3258 Minutes of the University Senate, October 11, 1971 — cont The Chairman ruled that the last item on the agenda, that of recommendations relative to parliamentary procedure in the Senate (circulated to the faculty under date of October 6, 1971) would be held over to the next meeting of the University Senate on October 28, 1971. The Senate adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Elbert W. Ockerman Secretary MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY SENATE, OCTOBER 28, 1971 The University Senate met in special session at 3:00 p.m., Thursday, October 28, 1971, in Room 118 of the Classroom Building. Chairman Rovin presided. Members absent: Lawrence A. Allen, Kurt Anschel*, James R. Barclay*, Charles E. Barnhart, Wendell E. Berry*, Harmon C. Bickley*, Robert H. Biggerstaff*, Garnett L- Bradford*, Eugene B. Bradley*, Betty J. Brannon*, William R. Brown*, Collins W. Burnett*, Lewis W. Cochran*, Glenwood L. Creech, Dan M. Daffron, George W. Denemark*, Loretta Denman*, Robert 0. Evans*, Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr., Stuart Forth*, Donald T. Frazier*, George H. Gadbois*, Eugene B. Gallagher*, Jess L. Gardner*, Charles P. Graves, Jack B. Hall, Willburt D. Ham*, Joseph Hamburg, Brenda J. Hamer, Charles F. Haywood*, Virgil W. Hays*, James W. Herron*, Raymon D. Johnson*, Pam S. Johnston*, James A. Knoblett*, Robert G. Lawson, Donald C. Leigh, Paul Mandelstam*, Leslie L. Martin*, Roger M. McCoy*, William C. McCrary*, Theodore H. Mueller*, Thomas P. Mullaney*, Arthur F. Nicholson, Larry D. Noe, Elbert W. Ockerman*, J. W. Patterson*, Curtis Phipps*, Nicholas J. Pisacano, Herbert G. Reid*, Wimberly C. Royster, Robert W. Rudd*, Donald S. Shannon*, Jon M. Shepard, D. Milton Shuffett*, Otis A. Singletary*, Eugene J. Small*, John B. Stephenson*, Robert H. Stroup*, Thomas B. Stroup, Dennis D. Studkey, Joseph V. Swintosky, Charles G. Talbert*, Norman L. Taylor*, M. Stanley Wall, Harry E. Wheeler*, Cornelia B. Wilbur*, William R. Willard, Paul A. Willis*, Joseph W. Wilson, Alfred D. Winer, Miroslava B. Winer, Ernest F. Witte*, and Robert G. Zumwinkle*. (One person signed the roll whose name we are unable to read.) Visitors were permitted to attend the meeting. The minutes of the regular meeting of October 11, 1971 were approved as circulated. On behalf of the College of Medicine Dr. Peter Bosomworth read resolutions on the death of Dr. John S. Chambers following which the Senate stood for a moment of silence in respect to Dr. Chambers and in acceptance of the resolutions. On October 9, 1971 death claimed Dr. John S. (Brick) Chambers, retired director of the University Health Service and a driving force behind the creation of the Albert B. Chandler Medical Center and its related colleges. In the brief span of his 82 years, Dr. Chambers managed to establish himself in the mainstream of American medical practice and biomedical research as well as to become a leading figure in the affairs of the University of Kentucky and the Medical Center. *Absence explained «La .3: