xt7fxp6v1b6t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fxp6v1b6t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-12-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1992 1992 1992-12-09 2020 true xt7fxp6v1b6t section xt7fxp6v1b6t cO'CDIC);




‘ my «'quia'fitN‘t‘T—‘wfi i WS’Fc' u ..1.-_.,».. .. .

'u‘vvw,’ M . H.


Ke ntucky Ke me]


Vol. XCV' No. 7!

Established 1394

’ University of Kentucky. Leiibgton. Kentucky

independent since 1971

Wednesday. December 9. 1992


Dean of Students investigating
Pikes in alleged theft of jerseys


By Lance Williams
Staff Writer

l'hc Dean of Students office is
investigating Pi Kappa Alpha so-
cial fraternity iti connection with
the alleged theft of various sports
paraphernalia stolen from Duke
l'iiiversity and the l'niversity of
North (‘arolina-(‘hapel llill.


l'hc UK Police Deparunent
found several pieces of sports trie-
iiiorabilia ~ including the jersey

of former l)uke player (‘hristiaii
Laettiier —— from the Durham and
(‘hapel llill. N.(‘.. campuses some-
tirtie this past weekend. said UK
spokesman Ralph l)erickson.

l)erickson said the IiKl’l) has
investigated the incidents and has
taken sworn statements from five
indisiduals from the fraternity who
participated iii the alleged theft.
the statements lead authorities to
believe that there may liase been
at least Iii students lll\(lI\L‘tI from
the l 'iiisersity

No one has been charged or ar-


IW. Patterson. frateniity faculty
adviser. said he did not believe that
the actions were part of a tratcrnity-
sponsored esent and tliai the indi-
viduals involved acted on their

"I know that most of it was
pledges. I cannot c‘tlllllllll at this
poitit that there were absolutely no
members present.

“I hate to use the word 'walkoutf
but I‘m positi\e that it was a pledge
walkout where they just disappear
for the weekend Whether or not
they took arty members with them I
do not know." Patterson said.

We I’ikes were placed on probas
tion earlier in the semester. Heart of
Students l)avid Stockhaiii said
Stockliain said he did not want to
speculate on further action against
the fraternity tiritil all the facts bc-
cottic known.

“We do not ha\c otl'icial reports.
as yet. that something was taken
from other schools. I think that's a
possibility. but again. iii .ill taii

ness. we would want to look at all
the facts." Stockhain said,

He said it the frateniity is found
guilty. the fact that it is already on
probation could hase a bearing on
what the penalty would be.

“(‘ertainly. it could have a bear-
ing. but. certainly. l would not be in
a position to say that for sure."
Stockhain said,

l’ikc President I ance Dowdy said
the fraternity is “coorx‘ratiiig with
the l’nivcrsity iii :uty investigation“
II is conducting concerning the

Dowdy also said that anyone
loutid to be involved in the theft
“will be disciplined to thc ltillcst
extent" by the fraternity.

About probation. lie said. " l hat‘s
up to the l'iii\eisity. as to whether
they see it as a liateriiity c\clll or

.-\inong the items that were taken
liotti ('hapcl llill were a lat llccls
tootball licliiict lamp and photo iiic~

See JERSEYS Page 2

SGA president requests help
of board in lobby against cuts


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


Student (ios ei'nrncnt Association
President l’ete November yesterday
asked the UK Board of 'l‘rus‘tees for
help in lobbying the state legisla-
tiir‘c against turthcr budget cuts.

“ll l could ask one thing from the
Board of Trustees for students. it
would be to help us all with the lob~
byiiig effort for the next General
Assembly.” November said at yes-
terday‘s trustees meeting. “In order
for this University to move ahead.
we've got to have additional funds.
lior this state to do well iii the fit-
ture. all of our young people must
be provided with a good educa-

[K is still reeling trotii budget
cuts totaling more than 82o riiillion
over the last two years. Recently.
state officials told uniseisity presi-
dents to prepare for another [Xissb
ble cut if state revenues didn‘t im-
prove. No decision has yet been

November indicated that the bud-
get Cuts have hurt students. though
he was quick to praise administra-
lion‘s handling of thc crisis.

“I realize that il'Ki President
((‘harlesl Wcthingtoii and (‘haticel-
lor (for the Lexington (‘ainpiis Rob
crt) lleinenway have both tried to
protect students from budget cuts
and they have a done a great iob
bttt students have still been faced

with ptoblctiis with longci lines.
sinallcr class selections and some
larger classes." he said. "We reali/c
this is not caused by decisions made
by the l'niveisity. but it's caused by
a lack ot state funding."

November, who serves as student
trustee oil the board. didn‘t offer the
board tnucli depth about problems
students face or how they could be
rectified, But he said the purpose of
his speech was not to dcli\cr a
"State ol the Student Body" ad»

Noicinl‘ier also tIltIlbI take a posi-
tion oti a possible ttiitioti increase. a
mm c supported by uniicrsity presi—
dcnts at last month‘s state (‘ouiicil

See BOARD, Page 2




The Balkans

Area enlarged



\/Austria - . t
HllngarylHERZEGOVlNA .




France / i.
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Because of altercations in Bosnia-Herzegovina, student Alex
Radetich is delaying trips to see his family in Serbia.




Croatia -
‘4 , .041) Serbia
, a" /E?Yugoslnu.







Albania \ .

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