EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

         Meeting of the Executive Committee
                   January 19, 1946

A .    Approval of the minutes...................          1
    1.   Action of the Committee        .     .        1
B.     Report of the Comptroller       .      .         1
    2.   Action of the Committee        .     .        4
C.    Budget additions..........................           4
    3.   Action of the Committee      .     .          5
D.     Enrollment- Winter Quarter     .     .5
E.     Report on Exchange and Sale of U. S.
                Treasury Bonds         .     .         5
F.     Resolution of C6mmendation of the Comptroller        7
G.    Bond of Treasurer of the University     .  .     7
    4.   Action of the Committee         .     .       7
H.     Request for Bids on Dormitories Delayed.....         8
    5.-  Action of the Committee.................          8
I.    University Purchases Approved    .     .
    6.   Action of the Committee.         .            9
J.     Purchase of Building Supplies..........       10
    7.    Action of the Committee   .     .10
K.     Approval of Budget Increase.(Surplus.Prop)..   10
    8.   Action of the Committee         .     .     10
L.    Report on the Election of Alumni Member of
                the Board of Trustees        .   .   11
U.     Awards to the University at Fat Stock Show..   12
N.     Use of Prisoners of War on Kentucky Farms...   13
0.    Chi Delta Phi Fraternity to Sponsor and
                Publish Magazine         .     .     13
    9.   Action of the Committee...........          14
P.     Gifts:
            From Commissioners of City of Lexington
                   (Two 103 foot ettel towers).....      15
   10.   Action of the Committee ........            15
            From Swift and Company- $15,400 for
                   Study- forage utilization by
                   late lambs.  .....................     15
   11.   Action of the Committee.....,......,...      16
            From W. Atlee Burpee Company- $100
                   annual award in horticulture....17
   12.   Action of the Committee.........             17
            From Charles F. Turner, Estatoe"urios..        18
   13.   Action of the Committee., ................   19
Q.    Resolution on Death of J. D. Turner .    .      19
R.    Permission to SuKy Circle to Give $1000 to
                   Athletic Association.*            20
   14.   Action of the Committee.................     20
S.    Architects' Contracts for Abattoir and Ant-
                   Aal Pathology Buildings .   .      21
   15.   Action of the Committee.................     21
T.    Appointments and other Staff Changes.........   22
   16.  Action of the Committee ...................   33
U.    Adjournment......*-........................     33
   17.  Action of the Committtee            ..        33