xt7fxp6v195p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fxp6v195p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-09-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 13, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 13, 1983 1983 1983-09-13 2020 true xt7fxp6v195p section xt7fxp6v195p Mm__
Vol. LXXXVt, No.25 An independent student newspaper serving the University of Kentucky since l894 lunacy “Dumb“ ij; ~93;
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I 3 Associated Press but was vetoed by Soviet delegate part of the official account of the in- Monday for the 61 Americans lulled tion for its Cilllt‘ns who Vie-re lulled than“. which operates the remain
.-., Oleg v.1royanovsky. cident. The defense force‘s version in the Soth destruction of a South but Solmlm rejected llaiMi mg seven. said the» \et‘u‘d i..-
WAKKANAI, Japan — Gale winds Quoting unidentified sources in the said the plane was hit at 3:5 am. Korean airliner as a pilots‘ boycott State Department sprite-sumo Alan halted Thursday
washed a third body believed from Japanese Self Defense Force, the and disappeared from its radar of flightstoMoscow took hold in Eu Rumbt'rg said the tiniest Mateo But the gmernment at neutral
the downed South Korean airliner Kyodo news agency said after a So— screens at3:29a.m. rope and NATO govemments pie would "continue to press the ant'ls Switnriand (Hays-d deciding uheth
onto Japan's northeaSt coast yester- viet heat-seeking missils hit one or During a public report last week pared to bar the Soviet airline from to meet their clear obligation under er Swissair pilots could suspend
day, and a Japanese news agency more of the Boeing 747‘s four en- on the radar observations. however. theirairports international law to pit) miiipema their four weekly nights to the sun
reportedthejumbo jet did not crash gines at 3:26 a.m. Sept. 1 when the Chief Cabinet Secretary Masaharu The ['8 demand for com mat tion to both the [mind States and et capital and Finland: stair rail
for more than 12 minutes after it airliner was at 30,000 feet, the de— Gotoda also said the plane disap- tion was ented in Washi it; by Korea " way began adding eiitra pane-nun
washitbySovietmissiles. tense force's radar tracked the peared from the Japanese radar John H m" an acti ng - The pilots hair which began Fri can toitstw daily It]!!! to the \u
. . . , . j . _ . ng assutant ,
Meanwhile, the Sovret Union ve- plane sdescentfor 12 minutes. screens at 3.38 am. And press re- secretarv of state to Cl wok”, day iii Britain. was joined h_\ pilots netlnim
toed a Security Council resolution . The report said the plane disap- ports have said that a high-altitude second-ranking member (e‘gdw gun” in Italy, the Netherlands 50mg). Most oi the pilots were dinning
yesterday that would have deplored peared from the radar screen at radar of the defense force recorded et Embassy staff but Sokolov m benmark. Finland and Sweden. a (today boyuitt slant on last
the Soviet action in shooting down a 3:38am.atanaltitudeof2,000feet. the attack, while a separate low- fused‘toacc'e m ' cancelling H of the 2'7 wield) nights Tuesday by tlfllt'llb oi the intenia
South Koreancommercialairliner. The Self Defense Force's public level radar system picked up the p intoMost-w from NATtitwntm-s tional l-‘ederatuin tit \iriiiie i’iltln
The resolution earned the nine- affairs office said it could neither plane as it descended and crashed. Kelley also tried to give Sokoliiv a Pilots oi Air France, which uper Associations
vote majority necessary for adop- confirm nor deny the report. But a The United States demanded com- note on behalf of the South Korean ates Six flights a week, were to join WNW at the l6 \‘Al‘l gun-m
tion under normal circumstances, spokesman added that it was not persation from the Soviet Union on government demanding compensa~ Nesday. and the West German Lui s“. c L a ”If _»
. . - _ 5- ‘, ‘- ’ O 0
Senate votes against bill z Q Voters group inVItes
e e j ‘ v ,. a was" “ e
, g _ j _.j,_
on failing all cheaters g .. g - s; . candidates to debate
By SCO'I'I‘ WILHOIT fail the student for the entire course. . § .. , ' 537 Associated Press Kentucky Educational Tt‘irVihitli
News Editor “I could lose up to 10 percent of stu- j. - , figf‘ still gum ‘
dents this way," Rea said. “Don't . "‘W‘ - j , _ - id‘s ' FRANKFURT The [.0qu of "We are now offering a net-ind up
The University Senate. in its fil‘St you worry about the Severity 0‘ rs 3" ' .' _» ' _ 9* Women Voters of Kentucky sent in tion. hopeful that this iii-ill encourage
meeting of the 83—84 school year, this?“heaskedPival. ‘ A" ~: , . fag Vitations yesterday in the major the selection at a plan for modulate
narrowly defeated a proposed Pival said that professors would ..t‘ jj~§§ *‘g‘t « candidates for goyemor tor a series participation."$teelmanaaiti
harsher policy on cheating and pla- still have a means of handling the W g§§§ .~ jg" _ , ‘ ‘ of three regionaldehates Democrat Martha layne t‘otiim ,
y'arism. situation without having to give a K j j j One would be at tiwensboru, the and Republican Jim Running arr
By a vote of 36 to 34, the Senate failing grade. She said professors i“ A o ‘ " . ‘ j ‘ " second in Northern Kentucky and tentatively scheduled to meet in a
rejected recommendations which would have to decide whether each R " ”w 3 - ‘j ' j i the third at Lexington KET debate ()ct i2, with the tonnat
would require “that the minimum cheating incident was severe aiough ngwse a i ’ d ... 3% "The purpose of these regional de yet tobenegotiated
sanction for cheating or plagiarism towarrant hn'ningthestudent in. "*‘"*M‘" . ‘i’ . ‘ ‘i '_ jg" bales IS to focus on specific coricerns Hank lanthey, pmri secretary to
bemadeanEinthecourse.” David Bradford, Student Govern- ‘ j ’ L gs W‘_jj‘.;E of the particular geographical area Lt Gov Collin. said the leagues
Jean Pival, University Senate merit Association waident, oppmed Q x. .j * ‘ at” and to allow residents of these areas latent letter has not luv-n M‘civt‘d
member, said the harsher policy the recommendations. He said the .3, j j l. l? 7“ to see and hear the candidates yet
was needed to establish a “uniform” student body would no longer have ..' e 3: views." league President Dorothy Running has «mutiny challenged
code by WhiCh the University could “a reasonable doubt" in QMtiOM 0t g i g .. ‘5’,» Steelmanoflawrenceburg said ('ollina to debate, calling for me in
abide. “Its an attempt to make the cheating. ; ’ :- She said that the league‘s original each (Wmmtmidlstnt‘t
whole thing more fair,"Pivalsaid. “Cheating has no place in an edu— 4 -- ‘ offer of a single debate covered by A ltxmgton television station yes
“Presently we are sending mixed cational setting," Bradford said. ' jg. -. ‘ fag tenlay camlleri a iurum it had
messages to the students (on what “Some instructors may find it diffi- ”"j ”med for Wednesday, mm“ W
the cheating policy is)," she said. cult to fail a student and ignore the j , ‘3‘; e tential problems mth a tideral lav.
“The ombudsman was well aware of case, while others may deny the stu- _ ., ' j ' , T COlllns Opens requiring equal time for all unit
the tremendous unevenness in the dent a reasonable doubt and fail the jg] ’ . . ’ tr. dale-n
waycheatingishandled.” samestudent,“hesaid. » " .i' » ' j WKYTATV had invited Hunriii
.. John Rea, an associate professor Bradford listed instances where . '. headquarters and Collins in talte pan to a or:
at French, objected and questioned the new policy cause harm. “Mis- ‘ t , hour debate beginning at a pm
., the reasoning behind the recommen- takes happen, and occurrances in ' . j wm
dation. “I am a little bit worried such a gray area should be handled for Democrats The statizn's dilemma Intensifled
about the severity," Rea said. He on a case-by-case basis and not an j * g with the possibility that Nicholas
said that every semester, 10 percent either—or basis,"hesaid. & . W_ ' j Mcoibbin would be certified to rm
of his students cheat at least once. “A maximum penalty can protect _ . . . cs .- ’ Area Democrats gathered lOKPlh- for governor as a third‘plrty candi
Normally, Rea said he handles the student rights, but a minimum pen- j j er last night for the officnil opening date
problem individually and the prob- alty such as this one may prove D . , . “Lulu“ ”mm" 0f the new Faye"? “0‘le Demo Any candidate excluded from the
lemgetssolved. counterproductive,"Bradfordsaid. emocrat'c gubernatorial cand'da‘e Manila Layne (0mm add'cw cratic Headquarters Senator Wen- forum could have filed a claim for
But under the new policy, Rea . In other businessj the Senate re- es a crowd of supporters at the opening of the new Fayette (‘ounty dell Ford. who opened the ceremo {no air mm Kurtz “id and the
said he would have been forced to See SENATE, pageS Democratic Headquarters yesterday. ny. claimed the headquarters was a station could have been forced to re
. . great achievement for all of Fayette linquiiih as much as 3|] hours or
Three killed by Moslem mortar fire County and u should play a mi pflmetime
role in the upcoming elections W MM H . our ‘
l I . . . Also on hand for the ceremonies
arlnes O roun es lte S e I“ were Steve Beshear and gubernato- ,
0 0 rial hopeful Martha Layne (‘ollins i
Associated Press *—'—.“‘_—'—-’—‘_ Drtse convoy carrying weapons. Efliirzéxrezigzkti‘ngéolrd warm; I
M risome guy would Just pop up and let off a few causingenormous explosions. five p-rmom XM-jéc‘mm govern” j
shgfiTlflmxgigos.S.Manngrg rounds - - - But the heavzest concentration was am :lfmgiisoidu; $35 mm" 0"" “mm“ “mm” “ ’I‘Uuwmmmm
sitions at the Beirut ai rt last H - ta‘ ‘ look' Be' t d ‘f "“‘s' b“ a ”my “"d’d'” “' ”I! all An Idiot lam VII-
. . rpo . out ofHay el-Sellum. Ma]. Robert Jordan m ridge over , mg "1’ ‘ an I though she was quick to comment , . 0
night, wounding three of the Ameri- , the Druse look It they would com- Um her en, E a {me and (M de: It alt-- 0' th- III-eh
can peacekeepers. a Marine spokes- Marine Spokesman mand the area and the Beirut-Dam- tin . oppon ‘ , I“ Q h- h INA...
- . guished person. she also said the
man said. — ascus highway. u orning election should pose a ”3: ”A”; j j
Maj. RON" Jordan said tW0 01' gun fire With snipers firing from Lebanese army spokesman Capt. The Druse claim their forces have lope race g
the wounded were evacuated to the areas largely under the control of Youssef Atrissi said Amal gunmen overrun about 80 percent of the [Elgesliear the Democratic camp QQMUH-fifllfiw
heliccpter carrier Iwo Jima theShiitemilitia.Amal. inthe Beirut neighborhood of Chiyah Chouf and Aley mountain regions date for 1“ Governor w“ M to aim mi,- aged-r b rum
anchored offshore: One suffered a “Some guy would NS! Pop up and fired mortars at the Lebanese army. since the latest round of fighting be— add that 1;] the “‘8 , ' m' quDemo um-~‘~
shrapnel wound in me left hand and let off a few roams," Jordan said. He said the army responded with tween leftist Druse and rightist cram w t was) Etna rr'iiiumum
theother hadadislocated shoulder. “But the heaviest concentration was “all kinds of weapons." including Christian militias began Sept. 4, but duri War . '
. . H . . . ng the fall election sum!
The third Marine was treated on outof Hay el-Sellum. tanks and machine guns, and de- when Israeli forces withdrew. sometimes drifts H not necessarily
the compound for a minor shrapnel Hay elSellum. a crowded. poor strayed an unspecified number of The Drme claim the Lebanese because of the Republican strength
wound in theleg, hesaid. Jordan re- neighborhood south of Beirut, is a Amal bunkers. There were no re- army supports the right-wing mili- but becauseofvoter turnout
fused to say who fired the mortars, strongholdoftheShiite militia. portsofcasualties. tias of the Christian Phalange Party After announcing that she would . - . . --..
but both Shiite Moslem militias and Jordan said a US. Navy task In Lehman‘s central mountains. and have resisted attempts by the meet her m ““4045“ m I *’ "”""" ' ' "
leftist Druse militias hold positions force more than 2,000 Marines ar- leftist Drtse militias battled the army to take over positions vacated debate wlfim ll 8" on Kentucky _j _,m all “V W M
thatwouldbeinrange. rived off the Lebanese coast. Presi- Lebanese army at the army‘s bythelsraelis. Educational Television In late Octo- ‘* ”~- m and M ”t
The attack, which began after sun- dent Reagan dispatched the task stronghold ofka el-Gharb. a Chris The conflict has sent thousands of her Chllins and we was ready and *' ”a“ 13. t“ “
set and lasted about an hour, came force to the area after two Marines tian town which controls the major refugees streaming into Beirut and willi for Bunmn and an other x» . m' ... b the“ *
more than 12 hours after Marines were killed last monthfhvo more route from the mountains to Beirut. south toward lsraelioccupied terri- "gum g y Q ~_ j j_
exchanged small arms and machine Marines havebeenkilled since then. The army said its gunners blasted a tor-y below the Awali River. ml RICK ELKINS 3T ‘ 1‘ ' ' ’
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32%- ' "-‘I’iiris 5:3;535335E353535255‘” : “E ' :35535533335:‘;35§:="555533535335355355355:5; 5:5:1 3 USAstm —-———-—————————— chm. Bob cuy, mm day of
® if} gflifijgfgfizr‘ I f Em§‘ , ‘-::' :- """.5:3:I;355555555 35g; 55 3190.15 ”The ultimate goal LS salient! fa ”Sim hell life, cm
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.2. ti'iiiii ‘—__...-—===-. - 33355;\ 3 best {ti-Lawn: osfvorst enemy. hand content with their :mth‘lay '2: "net I!) itself to a
‘57' . 332C333 - _——_===3 1:2:3; 3 even t roommates ve . eernt a cure '
. 1993553323; 5— ‘ 4 §s§5§s§ 3: problems from time to time. The irn- roommates, which m am extrema
:‘Eff? 555:}. 233535 5 15:35:, :3 portant thing is to work them out. I I
3?} if 31:3}.{335353 £233; .5 3235533y\\\ ’ 5; residencehall advieen say. creates 6.1 be"? only take fl.“ with "’9 W
iii-{5:3 E If 3. 3‘5.” i 3 £313“; It"? ; Communication is “52:12:53 in academic en vrronment m wimwnxm and
':i_.‘,-.3.‘i‘-.i.1:-: §:§:§:-_.j f‘ 3:;:;._.jj j} ; solvirg conflicts. Katy . a ' ' room -
vgizgv, 33.55““; (5" 5" . :5553333535553:532:4..._ :3 BlandimllreeidentadviaerJaid. ' ' ' We believe ’” Ned Bat-m. - Mme II M
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5E3?.1;i.r;:ii;ii;l.. -::S:E:§5535:'::-' " ' 3 'gS;Sg§:§:§:5:5:5:g:g;;3:33:35; apermllevel.“sheuid. Th t . 'I If .5 mam-u problem I- My n-
-1??:~:-.3515:5151??? "1353513"? @ ‘:§:§:3539131§I§:§:§:§:§:§:35:55:} Roommate problems are as varied a I” I 56 I a H ”M mm ‘3
-:5;5:-:3;3‘-:3:3:?:3:' ' :3" 13111333322133: \ ""'15:535553153555353515153:3:3 M "an ' ' mull) '
’r’ . -.'-.’:'-.'-.=.:j-.g'-.2':=.-.'-.:_..,.- . ‘ ""'I'-‘:I:s:s:sfsis ii'om “easilhtdmm. mm” exper'ence' said M n W to m
-;.,.,.;.j:i_3';:'; _‘.‘-::'-_'.'-,:';';EI_':';:';:'-,:j':‘-_-.._: v era and “a of wivecy. M m BOD Clay decision and pubic moves widen
{23.11-- 5¢-:;.;..:;:::-.‘-_. ;'-_:'-_:';'.23:32323232355'5-3. -' 3 . said. 4 591510!!! D can diefirattwowuhdlheeem-tc
(gin! i ’q-‘i' p M hm the We" '6' ' ‘ '1’” M” "" M WM"
ifiififg-‘(f / fl ‘ . V pm to make. Jo Wm. ofStudmts the wobiem is “Form a
"fgfi’rfi'filf-lii‘éii- ‘ A M" Towe hall dim. “id — itanhewwkdm. .
£5.54,fi:;:';’::._:ij:;:;:;'.:tj:1j Became everythim is new to fresh- m offlcieb are available
.o-Eizagigiaiziziagig':323233323233: ’ ‘ men. they not get nominated with mete problem. Set-node aid. W the Inn-hr b Me It»
:‘g’.-_'.';:':'-:':-.‘;'.1j:';2213;332:3232; ‘ the cam and a roommate at the “Mediation ia the key RM molly Me with M M. (Jay
..23232321333321.3232323323232;. ’/ ‘ I .me time, she .uj “In in. m listen. Most use are ”tiled tide cold. “The minute goal is for our
‘ m we are "amped with can- way." mwummmirm-
‘ ' plebistveryonewantetomove." if. however. a eullict can't be re- meb. when ant,“- hr ace- ,
”mm,wa MMeanhebinedvtr‘m- adved.thcnnal¢uonhamucm -.
v Q ' U

 2 - rue KINWCKV KIINII. Tuesday. “wombat 13, 19.3
6 9 ,
Lean and mean Soviet issue stirs
, New Jersey prmcrpal rules school with an ironfrst - . . ~ ,_ [191‘th controversy
‘ 0
MM PR“ ————————— Theron lowery, a lS-yearoid M" . , . .5 within Congress
There is no school (It sqihomu-e. called Clark a “miracle ° . . : ,
PATERSON, NJ. - A former h b. worker.” a“ [it ,_ e '
Army drill instructor who calls him- I 9 country as ’3 US “He has a certain aur‘ that _ ‘ i = N. l
“1‘ ' "‘e‘“ “d mean" Prim?“ “" stside that is as make you want to follow him" said at > ' 3 warns
turned to Paterson Eastside High Ea . Gary Dennis,a17~year-old senior. '3‘? ‘~ Ay-rtgfidi’ruswmer
School yesterday, armed with his orderly as Eastszde. One of Clark's first mm W _ a; .
”“11"“ '“d “a splash °‘ “me” There’s no drug year was to “eradicate the muss " g - "5 , WASHINGTON — The dereliction
cy." . , and hoodlums,” students he claimed or Korean Air Lines Flight our: had
A: Joe Clark. 45. began his second problem in the school, hung out in the schoolyard selling ‘ . ~ . ,. cm in a bitter, anti-Soviet
year as principal, there was no evi- d I. u drugsand instigating vandalism. " mood as it returned yesterday from
dence of the “uncontrollable ani- n0 van a 15m ' Early last year, he held an assem- . ..., . _ a five-week summer recess, and
"mg-1h? said he found when he ar- bly in which he told all the students . . * . »- lam of both parties screed that
riv as year. . . that he wanted them to res t the ” . " , ’ " " i l _, A a. ‘ President Ree is now far more
Morale and grades are up at the Joe Clark! pr "tap“! dozen white attending the term. ... g ” -"-.j’i'.’.",_. , ‘5- likely to get him way on defense is-
school of 3,000 mostly black or 1115- Paterson ”(gh School “’Diey know not to mess with ' ”if MW nigh“? Z .. , lug.
pzauc Studerétds that cityf reagents white students,” said Clark, who is . , , CW g‘ . m the senate, Republican. and
l‘. 0‘ er uca ors re er as black. “'l‘hat’s dangerous. It shows a V .. " ‘ Democratic leaders inuted behind 3
Clark sAcademy. over the PA system the names of . . . .- , resolution condemning the So et
. . lack of respect. I dont tolerate it. - , ,_ . V‘
Clark says suspensmns are auto- the suspended students, calling them The ’dbebett ff tta ki ,, . Umon for “a cold-blooded attack on
matic for fighting, vandalism, drug “DisgracesotEastside.” 3’ e” a c “gme- _- e , emu; amine,» and ..a bar-
possession, assaulting a teacher and “Before Clark came you were a He said his techniques have , " -. ' M. ’ baric action" which “will rank
profanity directed at teachers. hero if you got suspended," said brought changes in attitude and per- -*".,..“* .. . . with 5‘. ~ among one 0‘ the most infamous and
For lesser infractions, students James Stewart, a 16-year-old senior. formance. He said before he arrived " ; . ' . . reprehemible acts of aviation histo-
are given in-house suspensions and “Now,you're embarrassed." at the school, 39 percent of the stu— .zv i. 1* r \ ’ ryy'
required to wear a custodian’s uni- Clark roams the hallways with a dents were passing English courses, Q _ The resolution is likely to be ap-
form with stripes of the school col- bullhorn, barking at students to pick but that 56 percent received passing ' 5” g » - proved unanimously today. Similar
ors. They cannot attend classes, but up litter or tohastentoclasses. grades last year. He said passing . ’ "' ’ action is probable in the Democratic
must “clean walls, sweep the floor, “There is no school in the country grades in math jumped from 55 per- " «s ‘ Heine laterintheweek.
clean up cigarette butts, wipe off as big as Eastside that is as orderly cent to 82 percent in the same peri— 5, .. his» . PW: .
cafeteria tables, cut the lawn and as Eastside,” he said. “There‘s no od. , ,. ... s. m. . wagelie‘f“ ,5 . The Senate version “'85 further
rake the lawn,”Clark said. ‘ drug problem in the school, no van- “Students want discipline," Clark ... . 33g.» - «is; . US sanctions 888th the Soviet
Each morning Clark announces dalism; fights are few. if any.” said. , . , ‘ s = ‘ Umon unless it apologizes for shoot-
M a, ...“. ....m» ... “wwwww ing down the Boeing 747 jumbo jet
‘ WWW" ' "“"W " , fl and pays compensation to the fami-
IRYAN lAYLOR/Chlel'Photogrlph “a d an ”9 MIC Who perished,
BUY KERNEL CLASSIFIEDS! North by northwest ...... ...... meme v
Page Taylor, a geology junior, uses a compass to complete Ga.,and600ther Americans.
the first field study assignment for one of her geology classes Majority Leader Howard H. Baker
near the Classroom Building. Jr., R-Tenn., said “Over the longer
--._._ -_,.-.,__ *2. __ term, we can hope that the combina~
, . g . tion (1 universal outrage and the va-
W "W" 1° A Bowre re orts theft ...... ...... ...... W ....
a gallery convince the leadership of the Soviet
. ‘. . . ..J, OFF Union that murdering innocent civil-
- .... , . _ ‘ ians does little to satisfy their par-
..-. » fm n yfromroom -. - - - .,
_ / anor obsessron With security
. fig , 4,0442%“ . ALI. FLOWER NEEDS 0 0 e f , _
r ‘ '9 By JOHN VOSKUHL on Columbia Terrace on 'l‘hursda ,7 A. co-sponsor 0‘ the ”95° ution, M"
\ ( 9A 004 , For Students, Faculty 8. Staff Ass,s,a,,mewsed,m, Sept 8. ”china, said the We]: nonty leader Robert G. Byrd. D-w. .
a , 449; S, ,, -..... ...... was ...... .. .... Essih'iiirsigisiszzsi
T I _ m Bowie, UK’s 7-foot—2 sket~ bike rack when it was stolen. ., .
D 1 ~ J‘ 1" Crossroads ”an. 273 1696 ball center, reported to University James V. List, as Greg Page ...offendedandsomber. ,
’, police the theft of $343 from his Apartments, reported to police the .
, l \ - Q room in Wildcat Lodge on Friday, theft of his 10-speed bicycle from the cfifigygflwg’hfi" 111°35‘22””: j
/ fi)‘ [‘0 239 East Hi I! Sept. 9. student apartment complex on first opportunity to express their ,
(y « . e l ¢, 9 Bowie said the money was in a Thursday, Sept. 8. List said the bicy- -
\ I 909l|chmond “I V 255 , , , , , outrage at the Sowets, not only for
J / -5651 suit Jacket in his closet, according to cle, valued at $100, had been locked .
q Lalrovlow Plato . . . the attack, but Moscow s refusal to
Vfi _ police reports. The money was taken when it was stolen. .
, Ph.260—1414 . _ allow other nations to search the
. sometime between 10:45 pm. Thurs- Shaun W. Gill, 316 Aylesford area wheretheplane went down
0 l _..___=_—_—;..“ ' day and6p.m. Friday, he said. Place, reported the theft of his bicy- ‘
—-='=-—---—--—- University police reported several cle from behind Pence Hall on Sat- “This Stalinistic act may be the
T Ho Y MCA “limit thefltsedlzst tlveek, seven of urday, Sept. 10. Gill said the bicycle most vivid demonstration of the So-
_ uese w ic invo v icyc es had been chained to a light t be- 'et mentalit hi h rul m nat'
° T LEGS CONTEST 'tnessr Fun. Value Linda S. Bonton, 307 Blanding I, hindthehallwhenitwasstiolenpl)s Kind which hzswdéigm I: stings:
, 50¢ Draft I reported the theft of her Ashika 10- Steven Solt, 293 Greg Page Apart- ing the rest of the world,” said Rep.
~ wed: ${IDWEEK MIADNES v . Fro. use of . Fully equipod age: lgficfnfgmgumlsgethe; rfili- nllenfts, tog palice lgs lozpeerttl biog IkeSkelton,D—Mo.
. l ereril s ecio Io netball . c n y' P' ‘ 6 cc mm c reg 38° F‘1 me“
l, . p saver" hour ,orqm.mb.r:°""' °""'"’" "'9'" bicycle. valued at $375. was locked on Saturday, Sept. to. Salt said the Rep. Gerald 3. Solomon, R-N.Y.,
Drawmos for T—shlrts '°°"' whenitwas stolen. Benton said. bicycle, valued at $150, had been said shooting down the plane demon- ‘
Thurs; MISS BRASS A l e V.f|.fy of 0 Special rate for Jason N. Parraco, 215 Blanding I, phalned and locked when ‘t was sto- strata: ‘lufiusowg‘tltbfand “30%;?"
\ CONTEST . full-time student reported the theft of his Schwinn bi- en- "‘3'“ ‘5 "° "8 “1‘” a“ c '
e asses and sports member-chi c cle on Friday Sept 9 Parraco Edward J. Foltz, 230 Kentucky els and human barbarians that have
1 st Prize-California Woterbed 7 '“'“” P 53nd the bicycle valued atslso was Ave" reputed the the“ °f his 1“ "° "59"“ f“ human fights and M
\, .. ““ M '\N ..., . ’ ‘ speed bicycle from outside McVey respectforhumanlifeitself."
.. iovlom irxmctou ; ~ lockedwhenltwas stolen. Hall on Monday Sept 5 Foltz said
Leigh A. Archinal, 325 Columbia the bicycle, valued at me, was The antiSOViFt m°°d, “tamed 9°
Terrace, told police her 10-speed bi- taken from a slut post it was both 3 “03‘ Of {“919} “fa,“ issues m
cycle was stolen from a bicycle rack chained and locked to. both chambers, “”1“de financmg
of the MX intercontinental nuclear
. . .. as. . a. missile, the role of Marines in Leb-
7 way; ’3; ' ; ,_"*»‘.‘.___ . I l S S R anon, and Reagan’s anti-leftist poli-
' at and ,, » O O O O cies in Central America.
_ ,1 _ - _' .‘ = ' Continued from page one . . .
W“) __-, t . merits began calling in Soviet am- two weeks also. It said a two-month 1. Baker said the plane issue mu
, . -. . . ,, . . . deepen concern about the dangers
4.1. . g . . bassadors to inform them that they boycott primarily wrll hurt West- of Soviet conduct in the world and
"fig; . a,“ , ‘ ' """"" would refuse landing permission to em airlines, and it could jeopardize will strengthen the esident’s re-
. *1... ._ R ‘tj .; 3”“ Aeroflot, the Soviet airline, for two Soviet routeallocations." questforastronger mill-ta ..
'. 7 ’ ‘e‘ " " weeks starting Thursday. Japan, which banned Aeroflot ry'
, f KN “Q‘s ll But four members of the alliance charter flights last Friday, was pre- But Baker said there may also be
j 2. I. an, M». “a . - ,fi _ — France, Greece, Spain and ’l‘ur- paring to join in the ban on all Sovi- new pressures for arms control talks
.~ ' «b t, '. I ' _, key — refused to take part. And the et flights, Foreign Minister Shintaro with the Soviet Union because of
s. .x.‘ N k .- 1 .. ... ,. i, Danish pilots: association proposed Abe. told the visiting Irish foreign fresh realization of the risks of nu-
: ., . 5%“, a J, x . :t . _ . ‘ . ... gfi § that the pilots boycott be reduced to mlmster, Peter Barry. . clear war. . . .
, . ’ *- a $1 t V V l I. . .
em ., ~ . t w . i w
" " , . . *5} 9 i
" § (2 l’ “A ‘ f l 111 Journalism Raiding * M 1W7: .
iii ..~ w
, , , , ..-' Moreheod State W
We * , . University
W . - Student Association . ,
l‘ ' 1‘ I will xi, N.
E gas and Jorducho [cl \‘rl 9
J m. \‘
; present . . ~ \,
t ownto usmess er.
D"? ’l‘ '9”"' SANDWICHES
1th me BA‘35 QUEER Super Sub HamCr Meatball
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H h , h b l l A ff 1 h Tuesday-8:00p.rn.
[ eresonct mg uslness cilcu atlons, amortizatlons powe u com ination. °-""--""" f“"""""'
students have always needed, and balloon payments. Think business. With SCP'CMbCT 13' 19.3 a“ : l“ E
this is it: an affordable, bust— The BA—ls means you the BAJS Student ACCde'C-A'h'.flc Confer : m“ : :I-n-U- I
ness—oricnted calculator. spend less time calculating, Business Analyst. I t In. np at. I I “....” ”Wm:' :
The Texas lnstruments and more time learning. One MOI'ChCCd S’C'. un'v.n"y : mggflé : : Eg‘eg"" “F: :
BArlS, the Student Business keystroke takes the place Tm Adm'“'°n: ‘10 ‘0' O'HCI’CI : ”3:33.“— : : 3.13”” "' :
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, complicated finance. a hook that follows most and services for Y““- on SSOCIO '0", O _'ce’ n 00"
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and a stack of reference books, to help you get the most out Shopping Center. NO TELEPHONE on
like present and future value of calculator and classroom. MAIL ORDERS: All remaining "Ck.“ W
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i ' f i '

 _________________________________._.______‘_. A»... ___'f‘1§__'_"_'\~lf§-_V Kmm toad-1.33pm... is. we: . a
hm mute-
‘ A: N L! - \4
rsy Aute‘ov‘t At" Li "a
Sex, laughs and baseball highlight schedule
NBC wants every T V addict to ‘ Be there’ for 't f II
. 'm The advent of autumn and the ar~ son. What is interesting about this is the focus of one of th “ ‘ ' ‘
u had rival of the football season are two that all of the networks have be- ma‘e highly-touted show; :xropedrb 211152921 Sept ti and rum l‘tiursdais Jg‘ldmdtr "P“ “h" “rm?” I“. twin” I‘ Humid.“ ul‘w mm w
isoviet characteristic staples to be had at come downright nasty about compe- by Steven Bochco w-mu Steel 3 Hi: “‘”.‘.‘T“”“ mm” im“ 2 “In. ‘.ur".“m‘ ”w “W an"
y from this timeoftheyear: tition this fall as NBC clearly exem- Blues") hie series exammes the .M" 5m” I: about an nranxutan \tfem \ w {1- {Hunk m do" M h .m. “My: “m. I“ d“ n M, “i
-, end [can handle mth of mm events plifies m its ominots t of I lives of the [am hers “10‘. an IQ of 256 [hall 15 d gmerii l. Hill?! \d.‘ ll:\ hauler against l‘rlilllcl.l\ :lr tut ‘llh tin nirv-
-. that with a measured calmness: But “We‘re going to sink ‘The Love their wives and girlfrientk as the menu] ”mam” ‘md milk” mnhi‘ - t l; .x.“ ‘ M M": Imffi‘ In“?! "M “I,“ PH”
r ma-e there's yet another annual happen- Boat‘ " in the ads for its show "The men atthavor to make it to the big the world a hotter place tor to all "“‘l‘ “"‘ “"“m‘ V‘” *" "' ' ""“r‘” ' ‘ "' " "“0”“ I" "“
_ .- is- ing that strikes anxiety in my 31- Rousters “ leagues. They are all trying to make The usual 3"”) 0‘ t‘harm‘lm ‘0 pm “I K “A“: ”n.” .LMIM met. m
ready cluttered mind. The unveiling -——————-—— the best (ml of what is just a stop on p18) second banana ("‘Mr Smith ’ 'l'W lute and "time Mr! lk'llvr “I l'Ten..iar- V“ l I“ lip it:
n‘ and of the {an telev‘tson schedule .is the down-side d their career An en? 133:2“ are ‘0“ hand lannugli Mill is Ult‘ hittiir tit lhr MU: \trl-iriw in -lhr \elkm Num- 2‘ .1 ram h gm
. da enough to make anyone shudder in ‘! Barry J. semble cast brings the personal con ml"? Np! .ilalxp lll \mon «tint: it “untrue-d m. than; mm um “.n,..NM ,h r... ...
51V!“ thfgbOOI-S — * WILLIAMS mas and hopes of the Bay (‘1!) “Jennifer Slept Mere Ann Jillldn "W" 5”" worm-n MI) -lll' tint: .tlni innit-'1': -'..u lei.“ I'Atllullillr l' l\
chum . the battle of the networks be- -. team to life Premiere October 25 'TV's ”Mm. “est “mud“a) s In tho-it II-lh as lutnfrunin-n \ll lht‘ lair I the- i furniture“ and lhrtt
a nrk gins andratings become that all-en~ l" a at 10pm. "Sugar Babies" stars as Jam“, kllldx ..i tumultuous arr hum "Mum“ a, h“, ”N. mm.“ “mm“
. 1nd Srfiiflgvgwsgfig’lilngmgr SSE: Andthe 8 Farrell. the glamorous ghost resid “T““tl ”MT' IlflIH“ .Illil i‘tlllslri‘s m .m not her. xmtr um “Jar
“. . . warwa eson , . . , ing at in: Hollywood ltr When {our “ l" “mix " t H t “H" mm ”HUM Wampum 9mm! «2 m m- it
histo- glycerin boltles. the thc becomes Tomorrow and Thursday 1'11 take dig'v" iGath" Mfd‘le‘ ‘FI another ad- teen-yearold Joei mun-s into the “WM“ lu timlw it in [hr \rim -\l‘. mu 'mr Ull whirntrill: II Illli‘ll‘ln
the pawn in the war for Nielsen a look at the opposing networks and .mn 0 e en ess 5‘ com'group. ho : ' h hl‘ f7 - ~ ""5””th “Ml ””1 > ”11* «h't ' ‘ ~ ' ,
‘ _ . . . . , this one centers on the actmties of use wit is until} Jinniltr tie it “shut IN '1 the“ prim-H teamw- ”(he-t
be ap- sharee