Davis, . The marriage of Miss Marjorie Elizabeth May Dennis, La Verne Pauline Klug, daughter of Mr. and Doolin, Martha Frances Hill, Garnet Mrs. George H. Klug, Cleveland, Hines, Alma Milby, Virginia Mitchell, Ohio, and Philip Monroe Orr, Cleve- Inez Mullaney, Ida Mae Tieratt and land, formerly of Lexington, son of Mary Glenn Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Orr, WinniOfficers of the organization are peg, Canada, was solemnized at 7:30 Miss Thelma Monical president; pjn. Saturday at the Emmanuel Miss Martha Smith, vice president; Episcopal church, Cleveland. Mrs. Queenie Grable, secretary; Mr. Orr attended the University. Dean W. S. Taylor, treasurer, and He is a former employee of The Lex- Mrs. May K. Duncan, counsellor. ington Herald, and is now employed Those who assisted with aras research engineer on the staff rangements for trie picnicthewere of the .fnerican Gas Testing Misses Ruth Jewell, Frances Brown, Laboratorii in Cleveland. Oleen Majors, Jean Lowery and Willie Partin. Mrs. Dorothy Martin was in charge of the arrangements Clarke-Henna- m for the initiation program. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Clarke, Maysville, announce the engagement Three Sororities To Move of their daughter, Minkie, to Pfc. Harry C. Denham, son of H. Harvey Into New Houses Plans are being completed by three Denham, Vanceburg. The wedding University social sororities for the will take place Sept. 23. Miss Clarke attended Saint Mary's changing of houses for the fall quar Junior college, Raleigh, N. C, and ter oi scnooi. The Kappa Deltas will move Into was graduated from the University last month where she was a mem- the Sigma Chi house on August 1, and the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority ber of Delta Delta Delta. Private Denham Is a graduate of will take over the Kappa Delta the University and is now a senior house September 1. The Alnha rjel- student at the University of Louis- ta Pi sorority plans to live in the ville School of Medicine where he bigma Alpha Epsilon house beginis a member of Phi Chi medical ning September 1. and Engagements n, fraternity. Jewell Hall Tea In US's UKs Lt. Charlie BiU Walker has arrived in England, according to word received by his wife, Mrs. Bemice C. Walker. Before entering the Army, Lt. Walker was a student at the University where he was capfootball team tain of the 1942-4- 3 fr fr is First Lt. William L. Costell, Lexington, has been assigned to the Mountain Home, Idaho, Army Air Field as an assistant personnel officer. Prior to his enlistment, he attended the University. Felts-Colem- Judge Ernest J. Felts and Mrs. Felts, Russellville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ann Carter, to Ensign William Lewis Coleman, Jr., United States Naval Air Corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Coleman, Russellville. The wedding will take place in the late summer. Miss Felts attended the University, where she was a member of EBERHARD-FABE- HOT DOGS Try One Today ROSE STREET CONFECTIONERY Dancing Nightly NEW AND la nr ttt rPTTT CLUB JOY Playground ol the Bluegraif TWO MILES PARIS ROAD 1V . City Bus Leaves Main and Lime P. M. There's A Dixie Dealer II ICE Beta. --X CREAM "UK In War And Peace" Shown 303 Times A total of 36,275 Kentuckians have seen the University's war film, The University in War and Peace, since its release about ten months ago, it has been announced by the University's department of extension. The exhibitions have taken place in sixty-eigcounties through 303 showings. ht Dr. T. W. Roiney To Speak At YM-Y- W Dr. T. W. Rainey, associate editor of the Lexington Leader, will speak at 6:15 p. m.'Tuesday, on the balcony of the Union building, to a joint meeting of the Rainey will speak on the Republican Convention and the Republican Platform. He will discuss the platform the party has laid down and the ideas that they will carry out during the coming election. CREAM OF THE BUI GRASS ii Near You DIXIE ICE CREAM CO. LN CORPORA 344-34- 8 TO) E. Main SAVE ON Your HE WANTS FOR HIS OWN, SOME- LAUNDRY - DRY CLEANING THING THAT'S AS NEAR LIKE YOU 15 AS HE CAN GET . . . R FOUNTAIN PENS NOT A HAMBURGERS Kappa Kappa Gamma and Phi 4 of Due to Your Demand We Now Have Delicious an Utopia an all weather road Tea will be served from 4 to 6 passes every farm gate. p. m. Thursday, in Jewell hall lounge. All summer school students and faculty "members are invited to attend. Hostesses for the afternoon will be Jackie Jenkins, Harriet Messer, Winnie Roy Lewis, Wathalyne Fair-chil- d, Mary Edith Watson, and ErA trash fire often makes trash out nestine Price. of property that is valuable. SHIPMENT All You Summer School Gang! & Marine Lt. Milton S. Kafoglis, who last week graduated from the 48th Marine Reserve Officers' Class at Quantico, Va., in advanced infantry, will report July 24 at Camp Pendleton, Calif, for duty with the Fleet Marine Force. A former student at the University, he enlisted in the Marines June 1, 1942, took his initial training at Parris Island, S. C, advanced training at Quantico, and then entered the officers' school. At the University he was a member of the varsity football team. sir Page Three YOUR PHOTOGRAPH Discount Drive In Service LIFE-TIM- E PEN Come in Today and Let But Us Capture That Smile Good For The Duration $3.50 each CAMPUS De Boor He Loves LAFAYETTE STUDIO BOOK STORE 141 N. LIME Opposite Stadium PHONE 6271 Laundry Cleaning: * THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Page Four Football Schedule Completed - - Kirwan A football tilt between Kentucky and Alabama has been, scheduled for Oct. 28, at Cramton bowl. Montgomery, Ala., it was announced this week. Coach Ab Kirwan said that the selection of Montgomery as the site of the game was agreeable with him. He further stated that the game had been scheduled as a home game for Alabama, and that Kentucky had agreed to play either at Montgomery, Birmingham, or Tuscaloosa, with Alabama authorities having the privilege of selecting the town. Cramton bowl, scene of Montgomery's annual Blue and Gray all -- star game, has been enlarged to a seating capacity of 22,500. Previous games scheduled have been: .Lexington Sept. 23 Mississippi Knoxville Sept. 30 Tennessee Oct. 7 Carnegie Tech....Lexington Athens' Oct. 13 Georgia Lexington Oct. 21 VMI. Montgomery Oct. 28 Alabama .Memphis Nov. 4 Miss. Stale Nov. 18 West Virginia -- ..Lexington Lexington Nov. 25 Tennessee Night games. Comptroller Announces New Working Schedule In order to facilitate the operation of the cashier's office of the office of the comptroller, the following working schedule went into effect July 1, according to Prank D. Peterson, University comptroller: Monday through Friday: 8:30 to 12 a. m.; 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. Saturdays: 8:30 to 12 a. m. The cashier's office will close a half-hoprior to the closing of the regular working day. During the summer months when the closing hour for the general campus is 4 p. m., the cashier's office will close one-ha- lf hour earlier. All other divisions of this department will observe the usual hours. ur Registration (Continued from Page One) mentary education; home economics education; industrial education; philosophy of education; and sec ondary education. About 16 courses will be offered by the College of Commerce. Wednesday, August 9 is the last date upon which a student may withdraw and receive a refund on fees for the second term. The summer quarter will end on Saturday, August 26. Radio Schedule Lieut. Fred Baker The University radio studio an nounces the following programs to be broadcast over station WHAS, Louisville: Monday, July 17: 12:50 to 1 p. m.. Dairy Cattle in Hot Weather, by Fordyce Ely, professor of animal husbandry and dairy. Tuesday, July 18: 12:50 to 1 p. m.. Priming Tobacco, by R. A. Hunt, field agent in tobacco. Wednesday, July 19: 12:50 to 1 p. m.. Doings of Kentucky Farm Folks, by C. A. Lewis, editor, Agricultural Extension Division. Thursday, July 20: 12:50 to 1 p. m.. Saving Labor in Cutting and Housing Tobacco, by Earl R. Young, assistant professor of agricultural engineering. Friday, July 21: 12:50 to 1 p. m.. What Farm Folks are Asking, by L. C. Brewer, agricultural extension division. Saturday, July 22: 1 to 1:15 p. m., Your Land and My Land; 1:15 to 1 :30 p. m., Jesse Stuart Short Story. Sunday. July 23: 12 to 12:30 p. m. Recital Program, featuring Lucille Haney French, contralto, and Helen Lipscomb, pianist. Reported Missing Friday, July 14, 1944 Attention Boxholders D-D- ay Students who are remaining at the University for the second term and who wish to retain their postoffice boxes are requested to see Miss Carrie Dean, First Lieut. Fred Rogers Baker, 28. paratrooper with the United States Airborne Forces, has been missing In action over France since according to word received from the War Department last postmistress, University immediately. Lieutenant Baker had been stationed in England since April, 1943. He was graduated from the University in 1928. where he was active in R.O.T.C. He was called into military service through his reserve status early in 1940. He had trained with the infantry, with the ski troops ajd with paratroopers in the United States and Iceland before sailing for England. Lieutenant Baker's wife, the former Pat Pennebaker of 122 Hiltonia park, was graduated from the University in 1943. Movies Discontinued The movie sponsored by the Union Board and held weekly in the Armory has been discontinued because of lack of attendance, Mrs. Dorothy Evans, social director of the Union, has announced. $ Such Is Life A study of the geological formation that constituted the principal oil "pay" at Irvine, Estill county, and vicinity, has been made by three University professors and published as a bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Field work on the outcrop was carried on by Dr. A. C. McFarlan, head of the University's department of geology, and Dr. Vincent E. Nelson, assistant professor of geology, and subsurface correlations were made by Dr. Louise B. Freeman, part-tim- e assistant professor of geology. Shelby 2S70x. Velta few Archery HARDWARE 236 E.