xt7g1j979c60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7g1j979c60/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 201409 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, September 2014 text LinQ magazine, September 2014 2014 2019 true xt7g1j979c60 section xt7g1j979c60 . r
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 Cover photo provide by
AVOL, Lex1ngton, KY
Wednesday, December 4, 2013 p
9 9 ' 9
That 8 What I m Talkln About
Helena tackles the issues of rampant unemployment
and homelessness as seen online, and proposes a
solution for someone with a job oppotunity.
Imperlal Court of Kentucky News
The Imperial Court hosts a Dining Out For Life®
dinner, puts on two shows in September, and travels i
to Washington, DC, and Cincinnati for coronations. l
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Editor-in-Chief The Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization seeks
Christopher Bauer to educate, enhance and empower the community about
Copy Editor GLBTQQIA issues.
Ann Malcolm
Photographer GLSO Executive Committee and Board of Directors
. Brian Hawkins Paul Brown, President
Calendar Coordinator Ginger Moore-Minder, Vice President
Chad Hundley Paul Holland, Secretary
Circulation Jacob Boyd, Treasurer
GLSO Board, Chad Hundley, Rebecca Adams Roberto Abreu, At Large
Advertising Coordinator Christoher Bauer, At Large
Daryl Lyons Donovan Jefferson, At Large
Theo Meacham, At Large
LinQ is published monthly by and for the Lexington Gay and
_ Lesbian Services Organization members and community. The GLSO Staff
§ Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization envisions Chad Hundley, OffI c e Manager
a community that accepts and celebrates each individual.
. GLSO Pride Center
All L1nQ submissions and advertisements can be made to ' .
_ . . 389 Waller Avenue, Sulte 100, Lexmgton, KY 40504
the edltor (ed1tor@glso.org) or to the GLSO Prlde Center
. 859-253-3233, www.glso.org
(859-253-3233). All submissions may be edlted for length.
Office hours are:
Like us on Facebook at LinQbyGLSO Tuesday-Friday 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
Follow us on Twitter at LinQbyGLSO Saturday ll a.m.-3 p.m.

 E That’s What I’m!
a 1n out .. a
By Helena Handbasket
y article is often based ofthis so obvious to me is how they I could look at those people that
Mon my observations of look. At any given moment you can are posting these pictures with
life and of those around me. So, log on and see these muscle-bound judgment, such as questioning their
this month is no different. This bodies everywhere. I mean, how intelligence or their priorities, I
month I am amazed and a little could they possibly have jobs or choose not to. Instead, I say with _
disturbed by the fact that there are homes when you can just tell that all honesty that I admire you and
so many unemployed people that they must live at the gym and they would welcome the opportunity for
are constantly posting their photos are spending every waking moment one of you to be my own personal
on Facebook. I see them all of the on some sort of cardio machine, or trainer (as long as you don’t take
time, and I had no idea that there at a weight bench? I commend them away my vodka and chocolate).
were so many people that were for trying to keep a positive attitude Let Helena Handbasket be your
jobless.Many ofthem post photos of and using their energy to exercise very own “spokesperson” for your
themselves without shirts or pants, instead ofjust laying around doing personal trainer skills.
or sometimes without either, which nothing. Until next month, I leave you with
leads me to believe that,just maybe, Okay... so, by now you are probably this...“If you gloat while sitting at
they can’t afford any clothes. This on to my scam. I am writing this the top, you will surely grove] when
saddens me beyond belief, and yetI about people who are on Facebook you hit bottom. Karma can be an
can’t help but look at and, yes, even and have those perfect bodies that evil bitch...but she likes me.”
enjoy viewing these photos. (That they share with us.We are more than Send comments or suggestions to .
must make me sound like such a halfway through 2014, and if you HelenahandbasketKY@gmail.com
bad person.) recall my January article, you will 0 ,
Many of them are very proud remember that I vowed to be more . _7 _
people because they are not online healthy, make time to work out, and fi 3% _
asking for money, but rather are make the effort to eat better. Well, _’ “a
just trying to connect to friends, that didn’t happen. v‘-
both old and new. They also are So, since I can’t look in the mirror ‘ E .
not on there talking about their and admire a washboard stomach, I "39%;“: i "
joblessness, but yet I find it pretty rippling biceps, or firm, bulging q u
obvious that they are not working. pecs, I can look at and enjoy the F 2.;
I suspect that many of them are photos of those perfectly-formed "
homeless as well. What makes all bodies out there online. And while , ’ -‘

Imp erial C 0 u rt 0 f
Ke ntu c k N ews
By Christina Puse
reetings, Lexington family and that helped make that night possible. .
Gfiiends! It has been so good to meet Coming up in the month of September, the . I xiii 1‘ ,
so many of you overthis past month and have ICK has a few events that we hope you in the ' 3;“
a chance to sit down and talk with everyone. community will join us for. AVOL’s Dining _
. As a social organization, the Imperial Court Out for Life® will be held on Thursday, i _
of Kentucky strives to continue building new September 18. Join His Most Imperial ‘
fiiendships within the community and to Majesty, Emperor 33, Tim Logsdon, and Thisamazing eventwilltake place September
makethebondsthatwe alreadyhave stronger. Her Most Imperial Majesty, Empress 33, 12—15. The ICK will also be traveling out
Over the month of August, the ICKhas had Christina Puse, at Columbia Steak House of town to Cincinnati on the weekend of
a couple of functions. It was great to see so in beautiful downtown Lexington on North October 3—5 to join the Imperial Sovereign
many of our community in attendance for Limestone between 4:30 pm. and 9 pm. A Queen City Court of the Buckeye Empire for
these events. The new bonds and friendships portion of your dining bill will be donated to their Coronation Ball. During these events,
are never anything short of amazing! AVOL to assist them with their fundraising the current Monarchs for their realms will
A couple of weeks ago, the ICK had its needs. Youmay also make separate donations be stepping down and new Monarchs will
annual Investitures event. This is an evening during this time. be crowned Ifyou would like to join us for
whenthe cmrentMonarchsbestowtitlesupon Following this event, Reign 31 of the these out-of-town events, please contact the
its many hardworking individuals because ICK will be hosting a show at Crossings current monarchs, Empress 33, Christina
they deserve recognition for what they do Lexington on Friday, September 19. Please Puse, and Emperor 33, Tim Logsdon, or our
‘ within the community. The ICK would like joinHisImperial Majesty, Emperor3 1,Daryl Minister of Protocol, Her Imperial Majesty,
to thank all who were in attendance for that Lyons, and Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Empress 30, Shotz with a Z.
, event and helped make that event possible. 31, Trinity, for an event entitled, “Fire and Atthe end of September, the ICKwill also
Shortly following Investitures, the AVOL Ice.” There will be shot specials, prizes, host its annual event, “Divas of Hazzard”
Kids’ Back to School event was held at and performances fiom your favorite ICK Please watch for updates aboutthis event on
Crossings Lexington. This was a fundraiser entertainers. (For more information on this the ICK’s Facebook page.
to raise fimds for families who have been event, please contact Daryl Lyons or Trinity.) As you can see, the ICK has a lot of
affected by HIV/AIDS and who need The Imperial Court System currently exciting events coming up, and you will not
assistance in purchasing school supplies for has more than 70 chapters across the United want to miss a moment of the fim! If you
their youth so that they may have what they States. As one of those chapters, the ICK will haven’t already, please visit our website at
need for this current school year. Although be traveling this month to Washington, DC, wwwimperialcourtkentuckyorg and join us
it was a soggy night, it certainly turned out for the Imperial Court System’s Coronation on F acebook under The Imperial Court of
to be fim and successfiil! Thank you to those 1]]: “Gala of the Americas” Coronation Ball. Kentucky. 0

 , ' 'i V ,
By Tuesday Meadows
0w many transgender people are people do not know who is and who is her as trans.Not long after, she was told by
chere? In Lexington the answer not transgender. her boss that she had becomeadistraction,
to the above question is very easy: no Unfortunately, many of my transgender and would be given a package to leave.
one knows. I’ve asked many diiferent friends will only go to “safe places” that I know in my own case there was the
people, “How many?” and the guesses are trans-fn'endly because of the way we combination of fear of discrimination at
vary widely from .1% to 1%. There are treated in public, where even using work and family obligations that delayed
is not a “transgender” category on the the restroom inpublic can be atraurnatic my transition for longer than I wanted
census...and even if it had been it would experience. Some of us are not seen as to wait. It is a combination of internal
still have been inaccurate as many trans trans, and go about our business, for lack pressures and external discriminations
people will not respond to censuses. of a better term, “passing.” Others stay that lead to transgender people living
With that said, the Williams Institute hiddenforfearofhavingfriends andfamily hidden, dual lives.
had a statistical projection that estimated abandonthem. Inthepopularmedia, when Remember, the next time someone
the prevalence of transgender adults gender nonconfonnity is mentioned, it is tells you that the Lexington transgender
at 0.33%, or about 1000, and a total fiequently and unfortunately contrasted community is a small minority, they are
LGBT population of about 4%, or about with “real” or “born a man or a woman.” probably right, but no one really knows
12000 people here in Central Kentucky. The “realness” debate implies that we are the size of our community. I know
However, these are projections, which unnatural or fakes, and because of this, that, for most of my friends, family, and
are just an educated guess. GLAAD just many keep their “transness” a secret. For acquaintances, I am the first openly trans ‘
completeda survey of adults inthe United some, we even deny to ourselves that person that they have ever known. My
States, and 90% of the respondents said we are transgender for many years until hope is that, here and everywhere, we ‘
that they knew someone who identified it becomes impossible to ignore, which become more visible and comfortable in
as gay or lesbian, but only 8% said that may explain our high suicide attempt rate public and have the same opportunities
they personally knew someone who (about41%). to live our lives as everyone else does.
identified as transgender. Does this mean For many of us, the everyday One day we may even know how many
that transgender folk are such a small, problems of being openly trans involve trans people there really are. Thank you,
rare group that you might very well know many injustices, such as workplace and you may write to me at trneadows@
someone from Turkmenistan before you discrimination. One of my local friends gmail.com or follow me on Twitter at
might know someone who is transgender? told me she had been getting good TuesdayM@trishgigi. Now Tuesday is
Maybe. Or maybe it just means that many evaluations at work until someone outed gone with the wind! 0

 J i O
S l a S o o o o ; g
3 54;
By 'Ihesday Meadows to another nearby city for an overnight new and hear their life story. if;
for the Sip Steering Committee stay. The SIPs will have ourfirstregular SIP, “Take a Drink of Life With a} "A:
Bill Stone, Judith Diane Bowling, Paul Brown, _ _ _ 3
Lisa Hughes, and Michael Wayman “Fun nght” Wednesday, October 1, at Frlend” is our slogan and our creedlL
6:30 pm. at the GLSO Pride Center, If you feel that you might not know
SIPstandsforSeasonedlndependent 389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100, which is anybody in the group or you might be
People, formerly the GLSO 50+ where we currently have our potluck. an outsider, let me assure you that these
Senlor SOClal Group. We are a soc1al Our group is made up of very diverse people will take you in like they have
group made up Of people who are age and open-minded people from the known you your whole life. Iknow this
50 plus, LGBT’ or frlends and allies Of Central Kentucky area just like you. first hand, and those friendships that I
ours that currently meets on the third Many of us have moved here from have already made mean so much to
Friday 0f each month at 7 p .m. for a other parts of the country and some of me.
potluck and comradery. Additionally, us were born and raised right here in If you are interested in joining our
this group Will hOSt a fimction the first Lexington. We share a similar love of group (there are no dues or fees) please
Wednesday Of each month WhiCh Will the music, movies, and television shows e-mail Ginger at ginger.moore.minder@
include an evening offim activities SUCh that we grew up with and still love. gmail.com or call 859-253-0061 and let
as playing cards, watching a movie, or Additionally, the people of our group us know that you would like to come to
just getting together to ShOOt the breeze have lived through some of the most the next potluck or fun night, or would
With friends. We also plan to make troubling times and many wonderful like to be informed of future events. I
some interesting day trips to local area times in history. Everybody brings hope to see you there.
museums, historical sites, or attractions. something different to the table. I am SIP - Remember, the fountain of youth
We COUld even expand our trips to go always amazed when I meet someone is not a place but a state of mind. v
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r I ‘he Louisville LGBT Film Festival returns for its session tickets will also be available for $8 in advance

fourth year October l7-l9th, 2014. Like last year, and $10 at the door. For those coming from out oftown,

this year’s festival will be held at Village 8 Theaters. a limited block of rooms will be available at a special
The festival brings narrative and documentary features rate at the Marriott Downtown Louisville.
and short films from around the world that promote and Since February 2014,the festival’s screening committee
celebrate equality, acceptance, and advancement for all has screened 140 films to choose which films to program
people regardless of their sexual orientation or gender in this year’s festival. The programmed films will be
identity, and educate the public about the gay, lesbian, announced during a Reveal Party on September 5 at
bisexual, and transgender community. The festival also Play Louisville, during which trailers for the selected
typically includes several question and answer sessions features will be shown. The event will also include a
from directors and actors that attend the festival. silent auction and a movie-themed drag show.

This year’s film festival will have nine sessions of For more information about the festival, check
films: one on Friday night, four on Saturday, and four on out www.louisvillelgbtfilmfest.com or email
Sunday. Festival passes good for all nine sessions will louisvillelgbtfilmfestival@gmail.com.
sell for $45 in advance and $50 at the door. Individual V

W" / n A .m‘ «7 . Ti" ' A
The GLSO Pride Center is proud to be / as}? ._: ”g 1 at? 2'5" ~‘k .
. . , . . .‘i‘,“-V" flu— “ i
. partnering With God 5 Pantry thlS l ,l I - . W . ; (l ,; l
Thanksgiving Season to provide indi- f ~ . 3v . . -‘- ,, ; ' E
. _ viduals and familiesafullThanksgiving k 5!; ‘ 3‘ r1 3
»..;1,_._:§...L;',.l - i; l ‘ l . “-1 4" . i
_ w meal who may not be able to afford It. Areyou:
. i Recently out of the closet? Or struggling with doing so? Feel like you can’t E
lfyou orsomeoneyou know needsassrstancewithaThanksgivingmealwith allthefix— ; . . . 9 . 9 E
ings you must meetacouple ofvery easy requirements . l cope w1th who you are? Struggling w1th acceptance at work. Or family. Hada l
' ' l bad break-up? Or lonely and just need to talk to someone? You are not alone! 3
- You mustresidein FayetteCounty! E .
- You mustcometotheGLSO PrideCenterlocatedat389WallerAve,Suite#100to l . . ‘
register during regularoffice manager hours ofTues-Fri 1-5pm or Sat Mam-3pm. l Confidentiality, acceptance and respect are the words we govern ourselves by. l
l . . . l
. Whenyou cometoregister,you mustsupplyapicturelD. and social securitycardfor j Each “’66le unique dependmg on who shows up and Whatthe needs arethat ‘
fledult (age 18 years&older) in the household; proof of children (age 17 years& 3 night. . 3 -
younger); proof of gross monthly income; and, proof of residency in Fayette County. l Jaln u s for. 1
. lfyou are an elderlyclient,disabled orcriricallyillclient,orasingle parenthousehold i WW _ . !
with mgthanSchildren, you may contact Chad at chad@glso.orgto register. 4 “I ‘ f if , _ E
—£ 1 _' ‘ l "‘5 1
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g .. . ; E a, il' ,« , 5‘ E; E ,gg L,” GLSO Discussron Group 3
J3Q-.§-J.‘3 .933. ‘ 13;: ‘ ‘ ‘
J J J“ l Wednesdays l
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’Ilflrl‘ V‘-i-1i d li,.‘r‘ ’4 ’riii i
arriillm Ell‘lx.‘_’il~el’—l’ Er» é ’ri
.JJ J HJJ- JJ; 4.14.04: J4 JJJJJ...JJJ JJ l r . . . . j
a .l ; E q , Gay and Lesbian Semces Organizahon (859)253-3233 E , ,
W 7 . E». i— 389 WallerAvenue, Suite 100 w (1300 l l l
3,; H :: ,i: ' :';-,: WeWEfi'GLW ‘l 1 Lexington, Kenlllcliy405ll4 . I rg / W
FOODfBANK , , , -. , .. - l/ W

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I; . _ Kroger IS donating
U: ml Him :7 . 5
n , ‘ ‘ ‘ / l
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,t . t0 0C8 organizations
:1 ..L
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I U K PI C d &
help us grow.
Supporting our organization has never ,_L
been easier —just shop at Kroger and if C99 5";
scan your Plus Card! Here's how to enroll: WE, . ,, ‘ g
1. Visit www.kroger.com/communityrewards \ 3 l
2. Scroll down tofind your location and click”EnroI| Now" a”... 1-7" -_ N 41’ .
3. Sign In to your online account, or create an account 513?: 5+2: it .
. 4. Find and select our organization, and click ”Save” . 2;. 51:3”: .1. ,_ is»? ;
" T 1“- tf} L' j if ‘ I" Tris ‘ ;., ~ i
You’ll start earning rewards for our organization right away i; ‘j " é ’ ,Pd‘sagéf 5
on qualifying purchases made using your Kroger Plus Card! \‘ _, L -<, 3 " /
Learn more at www.kroger.com/communItyrewards E
and thank you for your support. l
*Remember, you’ll need to re-enroll every August. 1"
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“1’3— ). iUl ABEL—i: 1.13"»4-1.

 Bl Bl kP 'd
. l
, EqualIty~FamI|y~Commumty g
Septemfiw 18-21, 2014
luegrass Black Pride is a we do assert that by creating an black lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
B volunteer group organized open dialogue, we take steps transgender people to celebrate
in October 2013 forthe purpose of to address the problem. Our both African heritage and sexual
planning and staging a black gay desired outcomes for Bluegrass orientation. Most major cities in
pride celebration in Lexington in Black Pride weekend are to unify the United States host an annual
September 2014. the black LGBT community black gay pride. Bluegrass Black
By becoming active and visible, and be more Visible, confront Pride hopes to be an innovative
we hopeto startapublic dialogue homophobia, particularly in the space empowering the local
about homophobia in the African African American Community, LGBT community to engage in ;’
American community, with the heighten awareness about dialogue and strategy and give I
aim of breaking down barriers HIV/AIDS and other diseases voice to the issues experienced .I
that make it difficult for African impacting the black LGBT by our community (homophobia,
Americans to be out and gay. community, and elevate inclusion institutional discrimination, and
Being black and gay is worlds in the general LGBT community the disproportionate impact of
apart from being white and gay. and community at large. Urban HIV/AIDS).
One reason is the reluctance of League of Lexington came on Bluegrass Black Pride will be
the black community to accept board as our fiscal agent, and we held September 18-21, 2014,
homosexuality. Asaresult,black were grateful to receive initial during Roots and Heritage
gays are more prone to stay in funding from JustFundKY. Festivalmonth. Theweekendwill
the closet and lead double lives. Black gay pride events around consist of numerous activities.
Bluegrass Black Pride does not the nation have metamorphosed Events are open to everyone.
assert that it can fix the problem into well-established events
with one weekend of events, but that unite and bring together 0

 “Brother Outsider' The
fl . . ,,
Llfe 0f Bayard RllStIIl
n its 1987 obituary of civil introduced King to these ideas.
Irights activistBayard Rustin, “We felt it was important we a, -
TheNew YorkTimeswaiteduntilthe have an educational component gar:
40th paragraph in a 42—paragraph to our festivities,” said John 7 - ‘
long story to mention that Rustin Bentley, co-chair of Bluegrass #3. _ .
,. was gay, even though he had been Black Pride. “Too many people -. .. ,5 t;
I out his whole adult life. Even in know little or nothing about this , fig 1a
; death, the brother couldn’t get a great man, who was black and i » u 2'
J break. gay, in a time much different than in} ~
Fortunately,a2003 documentary the America we live in today.” .31. Pf"-
called“Brother Outsiderzthe Life Despite his achievements, " 3 ii" !
of Bayard Rustin”, does what the Rustin was threatened, arrested, V _ ‘_ ; _ g ' ,
Time’s obituary did not. A free beaten, and fired from important : V -. '_ ,_
screening of the award-winning leadership positions, largely ' ’ I. a.”
documentary is part ofthe lineup because he was an openly gay
in this month’s Bluegrass Black man in the fiercely homophobic New Ground (SONG) and the
Pride, Lexington’s first black 1940s, 505 and 60s. In the 19503, National Black Justice Coalition
pride festival. he was arrested for having sex (NBJC)- SONG integrates
During his 60—year career with two men in Pasadena, work against homophobia into
as an activist, organizer, and California. Rustin pleaded down freedom struggles in the South.
“troublemaker,” Bayard Rustin to a “morals charge.” Weeks Carter served as its Durham-
formulated many ofthe strategies later, he lost his job. The film based Executive Director from
that propelled the American civil reflects on Rustin’s position as 2003—2005 NBJC was founded
rights movement. His passionate an outsider, a troublemaker, and in 2003 and is the only current
belief in Gandhi’s principle of an eloquent speaker who refused national civil rights organization
l nonviolence drew leaders like to be silenced. 0f concerned black lesbian,
‘ MartinLutherKing,Jr.andothers Following the film, there will gay, bisexual, and transgender
l to him in the 19405 and 505. His be a discussion about being black individuals and allies dedicated
crowning glory came in 1963 and gay. Leading the open forum to fostering equality by ending
when he was tapped to organize discussion will be noted LGBT racism and homophobia. NBJC
the March on Washington, the activist Mandy Carter. Carter is actively pursues ways to counter
biggest protest America had ever well qualified for the task. She anti-gay organizing within
seen.But his open homosexuality is one of the leading African African American communities.
forced him to remain in the American lesbian activists in The screening and discussion
background, marking him again the country. She has a 40-plus— take place Saturday, Sept. 20 at
and again as a “brother outsider.” year history of social, racial, and 1 p.m. at the Lyric Theater, 300
Most people credit King for LGBTjustice organizing. East Third Street. There Will be
adopting Gandhi’s tactics ofnon- Carter,aNorthCarolinaresident, a health fair in the theater lobby
violence. But “Brother Outsider” helped foundtwo ground-breaking prior to the film.
documents that it was Rustin who organizations: Southerners On 0
LinQ n

 Th e Perfect D ate 5
5 3 '4
. i ' (If? 5..
N lght At Home ’
By Ranada West-Riley
inally, a weekend off... or the minute they come through the is simple: reds with heartier meals

Fperhaps a Tuesday off. Life door. So, I’ve learned to do this in and beef or pork. White wines go
has us so busy these days that it may advance... then, break out the scented well with chicken, vegetarian, and
seem the last thing on our minds is candles...let those permeate the fish dishes. This is a nice rule of W
a “date night.” I know I, for one, house throughout the kitchen, living thumb, although, it’s certainly alright
am often too tired to get ready for a room, and bedrooms. to deviate from this according to your u
night out on the town, which usually Music. It’s a must. For every tastes.
ends up consisting of power drinking memory I have that is significant, Dessert first... let it sit while
and spending time with everyone I can remember a song... or vice- you’re cooking the meal. Of course
else except my wife. Date nights versa. So, I’ve created a playlist of a homemade dessert is best, but if
are essential for a healthy and fun all my favorites to keep the mood you’re running low on time, stop
relationship. Date nights at home can just where I want it. Some favorites by your favorite bakery and go over
be so much more fun and intimate of mine: Grace Potter, Ryan Adams, the top with your choice. Chocolate
with a little bit of work. Although Beth Hart, David Gray... well, you covered strawberries are alwaysanice
it takes a little more effort, a home get the idea. This is where I normally way to top off a great evening... even
date can be a fun and unique way to pour myself a glass of wine to prime with a simple bottle of champagne.
grow closer or to keep the home fires myself for cooking with a full heart. While cooking for two, think of the
burning. Set the table... not the coffee table. presentation. You will need a starch,

It’s important not to treat this You could Google a nice fold to do a vegetable, and your main protein.
night like any other night of laying on with a linen napkin if you have them. The first meal I cooked for my :_
the couch and watching True Blood If not, then set all your flatware on partner at home was a Filet Mignon
or reruns of Golden Girls. We want the napkin and set the plates as well. Oscar with Be'arnaise Sauce on Garlic “
to go over the top with this evening People eat with their eyes long before Mashed Potatoes with Asparagus. I
and really make it a wonderful time they take a bite, so a nicely set table The recipe and picture follows. Have
for your partner to feel extra special. will set a mood. fun with this and you’ll be surprised
This is a brief overview of what I do Food and wine, this is essential how much fun waits for us at home!
on these nights, and believe me, it for any sort of gathering, be it one on Garlic Mashed Potatoes — Cook
seems to work just fine. one or with a crowd. For this night, peeled Idaho potatoes until done.

I start by cleaning the house! go the extra mile. I’m big into local Mash with hand masher and a little
Clutter isn’t romantic, and if your vineyards right now. You can find cream and butter until they are a nice
partner is like mine, they will want out a lot about the wine itself by just firm consistency. You don’t want
to start straightening and cleaning reading the back of the label. Pairing Continued on next page

 Continued from previous page . « ., , , - . y until lightly browned, pour in l/4 cup
runny mashed potatoes. Season with "15.1...- k, "Va, . cream. Bring to a boil, stir some of
garlic powder and salt and pepper :__ f' I} - . ~ hot mixture into egg yolks. Return to
until they taste just the way you like .,. L ff, ' “ '1 _‘ saucepan, cook briefly, stirring until
them. Remember, you can always of), J . slightly thickened. Stir in remaining
add more flavor, but you can’t take “ L- ’i‘ii ‘ I cream, if needed. Add dash of lemon
away, 50 take it easy on seasoning J; .. i . . .3, juice and cayenne to taste. Sauce can
until you get the desired flavor. . I ’ -. i I, . ”I! "L \ I be reheated over hot, not simmering

Filet Mignon-2(5 to6ounces each) medrum—rare. water. Prepare so sauce is last to be
filet mignons (about 1 1/2 inches Easy Béarnaise Sauce ' 2 tbsp. finished.
a. thick). Coarse salt and very coarsely minced shallots, 1 tbsp. wine vinegar, To plate...put mashed potatoes in
ground pepper. 2 teaspoons olive 1/4 tsp. tarragon, 1/4 C. butter, _1/4 the center of the plate, then settle the
u Oil' Season filets very generously 1b. sm. Mushrooms, 1/2 C. whrpprng filet mignon in the center. Top the
on bOth sides With salt and pepper cream, 2 egg yolks, Dash Of lemon filet with lump crab meat. Saute some
(especially pepper), patting With a JUICC and cayenne . asparagus spears and distribute on top
paper towel firmly in order to get a Combrne. shallots, v1negar and and along the sides of the filet and top
nice sear. Heat oil in a small skillet tarragon In small saucepan. Boll with béarnaise sauce. “,3 a simple
over medium-high. COOk filets until over medrum heat, strrrrng untrl dish that is elegant and wonderfully
desired doneness, 3 to 5 minutes per quurd 1s evaporated. Add butter and paired with a buttery chardonnay.
side (depending on thickness) for mushrooms (slice, if large). COOk 0
Around The Library: Hiding My Candy
TH: 1.on CHAaLIs
by The Lady Chablis
_j; long been a celebrity in the clubs, world that didn’t always love or
f7? ‘2 cabarets, and pageants of Savann