xt7g1j979f15 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7g1j979f15/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1946 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 1946 Vol.17 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, January 1946 Vol.17 No.3 1946 2019 true xt7g1j979f15 section xt7g1j979f15 -"r':it}???,"rjc-"j'a'szc'i~:“.~~‘--“1:. , 1‘:v’fT-téf-iii‘r'511:1:-':-'-;'¢.‘I'7';:.V-':-:v;'-"T:'W,W W_ , c 2 , , _,
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5% matatzeasgzge553333;;$355232;g25355335:55553;;53:3;sgsggzgzgzggeggsgzgg25;.25552:53:Ezfiiziiiaisi$253232523;EsfieE55225325332323232533:EsiaisEz52535235523333SEE:5552533252325235523333E35;5&5:Eafsieisi332535;E335E23535ng55:5255235352525sEs?é355355533335555335555533552E35a?sE55sEsEsEsEs5s555i555s5332E2EsEs32523233E5335532:‘inEsEsEsiféiérésifiiiE53:55553i=3:3:2a5£355{£5555E32E£355?2':5?52533333:5sE23352Eiisizisizisizfzizizizizisi:5aE2EsEEE255E535E:3sEa?5isEs5at3?55=553'z3E5z’:s35?{:5E2?:sEsiéfifitfiiaiifisisizisizizéfiiw 5 .
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5 Record Attendance At Annual M eettng ~ 5 .
g5llore than 2410 persons signed the register state-atlarge, Seymour Goodman, Enter— sincere response, was made by Mr. Brown- I , 5
5 lhe 77th Annual Mid-W'inter meeting of prise, Elizabethtown; and Chauncey Forgey, ing. 5 i5 '
25.1, January 24-26, which indicated the Independent, Ashland, immediate past presi- President Forgey then reviewed the events ‘ 5
5st meeting in the association's history. (lent. of the past year and the progress made by 5
'5: 1945, the largest prior meeting, 149 per— A feature of this 1916 meeting was the the association during the trying period. 5
were registered. The meeting, not broadcast of the program from station His address will be found in another column. ‘5
5 was the largest in attendance, but the VVLVV, Cincinnati, on Thursday evening, He appointed as his convention committee, 5 i '
aam presented was highly interesting and from station VVHAS, Louisville, Satur- Virgil, Saunders, Carrollton. chanrman; .i ‘ 5‘
.5 instructive as was evidenced by the large day morning Thursday night, President Vernon \V. Richardson, Danville, and John ~ 5 5 ,
3‘ dance at; the sessions. liorgey presented some historical data on Crawford. Corbin, as the resolutions com- 5 . 5 5
5555mm A Browning. publisher of the the association, Connnitteeman Virgil B. mittee: Vance .—\rmtrout, Louisville, chair- _ ‘1 . i 5
$5551ng Republican, \Villiamsburg. was Saunders discussed the proposed pledge for man: Percy Landrum, Hartford, and Mrs. . 5
5555 led president. succeeding Chauncey the support of the “New England Plan” to George Hart, Murray, as the memorial com- ' 5 5
‘ 535. Breaking Prcfcdmh Fred 1;. VVachs. aid newspapers in case of newsprint shortage, mittee. , 5 5'
ml manager of the Lexington Herald- and Secretary l’ortmann discussed the 813- Harry \\". Schacter, president of the Com- 1' 5
55min, was elected first vice-president and IJI‘CntiCCShil) program for 11” newspapers in mittee for Kentucky, gave an inspiring ad- ’ i5 5 a
5551a Munford, junior publisher of the the state 51“” is being formulated. dress on the purposes, aims, and ideals of the 5 ' ,.’ . '
55011 County Advocate. Morganfield, was The last part of the Saturday morning committee, putting special emphasis on the " “if ,
551d second vice president. Victor R. session was broadcast over VVHAS. President reports of Dean Cooper, Maurice Seay, and ‘ 5.": a 5 §
§ aim, assistant professor of journalism, Browning was formally inducted into office Dr. Blackerby which have been published to 5. 5 '5
gitrsity of Kentucky, was reelected secre- by Chauncey Forgey; Secretary Portmann date. He thanked the newspapers for the 5 5.5
aggmanager. James M. ‘Willis. Branden- gave his annual address, and Ed M. Ander- support that they had given this worthwhile 5 5 '.
5iiilgivas elected chairman of the executive sou. Brevard, North Carolina. spoke on the survey of Kentucky and requested their con- 5 5 :
§§Pmktee and will also represent the fourth activities of the National Editorial .-\ssocia- tinued support. He called attention to the . 5 j
Uh“- tion. series of feature articles being written by - ‘, . 5 '55-
:lht first official act of president Brown- The meeting was Opened Thursday even— Ewing Galloway and hoped that the editors I i , 5 V
5th the announmmcut of his executive ing‘ by an informal reception of ”early would publlsh the series as their contribu- ‘ 5 555
5 55 me to serve during 1946. These in- birds” at the association’s headquarters in “0“ to the “(Wk 0f the committee. He fur- V i 5‘ , 5 7'
5deb)’ district: First. Joe. LaGorc. Sun- the Brown hotel: The formal session was ther explained that 105211 branches WOUId be 5 _ 5
'im‘mt. Paducah: second, John B. Gaines, called to order by President Forgey in the formed 1“ Ci‘fh county and invited the l 1
hell)’ News, Bowling Green: third, 55. M. South Room, Friday morning. Invocation participation 0f the editors in this impor~ _ l '5 .5- l5 5
5m", Courier-5purnal and Times. 'Louis- was pronounced by the Rev. C. E. Burns, film work. 1 5
> -:lilth, Virgil T. Saunders, News-Demo- Religious Coordinator of station VVHAS. Augustus Robbins, publisher of the Hope- : 5, . 5'
gcarrollton: sixth, Enos Swain. Advocate- The Hon. Leland Taylor. mayor of Louis- well, \r’irginia. News, former president of i . .5 I
huger, Danville: seventh. NOrman Allen. ville, extended ollieial greetings from the city KPA in 1935, was introduced and surveyed , z 1‘
5C0unty Times, Prestonsburg: eighth, and expressed his appreciation of the co- the work oil the Weekly Newspaper Bureau, ‘5 , " 5 i
'Hedden, Advocate, Mt. Sterling: ninth, operative spirit that existed between Louis- affiliate of the National Editorial Associa‘ :5 ; . 5
59¢ Whitehead. Harlan Enterprise, Harlan; ville and the rest of the state. A brief, but tion. He explained the purpose of the ”5 5 :5
1' 5;? "1... .' 5 ' ‘ .- ', . _ ' , . . I v‘ A _,,5_, _ . :_..,.' .,L "hfifl'f’

 . _ . .' ‘11 . :1 ‘ ‘ ‘
. . 1;: ‘ 1111- ‘1 / I,
‘7“ E55555 , Y PRESS January,
5 ‘. ' ‘-. :5 hu‘ :‘ I h
1115111151.. :1 K V
11913111. 5511‘; THE KENTUC L
.1: 15 5 55.11 .. . Page Two 1 mm Gus RObbim’ Director Newspaper
“ ‘5 Pg ‘55 ‘5 ‘ ' -‘ ‘ 'was led )y acc . , - .. ‘1
. 5‘5 i 55 51. 2515: ‘f k that esting discussion on Job printing Resemfll Bureau‘ and 101mm KPA 131611.;
. ‘5 ‘5‘ 5.“ ‘ =31. gt Bureau and commented on the wor. f D M I—Iutton- 1 .‘th dent, for his interesting" address, Ed 111
1115551135 .1 - 1 'lll‘C'Kly done. Readershlp studies 0 . . 1 . mornings program openet “l \ 161%“ Brand. North CMOhna’ 101.1115
. 9 = i - 121:1. i ,‘ it ias . . k i Saturc ax ‘ . Presi- .- m .1 , ( 5 v
‘l I ““5 H ‘U 5‘ 5 l ,e already underta ct. . - 1 1 South ioom, . . - 1'scussions: E. D. Ball,
. 5 . 5:; 1:111:11: El . klr newsbapers 12H . , -. 101- H11 m “L I v mlmhtemng (I; H 4 ' I
.- 4. 1.. 1;; .. wee ) sed 1)lCdkidSt ' 5 3 ‘-1nan~ mo D ' ' H
.: 11.:5 111111-11: . a; - 1 results of the propo. .1. The secrctar) 1 “or hm lmeremng, 11151111
11 15211111151511; :5 and following tie . For er pl‘CSKll’lgv . , 1 1,. corresponc en 1 - _
. . )re- dent g ) . )11‘t and . . .11- . G
1511 5; 52151531 :1 1 . .. the results Will be 1 t was given 1n 1. , . , 5 1 1116 8mm 01 .1 .11“ m er.
‘ " ‘ 13‘1“": ‘1. . 3- of 5111\6 s, .. _. 1111 re )01” . , rmation on .
15‘ 1 15;». 51515531 series y rs and advertising .tgei s ann . 1 [ the Past year “as “no N ‘ 0an0“. condom Inm-
15 :5 551‘: 51:11.1" 1‘ sented to manufacture (1 1 ll) of the financial statement 0 f '1 brief mun"; um] Rom” ( 1 \BC
. :1: 21111.1...15151 .= . . = the high rea ersl oved. A ter . .‘ _ .9 l 2t to the (”Hem .: 4pm:
‘ 5“ 5‘ 5‘5‘ ““5“ .-{ ‘N agenCies t0 Plo‘e ‘ , . 1 and appr . . . . ;1 1m his )00s
>1; ;i-Z.“ :. ".1 I: \ ( 4 . ’ _ eserltec ‘ LICBSIIII) (”1 ,
.1 .-l-.s.:-. 7.2;”: f. .11. 1, _ . - - m the nation 5 com pr . )Osed apple“ ‘ -
5“ ‘5‘“ ‘ 5“ 5‘ ““ =- 2 d £1(1\C1tlSlIlg 20h of the bin} tio1i
“ 55““? 55555555; “‘ 9““3 (In )resentatl ~ . 1cnted by mo . . 1- i )reciation
.1 55313521511 “j munity newspapers. t I - rmm by the manage). supplen T— We 21150 express 0m “mat 1P]
:5 .5 :13: ”1515 ‘5 ’ H stated that the Bureau had a grea pl 0;: . rks by Robert 1111.11, U, S. Depai 1111 16111181011 HemhLLQudcr Md 1111
' “ "’1“ “5‘5“? e x . . -1 1nd brie rema ' . 2. tion by to ‘ . - . _ ~ f th
. :111555'5511‘5 . ’t but also a worthwhi e c . (1‘11”. the Assocni , . . . lmql and 110111511110 Tlmes or e
1 512.11; .1.::' 2:1 1 task be[01€ I . . l is nent of Labor a . . rem— Couriei~101 - I v.“
I“ 1‘ “i“ ‘5‘ ““5“: ‘ ‘ b to be (one i lowed the ex . ,, . 1 -- hid the LOIIISHC
. . . 1?. a; 5:1 :4 1 h. - one. The JO . . d and aut) . > . . l" 1 cocktail MUL (
A ‘5 1‘ Allenomg tion apPrme 1 1- delight u 5
‘, tn; 1.»: 1 . c a , that of any other mo . . 1 with the estab isi ., t“ ”icflommll and [he‘
‘ ‘5‘5‘5 ‘3 “"5“: ‘5 - ha )5 oreater than < . . - 1itt€€ to prmece . Bond of Trade, .01 - . .
5 : Z “5 x 5‘55“. “ pcr (l h I 136' {1V6 COI'Iln . . (1:11] 13C ‘ , . 1 and
j. 353511‘5..1j.19: 5‘ medium of information and adverltISIHg’ fly ent of the program as soon as it 1310“.“ How] [or the ”qu“ d mm,
‘5 ”‘55“ 12.11311 ' . f tie wee m . .
“ “H “w“; h and scope o _ - - how.
I- ..:..-... 2: f the 5116 . . did [1001 s
l: .119: 511.911 .:. cause 0 . . . 11m and the many arranged. 1 )rcsent statutOIY splen . 1 .. 11,. 111-2111111116 m 1111
11 W51 2.1.? 1515 i newspaper publishing inc . ry k t “6.15 A proposal to amend “c 1 1 d t Fmgey “7C also ("XI-”Chis 0 h 1 mm
I 15:; 2:111:21 - 1— suburban mar e . . , led by PYCSI en .. , ‘1 1711- mopcmuon (1m mu
‘5 ‘5 “ 5‘ 5“ “5 I N ‘ n - rma ‘ ' . - ction “ 21$ . I- own Hotc 1
.I 2.115; a? :1 .a. 51:4. . small tOW If f the entlrc law on lcna ho was )1 . I V. x 1 l was for
t 5‘ ‘5 “5 I 5 i _ 0 Wallace, “ l louisiillc tied .
5‘ “'55"! 55‘5“ ‘ ' l lude oxei one ha . . , - , of Tom . 1 d and tie .
“5 ""1 5:“ ‘5 K ‘ WhICI II’lC . 5 he absence . .- extClMC .
51 5‘1515 5“ 5‘5 5": - n’s Opulation. He explained the. id€_a in t 1 ‘lvashingtorp After some discus heir cmcrmmmmm
1.: ‘15155‘1 1215-5511 5 natio bP which seeks to accomplish its calle‘ to difficulties that would Pre' l 1 71 KPA Viva-President Fred B.
1: r111; 1.51%: 1. of the mean ' . 1 tion siOn on the many in A iereas. _ H M
“E "555 5““ 5‘55 "5 . E research, eVa ua . . . ged amendments . m er Lexmgton era
.. :- .. -. . _ ogram 0 of the piopo. W' 115 06116131 ma ( g .
5. 51:19:; a; 11.11 ‘. four pomt pr . .1 much Vent passage at ' .1 - o ‘ n “mp“-
‘ 1;. 1M: 1 1 )romotIOn on . ‘ ’Ction was taken. . iven of hls mm m a
1." ”11.1-1- 11:11:22.: =2. improvement, ant 1 1. 1 .1 16 ”suture, no (1 I Leadel, has g h I
1.: ..»;..i::- ‘. 1. 31:19. : . ne of the leating tiis h _ .1 charge of tie . b cm of the Assommn
“ “"5“" ‘2 5‘ . . - 1nd et than an) O l Me'id officei 11 - . - . annCI‘ EOI the en
.1 ‘51:; .‘ it - smdllel ) g tuck news- (10101113 . , , ”iefly on mg 1“
2.31. 511.111.163.11 2: ;i - He urged that all Ken Y _ . . R ruiting area. spoke ) . 1561.61.31 wars;
1:.- 11111113.; 1- media. . d ive it LOIIIvalllC ec _ 1 en CV” for pas , . I A rilv dimbkd‘
;E 115%. .411 :11 i ll 'oin the Bureau an 3 . mm which has )6 2 7h teas he is tempma ,.
I “ “5 5‘ "5 )1 )9“ 5110“ ( J ' ‘ 2e0'ulating ng ‘ « . And, u e . . ,- . .i..
J‘: “11;: 1531‘ 5 .1 11.1 financial and moral support that it {1e thcli 110111110 1 1nd thanked the Kentucky 1nd thug Prevented from mung the Pres
5 “5‘“ 55‘2-‘5‘ " 11‘ tre . .4 , - __ nt cc ( . . . . . . - . - .
:2. :51?" 1.31.! .311: -- rves He explained that the cost is sma te 1 )6“ [or their 101,31 and mmmumg dency of the Assocmmn, L
5 E 5‘5”“ N f ' .. ‘ . g . 1 , ..
‘ 311515141 ‘ .55 5C cent for each subscriber—but that the neiispt1 f the recruiting Program. Therefore be it resowed that Kenmfi
5 4:51.51 1511”,": '11 one . ood use in suppor 0: 1‘ “35011111011 -, ‘ to Vice-Prague“
1;- 51123155 11:11 .55 monev raised would be put to 8' R OHS of the memorial and press Assocmuon eXtend 1 m
1.“ 11:11; .5 11-11 . ,- - t )1.0g1‘am. 6? 1 a) roved. and , 'h for a speedy recm 1’
1:5 5 "511111 ;- conducting the four-pom 1 h d committees were read am (1p 1’ to “78d“ Its best WIS es h t the Assam
:. :1 51:1 k a U
‘3» 1511211 "11:41:15 :1 ~ 1) 1311] AP correspondent who a l ction of officers was held ear) 1nd be it [umber 1esolved. t a . .d m
:-‘ 114125 1‘55; 5- 5 -. 1:. J. < 1 k on the tllC ‘3 6 . cro on the . . . . . . erVices as P1151 e ‘
“ 5‘5“ 55““ [‘5 5‘ i it returned from Germany, SP0 6 ermit the radio broadcast to .5 tion Ilvz‘tll itself of his 5 . fllowillg5
. .‘Er‘ir‘m; ".1115 n ‘ Jiis _ ndent on that ;15. p .d‘Wimer meetmg O
2‘. = 1-11 {1:11.115 -. 1 11 f 1 foreign correspo ‘ it 11:30. 1t the new ml
.- “5“ 5‘5“!” l C 0 ‘ . - - us now all“ . . , - thernoon, .
1311111151241. 5‘ .‘3 simiiment and discussed the conditio . d The Cocktflfl part1- Friday . i 1 r his recovery. ’ .m is mm
1:; 71 5.33.111.” 15 ' '9. . 1n tlnt unhappy country. His a ’ 10s) of the Lexington Herald-Lem C “were“ the press of the mm grew
“ ‘i 5.51.1: emstmg . , . 1.. ('Our .1 . ‘ . . . - cn~ '. . . ~ be it t e .
‘ “x ‘5‘55‘ 5‘ ‘5‘ i i - 1 1nd he ansue . ~ 1 ' (1 Times. “215 . . . ~mt shmtaQC.
1- 11111.1. L ’1‘ . . entirel infOIma x . ,nii‘ler- 01111121 (in .1 c1.1151011 “c1151” | - “d
‘5 155515115515! “ (Ire-SS “35 ' Y ~ h audience until 311d 0 .1 . . 1 and floor show. ‘ , 1 ‘\ssociation endorse a
1’13155 51551 C ‘5 ed in'lnv questions fiom t e 1 10mm. The dinner (ance . 1T. Tc resalved thdt He 1 . t" mmpqigno!
5"“ “5“ l ' 5 ( ' _ H . ier—Iourna- in e: . . .. - the Newsprin . .
‘ H 5“ “‘1‘ ' ‘ - - - s consumed. . . . at the Cour . om the Shaic . lLl.
«‘11; "‘1. in, = 11: his time “a . . _ (0111 [CS‘. . . and _] lthhCrs ASSOC 1
.i‘ 55335.3“; 11111515 ‘1‘ 2k Ethridge was introduced and discus VVHAS. the LoiiisVille Boaid of Trade. ‘ the smithem Newspaper P1 ‘
.; 1‘: 111': 55‘ :5 Mal . l 1 11 of news wire services to 1 1:, -“n hotel set a new criterion for ypms mm 1nd Other assocmtions' ‘
5 “5‘ 55“? ‘ 155 he Witic raw. 2 no )1'0 ~ -- . . 9: .. . secon
5 ‘ 5‘5““ sedt ‘ i n haSiled that con. i 7 ‘ ‘ )romsed incieascs in
“ 5““ 55‘5“ ‘ ‘ many countries. He CI p b1. h to come. . ) 1 ted by the “heleas. I 1 fi all bankrupt
‘5 ‘5 ‘ 5 \ ‘ should make every effort to esm 15 New members of l\lA 8 (3C ’ (u _ (-lass postage rates would n. y -h Unit
. ‘1 . 1 5‘ grab: 1‘ -1e information services to every (onvention were: active. Times—Argus, Ian ”1.1101111, of the newspapers of tle‘ CS n
‘ 5 “3 5““ “2‘ l '5 wor ( -wK . _ - act-s 1, - .a (0 ,-
‘. .“Li 1.1‘. ;= 1 ‘ and untramneled inter .. - .. rail Blazer, Moreliead Teac . (1 Whereas, the piopos . .
1 . -.l.- s a . . country so that free . 11 tial Cm. T Y (Hm “on: States, (m , . ‘ I ) “bhc sew“
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘2“ ‘5‘ “ h‘mge 0f news SllOUId be avallable to a . College: “701% County l\e\\5. ,“ 1 em, include recognition 01 tic 1]) it therefore
“ 5 " '«I c c _ . .,. A-te m - - . ,.. , )c .
- 1‘ 1:: 115 7 T1 e editors adjourned to separate lunch 1onrnal-Glcaner. Henderson, (“01:11 1 inn rendered by smd nuwpdlmn alifiedly an;
i ‘ ' ““5 ‘ i ‘5‘ 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ 2 er 4 ' ' u .
4 a , .‘fi‘i “.1 ‘1. for the daily and weekly groups. John has Paul S. (1111511011119 Mergentci C 17 remlwd that KPA Oppose untq second cm}
i ‘l‘ “I ‘ S ( - .5 . . - A v‘ . . i . e ‘ .. A n
. v. . .321; - ; COHC ford presided at the daily luncheon type (30.. and Miller Paper 0 , upward revmon m Plesen il
‘ l" 9 L. .raw _ ' 1 d . - :4
.. . » . hske Who 6 4 tilSVllle. ' - <5. I
‘ 5 ‘ i find immduced Hemy MCC ( Y ' d Allegier, IO - the 77th Annual postal iatc . . . tracts expirea-‘i
3, ' .21; ‘1 -. . 1 d -ble discussion on newsprint, an FollOWing the broadcast. \MherCflS. 512116 printing con 5 th
‘1 ‘ . "11-1. 13 '5 1 the roun td ’ h discussion on . . declared adjourned. 51-. ear and, thTCH-i ;
i: .5‘ E: 1 - ‘ Tom Adams. who led t e t Meeting “as 1 the end of [m y ’ “is were adopt.
I‘ V I I 5 ‘ ‘ r H I ‘ I ( . i
3.; 5 1: V - . 1 - n All members present took par ____.____._ Statues govemmg [he mmr imam!
‘5“ “f ‘ 5- cm“ am ‘ I “ed an inStmaive . '— ‘- ‘ . L , 1 contain maximum pr 3
2‘1 ‘ 22‘. . ‘2. . in the discussion and repo Resolutlons ed m 1893 dm 1 1 ’ 1nd Whereas]?
“J- 5“. 2 i “ 5. ‘ I ‘ ' '1 3 r s _ ...
‘15 ‘1 ‘ i afternoon- 1 d Resolved that we extend 0111 thanks to are far below cost 110“) of everv prmnng
“ ‘- ‘ ‘ “ ' ice - ' ’ , .- - e .. .1 ewe ‘ . .
1". "1‘5 “ 5 ‘ 5 Chairman Harold L. Browning PICS 1e followng for their (tontiilnitions to th should be the 1”" D k, to have the 1111
‘1 5 V ‘ ‘ eekl llmChC‘m and immduced the [1 ' 2‘Rev C. L. Burns, Religious CO- establishment in KentllC ) (ts.
‘ i 5 I ‘ at the w y I Gus RObbins convention. I I 7 V f i his invo- ‘ bid on these contra « n
I; 5" 'l ‘ i for the roundtable. - Radio Station “HA5. or . portunity to ,PA in gene 5
., - I .11 - leaders - . d ertising ordinator— ‘ EL 11$ . d that the 1‘ I q
: 5 .31' ] d the discussion on national a V {on Hon Leland Taylor. 31:11.01 0 01 _ Be it resolve K on January ‘
-. j - e . , ader- til i , . 7‘ .., ' I 1‘ V. C. Y” 1 I I
I} 5 5 i‘ - and NAS; Circulation was under [113516 ville for his warm words of welcome. {{qu 808510“ In Louis\ 111 ) P g” W
i .. ‘ . 1 ~ 1
. 5 . :1 - -. r O annon, . ”tee m a V 1
1 1 15 i.‘ ship of James M. Willis, R°_be t . he W. Schacter, PreSideiit of the Comm . . ‘ Pleas” Tum T0 _ \i
. - ‘ 9 2, 12 ‘ 1 l - led the dISCussmn on t -. ' fm-nntive and mSPmng ' 5
: .- - .~. 15 .; - Corydon, Indiana. d m inter Kentucky. for 1m m . 5
‘ ' 1‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I ' i D ‘ . / . ._
_ l, 1 j - 5 1-‘. Audit Bureau Of Circulation, a . : 5 
‘51 '51‘1‘ 'Ii‘. i - _
-l. I ‘.‘-:.. ~. 1 1 3: i777
.1 ...~ . ‘ “r
L v ‘5 i . 1 : 1 5 : ,

 , ,, ensue , " '
Sir-9' , i V . i 3 i.
1946 January, 1946 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three , _
:tor Newspapci ' V i .' l
161‘ KPA presi, ll .
ddress; Ed M." .
zirolina, for hisl i
s; E. D. Ball, .
teresting, inside @ R I l 88 ' l ,
:illnirs in Ger. . l 1‘ Z"
. Corydon, Indi‘ V - l‘ "
rc- iippreciation ‘ l
.cudei‘ and the - 1 i
[0 Times for the l V
1 the Louisvillel I .
iriizil and the. . . V
)1; dmce W1” A few weeks ago a young A & P chemist discovered a way to banish 1
bread mold, the bane of bakers and housewives for centuries. ' , Z 1 .'
zititiide to the .
11“"? mums? Grain, one of the oldest of human foods, contains an abundance of ' . ‘l i
0 names or . . . -, E1 .
nourishment, as well as an abundance of mold spores. Given a little more _ {”1
;i(lc11t Fred B.‘ than average temperature and humidity, these spores go into action and the El
ngton Herald- bread is on Its way to the waste heap. This happened to the ceremonial bread ‘ . i! l --
. _ q , i g
:11“ in “1,155? of the ancient Hebrews. lt plagued the bakers of early Roman days. And it i ' g i
tic .' SSOCla 1 II | I 1
causes the loss of at least 150,000,000 pounds of bread in this country each . I i
uorarily disabledl year. . . . 1‘
aking the presi“ ; l,
h K t ck) But Dr. William H. Cathcart, head of A & P’s national bakery labora- ‘ I . E, V :
t at en up " _ . . l
) Vice-Presidenl tories, has found that by movmg wrapped bread through an electronic oven _ {I ,
speedy recovery“. - and "broadcasting" di-electric heat through the loaves, he can kill the spores ‘ i . ‘
that the ASSOC” without affecting the taste, texture or nutritive value of the bread. :‘ 3 ' I
ces as preside“I : ~, . i '
acting following} _ 1 i f
A 8. P Laboratories have thus surmounted one of the oldest of all food , q i
. ' 1
nzltiOn is facmg problems. They move on now to other equally complex problems whose 1 j g
2, be it therefor? solution will bring consumers closer to the perfection they are entitled to in l
on endorse find their daily food purchases. , : 3 ‘
int" campaign or! i l '
ublishers ASSOC‘Q‘W . . . . . . » r 2'
Dr. Cathcarts achievement is typical of the way A & P strives to im- , I l .
anscs in scconl, prove the quality of foods while its stores find better ways of moving fine w
muy bankruPt foods to consumers. « ‘ l
s of the U11it .' j 3: .
. . n, _ 3 ?
‘OPOSEII,:IO::M& . It is through such effort that the men and women of A 8. P continue to , l l »
C u 1 ‘ . . . . . ‘2 ’
's. 11;: it therefore do the nation's most effective job of food distribution. j g ,
unqualifiedly ”l . ' V E i
ant second clasgl . x - , I
ontracts expire 3i ’i '1 .
id, whereas: [h ‘i ‘ j ‘1
:racts were adopl’ ' ,ll ‘5‘ '
m... Mg . 3i 3 i
ll every printing» “1 1 .
to have the 0P .; , ,1 :
‘Ontmi‘ts. ’ . .‘ ’1 :'
KPA in gene” ' i . 3 =
on JanuarY 9 ' - ‘ 5 -' j '
‘71 To Page F"; , I I I g ‘ ‘
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