xt7fxp6v1c21 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fxp6v1c21/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-09-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 02, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 02, 1998 1998 1998-09-02 2020 true xt7fxp6v1c21 section xt7fxp6v1c21  








Don‘t forgot


Today is the last day
to add a class. The UK
VIP number is 257-7000.

3- ‘ ‘ . s Nun's-mus. ..




_ -. -5. , .,...'WW~,.W.,..._~. .--


UK’s offensive
line pumped
to protect
their QB this
weekend I 4



How to pre-
tend you
live in a

1. Sleep on the shelf
in your closet. Replace
the closet door with a
curtain. Three hours af-
ter you fall asleep, have
your spouse, roommate
or a family member whip
open the curtain, shine a
flashlight in your eyes
and scream, “Lookouts
to the bridge!"

2. Have one of your
friends stand next to
you and repeat, at the
top of their lungs, every-
thing you say.

3. Avoid sunlight.
Only view the world
through the peephole in
your front door.

4. Invite at least 85
people you don't know
to come and live with
you in your bathroom for
two months.

5. Every so often yell
"Dive, Dive," run into
the kitchen and sweep
all the pots and pans off
the counter onto the

6. Put on a pair of
stereo headphones
(don’t plug them in). Go
and stand in front of
your stove. Say, to no-
body in particular,
”Stove manned and

7. Paint the wind-
shield in your car black.
Make a friend stand up
through the sunroof and
give directions as you
drive. Drive through as
many big puddles as you
can. Shoot large saiamis
out the window at the
neighbor's car.

- Source:

They said it



Craig: We ain't got no

Smokey: No sugarl?
Damn! Y'all ain't never
got two things that
match. Either ya got
Kool-aid, no sugar.
Peanut butter, no jelly.
Ham, no burger.

Ezel: Aaaa! My neck!
My back! My neck and
my back! I want
$150,000, but we can
settle out of court right
now for $20 bucks.

Scent of a forum

Colonel Slade: There
is nothing like the sight
of an amputated spirit.
There is no prosthesis
for that.



8.0 6.9

A chance oi showers
tomorrow. Friday, fair
and cool.


VOL. Ni04 ISSUE m7


“Practicing meditation is a
good way to learn how to
not take yourself so

- William Ouan, College of Pharmacy


Sit back and relax




Yoga instructor David Bates (bottom) leads a class in Kundalini yoga at the Shambhala Meditation Center on Maxwell Street. Bates (above) does a
breathing exercise called pranayam during the class. which he teaches weekly.

Gaining a piece of mind



tion sessions and breakfast

Breathe deeply: Shambhala center helping
its patrons maintain focus in their lives

By Jessica Coy

People at Cafe Shambhala
last Saturday were told. ”Sit
up straight. focus on a point
about eight feet in front of you
and breathe. As you breathe.
focus on that breathing until
everything else in your mind
fades into the background."

This type of instruction

may seem a little out of place
in an ordinary cafe. but Cafe
Shambhala isn't ordinary.

It‘s actually a forum for
meditation practice held
every Saturday from 9 am. to
noon in the Shambhala Medi-
tation Center at 315 West
Maxwell St.

“Practicing meditation is
a good way to learn how to not
take yourself so seriously."

William Quan.
works in the UK college of
pharmacy and has been in-
volved with the center since

Quan said meditation can
be especially beneficial for stu-
dents who are often stressed
out by the demands of school
and other activities.

“When you are stressed
out. it takes away from your
clarity. but you create your
own stress. and you can also
dispel your own stress." Quan

Quan UK students took
advantage of the free medita‘

last semester. She said that
once students learn the basics
of meditation. they are en-
couraged to practice at home.

“You don‘t have to prac»
tice for hours a week. 15 min»
utes a day is often enough."
Quan said.

Lance Brunner. a medita-
tion instructor. said in addi-
tion to relieving stress. medi-
tation may help students im-
prove memory and lengthen
attention spans.

"it's basis (meditation) is

See MEDITATION on 2 >3»


News tips?
Call: ZST-i9i5 or write:


UK series to focus on words

The power of the verb: Student, faculty panel
discussions will feature high-profile wordsmiths

By Susan llebusca

UK will be celebrating words
this semester with a series of pan-
el discussions involving Kentuckv
ians in the field of writing.

Dean of undergraduate studies
Louis Swift said the series is an ex-
tension of the celebration of the
opening of William 1‘. Young Li-

“When the organizing commit-
tee for the opening of the new li-
brary thought about how to cele-
brate the opening. we of course did
the usual thing April 3. with an
outdoor speaker and dedication
ceremony." Swift said. "But We
wanted to do something that em.
phasized the academic purpose of
the library."


Swift added that they didn‘t
just want to have a series of lec-
tures. The committee for the open-
ing of the library contacted promi-
nent poets. authors. playwrights
and reporters with ties to Ken
tucky. and invited them to come
and talk about how they use words
in their daily work.

“We found a lot of very talent-
ed people that have made a natne
for themselves in a variety of pro-
fession. all of which have to do
with the use of words." Sw1ft said.
"The whole idea was to have these
people talk about the use of words.
their changing approach to writ-
ing. how it shaped their lives and
trying to get them to talk about
something they love."

This semester. the panels will
focus on words in literature. press
and public relations. Swift said he

hopes to continue the series in the
spring with panels focusing on
words in music. theater and tech-

“We picked these fields be
cause words and writing are such
an important part of every culture
that we wanted to illustrate the va-
riety of contexts that words crust
in." Swift said.

Library Development Ass‘lN
tant Paula Pope urged students to
attend the series.

“This will not be a reading.
but rather a panel discussion in
which students and faculty can
take actiVe participation.“ Pope

Kentuckians who are attend
ing include Joy Bale Boone from
Kentucky Poet Laureate. whose
poem about the new library you
might have seen around campus.
Ed McClanahan. a UK graduate
who won a national award for rule
of his novels; Jane Vance and .IelT
Worley. both of who are poets and
UK faculty members.




.vfrhb‘fl ’

The Student Newspaper atthe University Kentcky, Lexington

"f" oranges}; m m“ ,_
42W” .



strike to

Costing money: Blue Grass
copes with pilots' strike as
heavy travel weekend nears

By Matthew T. Patton


A dark and deserted check-in counter
“greets" passengers at Blue Grass Airport‘s
Northwest Airlink as a strike continues; all
the while. students prepare for Labor Day

The pilots‘ strike began at 11 pm. on
Friday and is nearing one of the heaviest
travel holidays of the year.

“We entered these negotiations with
the hope that the pilots‘ union would bring
reasonable proposals to the table.“ said Jon
Austin. managing director of corporate
communications at Northwest. "Instead.
the pilots' negotiators refused to make any
meaningful compromise on their extreme
economic positions."

“By their own admission. the pilots‘
union goal was to leapfrog industry pay
rates and set a new pilot pay standard."
Austin said.

Each week of the strike could cost the
country $490 million. he said.

The airline. which is based in Min-
neapolis/St. Paul. Minn. announced they
will begin a “rolling schedule" of announc-
ing flight cancellations with a two-day ad»
yance notice. The schedule will be posted
on the Internet.

Northwest has an agreement with
more than 50 other airlines to re-accommo»
date ticket holders.

The airline is also working with their
WorldPerks frequentflier program mem-
bers. sometimes arranging for members to
use their frequent-flier miles with another
airline. Customers affected by the strike
may find their questions answered on

Northwest's web site.
http: rwwwnwacom.
Northwest Airlines operates four

flights a day to Detroit and can fly 250 peo-
ple per day if the planes are full. said Karen

See AIRLINE on 3 ’ t '


appeal is
likely moot,
UK says

Nationals find Delta Sigma
Theta sorority guilty of hazing

By Amber Scott


UK's Delta Sigma Theta soc1al sorority.
which was suspended from campus for haz-
ing. has hit a brick wall in their hopes for
an appeal.

Any appeals against UK's decision are
moot. because the sorority's national orga-
nization has found them guilty of hazing.
Dean of Students David Stockham said.

As for the type of hazing. Stockham
said. "There was evidence of hazing similar
to other cases the l'niversity has pursued,
If we have heresay or insufficient evidence.
we‘re not going to pursue a case.“

An anonymous phone call was placed
to Dean of Sororities Susan West last
spring that helped start an investigation.
West said. who would not reveal specifics
about the typoe of hazing that took place.

UK interviewed chapter officials. and
prospective and active members involved
in the alleged hazing.

“The information we received from our
interviews led us to believe that formal ac
tions should be taken." West said.

UK suspended the sorority for three
years. the typical punishment for hazing.

“We tend to use a threeyear suspension.

See DELTA on 3 a)?




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un students partying elsewhere

LEXINGTON — UK students banned from


drinking alcohol at on~campus residences have .‘ m m
responded by moving their parties to nearby res- Iatt l-ea
idential neighborhoods. learn.“ h “

Police and people living near campus have '0“ '- i
noticed more house parties on streets near cam- I.“ u M
pus. Irritated homeowners blamed UK. 'Ol I“!

“This was very irresponsible of the Universi- rem
ty," said Janet Cowen. “It's like a parent saying that roles h
to their child, I don’t care what you do as long as a. m h,
it isn’t in my house.” pm

Keeping the uneasy peace between students
and residents are Lexington Police, who have
had to step up patrols near campus but have no
jail space in which to put offenders.

UK. whose residence halls had been “”dry for
years, decided in April to ban alcohol from fra-
ternity houses, a popular spot for large parties.
The decision severely limited social opportuni-
ties for students, many say.

“There are definitely going to be a lot more
parties off-campus," said Travis Petty, a junior
and vice president of Pi Kappa Alpha social fra~
ternity. “You go out at night now and you see
people walking around everywhere, drinking
beer and acting stupid."

Several fraternities have rented houses off—
campus where they can hold parties, Petty said.

Even before fall classes started last week,
parties were going full blast, police said. From
Thursday through Sunday the week before class-
es started. police issued 160 alcohol-related cita-
tions in a neighborhood. On the hiday and Sat-
urday after classes started, with stepped~up pa-
trols, police issued another 79 citations in that

Assembly wonders about Motor
Vehicle Eniorcernent's role

FRANKFORT — What began as a small
squad of officers created to regulate commercial
trucking operations has turned into a Division of
Motor Vehicle Enforcement with expanding po-
lice powers and presence.

Members of the General Assembly want to
know if the division is still taking care of its orig
inal role while nearly a third of its tickets are
written to passenger vehicles.

Transportation Committee Chairman Hubert
Collins, D-Wittensville, said he received frequent
complaints from motorists about truckers seem-
ineg running unchecked.

“People are really concerned. If you are dri-
ving in front of some of these commercial trucks,
you better drive 75 or 80 or you’re going to get
run over," Collins said yesterday. “Evidently,
they do get upset when they do see a four-wheel-
er pulled over by the MVE."


Commissioner Ed Logsdon of the Depart-
ment of Vehicle Regulation said vehicle enforce
ment officers wrote 37,679 citations last year,
with one-third of them going to passenger vehi-
cles. mostly for speeding. The tickets to commer-
cial vehicles were for the entire range of offenses.

Logsdon said the percentage of tickets to pas-
senger vehicles is skewed because of special en-
forcement eiforts undertaken for all vehicles,
such as during holiday travel periods.

School suspends seventh grader

ELIZABETHTOWN — Officials at T.K. Mid-
dle School have suspended a seventhegrader for
‘110 days for allegedly threatening four other stu-


The suspension was ordered pending an in-
vestigation into the threats, included last week in
a writing journal for a class, said Paul Upchurch,
superintendent of the Elizabethtown Indepen-
dent Schools.

Elizabethtown police picked up a juvenile
last week who was charged with one count of ter-
roristic threatening for allegedly making a writ-
ten threat, said officer Greg Samaras. a depart-
ment spokesman.

The juvenile was taken to the Hardin County
Detention Center, Samaras said.

The threats follow those made by a 14-year-
old T.K. Stone student during the last school
term. The student was jailed and later expelled.

Couple pets chea rate at posh
hotel in New Y City

DELRAY BEACH, Fla. —— It was May 1948
when George Selby took his bride, Ruth, to the
Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York for a twoday

They wanted to go back this summer for
their anniversary, but times —— and prices —
have changed. While their room 50 years ago cost
$15 per night, Mrs. Selby was told the cheapest
accommodations now would cost $435.

When she mentioned the honeymoon, the ho
tel operator put her on hold.

“She came back and said, ‘We’d like to have
you stay at the $15-a-night rate if you have the
original receipt,m Mrs. Selby said.

They did. The couple returned to Manhattan
last month and stayed seven nights for $18.75 a
night — the 1948 rate plus tax.

“It was like going back in time.”


ARLINGTON , Va. — Keeping a poker face is
just as important for actors, Edward Norton says.

“If you load people up with prior knowledge
about you, it’s much more difficult for them to
see you as the characters you play,” said Norton.
who plays a poker player alongside Matt Damon
in the new movie, Rounders.

Norton and Damon did research for the film
in New York poker clubs, and even entered the




Simeon: I Krautlswr

Judith Broaaus practices shalata leditatloa at the center. lroarlus
has been practicing meditation at least once a day since l983.


Continued from paqel

learning to pay attention,"
Brunner said. “When you are
trying to learn something, you
are concerned with the con-
tent, but we almost never pay
attention to the process of the

Brunner said meditation
gets people in touch with how
their minds work. He said this
is helpful for students because
it will help them recognize
when their minds are wander-
ing and bring them back to fo
cus using meditation tech-

Fred Kampe, Lexington
resident, said although medi-
tation does help to relieve his
stress, he hopes to gain some-
thing else out of the practice.

“I have always wanted to
give something, but I realize
you have to deal with yourself

before you can truly be able to
give anything," Kampe said.
“This is a way for me to deal
with myself.”

Two types of meditation
practiced at the meditation
center are Dharmadhatu and
Shambhala. Dharmadhatu is
built around Buddhist reli-

gious principles. while
Shambhala is a secular type of

“Anyone is welcome to
come to the meditation cen-
ter.” Brunner said. “No matter
what religion you are, you can
learn important lessons from
the practice of meditation."

The center offers yoga.
flower arranging and painting
classes. For more information,
search their website at





Are You Interested in
Getting Involved at UK?


If so, come to the Freshman

Representative Council/Freshman

Senate Information Session
Thursday September 3
@ 7:00pm
Room 230 Student Center

“Guest Speakers Dr. James Kuder

and CM. Newton”

Any other Questions Contact:
Student Government Association
120 Student Center


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man I MIMI." l I




”Jennifer Caldwell


A classroom, a cafeteria, a
chapel and a museum. The Ad-

versity of Kentucky in the be-
ginning," said Ben Carr, vice
president for Administration.
James Patterson, UK’s first
president, used his own money
to complete construction when

ria following a year later.
Renovations have been
done to the building over the
years. Where classrooms once
stood, offices have taken over.
“I remember when they










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ministration Building has funds ran out, as written in made two offices into one for Saturday 9: atn : Adminlstration of LS repTeSt

seraved and??? {0195 in “5 long Carl Cone's University of Ken- Don Clapp, vice president for '

an even 11 IS OW- tucky, a Pictoral History. UK, at that time. In the base- - ° - ’
’ When. first built, the Ad HP. McDonald, the archi- ment, vending machines line (”W" “h" "“1”.“ Bulldlngls Featunng

mmistration 31“]de was tect chosen by the Board of the walls whereacafeteria used shownln ”fl photographs. Guest Presenter

called the Main Building. It was Trustees, designed the building to be,” said Evelyn Foster, who ”"0"” “WW“ ”ROUGH UK “WW“

gne1 of theflfgrst four buillgiflllgs to accomplish many tasks. The served on Centennial Commit- Trina Jones: Instructor,
Uit on '5 campus. ite basement held the armory, a tee, which planned some of the ' u ‘

Hall, WhiCh served as a dormi- shop and five classrooms. building’s renovations. KAPL’W Testlng 5‘19

tory, a heating plant and the
president's house joined the Ad-
ministration Building. Of those
four, only the Administration
Building remains standing to-

Finished in 1882, the Ad-
ministration Building was the
center of campus.

The building “was the Uni-

The first floor was used as
the president's office, three
more classrooms. two labs and
a natural history museum.

The second and third floors
were home to the different de-
partments on campus, as well
as the chapel. In 1918. a post of-
fice and bookstore were added
to the basement, with a cafete-

But there are still a few fa-
miliar features remaining.

Frank Stanger, a UK refer-
ence archivist, said Patterson’s
desk and clock are still in the
Administration Building.

“They prove that no matter
how much progress takes place,
there is always room for a little
history," Stanger said.




Newspaper strike
deemed unfair

NLRB says labor practices were violated;
Detroit Newspapers, Inc. plans to appeal


DETROIT w The Nation-
al Labor Relations Board has
upheld a finding that the De-
troit newspaper strike was
caused by unfair labor prac~
tices, and ordered the newspa-
pers to bring former strikers
back to work immediately.

The newspapers said they
would appeal the ruling, re-
leased yesterday.

The NLRB found in favor
of the newspapers on a major
issue: that Detroit Newspapers
Inc. the business and produc-
tion agency for The Detroit
News and the Detroit Free
Press, did not violate labor
laws by ending joint negotia‘
tions with six union locals.

But the board said the
News violated federal law
when it imposed its proposals
on merit pay and television as-
signments, and by refusing to
give the union requested infor-
mation about the proposals.

ing former strikers back to
work as jobs become available
while retaining the replace-
ment workers they hired dur‘
ing the walkout.

Union leaders hailed the
ruling, which upheld part of a
federal administrative law
judge's 1997 ruling.

“We call upon them to do
what the law requires —— rein-
state the strikers, pay lost pay
and benefits and bargain in
good faith until we reach
agreement," said A1 Derey,
chairman of the Metropolitan
Council of Newspaper Unions.

Mark Silverman, publish-
er and editor of the News, said
the ruling was “not all that dif~
ferent than what we anticipatv
ed" and noted that the newspa—
per has few former strikers on
a waiting list to return to

“It really changed nothing
in any case,“ Silverman said.
“My initial reaction is that it‘s



Continued from paqel


Marcum, executive assistant
for public relations at Blue
Grass Airport.

Northwest flights from Lex-
ington are operated by North-
west Airlink, the airline‘s re-
gional carrier. The service op-
erates three regional jets that
seat 70 people and a commuter
flight that can seat up to 30.

“Detroit is not a big destina-
tion market," Marcum said. “It‘s
more of a connecting market.“

Unless Detroit is their desti-
nation, students traveling out of
Lexington on Labor Day will not
be affected. but will certainly see
longer lines and busier termi-
nals at the other major airlines.

Jennifer Sisum, a student
at the University of Minnesota
in Minneapolis, visits friends in
Lexington and “tries to fly into
Lexington when the airfare is
cheaper than Louisville."

Sisum fears airfares will in-
crease and that flying from her
own hometown of Minneapolis
“will become a nightmare,

“Northwest basically has
all of the flights in and out of
Minneapolis." Sisum said. “lf
the strike continues. I will like-


The 19-month strike ended one step in the process that ly have to fly on another airline I\. we re equally prouti of the ratings \to get ever} \Vtth Tl.\.\-CRliF you'll get the right t LlUIk't" ,
in February 1997 and the will take some time to re- with a IQHEGF route at a mUCh tit from at” pat-uttpann llz‘t‘ausc .n Tl.\;\/L‘Rl:l-’ .mtl the (ll-tit. .mon ._t.,t hmpytu athlete .t lift-time
newspapers have been bring' 501m" hlgher all-fare", t'nsunngthe ltnamml tutmmttt met-.ttt...nnn.tntt at rim-mt goat. The xte.ttttng.»xpens.tg.-.~t

research . nmtnuntt} ts mtnvthmg that guru heyttnti Sn «lites Bill
— stars and numbers Find uut htm TI.\.\ACRlil" Ldn heiptou lttitit‘. .i


. \Ve l‘L't dint“ the ‘.\ i‘l H's hum-Kt retirement ttt'gn- turninrtahle liniint ullx \(‘k tire tomorrow
cooperate in the process, they the group off campus regard- ' . fl . . .
EL I A will [end to get a slightly longer less of UK‘S response to an ap. tit/alum in altering prttltlt- .t ‘»\ ttfr rangi- ml \t'tll‘ttl \ l\ll our \\ cit \Ilt‘ .ll wwwtma—crefnrg tir tall
penalty." Deal. tn\ vstments .I t timmitmt‘rit tti sllpc'inr sum ii (‘ mil its at 1800 842'21-76

Continued from paqel

and it will vary. In a couple of
cases. we‘ve had fraternities
who have. when they were cited
for hazing, admitted it." Stock-
ham said.

“They cooperated with the
process and may have had a
slightly shorter suspension. but
in cases where groups deny it
from beginning to end and don‘t

Delta Sigma Theta's na-
tional office conducted its
own investigation, and,
“reached the same conclusion
(as UK), which resulted in
where we are now," Stock-
ham said.

Stockham said any appeal
to UK for a reversal of the sus—
pension is futile, because the
sorority‘s national organiza'
tion suspension would keep




The sorority can appeal to
its national organization. but it
is unknown what its intentions

“Most organizations do
have an appeals process. I don‘t
know what they are going to do
with that," West said.

The sorority's president.

yrita Banks, would not mm-
ment on what the group would
(it) next.


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. 3 experienced offenswe $5 OFF on FEMS/(3010‘s f
‘ line wull play pivotal AFFORDABLE HAIRCUTS i
f ' h e e e ‘ 3
'. role In Air Raid 98
’ ' ATTE ‘ l t ’ '
N I l\' All LI l .
. “ By Matt Hey l o .
. smrsonumnon
at . For such big men. they sure IS THE
‘_ do find themselves to be invisi- MOE
ble a great deal.
Except for when they do
'. something wrong. that is. FOR You
. ' “Our job is to keep Tim To RESIDE
. ‘ (Couch) clean." senior offensive
tackle Kris Comstock said. .
.. That just about sums up the 0 Spacuous 1 and 2-bedroom townhouses at affordable
duties of UK's massive and ex- prices
perienced squad of offensive _ _ ,
linemen. a unit that comprises 0 Convenient to campus and shopping/entertainment
. . . five seniors who could end the - - - - -
season ranked as one of th e best 0 Rent assistance available for qualifying applicants
groups in the nation.
’ CETStOCt‘ [1(6'f00t‘3» tt 3&4 Please contact our office for more information
_. poun s.cen er ason a s - .
- 3. 271). tackle Jonas Liening (6— 0' come by “‘d see “3 Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 10am-6pm, 8““ lpm«6pm
8. 299). and guards Mike Web-
ster (6-6. 281) and Jeremy o .
Streck (6-5. 313) have formed a S D 272 2496 @
quintet second to none in the 3395 Pang!“ nve
Southeastern Conference, and
one that should not have prob-
lems keeping the Couch free of
= dirt.
“Hey. to us. no news is good ca RDI N a L ROHST
1 news." Liening said.
'z, ' Quite true. as the offensive
_' line is charged with playing in WQdI'IQSde, SQPL 2, 1998
The Pit. where just about any-
h‘ thing goes. but everything goes FREE FOOD & LIVE DJ
unnoticed. It is the land of the
. big boys. a backward one where
' the less times your name is
mentioned. the better the job
. you must be doing.
7 ’ Coaches would tell you that
" all successful offenses usually
start with an offensive line that
, ' gives them time to run their
system. As UK's unit enters
their second year under
Mumme’s air attack. they real-
ize that mistakes will be made.
but strive to improve on their
already impressive numbers Sizable advantage
from last season. where they
gave Couch a 95 percent protec- Senior ottenslve tackle Krls Comstock will heel e uelt that Is lllt's most experienced pesltlee. The llee boosts
tion rate. flve seelors who hell on over 90 percent protection rate of euerterbeek TI- Gouch lest veer.
“We were all talking about . .
it and we said a sack a person," gotta know where the other guy In their case. getting your game plans to stop UK’s potent Roas t the 110111 SVl 1 1e
Streck said. “That's less than is. that way when they come name in the paper is grounds offense. .
oneagame, but we have to keep with a blitz. you know what for punishment. “Mississippi State is the cardinals from 1 l- l on the
No. 2 clean or we're going to he's going to do and where he’s “If you get your name in most unorthodox defense we’ve '
lose." going to be at. If you don't the paper, you‘re going to get seen,” Liening said. “They did StUdent center Path ’ near
: . The goal might not be con- know. people get screwed up ripped." Comstock said. “We some crazy (stuff); they did so the ATM ’ s .
. sidered too lofty for the quintet. and that's when you give up like to kid everyone else." many things because of their “
.‘ ~ considering they know each sacks." . “Good-ole fashioned wide set." S top by for Roas ted
" 1' other so well. they could be The line has used their dif» ridicule." Liening said. “We didn‘t even know what . ,, d - k S AB l
‘ brothers. Thev consider that fering personalities to bond to- As easy-going as they are to call it." Watts said. “We were cardinal and rln S on -
. closeness as the key ingredient gether and shut opposing de- off the field, the big Cats are like. ‘That’s a two, four, nickel
" to their success. fenses down. just as intense on it. and think . I don‘t know, block that TS
. “Everybod has a lot of ex- “Webster is the ‘Bad Ass.” this year could be a great one. guy." 6 c I
' ri en 0 e "“Stregk said “N’obod Streck said. “Sixty-four is ‘Psy- “As a whole. I think we can There shouldn't be much of I
: pinics exce t when it take: cho.‘ Watts is ‘Captain Drunk.‘ be one of the best offensive that this year. The Cats‘ line
- pWatts about 2% minutes to make Stock is ‘Corporate‘ and I'm lines in the country," Streck will be one of the most experi-
_“ the line calls and let us know 'Mankindf" said. “We can‘t be beaten physi~ enced in the country, but they
" what we‘re doin .. “We pretty much all kid cally. it‘s just mental things know they will have to be
.. g. . around with each other." Watts that mess us up." ready, Comstock said.
(The closeness) 1.5 about said. “It depends on who‘s in They will have to be ready, “Teams are gunning for us
mandatory. Watts said. You the best mood that day." as teams will bring some exotic now."
Cards pr'm d for ga 'th UK
. - - reasoeanymmesem _
New Peolnnlnos. U of L hopes to ansyver “I 1.... playing Mucky, -———————————
questions In first game of John L. Smith era the first game of the year be- mute- loom
cause it really gets the season off
to a bang.“ he said. “Everybody “ leedsset'leu-Z
Assocurmpntss minutes and not make any total in the state is