xt7fxp6v193h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fxp6v193h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-12-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 1981 1981 1981-12-11 2020 true xt7fxp6v193h section xt7fxp6v193h 4 4 4, , , . 4 . 1 - 1 ,4 r" . .. 1 , ;. 1. ."1j;:,_§,‘1_,'11,,_::1-‘ ', ,11';1"1'.1: tiff;1‘s;1.15.9}?17,,,17%i?§:?1’r;1'.’f111"%""‘ fir‘m *1 j
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l Vol.LXXXlV,N 0.82 An tum! studmt m m 1971 University of Kentucky

i Friday, December 11, 1981 PCPC‘ Lexington, Kentucky 1 -

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' “A , - ‘ " ““P _ _ . ” ' “'5' , ° A. 8. ”Happy" Chandler (above) speaks at the UK Medical Center yester-
' . - , f j 1 " “ 4 day before a crowd of people (left). The gathering was a part of the celebra-
, he»... 1.1:..1. 1 11" * tion being held in honor of the 25 years or friendship and service tare-idler '
i ’ 11.. “3' 3“ _ 1 and the faculty of the med center have shared. -{
' .' ‘ ' {I ”4;. «:1 Photos by M. CHANDLER BOUN/Kernel Staff
2 . ‘1‘ ._ l , 1 1.," '1- ‘
Ch ' ' '
. andler medical faculty celebratefrlendshlp
l , I ,
} ———————— against it, except for one, Dr. C. C. no interference. Years later, he said, lifetime, to contributeto the health Chandler reminisced on his yearsas predict this medical center will grow
'1 By JANET FARRAR HowardofGlascow. ‘If it had not been for the promises and welfare of the people of Ken- a member of the UK Board of and expand and fulfill its mission, and
3 Staff Writer “1 said, ‘Forgive 'em, Father, they made by Governor Chandler, all of tacky,” Chandler said. ”If you have 'I‘ristess. children in generatiom unborn will
4___. _-______ know not what they do.’ Anyway, I which he kept, I would not come to to have your name connected with riseupandcallyou blessed,"hesaid.
persuaded the legislature, and they Kentucky. anything other than your own name, “I have known every president of “If! ha d if 1' , I
A, 3, "Happy" Chandler and the gave us a five million dollars ap- “In1949, five thousand babies were it is surely wonderful to have it con- this University, including Dr. (James ould that-“h; 9 :42”? $831“
faculty of the UK Medical Center propriation. It cost twenty million bomin Kentucky withnodoctorinat- nectedwithaplace like this. [am pro- K.) Patterson. lchaired theboard for ‘3' :aCha d1"? ’d {11°C 0" ‘3": .
celebrated 25 years of friendship and dollars. I don’t have any idea how teldarlce. We lost lots of babies and ud as I canbe that we‘ve been able to eight years,andit wasalaborof love. rr‘ilakrse'thel n amt . nsgugh l '
serviceyesterday. much it wouldcost now. How much is too many mothers. There were six— make some modest contributions to “ Chandler is now a “life trustee." a , e ”8;?" . _ ‘3 ch02” y
"This is a high day for me,“ thenationaldebt? teencountieswithnodentists.1‘hisis the University. No day passes now, first for the University. “There's no :15 1m!” If: grail,” nee 4
Chandler said. “Sixty-five years have “Then we hadto find a fellow who a farcryfrom my visitafew days ago that some citizen of this com- vote,:’ Chandler said. “But then, the osomeonew n l -
passed since i stood on the steps of the had the knowledge and experience to the new neonatal unit, where I saw monwealth, either by letter or by call, last time I voted, it was twenty-one to
Administration Building and looked tobuild a medical cents. We got Bill forty-five children with a chance to doesn’t try to express his apprecia- one." _ . . To the staff of the med center,
to the west and I saw nothing. Willard from Syracme,” Chandler live,"Chandler said. tion to me for bringing about this in- Chandler was optimistic about the Chandler said, “I covet your oppor1
' Twenty-five years have passed since said. “I promised him there would be “This was my greathopeduring my stitution." future 0f the Medical Center. ”1 tunities."
Dr. Massey, Dr. Wray, Dr. (Herman
L.) Donovan, Arnald Wanger and D r l l l l I c
1 others and I met under a craba le te
....... e relenaes ewdent at the UK Medlca en r .
ground for this medical center.
“So many people said it was stupid m— Peber Bosomworth, vice president for tucky and for purposes of education; and air handling that wear out. We A Master Plan. drawn up to point
4 ‘ and foolish to build a medical Stiffw 'ta theMedical Center. and students should have the oppor- needmajor renovation and expansron out deficiencies in the hospital.
' center." Chandler said- ”lhe big " The basic assumptions that tunity to work with patients from all to overhaul the system, make it new describes the obstetrics and delivery
newspapers said we didn’t need it. ———~—————__._ directed the designers in 1956 were: sector-sot society. and efficient." suite as "designed to meet minimal
WSW"? hospitals and doctors were only exemplary patient care is These assumptions remain. But The building itself contains the col- need. The large, high-risk obstetrical
} Al “5 wmfiglfiinggf "la" 30 ————————— more specific ones about size and leges of medicine and dentistry along load which has developed contributes
_ years 880. M ' Center - layout have brought the center to a withthehospital and itssupport units. to the now common, but unaccep—
l‘ Reagan proposes Symm‘im‘ ““3 WWW" “rm anaIYSIs present need “of major renewal and There are a total of 2000 students in table. experience of nearly one-third
'1 - into the Brave New World of it! Be- renovation to maintain the level of the building at var-lots times, 40 to 50 of the patients laboring and occa-
' new tax Increase °°"d “"‘W1 ——~_‘——* service." Bosomworth said. new patients with their families each sionally delivering in the hallways.
1 Bill“ and equipped at a cost of $31 Justified in a leachlns hospital: File “The bricks and mortar are in good day and3000employees. “The explosion of demand for
i gym—— III I MANN million, itwas and is the most expen- University Hospital should have skills shape," said Carolyn Bacdayan, The Medical Center, or at least the emergency services has rendered the
: Associated Press Writer swe factllty ever built by UK and and equipment that are not otherwrse director of planning for the Umvemj- hospital, seems to be facing two main emergency facility totally inadequate
. “stateoftheart for its time. said Dr- readily avaflahle elsewhere In Ken- tyI-Iospital. “It's things like elevators problems: overcrowding and age. See"CENTER,"page s.
1 WASHINGTON — President - -
‘1 Reagan’s budget planners hope to '
11 1111111111111 1 Resume writing
billion in 1933 and :40 billion or less in / I ’
1m, and are considering tax in- —-—— resume will catch the reader’s atten-
- creases to get there, administration By NANCY BRA’I'ION tion, content is what counts. When he RESUM E '
sources said yesterday. W ' has a vacancy, he looks for the
The new revenues might come from ._______ qualifications and experience needed 3““; b. Strode M' ,
withholding taxes on interest and A good resume is a We" fu- tofill the position. m
dividend income, imported oil fees, 3 student looking for a job after “If you were competent inacertain M A‘g .
taxes on employer-paid health in- graduation. Itcanbethetooltoobtain area and that was needed to fill a ”17/ l \
surance benefits and a windfall pro- that 311-th mtg-view, orit can vacancy, that will catch my atten- E‘ 4 M 1/ / /
his tax on deregulated natural gas, be a flop and end up in the tion,“hesaid. / .Al ‘ -1—
administrationofficialssaid. wastehagket, Aresumeisanautobiographycon- ""°"““”"' _ _ _'_,,,,,_,,_., '
, One source said the administration Theoverallaweanncedamume densed into a few p885 that should . r. '42; 22'. z a 2 '4 ‘4 . 1 ’1 - 4 ‘ ’ ' ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ' ' ' ""1“ """"P';'_L_'..i'-‘1'-?'-‘;‘_ “' ""' f""""‘
. is looking at plans to raise $30 billion will be its first test once in the m present a clear picture of the job ap- 7;: 2:2 .
' to$85billion in 1% and 1984 toreduce of a per-game] W1 There are plicant. 'I‘heinformation includedin a l 1 gig ail '
é a deficit now projected at more than certain precautions to follow to en- resume can vary depending on an in- Ed fan 1‘3"; 5
1 $150 billion in im. sure thatyourruumewillberead: dividual‘s background and ex- ”a ‘ , ‘
That is a significant increase from ,4 Keep it pg shin-t as Willie while perience. However, experts agree on W
the :22 billion in new tax increases still giving all necessary information certain information that always .
M 1m that President Reagan tosellyourself. Mdbemwed:
. . proposedinSeptember. .a'I‘heueof‘White space"wlll 1) name, 2) address, 3) phone 12241111: '4 . "_,,,.,.,‘
. 8m Reagan. whose hallmark has make . raume asle- to read, so use number, 4) title of position seeking, 5)
.. been to cut taxes, remains the ad- short paragraphs and do not crowd employment history, includingdates
ministration! most reluctant backer toomuch typewad.p’_ of employmentmame and address of ‘ ‘ ’ ’ ‘ '
oftax increases, dupitehisdesire to ,, The only acceptable pin for a employer, job titles and duties, 6) Estracorr'tcultr Aquatics ’ g ,_
reduce ballooning deficits. As a resume is 81/. inches by 11 inches. educational history,7)age,8)marltal ,
result, the source cautioned that the (m gm m. .mrd file cabinets atoms, 9)military experience or pre
. proposals “filer study by Reasan's for filing m.) Use orilyorieslde sent stattl, 10) organizations and af- 2'1 1 1 1 ’1 '— : ' r '1 ' ‘ ' W
senior aides cannotbe assuredofwin- ofthepaper. filiations and ll)your willingness (or m
, ning presidential approval. ,, Never guhmlt a mume that is not) to travel or relocate if job ne- g M . g
. Reagan also has been reluctant to muted o.- my or out in. mode. quiresit. ’0 W ;
: make significant cuts in his record mimwgpm, There is also certain information 4' " W ,
5 defense budget plan, despite such . wUse a high quality bond paper. that should not be included: 1) race, fl“ ’ ‘2
1' urging: from budget director David Colored papercanbel-edifitisa 2) religion, 3) masons for leaving ‘ . .
A. Stockman andotheradvieers. .0“ tone, such as beige, light yellow previom jobs and 4) peisorlal opi- ‘ "
Accordingtothesources,Steckman oi-blue, butalwaysueblack ink. niom of preview employers. Height ' . ‘ ,
told Reagan earlier this week that Martin May,employmmt mm.- andweightareoptional. t . ' 1
. _ without more buQet cuts or tax in- at UK Mafia] Cents, said, “the idea Alsoeaperts differ- as to whether or I . '
creases, thedeficit will surgetotltnll is to catch the “with” of someom nottoinclude previous salaries or an- . ' , ‘ 1
billion in fiscal rm, sine billion in who may h." . W resumes to ticipated salary so do not include this .0 A. ' 4; ,4 .
' imand 8152.4billion in 184. read. . _ . m mamas (several information unless pu-tinent. ‘\ 1 - - _.-. - ‘
‘ ‘ The earlier atlrnates showed 9.”) area mm., but The Placement and Career 1 . 1‘ 1 1.
" ddicitaofumlliillionforthecurrent sometima are M to gel Ramirce Cent: will critique a stu- - 1 ' ' .'
' fiscal year, $152.3 billion for no: and Wm" dult‘s resume after it is completed. ._ g . ‘ .1 .1"
Oil “mm m "“1 PM“ “m M" “I! said althwdl the format of I see "RESUME,”pegeI. Pntom ll ‘1 -.4,.; ' (.33.:
, 1 iaOetobu'. . Muir:
, \ ‘ .g d l a ’ pig? {.5
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t.” 3. ., aiii Ste-idea cm. .11.. re“, 3...». Anne Charles Lisa Wallace M. chandler noun
3733?: f“'"5 I *- . Butter-mun“ Editorial Editor Janeelllwhllsrrls WWW hummtww MW“ ' L
“‘35.? " V . >3 .- balsam
f. _ ' pars “3510” m” M“ uni Kadaba mum on... stem w. [amber Leslie mcheison Chou-5M
.. - '3: 3 i WNWCW Copywior AssistantSporullditor Mammalian-trim! Editor “W V
3‘ I - ; KI-N'IMV Kirby W
~ 1 ,_ Kernel l 11......
fire-1a ' ‘3' : AnociateEditor-News ' til
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a Kernel looks toward llth year |¢® » u»
i ’ ' 5 8p
3 I I ; m1
' remembers Its achievements - - h“
. e ' ch
With this issue of the Kernel, we mark the nationally-syndicated columns, we are proud 6 e 1 at
close of our first decade of financial in- of the fact that we nearly always feature at /—-—~ I “1'
dependence from the University. Next least one piece of locally-generated material a
semester, we will enter our 10th anniversary inaddition tooureditorials. O CO , ' 3 m,
year. In the coming semester, we hope to continue 0 0 o o 3 of
For those of us who work here and those who this practice. The Kernel is always looking for g '
3 have worked here in the past, this is a par— columnists and opinion writers who reflect the O l 3 .3. 1 1
ticularly significant event. A student widely-differing viewpoints of the individuals l I: 3
organization never expected to lastbeyond its who make up this University. If you have Wm& ‘\ 1‘ 12:3
first few montls of financial independence has something to say, say it here. ‘- " <1 '2: .1371“ '3 3. '
persevered for a decade, providing the O I, . 0 i i? \3
University community with an invaluable ° _‘ a"? \ 3 \ll
resource —a daily newspaper. ’ 5‘ 0 ~ 3 g : 1
_ What purpose does the Kernel serve? It is, As with most friendships made durim our college 0 3 ‘ “‘ 3 _3 h? } 33 D‘
variably, a bulletin board, a tattle-tale, a years. the time comes when, because of graduation or 3:3 fi-“ \ 3 3 i th
' crusader and an on-the-job training program other consideratiom, wemust part company. ’l‘heeditors it “1, 33333333333i3fi‘533333h:— ‘ 3 . i as
for students of journalism. and staff of the Kernel wish to bid farewell to two of the ‘ ._-3...313::3333.3.m13 - _ { 33 co
But its most important function is to serve best friends this paper has ever had, Editorial Editor 0 mg i. < l i ‘ 3:
‘ - as a forum for ideas — your ideas —— and this Chris Ashand Associate Editor Jacki Rudd, bothofwhom 332111513 3 ~ “—33 if 1; ”,3 3 I .13
page is the center of that forum. Although we leave uswith thisedition. We’ll miss you, sostay in touch. 331111.? 3 or.
have at times given the page over to Goodluck! " on w ’ / g lal
132:» ten: . 2:522:siziazshszagisszsaat - -
. v j3.,3,“3-:3'_-.'.:;1;:-:;:;: 03633333” « .
‘ Famed smger turns 66 3111,33. $333333ng / 3 :1;
. .-. . "‘1’“ ‘ , \/
Sinatra im roves With a e rested/4&1 -
1 Around this time every year. I think an uncountable number of starlets, 5f *2“? 3“" " ‘ '7 *2 11' “‘ 7" " g a“ 8 sc
of this guy I‘ve got to send a birthday models and actresses, then settled thl
card to. Butofcourse. as these things 3 Sin“ down with his fourth wife, Barbara, 1' 3
go. I get too bmy and forget todoit. who seems today to have had a calm- ‘ as
I felt very badly about missing his ingeffect onSinatra. U’
\ last birthday. since last year he turn- He has become a different man. lie I ' I ' '
11......111........,.... pinion sm......1........... tu nts ne rhea on
than missing a milestone like that. drink and tobacco, has given his time
especially when the milestone #3 and his menu to (muss in America - I I
‘ belmss ‘0 WW you love. and abroad. He has become a philan' - r,
‘ But this yearisdifferent. I thought One of the best stories about thropist, a benefactor; his home is n lmm y app“ Ing vs
3 of his birthday. I'm a day early with Sinatra‘s mob connections is told by laden with awards and honors from ,
my birthday card and what’s best is Man'o Puzo in his The Godfather governments and agencies all over T - t’s - c rt 1 . .
. , . . onigh Rolling Stones 00063 yavailabletostudents. lnbexington,
gmgt s in the paper for 18.000 people £33332: told of 8:133:21; hosts; theworld. Eli-unifies 3:233 end this :1??ch on 33; W call theStudent Association office and
‘ . . . "he e . - - . ' ' ' no . are - register your opinion with the student
Tomorrow, Francis Albert Sinatra eat . Puzo k t one over to Hl-‘il’mfestilhflfildo“?!lStflSMlln"f unani3c mm” 3333 , ll . . .
turm 66. Now for some of you, this Sinamtga's tableasagild, buut‘gthe singer new treasures. He’s rediscovered the m unfinshed bisinees, let swrap-up 19"": Undergraduate Kentucky 1 ts. SA M“ I for business
meam spiking this article and mov- would not acknowledge his stares. actor he “50d ‘0 be with films in some ml . ' ”3“?an attenditng thef 022;?le Jag'm vehicle of influence is
i on to Bloom Count or the Puz fnall finishedhismeal, ot theatersandontelevisim.l~lisvoice .. . spenl. per‘cenmoreor com 3 3 ,
3805333.“. For some of yym3 this to 12ml.e aid went over to Sifitrg has taken on new hues and tones; to fxmm‘hggrm lerKa'smcom‘g’{ 190-81 than the year before. ’l‘lus more direct. Whenanissue facingthe
' means terminating your free table to say hello. When he got there, some reviewershehas never WM munity of student comumers about year “mm" increased by “Will": 3-5 General Assembly Mb mt“ at,
subscription to the Kernel. For yet hovtever, he was met by an incensed better. His new album will be a °°m' the challenges we face in Frankfort 9"”?th t° the American ”Ck up the plinnel and leave a
1 some others 33 means a $3833 in the Sinatra who snarled an obscenity at pilationofthesaloonsongshesim in 3 , _ Association of State Colleges and message with your egislators, toll-
. ’ 1. ’ - ' ““3 SWIM, and Of course, memos Universities “the cost of attending free, at two-3724181.
forehead and an Oh crap, I forgot theauthor thenspatonhim. concerts. the songs he so beautifully c - 1 t t - .
again 33 , . moans with cigarette in hand and Wiggiressiona s rugg es in the average four-year public college 'l‘oget :3}: {“mtm‘t: ages-t 3:031:- ,
' - . ~ . - . - ' 1 dj ed his till-lithe "w“; 3 jumped by 14 percent this fall." 0911mm "‘3 8 IS -
333' $6,333 13:? fame”; :f‘merdwut: 30R“? :‘nnbutf’d 5mm“; fimm' shad?" mm °" 8 PM ”thins these precarious But don’t be toopleased. The om..- formed. Until next semester. follow
. . . ng . “ma 5 por_ 3: band “issues have In common 15 the deter- cil on Higher mutation is planni to the legislature each morning with dai- .
ever pickedupamicrophone. Singer Johnny Fontaine in The God- - t' of - - f distribut‘ "3 . . . . .
A lot of people don't understand father Many who read the book saw And: i" Perhaps his mm W 5"“ -'°-" We”. 9' 0333ng m‘ m in “mm" “W“ I” ”mm” °‘ “mm" “m“ "‘ ‘
my fascination with a graying over- in Fontaine the young Sinatra who move, he’s giventhecityofNew York insufficient appropriations. In ting to 14 percent for 1932-83 and 15 thestate’s WWR .
1 ~ '~ - - - - ’ a small returnon the investment the ““13, the h“ “0‘“ Emma“ tfor 1933-34. 0
’ the-hill, raspy-Vole“ salwn Sllflel' llke mem had I“! his VOICG am . . . y budgets is gm so m we aim cut W . . .
who had his heyday twenty-five yeais struggled with his career until his made ".1 h'm durmgthepasusyears. ba k the ' li of federal and Item: In May the University an- L8“ week. 343 chief “NM“. Will
3&0 mystical, Academy-Award-winning The Big Apple’s natiohtil anthem, 338°“ 0“ aqmmhut)’ _. includi nounced an average increase for Dupree, spent two day. with 3,
But, likethehithehadin themiddle success in "nom Here To Eternity” New Y0“, New YW'E- has math high,r $me :80, as an “an: hams fees and food moo con- legislattn, iohbyistundroporta-s at 3_.
.6“ he’s been ..a Wt, a pauper, a dragged him out of the depths of Sinatra nearly god-like instature, his 33 33 f 'the tracts of 14 percent and 6.3 percent thepI'e-seooim 1mm", confa'enee
pirate apoet alord and “my. "(3.3 obscurity greatness stretching from Battery n3a V9! pay mm °" “me 3°!” respectively forthe 1931a: academic in Gilbertaville. 111:; week, We
“been‘up and down and over and out ' Park all the way to 232d Street and “f- , of di turbi year. Jack Blanton, vice president fir and two other SA 0mm p”-
3 And now, 80MB into his fifth lemming begged his godfather for from the Verrazano Narrows Bridge devel mgs that mus set at: business affairs, was quoted at the licipatedinthexen'tucky Giamberof
decade as a performer, he’s proving a role in a major motion picture, and ”1'1““th Meadow Park. trendo‘iinthe days of Reagzn con- time 35 3833098 “these are the tugboat Commerce’s workshop for lobbyist.
all over the world that he hasn't lost after a bristling argument between a . . - . 3 ' increases In the five years smce 1 V3 In general, Duu‘ee compllmaited 3
_ 3 . . , Sixty-Six and still stronger than sider. beenhere n . . 3
the me he showed m 1943 when he stud” m and “‘9 family 3 °°"‘ anybodyaround That’s Sinatra ltein- Students at UK received :1 a '. ' the ”um“ °‘ ““3 cum“, "‘1“ ,
premiered as a solo act at the Para- aigliori and a grisly scene involving ' ' million. less in financial aid at the _ 3‘3" d°“ t blame '13th W even the “183008 Confronting the - General
mount Theater in New York City. the owner‘s prize thoroughbred, FOh' So Happy Birthday, hank. I’ll have outset of this semesta' than the institution. “18.th 8“,“? up Umver- WHY-u Buthe said M woe M 2 1
. His life has all the eiernents of a taine got the role. People "wish! that a turkey for you tomorrow night and “Mamet“ need ., Originally my “h“ 8‘ ‘9“!me 8‘ 1‘ painted that “hlsher educahm was i
great book; indeed, a few years ago, was how Sinatra became a oo-star in play “Strangers In The Night” and students with 3 W of under $2 006 doesyours3andnune. 3 notdiscmsedinanydetail."
hestsrtedhisautooiographysrter be- "Eter-nitv." “We HadAGood'l‘hing Going"and “I received no 13,38...” mow}, 1‘. “a“ ‘ a“ “ °°.“°3° “mum W Mr W- ”N ‘W 1
ing dissatisfied with the secorrdcisss Get A Kick Out Of You" and think This substantial mum] .5 W18“; wl‘mmmllngl“ “‘9‘”. ° 'eEislrtm and Iqbbyioto alike if,
efforts put out by writers who did not Sinatra had a vicious hatred of peo- about the times I’ve seen you and met legislated by Congress at the W ‘ ' t at are . .3 perceived the education 1°»? t° be ' '
understand his life and times. His pie whodrew that conclusion and his you. administration’s direction was the assault, and fa'unmwhu, our Maw 18 the most influential in the state. l33ut I
mm“ mm" With N“ W" hatred was almost at theboiling point YOU'VE the greatest, Frank. 1008 first this campus had experienced for vulnerable t-Of 3amttac3cks3 for the the MM Education Association '
Pm celebrity columnist E3” “mm“ where Puzo was concerned may you run. at least a decade and political ‘ ' (W518 primary ”d secondary ‘
' exploded afterthelatter’s unauthoriz- . Later in the semester however Although theoutlooklooks grim we educationl was "'an only fifth by
ed “Pm.““m 0‘ 3Sinatra‘s complex In his later years, he took the Some people are here on the five-year m to prudent management b): can mm the outcome of these the parhmpants, WhICh indicate to 3
~ and mum-faceted hfe. . youthful Mia Farrow as his wife and plan. Assistant News Editor Jlm Har- Financial Aid Directa' Jim male and critical decisions. But the fight3 to be me that “33:“ are faces 13% i
WM} Sinatra 3 m m the 9‘“ spent three years with her before ad- ris is here on the six-semester plan. his staff, several hundred thiaisand effective, can’t be packed home for a “mtg”; 3:“. gran
doesn t conce3 t? WIT; attic-antidmawm mitting he’d made a terrible mistake. He is a senior during all six, thinking dollars we“, made available for some solid month between semesters. mPerhaIps after tliisvseemestc's sue
me apprecia is - . - - t - h, 3 .. _ -
: he‘s been through tosurvive. Theonly He ”pm "my ’ ”'5 ”mm“ “'“h M "mm "mm" "'3 ”e" “W” ‘Wm‘w‘ “WWW” '“d‘ cessful Rally for Higher Education,
childofafu'efighterandabanocrat Why the Studeru Govern- 3.
ward boss. a man who publicly wish- ' ment Association of Kentucky (our 33
9., hi, mm 115.1,.»th in an “3". a I e oux statewide network of rhrderrt lob- l’
fighting, drinking, cumin renegade, bylsn) and last spring’s qualified vlc- l
hecrorsedtheiiodron Riverfrom Megalittcenerfl'l‘elevhofmcg
H ,N J andwithone _ , _ pan entucky'sreques era 3.
mafia mvwlmfim 3 plainwhy they treatmelikeshit. The Chevy Store for that-ands in Kernel for supportmg my stupid mug“, "t. hike (GTE My“ 1;
- His trip 3”“ l ted with ap— W mm 'l‘heUKPDforputtiigmeinjailfor cashed checks, understanding my gover'nmentcampaignsmiwngmeii aboutaumillionincreaeeinMay '
mm at 3m" clubs in New ' stuttering my freshman year. The; dad forgot to put in money, and Wodmlumnandtellingitlikeit and alreadyisaskimfor more), one
- 31m and live Mm on the 3 claimedlwas drunk. gallanofOldOni-ter 10. is. 3 of those “force".in Frankfort will be
- radio. Much is mtg. of his first en- Yell. "’8 true. 1. Ken 3611/. will Dean Palm for help“; my old frat Lynagln for cheap beer, supporting P.S. If anyone wants to find me I ll thestudent lobblu. ~,
3' mm. with bandleader m finallygetoutaftermsemesteuovc in waysweneverinidentoodhowit thengbyteamandmorednmkgirls. beinKeyWesttillKeenelandopens. .
‘ f James when it was W that fiveandonehalfon’l‘oesthy,0ec. 15. helpedus. F‘ranCin'cifa'aPeachBowHYes, tliisisthelut oftheKernel
g Sinatrd W James tome him as lulhutbeforeldol‘dliketothanks Walt, mg, and Bates for teachirg I've been here for a while), a 101 Capt.KeriBer-ry M 3.3 moi-hum onofthe
i hisband'slesdsinger. fewpeopleanda'ganizatiomfa'giv- mehowtoplaynmAflnkmacal, season,andacornpetitiveteamevery Pre-mlllleaalreseaior rm? ' "a: l have
Muchmorecommentisfocmedm immeawholeeducatieo. andEattheWonn. game m 0f . uture '31th m'mm‘ sldeof the
“mum",meym3 l'dliketothsnkDeanCoxfortell- JoeMarkhamforlOlwaystobum JoellallforaNCAAtitleandnot m “wam 3 “33mm,
. ', whovirtmiiytausmsnsa-ahowto insul‘dmsemfl.loltudt° out”. playttutlieCord-Hlovetom “W" mmmwmm.
provehlinwrong. M Keys for many a good night withGardfam. mmmmdmyfl'ihdflnm “Pam“ -
_ singltwaswithDorseythatSlmtra 3 mm ”gaunt“, ”(Mumbeeffoctivelsgraatc
, 3 3 W to that h, m the . KunedysBookStoreforglvlnsme andlotsofthlikglrls. nae-ordain sovemmentmr belns WWv ,3“,th
C 7:2. l i t- be unamdmdandsexevu'yml The nameless that girls who thebuttofinyjokaandgivingmea “'9 lntcat 0‘ "mun" Y0“ nowtlianeverinthepas.
v - mm“ ”mm" '. '“ leftthesttl'e. didn'tcoreiiirapectodthomirruro rosewtaithemon. ewld‘ve informed mo about your Wwywl‘hw'm‘
1“ ‘. ’ m by 00091” ability to The as m fa- u-yin‘ to ex- morning And my rd like to thank the "need" to have a title (for what m-
i?» L 1 P"? WWW“ M ' ' men, I do not know) and your Going ‘0 “I! rally (I! 3.0” G‘ '0 0‘
1. commuter-tween. m coum by am W 4.1.. to..." the 1... mph. 3, or did) was no or deal. some i.
£111,133 n '- m m m “- ffi not it ,. ~ it 1w mas mum wear y" “a” u” m a a” ”a” WWW“
5%»: 7111.1 ‘° retinal-h H' w °" 9"“ gm nu' L 4 when; ems - waver" “Ween-tenur- Y“. "N“ ““1"! Y" “M my
31s.), 13.1112: story of the il‘it Dorsey let Steam 6? ”'3'“ be i. be a simply a phone call away, decl-
1%.“ 1, 1., 11 “II”... R“ in- What you m to a rim
or. "dmmhwm “9 ”MOP“?! , Warns l m on ma t MM. you danwlll horn-do roar-dio- ofwho
323.711 easily. when of a New Yon: “Wm . man? no 1 to M the m m a.“ h. cells and who doesn't. As a moi
. 3;. *3 crime family held a sun to Data's ems t " / : t‘y. * ‘ 33"“ its implications m your mm» 4" 3"“ 9‘" ‘° W
i—" 1‘. hadnuflddllmbslflhreleaae ——. ———‘ -‘ 1'“ Vv\'"o ‘( hhhm~m.m r... W'smo—wocan’teffwd
‘ V“. N' ‘0'“ “' "' m- {- «(fl 4 mutton- 1mm not dam; emanation-Io.
3 _. “has humus-am“ 4a: E l g 38 ~ / that aha-lion Is one mule-tattoo of area sermon. lomer student
' ‘V‘ ‘ data b edit m penile ' ‘ ‘ "’\ '1‘” ‘.Im . "d" “'6 mam "cm" ‘ww'm'm'm’ u ”a" h“
r 1 , h—Mh’l ‘ l3 . P4. V,‘ x“ .A (93",,1 “htmmlflhh WWI-“whatnfleurgee
. w.“ ”a m 3 33 '1‘? 3 ‘—3 , l v I “' fa tutdumattcdlactl all mm to graded. bolero the
w III “II“ ulna h ‘ M1 ‘ ‘ s 23 '3 ’ ooetalgdttngenedueetlonmeanea
.- H . . ‘ J. mm lWoij.
.. . ‘ ‘1 r r r ‘1
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. 1:, ' ‘, . ‘. ' . .~ ‘ 3,, 3 r » ' “ gfilfijfit'js‘fi. 153.1; “‘3.jj"v_‘§ff§“ 115125131 ‘,2” . . , ",.,,t-‘1(o‘3tfi‘r ’ ‘1 t 3' *1”
‘ ~ 7 2*? . ' . . .- , .9 '1 2 ' , . ‘ ‘ ‘ 434.3, §iiro .n‘. {eff w.:'~"‘~t.-‘.5:. ,‘éton’; $31,}. "1;", \ é ‘ ' '..‘333kp.-~ 51“?f§“‘w:7}$3'f?§(3‘%i '0 ' ' 3 ‘ '

 1 . 1 - .1 -~. 1.. 3 ,1. - 1‘ .. . -1 .1 1» = ~ 2-: , -: , x , " 3-2, «a t1 M’ floaters .111. s’ié;1‘";’it‘ ' ' ' . . .
. . ~ . it“; :vfij‘dl’fifi‘rfi"; .’ “Adi?!“«t‘ : hag-l"; 5,4135% .73“? u... “L : .,‘ ‘. . 1 . ,‘ . 1 4. -, :1 I', ‘ 3 . ‘ . . f 1. [1,,1 s fir-”.- $3.312” ,"Y‘ 31"} ,- 1 ,1 . '1 2‘ ‘11,- ,fi_lll';t;§:':§‘3}?g"i' 3”??ng 4, pat-”#91, téiéfifigfyn Vigil-'11- .5, _ , ‘t _f , :1 . _
1 .2 i- 7'.;;-?.,‘:‘{:.-.$ t-T-iggtfc'iii. "l 1v _ " , ' ' p ' t ' ‘ .' / . - 3 "to, ‘ . .1 ‘ -'-‘ :‘1‘1'2’31'11: :- ;N.» on“; 31-13%; 1 .1 . . .
' 2- .' wt tga‘g‘fillfiwt fizz'h'36 1 I ~ l' ' ’ 1' - - ' ‘ ' - 7 I if" .11, , j“ ' ‘ ‘ j " ‘Il/‘ihrfi’hli" '7'"? ’5‘. ‘rlr.1‘1,;~~?1-. gardfi'ggy’ifrjefif’dgfgfifidkia 12‘51,»‘;.5*-,.: ‘ '. , .V;
3 , “fag" fififimfililiafiifiékfl ' ' ' " ’ ’ I .‘ '1 3 '. . ' ‘3’ if; .1 5“,; .l' i." 5"»: V1,?!” <53}?12,751"§.I'~119,)j.-.37};.é5§¢1l.rg,V $cfi2fl; ._3.§3‘5fi,:;ifr‘hg.fl 53-,{32‘75‘1 . (1.. 5.. 'V
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'i 3;
$71.21;? 3 ;'
17,;- “1.-1 - ~’»—1‘,,’.r?
THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday, December 1. ital-a “if?“
...__________________________._ —- — — —7—~—_—1—————: ———--— .___ -»——~—~—— WWW ”rail“??? fen
. __ I . l
I , .-,..-;‘~’, , 11‘.
(l 1' My»: wag,
billets-doux n round on e 4 int-*3
- 1‘3"»‘~_'a‘?1".'e%3‘1‘-tii
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l “mm—“hf?—_W__""—ifimk*“*—m*" ‘” ' V' ‘ ' " 7 "ME" " ’ "T “W" " " ‘ ' 4 ' _. " " " ‘ ‘ _ . 3";-
i , privileged to work With him and his make fission bombs, while MX ever promised that they could take worked and underpaid honest McDonald’s closing assessment, ‘ , ' , ' ~
~ WW 8 “I [I'm assmtants are better off for his being missiles, and other lCBM‘s are Mr theenergy in one cupof sea water and laborers with hearts of gold (insert concerning the state of health (1 the ’
l W d lik to tak thi here. . . . _ mally armed with fusion warheads, provideelectricity for-InsAngeles for largedoseofaarcasm here.) only millage-Oriented publication 9 , __ ‘
l tunic “mull e ‘ e 5 0990:" That said, theportion of this article The lintroduction of this little ir- a year. Statements likethesewere us- Von Hoffman’s brandof neo-luddite available to UK students daily, was i ,